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kirany(2079) vs. smallblackcat(2103) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2015-10-20

1.d4 (0:00) e6 (0:00)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: long think already?
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: he must know what I play, we've played eachother often enough
2.g4 (2:20)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: well that's totally bizarre
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: it's like a grob with d4, usually Ne7-g6 is a good idea against a grob but here he has Bg5 in reply
2...c5 (2:14)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: lets try this
3.d5 (2:32) Nf6 (2:06)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: dxe6 dxe6 Qxd8 Kxd8 seems safe enough
KiranY(2079) whispers: c4 looks ok
KiranY(2079) whispers: also dxe6
4.dxe6 (4:50) dxe6 (0:06) 5.Qxd8+ (0:08) Kxd8 (0:03) 6.g5 (1:04)
KiranY(2079) whispers: lol this is silly :)
6...Ng4 (4:14)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nd5 seems rather less solid than I thought
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: he can try to trap the knight, but it's too slow (f4 h6)
7.Nf3 (4:06) Nc6 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Bf4 e5 Bg3 e4 just about holds too
8.Bf4 (2:01)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: e5 Bg3 h6 is also possible
8...e5 (0:54) 9.Bg3 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: h6 Bg2 hxg5 h3 Nh6 Nxe5 Nxe5 Bxe5 f6 Bg3 leaves my king a bit exposed, but maybe it doesn't matter
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: e4 N somewhere e3 is not a bad solution
9...e4 (3:18)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: still going to be issues with my king
10.Nfd2 (1:27) e3 (0:36) 11.Ne4 (0:04) Bf5 (1:42)
KiranY(2079) whispers: want to play nc3
KiranY(2079) whispers: nc3 exf2 nxf2 nxn or ne3
12.f3 (4:07)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: hmm, that's kind of a pseudo threat
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nd4 Nxc5 Bxc5 fxg4 Nxc2+ Kd1 Be4 seems nice
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: so Nd4 Na3 but then my Ng4 has no retreat square hmm
milpat(2021) whispers: u have f2 at very last ressort
12...Bxe4 (3:11)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: I'll take the easy way out
13.fxe4 (0:07) Be7 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: worst case scenario, I lose e3
milpat(2021) whispers: worst scenario white succeed in 0-0-0
milpat(2021) whispers: i presume
herrahuu(1739) whispers: lol
herrahuu(1739) whispers: i had vague idea before 4.dxe6 :)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: but on the plus side, all my minors are developed, and my rooks should get into the game fairly soon (h6xg5, Ke8 and Rd8
herrahuu(1739) whispers: it would be sweet to visit chess thoughts of 2000+ TL player
herrahuu(1739) whispers: although almost always when they write them into kibitzes they makes absolute sense :)
herrahuu(1739) whispers: i guess it's the opening theory and ideas behind them that i am interested in
14.h4 (9:08)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: h6 gxh6 Bf6!?
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: I need to watch out a bit for ideas against my king though
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: h6 Bh3 Ne5 is ok I guess
14...h6 (1:28)
milpat(2021) whispers: talk of a mess hahaha
15.Nc3 (6:07)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: ok how dangerous is this?
milpat(2021) whispers: here u play Nf2 or white castles with check
herrahuu(1739) whispers: i wonder is this pawn structure on my new "pawn structures" i just bought
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: hxg5 0-0-0+ Ke8 Nd5 Rd8 Bc7 Rd7 Bh3 hmm
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: I think I might be better off playing Ke8 at once
milpat(2021) whispers: Nf2 Bxf2 exf2+ Kx hxg5
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: no Ke8 is losing e3
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Ke8 Bh3 Ne5 Nd5
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: I should invite 0-0-0+ to setup Nf2 with a fork I think
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: hxg5 0-0-0+ Ke8 Nd5 Rd8 Bc7 Nf2
milpat(2021) whispers: why invite rook into play? :/
15...hxg5 (5:02)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: also, grabbing material isn't a bad idea
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: also it gives me the additional option of Nf6 in some lines, not sure if that's really useful but it's nice to have options
milpat(2021) whispers: if the Rh moves Nf2 would not force Bxf, so Nf2 could be answered by Nd5 or anything else
16.Nd5 (4:27)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nd4 Rd1 Nxf2# :)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: *Nxc2
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nd4 Rc1 and then what
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: I have the somewhat useful retreat of the knight to e6, covering c7
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nd4 Rc1 gxh4 Bf4 Nf2 Rg1 Ne6
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Bxe3 Nxe4
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: ah but I am missing the pin on h4
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: but how can he exploit it? Bh3 is not possible
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nd4 Rc1 gxh4 c3 Ne6 Rd1 is too slow
16...Nd4 (4:24)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: TL website just went down...
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: oh well, probably just a temporary issue
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: another interesting idea is f5-f4
17.O-O-O (2:26)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: ah damn, missed that completely
herrahuu(1739) whispers: finnish popular once sung - it's only temporary thing :)
herrahuu(1739) whispers: well. everything.
milpat(2021) whispers: what i feared
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nf2 Bxf2 exf2 c3 Ne6 Nb6+ wins the exchange for a pawn
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: f5 c3 Ne6 Nc7+ anyway
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: f5 c3 f4 Be1 and I still have to play Nf2
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: oh well, gotta do it I guess
17...Nf2 (4:29) 18.Bxf2 (0:58) exf2 (0:02) 19.c3 (0:26)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: if Nc6 he might have Bh3
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nc6 Bh3 Rxh4 maybe isn't bad though
milpat(2021) whispers: Nc6 Nb6+ xa8?
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Ne6 is much simpler, he just plays Nb6+ at once
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: or does he have Bh3 there too?
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: I guess he does
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: so that suggests Nc6
19...Nc6 (4:11)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Nb6+ might be best here anyway, in which case I'd rather have my knight on c6, heading to e5
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: I guess I lose f2, but I gain h4
20.Nb6+ (2:04)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: seems like quite a good exchange down position
20...Kc7 (0:10)
KiranY(2079) whispers: bh3 was interesting
21.Nxa8+ (0:05) Rxa8 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: hxg5 Bxg5+ might allow me to save e2
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: *f2
22.hxg5 (0:48)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: ok Bxg5+ Kc2 Ne5 then what?
22...Bxg5+ (0:49)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Rh5 f6
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: checks on d7 are stopped by the knight
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: ah but he does have Rd5
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: so I guess f6 first
23.Kb1 (3:27)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: hmm, maybe there's a trick with Ne5 now
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: c4 Rh2 Ne5 Rd5 Rd8 for instance, but there's no point really
milpat(2021) whispers: Rh7 lines disturb me
milpat(2021) whispers: ah Bh6 :P
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Re8 Bg2 Ne5 Rd5 Kc6, any point there?
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: the only reason I hesitate to play f6 is that it leaves some light squares behind
KiranY(2079) whispers: ne3 will be bad
KiranY(2079) whispers: might have to consider e3 be3 rh3 to get tempo
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: ok I think I prefer Rd8, Rxd8 Kxd8 Rh2 Be3 Rg2 g6 and I don't see how he makes progress that easily
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: B on e3, N on e5 seem to hold everything together
23...Rd8 (7:45)
KiranY(2079) whispers: hmm
herrahuu(1739) whispers: how is bishop covered?
herrahuu(1739) whispers: i don't see it
herrahuu(1739) whispers: i think we're talking blockade here which would be nice idea
24.Rd5 (2:37)
KiranY(2079) whispers: hopefully endgame is ok
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: hmm, is f6 possible here
herrahuu(1739) whispers: in the previous line why was Rg2 played? to threaten g7?
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: f6 Rxc5 Rd1+ Kc2 Rd2+ Kb3 Kb6 Rd5, craziness
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Be3 doesn't really concede anything
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: oh yeah it does, Be3 Rh3
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: and then Rf3
24...Rxd5 (7:17) 25.exd5 (0:00) Ne5 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: an annoying concession to make
26.Rh2 (0:36)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Be3 Rh3 Nc4 gets quite tactical
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: from f1 my knight protects the Be3
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Be3 Rh3 Nc4 Kc2...just Bh6? threatening Ne3+
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: how does he defend that actually
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Kd3 theres Nxb2+
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: and then Ke4 allows N back to c4 with the threat of Nd2+ again
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: ok, not a lot of time, so I'll stop whispering ;)
26...Be3 (3:55)
herrahuu(1739) whispers: it was really nice trip to hear your thoughts, sbc, so thanks!
KiranY(2079) whispers: kb1 was bad :(
KiranY(2079) whispers: nd2 fork
27.Rh3 (5:32) Nc4 (0:08)
herrahuu(1739) whispers: b3?
28.Kc2 (0:26)
KiranY(2079) whispers: ng4 was direct winning i think
KiranY(2079) whispers: maybe this might win for black too
28...Bh6 (0:45)
herrahuu(1739) whispers: gg!
milpat(2021) whispers: Ne3 hurts
29.Rf3 (2:31)
KiranY(2079) whispers: ne3 re3 might be drawish
KiranY(2079) whispers: but might as well try to complicate for a win
milpat(2021) whispers: draw wins the match for black
29...Ne3+ (0:38) 30.Kd3 (0:06) c4+ (0:58) 31.Ke4 (0:19) f5+ (0:48) 32.Rxf5 (0:02) Nxf5 (0:18) 33.Kxf5 (0:00)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: easiest way to the draw
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: e4-e5 is a bit worrying here
anandkvs(2106) whispers: why didn't black play Nxf1?
KiranY(2079) whispers: dunno what if ke5 after f5
33...Be3 (2:45)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: lets force the king back
milpat(2021) whispers: didnt like the Rxf7+ lines i suppose
anandkvs(2106) whispers: a piece is a piece
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Kg6 Kd6 Bg2 Bc1 b3 b5! might even win for me
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: Ke4 Bc1 b3 is probably just a draw
milpat(2021) whispers: Bc1 was an idea
34.Ke4 (2:54) Bc1 (0:06)
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: if I get c3 I cover the long diagonal and can hold the two centre pawns
35.b3 (0:44) cxb3 (0:46) 36.axb3 (0:02) Bd2 (0:45)
herrahuu(1739) whispers: this begins to look closer to opposite colour bishops ending
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: actually almost anything draws
KiranY(2079) whispers: f2 is tempting
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: once his king can't support a quick e4-e5 I have no worries at all
smallblackcat(2103) whispers: just Kd6, b6, B around to e5 or somewhere, I can drop f2 and hold easily
37.c4 (2:27)
KiranY(2079) whispers: wanted to play ke3
KiranY(2079) whispers: but bf4 smallblackcat offers a draw.
37...Kd6 (0:31) KiranY accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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