tlcommunity(0) vs. yoyoman(2290) *
Login to get PGN standard 120+30, 2016-02-07
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hi, forget about this one
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i ll play
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote e4
pgg(1797) whispers: :)
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Hello everyone! Same rules as always, vote in whispers, and no comp assistance
zitterbart(1925) whispers: e4 too, because yoyoman will probably now both d4 and c4 better
pgg(1797) whispers: vote e4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: e4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: anyone else?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok, e4 it is 1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote d4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: d4 my vote
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote d4
pgg(1797) whispers: vote f4
Jammes(1779) whispers: i think we should nt wast time as long we are in theory
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 3 d4, 1 f4, anyone else?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: moving at 10 sec 2.d4 (0:50) d5 (0:03)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Nc3
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: f3
crazyblue(2082) whispers: Nc3
pgg(1797) whispers: Nc3
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: exd5
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote Nc3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: e5
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote nc3
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: nobody wants the fantasy variation?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Looks like Nc3 wins :) 3.Nc3 (0:57)
zitterbart(1925) whispers: can u also request thinking time later before a decision? 3...dxe4 (0:09)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Nxe4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: yeah zitterbart just yell out if it ever feels too fast
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote nxe4
pgg(1797) whispers: vote Nx
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote nxe4
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: nx
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we are still in well known theory, so it is good to play fast
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Ok Nx unaminous 4.Nxe4 (0:40)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: in order to have more time later
zitterbart(1925) whispers: yes was just wondering 4...Nd7 (0:14)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: simply write wait when it is too fast
zitterbart(1925) whispers: ok i will
Jammes(1779) whispers: oh this invites qe2 :)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we ll start spening time when most players are out of theory
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Nf3
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: qe2 this trap is amusing
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bc4, Nf3 and Ng5 are the main moves here
pgg(1797) whispers: Develop either Bc or Ng
Jammes(1779) whispers: is ng5 kasparov game against deep blue?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Ng seems odd without a Bc4
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: yeah, that was kasparovs point tho
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Bc4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: yeah, Qe2 Nd6 # which was mentioned would be beautiful, but I doubt he'd fall for that :)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bc4 Ngf6 Ng5 is the main continuation here
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote ng5
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: a man can dream
pgg(1797) whispers: vote Nf3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i am fine with all of the main moves
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: yeah, nf3 i guess
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 3 Nf2 (pgg , mystic, and I), 1 ng5 (zitter), Bc4 (Joshua)...anyone else?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Bc4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: moving at the minute if no tie
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 Bc now 5.Nf3 (3:07)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Nf6, we can play either Nxf6+ or Ng3 5...Ngf6 (0:20)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i just played a fantastic KG game before i blew it, but B@c4 was lovely until that point
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote nf3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: jammes, do you mean Ng3?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: why not a natural dev move like Bd3? better suited on c4?
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote ng3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Ng3
pgg(1797) whispers: vote Ng3
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote ng3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 4 Ng3...any other votes?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: anti-vote Nxf6 (dunno about other options but don't want to take on f6)
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: moving at 45 sec if no tie
Jammes(1779) whispers: yes schachbjm. but im no e 4 player so i just decide which of the suggested moves does fit with me 6.Ng3 (1:47)
zitterbart(1925) whispers: i don't like hopping around a lot just to trade then 6...e6 (0:16)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bd3 is correct here
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote bd3
pgg(1797) whispers: tempo tempo tempi
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: bd3
Jammes(1779) whispers: i ll follow as long somebody is sure to be in this theory
Jammes(1779) whispers: * -t
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Bd3 has 3 votes...anyone else?
pgg(1797) whispers: if Bd3 and Ng4 we just have to move Bishop again?
pgg(1797) whispers: Bd2
zitterbart(1925) whispers: do you mean if Be3?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Ng4 the bishop is not attacked
pgg(1797) whispers: ah my bad soz
pgg(1797) whispers: vote Bd3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok, Bd3 wins 7.Bd3 (2:09)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Bd3 or DSB to f4 or g5 7...c5 (0:27)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: c5 O-O cxd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Nb3 is a line here
Jammes(1779) whispers: is it a good line for white? :) anybody else in theory?
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote 0-0
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: white gives up both center pawns :o
pgg(1797) whispers: vote O-O
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: this is why i just exchange on d5. inferior game but at least most people don't stay in "theory"
zitterbart(1925) whispers: well i am out of book already so i vote 0-0
schachbjm(2251) whispers: it is a playable normal line with a slight edge for white
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: o-o makes sense
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 0-0 wins
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: there is no way to hold two central pawns and we have dev lead 8.O-O (2:04)
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote nxd4 8...cxd4 (0:15)
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote Nxd4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote nxd4
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: nxd4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok 9.Nxd4 (0:34) Bc5 (0:10)
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote nb3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: 10.c3 is possible alternatively
schachbjm(2251) whispers: 10. Nf3 is a move, too
zitterbart(1925) whispers: c3 seems to give a weak pawn
pgg(1797) whispers: yes
pgg(1797) whispers: agreed
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: never ever had this line of Caro
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: too bad don't still have N@e4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Hyp :)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: what are the disadvantages of Be3?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: could try Nb5 like in sicilian
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: vote be3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Be3, there is Qb6 in some lines
pgg(1797) whispers: Be3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no wait
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i don't see much other than Nb3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: let me and schach take a look at it
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qb6 right away is annoying
schachbjm(2251) whispers: @hyp: i am in theory here
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: lol
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Nb3, c3 and Nf3 are the main moves here
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: LOL
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: next time we play, I will bring you out of theory on move 3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ;)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote c3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Time to vote. Counting starting with Hyp's vote
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I like IQP positions for both sides
schachbjm(2251) whispers: all of them are fine with me
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote nb3
pgg(1797) whispers: Be3
pgg(1797) whispers: dev another piece
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i had a plan to take my TL opp out of theory on move 4 today but he didn't play the move he was supposed to play
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Nb3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: the nerve of some people... :D
schachbjm(2251) whispers: my tl game ended as a draw after 17 moves (all theory) :D
emperor(2116) whispers: vote c3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hi emperor
emperor(2116) whispers: heya
NimzoLegacy(1790) whispers: you had lucky sch
schachbjm(2251) whispers: are you familiar with this position?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 c3, 2 Nb3, 1 Be3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: anyone else?
NimzoLegacy(1790) whispers: i was in bathroom in that moment when you offered a draw
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: we need more votes
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote c3 again ;)
emperor(2116) whispers: I've seen it before yes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i vote c3 just to have a result
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: hehh, vote early and often eh? ;)
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: @hyp
ernestho(1899) whispers: nb3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: smiles @Bethany
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote late, and vote oftener
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 3 c3, 3 Nb3, 1 Be3 :)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: now, it is tied again
schachbjm(2251) whispers: :D
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Beth, yourself?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: anyone else (who hasn't voted yet) have a vote?
pgg(1797) whispers: Nb3 instead of Be3 then
Jammes(1779) whispers: well if schachbjm does leave his own suggestion i vote nf3. thats my intuitive move
zitterbart(1925) whispers: Nb3
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: nf3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok, I think we have 4 Nb3, 3 c3, and 2 Nf3 now
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i hope bethany has a spreadsheet for this madness
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Nb3 wins 10.Nb3 (6:32)
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: *throws keyboard* 10...Be7 (0:12)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: hahaha
zitterbart(1925) whispers: hm why go there?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Re1 makes sense, or dev DSB
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Be7 is the known, Re1 is correct if ia m not mistaken
zitterbart(1925) whispers: what is the plan?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: the knights are awkwardly placed
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote re1
emperor(2116) whispers: so now we play against the Q-side?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: they guard the not-rim, so they are not-quite-dim
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: yeah on thier least stable squares tho, annoying rook pawns
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bd2-c3?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Time to vote! Counting now (I do have Jammes' vote).
pgg(1797) whispers: vote Nh5
Jammes(1779) whispers: bethany shouldn t we just follow our feeling and vote fast as long someone is in theory? i realy think we ll miss the time later otherwise
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Re1
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote re1
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Re1
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote re1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: abstain
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Re1 wins 11.Re1 (2:29)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I was thinking Kh1 and f4-f5
UranianMystic(1807) whispers: re1 flood lol
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Qf3 and Nh5 are typical moves here
zitterbart(1925) whispers: what will the fate of black's lsb be?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: what does Nh5 achieve?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Any moves you guys want to vote fast, just say vote move and if enough of you do, I'll go ahead and move without discussion
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: f4, f5 haha i like it
emperor(2116) whispers: really... still attack the King with the Nb3?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: wishful thinking
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: we have a fair number of pieces pointed that way
Jammes(1779) whispers: i think nb3 stops nc5 so we can keep our attacking bishop emperor
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: and the knight is not that passive, one or two moves ...
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote Qe3
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: something like Nd2-f3-g5-e4-d6! the in between moves are there to distract black
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: where do the pieces go in this line schach?
zitterbart(1925) whispers: to prevent b6 for some time
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: c3-Qc2?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: or just Qf3
emperor(2116) whispers: ok, just thoght trading the Nb3 for the Be7 with c3 earlier would make sense if wanting to attack the King
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Qf3, Nh5, B either d2/f4/g5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I dunno what to do with the DSB
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Qf3 Bg5 Ne4 loading
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: without the Nb3 I would consider b3-Bb2
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rad1 later
schachbjm(2251) whispers: let us spend more time for the next moves
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes, we need a plan and a setup
schachbjm(2251) whispers: perhaps, yoyoman and we are out of theory soon
schachbjm(2251) whispers: agreed
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: do we attack the king
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: or do we just aim for central file activity
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we need one plan, in some of the last games there were different plans, which is not that great
milpat(2079) whispers: B to c3 exposed to Nd5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: that's the problem of team games, everyone pulls the blanket onto them
pgg(1797) whispers: well in the event black short castles is h4 out of the question? given our current setup? 11...O-O (6:05)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: O-O is known here
emperor(2116) whispers: lets just vote for attack on king or q-side play and then find the moves?
pgg(1797) whispers: we seem to be pointed king side so I would suggest go king
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i would go for a kingside initiative
pgg(1797) whispers: vote h4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i still like some order of Qf3 Bg5 Ne4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: sounds like everyone is interested in K-side. 1 vote for h4. any other votes?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: a sensible plan would be to go for sth. like Nh5 Qxh5 Qh4 (well timed) Bg4 and then pawn action if possible
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i remember one or two parc games with this attacking setup
emperor(2116) whispers: do we want the a1 rook to help?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Bf4 or Bg5, we can play Rad1 and the rook is active
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: i would start with Qf3 perhaps
Jammes(1779) whispers: i m not sure which is the better plan nh5 or qf3. do we have a usefull waiting move?
zitterbart(1925) whispers: i do not see how Nh5 leads to initiative
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nh5, black avoids taking
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: maybe Bd2-c3
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i answered my own question of why Nh5 over Ne4 because after takes then Nf6 just helps black
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i think Qf3 is good
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: the bishop would be strong on that diagonal
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: someone pointed out Nd5 to stop B@c3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i am fine with Qf3
emperor(2116) whispers: why qf3 if Nh5?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i still don't understand Nh5 is my logic
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: after Nd5 you get some tactical chances with Bxh7
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: :P
Jammes(1779) whispers: thats also my question. if nh5 is your general attacking plan why do you want to play qf3 now schachbjm. wouldnt it be more usefull to develop the bishop?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we keep the option of Nh5/h4 later and simply finish developement with a bishop move and Rad1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: reasonable
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote Qf3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Vote Now please. Have pgg and Hyp's votes already
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote bd2
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: could do bishop first to save a tempo, but after Nd5 that either tests B@f4 or @g5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i know that Nh5 is a common idea in this type of structures, nevertheless it seems to be a bit early here
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i agree on Qf3
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Qf3
emperor(2116) whispers: qf3 prevents b6
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 3 Qf3, 1 h4, 1 Bd2. More votes?
emperor(2116) whispers: I like it
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok 4 Qf3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: moving at 30 sec if no tie
Jammes(1779) whispers: well we don t need to prevent b6 now. its not possible because qf3 bf4 i guess 12.Qf3 (7:22)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: what is black going to play?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: after Rb8 Bf4 would be strong
schachbjm(2251) whispers: a5, Re8
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: maybe simplify with Nc5?
Jammes(1779) whispers: i expect nd5 here
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: or Nd5 idea N7f6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Nc5 Nxc5 Bxc5 Bg5 might be unpleasant
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Be7 there, schach
schachbjm(2251) whispers: then Rad1 and there are Bxh7+ ideas (discovery on the queen)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: right, then it is good for us
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: so Nc5 we needn't worry about
zitterbart(1925) whispers: uuuh re8 bf4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: and Be7 back is not a move black wants to play
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I don't like Bf4
zitterbart(1925) whispers: thats nice
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: bishop hampers the attack there, sort of
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I would go Bd2
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: idea Rad1 first, and then move bishop
schachbjm(2251) whispers: it is worth a look
Jammes(1779) whispers: what do we play after nd5? c3?
zitterbart(1925) whispers: can black break loose with Ab6?
zitterbart(1925) whispers: Qb6
emperor(2116) whispers: Qb6 Be3 and then what does black play?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Nd5, black has some issues on the kingside
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Nh5 and there might be sacing ideas on g7 12...Bd6 (6:44)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: and after g7, there is Bh6?!
Jammes(1779) whispers: this kind of invites bg5?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bd6 prepares Ne5
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Time to Vote!
schachbjm(2251) whispers: wait
Jammes(1779) whispers: no this is complicated
schachbjm(2251) whispers: pls
emperor(2116) whispers: wow, black seems to think Be7 was a mistake
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: not sure yet
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok
schachbjm(2251) whispers: what is the idea of Bd6 apart from Ne5
zitterbart(1925) whispers: I think Bg5 h6 and the B has no way to keep the pin
Jammes(1779) whispers: well it stops bf4 which otherwise stops him from developing the quenside
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nh5 makes more sense to me after this as a way to prevent Ne5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hyp, what is your suggestion
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: but if he doesn't take and just devs
Jammes(1779) whispers: perhaps ne4 makes sence? that would stop ne5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: let us look at Nh5
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i was thinking Ne4 earlier when schach was suggesting Nh5, but somewhere down the line discounted it again, but can't remember why
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we can follow up with Bg5 perhaps and there is some pressure
zitterbart(1925) whispers: maybe first the obvious Nh5 Nxh5, how to build up the attack?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: is Bf4 to be considered in order to provoke e5?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i think i thought Nxe4 something xe4 and Ndf6
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok vote nh5 i think we have to stop ne5 and nh5 does the job as good as ne4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: if everyone's ready to vote I'll start counting
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: but then Bg5 seems okay after that
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i don't think i'm quite ready
Jammes(1779) whispers: there are just 2 moves who stop ne5 joshuar i think
schachbjm(2251) whispers: what about Bf4 preventing Ne5
Jammes(1779) whispers: ah right sry
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: exchanging DSB is good for us
Jammes(1779) whispers: but i like the bishop pair if we want to have any chances for attack on ks
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we have still some pieces arround the kingside and may start an initiative later
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: his bishop made many moves
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bf4 looks ok
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote Bf4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: this bishop plays an important role defending the knight on f6 (against any pins)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: how do we pin without ours? :P
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: and what if Bxf4, Qxf4, e5?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: e5 is good for us
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: gives us f5 for N and B
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: especially N
emperor(2116) whispers: we would like to provoke e5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: remember to save time, fellas
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i'm leaning Ne4 i think
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: we will need it, this will be heading to an endgame
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Ne4 Nx Qx Nf6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: we just help him
schachbjm(2251) whispers: agreed
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: rule of thumb, don't exchange pieces if you have advantage ;)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: unless it allows you to convert your advantage
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Bx Nf6 Bg5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: or prevent direct threat
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: his DSB made 3 moves, ours 0
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok than lets go bf4 just bxf qxf nd5 i think we give away several tempi even more then after nh5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Bf4
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: black has less space, so exchanging knights favours black I think
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: if we exchange it, we win 2 tempi!
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: hence Bf4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: chess is simple ;) don't complicate matters
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Ok 3 Bf4 (Hyp, schach, jammes)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: haha
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: more votes please?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Ne4 still ;)
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 3 Bf4, 1 Ne4
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I would like to play Bf4 too
emperor(2116) whispers: is Bg5 Ne5 Rxe5 totally ridiculous?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Joshua, listen to us!
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: but i don't want to take back with Q
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: the bishop gets very active after Bxe5
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 4 Bf4, 1 Ne4, 1 (?) Bg5
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: more votes please!
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote Bf4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bf4 prepares Rad1 later and a (protected) rook opposite the rook cannot be wrong
zitterbart(1925) whispers: if he exchanges, why add the fiddeling in the beginning?
zitterbart(1925) whispers: *all
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we remain flexible
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Looks like Bf4 wins...moving at 40 sec if no tie 13.Bf4 (12:21)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote on premove Qxf4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote qxf4 premove
emperor(2116) whispers: yes Qxf4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote premove Qxf4
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: agreed on Qxf4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: All in favor?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: agreed
lessker(0) whispers: aye
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hi lessker
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote Qxf4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: premove made
schachbjm(2251) whispers: thx beth
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: he should take
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qc7 Bx and Rad1
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I was looking at Qc7 too, but it doesn't look good after Bxd6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: what is he going to play after Qxf4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we discussed e5 briefly, which does not seem to help him at all
zitterbart(1925) whispers: maybe he will use his lsb
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: would he consider e5?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: b6 Bb7 looks playable
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: so Bxf4 Qxf4 b6 ... Bb7
schachbjm(2251) whispers: our plans are finishing developement with Rad1 and see how he replies 13...Bxf4 (3:36) 14.Qxf4 (0:00)
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Bxf4 Qxf4 is played
schachbjm(2251) whispers: generally, we have to regroup our knights
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: he will go Nd5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: do we centralise with Qd4?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I wonder if that isn't too risky
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i was looking at Nd5, too 14...b6 (1:41)
emperor(2116) whispers: Nh5 Nxh5 Qe4?
Jammes(1779) whispers: rd1 seems logical
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rad1 or maybe even Be4 first?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Nh5 is nice
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: after Nh5 Nxh5 Qe4 Nhf6?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: he cannot defend against mate and the rook at the same time
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: oh double attack :D
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I think b6 loses time
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rd1 makes the most sense
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rad1?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: on Nh5 he doesn't have to take
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rad1 Bb7 Bb5, he is in mild trouble
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rad1 cannot be wrong
Jammes(1779) whispers: but nh5 bb7 and we just need to defend the or trade
schachbjm(2251) whispers: it is a simple and useful developing move
lessker(0) whispers: I like Ne4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: jammes: defend what?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: We also have Ne4 again :P and he can't take because of Bxe4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Joshua votes Ne4 until the end
Jammes(1779) whispers: nh5 bb7 and defend the n i ment
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: but what does it achieve?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: he cannot take due to Qxe4
zitterbart(1925) whispers: ah good stuff
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: if we play Rad1 we could play Qc1 in case of extreme emergency
lessker(0) whispers: well it's go go t d6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we somehow have to combine rad1, Be4 and Nh5
lessker(0) whispers: or threaten to
zitterbart(1925) whispers: Nh5 Nxh5 Qe4 sets up a queen fork
zitterbart(1925) whispers: rook or mate
lessker(0) whispers: how does respond to Nh4?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nh5 Bb7, what next?
lessker(0) whispers: Ndf6
lessker(0) whispers: sorry
lessker(0) whispers: Nd6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: from Nh5?
lessker(0) whispers: from e4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i would keep Nh5 and start with Rad1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: wow, that must be a super-knight
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I made the same mistake :P
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Rd1
schachbjm(2251) whispers: it is not quite working yet
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Ne4 e5
lessker(0) whispers: no problem :)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: he will simply ignores it
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: maybe
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote rad1
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote Rad1
lessker(0) whispers: I stick to Ne4
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Rad1
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Rad1
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Rad1 wins 15.Rad1 (6:01)
Azubuike(1693) whispers: I stick with Rad1
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: why do you want to play Ne5, lessker?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Ne4*
lessker(0) whispers: see heres my point
lessker(0) whispers: if play Rad1
lessker(0) whispers: no he plays Bb7
lessker(0) whispers: and we play Ne4 then
lessker(0) whispers: he can exchange knighs
Jammes(1779) whispers: i expect nd5
lessker(0) whispers: and we can't recapture with the queen anymore
lessker(0) whispers: there's not threat of mate combined with an attack on the rook
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: he can play Bb7 anyway if we play Ne4?
lessker(0) whispers: sure
lessker(0) whispers: but then Nd6
lessker(0) whispers: now he can exchange knights if we play Ne4
emperor(2116) whispers: after Bb7 we could play Nd2-e4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: the key is most certainly Ne4 ;)
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Rad1 has been played
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i would like to keep pieces on the board
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: @ Josh :)
lessker(0) whispers: ,no
lessker(0) whispers: I'm in my good clothes now
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: so what do we play if black plays Bb7 now?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Bb7 Bb5 Nd5 maybe then 15...Bb7 (4:56)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: do we aim for a win here, or are we3 happy with a draw?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: anything but a better of course :)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: always to win if possible
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: he has 2290 more rating points than us :P
emperor(2116) whispers: anything but a draw
schachbjm(2251) whispers: when we are confident with a draw we can offer mass exchanges and it is an equal endgame
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Go for win.
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: unlike some, *cough* schachbjm today *cough*
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: depends on how you look at it Schacken...add all our rating points together and we outrank him by far :)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: :D
emperor(2116) whispers: Re5 to g5?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: JoshuaR, a draw is better than a loss and it was enough for a team win
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: the problem is TLCommunity plays more like hte average of its rating points since some jokers suggest Ne4 instead of Bf4
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I was joking ofcourse :)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the funny thing is that i spend arround 5 mins for my moves today :D
Azubuike(1693) whispers: if so Beth then we should have mated in just 2moves
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: :D
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: does Bb5 achieve anything here
Jammes(1779) whispers: ne4 nxe4 bxe4 bxe4 qxe4 qc7 nd4 don t we have some pressure in that line?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i doubt it
lessker(0) whispers: a little bit
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: he can always play Qe7 to get out of the pin?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: it is a pin, nevertheless there is not a real continuation
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i was thinking Nd5 to get out of the pin
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bb5, what does he play?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i considered h4, nevertheless it does not seem to achieve anything
lessker(0) whispers: sadly Ne4 may still be best
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: LOL
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Nd5 maybe in order to close the file
Jammes(1779) whispers: after bb5 he can simply play nd5 i guess
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: there's the other N to e4 plan suggested
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: how about Qd6
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: on Bb5 I think he plays Qe7, it looks like a logical square for his queen
schachbjm(2251) whispers: wait
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: or maybe N-to-d6
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: well after Nd5 can't we open up the d-file with c4 again in the near future?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bb5 Qe7?! Bxd7 Nxd7 Qc7 Bc8 looks horrible for black
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 I guess
schachbjm(2251) whispers: several pins, passive pieces, no developement
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: well spotted :)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Bb5 he ll play Nd5
Jammes(1779) whispers: qh5 is an other idea i have
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bb5 Qe7 Nf5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: horrible
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: no Qe7 then :P
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 Qd6
emperor(2116) whispers: Qh4 beore Bb5
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 Qd6 N7f6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yours is even easier
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: idea c4
Twikki(2039) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 Qa4
Jammes(1779) whispers: qh4 i ment
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: what do you think about my line, schach
lessker(0) whispers: I vote for Bb5
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: is this what you mean by "he is in mild trouble", schachbjm?
lessker(0) whispers: try to keep pieces on the board
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 Qd6 with the idea c4?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: what to play after n7f6?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: after Qd6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: black can pretty much force a queen exchange
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: don't see how
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Ndf6
Twikki(2039) whispers: that's why I preferred Qa4 to Qd6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: maybe then Bb5 Nd5 Qe5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: oh dear
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: what am I saying
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Ndf6 Qe5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: you just dropped your queen ...
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I forgot a move :D
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 Qd6 Ndf6 Qe5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: N pinned
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: yes that's true
schachbjm(2251) whispers: looks quite good
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: but then Qc7 I guess
NimzoLegacy(1790) whispers: c'mon Novak!!!aleee..c'mon tmcommunity!.aleeeee:D
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Ok, time to vote!
Twikki(2039) whispers: then Qb8
lessker(0) whispers: Bb5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: give us another minute please
emperor(2116) whispers: vote Qh4
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: does he have the possibility to go Nd7 after Qe5?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: actually we've only looked at one move, Bb5, and as yet unsure if it's good
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: to repeat the moves?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: emperor, your line for white?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ater Qh4
emperor(2116) whispers: Qh4 threatens Bb5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: someone suggested Nd2 some time ago
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: we seem to be missing a DSB ;)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: so does black
Twikki(2039) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 Qa4 ... applies pressure to the Nd7 and c4 is a threat
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Twikki, Nc5 in your line
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: but if he plays Nd5 after we played Qh4?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: then we mate on h7 ;)
Jammes(1779) whispers: than he is mate shakens
emperor(2116) whispers: lol
Twikki(2039) whispers: so Nxc5 abc c4 wins a piece
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: lol
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: perhaps I should go to bed :D :P
schachbjm(2251) whispers: twikkis line is worth a look
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yea
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: is there no saving Nb6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yeah, Qa4 is annoying
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i'm liking twikki's line or just Nd2-e4-d6
Twikki(2039) whispers: rxd8 nxa4 rxf8+ xf8 bxa4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the problem might be that c4 self traps the LSB in some lines
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: cause you threaten both Bxd7 and c4
Twikki(2039) whispers: with the Nb6 lines
schachbjm(2251) whispers: he can simply move the knight away with Ndf6 and our pieces are pointing nowhere
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: which Ndf6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: the 5f6 or 7f6
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nb6 is confusing me a lot
schachbjm(2251) whispers: let us say Bb5 Nd5 Qa4 N7f6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: c4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: c4 is answered by a6 and our LSb is trapped
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bc6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: b5!
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bxb7
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: bxa4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no, the N is under attack in the end
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: c4 maybe just cxd axb5 Qxb5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: maybe, we should simply go for the exchanges with Ne4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: then have we accomplished anything?
Jammes(1779) whispers: i ll wait for your evaluation of twikkis line. if you don t think its good ill go with qh4. which to me seems to cause some issues.
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: but Ne4 is boring
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the outcome of Bb5 is questionable
schachbjm(2251) whispers: indeed
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Ok, everyone has had 16 minutes to think. I need a vote. So far I have 1 Bb5 (lessker), 1 Qh4 (emperor)
lessker(0) whispers: I think it's the best we have
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: lol
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: abstain
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nd2 is still my lead, but i haven't calculated anything in it
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I would go for Bb5, but I won't vote
lessker(0) whispers: Ne4 and a lot of pieces are traded off
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok 1 Bb5 (lessker), 1 Qh4 (emperor), 1 Nd2 (JoshuaR)
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: more votes please!
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote qh4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: there's also Nd4 idea to b5-d6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: qh4 and Bb5 does not seem to lead to anything in my point of view
lessker(0) whispers: Nd4 and e5
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: aha
lessker(0) whispers: that would be annoyong
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i vote Nd2
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Nd2, we do not have control over the c5-square anymore
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 Qh4 (emperor + Jammes), 1 Nd2 (JoshuaR), 1 Bb5 (lessker), anyone else?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Bb5
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: at the very least we've analyzed Bb5 so would save time
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Bb5 Nd5 Qd2?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 Qh4 (emperor + Jammes), 1 Nd2 (JoshuaR), 1 Bb5 (lessker), 1 Bb5 (SchakenSchaken)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i vote bb5 to keep action
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ok vote Bb5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I like my new move there
Triarius(2251) whispers: Qh4 idea Nh5?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hi triarius
Triarius(2251) whispers: hi
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Bb5
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Bb5 wins
Twikki(2039) whispers: vote Bb5 16.Bb5 (19:59)
zitterbart(1925) whispers: vote Bb5
emperor(2116) whispers: :(
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: next moves a little faster please
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: actually i should have voted Ne4. we have to trade everything away before the super bowl
zitterbart(1925) whispers: don't we have 1 h left? 16...Rc8 (0:43)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: LOL
schachbjm(2251) whispers: :D
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: c3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rd6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: other ideas please
lessker(0) whispers: Qa4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: consider it as we've used half our time with 16 moves--have to play the rest of the game in the other half
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: can we sac the rook on d7?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: wait 2 or 3 mins please
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no sac
lessker(0) whispers: Qa4 Rc7 c3
ernestho(1899) whispers: qa4
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: it doesn't work :(
lessker(0) whispers: well it's not winning
Azubuike(1693) whispers: its bad
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rd2 idea Red1 also possible
lessker(0) whispers: but it keeps the pressure on
schachbjm(2251) whispers: what about Bxd7 Nxd7 Nh5 with the idea to continue with Qg4 and get a rook into attack
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: aggressive, I like it, but I want to keep the b for now
schachbjm(2251) whispers: understandable
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: how about Rd2?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: perhaps we should play it slow with Rd2 and Rad1 like JoshuaR suggested
schachbjm(2251) whispers: how does he react on Nh5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: g6 fails due to Rxd7 Qxd7 Nf6+
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qc7?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qg4 is strong, right
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Qc7?! Qg5 followed by the sac on d7
lessker(0) whispers: if Rd2 Qc7 looks solid for black
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Time to vote
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: seems annoying for b
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes lessker
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Bxd7
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I don't see anything better
lessker(0) whispers: I stick with Qa4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I suggest to try schach's idea
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 Bxd7, 1 Qa4. More votes please!
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote Bxd7
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: oh jeez i was scrolling forever to find schach's line but looking for it to start with Nh5 rather than Bxd7, so i couldn't find it
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Rd2 to be contrary to the top guys
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: vote Rd2
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 Rd2, 2 Bxd7, 1 Qa4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: are you doing that on purpose, Joshua
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: we need more votes!
ernestho(1899) whispers: qa4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: sometimes
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Rd2
Jammes(1779) whispers: can we wait here? i think its a critical position
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I would like to play Qa4 after Rd2 Qc7
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i will scroll again to find the Bxd7 line
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 3 Rd2, 2 Qa4, 2 Bxd7
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Bxd7 Nxd7 Nh5 and we have Qg4/Qg5 ideas
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: I'll give 2 more minutes for everyone to think and vote
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: counting still
Twikki(2039) whispers: vote Bxd7
schachbjm(2251) whispers: additionally, there are sacing ideas like Rxd7 followed by Nf6+ after a possible g6
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: change my vote to Bxd7
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: you were a Rd2er right Josh?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: black has to be careful and i do not see any way that white is worse at the end
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i was yeah bethany
lessker(0) whispers: no
lessker(0) whispers: Qa4
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 Josh here :)
lessker(0) whispers: sorry
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: :D
lessker(0) whispers: wrong josh
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 4 Bxd7, 2 Qa4, 2 Rd2
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: more votes please
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: move
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: josh isn't even my real name
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: moving at 30 sec
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: just my chess handle
lessker(0) whispers: same here josh
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: :D
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: the knight on d7 doesn't run away right now, we could "always" play bxd7 17.Bxd7 (8:10)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: not if there is Nd5 interposed
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Nh5 if Nxd7 17...Nxd7 (0:16)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote Nh5
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Nh5
Twikki(2039) whispers: vote Nh5
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 4 Nh5...anyone else?
Azubuike(1693) whispers: :(
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote nh5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: move pls
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok 5 votes 18.Nh5 (0:42)
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I was calculating... oh never mind :P
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we should consider to get a rook into attack using the 3rd rank
NimzoLegacy(1790) whispers: is somebody feels tired just turn on this and all will ba fine ;)
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I assume the idea of Nh5 is to attack g7
Twikki(2039) whispers: after Qd4, Qg5 is kind of annoying
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes or to get Nf6+ in if possible
lessker(0) whispers: he'll play g6 at some point
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Alee! Novak!!!
Twikki(2039) whispers: wait, nm
lessker(0) whispers: and we have no DS bishop
schachbjm(2251) whispers: if g6 Rxd7 Qxd7 Nf6+ 1-0
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Cmon
lessker(0) whispers: at somepoint
lessker(0) whispers: he'll play Bd5 now
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: so the general idea is to put the queen on the g file and a rook on the 3rd row
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: our next game ought to be team vs team. i feel bad when all these 2200s gang up on the other 2200 volunteer tributes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
lessker(0) whispers: Bd5 Qg3 g6 and black is fine
schachbjm(2251) whispers: btw. I am organising a challenging list tournament at the moment! Feel free to join! Further infos on TL Boards!
Twikki(2039) whispers: nah, it evens out. the team has to come to a consensus and filter out all of my bad ideas. yoyo doesn't have that problem. ;)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the question is which rook to move on the 3rd rank
Azubuike(1693) whispers: yes Joshua..Team vs Team is the bomb!
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: it's true, actually. all the GM vs the world games end in wins for the GM who doesn't have to put up with nonsense ideas diluting the good ones
schachbjm(2251) whispers: :D
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: we just need teamgamebot to record comments appropriately since we'd have to use separate channels
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: he can't take on c2 right now, we have enough counterplay?
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Team vs Team would be so interesting!
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: lingye has agreed to play us next week. But a team vs team game sometime would be fun
Twikki(2039) whispers: so Qg3 is the next move if black does something insignificant?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i would not move the queen @g3 because we might need this square for a rook
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i was thinking Re3 but then worried about discovery back rank on d1
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: so then i was thinking Rd3 but sad to lose the pin
Twikki(2039) whispers: threatens mate and Rxd7, not sure how to counter it
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: so i was just waiting to vote for what someone else said re: which rook
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i never know which rook 18...Bd5 (7:22)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i suggest Rd3 here, so there are not any backrank issues/tricks
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the c2 pawn is not really hanging due to Rg3 and the attack is crushing/deciding
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hi lightknight
Jammes(1779) whispers: rxd5 exd5 qg5 g6 qxd7 :)
LightKnight(1750) whispers: hi
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i was busy calculating xc2 or bxb3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: LK! :)
LightKnight(1750) whispers: Beth!
Twikki(2039) whispers: is Rc4 a problem?
JoseCapablancaBld(1568) whispers: BG! LK! People!
LightKnight(1750) whispers: JC!
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: JC! :D
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hi
lessker(0) whispers: can't black just exchange queens after Qg5
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: now we are unstoppable
Jammes(1779) whispers: qg4 i ment
schachbjm(2251) whispers: is there a drawback of Rd3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rg3 is a threat
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rxc2
lessker(0) whispers: Nf6 looks solid
schachbjm(2251) whispers: he has to react immediately
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: well what do we play after Rc4?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: as Twikki suggested
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rd3 Rxc2?? Rg3 and there is no defence
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rd3 Nf6?
lessker(0) whispers: exactly
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rd3 Rxc2 Rg3 g6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: block with Nd4 and continue with Rg3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qh6 1-0
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: but we can bring more to bear
lessker(0) whispers: I think we should play Qg3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Time to vote!
Jammes(1779) whispers: again. rxd5 exd qg4 what defence does he have? ag g5 probably?
lessker(0) whispers: at least it creates a weakness
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: well if you play Nd4 after Rc4 can't he play e5 forking our knight and queen?
Jammes(1779) whispers: now that doesnt help
Jammes(1779) whispers: no
schachbjm(2251) whispers: sry, i did not see the exchange sac proposal
lessker(0) whispers: just g6
Jammes(1779) whispers: g6 qxd7
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rd3 looks more promising to me
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Rd3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rd3 or e3? :)
Twikki(2039) whispers: two knights for a rook but his rook is really active
lessker(0) whispers: QxQ
schachbjm(2251) whispers: black has to react and there is enough material left
Azubuike(1693) whispers: Rd3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rd3 Nf6, how we react?
Jammes(1779) whispers: i ll vote for rd3 as soon as you give me a refutation against rxd5 qg4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Nxg7 does not seem to work (it is too much)
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: taking twice on f6 isn't an idea after nf6?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: beth, can we ait for 5 mins here?
lessker(0) whispers: I vote Qg3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 minutes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: We need the g3 square for our rook, so Qg3 is not that helpful
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nxf6+ Qxf6 Qxf6 gxf6 i like our position i think
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: and I'm counting votes in the mean time
emperor(2116) whispers: vote Rd3
Jammes(1779) whispers: bethany i wait for the refutation. can we wait as long?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote Rd3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rd3 Nf6 Re5?!
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rxd5 exd5 Qg4 g6 Qxd7 gxh5 and we are down a quality for some compensation
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we cannot exploit the damaged kingside
schachbjm(2251) whispers: not enough material left
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 3 Rd3 (JoshuaR, emperor, Azubuike), 1 Qg3, anyone else?
Jammes(1779) whispers: than i go with rd3
Jammes(1779) whispers: vote rd3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: ok Rd3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: it is not a refutation, probably there is none, nevertheless this line shows that Rxd5 does not lead to anything and there is some risk for us
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote Rd3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Rd3 wins 19.Rd3 (8:51)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: schach, let's check Nf6
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I think he will play Rc4 after Rd3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: perhaps, we have to exchange knight and queens
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rc4 Nd4 and we are fine
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rc4 Qg3 g6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: he still would ave to react
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Qg3 is possible, alternatively
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Rc4 Nd4 e5, are you going to sac an exchange on e5?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nf6 other option is just piling rook and or queen on g/h files
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rc4 Nd4 e5 Qgg3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: g6 Nf5... over
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: but we should be doign well just exchanging on f6 also
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rc4 Nd4 e5 Qg3 followed by Nf5 with a discovery on the bishop on d5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: right?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes schach, I just brought up that line
lessker(0) whispers: yeah it would be great if played Rc4
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I am convinced
lessker(0) whispers: he'll play Nf6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: sry, hyper did not see that
lessker(0) whispers: and Nxf6 Qxf6
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: so we are considering Nf6 now
lessker(0) whispers: and he's finally broken the pins on the d-file
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nf6 Qg5 Nxh5 Qxh5?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no, we gotta take
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: just a lonely queen on h5...
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: seems like we have to take
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nf6 Rh3?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: otherwise there is always Rxc2 at the end
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nf6 Rh3 option?
Twikki(2039) whispers: Nf6 Nxg7 doesn't look like much
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: is Rh3 an option?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: maybe
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: ow, JoshuaR suggested that before me :)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: if not for B on a8 diagonal, g4 planning rook slide to g
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: HM beat me
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rh3 Nxh5 Rxh5 and we have two attackers
schachbjm(2251) whispers: on the other hand, c2 might be dropping
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: we have no light pieces left
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: if he plays something silly like Rxc2 right now, we play Rg3, right?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no, just take, and try to explore better pawn structure
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we play a crazyhouse game here, are not we?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nf6 Nfxf6 Qxf5 Qx gxf6 c3
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: or Nd4
JoseCapablancaBld(1568) whispers: What if Rxc2?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote for Nxf6 after Nf6
emperor(2116) whispers: Nf6 Re5 and we have one more piece in the attack
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after Rxc2 Rg3 is winning
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: seems interesting
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: we should take a look at the emperor's line
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: oh that's an idea emperor
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I thought of it before
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Nxh5 Rxh5 Rxc2 and c2 is dropping again, i have some doubt about the strength of our attack there
schachbjm(2251) whispers: our knight defends against backrank mates, nevertheless a rook on the 2nd rank is always unpleasant
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i keep trying to give us a tempo so that after Re5 Bxb3 leads to back rank threats
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: but we still have our d3 rook
emperor(2116) whispers: also our Q protects c1
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
emperor(2116) whispers: bu I'm not finding our mate either
schachbjm(2251) whispers: there are not any alternatives to Nf6 here, or?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rxc2 does not work, Rd4 is questionable
schachbjm(2251) whispers: are there any further options?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nf6 Re5 Nxh5 Rxh5 Rxc2 Rdh3 Re2 f3... this doesn't seem like the best line so i'll stop
emperor(2116) whispers: well, he could try f6 if he's scared of our attack
Twikki(2039) whispers: any way to take advantage of the pin on the d file after Nf6?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Kh8 does not look that helpful, it simply steps the king out of the line of fire
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i guess, we have to take the knight after Nf6
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i can't find a great attack after Re5, i think i prefer Nxf6+ 19...f6 (16:46)
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: f7 to f6 was played
schachbjm(2251) whispers: wow, did not expect that one
schachbjm(2251) whispers: maybe, he is preparing g5?!
lessker(0) whispers: that looks risky
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I considered it, but I don't know if it is correct
schachbjm(2251) whispers: or Rf7 as a defensive ressource
lessker(0) whispers: Qg4 Rf7 Nd4
lessker(0) whispers: or perhaps Nd4 first
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qg4 might fall to Ne5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Qg3 perhaps then
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i still do not like Qg3
Twikki(2039) whispers: Qg3 Rf7 Nf4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i wanna see a rook on g3, nevertheless i am not objective in this question, i think
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok, time to vote
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i like Nd4, is it possible?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: is e5 an issue
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nd4 e5 Qg4
Twikki(2039) whispers: hmm... Qd2/Nf4 idea
schachbjm(2251) whispers: bethany wait for a few mins
schachbjm(2251) whispers: it is a critical moment
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we can move quicker later
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: perhaps we should play c3 and consolidate
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: ok...but think quickly please...
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: I think Nd4 is good. bring another piece into play
lessker(0) whispers: I like Qg3 as well
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: I think f6 is a good defensive move
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i pre-vote for Nd4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: we leave the option of Qg3/g4
emperor(2116) whispers: vote Nd4
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nd4 e5 Qg4. i feel like i was looking at this and got worried about something
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: instant threat Nxe6
Twikki(2039) whispers: I think we should apply pressure to the e pawn now, since it's a new weakness
schachbjm(2251) whispers: there is simply Rf7 at the moment
lessker(0) whispers: Nd4 Nc5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: good point Twikki
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i would keep the queen flexible and wait for his move
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote Nd4
BIONCHESS(2087) whispers: pinning N on d4 is not a good idea
emperor(2116) whispers: Nd4 attacks e6
BIONCHESS(2087) whispers: yes
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nd4 Rc4 Qd6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nd4 go go go
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Everyone for Nd4?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: or any other votes?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Nd4 Nc5 what was the response?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rh3?, Re3?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i suppose still looks good
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rg3?!
emperor(2116) whispers: Nd4 Rc4 Qg3 and we win e6 right?
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Nd4 goes I guess 20.Nd4 (6:34)
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: maybe Ne5-g6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: our time management is good here
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the next few moves will be critical, afterwards it will be easier
schachbjm(2251) whispers: (hopefully) 20...Nc5 (2:01)
lessker(0) whispers: interesting
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Nc5 played
schachbjm(2251) whispers: lessker, Nd4 was your suggestion, right?
lessker(0) whispers: out of twenty moves we've made eight with the knights
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: What now?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: he did 6 bishop moves
emperor(2116) whispers: why cant we take Nxe6?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: pre-vote Rg3
emperor(2116) whispers: ah Nxd3
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Nxe6 Nxd3 and both queens are hanging?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Nxe6 Nxd3 counter attacking our queen
lessker(0) whispers: I suggest Qg4 and offer a draw
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rg3 threatens mate
schachbjm(2251) whispers: how does he defend
schachbjm(2251) whispers: g6, Rf7
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rg3 g5
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Rg3 takes away the last square of our knight on h5...
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: qg4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: then h4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: can we do Rg3 and b4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the g-pawn would be pinned
lessker(0) whispers: Qg4 Rf7
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Vote now! Counting
lessker(0) whispers: black looks okay
emperor(2116) whispers: vote Rg3
lessker(0) whispers: Qg4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: Rg3
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote Rg3
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote rg3
Twikki(2039) whispers: vote Rg3
Jammes(1779) whispers: rg3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Rg3 wins
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: well... :P 21.Rg3 (3:41)
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: FLAWLESS VICTORY
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: :D
NimzoLegacy(1790) whispers: i vote for Novak !:D
lessker(0) whispers: g6 seems obvious here
schachbjm(2251) whispers: We have to keep Qh6 as an option in mind, however it is not working yet
lessker(0) whispers: or maybe Rf7
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rf7 Qh6 Qd7
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hyper suggested b4 right?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: yes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: after g5, we have h4, right?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: g5 b4!?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: why not h4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: increasing pressure on the g-file
lessker(0) whispers: he won't play g5
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: g5 h4 e5!?
lessker(0) whispers: thats suicidal
lessker(0) whispers: g6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: e5 is a point
schachbjm(2251) whispers: wait
schachbjm(2251) whispers: we can simply take e5, cannot we?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: black can play kh8 at some point perhaps
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: if we can, then we rule
schachbjm(2251) whispers: the f-pawn is the nly prtecter of the g-pawn
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i doubt that he survives queen rook and knight vs a lonely king without any pawns nearby
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: g5 h4 h6?
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: so g5 h4 e5 Rxe5?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: let us focus on other moves
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: g5 b4 sets a q mark for his knight
schachbjm(2251) whispers: g5 is not the move we have to worry about in my point of view
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: against e5 we have Rxe5 again
schachbjm(2251) whispers: g6 and Rf7 are most likely blacks moves
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: b4 idea Nxe6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: we have to worry about Bxe6 and Qd1 then
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rf7 b4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: so maybe h4 as schach suggested, gives a fleeing square for the king too
schachbjm(2251) whispers: another move we have to keep in min is the fork on e5
schachbjm(2251) whispers: yes, good argument
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Rf7 b4 e5 Qh6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: and over
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Rf7 b4 e5 Qh6
emperor(2116) whispers: we always have Qh6 after e5 21...Rf7 (5:20)
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: damn it
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Rf7 played
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: sorry Joshua
lessker(0) whispers: oh jeeze
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: at least i beat emperor
lessker(0) whispers: b4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: what is blacks reply after b4?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Na4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: i doubt that he ll play Na4, it is too passive
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Nb7 then, idea Nd6
Jammes(1779) whispers: if the plan is nxe6 we have backrank issue
schachbjm(2251) whispers: is Ne4 an issue?
lessker(0) whispers: if we chase the knight can we take on e6 or do we get mated
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Na4 Rxe6
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: we get two pieces for rook, no?
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: oh no back rank
lessker(0) whispers: Rxe6
schachbjm(2251) whispers: are not we going to lose our knight due to e5 with serious backrank issues
lessker(0) whispers: b4 looks good
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: b4 Ne4 Rxe4 Bxe4 Qxe4 Rd7
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: maybe b4 Nb7 h4
Twikki(2039) whispers: prefer b3/c4 ideas
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: Time to vote
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: then Qxe6, schaken
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: give us a minute
Twikki(2039) whispers: b4 seems too loose
schachbjm(2251) whispers: vote b4
lessker(0) whispers: Na6 looks okay for him
Twikki(2039) whispers: vote b3
zitterbart(1925) whispers: tic toc
lessker(0) whispers: but it's a bad square for the night
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Na4 Nxe6 Bxe6 still our sad back rank
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: Qxe6+ kh8, but g7 is still hanging
lessker(0) whispers: b4
lessker(0) whispers: this looks good now
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 2 b4, 1 b3, and a wait
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: N hanging in that
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: more votes please
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: vote b4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: wait with b4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: b4 Na6
BIONCHESS(2087) whispers: may be Nb3?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: hyper, why? I do not see a good alternative and it looks quite good
lessker(0) whispers: Qe3, maybe
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: oka
Jammes(1779) whispers: c4 bxc4 nf5 exf5 qxc4 and rxg7 kf8 is that a line?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: vote b4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Beth, move please
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: 4 b4, 1 b3
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: b4 goes
schachbjm(2251) whispers: wait 22.b4 (5:04)
SchakenSchaken(1986) whispers: too late, b4 played
BethanyGrace(1787) whispers: sorry, didn't see in time
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: i was promised this would be simpler by now :P
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no, I have a line there
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: seems good
schachbjm(2251) whispers: jammes posted a line, which might be interesting
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Na6 just c3?
schachbjm(2251) whispers: nevertheless, it looks dangerous
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: or h4
schachbjm(2251) whispers: let us focus about the game
schachbjm(2251) whispers: past = past
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: c3 looks good
lessker(0) whispers: Na6 doesn't look too bad he I'm sure he's gonna hate playing it
lessker(0) whispers: I know I would
JoshuaR(1791) whispers: Ne4 an option?
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: no
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: Na6, perhaps h4
HyperMagnus(2250) whispers: so we don't need to worry about the back rank TLCommunity lost connection; game adjourned *
Further moves are in tlcommunity(0) vs. yoyoman(2290) 0-1
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