dragonace(1930) vs. aromas(1912) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2015-11-11
DragonAce(1930) whispers: just setting up my mouse/labtop
DragonAce(1930) whispers: didn't need to think 1 minute on Bc4 3...Bc5 (0:33)
milpat(2057) whispers: b4 b4 b4 b4 b4 4.c3 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: no Evans gambit today
milpat(2057) whispers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMpXAknykeg 4...Nf6 (0:42) 5.d4 (0:11) exd4 (0:13) 6.cxd4 (0:07)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: this is all book i guess for both 6...Bb4+ (0:02) 7.Bd2 (0:01) Bxd2+ (0:04) 8.Nbxd2 (0:00) O-O (0:09) 9.e5 (0:07)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: sbc: the max - valiant commentary is one of the most brilliant ones i came across
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: good sound milpat ...almost same when i think on anna :D
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: hah, thanks
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i have worked out the variations during 3-4 days now
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: d5 here? 9...Ne8 (0:50)
DragonAce(1930) whispers: hmm, don't know about that one. would've thought he would play d5
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: h7 is a bit more weak now, but it's not so easy to exploit
herrahuu(1694) whispers: seems a bit original, but maybe not totally out of this world?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: some g6 Ng7? 10.d5 (0:59)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: or maybe it was mistake
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: hmm, a more positional approach
herrahuu(1694) whispers: :)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: just grab space
herrahuu(1694) whispers: this d5 looks good 10...Nb8 (0:37)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: oh no :)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: looks +/-
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i guess we'll see soon if there's any venom in blacks play.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i mean. i think Aromas is relatively strong player. 11.Qc2 (2:09) d6 (0:15)
DragonAce(1930) whispers: wait, I'm supposed to be playing for a draw
DragonAce(1930) whispers: but I want to crush 12.O-O-O (0:09)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: lol 12...dxe5 (0:29) 13.Nxe5 (0:01) Nd6 (0:03) 14.Bd3 (0:14)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well, N on d6 holds together the position somewhat, but the kingside is still weak
herrahuu(1694) whispers: well. it seem to have been point of blacks game
herrahuu(1694) whispers: white king position doesn't look very convincing
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: it's fine for now
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: black has no pieces to attack with
herrahuu(1694) whispers: did he really think it work it through or let instinct take over on decision making?
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: why 0-0-0 is the best move in chess:D
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I imagine that latter ;)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: *the latter
mindlin(2056) whispers: well on g6 he can play for his draw 14...f5 (4:23)
mindlin(2056) whispers: is g4 crazy?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: nah
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it seems legit 15.f4 (0:38)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i was looking this and thought maybe this is monster, this piece
mindlin(2056) whispers: it's hard to get rid of that knight
herrahuu(1694) whispers: some Nd7 if black takes e5....
herrahuu(1694) whispers: those pawns will murder
herrahuu(1694) whispers: some c6 for some counterplay? 15...a5 (3:02)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: dx bx Nx Nx Qx wins rook?
mindlin(2056) whispers: i think this a5 is too slow
herrahuu(1694) whispers: human needs to think there is some counterplay, i guess
mindlin(2056) whispers: i liked Na6 better
herrahuu(1694) whispers: aha
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: idea of this is to play Na6 without allowing his pawns to be fractured
mindlin(2056) whispers: ok
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: however the compensation of opening the b-file might have been worth it
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it didn't seem blitzing, this game, even that both are still close to their increments, i guess that's the 45 increment...
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: yep
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: a very materialistic plan here would be Kb1, Rc1 and Qxc7
xivarmy(1965) whispers: i would think the idea of this is more than just Na6. a4-a3 is going to come to tighten the screws on white's somewhat naked king position
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it would justify the white setup though
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i mean. i don't like to see king and queen aligned as white
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well sure, a4-a3 is a possible long-term idea
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: white may be happy enough just to play b3 though, keep things closed
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: a3 for now is not necessary
herrahuu(1694) whispers: and i like to use my queen on c2 :D
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah a3 seems too abstract
xivarmy(1965) whispers: not even that long necessarily. and a4, b5, b4, b3 might be better still. white's got nothing yet. f5 is suitably overprotected
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i think this position calls from some accurate play
herrahuu(1694) whispers: for
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I have a feeling that this won't be a 'storming the barricades' kind of game
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it feels it might easily slip in move or maybe two
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: seems like both sides can adequately defend their kings 16.h4 (6:57)
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: just kb1 to be ..safe and sond ..
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: uh thats surprising
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: yeah I would have liked Kb1 too
xivarmy(1965) whispers: well someone's going to be storming them, and black's storm is pretty safe. white's is going to involve some pawn sacs probably
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: and white can play like born-again
herrahuu(1694) whispers: g4 still seemed legit to me
herrahuu(1694) whispers: h4 seems fine
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I don't like h4 at all
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: nice h4 ....
mindlin(2056) whispers: i liked g4
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: you play h5-h6 and black plays g6, then g4 I guess...doesn't seem all that dangerous yet
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: the moving back the horse was a mistake wasnt it?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah. it seems more to the point but i think white is trying to be flexible with his rooks still
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: people get so aggressive in opposite-side castling positions, sometimes it's not necessary
herrahuu(1694) whispers: Kb1 didn't seem necessary albeit soon there are no tempos to move it if position changes drastically.
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well Kb1 had the additional idea of Rc1
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: so it's safety plus a bit of activity
xivarmy(1965) whispers: it may not be necessary but it's also usually not wrong.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: multipurpose move does seem like a good move :) 16...Na6 (3:36)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: xiv, sure but you are still playing chess and you need to find moves that are good in a general sense, not just 'attacking moves'
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: how do you say in englsih pferd am rand ist eine schand
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: he should kill that horse its nothing but trouble
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: hah, that sounds vaguely familiar
xivarmy(1965) whispers: sure but i wouldn't have called h4 an attacking move either since g4 is obviously white's break :) a5 on the other hand is something black was going to want to play sooner or later :)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: you don't want to give up that bishop as white, i don't think
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: ok so we agree that h4 wasn't best, that's a start ;)
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: well yes and no ...
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I don't know if it is such a good bishop here
DragonAce(1930) whispers: man, that's annoying
herrahuu(1694) whispers: funplayone: knight on the rim is dim
xivarmy(1965) whispers: the one good thing about h4 is if he's planning Rh3 to do something on the queenside but that doesn't seem necessary yet
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: f5 is pretty solid, d5 blocks its other attack line
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: thanks
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: din or sin?
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: knight won't be on the rim any longer though
herrahuu(1694) whispers: dim
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: goes straight to b4, and you can't allow that
herrahuu(1694) whispers: "not shining brightly"
Twikki(2039) whispers: knight on b4 is a *censored*
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: hah, right
herrahuu(1694) whispers: lol
zitterbart(1912) whispers: knight on the rim is dim lol 17.a3 (3:14)
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: :D
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i think.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it is interesting.
xivarmy(1965) whispers: yum targets. b5-b4, Nc4
herrahuu(1694) whispers: from both
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: if b5-b4 then a4, but I am not convinced by this
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: neither of the last two moves really added anything to white's position
zitterbart(1912) whispers: i will need to get some sleep first
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: ok
xivarmy(1965) whispers: b5 a4 b4 is an option if black wants to 100% open a file.
zitterbart(1912) whispers: it is actually 2:30 am in germany
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: we criticised a5 earlier, but that at least was connected with a clear plan
Twikki(2039) whispers: white has b3 as a terrible option :P
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well if b5 there is also Nc6 controlling b4 some more
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: why ? 17...b5 (2:17)
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: oh b3 sorry 18.g4 (0:19)
Twikki(2039) whispers: I was thinking Bd7/b6/a4/Nc5 in some order but it was really slow
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: ok so straight to the attack
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: he should get the pawn
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: on either a4 or b4 there is Nc6
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: yeah strong black pawn quite furious ^^
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: so neither is that dangerous yet
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: This is a promising..for white ....
herrahuu(1694) whispers: looks like critical position to me
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: if he gets the white pawn white has 3 solitary pawns...
milpat(2057) whispers: opposite castling u dont waste time defend unless u want to lose
Twikki(2039) whispers: white's not really threatening anything with g4 though
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: correct....
Twikki(2039) whispers: open the g file, but meh
milpat(2057) whispers: u open b
milpat(2057) whispers: or c
milpat(2057) whispers: or abc
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: i think this was weak
Twikki(2039) whispers: yeah, sac all those qside pawns :D
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: waht deos the computer say?
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: :))
xivarmy(1965) whispers: white is kinda tying down a few of black's pieces with g4 though. if black say plays Bd7 to help support the queenside storm Nxd7 and f5 is suddenly a problem. so g4 does help
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah g4 seemed correct 18...b4 (3:08)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Nc6 seems like a must here
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I guess maybe a4 too
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: if a4 maybe b3!?
milpat(2057) whispers: attack!
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: yes!
xivarmy(1965) whispers: think a4. Nc6 gives black important squares back.
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: b4 is just a bluff
milpat(2057) whispers: Qc6 or Nc6
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: nah a4 b3 Qc3 looks good for white
Twikki(2039) whispers: b3 must be an option after a4
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: he has do do something..
herrahuu(1694) whispers: well is bxa3 a bluff? 19.Ndf3 (1:41)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: wow
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I think if this move were intended it should have been played last move
Twikki(2039) whispers: consistent if nothing else
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: so you could play Nc6 and then Nfe5
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: Not bad maneuver ...
milpat(2057) whispers: seems da agrees that defend is wasting precious time :)
Twikki(2039) whispers: might be trying for Nd4
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i think it is very tough balance to find again that his very intresting position.
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: if bxa3 bxa3 Qe7 and Rb8 how is white defending?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: at least bxa3 is critical try
milpat(2057) whispers: Nc6 fork?
xivarmy(1965) whispers: white can't say on Qe7 to start. so bxa3 bxa3 Qe7 Nc6 and then the other N lands on e5 instead
milpat(2057) whispers: cat
milpat(2057) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: there is Qe3+ in that case
herrahuu(1694) whispers: nice
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: and white doesn't really want to trade queens because then he just loses the g4-pawn
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: also axb3 axb3 Qe7 Nc6 Qe3+ Qd2 there is Qc5+!
Twikki(2039) whispers: I dunno. fg Ng5 would worry me a little. but I'm a big wuss
xivarmy(1965) whispers: i don't know that it's a 'just' loses the g-pawn, white is strangling him with knights on c6 and e5. should be able to at least turn that into retrieving the pawn
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well axb3 axb3 Qe7 Nc6 Qe3+ Qd2 Qxd2 Rxd2 fxg4 Ng5 Bf5 looks quite safe to me, but even so Qc5+ is just better 19...bxa3 (4:59)
Twikki(2039) whispers: not sure white wouldn't play Rhe1 instead of Nc6 20.bxa3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: admittedly I have missed that Nc6 controls b8
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: hmm, my assumption would be Ne4 in that case, but I am not sure now
herrahuu(1694) whispers: so. Aromas must have calculated thus far?
Twikki(2039) whispers: nah :P
herrahuu(1694) whispers: wants to recheck his line?
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: seems black must play qe7 like cat said...
xivarmy(1965) whispers: herra: as nice at it might be to pretend to calculate everything in these wild positions, it's mostly based on what instinctively feels right
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: and back it up with some concrete 2-3 move variations i guess
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: maybe Qe7 Qc3
herrahuu(1694) whispers: and then make "educated guess"
Twikki(2039) whispers: there's always Kb2 ;)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: hitting g7 in some lines
herrahuu(1694) whispers: we always have Paris, Twikki :))
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: Paris ,you mean on title which won Novak :))
Twikki(2039) whispers: I must not know that reference
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I will fetch some lunch, hopefully the game is still going on when I get back ;)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: immediate Ne4 is a thought. idea being if it gets undermined you land a N on c5 which looks nice
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah you're too young, don't worry 20...Qf6 (3:56)
Twikki(2039) whispers: yeah, I'm only 43 :P
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: aw, twikki will love being mistaken for being too young :P
herrahuu(1694) whispers: lol, ha ha nice that i accidentally gave a compliment :)
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: what a lonely fat for the Queen...
Twikki(2039) whispers: g5 just forces him to the right square, so rule that out
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it's from Casablanca which is classic but i don't think it's particularly good film...
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: spot*
zitterbart(1912) whispers: hey nice diagonal for aromas
Twikki(2039) whispers: oh ok. I've fallen asleep during that movie many times
herrahuu(1694) whispers: lol, nice with dream girl next to you, that's legit :)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: f6 isn't a bad square for it. but the lack of threat it might be time to stick a R on e1
zitterbart(1912) whispers: not sure if queen will stay on it though
Twikki(2039) whispers: Rhe1 feels right
herrahuu(1694) whispers: as was discussed you make this educated guesses
herrahuu(1694) whispers: gx idea was constant worry in every line
herrahuu(1694) whispers: so 21.g5 (3:59)
Twikki(2039) whispers: meh
herrahuu(1694) whispers: now we at least have this pawn cover
xivarmy(1965) whispers: gx wasn't a constant worry. an underprotected f5 pawn allowing a piece to take on f5 is a worry though
herrahuu(1694) whispers: queen moves g6?
zitterbart(1912) whispers: sorry i did not read all the lines
herrahuu(1694) whispers: on e7 we had tempo here
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i mean Q@e7 21...Qe7 (1:12)
zitterbart(1912) whispers: Q@e7 is crazyhouse move :-)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: so was it provocation?
Twikki(2039) whispers: well, Nd4 seems to be the idea 22.Rhe1 (0:18)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: p@e7# is the move, zitt
Twikki(2039) whispers: or not ;)
milpat(2057) whispers: eyeing a3 22...Ne4 (0:16)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: question is can black get away with a N sac after Nd4 now. is Qxa3+ a big enough threat?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: woooooow
zitterbart(1912) whispers: aha, another nice diagonal
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: well are coming
herrahuu(1694) whispers: The stare is creating the havoc!
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: paris are coming
Twikki(2039) whispers: still think Kb2 is coming up
xivarmy(1965) whispers: i'd be feeling pretty desperate now as white, might try chopping on e4 and pray Qxa3+ is survivable
milpat(2057) whispers: cant believe u can let that Ne4 live
herrahuu(1694) whispers: are confessors' prosthetic teeth shaking? 23.Bxe4 (1:59)
Twikki(2039) whispers: he could be looking at a couple of ideas
Twikki(2039) whispers: or not ;)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: Rxe4!? fxe4 Bxe4 Qxa3+, does white's threat on h7 count for enough 23...Qxa3+ (0:25)
Twikki(2039) whispers: well, *I* was looking at Rxe4 or d6 24.Qb2 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Rxe4 was interesting
zitterbart(1912) whispers: doesn't this force queen trade?
DragonAce(1930) whispers: actually I think black shouldn't have taken with the queen
xivarmy(1965) whispers: i'm not sure who i like in this ending coming up 24...Qxb2+ (1:14) 25.Kxb2 (0:00)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: space looks nice for white though
DragonAce(1930) whispers: that was the line I calculated, but it seems far stronger if he just takes on e4 first 25...Rb8+ (0:30)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well black has a passed pawn and will have a well-placed bishop
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yaya 26.Kc3 (0:13)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: black has 3 pawn islands instead of two though 26...fxe4 (0:10) 27.Rxe4 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: oh you and your pawn islands ;)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: and white king is more usable
Twikki(2039) whispers: I'm not confident he can hold the A pawn
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I didn't like Rb8, I must say
herrahuu(1694) whispers: nice to have rook behind the pawn....
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: rooks belong behind passed pawns, and the white king is better on c3 than on b2 27...Bf5 (0:40)
milpat(2057) whispers: but Nb4 covers c6 28.Rc4 (0:12)
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: yes ..very heavya pawn ...
milpat(2057) whispers: ah this
xivarmy(1965) whispers: so many intricate options, so much time on the clock, playing so fast!
herrahuu(1694) whispers: we'll see if they still use time where it matters
herrahuu(1694) whispers: like here.
xivarmy(1965) whispers: well arguably it mattered over the past few moves already - Rc4 wasn't the only square, Bf5 was hardly the only move, Rb8+ wasn't the only move
herrahuu(1694) whispers: agreed :) but you kind of choose couple of positions
milpat(2057) whispers: Ns have so many good squares :o
Twikki(2039) whispers: there's some really complicated stuff with Nb4
zitterbart(1912) whispers: hmm Rb5? 28...Rb7 (3:46)
Twikki(2039) whispers: things like Nb4 Rxc7 Rfd8 d6 Na2+
herrahuu(1694) whispers: a5 looks like such an easy target for white
herrahuu(1694) whispers: probably right to choose piece activity 29.Ra1 (1:32)
Twikki(2039) whispers: Nd4 would be my instinct move
milpat(2057) whispers: Nc6 hit few nice squares
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah was looking at Nc6 and eventual Nfe5
xivarmy(1965) whispers: now Rb5 seems awfully nice. not sure white can keep the d-pawn even
milpat(2057) whispers: Nd4 too herra
milpat(2057) whispers: attacks f5
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah
xivarmy(1965) whispers: i guess Rb5 Nc6 is the attempted defense threatening fork on e7 if capture
milpat(2057) whispers: things like Nxf5 Rxf Ne7+ fork say
milpat(2057) whispers: just to annoy
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah. it is quite sharp, it feels.
milpat(2057) whispers: i quit smoking so i have the right to be unpleasant :D
herrahuu(1694) whispers: white knights aren't innocent bystanders either, exactly
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: :))
Twikki(2039) whispers: I think trades are coming after Rb5
herrahuu(1694) whispers: we needed the win, but this game makes me very happy
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: on Rb5 Nc6 looks quite good for white, I don't see how black responds
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: as he can't take on d5 cos of Ne7+
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i think this competition should really be all about good chess and rest is byproduct
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: I agree, but then I've won quite a few titles :P
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i am not absolutely what happened in earlier seasons probably i won one or so :)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: sure
xivarmy(1965) whispers: such a humble cat ;)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: :)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: hah, I merely meant that it's easier to take the purist view when you've enjoyed having won in the past
Twikki(2039) whispers: Rb5 Nc6 Nb4 might save because the K is on c3
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i'm not saying i would not celebrate after Aromas took DA down DragonAce offers a draw.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: or: let's say - TAKES down
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it is valid offer.
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: ok Nb4 is indeed a defence
Twikki(2039) whispers: tactical offer ;)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it could be played out.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: so let's see if there is a fighter inside Aromas or not :)
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: yeah ..very tactical Aromas declines the draw request.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: boooM!
herrahuu(1694) whispers: booooooooooooom!
FUNPLAYONE(1279) whispers: :)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: is the match at 2-1 herra that aromas needs to win? (any other score i think black should take the draw here)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yeah.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: that is the case, xiv
herrahuu(1694) whispers: objectively draw was very good result, i'd say
herrahuu(1694) whispers: and from this position.. 29...Nb4 (8:21)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: a move too soon...
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Rxa5 looks safe
Twikki(2039) whispers: yeah, that just looks like a free pawn to me 30.Rxa5 (1:03) Nxd5+ (0:03) 31.Rxd5 (0:07) Be6 (0:02)
milpat(2057) whispers: wow
herrahuu(1694) whispers: who sees the line?
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: ok, can't pretend I saw this
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i'm not seeing it :)
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: i saw that...i m surprised u guys didnt 32.Nc6 (0:38)
milpat(2057) whispers: 3 piece vs 2
herrahuu(1694) whispers: haha
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well it's not that good anyway
herrahuu(1694) whispers: nice!
xivarmy(1965) whispers: well i saw it but i didn't think it good.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: Nc6!!
milpat(2057) whispers: finally!
milpat(2057) whispers: was almost starting to forget it
herrahuu(1694) whispers: probably aromas didn't look this far
Twikki(2039) whispers: I'm almost always happier with the two pieces than the rook
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: just move the K away
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well even Rdd4 was good for white
herrahuu(1694) whispers: ahah
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Kh8 Rd8
milpat(2057) whispers: thats what i thought
herrahuu(1694) whispers: king move
milpat(2057) whispers: Rd4 32...Kh8 (1:32)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: and you are no longer getting the rook back
milpat(2057) whispers: Rd8!?
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: Now nd7...
xivarmy(1965) whispers: if black does manage to get a rook for two pieces out of this it will at least afford an imbalance. trade a pair of rooks and perhaps the knights might be a bit clumsy. i don't think his k on h8 will be enough to afford real winning chances but who knows
Twikki(2039) whispers: don't think that works because of Bd5 at the end
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: e7 33.Rd8 (0:48)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: oh well...Rd8 Rxd8 Nxd8 Bxc4 Nxb7 Bd5!
milpat(2057) whispers: oh
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: so he finds my flawed line...Rd4 was better ;)
Twikki(2039) whispers: but kxc4 can be thrown in
herrahuu(1694) whispers: wow
herrahuu(1694) whispers: Bd5!!
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: yes
milpat(2057) whispers: cat eyes not fair
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: but this is still not as good as Rdd4
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: no B got d5 after the exchanges
DragonAce(1930) whispers: honestly I feel like I kind of made a mess of my whole attack and felt very shaky, but luckily I didn't die in the ensuing fire storm. 33...Rxd8 (1:23)
DragonAce(1930) whispers: this feels completely winning at the moment 34.Nxd8 (0:03) Bxc4 (0:01) 35.Nxb7 (0:01) Bd5 (0:01)
Twikki(2039) whispers: but if he just wants a draw, the Bd5 line is fine
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: oh dragon...
DragonAce(1930) whispers: oh snap...
zitterbart(1912) whispers: wow
fernbap(1772) whispers: lol
DragonAce(1930) whispers: how did I miss that
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well it's not lost at least, there is that
herrahuu(1694) whispers: but anyways nice
herrahuu(1694) whispers: :)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: might still be won in fact
xivarmy(1965) whispers: it does give black hope though :) pawns on both wings.
Twikki(2039) whispers: Nc5 Bxf3 Ne6
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: yeah
Twikki(2039) whispers: with the advanced king, he should be fine for at least a draw
xivarmy(1965) whispers: c6 buys the time needed to activate the king and try to eat all those kingside pawns while white goes after c6
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: In these endgame g6 is helpful..or W will play f5....g6 stops 2 pawns
zitterbart(1912) whispers: yeah i was commenting on the beauty of the move
zitterbart(1912) whispers: great fork 36.Nd6 (2:43)
Twikki(2039) whispers: Nd4 Bxb7 Ne6 may be better
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well that doesn't really help
Twikki(2039) whispers: yeah, it was a lot better
Twikki(2039) whispers: Nd4 Bxb7 Ne6 c6 Nd8 36...Bxf3 (0:50) 37.Nb5 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: N would be better on e6, but even here should be solidly drawn
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: well seems white has draw atleast 37...c6 (0:57)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: c6 Nd4 Bd5 f5 38.Nd6 (0:49)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it is not easy for white to handle pawns on two fronts
herrahuu(1694) whispers: but 38...Kg8 (0:23) 39.Kd4 (0:07)
Twikki(2039) whispers: f5-f6 makes it easier ;)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: def not better for black
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Kf8 f5 Ke7 Kc5 and everything is safe 39...Kf8 (1:02)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: black has at least draw. white can still muck it up (though almost certainly drawn with best play)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: there might be some nagging edge for white, what do i know?
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Kc5 is a way to play for a win 40.Ke5 (0:39)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: not crazy about this though
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: There is no win here..Kc5 takes the K away from his 3 pawns 40...Ke7 (0:30) 41.f5 (0:06)
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: B just need his K near the 3 W pawns
Twikki(2039) whispers: white still seems better but not by much
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: i told him g6 is critical
herrahuu(1694) whispers: yaya
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it was critical
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: :)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: not better, but f6+ does seems like it should secure white the draw
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well he's not trying to draw...that's the point
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: a move ago g6 was met with f5 and stuff gets traded off
herrahuu(1694) whispers: makes just superb chess game. opening. middlephase. ending.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: all fighting chess.
DragonAce(1930) whispers: well, good thing I didn't need a win. I'm kicking myself over that skewer. that's what I get for moving fast and not calculating everything
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: taded off is better for B bec he is nearer to draw....W shoudnt trade
Twikki(2039) whispers: moving too fast in the endgame too ;)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: yes, but black doesn't want a draw...
DragonAce(1930) whispers: I thought I had seen the line, but I stopped 1 ply too soon
xivarmy(1965) whispers: c5!? i guess is black's best chance to continue fighting for more
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: to get that c6 pawn W need both his N n K
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: do usee it?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: c5 would notch up the game certainly :)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: on c5 white might have Ne4!? 41...Bd1 (3:43)
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: if both K n N are on the Q side the B K can move over to Kside....
fernbap(1772) whispers: c5 was an engine move. Engines suck at endgames 42.Nc8+ (0:52)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: why engine?
xivarmy(1965) whispers: c5 was pushing the passed pawn because black is completely locked down on the kingside and needs to pull things away if he wants to fight for a win.
herrahuu(1694) whispers: isn't this moving closer to promotion square?
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: small 29 min for new round ..alee come on smallblackcat ...nex round is sweetest round, we play against my former team:D
fernbap(1772) whispers: the pawn at c6 is controling d5
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: ah, I had almost forgotten... 42...Kd7 (1:03)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: thanks for reminding i need to checkup my lineups :)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: yes fern if black only wants a draw. but black's fighting to try and find a win. which might require some suboptimal moves to give room for white to screw up
fernbap(1772) whispers: i don't think black has anything more than a draw, though
Twikki(2039) whispers: I'd try to get my knight to e6 if I really had to try to win this
herrahuu(1694) whispers: but it's black who needs the win :)
fernbap(1772) whispers: ok,ok :) 43.f6 (1:27)
Twikki(2039) whispers: free knight :P
herrahuu(1694) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: lol 43...gxf6+ (0:22) 44.gxf6 (0:01)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: ok
herrahuu(1694) whispers: Kx f7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
herrahuu(1694) whispers: :D
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Bb3 Nd6 c5 f7 Bxf7 Nxf7 and white wins?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it wins don't it? :P
herrahuu(1694) whispers: doesn't it. shoooosh... 44...Bh5 (1:15)
Twikki(2039) whispers: ok 6 pieces left. shredder time :P
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: nope B got Ke7
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: oh nvm, Ke7 on f7 45.Ne7 (1:04)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: so good to have time on clock
Twikki(2039) whispers: meh, thought that didn't include kings
Twikki(2039) whispers: oh well, no tables yet
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: lol 45...Ke8 (1:04)
Twikki(2039) whispers: hung the c pawn?
herrahuu(1694) whispers: it's not a pawn? 46.Nxc6 (0:16) Kf7 (0:06)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: and white wins? 47.Nd8+ (0:07)
xivarmy(1965) whispers: could fire up stockfish with syzygy-6s and it should be able to point out which if any moves manage to lose for each side
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: don't think that's the way...Kf5 looked more like it 47...Ke8 (0:18) 48.Ne6 (0:03) Kf7 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: oh well, actually...
NimzoLegacy(1746) whispers: good fight with a lot of damn, good guys for display performance;)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: this looks pretty winning
Valiantangel(1904) whispers: i m the bad guy
Twikki(2039) whispers: could play Ng5+ / Nxh7 and get it over with 49.Ng5+ (1:09)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: i don't think he will 49...Kg8 (0:24)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: really 50.Ke6 (0:09)
Twikki(2039) whispers: no need to now 50...Bg6 (0:40) 51.Ke7 (0:13)
herrahuu(1694) whispers: f7 looked like a try
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Nf3-e5 and black runs out of moves
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: well not here, cos black plays Bh5 51...h6 (0:42)
Twikki(2039) whispers: Ke7 and move the knight to f4 then play h5 52.f7+ (0:04) Bxf7 (0:01) 53.Nxf7 (0:01) Kg7 (0:01) 54.h5 (0:02) Aromas resigns 1-0
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