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tanerture(2054) vs. tahsine(2137) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2016-05-03

1.Nf3 (0:00)
tahsine(2137) whispers: good start :)
tahsine(2137) whispers: Opponent is a devout player of Reti, let us hope I can avoid being surprise
1...c5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:14) Nf6 (1:08) 3.Nc3 (1:12) Nc6 (1:32) 4.d4 (0:41) cxd4 (1:14) 5.Nxd4 (0:22) e5 (0:33)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: says this is symmetrical english, two knights, 4..Nc6
tahsine(2137) whispers: hi emperor, I hope I did not make any bad start, I'm playing out of the book here, totally on my own :)
6.Nc2 (4:36)
tahsine(2137) whispers: hmmm
tahsine(2137) whispers: I was expectig Nb5
tahsine(2137) whispers: Seems I scared him :)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: i don't know what to say about the position
6...Bc5 (1:39)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: it has some relevance to sicilian reversed
herrahuu(1763) whispers: but "d4" hasn't been played and "d5" has
herrahuu(1763) whispers: "c4" has been exchanged with "d5"
7.Be3 (1:35)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: maybe it's "little" far fetched
emperor(2129) whispers: hehe.. totally different pawnstructure ideed
emperor(2129) whispers: Be3 idoesn't look very ambitious
herrahuu(1763) whispers: tanerture has must win situation
emperor(2129) whispers: but black's d-pawn is pretty bad if white manages to prevent d5
herrahuu(1763) whispers: yeah. it would be major accomplishment
7...Qb6 (4:08) 8.Bxc5 (4:46) Qxc5 (0:05) 9.Ne3 (0:05) O-O (0:36) 10.g3 (1:08)
tahsine(2137) whispers: I think I'm at least equal on development now
10...d6 (1:47)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: after some e4 we are looking position that reminds sicilian colors in their original place :)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: of course g3 looks a bit odd in that scenario
11.Bg2 (2:30)
tahsine(2137) whispers: Nd4 or Ng4 ?
tahsine(2137) whispers: Ng4 sounds more agressive
tahsine(2137) whispers: but white can play Qd5 after exchanging knights
herrahuu(1763) whispers: compared to some sveshnikov setups
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Be6 is rather natural
herrahuu(1763) whispers: you think it is too slow?
11...Ng4 (8:08)
tahsine(2137) whispers: will go for Ng4
lessker(2229) whispers: just counting tempi here
lessker(2229) whispers: black must be better
lessker(2229) whispers: four tempi for white
lessker(2229) whispers: six and one half for black
emperor(2129) whispers: black has to make something of the tempi, or white will double his rooks on the d-file
lessker(2229) whispers: of course
lessker(2229) whispers: that's always the deal
lessker(2229) whispers: if you are ahead in development
lessker(2229) whispers: you have to make use of it
lessker(2229) whispers: or your opponent catches up
emperor(2129) whispers: black can't block with Nd4 because e4 hasn't been played so e3 possible
12.Ncd5 (6:36)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: looks correct
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Nxe3 Nxe3... is very slow
emperor(2129) whispers: Qh5 looks like a problem
tahsine(2137) whispers: !!
tahsine(2137) whispers: I was expecting an exchange of knights
lessker(2229) whispers: Qa5+ you mean?
emperor(2129) whispers: yeah
lessker(2229) whispers: yes
lessker(2229) whispers: it does look rather uncomfortable
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Qd2
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Qx
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Kx
tahsine(2137) whispers: I feel white did a mistake here !!
emperor(2129) whispers: Nxf2 in the end if q blocks
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Nxf2
herrahuu(1763) whispers: yup
emperor(2129) whispers: or is it trapped there
tahsine(2137) whispers: Qa5+ looks quite disturbing
herrahuu(1763) whispers: there's no squares, at least from first glacne
herrahuu(1763) whispers: glance
tahsine(2137) whispers: maybe even wins a pawn !!
herrahuu(1763) whispers: !! seems to suggest this is brilliant. hmmm.
12...Qa5+ (4:49)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: maybe it's such an original concept
lessker(2229) whispers: Kf1 seems necessary
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Kf1 seems extremely ... slow
lessker(2229) whispers: yes
lessker(2229) whispers: white has misplayed the opening obviously
emperor(2129) whispers: Kf1 and something has gone very wrong for white
herrahuu(1763) whispers: and if Nc3?
emperor(2129) whispers: I think b4 Nxb4 0-0 is better
herrahuu(1763) whispers: just Nxe3?
emperor(2129) whispers: Nc3 Nxe3 fxe3 might be an option too
emperor(2129) whispers: those doubled e-paws cover some nice squares
emperor(2129) whispers: but I don't see white winning from there
herrahuu(1763) whispers: well. black is better.
herrahuu(1763) whispers: black needs to do something wrong to loose from here.
tahsine(2137) whispers: 10 minutes of thinking !!
tahsine(2137) whispers: although he does not seem to have so many options !!
13.b4 (13:40)
tahsine(2137) whispers: ouf !!!!!!!!!!!!!
lessker(2229) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2229) whispers: giving up a pawn
lessker(2229) whispers: interesting
herrahuu(1763) whispers: you're giving material for one tempi?
lessker(2229) whispers: well, according to tarrasch
lessker(2229) whispers: a pawn is worth three tempi
herrahuu(1763) whispers: ok. so not.
tahsine(2137) whispers: unexpected indeed, I was expecting Qd2, but I believe I still can win a pawn and a better position also.
herrahuu(1763) whispers: how come you're not winning pawn?
tahsine(2137) whispers: Nxe3 or Nxb4 ?
emperor(2129) whispers: both Nxe3 and Nxb4 seem to win a pawn... don't know how not to win it
tahsine(2137) whispers: Nxb4 looks like a guaranteed pawn
tahsine(2137) whispers: Nxe3 is a forced queen exchange with a pawn also
tahsine(2137) whispers: I'm not that strong in endgames
tahsine(2137) whispers: should I say, I'm BAD in endgames
herrahuu(1763) whispers: hard to believe
herrahuu(1763) whispers: maybe relatively
tahsine(2137) whispers: but I think I can push for a draw this way, which already means that my team won the point
lessker(2229) whispers: ah
13...Nxe3 (6:53)
lessker(2229) whispers: looks like white has to mess up his pawns
herrahuu(1763) whispers: bxa5!?
herrahuu(1763) whispers: ah but there white looses pice
lessker(2229) whispers: yea
herrahuu(1763) whispers: piece
herrahuu(1763) whispers: ok
lessker(2229) whispers: no
herrahuu(1763) whispers: since Rxad1
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Rxd1
14.bxa5 (3:12)
lessker(2229) whispers: I don't see it
14...Nxd1 (0:06) 15.Rxd1 (0:04)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Ne7+ Rxd6
15...Nxa5 (0:16)
herrahuu(1763) whispers: if Nxa5
tahsine(2137) whispers: I think white has been taken off-guard with this Qa5+
herrahuu(1763) whispers: and Nxc4 :)
lessker(2229) whispers: that's a pawn
lessker(2229) whispers: but Ne7+ now
lessker(2229) whispers: black should have left the pawn alone
16.Ne7+ (1:05) Kh8 (0:04)
lessker(2229) whispers: now white's pieces come to life
lessker(2229) whispers: he has play for the pawn
17.Rxd6 (0:51) Be6 (0:18)
lessker(2229) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2229) whispers: didn't consider that
herrahuu(1763) whispers: if there was only castles and c5 then you would have Bxa2 Ra1 :D
herrahuu(1763) whispers: :D
herrahuu(1763) whispers: but of course you could castle Bxc5 and hope for Bxa2 :D
herrahuu(1763) whispers: and if Bd5?
herrahuu(1763) whispers: some Rfd8?
herrahuu(1763) whispers: and knight has no squares, even after fx
herrahuu(1763) whispers: Bx fx that is
18.c5 (6:30)
lessker(2229) whispers: Be6 was a strong move
emperor(2129) whispers: Rfa1 Nd5 Nc4 looks funny
emperor(2129) whispers: umm Rae1 I mean
emperor(2129) whispers: Rae8
lessker(2229) whispers: now the knight on e7 doesn't look so good
tahsine(2137) whispers: this open d column could be disturbing
18...Rad8 (5:26)
lessker(2229) whispers: how does white answer Rae8?
emperor(2129) whispers: I didn't see it
lessker(2229) whispers: wow
lessker(2229) whispers: white caught a break
tahsine(2137) whispers: Rfe1 was also an option
lessker(2229) whispers: now just castle
tahsine(2137) whispers: but he would play Nd5 followed by Nc7 and things might get complicated
emperor(2129) whispers: hehe.. I'm not the only one typing 1 in stead of 8
lessker(2229) whispers: hmmm
19.O-O (2:01) Rde8 (1:51) 20.Nd5 (0:38) Nc4 (0:06)
emperor(2129) whispers: still good I guess
lessker(2229) whispers: yes
lessker(2229) whispers: but a lost tempo
tahsine(2137) whispers: I think I have a good advantage here
lessker(2229) whispers: yes
21.Nc7 (2:48) Nxd6 (0:32) 22.cxd6 (0:08) Rd8 (0:02) 23.Nxe6 (0:35) fxe6 (0:18)
emperor(2129) whispers: well, black is not losing this endgame... no matter how bad you are
tahsine(2137) whispers: I'm tired and the whole point is that my team wins the match point !!
tahsine(2137) whispers: let us see his next move
24.Bxb7 (2:30) Rxd6 (0:05)
tahsine(2137) whispers: well, I think I'm close to win, so maybe no draw offer !
25.a4 (0:38) Rd2 (0:30)
lessker(2229) whispers: well I'm biased
lessker(2229) whispers: I'm in fischer section
26.Re1 (0:24)
lessker(2229) whispers: so no comment
26...a5 (0:21) 27.Kg2 (0:45) Kg8 (0:13) 28.Ba6 (0:29) Rd4 (0:17) 29.Bb5 (0:21) Rc8 (0:56) tahsine offers a draw. tanerture accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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