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schachbjm(2269) vs. tlcommunity(0) *

Login to get PGN standard 120+30, 2016-04-08

1.e4 (0:00)
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: vote on move 1 please
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: lets play some wierd opening :)
schachbjm(2269) whispers: gl and have fun!
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: :)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: good old c5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: g6
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: c5 is fine
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: lessker? your vote?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: c5 against a 2200 player ? u need to be really good i guess
lessker(2210) whispers: e5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: anyways
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote for g6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i just feel c5 is fundamentally where i want to go. i understand i am in a pickle.
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 c5, 1 e5, 1 g6...c5 wins
1...c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:01) (2.Nf3 (0:01)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: e6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: Nc6
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: e6
lessker(2210) whispers: e6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: glad there is 2000+ player though
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: e6 it is
2...d6 (0:55) 3.d4 (0:01)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: cx
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: I vote take
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: oh u played d6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: oh no...
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: sorry!
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: lol
lessker(2210) whispers: cd
herrahuu(1738) whispers: shoot
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ok np , wego in najdorf
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: cd
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: I can ask for takeback if you like
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: or do we go in benoni
herrahuu(1738) whispers: let's do that
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Nf6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: ask for takeback
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: my vote Nf6 schachbjm requests to take back 2 half move(s). TLCommunity accepts the takeback request.
) 2...e6 (0:10) 3.d4 (0:02)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: cx
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: cxd
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 cx...any other votes?
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: cd
3...cxd4 (0:52) 4.Nxd4 (0:00)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote 4...a6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: we could get into sveshnikov as well?
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: nf6
lessker(2210) whispers: Nc6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Nc6 will be taimanov
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 1 a6, 1 nf6, 1 nc6...anyone else?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: a6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 a6... wins if no other votes
4...a6 (1:28) 5.Nc3 (0:01)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote 5.. Qc7
herrahuu(1738) whispers: what's that?
lessker(2210) whispers: Nc6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qc7 is sicilian kan
herrahuu(1738) whispers: yeah
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 1 Qc7, 1 Nc6...anyone else?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i want to follow pingu theory... Qc7
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: you dont get to vote Bethany ?
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: nc6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: I could :)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ok, cool
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 Qc7, 2 Nc6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: tiebreaking vote anyone?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: this is exciting :)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: hehe herrahuu
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i want opposite castles
herrahuu(1738) whispers: and attack like no tomorrow :D
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: :)
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Ok, I'll vote Qc7
5...Qc7 (3:47) 6.f4 (0:01)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: looks like theory
herrahuu(1738) whispers: pingu?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: hmmm let me think
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: usual move would be like Bd3
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: or soemthing similar
herrahuu(1738) whispers: aha
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i guess mr schach wants to blow out our kingside
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: im thinking between d6 and b5
herrahuu(1738) whispers: Qc7 is such a committing move
herrahuu(1738) whispers: black argues the setup is flexible?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote d6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: d6
lessker(2210) whispers: Bb4
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Bb4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: yea theres Bb4 and Nc6 too
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: more votes please
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 d6 2 Bb4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Bb4 Bd2 and then what
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: bb4
lessker(2210) whispers: then Nc6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i wouldn't want to give dsb but the highest rated player suggested Bb4, so.. :)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote for d6 anyway
lessker(2210) whispers: hey, don't ever trust me :)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: you will be holding the frontline in our theory now, i gather :)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: we need piece development anyway, so
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok. 3 Bb4, 2 d6... Bb4 goes if no one else votes
6...Bb4 (5:23) 7.Bd2 (0:02)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qg4 incoming
lessker(2210) whispers: Nc6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: even f5 after O-O at some point can be problematic maybe
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote for Nc6 too
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Nc6 2 votes--anyone else?
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, Nc6 goes
herrahuu(1738) whispers: Nc6
7...Nc6 (3:11)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: yeah i gather we're not too committed on 0-0
herrahuu(1738) whispers: how are our dark squares doing?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i get impression of staring at swiss cheese of dark squares?
lessker(2210) whispers: well we still have our bishop
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: just dont give up that dsb
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: mostly he will go Nxc6
lessker(2210) whispers: yeah we have to think how to recapture
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: obv. dxc6 will be silly
herrahuu(1738) whispers: a3 is not a move?
Slek(1950) whispers: weare Black right?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: yea
herrahuu(1738) whispers: yup
8.Nxc6 (4:36)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: im expecting Nxc6 followed by Qf3 by white
herrahuu(1738) whispers: so what is the move?
Slek(1950) whispers: bxc or dxc? I think bxc to prepare d5 but I'm not sure
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote bxc6
lessker(2210) whispers: I'm wondering about taking with the queen
herrahuu(1738) whispers: yeah
herrahuu(1738) whispers: second move for queen
lessker(2210) whispers: puts pressure on e4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: bxc6 Qg4 g6 and f5 maybe ?
Slek(1950) whispers: problem with taking with the Queen is that we gonna have to prevent him to control d6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: bxc6 from penguin. Other votes?
Slek(1950) whispers: that's why I want to play bxc6
Slek(1950) whispers: to push d5
lessker(2210) whispers: well if bc Qg4 g6 e5
Slek(1950) whispers: if we take with the queen he can try e5-Ne4 and he will have a nice post in d6
lessker(2210) whispers: that looks uncomfortable
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: f5 is better imo
Slek(1950) whispers: f5 looks weakening imo
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: opens up the rank for Q to attack dsb
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: anyway f5 is a thematic move
Slek(1950) whispers: so penguin what's your proposal for this move?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: bxc6 followed by Bb7
herrahuu(1738) whispers: and lessker?
lessker(2210) whispers: Q takes
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Q takes looks good too , kinda forces Qf3
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: damn
herrahuu(1738) whispers: did anyone get what was lessker problem with bx?
Slek(1950) whispers: I dont see why it's a problem for white to play Qf3 my vote is still bxc
lessker(2210) whispers: Qg4 g6 e5
herrahuu(1738) whispers: so i vote Qx
Slek(1950) whispers: there is no organized process to count the votes?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: but Qxc6 then Bd3
herrahuu(1738) whispers: bethany is counting
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qg4 comes anyway
Slek(1950) whispers: Bethany happens to be one of the characters (not the main one, though) of a book I'm currently reading :p
Jammes(1779) whispers: hi
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Can I have all votes again...they are kind of swallowed up in text...sorry
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote bxc6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: Qx
lessker(2210) whispers: Qxc6
Slek(1950) whispers: if he plays Qg4, is it a problem to play Ne7 followed by Rg8?
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Slek is Bx right?
Slek(1950) whispers: yes (told you in a private tell to help you counting)
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 bx and 2 Qx? anyone else?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: Bxc3???
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: sorry, b
Slek(1950) whispers: can we say our votes in private tells to Beth if that helps her?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no he means bxc6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: better here
Slek(1950) whispers: ok
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: but thanks
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: I guess I'll vote Qx
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if bxc6 Qg4 Ne7 Qxg7
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: no one else?
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 3 Qx, 2 bx
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Rg8 and then he can castle O-O-O with Qxh7 maybe
Slek(1950) whispers: go for Qx Beth, then.
8...Qxc6 (11:03)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: im expecting Bd3 here
Slek(1950) whispers: it wasnt my choice but if lessker supports it, it can't be that bad.
schachbjm(2269) whispers: I expected bc
lessker(2210) whispers: oh jeeze :)
Slek(1950) whispers: AH
herrahuu(1738) whispers: ?
lessker(2210) whispers: I wonder if he'll play Qg4 now
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no
Slek(1950) whispers: ok what do we do if he plays Qg4? passive g6 or crazy Ne7 (or something else)?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: im expecting Bd3 Nf6 Qf3 and b5 with pressure along that juicy diagonal
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: iwth Bb7 of course
Slek(1950) whispers: I gonna be away for a while so dont expect my vote. I might gonna come back later.
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: what if he gambits a pawn
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qg4 anyway
Jammes(1779) whispers: qg4 ne7 0-0-0 0-0 or what can we expect?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if we go BxN , BxB , Qxp+ Be7
Jammes(1779) whispers: be2 you mean?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: yes
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: does that work ?
Jammes(1779) whispers: perhaps just kf2 is good for white i dont see how we can protect the rh8 than
Jammes(1779) whispers: oh qg6
Jammes(1779) whispers: no doesnt help
Jammes(1779) whispers: just qxq bxg7
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he will mostly go for Bd3
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: and O-O and push his pawns
Jammes(1779) whispers: to me qg4 looks very strong
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: yes i do think too so
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: but Qg4 Bxc3 Bxc3 Qxe4+ Be2 Kd2 gives him lot of development imo
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: sorry i meant Qg4 Bxc3 Bxc3 Qxe4 and Kd2
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: what is your thought on this lessker ?
9.Qg4 (13:59)
lessker(2210) whispers: I hate to give up the bishop to chase a pawn
herrahuu(1738) whispers: this reminds me of some sickly french? :D
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: g6 looks forced to me
Jammes(1779) whispers: qg4 bxc3 bxc3 qxe4 kf2 nh6 gxg7 qxf4 hmm maybe we can go for that line?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: we dont need to take on c3 yet
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: just g6 followed by b5 and Bb7
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i don't want to give dsb either :(
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote g6
lessker(2210) whispers: I think g6 is necessary
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i vote g6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: greed is a sin anyway :P
Jammes(1779) whispers: he ll castle long and we already weakend our short castle
lessker(2210) whispers: but if you guys want to chase the pawn well it seems playable
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: g6 Bd3 b5 ,
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: g6 wins I gues
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: s
Jammes(1779) whispers: it less the pawn but perhaps it gives us chances for counterattack while g6 is passive
9...g6 (4:18)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he can go e5 too but then we can reroute the Kt from e7 to f5
herrahuu(1738) whispers: look at our dark squares! :D
lessker(2210) whispers: right
lessker(2210) whispers: we need to retreat the bishop to e7 as soon as practical
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: yes but then that goes against the whole idea of playing Bb4 doesnt it ?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: what was the whole idea?
lessker(2210) whispers: well it more or less forced to exchange his d4 knight
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: exchange on c3 maybe :P
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i would go with lesker and retreat
herrahuu(1738) whispers: to have some hope to contest the dark squares
Slek(1950) whispers: only one move has been played!
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: did he lag out ? :P
10.O-O-O (9:16)
lessker(2210) whispers: well Nf6 looks logica
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: well herrahu you can get your opp. side castling :)
lessker(2210) whispers: logical
herrahuu(1738) whispers: so we get short castling?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Nf6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 Nf6-- anyone else?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: but then there's Qh4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Nf6 Qh4 , cant take on c3 then right ?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: we got two 2000+ players i think time wise it would practical to move now Nf6
Slek(1950) whispers: taking in c3 is not suicidal?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: *(voting Nf6)
lessker(2210) whispers: after Nf6 he has to watch his e-pawn
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, 3 Nf6s...moving if no objection
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: what line do u have in mind
Jammes(1779) whispers: nf6 qh4 nxe4 nxe4 oops so that doesnt work but perhaps be7 is good than?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ah yes
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: shall I go? or anyone want me to wait?
Jammes(1779) whispers: well maybe nxe4 works and iw was wrong
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: personally i dont think u can grab a pawn like that when ur opp. is so much developed
Jammes(1779) whispers: i want a little variation what is expected after nf6 and whats our answer
lessker(2210) whispers: yeah cause the queen guards the bishop
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: im thinking of ur pawn grab like Nf6 Qh4 Nxe4 and Ne5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: sorry Nd5
lessker(2210) whispers: well I would expect Qf3
lessker(2210) whispers: and we can castle
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: moving at 50 sec if no other votes
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ah no , there BxB with check
10...Nf6 (7:16) 11.Qh4 (0:02)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: but looks risky to me , so many undeveloped pieces
lessker(2210) whispers: oh jeeze
lessker(2210) whispers: he played that instantly
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: yes
Jammes(1779) whispers: i ve the feeling he expected nf6 so can t be that bad :)
Slek(1950) whispers: what happens if we play Nxe4?
lessker(2210) whispers: Nxe4 Qxe4
lessker(2210) whispers: and the protects the bishop on b4
herrahuu(1738) whispers: so some Qd4?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: some Bd3?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: sry
Slek(1950) whispers: and the Qe4 protects our Bb4 so it's all good, or he has some trick up his sleeve?
lessker(2210) whispers: I'm trying to see one
lessker(2210) whispers: seems like he has to recapture the knight
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: maybe he will lodge his Queen on f6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: castles
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: any votes?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: hmm
lessker(2210) whispers: if he as a shot I can't see it
Slek(1950) whispers: but would a white Q in f6 be so bad if the black bishops are exchanged?
Slek(1950) whispers: so I want to check further without deciding.
Slek(1950) whispers: *before* deciding
lessker(2210) whispers: well let's examine if don't the pawn
lessker(2210) whispers: we play Be7, right?
Slek(1950) whispers: we have Be7, yes
lessker(2210) whispers: and then comes f5
lessker(2210) whispers: I definitely don't like that
Jammes(1779) whispers: trades are good for us
Jammes(1779) whispers: so if nothing concrete against nxe4 i think we have to go for it
Slek(1950) whispers: there is nothing concrete against e4 *we can see*
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Nxe4 looks inherently dangerous esp when all his pieces are out
herrahuu(1738) whispers: agreed
zitterbart(1911) whispers: be7 seems the only reasonable move
Slek(1950) whispers: I dont like Be7 because of f5
lessker(2210) whispers: Be7 f5
zitterbart(1911) whispers: but its a little passive
lessker(2210) whispers: very strong
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: yes f5 strong
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: but there is a attack on the queen
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: after Nxe4
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: votes please
lessker(2210) whispers: Nxe4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Nxe4 too
herrahuu(1738) whispers: wow :)
Slek(1950) whispers: I did check after Be7 f5 and I dont see a nice square to put our Nf6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: gonna be fun!
Jammes(1779) whispers: nxe4 nxe4 qxe4 bd3 fortunatly bxd2 is with check
Slek(1950) whispers: Nxe4 too. I want to see.
lessker(2210) whispers: he's probably going to try mate on pushing his h-pawn
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, Nxe4 it is
lessker(2210) whispers: but I don't see much choice
11...Nxe4 (8:02) 12.Nxe4 (0:00)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ah yes
Jammes(1779) whispers: go nxe4
Slek(1950) whispers: Qxe4
lessker(2210) whispers: yep
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok qx forced
lessker(2210) whispers: Qxe4
Jammes(1779) whispers: if we dont wanna lose a piece
herrahuu(1738) whispers: healthy pawn up ;)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qxe4
zitterbart(1911) whispers: qxe4
herrahuu(1738) whispers: no votes :)
Slek(1950) whispers: not sure healthy
herrahuu(1738) whispers: let's go
12...Qxe4 (0:39) 13.Bd3 (0:01)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i was winking my eye virtually :P
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok trade the bishopue
Slek(1950) whispers: wait...
herrahuu(1738) whispers: maybe Bxe7 inbetween
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Bxd2+
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: my vote
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: any other votes?
Slek(1950) whispers: Be7 doesnt work...
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote bxd2
zitterbart(1911) whispers: bxe2+
herrahuu(1738) whispers: Be7 was mindflip
lessker(2210) whispers: Bxd2
Slek(1950) whispers: well Bxd2+
13...Bxd2+ (1:15) 14.Rxd2 (0:00)
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: now what?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i meant Bxd
herrahuu(1738) whispers: let's fight to keep the pawn and try to keep our king safe for his enermous iniative
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: exchange queens somehow now lol
Jammes(1779) whispers: :)
lessker(2210) whispers: Qa4
herrahuu(1738) whispers: we need to be super accurate for 2-3 moves now
Slek(1950) whispers: I'm considering Qd4 (with idea Bxg6 hxg6 attacking his Q so it doesnt work)
Jammes(1779) whispers: good idea pinguin i already was thinking about g4 to do just that but unfortunatly he can take with the queen
lessker(2210) whispers: make him make a defensive move
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: what about Qd4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: to bring queen back to g7
zitterbart(1911) whispers: can we delay him with Qd5?
Slek(1950) whispers: I think it would be good to have the Q on the a1-h8 diagonal
lessker(2210) whispers: I don't want to put the queen on the d-file
Jammes(1779) whispers: qa4 looks good. kind of forces kb1 and we stop f5 for the moment
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qd4 if Bxp then pxB , and queens come off the board
Slek(1950) whispers: after Qd4 he has Bxa6 to win a pawn be we just play Qg7 and he exposes his king for us
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ah yes
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: but then Qa4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: and then what
zitterbart(1911) whispers: ah yes Qa4 is better
Slek(1950) whispers: after Qd4 I dont mind losing a6.
lessker(2210) whispers: I say Qa4 Kb1 0-0
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he loses bishop after Kb1
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: on a
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: a6
Slek(1950) whispers: after Qa4 he has Qf6 no?
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, votes please?
Slek(1950) whispers: Qd4 is my vote
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Qd4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: risky but worth it
lessker(2210) whispers: Qa4
Slek(1950) whispers: I dont want to let him play Qf6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: the queen can simply come to g7 and help castle short
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 2 Qd4, 1 Qa4. Any other votes?
lessker(2210) whispers: well Qh6 is going to be just as bad
damouno(2017) kibitzes: CARE !
lessker(2210) whispers: Qd4 Qh6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: c'mon people! let me here some more voices-- will this move be decided on only 3 votes?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: hmmm
lessker(2210) whispers: how is that looking?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: bad too
Slek(1950) whispers: but after Qh6 we have Qf6
lessker(2210) whispers: but we're not castled
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qd4 Qh6 Qf6 and f5
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: zulu, Jammes, herrahuu, wojo, zitter, david, damouno... votes please?
Slek(1950) whispers: ah yeah f5 would hurt
Slek(1950) whispers: Bethany can you please wait a bit?
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if Qh6 cant we just move our king to c7
Slek(1950) whispers: and I'd like to withdraw my vote
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qd4 Qh6 Qf6 and Kd8
Slek(1950) whispers: qd4 qh6 Qf6 f5 is tricky
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i'm sorry i feel next 2-3 moves need precision so i wouldn't want to vote here
herrahuu(1738) whispers: the problem is the time
Slek(1950) whispers: time? we got like 1 hour left!
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 1 Qd4 v 1 Qa4
Jammes(1779) whispers: so whats the expected line after qd4? i kind of like to defend the dark squares but wha after bxg6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: personally i feel the king should take a trek to the queen side
Slek(1950) whispers: OK, Qd4 for me
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qd4 Bxg6 hxg6 and whtie is bishop down
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: the queen protects the h8 rook
lessker(2210) whispers: Qd4 Qh6
Jammes(1779) whispers: oh right :)
Jammes(1779) whispers: than qd4
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote qd4
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok Qd4 it is
14...Qd4 (10:19)
schachbjm(2269) whispers: Why do not you let my play Qf6 and enjoy a game with a lonely king in the center? :D
herrahuu(1738) whispers: there is no discovery on queen?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: what am i missing? :D
herrahuu(1738) whispers: we're too good :)
herrahuu(1738) whispers: let's rephrase that. my TEAM is too good :)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: considering we are like 7 ppl thinking together :P
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: take the g6 pawn
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: lol zulu
lessker(2210) whispers: okay what's our plan after Qh6?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: now we can play b4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: b5 and
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i mean
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qh6 b5 and then what
Jammes(1779) whispers: thats risky i prefer bxa6 about bxb5 with attack on the d7 pawn
Slek(1950) whispers: I think Bxa6 would be suicidal for him
Jammes(1779) whispers: yes i think 2
Jammes(1779) whispers: i prefer it for us i ment :)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if Bb5 then simply play Qe3
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: pinning the rook
15.Qg5 (4:46)
zitterbart(1911) whispers: just loses bishop and potentially trades queens it seems
Slek(1950) whispers: can we play h6 here?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: h6 looks inviting
herrahuu(1738) whispers: h6 Bxg6?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: forget it
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no
herrahuu(1738) whispers: sry
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: hehe
Slek(1950) whispers: herrahuu then QxR+ and hxQ 0-1
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: my vote h6
herrahuu(1738) whispers: yup
Jammes(1779) whispers: h6 weakens our kingside seriously
lessker(2210) whispers: h6 Qxg6
lessker(2210) whispers: shot!
Slek(1950) whispers: I'm surprised that he played Qg5 instantly
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ohh , , yea
Slek(1950) whispers: after h6 Qxg6 we have Qxf4 no?
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: h6 is the vote?
Jammes(1779) whispers: no bethany
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no there is Qxg6
Slek(1950) whispers: nothing decided yet, and it's tricky
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no , not voted yet
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, I'll wait
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: how about we go f5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no
Slek(1950) whispers: f5 Bxf5?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: murder
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i don't think we have chance to be imprecise here
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: f5 is no good
lessker(2210) whispers: f5 h4
Slek(1950) whispers: I think still h6 is ok
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: we better get the queen somewhere safe
herrahuu(1738) whispers: h6 looks slow
herrahuu(1738) whispers: but i am 1700 so what do i know
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: lol
kishomat(1837) whispers: stockfish say Qg7
Slek(1950) whispers: you're a human being so what do you know?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: kishomat we are not using engine
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: kishomat
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no engine assistance
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: this is humans vs human
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: do not use engine
kishomat(1837) whispers: ok
Slek(1950) whispers: wow didnt think someone would prove my point so quickly
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: lol
kishomat(1837) whispers: excuse me
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: you really meant to use engine vs schachbjm :))
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: funnay boy
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: funny*
Slek(1950) whispers: actually Qg7 f5 how can that be good for us?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: funnay sound better
kishomat(1837) whispers: i sent whisper
Jammes(1779) whispers: qg7 was a serious possibility. but prob no longer an option :(
Slek(1950) whispers: kishomat do you understand that it's all the whisperers vs schachbjm?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qg7 then there is Qc5
NimzoLegacy(1766) whispers: Obviously not, before this
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: time to vote
Slek(1950) whispers: my vote is h6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: h6 gives two pawns slek
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: with Qxg6
Jammes(1779) whispers: i absolutily dislike h6
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: h6 is a 1500 move
Jammes(1779) whispers: even if he just plays qg3 g6 serous weakens our kingside
Slek(1950) whispers: penguin: h6 Qxg6 Qxf4 we lose nothing
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no
herrahuu(1738) whispers: i definitively think we need to make our position solid before going for more material
herrahuu(1738) whispers: get a and h rook running, develop c bishop
herrahuu(1738) whispers: etc.
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: b5?
herrahuu(1738) whispers: the difference in piece quality is enermous
Slek(1950) whispers: b5 Bxb5
herrahuu(1738) whispers: enormous, sry
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, everyone dislikes h6 except Slek. But do we have any other votes? b5 from zulu
zitterbart(1911) whispers: i think someone mentioned before that h6 Qxg6 wins two pawns
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: aaa yes sorry no b5
Jammes(1779) whispers: my vote is an engine suggestion ...
Slek(1950) whispers: man, actually Qd4 was wrong: he doesnt do anything and we have to sort our Q ourselves
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: no engine, come on
Jammes(1779) whispers: i wasn t the one telling its engine. i was considering it before
Slek(1950) whispers: how about d6?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: d6 then Bxg6
Jammes(1779) whispers: d6 offers a free queen
Slek(1950) whispers: ah no the threat is Bxg6
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: d6 lol
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Qb4
kishomat(1837) whispers: Two hours is a very long time :O
lessker(2210) whispers: our queen stands badly
lessker(2210) whispers: gotta move it somewhere
mcstorytaller(1850) whispers: Zulu!
lessker(2210) whispers: I suggest a4 again
mcstorytaller(1850) whispers: Pingu!
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qb4 Qf6 and Rg8
Jammes(1779) whispers: i vote for qg7
Slek(1950) whispers: I'm still for h6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: hey mcstorytaller
zitterbart(1911) whispers: why not 0-0?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: howdy
lessker(2210) whispers: Bxg6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: do we make this interseting ?
lessker(2210) whispers: if 0-0
zitterbart(1911) whispers: ah ok discoveries on the q have to be considered
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: QxR followed by fxg6 ?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: i say move the queen somewhere else
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: we can make this exciting O-O Bxg6 , Qxd2+ followed by fxg6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: :P
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Ready to vote?
Slek(1950) whispers: but then he'll just push h4-h5, penguin
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: we have the open f file for our rook
Jammes(1779) whispers: b6 is an option
lessker(2210) whispers: I'm voting for Qa4
mcstorytaller(1850) whispers: Bethany!
kishomat(1837) whispers: Black is forced to move Queen.
Slek(1950) whispers: seriously what's wrong with h6 Qxg6 Qxf4 Qg7 Rf8?
zitterbart(1911) whispers: Qa4 allows Qf6 finally
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: Qa4?, then Q is useless?
kishomat(1837) whispers: Qa4 or Qb4?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: h6 Qxg6 Qxf4 Qg7 and Rf1
lessker(2210) whispers: it makes him make a defensive move
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: gaining time in attack
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Mc!
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: and we havent castled yet
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 1 for Qa4, 1 for h6. more votes please
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Qb4
Slek(1950) whispers: penguin, after your line we have Qg5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: let that h pawn go
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok but than lets just go for qg7
Slek(1950) whispers: lessker you there?
Jammes(1779) whispers: its a human move we played qd4 to cover dark squares around the king
lessker(2210) whispers: yes
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, 1 Qa4 and 1 Qb4
Slek(1950) whispers: good. do you have suggestions?
lessker(2210) whispers: I'm looking at our line, slek
Slek(1950) whispers: I'm still voting h6, Beth
lessker(2210) whispers: yours I mean
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 1 Qa4, 1 Qb4, 1 h6
lessker(2210) whispers: Rf1 looks strong after Rf8
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: i say retreat with Q
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i hope schachbjm hasnt dozed off
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: where to zulu?
Slek(1950) whispers: but then we have Qg5 no?
zitterbart(1911) whispers: i vote h6, i like the pawn hunting line
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qg5 meets QxQ
Slek(1950) whispers: and how is it bad since we're a pawn up?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: I dont know grace?, that Q looks bad there
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: in ur line h6 Qxg6 Qxf4 Qg7
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: Qc5?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Rf8 and Rf1
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: sorry, lol
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: wrong Q
Slek(1950) whispers: yes penguin, and then Qg5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: meets QxQ ?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: there is a queen on g7
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: white queen
Slek(1950) whispers: in that line the pawn is still in h6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ah that pawn on h6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: sorry my bad
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: *** 2 h6, 1 1 Qa4, 1 Qb4 ***
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ok h6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote h6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: h6 wins
15...h6 (17:34)
Slek(1950) whispers: notice how I managed to convince the majority to vote for a move they hated? I hope it doesnt lose!
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: haha slek
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: ha ha ha slek
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: we really need to castle fast
zitterbart(1911) whispers: i think i was convinced because there i some counterplay at last
zitterbart(1911) whispers: *finally
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he can play the simple Qh4 too
lessker(2210) whispers: well slek, we see what happens :)
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Schach will be giving us 30 more minutes after we've completed 40 moves
Slek(1950) whispers: he seems like a good guy
Jammes(1779) whispers: we ll never go until move 40 i guess
Jammes(1779) whispers: this is very critical here
16.Qxg6 (2:48)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: there u go
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: i knew it
Slek(1950) whispers: Qxf4 then
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: uh oh
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: g6 was always a goner
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: slek grrr
lessker(2210) whispers: well I guess you have to be consistent here
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qxf4 Qg7 Rf8 Rf1 Qg5 , Rxf7 Rxf7 and Bg6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: wins i think
lessker(2210) whispers: Qx f4
herrahuu(1738) whispers: didn't you discuss this line?
lessker(2210) whispers: yes
herrahuu(1738) whispers: why not play it?
zitterbart(1911) whispers: Qxf4
Slek(1950) whispers: argh I didnt go deep enough in that line
herrahuu(1738) whispers: because it doesn't hold?
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: not qf4 because of rf1
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: now its game over
zitterbart(1911) whispers: Rf1 Qxf1+!
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: gg
Slek(1950) whispers: after Qxf4 Qg7 Rxf8 Rf1 Qg5 Qxg5 hxg5 Rxf7 we dont have to play Rxf7 though, we can just go Kxf7
lessker(2210) whispers: I think we have to continue with slek's line
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he wont go Qxg5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he will go Rxf7
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: followed by Bg6
mepawnchess(1450) whispers: yah right
Slek(1950) whispers: penguing, that's ok, check the variation I gave above.
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: pressuring further by Rf2
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: the black king is naked, but dont tell :-$
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ready to vote?
Slek(1950) whispers: Qxf4 for me
zitterbart(1911) whispers: vote Qxf4
Jammes(1779) whispers: qxf4 qg7 and than?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ah well , Qxf4 vote
Jammes(1779) whispers: ah qg5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he will find Rxf7 for sure
Jammes(1779) whispers: no that loses a rook
Slek(1950) whispers: seriously Rxf7 doesnt work.
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: this is my line
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 3 Qxf4...anything else?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qxf4 Qg7 Rf8 Rf1 Qg5 Rxf7 protecting the queen
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if RxR then Bg6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: pinning the rook
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: against the king
Jammes(1779) whispers: whats the alternative? desperate kf8?
Slek(1950) whispers: arr
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if Qe7 then Rf2
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: and its over
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he will be exchange up
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: plenty i guess
Slek(1950) whispers: wait, in your line, after Rxf7 we still have Rxf7 and he cant play Bg6 because his Q is in g6
Slek(1950) whispers: and he cant plat Rf2 because his R is pinned
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Q is on g7 buddy
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: moving at 44:50 if no other votes
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: attacked the rook to mak eit move at Rf8
Slek(1950) whispers: oh hang on
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: Qh4 seems ok?
Slek(1950) whispers: hmm you're right
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qh4 ?
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 3 Qxf4, shall I go?
Slek(1950) whispers: wait a bit please Beth
lessker(2210) whispers: question?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: oh sorry, im nuts
lessker(2210) whispers: what other choice do we have?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: f4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: f pawn is pinned zulu
lessker(2210) whispers: I mean there's Qxb2+ fg
lessker(2210) whispers: but that looks even worse
Slek(1950) whispers: yeah still Qxf4. after Bg6 we have Qf4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: g3 ?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: aaa yes its pinned ouch, u right penguin
Slek(1950) whispers: in your line penguin, after he plays Bg6, we have Qf4 (the Rs are traded) and after g3 we have Qf1+ which should draw
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: whos idea was it to bring the queen out on her own like this?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: that wierdo would be me
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: but i had Qg7 in mind
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: lol
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: :)
Slek(1950) whispers: err shouldt draw but then he cant bring his rook to attack ours so we should be OK
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: Looks like no one has outvoted Qxf4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: fine lets see
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Qxf4
16...Qxf4 (11:20)
Slek(1950) whispers: Qf4 for me, still
17.Qg7 (0:03)
zitterbart(1911) whispers: how about Qa4 now?
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote rf8
Slek(1950) whispers: Rf8 I think
Jammes(1779) whispers: go
Jammes(1779) whispers: forced
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Rf8 obv.
zitterbart(1911) whispers: vote Rf8
17...Rf8 (0:34) 18.Rf1 (0:03)
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: what now?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: gosh TL,?
Slek(1950) whispers: that's alternatives to Qg5?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: i could beat u guys
mcstorytaller(1850) whispers: now? how about offer draw?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: :)) just joking
zitterbart(1911) whispers: Qd6?
Jammes(1779) whispers: qxh2 to be greedy
mcstorytaller(1850) whispers: me too Zulu
Jammes(1779) whispers: but than bg6 proba
mcstorytaller(1850) whispers: :D
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: hi story
mcstorytaller(1850) whispers: Zulu@
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote qg5 i see no alternative
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Qg5
Slek(1950) whispers: Qg5
lessker(2210) whispers: Qg5
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok
18...Qg5 (1:31)
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: whats the "@" for, i c it on FB as well, whats it mean?
Jammes(1779) whispers: premove rxf7
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: you're correct slek i think we can escape this one lol
Slek(1950) whispers: premove is a very useful feature in long games
lessker(2210) whispers: maybe
Slek(1950) whispers: hopefully...
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: lets see
lessker(2210) whispers: he'll retreat the queen
lessker(2210) whispers: probably to d4
Slek(1950) whispers: if he does retreat his queen it will be a small victory for us I think
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i think he's calculating that Bg6 line
Jammes(1779) whispers: rxf7 bg6 and qe7 doesnt help our case because rf2
lessker(2210) whispers: well Qh7 is possible
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: im kinda owrried about g3
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: coming
Slek(1950) whispers: Jammes, Qe7 doesnt work but Qf4 might save us (it keeps the Rd2 pinned)
Jammes(1779) whispers: well or even better qg1 :)
Jammes(1779) whispers: g8 i ment
Jammes(1779) whispers: but ok i ll try to calculate on qf4
zitterbart(1911) whispers: if Rf2 QxQ looks okay
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: that TL was a good move
Slek(1950) whispers: what's schachbjm's rating irl?
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok qf4 might work
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i doubt it a bit
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: lets see
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Rxf7 Rxf7 Bg6 Qf4 g3 and then what
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: hes going to take f7?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i have a feeling he will
Jammes(1779) whispers: no why should he has to. equal pawns and attack no matter what he does
19.Qd4 (6:42)
zitterbart(1911) whispers: i think there is backrank mate threat
zitterbart(1911) whispers: if bishop leaves
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: oh
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: its obvious hes going to f2 next
Slek(1950) whispers: YEEEEAHAAAAHHHH we are so awesome we FORCED schachbjm to RETREAT his queen!!!
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: lol
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: votes on next move please?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: h4 coming
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: b1, how much?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: oh no,
Slek(1950) whispers: f5 so we can play Qf6 later?
lessker(2210) whispers: f5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: f5 Qd6
Slek(1950) whispers: or maybe b5 or d5 do move the bishop
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: Black Q is v good now, let get bishop in game
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i was thinking of d5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: with Bd7
Jammes(1779) whispers: f5 does nothing in our interest we have to develope our queenside without being knocked out
Azubuike(1813) whispers: f5
lessker(2210) whispers: d4 white can play c4
Slek(1950) whispers: but after d5 he has h5 and Qf4 to win the h6 pawn.
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: he can simply jam up our posiiton with Rf6
lessker(2210) whispers: I would go with b5 instead
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: h4 etc
lessker(2210) whispers: I still prefer f5 though
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: f5 from slek, lessker, and azubuike. What are other votes?
Slek(1950) whispers: I'm for f5 as well
lessker(2210) whispers: if Qd6 Qe7
Jammes(1779) whispers: whats the purpose of f5?
Slek(1950) whispers: to play Qf6
lessker(2210) whispers: get some play for the rook
lessker(2210) whispers: shut off his bishop
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: penguin, Jammes are you voting?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: cant play b5
Slek(1950) whispers: if we dont play f5, he has h4 and then Qf4
Azubuike(1813) whispers: b5 opens up for some bank rank weakness..so I stay with f5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: what about f6
lessker(2210) whispers: I think we're toast no matter what we play
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: f6 h4 and Qe5
Jammes(1779) whispers: d6 qxd6 bd7 and we might be able to castle
Slek(1950) whispers: whisper that's dangerous penguin, f6 h4 Qe5 Qg6+
Slek(1950) whispers: *Bg6+
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Ke7
Slek(1950) whispers: then Qb4+
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: no
MrRahmati(2351) kibitzes: go go go
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: f6 , h4 Qe5 thats what i have in mind
Slek(1950) whispers: and you will probably lose a pawn at least
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 3 F5, 1 F6, 1 D6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: isthat all the votes?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: either that or simply Qd5
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: attacking a3
Jammes(1779) whispers: i didnt vote for d6 just tried to calculate
Azubuike(1813) whispers: Mrrahmati voting?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: d5
Jammes(1779) whispers: if we can get a safe king with d6
Jammes(1779) whispers: d6 qxd6 bd7 qb6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok, f5 wins...not enough votes for other candidates
19...f5 (10:03)
Slek(1950) whispers: problem is: white is threatening to play h4 is we dont play f5
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: ive just turned the board aroiund with white my side, makes such a difference
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: i mean black my side
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: now we can play d5 i guess
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: ha ha our Q is good now
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if he manages to free his pinned d2 rook we are screwed
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: lol
Azubuike(1813) whispers: our B is a mess
zitterbart(1911) whispers: if we exchanged the queens everything would be easier on the black squares
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: yes that pin must be worrying him lol
Slek(1950) whispers: he cant create immediate threats (I think) so we have couple of moves to develop our pieces.
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i think i would go b4 here as white
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: he might play f2?
zitterbart(1911) whispers: he could just play h4 to free his rook i think
Jammes(1779) whispers: with h4 he can unpoin the rook right now
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: no b4 meets Qf6 lol
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: over adventurous move
herrahuu(1738) whispers: h4 releases g4 as well
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: h4 is anticipated
Jammes(1779) whispers: we re still a pawn up to look at the bright side
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: as it frees his d2 rook
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: for attack
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: im expecting h4 Qf6 Qa4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: pinning the d7 pawn badly
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: this an awesome way to learn :)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: if we go Qf6 after h4 then he can even hit with g4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: opening up the position
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: but boy, do we need to bring our a8 rook, and bishop into this game
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: its been like war over board and 2 pieces sleeping
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: yes
20.h4 (10:41)
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: ha ha ha
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qf6 then Qa4 with g4
Slek(1950) whispers: Qf6?
lessker(2210) whispers: Qf6
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: anyone disagree with Qf6?
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qe7 my vote
Jammes(1779) whispers: what about qg3 than?
Azubuike(1813) whispers: Qf6
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: f6 good
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 1 Qf6, 1 Qe7, 1 Qg3, 2 Qf6
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: f6 is not good imho
Jammes(1779) whispers: qg3 re2 with threat to take on f5
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: anyone else?
zitterbart(1911) whispers: vote Qf6
Jammes(1779) whispers: bethany thats no vote if i dont say vote
Jammes(1779) whispers: :)
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: lol
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: 1 Qf6, 1 Qe7, 2 Qf6 anyone else?
zitterbart(1911) whispers: we have to watch time now though
Slek(1950) whispers: I'm for Qf6
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote qf6
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: we can always ask more time, that will get him in more of a rut
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: i vote Qe7
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: haha zulu
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: looks like Qf6 wins
20...Qf6 (4:01) 21.Qf4 (0:03)
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: expecting Qa4
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: ohh
Slek(1950) whispers: so now do we have time for b5 or d5?
Jammes(1779) whispers: e5 perhaps?
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: now hes turn to pin?
Slek(1950) whispers: e5 Re2 is dangerous
lessker(2210) whispers: I say d5
Jammes(1779) whispers: threat is g4 obious here
Slek(1950) whispers: d5 for me
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: d5 my vote
Slek(1950) whispers: g4 Qxf4?
Slek(1950) whispers: sorry: g4 Qxh4
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: votes please
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: d5
Slek(1950) whispers: d5
zitterbart(1911) whispers: vote d5
zulugodetia(1564) whispers: make bishop have a say
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote d5
BethanyGrace(1811) whispers: ok
21...d5 (3:11)
Jammes(1779) whispers: everything is suicidal here but this at least gives a square to our bishop
Slek(1950) whispers: I think our position is better, we must have a small advantage.
pingupenguin(2066) whispers: Qa4+
lessker(2210) whispers: he's probably going to play c4
TLCommunity lost connection; game adjourned *


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