zerowin(2623) vs. deepthoughts(2548) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 480+0, 2015-09-20
DeepThoughts(2548) kibitzes: Stockfish 6 64 POPCNT welcomes you! Interface: ChessPartner 1...d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 3.Nc3 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 4.cxd5 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/22 book cxd5 Nf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/24 book cxd5 Nf3 e4 Ne5 Ne7 Qa4+ Nbc6 Bf4 a6 e3 Be6 Nxc6 Nxc6 Be2 b5 Qd1 Be7 O-O O-O a3 Rc8 h3 Qd7 Rc1 Rfd8 b4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/25 book cxd5 e3 exd4 exd4 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O h3 a6 a3 Be6 Be3 Rc8 Rc1 b5 a4 b4 Ne2 Qb6 Nf4 Bxf4 Bxf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.24/26 book cxd5 e4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.16/28 book cxd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.22/29 book cxd5 e4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.22/29 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.19/29 book cxd5 e3 exd4 exd4 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O h3 a6 a3 Be6 Re1 Rc8 Na4 h6 Nc5 Bxc5 dxc5 Re8 Bf4 d4 Bg3 Bd5 Rxe8+ Qxe8 Bd6 Ne4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/30 book cxd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/30 book cxd5 Nf3 e4 Ne5 Ne7 Bf4 f6 Qa4+ Nec6 Nxc6 Nxc6 e3 Be6 Bb5 Qd7 O-O Be7 Rfe1 O-O a3 a6 Be2 b5 Qc2 Rfe8 Rac1 Rec8 b4 Bd6 Bg3 Ne7 Bxd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.19/31 book cxd5 Nf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/31 book cxd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.19/31 book cxd5 dxe5 d4 Ne4 Qa5+ Nd2 Nc6 Nf3 Bg4 g3 Bxf3 exf3 Qxe5+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Bxe2 Nf6 O-O Be7 Nb3 O-O Bb5 Rfd8 Re1 Nd5 Bxc6 bxc6 Nxd4 Rac8 Be3 c5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.25/32 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.21/32 book cxd5 dxe5 d4 Ne4 Qa5+ Nd2 Nc6 Nf3 Bg4 g3 Bxf3 exf3 Qxe5+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Bxe2 Be7 O-O Nf6 Re1 O-O Bb5 Nd5 Nb3 a6 Bxc6 bxc6 Nxd4 Bf6 Nxc6 Rfc8 Ne5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.27/33 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.34/33 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.33/33 book cxd5 dxe5 d4 Ne4 Qa5+ Nd2 Nc6 Nf3 Bg4 g3 Bxf3 exf3 Qxe5+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Bxe2 Nf6 O-O Be7 a3 a5 f4 O-O Bb5 Rfe8 Nf3 Bc5 Bd2 Ne4 Rac1 d3 Bxd3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.27/34 book cxd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.33/34 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.35/34 book cxd5 dxe5 d4 Ne4 Qa5+ Nd2 Nc6 Nf3 Bg4 g3 Bxf3 exf3 Qxe5+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Bxe2 Be7 O-O Nf6 a3 O-O f4 Rfe8 Bd3 a5 Nf3 Nd7 Bd2 Nc5 Bb5 Nb3 Rad1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.41/35 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.35/35 book cxd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.34/35 book cxd5 dxe5 d4 Ne4 Qa5+ Nd2 Nc6 Nf3 Bg4 g3 Bxf3 exf3 Qxe5+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Bxe2 Be7 O-O Nf6 a3 O-O f4 Rfe8 Bd3 a5 Nf3 Nd7 Bd2 Nc5 Bb5 Nb3 Rad1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.41/36 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.47/36 book cxd5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.41/36 book cxd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.44/36 book cxd5 dxe5 d4 Ne4 Qa5+ Nd2 Nc6 Nf3 Bg4 g3 Bxf3 exf3 Qxe5+ Qe2 Qxe2+ Bxe2 Bb4 Bd3 Nf6 f4 O-O O-O Bxd2 Bxd2 g6 Rfe1 Kg7 Rac1 Rfe8 Kg2 Rxe1 Rxe1 4...cxd5 (11:42) 5.Nf3 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/27 book e4 Ne5 Ne7 Bf4 f6 Qa4+ Nbc6 Nxc6 Nxc6 e3 Be6 Bb5 Qd7 O-O Rc8 Qb3 a6 Be2 b5 Rac1 Be7 a4 Na5 Qd1 b4 Bxa6 bxc3 Bxc8 Qxc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/28 book e4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.22/29 book e4 Ne5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/30 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Be2 Nf6 a3 O-O Qb4 Qc7 Rc1 Rfd8 Qc5 Qd7 O-O b6 Qb4 Rac8 Rc2 Qb7 Rfc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/31 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Be2 Nf6 a3 O-O Qb4 Qc7 Rc1 Rfd8 Qc5 Qd7 O-O b6 Qb4 Rac8 Rc2 Qb7 Rfc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/32 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Be2 Nf6 a3 O-O Qb4 Qc7 Rc1 Rfd8 Qc5 Qd7 O-O b6 Qb4 Rac8 Rfe1 g6 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.18/33 book e4 Ne5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/33 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O g6 Rfc1 Kg7 Rc2 Rhe8 h3 Rec8 Re1 a6 Ra1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/34 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O g6 a4 Kg7 Rfc1 Rhc8 a5 a6 Rc2 Rc7 Rac1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/35 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O g6 a4 Kg7 Rfc1 Rhc8 a5 h6 b3 Rab8 Qa3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.09/36 book e4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/36 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O g6 a4 Rhc8 a5 Kg7 Rfc1 h6 b3 Rab8 Qa3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/37 book e4 Ne5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/37 book e4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/37 book e4 Ne5 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O g6 Rac1 Rhc8 Rc2 Qe7 Ra1 a6 Rcc1 Qe6 h3 5...e4 (8:58) 6.Ne5 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.09/30 book f6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.20/31 book f6 Qa4+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/31 book Be6 Bf4 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Qxd7+ Kxd7 a3 Bd6 Bxd6 Kxd6 e3 Ne7 Rc1 a6 f3 f5 Be2 Rac8 O-O Bd7 g3 h6 Kf2 g5 Kg2 Rhf8 Rfd1 Rfd8 Kf2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.21/32 book Be6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.22/32 book Be6 Bf4 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Qxd7+ Kxd7 e3 Bd6 Bxd6 Kxd6 Nb5+ Kd7 Rc1 a6 Nc3 Rc8 Be2 Ne7 O-O b5 f3 exf3 gxf3 Kd6 a3 h6 Kf2 g5 Bd3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.16/33 book Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.22/33 book Be6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/33 book Be6 Bf4 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Qxd7+ Kxd7 e3 Bd6 Bxd6 Kxd6 Nb5+ Kd7 Be2 Ne7 Kd2 Rhc8 f3 f5 Nc3 Kd6 Rhf1 Rf8 Nb5+ Kd7 Rac1 a6 Nc7 Rac8 Nxe6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/34 book Be6 Bf4 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Qxd7+ Kxd7 e3 Bd6 Bxd6 Kxd6 Be2 Ne7 f3 f5 O-O Rhc8 a3 a6 g3 b5 Kg2 Kc6 Rac1 Kb6 Bd1 g5 Be2 h6 f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.22/35 book Be6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/35 book Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.22/35 book Be6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.19/35 book Be6 Bf4 f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Qxd7+ Kxd7 e3 Bd6 Bxd6 Kxd6 Nb5+ Kd7 Be2 Ne7 Kd2 a6 Nc3 b6 Rac1 Kd6 f3 f5 Na4 Rhb8 Rhf1 Bd7 Nc3 Rf8 fxe4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/36 book Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.19/36 book Be6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/36 book Ne7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/36 book f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Bb5 Ne7 O-O O-O Rac1 a6 Bxc6 bxc6 Ne2 Rab8 Qc3 g5 g3 Kg7 b3 Rb5 Qd2 Qf6 Rfd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.18/37 book f6 Qa4+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/37 book f6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/37 book f6 Qa4+ Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Ne7 g3 O-O-O Qb4 Qd7 h4 Kb8 Be2 h6 h5 Ng8 O-O Nf6 Kg2 Rc8 Rac1 Rhd8 a4 6...f6 (18:42) 7.Qa4+ (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.18/29 book Nd7 Nxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/30 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Bf4 a5 Rfe1 a4 Qc2 Nd7 Rad1 Qb6 Qd2 Rfe8 Rxe8+ Rxe8 Bd6 Rc8 Bg2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/31 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.19/32 book Nd7 Nxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/33 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Bf4 a5 Be5 Re8 a4 Nd7 f4 Nf6 Rfe1 Qd7 Nb5 Re6 Nc7 Rxe5 dxe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.11/34 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.18/34 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Bf4 a5 a4 Qe7 Nb5 Qb4 Qxb4 axb4 Be5 Nd7 f4 Nf6 Rfc1 Rfc8 Bg2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/35 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.18/35 book Nd7 Nxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/35 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/35 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Rfd1 Re8 Bg2 a5 Rac1 a4 Qc2 h6 Bf4 Nd7 Qf2 Re6 Re1 Rxe1+ Rxe1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.09/36 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/36 book Nd7 Nxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.09/36 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/36 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Bg2 a5 Rac1 Re8 Rfd1 a4 Qc2 Qb6 Qf2 Re7 Bf4 Nd7 a3 Rae8 g4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/37 book Nd7 Nxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.20/37 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Bf4 Nd7 Nxd5 Bxd4+ Kh1 Rf7 Nc7 Nc5 Qc4 b5 Nxb5 Bxb5 Qxb5 Ne6 Be5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/38 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.20/38 book Nd7 Nxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/38 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.18/38 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Bf4 Re8 Be5 Nd7 f4 Nb6 Rae1 Qd7 Re2 Rac8 Bg2 Nc4 Rfe1 Qf7 a3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/39 book Nd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/39 book Nd7 Nxd7 Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Ne7 g3 O-O-O h4 Kb8 a4 Bd7 Be2 a6 a5 Rc8 O-O h6 h5 Rc7 Qa3 Qe6 Qb4 Nc6 Qb6 7...Nd7 (10:44) 8.Nxd7 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/31 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Ne7 g3 O-O-O h4 Kb8 a4 g6 Bb5 h6 Kf1 g5 Ne2 Rc8 Kg2 Qf6 hxg5 hxg5 Bxc6 Rxc6 Nc3 Rxh1 Rxh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/32 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Ne7 g3 O-O-O h4 Kb8 a4 g6 Bb5 h6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Kc7 Kd2 g5 Raa1 a6 Be2 f4 hxg5 hxg5 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.06/33 book Bxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/34 book Bxd7 Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/34 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Ne7 g3 O-O-O h4 Kb8 a4 Bd7 Be2 a6 a5 Rc8 O-O h6 h5 Rhg8 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Ka7 Kg2 g5 hxg6ep
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/35 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Ne7 Be2 O-O g3 Rac8 Rc1 Kh8 h4 Qd7 Kf1 Ng8 Kg2 Nf6 Nb5 b6 Nc3 Qb7 Na2 a5 Bb5 Bxb5 Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/36 book Bxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.11/36 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Ne7 Be2 O-O g3 Rac8 Rc1 Qd7 O-O Kh8 Qc2 a6 Qd2 g6 Rc2 Qd6 Rfc1 Bd7 Na2 Rxc2 Qxc2 Rc8 Nc3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/37 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O Rhc8 Rac1 Qe7 Qxe7+ Kxe7 g3 Kf7 Kg2 g6 h3 Kg7 Rh1 h6 Ra1 a6 Bd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.16/38 book Bxd7 Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.10/38 book Bxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.08/38 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qe7 Be2 Kf7 O-O g6 Rfc1 Rhc8 Qxe7+ Kxe7 g3 a5 Kg2 Kf7 Bd1 h6 h3 g5 Be2 Kg6 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/39 book Bxd7 Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.08/39 book Bxd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/39 book Bxd7 Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/39 book Bxd7 Qb3 Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 Rc1 a6 a3 Ne7 e3 Rc8 h4 Qe6 g3 O-O Bh3 f5 Qb6 Qd6 O-O Rf6 Qb3 h6 h5 Qd8 Rfe1 Rc7 Ne2 Be8 Rxc7 8...Bxd7 (7:54) 9.Qb3 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/31 book Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 Rc1 a6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Ke7 Be2 Rhc8 Qb3 g6 Rc2 Kf7 O-O Kg7 Rfc1 f4 Na4 Nd7 Nc5 Nxc5 Rxc5 fxe3 Qxe3 Rab8 Qd2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.11/33 book Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 Rc1 f5 e3 Nf6 Bb5 O-O Bxc6 bxc6 Ne2 a5 Qc3 Ra6 Rc2 Nh5 g3 a4 O-O Rb8 Rfc1 Rab6 Qa3 Qxa3 bxa3 Rb2 Nc3 h6 Rxb2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/34 book Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 Rc1 f5 e3 Ne7 Be2 O-O O-O Rac8 a3 a6 g3 Qe6 Na4 Bxa4 Qxa4 g5 Qb3 b5 a4 f4 Rxc8 Rxc8 gxf4 gxf4 exf4 bxa4 Qxa4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.06/35 book Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qe7 h3 Kf7 Bb5 Rhc8 Qxe7+ Kxe7 Be2 h6 Rc1 Bd7 Kd2 Rg8 g4 Rac8 f4 g5 fxg5 Rxg5 h4 Rgg8 gxf5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/36 book Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O Rhc8 Rac1 a6 Na2 g5 Qd2 Kg7 Nc3 Qd6 f4 exf3ep gxf3 h6 Bd3 Bd7 Qc2 Qe6 Rfe1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.05/37 book Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/37 book Bc6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.05/37 book Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.08/37 book Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O g6 Rfc1 Kg7 Rc2 g5 Rac1 Rhc8 Nb5 Rd8 b3 f4 a4 a6 Nc3 Rdc8 Nb1 h6 Nd2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/38 book Bc6 Bf4 Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Be2 Kf7 O-O Rhc8 Rac1 Kg8 Na2 a5 Qb6 Qe7 Nc3 g6 Qb3 Qd7 Rc2 g5 Rfc1 f4 a4 Qf5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.07/39 book Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/39 book Bc6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.07/39 book Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.15/39 book Bc6 Bf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.07/39 book Bc6 f3 f5 g3 Nf6 Bh3 g6 O-O Bg7 Bg5 exf3 exf3 O-O Bf4 Re8 Be5 Nd7 f4 Nf6 Bg2 Qd7 Rac1 Rad8 Rfd1 Re6 Rc2 Ne4 Rdc1 Nf6 Bf1 Ree8 Re1 9...Bc6 (36:21) 10.Bf4 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/30 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Rc1 Ne7 g3 O-O Be2 a6 a3 Bd7 Na2 b5 O-O Rfc8 h4 h6 h5 Rab8 Rxc8+ Rxc8 Rc1 Rxc1+ Nxc1 Qc6 Na2 Qd6 Nc3 Be6 Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.07/33 book Bd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/33 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Rc1 Ne7 g3 O-O Be2 a6 a3 Rac8 h4 h6 Qb6 Rf6 Na2 Qd7 Qb4 Qc7 Nc3 a5 Qb3 Bd7 O-O Qb6 Qa2 Qd6 Kg2 a4 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.13/34 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Rc1 Ne7 g3 O-O Be2 a6 a3 h6 O-O Rac8 f4 exf3ep Bxf3 Kh7 Bg2 g5 Qc2 Kg7 Qf2 Qd7 Rc2 Bb5 Nxb5 Qxb5 Rfc1 Rc4 Rxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/35 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Rc1 Ne7 g3 O-O Be2 a6 a3 h6 O-O Rac8 f4 exf3ep Rxf3 g6 Qb6 Rf6 Bd3 Kg7 Qb3 Rff8 Ne2 Qd7 Rcf1 Qe6 Nf4 Qd7 Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/36 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Rc1 Ne7 g3 O-O Be2 a6 a3 Qd7 O-O Kh8 Rce1 Rac8 Kg2 g6 Qb4 Ng8 Rc1 Nf6 Rh1 Qf7 h4 Rfd8 Rc2 Kg7 b3 Qe8 a4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.11/37 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Rc1 Ne7 g3 O-O Be2 a6 a3 Qd7 O-O Kh8 f3 exf3 Bxf3 Rac8 Qa2 g6 b4 Kg7 Bg2 Rfe8 a4 h6 Bf3 Qe6 Qe2 Bd7 b5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.17/38 book Bd6 Bxd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.11/38 book Bd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/38 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Rc1 Ne7 Be2 a6 g3 O-O O-O Qe6 h4 Rac8 Rfe1 h6 Na4 Bxa4 Qxa4 Rxc1 Rxc1 Rc8 Rc5 Kf7 Qb3 Rxc5 dxc5 Qc6 a3 Qd7 Kg2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.06/39 book Bd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.12/39 book Bd6 Bxd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.06/39 book Bd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/39 book Bd6 Bxd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.09/39 book Bd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 a3 Nf6 Qb4 Qd7 Rc1 Kf7 Be2 a6 O-O Rhc8 Nb1 g6 Rc5 Rab8 Rfc1 Qd6 Qb3 Kg7 Nd2 f4 h3 Rc7 R5c2 Re8 exf4 Qxf4 Qe3 10...Bd6 (50:01)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=28 time=936.59 node=59836373 speed=63887 score=+0.01 pv="Bxd6 Qxd6 e3 f5 Be2 Nf6 Nb5 Qe7 O-O O-O Nc3 Qd6 a3 Rac8 Qb4 Qb8 Rac1 a6 a4 f4 a5 h6 Qa3 Bd7 Qb3 Bc6 Qb4 Rce8 Qa3" 11.Bxd6 (15:37) Qxd6 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=27 time=83.80 node=5359141 speed=63949 score=+0.02 pv="e3 f5 Be2 Nf6 Nb5 Qd7 a4 O-O Nc3 Qd6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 a5 O-O g6 Rc1 Rac8 g3 Kg7 Kg2 h6 Raa1 Bd7 Bb5 Bxb5 axb5 b6" 12.e3 (1:23)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.05/33 book f5 Rc1 Nf6 Bb5 f4 exf4 Qxf4 Ne2 Qd6 O-O O-O Ng3 Bd7 Bxd7 Qxd7 f3 Kh8 fxe4 Nxe4 Nxe4 dxe4 d5 Rxf1+ Rxf1 Re8 Re1 h6 Qd1 e3 d6 Re6 Qd3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.11/34 book f5 Rc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.11/34 book f5 Rc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.01/35 book f5 Bb5 Ne7 g3 O-O Rc1 Rac8 Be2 Rc7 O-O Rfc8 Rc2 g6 Rfc1 Kg7 Bb5 Bd7 Bxd7 Qxd7 Na4 Rxc2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Qxc2 g5 Qb3 b6 Nc3 f4 exf4 gxf4 gxf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.08/36 book f5 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.14/36 book f5 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.08/36 book f5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.05/36 book f5 Bb5 Ne7 O-O O-O Be2 g6 a3 a6 Qb4 Rf6 f4 exf3ep Bxf3 Qe6 Rae1 Kg7 Qb3 Rc8 g3 Qd7 Rc1 Rff8 Rfe1 Qd6 Qb6 Qd7 a4 Rf6 Qb4 Qd6 Qxd6 12...f5 (12:26)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=26 time=746.38 node=48965317 speed=68907 score=+0.08 pv="Be2 Nf6 a4 O-O Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 a5 g3 g6 O-O Kg7 Rb3 Rac8 Kg2 Rfd8 Rc1 Rf8 h4 Rg8 Kh2 Rgf8 Kg1 Nd7 Bb5 Nf6 Kg2" 13.Be2 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.01/25 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Qd7 O-O Rac8 Nb5 Bxb5 Bxb5 Qd6 Rc3 Rc7 Rfc1 Rfc8 R1c2 g6 Ba4 Rxc3 Rxc3 Rxc3 Qxc3 Qb6 b4 Kg7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/27 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 g6 O-O Kg7 Qb4 Qd7 b3 a6 a4 Rac8 Rc2 g5 Kh1 f4 Rfc1 h6 Kg1 Ra8 a5 Rac8 exf4 gxf4 Qc5 Qe6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/28 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 g6 O-O g5 Qb4 Qd7 g3 Rac8 Nb5 Ra8 Kh1 a6 Nc3 Kg7 Rfd1 Rac8 Re1 h6 Rc2 Qc7 Rg1 Kh7 Qb3 Kg7 Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/29 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 g6 O-O g5 Qb4 Qd7 Qb3 a6 Qc2 Rac8 Qd2 Qd6 g3 Bd7 Na2 Bc6 Nc3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/30 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 g6 O-O g5 Qb4 Qd7 Qc5 Rfc8 Qb4 Rf8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/31 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 g3 g5 Qc2 Kg7 Qd2 h6 Rc2 Ng4 Kg2 a6 h3 Nf6 Rfc1 Qd6 Rh1 Bd7 b4 Bc6 h4 g4 Rcc1 Bd7 Rc2 Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/32 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 a6 Nc3 Rac8 h3 g5 f4 exf3ep Rxf3 Qe6 Bd3 Ne4 Bxe4 fxe4 Rxf8+ Rxf8 Rf1 Rxf1+ Kxf1 g4 hxg4 Qh6 Qe7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/33 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 h6 Nc3 g5 Qc5 a6 Na2 Rac8 Nb4 f4 Qb6 f3 gxf3 Qh3 Nxc6 bxc6 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/34 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 h6 Nc3 g5 Qc5 a6 Na2 Rac8 Nb4 f4 Qb6 f3 gxf3 Qh3 Nxc6 bxc6 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/35 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 h6 Nc3 g5 Qc5 a6 Na2 Rac8 Nb4 f4 Qb6 f3 gxf3 Qh3 Nxc6 bxc6 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/36 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 h6 Nc3 g5 Qc5 a6 Na2 Rac8 Nb4 f4 Qb6 f3 gxf3 Qh3 Nxc6 bxc6 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/37 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 h6 Nc3 g5 Qc5 a6 Na2 Rac8 Nb4 f4 Qb6 f3 gxf3 Qh3 Nxc6 bxc6 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/38 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 h6 Nc3 g5 Qc5 a6 Na2 Rac8 Nb4 f4 Qb6 f3 gxf3 Qh3 Nxc6 bxc6 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/39 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Qb4 h6 Nc3 g5 Qc5 a6 Na2 Rac8 Nb4 f4 Qb6 f3 gxf3 Qh3 Nxc6 bxc6 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/40 book Nf6 Rc1 O-O a3 Rac8 O-O Qd7 Nb5 Ra8 Nc3 Rac8 13...Nf6 (7:47)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=26 time=467.29 node=32935434 speed=69823 score=+0.06 pv="a4 O-O Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 a5 g3 Rfc8 Kf1 Kf7 Rb3 g6 Kg2 Rab8 Rb1 Kg7 Bb5 Nd7 Ra1 Nf6 Rh1 Nd7 Rc1 Nf6 Ra1 g5" 14.a4 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/31 book O-O O-O h6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Rac8 a5 Kf7 Raa1 Bd7 Ra3 g5 Rb3 Bc6 g3 Kg6 Kh1 a6 Rc1 Nd7 Kg2 Nf6 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/32 book O-O O-O h6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Rac8 a5 Kf7 Raa1 Bd7 Ra3 g5 Rb3 Bc6 g3 Kg6 Kh1 a6 Rc1 Nd7 Kg2 Nf6 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/33 book O-O O-O h6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Rac8 a5 Kf7 Raa1 Bd7 Ra3 g5 Rb3 Bc6 g3 Kg6 Kh1 a6 Rc1 Nd7 Kg2 Nf6 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/34 book O-O O-O h6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Rac8 a5 Kf7 Raa1 Bd7 Ra3 g5 Rb3 Bc6 g3 Kg6 Kh1 a6 Rc1 Nd7 Kg2 Nf6 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/35 book O-O O-O h6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Rac8 a5 Kf7 Rb3 Ke6 f4 g5 Ra3 Rg8 Raa1 Bd7 g3 Rgf8 h3 Rg8 Kg2 Ke7 Rac1 Kf7 Kf2 a6 Rh1 Rgf8 Rhg1 Kg6 h4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/36 book O-O O-O h6 Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 Rac8 a5 Kf7 Rb3 Ke6 f4 g5 Ra3 Rg8 Raa1 a6 Bd1 g4 Kf2 h5 Bb3 h4 Ke2 Bd7 Rac1 Rh8 Kd2 Rhf8 Rh1 Rg8 Rhf1 14...O-O (4:50)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=27 time=459.16 node=34564670 speed=74637 score=+0.08 pv="Qa3 Qxa3 Rxa3 a5 Nb5 Kf7 Kd2 Ke7 Rc3 Rfc8 h4 Nd7 Rhc1 Nb6 b3 Bxb5 Bxb5 Rxc3 Rxc3 Kd6 Rc5 Rc8 Rxc8 Nxc8 Kc3 Ne7 h5 h6 b4 axb4+ Kxb4" 15.Qa3 (2:49)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.01/24 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 a5 Ne8 g3 Rc8 O-O g5 Kh1 Nd6 Na4 Bxa4 Qxa4 Rxc1 Rxc1 Rc8 Rxc8+ Qxc8 Qb4 Qc7 Kg2 Kg7 h4 gxh4 gxh4 h6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/27 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 a5 Qd7 b4 h6 O-O g5 Qb2 f4 Qd2 f3 gxf3 Qh3 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qf3+ Kg1 Qg4+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/30 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 a5 Qd7 b4 h6 O-O g5 Qb2 f4 Qd2 f3 gxf3 Qh3 fxe4 Ng4 Bxg4 Qxg4+ Kh1 Qf3+ Kg1 Qg4+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.06/31 book Qe6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/31 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 a5 Ne8 g3 Rc8 O-O g5 Kh1 Nd6 Rg1 Rf7 Qb4 Rfc7 Rc2 h6 Rcc1 Bd7 Qb6 Be8 Kg2 Rc6 Qb4 R6c7 Qb6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/32 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 a5 Ne8 g3 Rc8 Na2 Nd6 Qb3 Bb5 Bxb5 Nxb5 O-O f4 Rxc8 Rxc8 exf4 Nxd4 Qxb7 e3 fxe3 Qxe3+ Rf2 Qe1+ Kg2 Qe4+ Kg1 Qe1+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/33 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 a5 Ne8 g3 Rc8 Na2 Nd6 Qb3 Bb5 Bxb5 Nxb5 O-O f4 Rxc8 Rxc8 exf4 Nxd4 Qxb7 e3 fxe3 Qxe3+ Rf2 Qe1+ Kg2 Qe4+ Kg1 Qe1+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/34 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 a5 Ne8 g3 Rc8 Na2 Nd6 Qb3 Bb5 Bxb5 Nxb5 O-O f4 Rxc8 Rxc8 exf4 Nxd4 Qxb7 e3 fxe3 Qxe3+ Rf2 Qe1+ Kg2 Qe4+ Kg1 Qe1+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/35 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 Na2 Rac8 a5 h6 Rc3 f4 exf4 Qf5 g3 Qh3 Bf1 Qf5 Be2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/36 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 Na2 Rac8 a5 h6 Rc3 f4 exf4 Qf5 g3 Qh3 Bf1 Qf5 Be2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.06/37 book Qe6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/37 book Qe6 Rc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: 0.00/37 book Qe6 Rc1 a6 Na2 Rac8 a5 h6 Rc5 f4 exf4 Nd7 Rc2 Rxf4 O-O Nb8 Nb4 Rcf8 h3 Qd6 Qc3 Qd7 Qg3 Kh8 Qc3 Qf7 Qe3 Qd7 Qa3 Qf7 Qe3 15...Qe6 (7:44)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=22 time=807.88 node=52859704 speed=65429 score=+0.00 pv="O-O g5 Nb5 Bxb5 axb5 f4 Rac1 f3 gxf3 Qh3 fxe4 Ng4 Qd6 Nxe3 fxe3 Qxe3+ Kh1 Qxe4+ Kg1 Qe3+ Kh1 Qe4+" 16.O-O (13:28)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.08/21 book g5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.12/24 book g5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/25 book g5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/27 book g5 Nb5 Qd7 Nc3 f4 f3 exf3 Rxf3 Ne4 Nxe4 dxe4 Rff1 Rac8 Rac1 Kh8 Bc4 Rfd8 Qc5 Bxa4 Qe5+ Qg7 b3 b5 Qxg7+ Kxg7 Be6 Rxc1 Rxc1 Kf6 Rc6 b4 bxa4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.18/28 book g5 Nb5 Qd7 Nc3 f4 Kh1 a6 Rac1 Qe6 b4 Bd7 Qb3 Rac8 a5 Kg7 b5 axb5 exf4 gxf4 Nxb5 Qe7 Rxc8 Rxc8 Nc3 Be6 Rb1 Qd7 a6 bxa6 Bxa6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.17/29 book g5 Nb5 Qd7 Nc3 f4 Kh1 a6 b3 Qe6 b4 Bd7 b5 Rfc8 Rac1 h6 exf4 gxf4 bxa6 bxa6 f3 Rab8 fxe4 dxe4 Bd1 a5 Rxf4 e3 Kg1 Rb4 Ne2 Nd5 Rxc8+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.11/30 book g5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.20/30 book g5 Nb5 Qd7 Kh1 f4 b4 a6 Nc3 Qd6 Qb3 Bd7 a5 Rac8 b5 axb5 Nxb5 Qc6 exf4 Qc2 Qa2 Bxb5 Bxb5 gxf4 Kg1 f3 a6 bxa6 Bxa6 fxg2 Kxg2 Rc7 Qxc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/31 book g5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.20/31 book g5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/31 book g5 Nb5 Qd7 Rae1 Kg7 Nc3 Rae8 b4 Qe7 Rb1 Rc8 Nb5 b6 a5 Bxb5 Bxb5 Rc2 Ba4 Rc7 axb6 axb6 Rbc1 Rfc8 Rxc7 Rxc7 Ra1 Qd6 h3 f4 Bb5 f3 gxf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/32 book g5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/32 book g5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/32 book g5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.14/33 book g5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.14/33 book g5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.06/33 book g5 Nb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.17/33 book g5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/33 book g5 Nb5 Bxb5 axb5 f4 Qb3 Rf7 Ra3 b6 Rfa1 Rc8 Qd1 Rcc7 Rc1 Kg7 Rxc7 Rxc7 Rc3 Rxc3 bxc3 Qd6 exf4 gxf4 Qc1 Qc7 h3 Kg6 Qd2 Kf7 Qc1 Kg7 c4 16...g5 (18:46)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=24 time=1126.92 node=71586889 speed=63232 score=-0.13 pv="Nb5 Ne8 Rae1 Kg7 Nc3 a6 Bd1 Rc8 Bb3 Nf6 Ne2 a5 Ra1 h6 Qc5 Bxa4 Qa7 Bb5 Qxb7+ Qd7 Qxd7+ Nxd7 Ba4 Bxe2 Bxd7 Bxf1 Bxc8" 17.Nb5 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/25 book Ne8 Nc3 Kg7 Rae1 h6 g3 a6 Qb3 Nd6 Kh1 Rfc8 Rc1 Rc7 Qb4 Bd7 Rfd1 Rac8 Rg1 Kg8 a5 Be8 Rcf1 Bf7 Rc1 Bg6 Kg2 Bf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.06/27 book Qd7 Rae1 a6 Nc3 Qe6 Bd1 Rac8 a5 Kg7 Bc2 h6 f4 exf3ep gxf3 Rfe8 Re2 Bd7 Rff2 Kh8 Rg2 Qc6 Qb3 g4 fxg4 fxg4 Bd3 Rf8 Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.06/29 book Qd7 Rae1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.10/30 book Qd7 Rae1 a6 Nc3 Qe6 Bd1 Rae8 Ne2 Rb8 Nc3 Rfc8 Bb3 b6 Bd1 Bb7 Be2 Rc7 Rc1 Rbc8 Na2 Rxc1 Rxc1 Rxc1+ Nxc1 a5 Nb3 Kg7 Nd2 h6 Qb3 Qd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/31 book Qd7 Rae1 a6 Nc3 Qe6 Bd1 Rae8 Ne2 Rb8 Nc3 Kg7 Bb3 b6 Rc1 Rfc8 Rfe1 h6 h3 a5 Ne2 Ra8 Rc3 Bd7 Rec1 Rxc3 Rxc3 Rc8 Rxc8 Bxc8 Nc3 Ba6 Qa2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.06/32 book Qd7 Rae1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/32 book Qd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.11/33 book Qd7 Rae1 a6 Nc3 Qe6 Bd1 Rae8 Ne2 Rc8 Nc3 h6 a5 Rf7 Qb4 Re8 f3 exf3 Bxf3 Qd7 Bd1 Kg7 g3 Qe6 Bf3 Rc8 Qb3 Rff8 Qb4 Rce8 Bd1 Qd7 Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.12/34 book Qd7 Rae1 a6 Nc3 Qe6 Bd1 Rae8 Ne2 h6 Bb3 Rc8 Rc1 b6 Rc3 Bd7 h3 Rxc3 Nxc3 Rc8 Ba2 Bc6 Rc1 a5 Ne2 Bb7 Rxc8+ Bxc8 Qb3 Ba6 Nc3 Bc4 Qa3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/35 book Qd7 Rae1 a6 Nc3 Qe6 Bd1 Rf7 Bb3 Raf8 Qa1 Kg7 Qd1 Qd6 f3 Bd7 f4 h6 Qd2 Rc8 Qf2 Be6 Rc1 Rfc7 Qg3 g4 Rc2 Qb4 Ba2 Bd7 Qh4 Qd6 a5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/36 book Qd7 Rae1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/36 book Qd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/36 book Qd7 Rae1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.10/36 book Qd7 Rae1 a6 Nc3 Rac8 f3 exf3 Bxf3 h6 a5 Kg7 Qb4 Qe6 Bd1 Rce8 g3 Qd7 Qc5 Rf7 Qb4 Qe6 Qb3 Ref8 Bf3 Qd7 Bd1 Ng4 Bf3 f4 gxf4 gxf4 Bxg4 17...Qd7 (9:30)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=21 time=635.01 node=39625860 speed=62402 score=-0.16 pv="Nc3 f4 Kh1 Rac8 Nb5 b6 Rac1 Bxb5 Bxb5 Rxc1 Rxc1 Rc8 b3 Qf5 h3 Kf7 a5 Rxc1+ Qxc1 fxe3 axb6 axb6 fxe3 Qf2 Qc7+ Kg6" 18.Nc3 (10:35)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.18/22 book f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.23/24 book f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.07/24 book f4 f3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.17/24 book f4 Rac1 Rac8 a5 a6 Kh1 Qe6 Qb3 Kh8 Qa3 h6 Qb4 Rf7 Qb3 Kg8 Qa3 Rfc7 Qb4 Kg7 Qa3 Kh8 Qb4 Bd7 Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.05/25 book f4 f3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/25 book f4 Qb3 Qe6 Qd1 Qd6 Qd2 a6 Rac1 Bd7 f3 Rae8 fxe4 Nxe4 Nxe4 Rxe4 exf4 Rfxf4 Rxf4 Qxf4 Qxf4 gxf4 Rc7 Bxa4 Bd3 Rxd4 Bxh7+ Kh8 Rxb7 Rd2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.20/26 book f4 b4 Qe6 b5 Bd7 Kh1 Rac8 Rac1 Qf5 exf4 Qxf4 Rc2 h6 Qb4 Qf5 Ra2 b6 a5 Rf7 Qb3 Kg7 axb6 axb6 Kg1 Be6 g3 g4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/27 book f4 f3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/27 book f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.18/27 book f4 b4 Qe6 b5 Bd7 Kh1 Rac8 Rac1 Qf5 exf4 Qxf4 Rc2 h6 a5 b6 Qb3 Qf5 axb6 axb6 Kg1 Kg7 h3 Qe6 Qb4 Rfe8 Qb3 Qf5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.25/28 book f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.18/28 book f4 b4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.19/28 book f4 Kh1 Rfe8 exf4 gxf4 f3 e3 Bd3 a6 Rfc1 Kh8 b4 Rg8 Qb2 Qg7 b5 axb5 axb5 Rxa1 Rxa1 Bd7 Rc1 Be6 Na4 Nd7 b6 Ra8 Bb5 Rg8 Bxd7 Bxd7 Nc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/29 book f4 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.21/29 book f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.18/29 book f4 Kh1 a6 b4 Qe6 Rac1 Qd6 a5 Rac8 Qb3 Bd7 b5 Bxb5 Nxb5 axb5 exf4 Rxc1 Rxc1 Qxf4 Rf1 Rc8 Kg1 Rc1 Bxb5 Rxf1+ Bxf1 Qc7 a6 bxa6 Bxa6 Qc1+ Bf1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.24/30 book f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.18/30 book f4 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.24/30 book f4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.16/30 book f4 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.12/30 book f4 Kh1 a6 b4 Qd6 Kg1 Bd7 b5 Qxa3 Rxa3 axb5 Bxb5 Bxb5 Nxb5 Ra6 Nc3 Rb6 exf4 gxf4 Ne2 Ng4 Nc3 Rb4 h3 Nf6 Rb1 Rxb1+ Nxb1 Rc8 Rc3 Rc4 Rxc4 18...f4 (6:29)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=23 time=980.93 node=61012849 speed=62199 score=-0.20 pv="Qb3 Qe6 Qd1 a6 Qd2 Qf5 f3 Rae8 Qc2 Kg7 Rac1 Rc8 Qd1 h5 a5 h4 h3 exf3 Rxf3 Ne4 Rf1 Qe6 exf4 Rxf4 Rxf4" 19.Qb3 (9:51)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.13/22 book Qe6 Qd1 Rac8 Qd2 Qd6 Rac1 a6 a5 Rce8 Qd1 h6 Qb3 Kg7 Qa3 Qxa3 bxa3 Bd7 Rb1 fxe3 fxe3 Rc8 Rfc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.19/23 book Rae8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.25/23 book Kg7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.14/23 book Kg7 Rac1 a6 Qa3 Rae8 Kh1 Qf5 exf4 gxf4 f3 e3 b4 Qe6 Bd3 Qd6 Qb2 Bd7 b5 axb5 Nxb5 Bxb5 Qxb5 Re7 Rfe1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.20/24 book Kg7 Rac1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.27/25 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.20/25 book Kh8 Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.19/25 book Kh8 Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.26/25 book Kh8 Qc2 a6 a5 Rac8 Qd2 Qd6 Ra3 Kg7 Rb3 h6 Rc1 h5 exf4 Qxf4 Qe3 Ng4 Qxf4 gxf4 h3 Nf6 Rf1 Kg6 Ra1 Nd7 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.29/27 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.22/27 book Kh8 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.29/27 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.21/27 book Kh8 Qd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.24/27 book Kh8 Qd1 Qd6 Nb5 Qe7 Nc3 a6 Qd2 Qd6 Rac1 Rae8 Qc2 Rc8 Qd2 Rfe8 Qd1 Kg7 a5 Kh8 Ra1 Rc7 Qb3 Bd7 Qa3 Qe6 exf4 gxf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.31/28 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.30/29 book Kh8 Qd1 Qd6 Nb5 Qe7 Nc3 a6 Qd2 Qd6 Rac1 Rae8 Qc2 Rc8 Qd2 Rfe8 a5 Bd7 Qd1 Qe6 Kh1 Rf8 exf4 gxf4 f3 e3 Qb3 Bc6 Bd3 Rg8 Qc2 Bd7 Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.24/30 book Kh8 Qd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.30/30 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.24/30 book Kh8 Qd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.27/31 book Kh8 Qd1 Qd6 Nb5 Qe7 Nc3 a6 Qd2 Qd6 a5 Rae8 Rfc1 Bd7 Qd1 Kg7 Qb3 Bc6 Qd1 h6 Qb3 Qe6 Rf1 Rc8 Qd1 Rc7 Rc1 Rfc8 Qd2 f3 gxf3 Qh3 fxe4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.33/32 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.27/32 book Kh8 Qd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.33/32 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.25/32 book Kh8 Qd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.36/32 book Kh8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.39/32 book Kh8 Qd1 a6 b4 Qd6 b5 axb5 axb5 Rxa1 Qxa1 Bd7 Qb2 Ra8 Qd2 Rc8 Qb2 Kg7 Ra1 fxe3 fxe3 Bg4 Bxg4 Nxg4 g3 h5 Qb3 Rd8 Qa2 Qd7 Qd2 Rf8 Rf1 19...Kh8 (9:36)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=22 time=927.82 node=58629083 speed=63189 score=-0.13 pv="Qd1 Qd6 Qd2 a6 a5 Rac8 Rac1 Rfe8 Qd1 Kg7 Na4 Bxa4 Qxa4 Rc7 Qb3 Rec8 Rc3 g4 exf4 Qxf4 Rxc7+ Qxc7 h3" 20.Qd1 (15:28) Qd6 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=24 time=1947.50 node=127701868 speed=65572 score=-0.18 pv="Nb5 Qb4 Rc1 Bd7 Rc3 Bxb5 axb5 Qxb2 Rc2 Qa3 Qd2 Qd6 Ra1 Ne8 Bg4 Ng7 Qc1 h5 Bc8 Qb8 Bd7 f3 Rc7 g4 g3 a6 bxa6 Rxa6 Rxa6" 21.Nb5 (32:27)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.37/23 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.45/24 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.39/25 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.45/27 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.41/28 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.51/29 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.55/29 book Bxb5 axb5 Ng8 h3 Nh6 Ra3 Rf6 Bh5 Raf8 Qc1 Nf5 Bg4 fxe3 Bxf5 Rxf5 Qxe3 Qb6 Ra2 Kg7 b4 Qxb5 Rxa7 Qxb4 Ra3 h6 Rb3 Qc4 Rc3 Qb5 Rc5 Qd7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.34/30 book Bxb5 Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.41/30 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.31/30 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.46/30 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.54/31 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.48/31 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.54/31 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.46/31 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/31 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/32 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/32 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/32 book Bxb5 axb5 Ng8 Re1 Nh6 g3 Qf6 Bg4 a5 Bh3 fxe3 fxe3 Qf2+ Kh1 Qf3+ Qxf3 exf3 Be6 Rad8 Rac1 Rfe8 Bh3 g4 Bf1 Nf5 Kg1 Nxe3 Rc7 Nxf1 Rxe8+ Rxe8 Kxf1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/33 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.41/33 book Bxb5 axb5 Ng8 Re1 Nh6 g3 Qf6 Bg4 a5 Rc1 fxg3 fxg3 Qf2+ Kh1 Qxb2 Be6 Rf6 Rb1 Qf2 Rf1 Qxf1+ Qxf1 Rxf1+ Rxf1 Rd8 Rc1 Kg7 Bc8 a4 Bxb7 Ng4 Rc3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.35/34 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.41/34 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.43/34 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.43/34 book Bxb5 axb5 Ng8 Bh5 Nh6 Ra3 Rf6 h3 Raf8 Qc1 Nf5 Bg4 fxe3 Bxf5 Rxf5 Qxe3 Qb6 b3 Kg7 Rfa1 h6 R1a2 R5f7 Rxa7 Rxf2 Rxb7+ Qxb7 Rxf2 Rxf2 Kxf2 Qxb5 Qg3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.49/35 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.55/35 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.49/35 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.46/35 book Bxb5 axb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/35 book Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.47/35 book Bxb5 axb5 Ng8 Ra3 Nh6 h3 Rf6 Bh5 Rg8 Qc1 g4 exf4 gxh3 Rxh3 Rxf4 f3 Qf8 Rf2 Rf5 Qd2 Qg7 Bg6 Qxg6 Rxh6 Qg7 Rh3 Rgf8 Qh6 Qxh6 Rxh6 Kg7 Rd6 21...Bxb5 (10:26)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=27 time=702.68 node=51426576 speed=73186 score=+0.00 pv="axb5 Qb4 b3 Rfc8 Rc1 Kg7 Rc2 Kg6 Qc1 Rxc2 Qxc2 h5 Ra1 h4 h3 fxe3 fxe3 Rf8 Qc1 Ra8 Qc2" 22.axb5 (11:43)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.61/37 book Ng8 h3 Nh6 Ra3 Rf6 Bh5 Rg8 Qc1 g4 exf4 gxh3 Rxh3 Rxf4 f3 Qf8 Rf2 Rf6 Qc3 b6 Re2 Nf7 Bxf7 Qxf7 Rf2 Qg7 Qd2 Rgf8 Kh1 Qd7 Qc3 Re8 Re2 22...Ng8 (0:35)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=23 time=1203.72 node=83495407 speed=69364 score=-0.43 pv="Rc1 Nh6 Bh5 Rf6 Qa4 g4 b6 Rf5 Be8 Qxb6 Bd7 Rf7 Rc8+ Rxc8 Bxc8 Qd8 Rc1 fxe3 fxe3 Qg5 Qe8+ Kg7 Qe5+ Qxe5 dxe5 Re7 Rc5 Rxe5 Rc7+ Kg6" 23.Rc1 (20:04)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.53/22 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.39/24 book Nh6 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.43/25 book Nh6 Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.51/25 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.43/25 book Nh6 Re1 Rad8 Bf1 Rf7 Qh5 Qf6 Be2 Rdf8 Rf1 Qg7 Rc3 Nf5 Bg4 Rf6 Bxf5 Rxf5 Rfc1 fxe3 fxe3 Qf6 h3 h6 Kh1 Qd6 Rc8 Rf2 Rxf8+ Qxf8 Rc7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.52/26 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.52/26 book Nh6 Kh1 Rf7 Rg1 Raf8 Bg4 f3 gxf3 Nxg4 Rxg4 Rxf3 Rxg5 Rxf2 Qh5 Qf6 Rg2 Rf5 Qe2 Rf1+ Rxf1 Qxf1+ Qxf1 Rxf1+ Rg1 Rxg1+ Kxg1 Kg7 Kf1 Kf6 Kf2 Ke6 Ke2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.47/28 book Nh6 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.46/29 book Nh6 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.59/29 book Nh6 Kh1 Rf7 Rg1 Raf8 Bg4 Rf6 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Rc3 h6 Qc1 R5f7 Rc8 Kg7 Qc5 Qxc5 Rxc5 Rf5 h3 fxe3 fxe3 R8f7 Ra1 b6 Rc6 Rf2 Rd6 Rxb2 Rxd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.59/30 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.53/30 book Nh6 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.61/30 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.63/30 book Nh6 Bh5 Qd7 f3 Qxb5 fxe4 dxe4 Qe1 Rad8 b4 Qb6 Kh1 Nf5 exf4 gxf4 Qxe4 Rxd4 Qe5+ Qf6 Qxf6+ Rxf6 b5 Nd6 Rc5 Rb4 Be2 Rb2 Bd3 b6 Rc6 Rd2 Bc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/31 book Nh6 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.42/31 book Nh6 Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.50/31 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.48/31 book Nh6 Re1 Rad8 Bf1 Nf5 Qg4 Qe7 Rc3 Rf7 Rec1 fxe3 fxe3 Qf6 Qe2 Nh4 Rc7 Rdf8 Rxf7 Qxf7 Ra1 b6 Qe1 Nf5 g3 g4 Bg2 Nd6 Qe2 Qg7 Rf1 Rxf1+ Qxf1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.55/32 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.61/32 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.55/32 book Nh6 Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/32 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.68/32 book Nh6 Re1 Qf6 Qd2 fxe3 Qxe3 Nf5 Qc3 Rae8 Rcd1 g4 Rf1 Rc8 Qb3 Nxd4 Qe3 Nxe2+ Qxe2 Qg5 Ra1 Rf7 Rxa7 Rcf8 Raa1 Rf5 Qe3 Qf6 b3 Qe5 Rad1 Kg7 g3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.65/33 book Nh6 Re1 Qf6 Qd2 fxe3 Qxe3 Nf5 Qc3 Rae8 Rcd1 g4 Rf1 Rc8 Qb3 Nxd4 Qe3 Nxe2+ Qxe2 Qg5 Ra1 Rf7 Rxa7 Rcf8 Raa1 Qe5 Rad1 Rf5 Qd2 Rh5 g3 Rhf5 b3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.59/34 book Nh6 Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.65/34 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/34 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/34 book Nh6 Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.65/35 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.50/35 book Nh6 Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/35 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.78/35 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/35 book Nh6 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.86/35 book Nh6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.68/35 book Nh6 h3 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qb3 Ng3 Rfe1 h5 Qa3 Qd8 Kh2 Qb8 Kg1 Rf7 Qc5 Qd8 Kh2 Nxe2 Rxe2 g4 Rec2 gxh3 Qc8 hxg2 Qxd8+ Rxd8 Rxg2 Rg8 Rc5 Rf5 Rc7 23...Nh6 (15:42)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=24 time=1145.38 node=81092851 speed=70799 score=-0.43 pv="Kh1 Rf7 Rg1 Raf8 Ra1 Nf5 exf4 gxf4 Rxa7 Qb4 Bg4 Qxb5 b3 Qb6 Ra4 Rg8 Bh3 Rf6 Qh5 Nxd4 Rb1 Rd8 Qe5 Ne2 Re1 f3 gxf3 exf3" 24.Kh1 (3:23)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.53/20 book Rf7 exf4 gxf4 Bg4 Nxg4 Qxg4 Rg8 Rc8 Rff8 Rxf8 Qxf8 Qh5 Qg7 Qe5 Qxe5 dxe5 d4 Ra1 e3 Kg1 d3 Rxa7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.46/24 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.45/26 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.63/26 book Rf7 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.71/27 book Rf7 Rg1 Raf8 Bg4 Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 Bxe4 Ne2 Qxe2 Rf2 Qxf2 Rxf2 Rg2 Rxg2 Bxg2 Qd7 h3 Qd2 Rc8+ Kg7 Bxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/30 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.55/30 book Rf7 Rg1 Raf8 Bg4 Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Re8 Rxg5 Rf2 Rf5 Rxf5 gxf5 Rf8 Re1 Rxf5 c4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/31 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.49/31 book Rf7 Rg1 Raf8 Bg4 Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Re8 Rxg5 Rf2 Rf5 Rxf5 gxf5 Rf8 Re1 Rxf5 c4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.49/32 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.65/33 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.59/33 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/33 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/33 book Rf7 Rg1 Nf5 Bh5 Rf6 Qe1 Raf8 Bg4 Nh6 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Qe2 Kg7 Rc2 R8f7 Ra1 f3 Qf1 fxg2+ Kxg2 Qb6 Kg1 Rf3 Ra3 g4 Rac3 h5 Rc8 Rf8 R8c7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.63/34 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.69/34 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.63/34 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/34 book Rf7 Rg1 Nf5 Bh5 Rf6 Qe1 Raf8 Bg4 Nh6 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Qe2 Kg7 Rc2 R8f7 Ra1 f3 Qf1 fxg2+ Kxg2 Qb6 Kg1 Rf3 Ra3 h6 Rac3 Qe6 Rc7 Rxc7 Rxc7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.64/35 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/35 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/35 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/35 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.61/35 book Rf7 Rg1 Nf5 Bh5 Rf6 Qe1 Raf8 Bg4 Nh6 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Qe2 Kg7 Qc2 g4 Qe2 h5 f3 fxe3 fxe4 dxe4 Qxe3 Qf4 Qxf4 Rxf4 Rge1 R4f5 h3 gxh3 gxh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/36 book Rf7 Rg1 Nf5 Bh5 Rf6 Qe1 Raf8 Bg4 Nh6 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Qe2 Kg7 Qc2 g4 Qe2 h5 f3 exf3 gxf3 fxe3 Qxe3 Qf4 Qxf4 Rxf4 fxg4 hxg4 Rgd1 Rf2 Rc7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.64/37 book Rf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/37 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/37 book Rf7 Rg1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/37 book Rf7 Rg1 Nf5 Bh5 Rf6 Qe1 Raf8 Bg4 Qd7 Qe2 fxe3 Bxf5 Qxf5 fxe3 R8f7 Qe1 Qf2 Qxf2 Rxf2 Rc8+ Kg7 Rd8 h6 Rxd5 Re2 Ra1 Rxe3 Re5 Re2 h3 b6 b3 24...Rf7 (6:42)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=24 time=641.13 node=45373276 speed=70770 score=-0.49 pv="Rg1 Raf8 Bg4 Rf6 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Rc2 Kg7 Qe2 fxe3 fxe3 Qf6 Qh5 Rf7 h3 h6 Rc8 Rf1 Rxf1 Qxf1+ Kh2 Qf2 b6 axb6" 25.Rg1 (3:59)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.52/33 book Nf5 Rc3 Raf8 Bg4 fxe3 fxe3 Ng7 g3 Rf2 Rc2 Rxc2 Qxc2 h5 Be2 Nf5 Qc3 g4 Rf1 Kg7 Qb3 Ne7 Rxf8 Kxf8 Qc3 Kf7 Kg1 Qd7 Kf2 Kg7 Ke1 b6 Kd2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.46/34 book Nf5 Rc3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.49/34 book Nf5 Rc3 Raf8 Bg4 fxe3 fxe3 Ng7 g3 Nf5 Bh5 Rf6 Bg4 Nh6 Rc2 Kg7 Bc8 Rf3 Qe2 Nf5 Bxf5 R8xf5 Ra1 Rf7 Kg1 Qf6 Rac1 Kg6 Rc7 Rf2 Rxf7 Rxe2 Rxf6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.55/35 book Nf5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.49/35 book Nf5 Rc3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.52/35 book Nf5 Rc3 Raf8 Bg4 fxe3 fxe3 Ng7 g3 Nf5 Bh5 Rf6 Bg4 Nh6 Rc2 Kg7 Bh3 Rf3 Qd2 R8f7 Rgc1 Qf6 Bg2 Rf2 Qd1 Rxc2 Rxc2 Nf5 Qe2 Nd6 Kg1 h6 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/36 book Raf8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.52/36 book Raf8 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/36 book Raf8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.51/36 book Raf8 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/36 book Raf8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.51/36 book Raf8 Bg4 fxe3 fxe3 Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bd7 Qxb2 Qe1 Qa3 Rc5 b6 Qc3 Qxc3 Rxc3 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 h3 Kg7 Ra3 R8f7 Rga1 Rf2 Rxa7 Re2 R7a3 h5 Rc1 Rb2 Rc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/37 book Raf8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.64/37 book Raf8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.73/37 book Raf8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.65/37 book Raf8 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.58/37 book Raf8 Bg4 Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Rf3 Ra1 e3 Re5 R8f4 Re1 Rxg4 R5xe3 Rf7 Ra1 b6 Re8+ 25...Raf8 (7:58)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=23 time=565.84 node=39431641 speed=69686 score=-0.75 pv="Bg4 Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bd7 Qxb2 Qc2 Qxc2 Rxc2 R8f7 Bc8 b6 h3 Re7 Rc6 Kg7 Rgc1 Nf7 Rc7 Rxc7 Rxc7 Kg6 Bb7 fxe3 fxe3 Rf1+ Kh2" 26.Bg4 (1:27)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/34 book Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Rf3 Re1 R8f4 Rc7 e3 Re7 Rxg4 R7xe3 Rf7 Ra1 b6 Re8+ Kg7 Ra8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.63/35 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.70/35 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.79/35 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.71/35 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.63/35 book Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Rf3 Re1 R8f4 Rc7 e3 Re7 Rxg4 R7xe3 Rf7 Ra1 b6 Re8+ Kg7 Ra8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/36 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.51/36 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/36 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.71/36 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.60/36 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.76/36 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.52/36 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/36 book Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Rf3 Rd1 h6 Rc7 R8f7 Rdd7 Rxd7 Rxd7 a6 c4 axb5 cxb5 e3 Re7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.51/37 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.57/37 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/37 book Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Rf3 Rd1 h6 Rc7 R8f7 Rdd7 Rxd7 Rxd7 a6 c4 axb5 cxb5 e3 Re7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/38 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.56/38 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/38 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.54/38 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.65/38 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.61/38 book Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Rf3 Rxg5 Rxc3 Re5 Rb3 Ra1 Rf2 Re7 Rbb2 h4 Rh2+ Kg1 Rxh4 Rxe4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/39 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.61/39 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/39 book Qb4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.60/39 book Qb4 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.63/39 book Qb4 Be6 Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd5 Rc5 Qxd4 Qc3 Qxc3 bxc3 Rf3 Rc7 R8f7 Rxf7 Rxf7 Re1 Rf4 h3 Kg7 Ra1 e3 Re1 Kf7 Rxe3 26...Qb4 (6:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=25 time=606.69 node=42793658 speed=70536 score=-0.77 pv="Be6 Rf6 Bd7 Qxb2 Qc2 Qxc2 Rxc2 R8f7 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 h3 Kg7 Ra2 fxe3 fxe3 Rf2 Rxa7 Re2 Ra3 Rb2 Ra8 Rxb5 Rd8 h6 Ra1 Rb3 Rxd5 Rxe3" 27.Be6 (4:06)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.53/40 book Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nh6 Bxe4 Qe6 Bf5 Nxf5 gxf5 Qe4+ Rg2 Rxf5 Kg1 Rf1+ Qxf1 Rxf1+ Rxf1 Qxe3+ Rff2 h6 h4 Kh7 hxg5 hxg5 b6 a6 Kh1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.59/41 book Rf6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/41 book Rf6 Bxd5 fxe3 fxe3 Nf5 Qe1 Qd6 g4 Nh6 Bxe4 Qe6 Bf5 Nxf5 gxf5 Qe4+ Rg2 Rxf5 Kg1 Rf1+ Qxf1 Rxf1+ Rxf1 Qxe3+ Rff2 h6 h4 Kh7 hxg5 hxg5 Kh1 Qxd4 b6 27...Rf6 (2:52)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=25 time=173.00 node=13183454 speed=75052 score=-0.79 pv="Bd7 Qxb2 Qc2 Qxc2 Rxc2 R8f7 Bc8 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 h3 Kg7 Kh2 b6 Rgc1 Rd7 Kg1 h5 Ra2 Rf6 Rc8 Rf8 Rc6 Rdf7 Rd6 fxe3 fxe3 Rf1+ Kh2" 28.Bd7 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.83/29 book Qxb2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.76/30 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.85/30 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/30 book Nf7 b3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.88/30 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.72/30 book Nf7 b3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.87/30 book Nf7 b3 Rd8 Bc8 Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 h3 Nh6 exf4 Rxf4 Qd2 Qf6 Rf1 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Rc7 Rf8 Kg1 Qb6 Qc3 R5f7 Rxf7 Rxf7 Rc1 h6 Qe3 Qd6 Qe2 b6 Qe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.74/31 book Nf7 Qc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.73/31 book Qxb2 Qc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/32 book Qxb2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/32 book Qxb2 Qc2 Qxc2 Rxc2 fxe3 fxe3 R8f7 Bc8 g4 g3 Nf5 Re1 Kg7 Bxf5 Rxf5 Kg1 Rd7 Ra1 Rf3 Rxa7 Rxe3 b6 Rf7 Rc7 Re1+ Kg2 Rxc7 bxc7 Re2+ Kg1 Rc2 Rxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/33 book Qxb2 Qc2 Qxc2 Rxc2 fxe3 fxe3 R8f7 Bc8 g4 g3 Nf5 Re1 Kg7 Bxf5 Rxf5 Kg1 Rd7 Ra1 Rf3 Rxa7 Rxe3 b6 Kf6 Rc7 Rxc7 bxc7 Rc3 Rxb7 Ke6 Kf2 h5 Rb6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.74/34 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.80/34 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.74/34 book Nf7 b3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.81/34 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.70/34 book Nf7 b3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.86/34 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.81/34 book Nf7 b3 Rd8 Bc8 Qxb5 Rc7 fxe3 fxe3 Qb6 Qc2 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 h3 Rdf8 c5 Qc6 Qe5 Qe8 Qxe8 Rxe8 Ra1 b5 Bd7 Rxe3 Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.75/35 book Nf7 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.69/35 book Nf7 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.75/35 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.67/35 book Nf7 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.78/35 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/35 book Nf7 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/35 book Nf7 h3 Qxb2 Rc2 Qb4 Rc7 fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Qg4 Qa5 Rc5 h6 Rxd5 Qd2 Qg3 Nc4 Rf5 Rxf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Qb8+ Kg7 Qc7+ Rf7 Qxc4 Qxe3 Qd5 Qf4 Re1 e3 Qe5+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.71/36 book Nf7 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/36 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.71/36 book Nf7 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.79/36 book Nf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.68/36 book Nf7 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.62/36 book Nf7 h3 Qxb2 Rc2 Qa3 Qc1 Qe7 Rc7 fxe3 Bg4 Qd6 fxe3 Nh6 Bc8 R6f7 Rxf7 Rxf7 Qa1 b6 Rf1 Rc7 Bg4 Kg7 Kg1 Ng8 Qa2 Nf6 Qf2 Rc3 Bf5 h6 Ra1 28...Nf7 (9:11)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=24 time=1145.27 node=79470545 speed=69390 score=-0.70 pv="b3 Rd8 Bc8 Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 g3 f3 Qc2 Rc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Be6 Kg7 Rc1 Rd6 Bg4 Nh6 Bh5 Ng8 Bg4 Rh6 Kg1 Ne7 Ra1 Qb4 Qa2 a5 Qxa5 Qxb3" 29.b3 (19:05)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.75/23 book Rd8 Bc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/27 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.79/27 book Rd8 Bc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.90/27 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/28 book Rd8 Bc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.69/28 book Rd8 Bc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.81/29 book Rd8 Bc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.82/30 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.81/31 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.84/31 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/32 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.82/32 book Rd8 Bc8 Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 g3 f3 Qa1 Nd6 Bh3 Rh6 Bg4 Nb5 Rgc1 a6 Qa2 Qf6 Rc8 Rxc8 Rxc8+ Kg7 Qa5 Qe7 Kg1 Rf6 Qd8 Qxd8 Rxd8 Rc6 h4 gxh4 gxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.82/33 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.83/33 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.83/34 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.84/34 book Rd8 Bc8 Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 g3 f3 Qa1 Nd6 Bh3 Rh6 Bg4 Nb5 Rgc1 a6 Kg1 Kg7 Qa2 Qf6 Qc2 Qe7 Rc8 Rhd6 Bh3 Qe8 Rxd8 Qxd8 Qc8 Qxc8 Bxc8 Rb6 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.71/35 book Rd8 Bc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/35 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.70/35 book Rd8 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.81/35 book Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.65/35 book Rd8 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.75/35 book Rd8 Bg4 Qxb5 Qc2 Rf8 Qc5 Qxc5 Rxc5 Nh6 Bd7 Nf5 Bxf5 Rxf5 Ra5 fxe3 fxe3 a6 g4 Rf3 Re1 Rd8 b4 Kg8 Kg2 Rd6 Rc5 b6 Rc7 b5 Re7 h6 Rc1 29...Rd8 (6:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=25 time=1333.10 node=93017497 speed=69775 score=-0.86 pv="Bc8 Qxb5 Rc7 Qb6 Qc2 Rc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Bg4 Nh6 Be2 Nf5 Bg4 Rf8 Qc3 fxe3 fxe3 Qb5 Re1 Ne7 Kg1 Kg7 Ra1 a6 Qc1 Qd3 Qe1 h6" 30.Bc8 (16:12)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.92/24 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.76/25 book Qxb5 g3 f3 Rc5 Qb6 Qa1 Nd6 Bg4 Nb5 Rgc1 a6 Qa4 Rh6 Kg1 Kg7 Bc8 Rf6 b4 Rf7 Bg4 Qd6 Qb3 h6 Bh5 Rff8 Bg4 Rf6 Rc8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.76/28 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.74/29 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.85/30 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/31 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.73/32 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.70/32 book Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 g3 f3 Qa1 Nd6 Bh3 Rh6 Bg4 Nb5 Rgc1 a6 Qa2 Qf6 b4 Qf7 Kg1 Kg7 Qb3 Rf6 Bh3 Kg8 Qa2 Rh6 Rc8 Rxc8 Rxc8+ Kg7 Bf1 Rd6 Bxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.83/33 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/33 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/33 book Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 g3 f3 Qa1 Nd6 Bh3 Rh6 Bg4 Nb5 Rgc1 a6 R5c2 Rf6 Kg1 Kg7 Qa4 Rf7 b4 Rh8 Rc5 h5 Rxd5 hxg4 Rxg5+ Kf6 Rcc5 Rfh7 Qa2 Qd6 Rcd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.77/34 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.75/34 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.76/35 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.82/35 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.76/35 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.84/35 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.85/36 book Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 g3 f3 Qa1 Rc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Be6 Kg7 Qa4 Rd6 Bxf7 Kxf7 Ra1 Rd7 Rc1 Qb5 Qxb5 cxb5 h3 Ke6 Ra1 Rc7 Ra6+ Kd7 Kg1 h5 Kh2 h4 gxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.79/37 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.85/37 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.79/37 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.86/37 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.75/37 book Qxb5 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.91/37 book Qxb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.82/37 book Qxb5 Rc5 Qb6 g3 f3 Qa1 Rc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Be6 Kg7 Qf1 Nh6 Qh3 Rd6 Bf5 Rf6 Bd7 Nf7 Be8 h6 Bxf7 Rxf7 Qe6 Qxb3 Qxc6 Qb7 Qe6 Qd7 Qxd7 Rxd7 Ra1 30...Qxb5 (5:42)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=27 time=1236.55 node=88046555 speed=71203 score=-0.78 pv="Rc7 Qb6 Qc2 Rc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Be6 Nh6 exf4 gxf4 Qc3 Re8 Qh3 Ng8 Rd1 Rf8 Bxg8 Rxg8 Qh6 Qc7 Rc1 Qg7 Qxg7+ Rxg7 Rxc6 Rb7 Rc3 Kg7 Kg1 Kf6 Rc6+ Kf5 Rc5 Ke6 Rc6+ Kd7" 31.Rc7 (14:54)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.88/27 book Qb6 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.90/27 book Qb6 Rc5 Rf8 h3 Nh6 Qh5 fxe3 fxe3 Rg6 Qd1 g4 Rf1 Rxf1+ Qxf1 Qxb3 Qc1 gxh3 Bxh3 Ng8 Rc8 Qb6 Qf1 Qd6 Qf7 Rg7 Qe6 Qg3 Qe5 Qxe5 dxe5 Re7 Rd8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.82/29 book Qb6 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.86/30 book Qb6 Rc5 Rf8 h3 fxe3 fxe3 Nh6 Qh5 Rg6 Qd1 g4 Rf1 Rfg8 h4 Rc6 Bd7 Rd6 Bb5 g3 Rf4 Rf6 Qf1 Rfg6 Rxd5 Ng4 Rf7 Nxe3 Rdd7 Rh6 Qf4 Ng4 Qxe4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.07/31 book Qb6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.00/31 book Qb6 Qc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.10/31 book Qb6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.80/32 book Qb6 Qc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.96/32 book Qb6 Qc2 fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 Re8 h3 Kg7 Qa4 Rd8 Qc2 Qc6 Ra1 a6 Qb2 Qb6 Qc2 Re8 Rd1 Qc7 d5 b6 Qc3 Qe5 Qxe5 Rxe5 d6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.90/33 book Qb6 Qc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.84/33 book Qb6 Qc2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.04/33 book Qb6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.93/33 book Qb6 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.09/33 book Qb6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.95/34 book Qb6 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.89/34 book Qb6 Rc5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.95/34 book Qb6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.89/34 book Qb6 Rc5 Kg7 Qc2 Rc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Be6 fxe3 Bxf7 Rf8 Qc1 Rxf7 Qxe3 Rf4 h3 h6 Rc1 Rf5 Kg1 Rf6 Rc2 Qa6 f3 exf3 gxf3 Qc8 Ra2 Rf7 Kg2 Kg6 Ra1 31...Qb6 (5:20)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=25 time=906.26 node=64442731 speed=71108 score=-0.75 pv="Qc2 Rc6 Rxc6 bxc6 Be6 Nh6 exf4 gxf4 Qc3 Re8 Qh3 Ng8 Rd1 Rf8 Bxg8 Rxg8 Qh6 Qc7 Rc1 Qg7 Qxg7+ Rxg7 Rxc6 Rb7 g3 e3 fxe3 fxe3 Kg2" 32.Qc2 (9:46)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.81/28 book Nd6 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.94/28 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.91/29 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/29 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/30 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 h3 Qc6 Qc3 b6 d5 Qd6 Bf5 Kg8 Bxe4 Re8 Bd3 Rf2 Bc2 Ref8 e4 R8f7 e5 Qb4 Qb3 Qxb3 Bxb3 Re7 e6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.94/31 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.89/31 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.97/31 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 h3 Qc6 Qc3 b6 d5 Qd6 Qd4 a4 Qxe4 Rdf8 Qd4 a3 Ra1 Qb4 Bf3 Kg7 Qd3 Ra8 Ra2 Ra7 Bg4 Kg8 Be6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.03/32 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.96/32 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.91/32 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/32 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 Re8 h3 Qc7 c5 b6 Rc1 bxc5 Qxc5 Qxc5 dxc5 Re7 c6 Rc7 Bd7 Rf2 Rc4 Ra2 Rxe4 a5 Re5 a4 Rxg5 a3 Ra5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.07/33 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.09/33 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 Qc7 Qxe4 Qxc4 Qxb7 Rdf8 h3 a5 Qe7 Qd5 Bf3 Qe6 Qxe6 Rxe6 Ra1 Ra6 Bb7 Ra7 Bd5 Kg7 Kg1 a4 Ra3 Rf6 e4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.03/34 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.09/35 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.03/35 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/35 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.12/35 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.95/35 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 Qc7 Qxe4 Qxc4 Qxb7 Qc6 Qxa7 Ra8 Qe7 Re8 Qa3 Qe4 Bd7 Re7 Bg4 Qxe3 Qa1 Kg7 d5 Qe5 Be6 Qxa1 Rxa1 Rf2 Rd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.94/36 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 Qc7 Qxe4 Qxc4 Qxb7 Qc6 Qxa7 Ra8 Qe7 Re8 Qa3 Qe4 Bd7 Re7 Bg4 Qxe3 Qa1 Kg7 d5 Qe5 Be6 Qxa1 Rxa1 Rf2 Rd1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/37 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/37 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.15/37 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.04/37 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.02/37 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 a3 Rf1 Rf8 h4 gxh4 c5 Qd8 Kh2 a2 Be6 Qe7 Rxf6 Rxf6 Qb8+ Kg7 Bxa2 Rf8 Qd6 Qxd6+ cxd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.96/38 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.03/38 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.93/38 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.03/38 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 Qc7 Qxe4 Qxc4 Qxb7 Rdf8 Qe7 Qd5 h3 a5 Bf3 Qe6 Qxe6 Rxe6 Ra1 Ra6 Kh2 Kg7 Kg3 Rb8 Bd1 Rb2 Ra4 Rb4 Kf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.09/39 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.15/39 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.09/39 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.17/39 book fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/39 book fxe3 fxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/39 book fxe3 fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 c5 Qc7 Bf3 b5 Ra1 b4 Rxa4 Qxc5 Qb1 Qc3 Rxb4 Rc8 h3 Qxe3 Qe4 Qxe4 Bxe4 Rf4 Bf3 Kg7 Kh2 32...fxe3 (6:42)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=25 time=571.34 node=42052507 speed=73603 score=-0.92 pv="fxe3 Nd6 Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Rf8 c5 Qc6 h3 Qe8 Qxe8 Rxe8 Ra1 b5 cxb6 Rxb6 Rxa4 Rxe3 Kg1 Rb2 Bf5 Rd2 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra7+ Kf6" 33.fxe3 (9:31) Nd6 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=26 time=539.10 node=39199299 speed=72712 score=-1.06 pv="Bg4 Nc4 Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Rf8 h3 Qd6 Qxd6 Rxd6 Ra1 Ra8 c5 Rf6 Ra3 b6 Kh2 Ra7 cxb6 Rxb6 Bd1 Rb4 Kg3 Kg7 Kg4 Ra5 Kf3 Kf6 Ke4" 34.Bg4 (8:58) Nc4 (0:02)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=26 time=86.10 node=6398638 speed=74318 score=-0.98 pv="Rxc4 dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Rf8 h3 Qd6 Qxd6 Rxd6 Ra1 Ra8 c5 Rf6 Kg1 Ra5 e4 a3 e5 Rf4 d5 a2 d6 Kg7 Be6 Rxc5 Rxa2 Rxe5" 35.Rxc4 (1:23)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.02/36 book dxc4 bxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/36 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.10/36 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.10/37 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.04/37 book dxc4 bxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.02/37 book dxc4 bxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.13/37 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.00/37 book dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 c5 Qc6 Qe5 a3 Rf1 Rf8 h3 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qxg5 Rf2 Bf3 Qc7 Qf6+ Qg7 Qxg7+ Kxg7 Bd5 Rd8 e4 Ra8 Kh2 Ra7 Kg3 Rd2 Kf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/38 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/38 book dxc4 bxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.13/38 book dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 c5 Qc6 Qe5 a3 Rf1 Rf8 h3 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qxg5 Rf2 Bf3 Qc7 Qf6+ Qg7 Qxg7+ Kxg7 Bd5 Rd8 e4 Ra8 Kh2 Ra7 Kg3 Rd2 Kf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.14/39 book dxc4 bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 c5 Qc6 Qe5 a3 Rf1 Rf8 h3 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qxg5 Rf2 Bf3 Qc7 Qf6+ Qg7 Qxg7+ Kxg7 Bd5 Rd8 e4 Ra8 Kh2 Ra7 Kg3 Rd2 Kf4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.20/40 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/40 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.20/40 book dxc4 bxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.28/40 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.17/40 book dxc4 bxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.33/40 book dxc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/40 book dxc4 bxc4 a5 h3 Qc7 c5 b6 Rc1 Qc6 Be2 bxc5 dxc5 a4 Qc3 Kg7 Rb1 Qc7 Rb6 Qe7 Ra6 Rd5 Rxa4 Rxc5 Rxe4 Rxc3 Rxe7+ Rf7 Re4 Kf6 h4 gxh4 Bf3 35...dxc4 (6:58)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=29 time=530.61 node=38821442 speed=73164 score=-0.93 pv="bxc4 a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Rf8 c5 Qc6 h3 Qe8 Qxe8 Rxe8 Ra1 b5 cxb6 Rxb6 Rxa4 Rxe3 Bf3 Kg7 Kh2 Kf6 h4 gxh4 d5 Ke5 Rxh4 h6 Kg3 Rf6 Rh1 Rd3 Kg4 Rd2 Re1+ Kd6 Kh5 Kc5" 36.bxc4 (1:52)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.29/36 book a5 Qxe4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/36 book a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Re5 hxg5 Rxg5 Ra7 Rd6 Bf3 h6 Kh2 Kg8 Kh3 Rc5 Ra4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/37 book a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Rc4 Re7 Bf3 Kf6 Rf4+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.33/38 book a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Rc4 Ra7 Bd3 Rd5 Be4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.31/39 book a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Rc4 Rd5 Rg4+ Kf6 Rf4+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/40 book a5 Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Rc4 Rd7 Bf3 Ra7 Rc8 36...a5 (3:12)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=27 time=192.48 node=14301127 speed=74430 score=-0.89 pv="Qxe4 a4 Qe5 Rf8 c5 Qc6 h3 Qe8 Qxe8 Rxe8 Ra1 b5 cxb6 Rxb6 Rxa4 Rxe3 d5 Kg7 h4 Kf6 hxg5+ Kxg5 Bf3 h6 Rd4 Rd6 Kh2 Kf5 Kg3 Rc3 Kh4 Ra3 Rd2 Ra1 Re2 Rh1+ Kg3" 37.Qxe4 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.31/28 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Rc7 Ra6 Re7 Ra4 h6 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/32 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Rc7 Ra6 Rgc5 Kg3 Rc4 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/34 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Rc7 Ra6 Rgc5 Kg3 Rc4 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/35 book a4 c5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/35 book a4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.23/35 book a4 c5 Qc7 Bf3 Rdf8 h3 b5 cxb6ep Rxb6 d5 a3 Qd4+ Rff6 Ra1 Kg8 Qd3 Rxf3 gxf3 Rb2 f4 a2 Qf5 Qc2 Qe6+ Kf8 Qd6+ Ke8 Qe6+ Kd8 Qd6+ Kc8 Qe6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.29/36 book a4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/36 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Rc7 Ra6 Rgc5 Kg3 Rc4 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/37 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Rc7 Ra6 Rgc5 Kg3 Rc4 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/38 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Rc7 Ra6 Rgc5 Kg3 Rc4 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/39 book a4 c5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/39 book a4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/39 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rf7 Ra4 Rxg5 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Rc7 Ra8 Kf6 Rf8+ Ke5 Ra8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/40 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rxg5 Kh2 Rd5 Kg3 Kg7 Ra7+ Kh6 Ra4 Rfd6 Bf3 Rd4 Ra5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/41 book a4 Qe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.20/41 book a4 Qe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/41 book a4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/41 book a4 Qe5 Qd6 Qa5 Qe7 Qxa4 Qxe3 d5 Qd4 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 b5 cxb5 Rxd5 h4 Rxb5 Be2 Rc5 hxg5 Rxg5 Ra8+ Kg7 Bf3 Rf7 Ra4 Rc7 Kh2 Rgc5 Ra6 Rc4 Rd6 37...a4 (5:52)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=27 time=1936.23 node=143095137 speed=73903 score=-1.04 pv="c5 Qc6 Qe5 a3 Rf1 Rf8 h3 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qxg5 Rf2 Bf3 Qc7 Qf6+ Qg7 Qxg7+ Kxg7 Bd5 Rd8 Bxb7 Rb2 Kh2 Rxb7 Rxa2 Rb3 Re2 Kf6 Rf2+ Ke6 Rf3 Rb2 h4 Rc2 Kh3 h5 Rf4 Rg8 g4 Rxg4 Rxg4 hxg4+ Kg3" 38.c5 (26:23)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/24 book Qc6 Qb1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/26 book Qc6 Qb1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/28 book Qc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.22/29 book Qc6 Qb1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.94/29 book Qc6 Qe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.18/30 book Qc6 Qe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.19/31 book Qc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.10/31 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.94/31 book Qb3 h3 Qf7 Bf3 a3 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rf7 Bf3 Re7 Ra1 Rxe3 d5 Kg7 c6 Rd3 Kh2 Kf6 c7 Rc8 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 Rxc7 Rxa3 Kf5 Kg3 Rd2 Re3 Ra7 Be4+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/32 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.95/33 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.02/34 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.02/34 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.05/34 book Qb3 h3 Qf7 Qe5 a3 Rf1 Rf8 Kh2 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qxg5 Qc7+ Kg1 Ref8 Be2 Rf5 Qh4 Qf7 Qe4 Rg5 Kh2 Qb3 d5 Qb2 Qd4+ Qxd4 exd4 Rf2 Bf3 Kg7 d6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.12/35 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.18/35 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.12/35 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.98/35 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/35 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/35 book Qb3 h3 Qf7 Bf3 a3 Rc1 Qe6 Qxe6 Rxe6 Bxb7 Rxe3 c6 Rde8 Kh2 Re1 Rc2 R8e2 Rxe2 Rxe2 d5 a2 c7 a1Q c8Q+ Kg7 Qc7+ Kg6 Bc6 Re1 Qd6+ Qf6 Qxf6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/36 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.10/36 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.96/36 book Qb3 h3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/36 book Qb3 h3 Qf7 Qe5 a3 Rf1 Rf8 Kh2 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qxg5 Qc7+ Kg1 Ref8 Be2 Rf5 Qh4 Qa5 d5 Rxd5 Qe7 Rdf5 Qd6 Qc3 Qd4+ Qxd4 exd4 Ra8 Bc4 Rf4 Rxa2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.14/37 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.20/37 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/37 book Qb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.22/37 book Qb3 Qe5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.24/37 book Qb3 Qe5 Qf7 h3 Re8 Qxg5 Rg6 Qf5 Qxf5 Bxf5 Ra6 e4 a3 Ra1 Kg7 Kg1 a2 d5 Ra7 Kf2 Kf6 Ke3 Ke5 Kd3 Ra3+ Kc4 Rg8 g4 Rga8 g5 R8a4+ Kb5 38...Qb3 (4:53)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=25 time=594.66 node=44046011 speed=74068 score=-1.05 pv="h3 a3 Ra1 Qf7 Kg1 Rf8 Bf3 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rc3 c6 Kg7 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 Rb6 Kf2 Kf6 Kg3 Rc4 Rd3 Rd6 d5 h6 Rb3 Rd4 Rb8 Rd2 Rf8+ Ke7 Ra8 Rd3 Kf2" 39.h3 (9:55)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/27 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.00/29 book a3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.97/31 book a3 Ra1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/33 book a3 Ra1 Qf7 Kg1 Rf8 Bf3 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rc3 c6 h6 Kf2 Rd6 d5 Kg7 c7 Ra6 Be2 Rb6 Rxa3 Rxc7 Bf3 Kf6 Ra4 Ke5 h4 gxh4 Rxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/34 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/34 book Qf7 Qd3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.05/34 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/34 book Qf7 Bf3 a3 Rd1 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qd5 Qxd5 Bxd5 Rf2 Kg1 Re2 Rxa2 Rxa2 Bxa2 Rxe3 Kf2 Rd3 Bd5 Kg7 Bxb7 Rxd4 c6 Rc4 g3 Kf6 h4 g4 Ke2 Ke5 Kd3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.29/35 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.22/35 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.24/36 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/36 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/36 book Qf7 Bf3 a3 Ra1 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rc3 d5 h6 c6 Kg7 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 Rc4 Kh2 Kf7 Re3 Rb6 Kg3 Rd4 Rc3 Ke7 Rc7+ Kd6 Rh7 Ke5 Re7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.07/37 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.07/37 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.01/37 book Qf7 Bf3 a3 Ra1 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rc3 d5 h6 c6 Kg7 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 Rc4 Kh2 Kf7 Re3 Rb6 Kg3 Rd4 Rc3 Ke7 Rc7+ Kd6 Rh7 Ke5 Re7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.07/38 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.13/38 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.23/38 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.15/38 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/38 book Qf7 Bf3 a3 Ra1 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Rc2 Bd3 Rc5 Be2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.02/39 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.08/39 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/39 book Qf7 Bf3 a3 Ra1 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Rc2 Bd3 Rc5 Be2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.13/40 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.06/40 book Qf7 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.13/40 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/40 book Qf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/40 book Qf7 Bf3 a3 Ra1 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Bb5 Rxd5 Bc4 39...Qf7 (10:08)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=24 time=752.50 node=59395210 speed=78929 score=-0.70 pv="Bf3 Re8 Qg4 Qe6 Qxe6 Rfxe6 Ra1 b5 cxb6 Rxb6 Rxa4 Rxe3 Kh2 Kg7 Kg3 Kf6 h4 Re7 hxg5+ Kxg5 Ra5+ Kg6 Kg4 Rb4 Rd5 Kf6 Rd6+ Kg7 Kf5 Rc7 Kg4 Rbc4 Kg5 Rb4" 40.Bf3 (12:33)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/42 book a3 Rc1 a2 Ra1 Re8 Qd5 Qxd5 Bxd5 Rf2 Kg1 Rb2 Rxa2 Rxa2 Bxa2 Rxe3 Bd5 Rd3 Bxb7 Rxd4 Bf3 Kg7 c6 Kf6 Kf2 Ke5 Ke3 Ra4 Kd3 Kd6 Ke3 Rb4 Kd3 40...a3 (0:08)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=26 time=920.00 node=73669146 speed=80074 score=-1.47 pv="Ra1 Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Kh2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 h4 gxh4 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Kg7 Kh3 Kf6 Kxh4 Rd2 Ra6+ Ke5 Bf3 Kf4 Ra5 h6" 41.Ra1 (15:20)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.23/30 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -0.99/31 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Kg7 d5 Kf7 d6 Ke6 Rd1 a2 Bd5+ Kd7 Bxa2 Rc3 Bb1 h6 g4 Rxc5 Bf5+ Kd8 Kg2 Rc6 d7 Rfd6 Rxd6 Rxd6 h4 Rc6 hxg5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.05/32 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 h6 Kg1 Rc3 c6 Kg7 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 Rc2 Ra7+ Rf7 Ra3 Rd2 d5 Rf6 Kh2 Rb6 Kg3 Rd4 Ra8 Kf6 Rh8 Kf5 Rf8+ Rf6 Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.11/34 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/35 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/36 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra4 Rd6 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/37 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra4 Rd6 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.44/38 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/39 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/40 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/40 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Kh2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 h4 gxh4 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h3 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 hxg2 Bxg2 Re7 Kh3 Kg7 Rg3+ Kf6 Rf3+ Ke5 Re3+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/41 book Re8 Qxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.35/41 book Re8 Qxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.43/41 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/41 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra4 Rd6 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/42 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra4 Rd6 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.48/43 book Re8 Qxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/43 book Re8 Qxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/43 book Re8 Qxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.18/43 book Re8 Qxb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.29/43 book Re8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.39/43 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra2 Kg7 Kg3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/44 book Re8 Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra2 Kg7 Kg3 41...Re8 (4:44)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=29 time=511.76 node=43967500 speed=85914 score=-1.38 pv="Qxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra4 Rd6 Bb5 Rxa4 Bxa4 Kg7 Bb5 Kf6 Kg3 Kg5 Be2 Rd4 Bb5 Rd2 Bc4 Rb2 Bd3" 42.Qxb7 (3:48)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.43/46 book Qxb7 Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Ra2 Rcc1 g3 Rd4 Bg2 Rc3 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ 42...Qxb7 (1:06)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=27 time=69.34 node=6457333 speed=93126 score=-1.43 pv="Bxb7 Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra4 Rd6 Bb5 Rxa4 Bxa4 Kg7 Bb5 Kf6 Kg3 Kg5 Be2 Rd4 Bb5 Rd1 Bc4 Rd2" 43.Bxb7 (0:01)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/36 book Rxe3 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.39/37 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Bf3 Rd2 Ra5 Rc3 Ra8+ Kh7 Ra7+ Kg6 Ra6+ Kf5 Ra7 Ke5 Re7+ Kd6 Re6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.39/38 book Rxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/39 book Rxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.35/39 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Bf3 Rd2 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra1 Rc3 Kg1 Re3 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ra6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/40 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Bf3 Rd2 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra1 Rc3 Kg1 Re3 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ra6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.42/41 book Rxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/41 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Bf3 Rd2 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra1 Rc3 Kg1 Re3 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke5 Rc6 Ra2 Rc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/42 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Bf3 Rd2 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra1 Rc3 Kg1 Re3 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke5 Rc6 Ra2 Rc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/43 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Bf3 Rd2 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra1 Rc3 Kg1 Re3 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke5 Rc6 Ra2 Rc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/44 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Bf3 Rd2 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra1 Rc3 Kg1 Re3 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke5 Rc6 Ra2 Rc1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.48/45 book Rxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.48/45 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Ra2 Rcc1 g3 Rd4 Bg2 Rc3 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ra6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/46 book Rxe3 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.35/46 book Rxe3 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.41/46 book Rxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.40/46 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Ra2 Rcc1 g3 Rd4 Bg2 Rc3 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ra6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/47 book Rxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.52/47 book Rxe3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/47 book Rxe3 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/47 book Rxe3 Bf3 Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 g4 hxg4 hxg4 Be2 Re7 Ba6 Ra7 Kh2 Rxd5 Ra4 Rd6 Bb5 Rxa4 Bxa4 Kg7 Bb5 43...Rxe3 (6:17)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=29 time=484.81 node=42904174 speed=88497 score=-1.50 pv="Bf3 Rfe6 Kh2 Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 h4 gxh4 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rcd7 Bf5 Rf7 Bg4 Rh6 Bd1 Kg7 Rg4+ Kf6 Kh3 Rd7 Bf3 Ke5 Rg5+ Kf4 Rg4+ Kf5 Rxh4 Rxh4+ Kxh4 Rd3 Bb7" 44.Bf3 (1:46)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/46 book Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Ra2 Rcc1 g3 Rd4 Bg2 Rc3 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ra6+ Kc7 gxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/47 book Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Ra2 Rcc1 g3 Rd4 Bg2 Rc3 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ra6+ Kc7 gxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/48 book Rfe6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/48 book Rfe6 Ra2 Rc3 d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd1+ Kh2 h5 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 h4 Ra8+ Kg7 Ra2 Rcc1 g3 Rd4 Bg2 Rc3 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Ke7 Ra7+ Kd6 Ra6+ Kc7 gxh4 44...Rfe6 (3:03)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=32 time=861.64 node=76724164 speed=89043 score=-1.57 pv="Kh2 Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 h4 gxh4 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rcd7 Bf5 Rf7 Bg4 Rh6 Kh3 Rf1 Kh2 Kg7 Bf3 Re1 Ra7+ Kf6 Ra6+ Kg5 Ra7 Re3 Ra5+ Kf6 Ra6+ Re6 Ra4 Kg5 Ra5+ Kf6 Kh3 Re1 Ra6+ Kg5 Ra5+ Kf4" 45.Kh2 (11:17)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/32 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 h4 Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.51/35 book Rc3 c6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/36 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rf7 Kg3 Rd4 Bg4 Kg7 Bh5 Rfd7 Ra6 R7d6 Rxd6 Rxd6 h4 Rd3+ Bf3 Kg6 Kf2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/38 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rf7 h4 gxh4 Bg4 Rf4 Kh3 Kg7 Ra7+ Kg6 Ra5 Rd2 Ra6+ Kg7 Ra7+ Rf7 Ra1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/39 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rdc6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc5 Rxc5 Rxc5 Be6 Rc2 Bd5 Rd2 Bf3 Rd4 Bg4 Kh7 Kxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/40 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rdc6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc5 Rxc5 Rxc5 Be6 Rc2 Bd5 Rd2 Bf3 Rd4 Bg4 Kh7 Kxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/41 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rdc6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc5 Rxc5 Rxc5 Be6 Rc2 Bd5 Rd2 Bf3 Rd4 Bg4 Kh7 Kxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/42 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rdc6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc5 Rxc5 Rxc5 Be6 Rc2 Bd5 Rd2 Bf3 Rd4 Bg4 Kh7 Kxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/43 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rdc6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc5 Rxc5 Rxc5 Be6 Rc2 Bd5 Rd2 Bf3 Rd4 Bg4 Kh7 Kxh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/44 book Rc3 c6 Ree3 d5 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf5 Rdc6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc5 Rxc5 Rxc5 Be6 Rc2 Bd5 Rd2 Bf3 Rd4 Bg4 Kh7 Kxh4 45...Rc3 (4:10)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=32 time=252.55 node=22746173 speed=89365 score=-1.58 pv="d5 Ree3 c6 Red3 h4 gxh4 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rcd7 Bf5 Rf7 Bg4 Rh6 Kh3 Rf1 Kh2 Kg7 Be2 Re1 Ra7+ Kf6 Bf3 Re7 Ra6+ Re6 Ra4 Ke5 Ra5+ Kd4 Kh3 Re1 Ra4+ Kc5 Ra7 Rh1+ Kg4" 46.d5 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/36 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/39 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/40 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kh7 Bd1 Rb4 Be2 Kg7 Bh5 Re7 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rd4 Bg4 Rf7 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/41 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kg7 Bh5 Rd7 Rg6+ Kh7 Re6 Rfd4 Kg3 Rd3+ Bf3 R7d4 Kh2 Kg7 Re7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/42 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kg7 Bh5 Rd7 Rg6+ Kh7 Re6 Rfd4 Kg3 Rd3+ Bf3 R7d4 Kh2 Kg7 Re7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/43 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kg7 Bh5 Rd7 Rg6+ Kh7 Re6 Rfd4 Kg3 Rd3+ Bf3 R7d4 Kh2 Kg7 Re7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/44 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kg7 Bh5 Rd7 Rg6+ Kh7 Re6 Rfd4 Kg3 Rd3+ Bf3 R7d4 Kh2 Kg7 Re7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/45 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kg7 Bh5 Rd7 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rfd4 Kg1 Rb4 Kh2 Rdb7 Kg3 Rb3+ Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/46 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kg7 Bh5 Rd7 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rfd4 Kg1 Rb4 Kh2 Rdb7 Kg3 Rb3+ Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/47 book Ree3 c6 Red3 Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kg7 Bh5 Rd7 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rfd4 Kg1 Rb4 Kh2 Rdb7 Kg3 Rb3+ Kh2 46...Ree3 (2:53)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=31 time=523.31 node=48038331 speed=91796 score=-1.58 pv="c6 Red3 h4 gxh4 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h3 c7 Rxc7 Rxa3 hxg2 Bxg2 Kg7 Kh3 Kf6 Rf3+ Ke5 Re3+ Kf5 Rf3+ Rf4 Rd3 Rd7 Rg3 Rd6 Rg7 Rh6+ Kg3 Rd4 Rf7+ Ke5 Re7+ Kd6 Re3 Rg6+ Kh3 h6 Bf3 Rf6 Kg3" 47.c6 (5:49) Red3 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=31 time=1208.71 node=111724257 speed=92432 score=-1.69 pv="Be4 Rd2 c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 h4 Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rd4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Re3 Kg3 Ra3 Kf2 Rc3 g3" 48.Be4 (20:07) Rd2 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=31 time=214.76 node=20153889 speed=93761 score=-1.67 pv="c7 a2 d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 h4 Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rc4 Kf2 Rc2+ Kg1 Rd2 g3 h6 Kf1 Rc2 Kg1 Kf5 Bd1 Rc3 Kg2 Rd3" 49.c7 (3:33)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/48 book a2 d6 Rxd6 c8Q+ Rxc8 Rxa2 h6 Ra7 Rc5 Bf3 Rc4 Kg3 Kg8 Kh2 Kf8 Kg3 Rb4 Bg4 Kg8 Bh5 Rd3+ Kh2 Rbd4 Bg4 Rd6 Rc7 R3d4 Ra7 Rf4 Bh5 Rd2 Ra8+ 49...a2 (0:23)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=32 time=209.60 node=19748748 speed=94238 score=-1.67 pv="d6 Rxd6 Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 h4 Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Rh4+ Kg3 Ra4 Kh3 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rd4 Kh2 Rd2 Kg1 Kf4 Kh2 Rd3 Bh5 Re3 Bf3 Kg5 Kg3 h5 Kf2 Rb3 g3" 50.d6 (3:05) Rxd6 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=32 time=205.13 node=19363044 speed=93456 score=-1.67 pv="Rxa2 Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 h4 Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Rh4+ Kg3 Ra4 Kh3 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rd4 Kh2 Rd2 Kg1 Kf4 Kh2 Rd3 Bh5 Re3 Bf3 Kg5 Kg1 Ra3 Kf2 Ra2+ Kg1 Ra1+ Kf2" 51.Rxa2 (3:23)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/36 book Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf3 Rd4 Kg3 Kg7 Bh5 Rdc4 Bf3 Rf7 Bh5 Rb7 Ra6 Rb3+ Kh2 Rcb4 Rg6+ Kh7 Rc6 Rb7 Ra6 R3b6 Ra3 Rb2 Ra5 R2b5 Ra8 Kg7 Bf3 R7b6 Ra7+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/39 book Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf3 Rd4 Kg3 Kg7 Bh5 Rdc4 Bf3 Rf7 Bh5 Rb7 Ra6 Rb3+ Kh2 Rcb4 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rb7 Bf3 R7b6 Ra5 R3b4 Bh5 Rb2 Ra7+ Kh8 Bf3 R2b4 Rc7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/40 book Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf3 Rd4 Kg3 Kg7 Bh5 Rdc4 Bf3 Rf7 Bh5 Rb7 Ra6 Rb3+ Kh2 Rcb4 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rb7 Bf3 R7b6 Ra5 R3b4 Bh5 Rb2 Ra7+ Kh8 Bf3 R2b4 Rc7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/42 book Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf3 Rd4 Kg3 Kg7 Bh5 Rdc4 Bf3 Rf7 Bh5 Rb7 Ra6 Rb3+ Kh2 Rcb4 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rb7 Bf3 R7b6 Ra7+ Kg6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 R6b4 Ra6+ Kg5 Ra7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/43 book Rxc7 Ra5 h6 Bf3 Rd4 Kg3 Kg7 Bh5 Rdc4 Bf3 Rf7 Bh5 Rb7 Ra6 Rb3+ Kh2 Rcb4 Rg6+ Kh7 Ra6 Rb7 Bf3 R7b6 Ra7+ Kg6 h4 gxh4 Kh3 R6b4 Ra6+ Kg5 Ra7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.49/44 book Rxc7 Ra4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/44 book Rxc7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.49/44 book Rxc7 Ra4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.49/44 book Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kh7 Kg3 Rc3 Kh2 Rc2 Bh5 Rc7 Bg6+ Kg7 Bh5 Rfc4 Rg6+ Kh7 Re6 R4c6 Re4 Rc1 Kg3 R7c3+ Kh2 Rc6 Re7+ Kg8 Re8+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/45 book Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kh7 Kg3 Rc3 Kh2 Rc2 Bh5 Rc7 Bg6+ Kg7 Bh5 Rf6 Ra3 Rf2 Kg3 Rfc2 Bf3 R2c4 Ra6 Rd7 Bh5 Rc3+ Kh2 Rb3 Rg6+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.49/46 book Rxc7 Ra4 Rf6 Bf3 Rf4 Ra5 h6 Ra6 Kh7 Kg3 Rc3 Kh2 Rc2 Bh5 Rc7 Bg6+ Kg7 Bh5 Rf6 Ra3 Rf2 Kg3 Rfc2 Bf3 R2c4 Ra6 Rd7 Bh5 Rc3+ Kh2 Rb3 Rg6+ 51...Rxc7 (4:24)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=30 time=815.57 node=76396710 speed=93672 score=-1.69 pv="Ra4 Rf6 Bb1 Rb7 Be4 Rbf7 h4 gxh4 Bd5 Rf4 Ra8+ Rf8 Ra7 Re8 Bf3 Re3 Rb7 Rd4 Kh3 Re1 Kh2 Kg8 Ra7 Re5 Kh3 Re3 Rb7 Re1 Kh2 Re6 Kh3 Rg6 Ra7 Rg3+ Kh2" 52.Ra4 (9:10) Rf6 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=30 time=429.20 node=40844237 speed=95163 score=-1.72 pv="h4 Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kh2 h5 Bd5 Rd3 Bc4 Rd2 Kh3 Rc2 Bb5 h4 Kh2 Rc3 Be2 Re3 Bf3 Kf4" 53.h4 (7:05)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.61/39 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Bf3 h5 Kh2 h4 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc1 Kh2 Rc3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Rd3 Bc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.61/42 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Bf3 h5 Kh2 h4 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc1 Kh2 Rc3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Rd3 Bc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.61/44 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Bf3 h5 Kh2 h4 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc1 Kh2 Rc3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Rd3 Bc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/45 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 h5 Kf2 Rf4+ Kg3 h4+ Kh3 Rd4 Kh2 Rd2 Bc4 Rb2 Kh3 Rc2 Bd5 Rc3+ Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/46 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 h5 Kf2 Rf4+ Kg3 h4+ Kh3 Rd4 Kh2 Rd2 Kh3 Rd3+ Kh2 Kf4 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/47 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 h5 Kf2 Rf4+ Kg3 h4+ Kh3 Rd4 Kh2 Rd2 Kh3 Rd3+ Kh2 Kf4 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/48 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 h5 Kf2 Rf4+ Kg3 h4+ Kh3 Rd4 Kh2 Rd2 Kh3 Rd3+ Kh2 Kf4 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/49 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rh1 Kf2 Rc1 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/50 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rh1 Kf2 Rc1 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/51 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rh1 Kf2 Rc1 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/52 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rh1 Kf2 Rc1 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/53 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rh1 Kf2 Rc1 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/54 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rh1 Kf2 Rc1 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/55 book Rh6 Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rh1 Kf2 Rc1 Be6 53...Rh6 (3:48)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=36 time=229.96 node=23861789 speed=102890 score=-1.72 pv="Bf3 Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kh2 h5 Bd5 Rd3 Bc4 Rd2 Kg3 Rc2 Bb5 Rc3+ Kh2 h4 Be2 Re3 Bf3 Rd3 Be4 Rc3 Bf3 Kf4 Bd5 Rc5 Bf3 Rc1" 54.Bf3 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/48 book Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rb4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/50 book Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rb4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/51 book Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rb4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/52 book Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rb4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/53 book Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rb4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/54 book Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rb4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.57/55 book Rxh4+ Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Be2 Rb4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3 54...Rxh4+ (4:22)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=42 time=263.31 node=59239706 speed=226410 score=-1.72 pv="Rxh4 gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kh2 h5 Bd5 Rd3 Bc4 Rd2 Kg3 Rc2 Bb5 Rc3+ Kh2 h4 Be2 Re3 Bf3 Rd3 Be4 Rc3 Bf3 Kf4 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Rc3 Be6 Kg5 Bd5 Rc2" 55.Rxh4 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.60/50 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be2 Rc2 Bf3 h5 Kh2 Rc3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 h4 Be2 Re3 Bb5 Re7 Bc4 Rc7 Bb5 Rc5 Be2 Re5 Bc4 Ra5 Bd3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.60/52 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be2 Rc2 Bf3 h5 Kh2 Rc3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 h4 Be2 Re3 Bb5 Re7 Bc4 Rc7 Bb5 Rc5 Be2 Re5 Bc4 Ra5 Bd3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/54 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be2 Rc2 Bf3 h5 Kh2 Rc3 Bb7 h4 Be4 Kf6 Bh7 Ke5 Bg6 Rg3 Bf7 Rg7 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Rg3 Ba2 Rd3 Bc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.58/55 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kg3 Kg5 Be2 Rc2 Bf3 h5 Kh2 Rc3 Bb7 h4 Be4 Kf6 Bh7 Ke5 Bg6 Rg3 Bf7 Rg7 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Rg3 Ba2 Rd3 Bc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/56 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bd5 Rd4 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rb1 Kh2 Kf4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/57 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bd5 Rd4 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rb1 Kh2 Kf4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/58 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bd5 Rd4 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd1 Bg8 h6 Bc4 Rb1 Kh2 Kf4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/59 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Be6 Re4 Bd5 Re3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Rd3 Kh3 h5 Kh2 h4 Be2 Ra3 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/60 book gxh4 Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Re4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Be6 Re4 Bd5 Re3+ Bf3 Ra3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Rd3 Kh3 h5 Kh2 h4 Be2 Ra3 Bf3 55...gxh4 (2:30)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=43 time=150.91 node=36565609 speed=247641 score=-1.72 pv="Kh3 Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 h5 Kh2 Re3 Bd1 Rc3 Bf3 h4 Be2 Re3 Bf3 Rd3 Be4 Rc3 Bf3 Kf4 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Re3 Bf3" 56.Kh3 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/53 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Rd4 Bg8 Rd7 Bc4 Rc7 Bg8 Re7 Bd5 Rg7 Bb3 Rb7 Be6 Ra7 Bg8 Rc7 Bd5 Rc3+ Bf3 Rb3 Kh3 Kf4 Kh4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.62/54 book Rc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.62/54 book Rc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/56 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rg6 Kh4 Rh6+ Bh5 Kf5 g3 Rc6 Bg4+ Ke5 Kg5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/57 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rg6 Kh4 Rh6+ Bh5 Kf5 g3 Rc6 Bg4+ Ke5 Kg5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/58 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Bd5 Rg4+ Kh3 Rd4 Bg8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/59 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Bd5 Rg4+ Kh3 Rd4 Bg8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/60 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Bd5 Rg4+ Kh3 Rd4 Bg8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/61 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rc4 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/62 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rc4 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/63 book Rc4 Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rc7 Kh3 Rg7 Bd5 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rc4 Kh3 56...Rc4 (3:55)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=42 time=236.19 node=56481237 speed=170918 score=-1.72 pv="Bg4 Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 h5 Kh2 Re3 Bd1 Rc3 Bf3 h4 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rb2 Bf3 Rc2 Be4 Rc3+ Kh2 Kf6 Bb7 Rc2" 57.Bg4 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/50 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 h6 Kf3 Rf4+ Kg3 Re4 Bd5 Re1 Kh2 Rb1 Bc6 Ra1 Bf3 Kf4 Bd5 Rb1 Bg8 Rc1 Bd5 Rc3 Bb7 Rc5 Bf3 Ra5 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/52 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Bg4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/54 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/55 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/56 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/57 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/58 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/59 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/60 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/61 book Kg7 Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bd5 Rd6 Bf3 Rh6+ Kg3 Re6 Bd5 Re3+ Kf2 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 g3+ Ke5 Kg2 Kd4 Be2 Ke3 Bg4 h6 Be6 Rd3 Bc8 Rb3 Be6 57...Kg7 (2:21)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=43 time=141.72 node=30539492 speed=221947 score=-1.72 pv="Kxh4 Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 h5 Kh2 Re3 Bd1 Rc3 Bf3 h4 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Rc3 Bb5 Re3 Bc4" 58.Kxh4 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/51 book Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bf7 Rh6+ Kg3 Rh1 Kf2 Kf4 g3+ Ke4 Bg8 Rh2+ Kg1 Rh5 Kg2 h6 Be6 Ke3 Bd7 Ra5 Bc6 Ra2+ Kg1 Ra6 Bd5 Rd6 Bb7 Rd3 Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.56/53 book Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bf7 Rh6+ Kg3 Rh1 Kf2 Kf4 g3+ Ke4 Bg8 Rh2+ Kg1 Rh5 Kg2 h6 Be6 Ke3 Bd7 Ra5 Bc6 Ra2+ Kg1 Ra6 Bd5 Rd6 Bb7 Rd3 Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/54 book Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bf7 Rh6+ Kg3 Rf6 Bg8 h5 Ba2 h4+ Kh3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bc4 Ra3+ Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Rg3 Bc4 Ke4 Ba6 Rc3 Bb7+ Kf5 Bf3 Rd3 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/55 book Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bf7 Rh6+ Kg3 Rf6 Bg8 h5 Ba2 h4+ Kh3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bc4 Ra3+ Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Rg3 Bc4 Ke4 Ba6 Rc3 Bb7+ Kf5 Bf3 Rd3 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/56 book Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bf7 Rh6+ Kg3 Rf6 Bg8 h5 Ba2 h4+ Kh3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bc4 Ra3+ Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Rg3 Bc4 Ke4 Ba6 Rc3 Bb7+ Kf5 Bf3 Rd3 Bh5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/57 book Kg6 Kh3 Kg5 Be6 Rc6 Bf7 Rh6+ Kg3 Rf6 Bg8 h5 Ba2 h4+ Kh3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bc4 Ra3+ Kh2 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bc4 Re4 Bf7 Re2 Kh3 Re1 Kh2 Rc1 Bd5 58...Kg6 (2:18)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=43 time=179.71 node=44906605 speed=249892 score=-1.72 pv="Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Re4 Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 h5 Kh2 Re3 Bd1 Rc3 Bf3 h4 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Rb3 Be2 Rc3 Bb5 Kf4 Be2 Rc1 Bd3 Ra1" 59.Kh3 (0:41)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/55 book Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 h6 Be6 Rd3+ Kh2 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rb3 Be2 Rc3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Re7 Kh3 Re5 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/56 book Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 h6 Be6 Rd3+ Kh2 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rb3 Be2 Rc3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Re7 Kh3 Re5 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/57 book Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 Rd7 Bc4 Rd4 Bg8 h6 Be6 Rd3+ Kh2 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rb3 Be2 Rc3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Re7 Kh3 Re5 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/58 book Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 h5 Bd5 h4+ Kh2 Re1 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Re5 Bf3 Re3 Bb7 Rb3 Bd5 Rc3 Be6 Rd3 Bc4 Rd7 Be6 Rd6 Bb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.55/59 book Kg5 Be6 Rh4+ Kg3 Re4 Bg8 Re3+ Kf2 Re7 Kg3 h5 Bd5 h4+ Kh2 Re1 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Re5 Bf3 Re3 Bb7 Rb3 Bd5 Rc3 Be6 Rd3 Bc4 Rd7 Be6 Rd6 Bb3 59...Kg5 (1:33)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=44 time=175.29 node=32138069 speed=182275 score=-1.72 pv="Bf3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 h5 Kh2 Re3 Bd1 Rc3 Bf3 h4 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rb2 Bf3 Ra2 Bd5 Ra3+ Kh2 Rc3 Bf3 Rb3 Be2 Re3 Bc4 Kg4 Bd5 Rc3 Be6+ Kg5 Bd5 Rc2 Be4" 60.Bf3 (1:20)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/47 book Rc3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 g3 Ra2+ Ke3 h6 Be2 Ra3+ Kf2 Kf5 Kg2 Ke4 Bc4 Ke3 Bd5 Ra7 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/49 book Rc3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 g3 Ra2+ Ke3 h6 Be2 Ra3+ Kf2 Kf5 Kg2 Ke4 Bc4 Ke3 Bd5 Ra7 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/50 book Rc3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 g3 Ra2+ Ke3 h6 Be2 Ra3+ Kf2 Kf5 Kg2 Ke4 Bc4 Ke3 Bd5 Ra7 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/51 book Rc3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 g3 Ra2+ Ke3 h6 Be2 Ra3+ Kf2 Kf5 Kg2 Ke4 Bc4 Ke3 Bd5 Ra7 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/52 book Rc3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 g3 Ra2+ Ke3 h6 Be2 Ra3+ Kf2 Kf5 Kg2 Ke4 Bc4 Ke3 Bd5 Ra7 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/53 book Rc3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 g3 Ra2+ Ke3 h6 Be2 Ra3+ Kf2 Kf5 Kg2 Ke4 Bc4 Ke3 Bd5 Ra7 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra4 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/54 book Rc3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 g3 Ra2+ Ke3 h6 Be2 Ra3+ Kf2 Kf5 Kg2 Ke4 Bc4 Ke3 Bd5 Ra7 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra4 Bd5 60...Rc3 (2:14)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=46 time=173.31 node=44545027 speed=257533 score=-1.72 pv="Kg3 h5 Kh2 h4 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc2 Kh3 Rc7 Kh2 Rc1 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf7 Rc7 Be8 Rc3+ Kh2 Re3 Bb5 Kf4 Bc4 Kg4 Bd5 Rc3 Be6+ Kg5 Bd5 Rc2 Be4 Rb2" 61.Kg3 (2:53) Ra3 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=46 time=169.02 node=41559684 speed=240822 score=-1.72 pv="Kh3 h5 Kh2 Rc3 Kh1 Re3 Kh2 h4 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc2 Kh3 Rc7 Kh2 Rc1 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf7 Rc7 Be8 Rc3+ Kh2 Re3 Bb5 Kf4 Bc4 Kg4 Bd5 Rc3 Be6+ Kg5 Bd5 Rc2 Be4 Rb2" 62.Kh3 (2:49)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/53 book Rb3 Kg3 Re3 Kf2 Ra3 Kg3 Rc3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 h6 Kh3 Rd3 Kg3 h5 Kh3 Ra3 Kg3 h4+ Kh2 Ra4 Be2 Kf4 Bd1 Ra1 Bf3 Re1 Bd5 Rb1 Ba2 Ra1 Bd5 62...Rb3 (1:14)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=48 time=164.85 node=40449632 speed=240721 score=-1.72 pv="Kg3 h5 Kh2 Re3 Bd1 Ra3 Bc2 h4 Bd1 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc2 Kh3 Rc7 Kh2 Rc1 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf7 Rc7 Be8 Rc3+ Kh2 Re3 Bb5 Rg3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Rc3 Bd5 Rc2 Be4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb3+ Kh2 Rb6" 63.Kg3 (2:45)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/54 book Rc3 Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Rb3 Kh3 h6 Kg3 Rb4 Kh3 Rh4+ Kg3 Rh1 Kf2 Ra1 Kg3 Re1 Kf2 Rh1 Be2 Ra1 Kg3 Rb1 Bf3 Rf1 Bd5 Rh1 Kf2 Rd1 Bf3 Rd2+ Kg3 63...Rc3 (0:07)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=47 time=160.76 node=39916234 speed=249611 score=-1.72 pv="Kh3 h5 Kh2 h4 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc2 Kh3 Rc7 Kh2 Rc1 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf7 Rc7 Be8 Rc3+ Kh2 Re3 Bb5 Rg3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Rc3 Bd5 Rc2 Be4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb3+ Kh2" 64.Kh3 (2:41)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/53 book h6 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Rc1 Kh2 Re1 Bc6 Re5 Bf3 Rb5 Kh3 Rb1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Ra3 Bb7 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Kf5 Kg3 Kg5 Kh2 h5 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 h4 Be2 64...h6 (0:30)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=49 time=156.78 node=40966796 speed=255861 score=-1.72 pv="Kg3 h5 Kh2 h4 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rb2 Be4 Rb3+ Kh2 Rc3 Bd5 Kf4 Be6 Rg3 Bd5 Rg5 Be6 Rc5 Kh3 Rc7 Bd5 Rd7 Be6 Rg7 Bc4 Re7 Kh2 Re3 Bd5 Re1" 65.Kg3 (2:37)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/47 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/48 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/49 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/50 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/51 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/52 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/53 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/54 book Rd3 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bh5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rf1 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd4 Be6 Rd3 Bf7 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 h5 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 h4 Bb7 65...Rd3 (2:08)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=51 time=152.89 node=38013061 speed=225996 score=-1.72 pv="Kh3 Re3 Kg3 Ra3 Kh3 h5 Kh2 Rc3 Kh1 Re3 Kh2 h4 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rd1 Bc4 Re1 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Ra3 Bd5 Rc3 Be6 Rd3 Bc4 Re3 Bd5 Re1 Bf3 Rf1 Be2 Rc1 Bd3 Re1 Bc4 Rd1 Ba6 Rb1" 66.Kh3 (2:33) Ra3 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=40 time=149.10 node=39410489 speed=263732 score=-1.72 pv="Kh2 Rb3 Bd5 Rc3 Kg1 Kg4 Kh2 h5 Bf3+ Kg5 Kh1 Re3 Kh2 h4 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rd1 Bc4 Re1 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Rd1 Ba6 Rb1 Be2 Rc1 Bd3 Re1" 67.Kh2 (2:29)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.54/57 book h5 Bd5 h4 Bf3 Re3 Kh3 Re1 Kh2 Kf4 Bd5 Rb1 Be6 Ra1 Bd5 Ra7 Bf3 Rc7 Kh3 Rc1 Kh2 Kf5 Bd5 Ke5 Bf3 Kf4 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rc5 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 67...h5 (0:56)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=49 time=145.41 node=32819115 speed=209417 score=-1.72 pv="Bd5 h4 Bf7 Rc3 Bd5 Kf4 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf7 Rc3+ Kh2 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rd1 Bc4 Re1 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Rd1 Ba6 Rb1 Be2 Rc1 Bd3 Rc3 Be2 Rc2 Bd3 Rc7 Bg6 Rc3 Bf7 Rc2 Kh3 Rc1" 68.Bd5 (2:25) Rd3 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=48 time=141.82 node=29462031 speed=209676 score=-1.72 pv="Bf7 Rd2 Kh3 h4 Be6 Rd4 Kh2 Rd3 Bc8 Re3 Bb7 Kf4 Bf3 Rc3 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Rd1 Ba6 Rd2 Bb5 Rb2 Bd7 Kg5 Kh3 Re2 Bb5 Re3+ Kh2 Rg3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Rc3 Bd5 Kf4 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf7" 69.Bf7 (2:22)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/54 book h4 Bc4 Re3 Bf7 Kf6 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rd3 Be2 Rd2 Bf3 Kg5 Bb7 Rb2 Bd5 Rf2 Kh3 Re2 Bf3 Re5 Bb7 Rc5 Bf3 Ra5 Bc6 Ra1 Kh2 Rd1 Bf3 Rb1 Be2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/56 book h4 Bc4 Re3 Bf7 Kf6 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rd3 Be2 Rd2 Bf3 Kg5 Bb7 Rb2 Bd5 Rf2 Kh3 Re2 Bf3 Re5 Bb7 Rc5 Bf3 Ra5 Bc6 Ra1 Kh2 Rd1 Bf3 Rb1 Be2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/58 book h4 Bc4 Re3 Bf7 Kf6 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rd3 Be2 Rd2 Bg4 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Rb4 Bf3 Rb1 Kh2 Rf1 Bd5 Rd1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc3 Ba2 Kf6 Bd5 Rg3 Bc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/59 book h4 Bc4 Re3 Bf7 Kf6 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rd3 Be2 Rd2 Bg4 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Rb4 Bf3 Rb1 Kh2 Rf1 Bd5 Rd1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc7 Bb3 Kf4 Bd5 Rc5 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/60 book h4 Bc4 Re3 Bf7 Kf6 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rd3 Be2 Rd2 Bg4 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Rb4 Bf3 Rb1 Kh2 Rf1 Bd5 Rd1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc7 Bb3 Kf4 Bd5 Rc5 Bf3 69...h4 (2:04)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=51 time=138.31 node=34403365 speed=244666 score=-1.72 pv="Bg8 Re3 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Rd1 Ba6 Rd2 Bb5 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Be8 Rc1 Kh2 Rd1 Ba4 Rd3 Bb5 Rg3 Bc6 Rb3 Ba4 Rb2 Kh3 Rd2 Be8 Rd4 Bb5 Re4 Bd7 Re3+ Kh2 Kf4 Bc6 Rg3 Bf3 Kf5 Kg1 Rg7 Kh2 Rc7 Kh3" 70.Bg8 (2:18)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/52 book Kf4 Be6 Rg3 Bc4 Re3 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rc5 Kh3 Rc1 Kh2 Re1 Bc6 Re2 Kh3 Re6 Bb7 Re1 Kh2 Rd1 Bf3 Rb1 Bd5 Rb5 Bf3 Rb3 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/53 book Kf4 Be6 Rg3 Bc4 Rg7 Be6 Rb7 Kh3 Re7 Bd5 Kg5 Kh2 Re2 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rd3 Kh2 Rb3 Bd5 Ra3 Bc4 Kf4 Bb5 Ra2 Bc4 Rd2 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd6 Bf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/57 book Kf4 Be6 Rg3 Bc4 Rg7 Be6 Rb7 Kh3 Re7 Bd5 Kg5 Kh2 Re2 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rd3 Kh2 Rb3 Bd5 Ra3 Bc4 Kf4 Bb5 Ra2 Bc4 Rd2 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd6 Bf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/58 book Kf4 Be6 Rg3 Bc4 Rg7 Be6 Rb7 Kh3 Re7 Bd5 Kg5 Kh2 Re2 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rd3 Kh2 Rb3 Bd5 Ra3 Bc4 Kf4 Bb5 Ra2 Bc4 Rd2 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd6 Bf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.50/59 book Kf4 Be6 Rg3 Bc4 Rg7 Be6 Rb7 Kh3 Re7 Bd5 Kg5 Kh2 Re2 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rd3 Kh2 Rb3 Bd5 Ra3 Bc4 Kf4 Bb5 Ra2 Bc4 Rd2 Be6 Rd1 Bb3 Rd6 Bf7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.51/60 book Rg3 Bd5 Rc3 Be6 Rc5 Bb3 Kf4 Bd1 Ra5 Bf3 Ra6 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bd5 Rc8 Be6 Rd8 Kh3 Re8 Bd5 Re1 Kh2 Re3 Bc6 Rd3 Ba4 Rd4 Bc6 Kg5 Bb5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.51/63 book Rg3 Bd5 Rc3 Be6 Rc5 Bb3 Kf4 Bd1 Ra5 Bf3 Ra6 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Bd5 Rc8 Be6 Rd8 Kh3 Re8 Bd5 Re1 Kh2 Re3 Bc6 Rd3 Ba4 Rd4 Bc6 Kg5 Bb5 70...Rg3 (2:31)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=53 time=134.88 node=30346355 speed=218197 score=-1.72 pv="Bc4 Rc3 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Rc2 Be4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb3+ Kh2 Ra3 Bb7 Ra1 Bf3 Kf4 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Rd1 Ba6 Rc1 Bb5 Rc3 Be2 Rb3 Bd1 Rb2 Bf3 Kg5 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc3+ Kh2 Kf6 Kg1 Re3 Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Kg5 Kh3 Rd4 Kh2 Rd2" 71.Bc4 (2:15)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.45/52 book Kf4 Bd5 Rg5 Bc4 Re5 Ba6 Kg4 Bc4 Re1 Bd5 Re7 Bf3+ Kf4 Bd5 Rc7 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rc8 Be6 Rd8 Bc4 Kf4 Bb3 Rd6 Bc4 Rb6 Be2 Rb8 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.45/53 book Kf4 Bd5 Rg5 Bc4 Re5 Ba6 Kg4 Bc4 Re1 Bd5 Re7 Bf3+ Kf4 Bd5 Rc7 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rc8 Be6 Rd8 Bc4 Kf4 Bb3 Rd6 Bc4 Rb6 Be2 Rb8 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/55 book Kf4 Bd5 Rg5 Bc4 Re5 Ba6 Re1 Bb5 Re4 Bd7 Rd4 Bb5 Rb4 Be2 Ra4 Bd3 Kg4 Be2+ Kf5 Bf3 Kf4 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Ra2 Bf3 Rc2 Bd5 Rc3+ Kh2 Kg4 Bf3+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/58 book Kf4 Bd5 Rg5 Bc4 Re5 Ba6 Re1 Bb5 Re4 Bd7 Rd4 Bb5 Rb4 Be2 Ra4 Bd3 Kg4 Be2+ Kf5 Bf3 Kf4 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Ra2 Bf3 Ra1 Kh2 Ra7 Kh3 Ra2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/59 book Kf4 Bd5 Rg5 Bc4 Re5 Ba6 Re1 Bb5 Re4 Bd7 Rd4 Bb5 Rb4 Be2 Ra4 Bd3 Kg4 Be2+ Kf5 Bf3 Kf4 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Ra2 Bf3 Ra1 Kh2 Ra7 Kh3 Ra2 Bd5 71...Kf4 (1:58)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=55 time=131.54 node=30540362 speed=231281 score=-1.72 pv="Bd5 Rd3 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Rd1 Ba6 Rc1 Bb5 Rc3 Be2 Rc2 Bd3 Ra2 Bc4 Rd2 Kh3 Rc2 Be6 Kg5 Bf7 Rd2 Be6 Rd4 Kh2 Rd1 Bc8 Rd2 Be6 Rb2 Bd7 Rc2 Kh3 Ra2 Bb5 Rb2 Be8 Rb3+ Kh2 Ra3 Bb5 Rc3 Be8 Re3 Bb5 Ra3 Bc4 Kf4 Bb5 Rg3" 72.Bd5 (2:12) Rc3 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=58 time=128.27 node=29375962 speed=234007 score=-1.72 pv="Bf3 Rc2 Kh3 Rc1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Rb1 Bf3 Rc1 Bd5 Ra1 Bf3 Kg5 Bc6 Ra2 Kh3 Ra3+ Kh2 Rb3 Ba4 Rb2 Kh3 Rd2 Be8 Rc2 Bb5 Rc3+ Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Rc2 Bd3 Ra2 Bc4 Ra7 Kh3 Rg7 Bb5 Rg3+ Kh2 Rg5 Bc4 Rg7 Bd5 Ra7 Be6 Re7 Bc4 Re3 Bd5 Rd3 Bb7 Rd2 Kh3 Rd1 Kh2 Rd7 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5" 73.Bf3 (2:08)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/56 book Rc1 Bd5 Re1 Bf3 Rb1 Bc6 Rb6 Bd7 Rd6 Bb5 Re6 Ba4 Re4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Ra4 Bc6 Ra1 Kh2 Ra3 Bf3 Rd3 Kh3 Rb3 Kh2 Rb5 Kh3 Rb1 Kh2 73...Rc1 (0:41)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=57 time=125.10 node=22943760 speed=178392 score=-1.72 pv="Bd5 Ra1 Bf3 Kg5 Bc6 Ra2 Kh3 Ra3+ Kh2 Rb3 Ba4 Rb2 Kh3 Rd2 Be8 Rc2 Bb5 Rc3+ Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Rc2 Bd3 Rb2 Bf1 Rd2 Bc4 Rd4 Bb5 Re4 Bf1 Re1 Bc4 Rb1 Be2 Rb4 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rd3 Bb7 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Rb3 Bc6 Rb2 Bf3 Rd2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc3+ Kh2 Rb3" 74.Bd5 (2:05) Rc5 (0:00)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=60 time=122.01 node=22350058 speed=181709 score=-1.72 pv="Bf3 Rc2 Kh3 Rc1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Rb1 Bc4 Rd1 Be2 Rd2 Bc4 Rd4 Bb5 Re4 Bf1 Rb4 Be2 Rb2 Bf1 Rc2 Bd3 Rc1 Bb5 Kg5 Bd3 Ra1 Be2 Ra5 Bc4 Ra3 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Rb2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc3+ Kh2 Re3 Bb7 Kf4 Bf3 Rb3 Bd5 Rd3 Bb7 Rd2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Rb3 Bc6 Rb2 Bf3" 75.Bf3 (2:02)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.46/54 book Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Ra2 Bd5 Ra1 Kh2 Ra3 Bc4 Kf4 Be2 Ra2 Bf3 Rb2 Kh3 Rb1 Kh2 Kg5 Be4 Rb8 Kh3 Rb4 Bd5 Ra4 Bf3 Ra7 Kh2 Rc7 Kh3 Rc1 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.39/56 book Rc2 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.39/56 book Rc2 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.25/56 book Rc2 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/56 book Rc2 Bd5 Rb2 Kh3 Rb1 Kh2 Ra1 Bc6 Ra2 Bb7 Ra5 Bc6 Ra7 Kh3 Ra6 Bd5 Rb6 Bf3 Rb1 Kh2 Rb5 Bc6 Rb8 Kh3 Rb1 Kh2 Rf1 Ba8 Rd1 Bb7 Rd8 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/57 book Rc2 Bd5 Rb2 Kh3 Rb1 Kh2 Ra1 Bc6 Ra2 Bb7 Ra5 Bc6 Ra7 Kh3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra1 Kh2 Rd1 Bc6 Rd6 Bf3 Rf6 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Ra6 Bf3 Ra1 Kh2 Rc1 Be2 75...Rc2 (2:45)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=61 time=168.06 node=30512537 speed=179745 score=-1.72 pv="Kh3 Rc1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Rb1 Bc4 Rd1 Be2 Rd2 Bc4 Rd4 Bb5 Re4 Bf1 Rb4 Be2 Rb2 Bf1 Rc2 Bd3 Rc1 Bb5 Kg5 Bd3 Ra1 Be2 Ra5 Bc4 Ra3 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Rb2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc1 Kh2 Kg4 Bd5 Rc3 Be6+ Kg5 Bd7 Kf4 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bf7 Re2 Bc4 Re3+ Kh2 Rc3 Bf7 Rc7 Bd5 Rc2 Be4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb3+ Kh2" 76.Kh3 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/47 book Kg5 Kh2 Rd2 Be4 Rd4 Bc6 Rd6 Bf3 Ra6 Kh3 Ra7 Be2 Ra3+ Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Rd7 Kh3 Rf7 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Rc7 Kh2 Rd7 Bf3 Rf7 Kh3 Rf6 Be2 Re6 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/49 book Kg5 Kh2 Rd2 Be4 Rd4 Bc6 Rd6 Bf3 Ra6 Kh3 Ra7 Be2 Ra3+ Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Rd7 Kh3 Rf7 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Rc7 Kh2 Rd7 Bf3 Rf7 Kh3 Re7 Kh2 Kf4 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/51 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Kg5 Bc4 Rc1 Bb3 Ra1 Bc4 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Kh3 Ra8 Bd5 Ra1 Kh2 Ra3 Bf3 Ra4 Be2 Rb4 Kh3 Re4 Bb5 Kg5 Kh2 Re3 Bc6 Re1 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/53 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Kg5 Bc4 Rc1 Bb3 Ra1 Bc4 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Kh3 Ra8 Bd5 Ra1 Kh2 Ra3 Bf3 Ra4 Be2 Rb4 Kh3 Re4 Bb5 Kg5 Kh2 Re3 Bc6 Re1 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/54 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Kg5 Bc4 Rc1 Bb3 Ra1 Bc4 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Kh3 Ra8 Bd5 Ra1 Kh2 Ra3 Bf3 Ra4 Be2 Rb4 Kh3 Re4 Bb5 Kg5 Kh2 Re3 Bc6 Re1 Bb7
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/55 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Kg5 Bc4 Rc1 Bb3 Ra1 Bc4 Ra4 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rd7 Kh3 Rd3 Kh2 Rd8 Kh3 Rb8 Be4 Kf4 Bd5 Rb1 Kh2 Rb2 Be6 Rb4 Bd5 Rb6 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.37/56 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Kg5 Bc4 Rc1 Bb3 Ra1 Bc4 Ra4 Bd5 Rd4 Bf3 Rd7 Kh3 Rd3 Kh2 Rd8 Kh3 Rb8 Be4 Kf4 Bd5 Rb1 Kh2 Rb2 Be6 Rb4 Bd5 Rb6 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/57 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Kg5 Bc4 Rc1 Bb3 Ra1 Bc4 Ra4 Bd5 Rd4 Be6 Re4 Bd5 Re8 Kh3 Re3+ Bf3 Re1 Kh2 Kf5 Bc6 Kg4 Bd7+ Kh5 Bc6 Rb1 Be4 Rb5 Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/58 book Rc1 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/58 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Rb3 Bc4 Ra3 Bb5 Kf5 Bd7+ Ke5 Bc6 Ra6 Bf3 Ra1 Bg4 Ra2 Kh3 Kf4 Be6 Ra8 Bc4 Kg5 Bb5 Ra5 Bc6 Ra3+ Bf3 Rb3 Kh2 Rb2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/59 book Rc1 Kh2 Rb1 Be2 Rb3 Bc4 Ra3 Bb5 Kf5 Bd7+ Ke5 Bc6 Rb3 Ba4 Rd3 Bc6 Kf4 Bf3 Rd7 Kh3 Kg5 Be2 Rc7 Bf3 Rc1 Kh2 Rc3 Be4 Rc4 Bd5 Rc8 Kh3 76...Rc1 (3:12)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=63 time=194.38 node=35443397 speed=182702 score=-1.72 pv="Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Rb1 Bc4 Rd1 Be2 Rd2 Bc4 Rd4 Bb5 Re4 Bf1 Rb4 Be2 Rb2 Bf1 Rc2 Bd3 Rc1 Bb5 Kg5 Bd3 Ra1 Be2 Ra5 Bc4 Ra3 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Rb2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Re2 Bf3 Rb2 Be4 Rb3+ Kh2 Ra3 Bb7 Ra1 Bf3 Ra2 Kh3 Ra3 Kh2 Rd3 Kh3 Rd4 Bc6 Rd1 Kh2 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bd5 Re3 Bc4 Re7 Kh3 Rg7" 77.Kh2 (0:00)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/53 book Kg5 Be2 Rb1 Bf3 Rb5 Be2 Rb3 Bf1 Rb2 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5 Rf2 Bc4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb4 Bd5 Rd4 Bc6 Rd3+ Kh2 Kg4 Bb5 Rd2 Bc4 Kh5 Kh3 Rc2 Bd5 Rc7 Bf3+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/54 book Kg5 Be2 Rb1 Bf3 Rb5 Be2 Rb3 Bf1 Rb2 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5 Rf2 Bc4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb4 Bd5 Rd4 Bc6 Rd3+ Kh2 Kg4 Bb5 Rd2 Bc4 Kh5 Kh3 Rc2 Bd5 Rc7 Bf3+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/56 book Kg5 Be2 Rb1 Bf3 Rb5 Be2 Rb3 Bf1 Rb2 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5 Rf2 Bc4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb4 Bd5 Rd4 Bc6 Rd3+ Kh2 Kg4 Bb5 Rd2 Bc4 Kh5 Kh3 Rc2 Bd5 Rc7 Bf3+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/57 book Kg5 Be2 Rb1 Bf3 Rb5 Be2 Rb3 Bf1 Rb2 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5 Rf2 Bc4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb4 Bd5 Rd4 Bc6 Rd3+ Kh2 Kg4 Bb5 Rd2 Bc4 Kh5 Kh3 Rc2 Bd5 Rc7 Bf3+
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.38/58 book Kg5 Be2 Rb1 Bf3 Rb5 Be2 Rb3 Bf1 Rb2 Bc4 Rd2 Bb5 Rf2 Bc4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb4 Bd5 Rd4 Bc6 Rd3+ Kh2 Kg4 Bb5 Rd2 Bc4 Kh5 Kh3 Rc2 Bd5 Rc7 Bf3+ 77...Kg5 (2:25)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=54 time=118.98 node=22227305 speed=182634 score=-1.72 pv="Bb7 Rc2 Be4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb3+ Kh2 Ra3 Bb7 Ra2 Kh3 Ra1 Kh2 Rd1 Bc6 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bd5 Re2 Bc4 Re7 Kh3 Rg7 Bb5 Rg3+ Kh2 Ra3 Be2 Ra1 Bc4 Ra5 Kh3 Ra4 Bd5 Rb4 Bf7 Rb7 Be8 Rb1 Kh2 Rc1 Bd7 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bb5 Rc3+ Kh2 Ra3 Bc6 Rd3 Bb5 Rd2 Bc4 Rb2 Bf1 Kf4 Bc4 Rc2" 78.Bb7 (1:59)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.32/50 book Rd1 Be4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/50 book Rd1 Be4 Kf4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb4 Bd5 Kf4 Kh3 Rb5 Ba8 Rb1 Kh2 Rb8 Bc6 Rd8 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Re8 Bd5 Re3+ Bf3 Re1 Kh2 Rb1 Be4 Rb8 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/51 book Rd1 Be4 Kf4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb4 Bd5 Kf4 Kh3 Rb5 Ba8 Rb1 Kh2 Rb8 Bc6 Rd8 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Re8 Bd5 Kf4 Bc6 Rd8 Bf3 Kg5 Be4 Rb8 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/52 book Rd1 Be4 Kf4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb4 Bf3 Ra4 Bd5 Rg4 Bc6 Rc4 Bf3 Rc7 Be4 Kf4 Bf3 Re7 Bc6 Rh7 Kh3 Ra7 Bd5 Rd7 Be6 Rb7 Bd5 Rb1 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/53 book Rd1 Be4 Kf4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb4 Bf3 Ra4 Bd5 Rg4 Bc6 Rc4 Bf3 Rc7 Be4 Kf4 Bf3 Re7 Bc6 Rh7 Kh3 Ra7 Bd5 Rd7 Be6 Rb7 Bd5 Rb1 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/54 book Rd1 Be4 Kf4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb4 Bf3 Ra4 Bd1 Ra1 Bb3 Kf6 Bd5 Ra3 Be4 Ke5 Bf3 Kf4 Be2 Ra4 Bb5 Ra5 Bf1 Ke3 Bc4 Ra3 Bb5 Kd4 Bf1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/55 book Rd1 Be4 Kf4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb4 Bf3 Ra4 Bd1 Ra1 Bb3 Kf6 Bd5 Ra3 Be4 Ke5 Bf3 Kf4 Be2 Ra4 Bb5 Ra5 Bf1 Rg5 Kh3 Rg4 Be2 Rg3+ Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.26/56 book Rd1 Be4 Kf4 Bc6 Rd4 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rb4 Bf3 Ra4 Bd1 Ra1 Bb3 Kf6 Bd5 Ra3 Be4 Ke5 Bf3 Ra1 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Ra7 Bf3 Kf4 Be2 Re7 Bc4 Re3 Bb5 78...Rd1 (2:51)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=57 time=116.03 node=21136824 speed=182418 score=-1.72 pv="Bc6 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bd5 Re2 Bc4 Re7 Kh3 Rg7 Bb5 Rg3+ Kh2 Ra3 Be2 Ra1 Bc4 Ra5 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Rc5 Bd3 Rc1 Be4 Kg4 Bf3+ Kf5 Bd5 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bb7 Rb2 Bf3 Rd2 Be4 Rd4 Bf3 Rc4 Bd5 Rc1 Kh2 Rc2 Be4 Rb2 Kh3 Rb3+ Kh2 Ra3 Bb7 Ra2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc3+ Kh2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bb7 Kf4 Bf3" 79.Bc6 (1:56)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.18/45 book Rb1 Be8 Rb6 Bf7 Rc6 Bb3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 Ra1 Bd5 Re1 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Re3 Ba8 Re5 Bb7 Re8 Bd5 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Bc6 Re7 Kh3 Rf7 Bf3 Kg5 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.18/48 book Rb1 Be8 Rb6 Bf7 Rc6 Bb3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 Ra1 Bd5 Re1 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Re3 Ba8 Re5 Bb7 Re8 Bd5 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Bc6 Re7 Kh3 Rf7 Bf3 Kg5 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.18/49 book Rb1 Be8 Rb6 Bf7 Rc6 Bb3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bf3 Ra1 Bd5 Re1 Bc4 Kf4 Bd5 Re3 Ba8 Re5 Bb7 Re8 Bd5 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Bc6 Re7 Kh3 Rf7 Bf3 Kg5 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.24/50 book Rd2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/50 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bb7 Re5 Bc6 Ra5 Bb7 Ra2 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Rd6 Bf3 Rb6 Ba8 Re6 Kh3 Re8 Bc6
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/51 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bd5 Re2 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Re5 Bf3 Ra5 Be4 Kf4 Bf3 Ra3 Bc6 Ra6 Bb7 Rd6 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/52 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bh5 Re6 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rd6 Ba8 Rd1 Kh2 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Be2 Rf7 Bc4 Rf2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/53 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bh5 Re6 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rd6 Ba8 Rd1 Kh2 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Be2 Rf7 Bc4 Rf2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/54 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bh5 Re6 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rd6 Ba8 Rd1 Kh2 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Be2 Rf7 Bc4 Rf2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/55 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bh5 Re6 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rd6 Ba8 Rd1 Kh2 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Be2 Rf7 Bc4 Rf2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/56 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bh5 Re6 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rd6 Ba8 Rd1 Kh2 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Be2 Rf7 Bc4 Rf2 Bd5
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.27/57 book Rd2 Bf3 Rd3 Bc6 Ra3 Be4 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Re1 Bh5 Re6 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rd6 Ba8 Rd1 Kh2 Rd8 Bf3 Rd7 Be2 Rf7 Bc4 Rf2 Bd5 79...Rd2 (2:28)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=59 time=113.16 node=20644527 speed=181346 score=-1.72 pv="Kh3 Rd4 Bf3 Rc4 Bd5 Rc1 Kh2 Rc5 Be6 Rc2 Kh3 Rc3+ Kh2 Rc5 Kh3 Rc2 Bf7 Re2 Bc4 Re3+ Kh2 Kf4 Bd5 Re5 Bf3 Re1 Bd5 Re2 Bc4 Re7 Kh3 Rg7 Bb5 Rg3+ Kh2 Ra3 Be2 Ra1 Bc4 Ra5 Kh3 Kg5 Kh2 Ra3 Be2 Rb3 Bf3 Re3 Bb7 Re2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc1 Kh2 Kg4 Bf3+ Kf5 Bd5 Rc3 Bf3 Kg5 Be4 Ra3 Bb7 Ra2 Kh3" 80.Kh3 (1:53)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/47 book Re2 Kh2 Re3 Bf3 Ra3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bc6 Kg4 Be4 Rc5 Bb7 Rc3 Bf3+ Kf5 Ba8 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Ba8 Re5 Kh3 Ra5 Bc6 Ra6 Bd5 Ra7 Bc4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/49 book Re2 Kh2 Re3 Bf3 Ra3 Bd5 Kf4 Bf3 Ra6 Bd5 Ra5 Bc6 Kg4 Be4 Rc5 Bb7 Rc3 Bf3+ Kf5 Ba8 Re3 Bd5 Kf4 Ba8 Re5 Kh3 Re6 Bd5 Re8 Bc6 Rd8 Ba4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/52 book Re2 Kh2 Re3 Bf3 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Be4 Ra6 Bf3 Ra1 Bd5 Kf4 Bc6 Ra7 Kh3 Re7 Bb5 Rb7 Ba4 Rb8 Bc6 Rd8 Bf3 Kg5 Kh2 Rd4 Bb7 Rb4 Bd5 Kf4 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/53 book Re2 Kh2 Re3 Bf3 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Be4 Ra6 Bf3 Ra1 Bd5 Kf4 Bc6 Ra7 Kh3 Re7 Bb5 Rb7 Ba4 Rb8 Bc6 Rd8 Bf3 Kg5 Kh2 Rd4 Bb7 Rb4 Bd5 Kf4 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/54 book Re2 Kh2 Re3 Bf3 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Be4 Ra6 Bf3 Ra1 Bd5 Kf4 Bc6 Ra7 Kh3 Re7 Bb5 Rb7 Ba4 Rb8 Bc6 Rd8 Bf3 Kg5 Kh2 Rd4 Bb7 Rb4 Bd5 Kf4 Kh3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/55 book Re2 Kh2 Re3 Bf3 Ra3 Bd5 Ra5 Be4 Ra6 Bf3 Ra1 Bd5 Kf4 Bc6 Ra7 Kh3 Re7 Bb5 Rb7 Ba4 Rb8 Bc6 Rd8 Bf3 Kg5 Kh2 Rd3 Be4 Rg3 Bf3 Kf6 Kg1 80...Re2 (1:35)
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=52 time=110.34 node=28966450 speed=263247 score=-1.72 pv="Bf3 Re3 Kh2 Rc3 Be4 Ra3 Bb7 Ra2 Kh3 Rc2 Be4 Rc1 Kh2 Rc3 Bb7 Rc4 Bf3 Rc2 Be4 Ra2 Bd5 Re2 Bc4 Rc2 Bd3 Rd2 Bc4 Kf4 Kh3 Rd7 Be2 Re7 Bc4 Rg7 Bb5 Rg3+ Kh2 Rc3 Bd7 Rd3 Be6 Rd1 Bc4 Re1 Bd5 Re2 Bf3 Re3 Bd5 Rg3 Bc6 Ra3 Bd5 Ra1 Bc4 Ra5" 81.Bf3 (1:50)
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/49 book Re1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Ra5 Bb3 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Bb3 Ra8 Bd5 Rc8 Kh3 Re8 Bf7 Re1 Kh2 Re4 Bb3 Kg5 Bd5 Rg4 Bg8 Rd4 Bf7 Rd1 Ba2 Rc1 Bf7 Rc8 Bb3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/50 book Re1 Kh2
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/50 book Re1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Ra5 Bb3 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Bb3 Ra8 Be6 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bc6 Re2 Bd5 Rd2 Be6 Rd1 Bc4 Rd6 Be2 Rd2 Bc4 Kg4 Be6+ Kh5 Bf7+ Kh6 Bg8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/51 book Re1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Ra5 Bb3 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Bb3 Ra8 Be6 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bc6 Re2 Bd5 Rd2 Be6 Rd1 Bc4 Rd6 Be2 Rd2 Bc4 Kg4 Be6+ Kh5 Bf7+ Kh6 Bg8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/52 book Re1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Ra5 Bb3 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Bb3 Ra8 Be6 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Bc6 Re2 Bd5 Rd2 Be6 Rd1 Bc4 Rd6 Be2 Rd2 Bc4 Kg4 Be6+ Kh5 Bf7+ Kh6 Bg8
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.30/53 book Re1 Kh2 Ra1 Bd5 Ra5 Bb3 Kf4 Be6 Ra4 Bb3 Ra8 Be6 Ra7 Bd5 Re7 Kh3 Kg5 Bf3 Rd7 Be2 Rc7 Bf3 Re7 Kh2 Rf7 Bc6 Kf4 Kh3 Rf8 Bd5 Rd8 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/54 book Re1
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/54 book Re1 Kh2 Re3 Kg1 Re5 Kh2 Rc5 Be4 Rc3 Bd5 Ra3 Be6 Kg6 Bc4 Rg3 Be2 Rc3 Bd1 Ra3 Bc2+ Kh5 Be4 Kg4 Bf3+ Kf4 Be2 Kg5 Bc4 Kf5 Be2 Re3 Bf3
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/55 book Re1 Kh2 Re3 Kg1 Re5 Kh2 Rc5 Be4 Rc3 Bd5 Ra3 Be6 Kg6 Bc4 Rg3 Be2 Rc3 Bd1 Ra3 Bc2+ Kh5 Be4 Kg4 Bf3+ Kg5 Be2 Rc3 Ba6 Rc5 Bd3 Rc6 Be4
DeepThoughts(2548) whispers: -1.36/56 book Re1 Kh2 Re3 Kg1 Re5 Kh2 Rc5 Be4 Rc3 Bd5 Ra3 Be6 Kg6 Bc4 Rg3 Be2 Rc3 Bd1 Ra3 Bc2+ Kh5 Be4 Kg4 Bf3+ Kg5 Be2 Rc3 Ba6 Rc5 Bd3 Rc6 Be4 81...Re1 (2:56) DeepThoughts offers a draw.
zerowin(2623) kibitzes: depth=58 time=107.61 node=19480557 speed=182790 score=-1.72 pv="Kh2 Kf4 Bd5 Re2 Bf3 Rb2 Bd5 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Be4 Rc1 Kh2 Rc3 Bb7 Rc4 Bf3 Rc2 Be4 Ra2 Bd5 Re2 Bc4 Rc2 Bd3 Rd2 Bc4 Kf4 Kh3 Rd7 Be2 Re7 Bc4 Rg7 Bb5 Rg3+ Kh2 Rc3 Bd7 Rc2 Kh3 Kg5 Bb5 Ra2 Bc6 Ra3+ Kh2 Rb3 Bd7 Rb1 Bc6 Rb2 Kh3 Rb3+ Bf3 Rd3 Kh2 Kf4 Be2 Ra3 Bb5 Ra2 Bd7" Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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