axeltiger(2014) vs. kirany(2052) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2015-11-29
axeltiger(2014) whispers: As expected, the Scandinavian 3.Nc3 (0:11) Qd6 (0:02) 4.d4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nf3 (0:02) a6 (0:01) 6.g3 (0:02) Bg4 (0:06) 7.Bg2 (0:21)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: standard theory so far, I guess 7...c6 (0:29)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: that's not the most common alternative, but I guess it's playable. I honestly don't know very much about the scandinavian defence 8.O-O (0:56) e6 (0:05)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: all I know is that I shouldn't get overexcited, just because I get to kick his queen around
KiranY(2052) whispers: the other continuation of nc6 0-0-0 is a bit complex and looked liek my opp prepped 9.Bf4 (1:26) Qd8 (0:02) 10.Qd3 (0:53)
nraravind(2027) whispers: But I thought most preps ended with "...and W is slightly better" 10...Bf5 (1:40)
nraravind(2027) whispers: Bf5 i guess 11.Qe2 (0:27) Be7 (0:12) 12.Nh4 (2:24) Bg4 (3:50)
KiranY(2052) whispers: f3 qxp be3 so doesnt work directly 13.Qe3 (1:11)
KiranY(2052) whispers: 0-0f3/h3 nh5 g4 nd5 nxd5 cxd5 gxh5 bxh4
KiranY(2052) whispers: h6 g6
blore(1886) whispers: i guess kirany meant Bh5 not Nh5 in that line 13...O-O (5:17) 14.Nf3 (3:32) Nbd7 (4:40) 15.Ne5 (2:26) Bf5 (3:03) 16.Qe2 (0:25)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: Is Qb6 a problem? Let's hope not
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I think it's alright after g4 16...Qb6 (5:58)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: g4, Bg6, g5, ???
axeltiger(2014) whispers: Qxc2, gxf6, Nxf6, Ne4?
axeltiger(2014) whispers: he gets some pawns for the trouble, but I think I'm alright since I'm a piece up.
axeltiger(2014) whispers: g4, Nxe5, gxf5
axeltiger(2014) whispers: seems great for white
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I think it's the way to go 17.g4 (4:22)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: qxd4, gxf5, Qxf4, Nxd7, Nxd7, fxe6 seems fine
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I almost think that Qxd4 is best here
axeltiger(2014) whispers: but I don't think it's in any way great for black
axeltiger(2014) whispers: Qxd4, Nxd7, Qxd7, gxf5 just loses
alexmontes(1972) whispers: Qxd4 gxf5 Qfx4 Nxd7 Ng4 and?
KiranY(2052) whispers: have to cover all the qxp variations
nraravind(2027) whispers: W can clear the backrank with Rd1, so Nxd7 should be fine?
axeltiger(2014) whispers: Qxd4, Qxd4, Nxd7, Nxd7 transposes to the Qxd4, gxf5 lines
KiranY(2052) whispers: sample: qxp gxf5 qxf4 nxd7 ng4 :)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: maybe it's fine for black
KiranY(2052) whispers: qxp rd1 qxf4 nxn ng4
KiranY(2052) whispers: if rxn nxr nxd7 gxf5 qxf5
axeltiger(2014) whispers: do I have some alternative lines?
axeltiger(2014) whispers: seems that way
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I could go for Qxd4, Nxd7, Nxd7 Rad1
KiranY(2052) whispers: qxp nxn is problem
axeltiger(2014) whispers: it would most likely just transpose
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I'm not thrilled about black opening the f-file, with the bishop on e7 still alive
axeltiger(2014) whispers: but what happens after Qxd4, Nxd7, Nxd7, Qf3?
KiranY(2052) whispers: qxp nxn nxn gxf5 qxf4 fxe6 nf6 maybe
KiranY(2052) whispers: qxp nxn nxn rd1 qxf4 rxd7 bxg4 f3 bc5
axeltiger(2014) whispers: qxd4, nxd7, nxd7, qf3, e5, gxf5, qxf4, qxf4, exf4, rad1, nc5, b4, bf6, bxc5, bxc3, rd7, rab8, rb1!?
nraravind(2027) whispers: Qxd4 Nxd7 Nxd7 Be3 doesn't win the bishop on f5?
axeltiger(2014) whispers: interesting
axeltiger(2014) whispers: but I don't think it's enough
nraravind(2027) whispers: Oh, g4 is loose.
KiranY(2052) whispers: rfd1 is problem
anandkvs(2092) whispers: actually main problem is time
KiranY(2052) whispers: since after qxh2 kf1 17...Bg6 (20:00)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: But I think I caught my opponent a little off guard. He was thinking for 20 minutes there
axeltiger(2014) whispers: ok, I think this is a piece, no?
anandkvs(2092) whispers: g5 wins a piece, no?
anandkvs(2092) whispers: hrm
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I just need to go over g5 once again.
Jammes(1779) whispers: i think that was the idea behind g4 anandvks
Jammes(1779) whispers: if it doesnt work it was just a very weakening move
nraravind(2027) whispers: I thought this was not correct because of g5?! 18.g5 (4:05)
KiranY(2052) whispers: :(
nraravind(2027) whispers: A lot of calculation for a rejected move, but not for the move played :(
nraravind(2027) whispers: Bh5 first
axeltiger(2014) whispers: on bh5 I guess Qe1 is the right choice
axeltiger(2014) whispers: it's not optimal, but the alternatives don't look great
axeltiger(2014) whispers: and it defends the knight on c3 brilliantly
nraravind(2027) whispers: Black should simply play Qxb2 as if nothing happened and recapture on f6 with N.
axeltiger(2014) whispers: It will most likely end with me getting a piece for two pawns. I'm happy with that. 18...Bh5 (7:54) 19.Qe1 (0:53)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: or have I miscalculated? I sense a mate for some reason
nraravind(2027) whispers: Ng4 Nxd7 Qxd4 should be fine?
axeltiger(2014) whispers: do I need to watch out after Axd4?
axeltiger(2014) whispers: Qxd4?*
Jammes(1779) whispers: he should ve calculated a bit. there was a tactical possibilty instead qe1. i just give this hint because i used engine 19...Qxd4 (2:16)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I think he's one move too late
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok, if nobody wants to guess. nd7 instead qe1 :) 20.gxf6 (6:35) Nxf6 (0:07)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: ok this is just crazy after Bd6. This however, is more easy on the eyes for me 21.Qe3 (1:58)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: deep breaths now 21...Rfd8 (2:43) 22.Qxd4 (5:42) Rxd4 (0:00) 23.Be3 (0:04) Rb4 (1:49)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I don't believe in Rb4 24.Nd3 (0:51) Rg4 (0:23)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: it seems like the rook is trapped now after f3 25.f3 (1:12) Rc4 (0:48)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: no, it's just me getting overexcited again 26.Ne5 (0:48) Rb4 (0:13) 27.b3 (0:06)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: but now that rook really needs to step up its game 27...Nd5 (1:07) 28.Nxd5 (0:35)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: is it trapped now? 28...cxd5 (0:31) 29.Nd3 (0:32) Rh4 (1:46) 30.Bf2 (0:12) Rc8 (0:17) 31.Bxh4 (0:05) Bxh4 (0:02) 32.Rac1 (0:26) Bg5 (1:41) 33.f4 (0:09) Be7 (0:18) 34.Bf3 (0:22) Bg6 (0:05) 35.Kg2 (1:02) Ba3 (0:15) 36.Rce1 (0:51) Rxc2+ (0:20) 37.Rf2 (0:02)
alexmontes(1972) whispers: Bxd3 and black is back? 37...Bxd3 (1:01)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: it seems like I'm too relaxed at the moment 38.Rxc2 (1:26) Bxc2 (0:00)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: okokokokokokokokokok
KiranY(2052) whispers: if k centre then have some chances
axeltiger(2014) whispers: what have I done? How could I just drop the knight like that
axeltiger(2014) whispers: this is unreal 39.Re2 (2:12)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I am shaken to say the least. I don't even play like this when I blitz 39...Bf5 (0:36) 40.b4 (1:22)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: nice way to just throw away a sure victory
axeltiger(2014) whispers: now I may even be losing
alexmontes(1972) whispers: b3
axeltiger(2014) whispers: am I possessed by demons?
alexmontes(1972) whispers: b6, sorry 40...b5 (2:11) 41.Bxd5 (0:44)
KiranY(2052) whispers: :(
PankracyRozumek(1916) whispers: 37.Rf2 took just 2.1 seconds...
axeltiger(2014) whispers: nobody with a rating above 1200 does this 41...Bxb4 (0:59)
PankracyRozumek(1916) whispers: that's exaggeration -- people up to 2100 do this from time to time :) 42.Bb7 (0:12) a5 (0:50)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: at least I killed the d5 pawn. It's like losing the winning ticket and then finding a dime on the street.
pgg(1744) whispers: well we know occasionally ppl up to 2014 have done it ;)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I feel so fortunate 43.Ba6 (4:51) Bd3 (0:16) 44.Re3 (0:15)
Koff(1965) whispers: what happened??
KRMCHESS(1984) whispers: A good rule of thumb is when playing against bishop pair, try to exchange one. Then 43. Be4 is easy to find :)
Koff(1965) whispers: haha 44...Bc4 (0:42)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: seems like I blundered again. I just missed Bd2 now for no reason
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I don't feel like playing anymore. If this weren't a team game, I would've resigned
KRMCHESS(1984) whispers: If desperate then Re5-b5 might give drawing chances in opposite square bishop endgame 45.a3 (6:29) Bd2 (0:38) 46.Re5 (0:03) Bd5+ (0:37) 47.Kh3 (0:16) Bxf4 (0:42)
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I don't even want to hear about this game ever again. It's a disgrace beyond belief. This isn't worthy of even being called a game between beginners.
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I haven't made a blunder this huge in several years
axeltiger(2014) whispers: I'm sorry team. I thought I had him. I really thought I had him, but then I just dropped it all in one move. I couldn't even save the half.
pgg(1744) whispers: maybe being a bit hard on yourself KiranY is hardly a push over, I would have thought
KiranY(2052) whispers: re2 b5 a4 more complications 48.Re1 (6:18) b4 (0:22)
Koff(1965) whispers: even a4 bc6 and trade could well win for black
Koff(1965) whispers: but back rank is always there 49.axb4 (7:11) axb4 (0:00)
KiranY(2052) whispers: atlast same time 50.Rd1 (2:10) g5 (1:35) axeltiger resigns 0-1
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