gnucheese(2410) vs. erista(2466) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2014-09-18
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: e2e4 score=5000 1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: g1f3 score=24504 2.Nf3 (0:00) Nc6 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: f1b5 score=23455 3.Bb5 (0:00) a6 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: b5a4 score=20751 4.Ba4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: e1g1 score=15964 5.O-O (0:00) Be7 (1:04)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: f1e1 score=17108 6.Re1 (0:00) b5 (0:15)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: a4b3 score=16763 7.Bb3 (0:00) O-O (0:19)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: c2c3 score=3910 8.c3 (0:00) d6 (0:48)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: h2h3 score=10248 9.h3 (0:00) Na5 (0:24)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: b3c2 score=4479 10.Bc2 (0:00) c5 (0:17)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: d2d4 score=2868 11.d4 (0:00) cxd4 (0:50)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: c3d4 score=94 12.cxd4 (0:00) Bb7 (0:32)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: b1c3 score=18 13.Nc3 (0:00) Rc8 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: d1e2 score=6 14.Qe2 (0:00) Re8 (1:02)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: Bookmove: c2d3 score=4 15.Bd3 (0:00) exd4 (0:31)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=20 score=-0.31 time=42.16 node=38640147 speed=916512 pv=Nxd4 b4 Na4 Nc6 Be3 d5 Nf5 dxe4 Bxa6 Bxa6 Qxa6 Qd5 Nxe7+ Nxe7 Qb6 Nc6 Rec1 Qe6 Qc5 Nd5 Nb6 Nxe3 Qxe3 16.Nxd4 (0:42) Bf8 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.35 time=33.50 node=30712529 speed=916791 pv=Bg5 h6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Nf3 Nc4 Bxc4 Rxc4 Qd3 Rc5 a3 g6 Re2 Bg7 Rd1 Qf4 g3 Qf6 Nd4 Qg5 b3 17.Bg5 (0:34) h6 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=19 score=-0.22 time=28.47 node=26689397 speed=937456 pv=Bxf6 Qxf6 Nf3 Nc4 Bxc4 Rxc4 Qd3 Rc5 a3 g6 Rad1 Bg7 Re2 Rc4 a4 Qe6 axb5 Bxc3 bxc3 axb5 Nd2 18.Bxf6 (0:20) Qxf6 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=19 score=-0.25 time=30.87 node=29234085 speed=947006 pv=Nf3 Nc4 Bxc4 Rxc4 Qd3 Qg6 Nd2 Rc5 Qd4 Be7 a4 Bg5 axb5 axb5 Ra7 Bxd2 Qxd2 Bxe4 Nxe4 Rxe4 Rxe4 Qxe4 Qxd6 19.Nf3 (0:26) Nc4 (0:21)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=20 score=-0.39 time=26.70 node=26670108 speed=998880 pv=Bxc4 Rxc4 Qd3 Qg6 Nd2 Rc5 Qd4 f5 b4 Rce5 f3 d5 f4 R5e6 e5 Bxb4 Qxb4 d4 Re2 dxc3 Qxc3 Rc8 Qb3 20.Bxc4 (0:05) Rxc4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=19 score=-0.76 time=23.70 node=23912430 speed=1008963 pv=Qd3 Qg6 Nd2 Rc5 Qd4 f5 f3 fxe4 Ndxe4 Rce5 Qb6 Qf7 Rf1 d5 Nd6 Bxd6 Qxd6 Kh7 Rad1 21.Qd3 (0:18) Qg6 (0:15)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=20 score=-0.71 time=34.25 node=35165121 speed=1026718 pv=Nd2 Rc5 Qd4 f5 f3 fxe4 Ndxe4 Rce5 Rf1 d5 Nc5 Qb6 b4 Bxc5 bxc5 Qf6 Rad1 Rf8 Rd2 Qe7 f4 Ref5 Re2 22.Nd2 (0:19) Rc5 (0:27)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=19 score=-0.89 time=33.75 node=32748540 speed=970327 pv=Qd4 f5 f3 fxe4 Ndxe4 Rce5 Qb6 Qf7 Rf1 d5 Nc5 Bxc5+ Qxc5 Qe7 Qd4 Rf8 b4 Kh8 Rad1 Qe6 Kh2 Rg5 Kh1 23.Qd4 (0:07) Rg5 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=19 score=-0.52 time=41.34 node=38143917 speed=922687 pv=g4 h5 f3 Qe6 a4 bxa4 Qxa4 Rc5 Nb3 Rc4 Qa5 Rcc8 Qb6 Ba8 Na5 hxg4 hxg4 Qe5 Kh1 Re6 Kg2 24.g4 (0:41) h5 (0:10)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.76 time=32.39 node=30085069 speed=928838 pv=f3 hxg4 fxg4 Rc5 b4 Rcc8 Nd5 Bxd5 exd5 Be7 Qe3 Qc2 Rac1 Qxa2 Rxc8 Rxc8 Rf1 Bf6 25.f3 (0:22) hxg4 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.97 time=37.77 node=36867535 speed=976106 pv=fxg4 d5 Nxd5 Bxd5 exd5 Rd8 Nf3 Rgxd5 Qe4 Bc5+ Kg2 Qh6 g5 Rxg5+ Nxg5 Qxg5+ Kh1 Rd2 Re2 Rxe2 Qxe2 Qd5+ Kh2 26.fxg4 (0:31) d5 (0:31)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=19 score=-1.82 time=36.76 node=40219309 speed=1094105 pv=exd5 Rxe1+ Rxe1 b4 Nf3 bxc3 Nxg5 Qxg5 bxc3 Bxd5 Kh2 Be6 Re5 Qe7 Kg2 Qc7 Rh5 Bd6 Kf1 Bg3 Ke2 Bxa2 27.exd5 (0:06) Rxe1+ (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=19 score=-1.24 time=29.93 node=31272082 speed=1044840 pv=Rxe1 b4 Nf3 bxc3 Nxg5 Qxg5 bxc3 Bxd5 Re8 Qc1+ Kf2 Qb2+ Ke3 Qb5 Rd8 Bc6 Kf2 Qb2+ Ke3 Qc1+ Ke2 Bb5+ Kf2 Qb2+ Kg3 Qe2 Qc5 Be8 Qf2 28.Rxe1 (0:24) b4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=20 score=-1.38 time=23.69 node=26995316 speed=1139523 pv=Nf3 bxc3 Nxg5 Qxg5 bxc3 Bxd5 Re8 Qc1+ Kf2 Qb2+ Ke3 Qb5 Rd8 Bc6 h4 Be8 c4 Qa5 Qd5 Bc5+ Kf4 Qc7+ Kf3 Kf8 Kg2 Qb6 29.Nf3 (0:18) bxc3 (0:11)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=21 score=-1.16 time=20.90 node=25047069 speed=1198424 pv=Nxg5 Qxg5 bxc3 Bxd5 Re8 Qc1+ Kf2 Qb2+ Ke1 Qa1+ Kf2 Qxa2+ Ke3 Qa5 Qb4 Qxb4 cxb4 f6 Rd8 Be6 Ra8 Kf7 Ra7+ Be7 Rc7 Bd5 30.Nxg5 (0:09) Qxg5 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=21 score=-1.51 time=29.05 node=32445473 speed=1116883 pv=bxc3 Bxd5 Re8 Qc1+ Kf2 Qb2+ Ke3 Qb5 Rc8 Bb7 Rb8 Qc6 Kd2 Qg2+ Kc1 Qh1+ Qd1 Qc6 Qd3 Bc8 Kc2 Qc7 Rb3 Be6 Qxa6 Bxb3+ axb3 Qh2+ Kd1 Qxh3 31.bxc3 (0:23) Qxd5 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=21 score=-1.05 time=20.62 node=23848325 speed=1156562 pv=Qxd5 Bxd5 Re2 Bc5+ Kh2 g5 Rd2 Be4 Re2 Bd6+ Kg1 Bd3 Re8+ Kg7 Kf2 Kf6 a4 Be5 Kf3 Bf1 Rc8 Bxh3 Rc6+ Ke7 Rxa6 Bxc3 Ra7+ Ke6 32.Qxd5 (0:21) Bxd5 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=21 score=-1.28 time=29.61 node=34418175 speed=1162383 pv=a4 f6 Kf1 Kf7 Rd1 Bc4+ Kf2 Ke6 Re1+ Kd5 Rd1+ Ke5 Rd7 g5 Rd8 Bd6 Ke3 Kd5 Kf3 Ke6 Ke3 Be5 Kd2 Bf4+ Kc2 Ke5 Rd1 33.a4 (0:27) f6 (0:41)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.35 time=41.67 node=49715497 speed=1193076 pv=Kf2 Kf7 Ke2 Bc5 h4 Bd6 Rb1 Bg3 h5 Be5 Kd3 Bf3 Rb4 a5 Rb5 Bxg4 Rxa5 Bxh5 Ra7+ Kg6 a5 Bf3 34.Kf2 (0:00) Bc5+ (0:13)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.42 time=26.71 node=32430667 speed=1214176 pv=Ke2 Kf7 Rd1 Ke6 Kd3 Bg2 Kc4 Bd6 Re1+ Kf7 h4 Bc6 Rd1 Bg3 Kb3 Bxh4 Rd6 Bf3 Rxa6 Bf2 g5 fxg5 Rd6 g4 Rd7+ Ke6 Rxg7 35.Ke2 (0:27) Kf7 (0:03)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.55 time=21.84 node=26465346 speed=1211783 pv=Rb1 g5 Rb8 Bd6 Rc8 Ke6 Kd3 Be5 Rh8 Bc6 a5 Bg2 Kc4 Bf1+ Kb3 Kd5 Kb4 Bd6+ Kb3 Bc4+ Ka4 Bb5+ Kb3 Bf1 Rh6 Bc4+ Ka4 Be5 Kb4 Bd3 Rh8 36.Rb1 (0:18) g5 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=22 score=-1.72 time=19.00 node=24966413 speed=1314021 pv=Rb8 Bc4+ Kf3 Ke6 Rh8 Bd6 Ke3 Be5 Kd2 Kf7 Ke3 Bf1 Kf2 Kg7 Ra8 Bxh3 Kf3 Bf1 Rc8 Kf7 c4 Ke6 c5 Kd7 Rh8 Bd3 37.Rb8 (0:08) Bc4+ (0:10)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=23 score=-1.79 time=36.92 node=49482734 speed=1340269 pv=Ke1 Bd6 Rc8 Bg3+ Kd2 Bf1 Ke3 Bxh3 Kf3 Be5 c4 Ke7 Rc6 Bf1 Rxa6 Bxc4 Rb6 Bd5+ Ke3 Bf4+ Ke2 Bc7 Rb4 Ke6 Kd3 Bd6 Rb1 f5 Re1+ Be4+ Kc4 38.Ke1 (0:26) Bd6 (0:10)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=25 score=-1.98 time=20.28 node=26464370 speed=1304949 pv=Rc8 Bg3+ Kd2 Bf1 Ke3 Be5 Rc6 Ke7 c4 Bxh3 Kf3 Bf1 Rxa6 Bxc4 Rb6 Bd5+ Ke3 Bc7 Rb2 Bf4+ Kf2 Be5 Rb1 Be6 Rb7+ Kd6 Rb6+ Kd5 Kf3 f5 Rb5+ Kd6 gxf5 Bxf5 39.Rc8 (0:10) Bg3+ (0:08)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=25 score=-2.03 time=33.93 node=42968411 speed=1266384 pv=Kd2 Bf1 Ke3 Be5 Rc6 Ke7 c4 Bxh3 Kf3 Bf1 Rxa6 Bxc4 Rb6 Bc7 Rb4 Bd5+ Ke2 Kd6 Rb2 Ba5 Kd3 Be6 Rb5 Bc7 Rb4 f5 gxf5 Bxf5+ Kd4 Ke6 40.Kd2 (0:26) Bf1 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=25 score=-1.99 time=21.55 node=28056418 speed=1301921 pv=Ke3 Be5 Rc6 Ke7 c4 Bxh3 Kf3 Bf1 Rxa6 Bxc4 Rb6 Bd5+ Ke2 Bc7 Rb1 Kd6 Ke3 Bc6 Ra1 Ba5 Ke2 Ke6 Ra2 Bd7 Kf3 f5 Re2+ Kd5 gxf5 Bxf5 41.Ke3 (0:15) Be5 (0:14)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=24 score=-2.04 time=16.25 node=21101368 speed=1298545 pv=Rc6 Ke7 c4 Bxh3 Kf3 Bf1 Rxa6 Bxc4 Rb6 Bd5+ Ke2 Bc7 Rb1 Kd6 Ke3 Bc6 Ra1 Ba5 Ke2 Ke6 Ra2 Ke7 Ra1 Bd7 Kf3 f5 gxf5 Bxf5 42.Rc6 (0:02) Ke7 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=24 score=-2.18 time=24.20 node=30239688 speed=1249573 pv=c4 Bxh3 Kf3 Bf1 Rxa6 Bxc4 Rb6 Bc7 Rb1 Bd5+ Ke2 Kd6 Kd3 Be6 Rb4 Kc5 Rb5+ Kc6 Rb4 Ba5 Rb5 Bb6 Rb4 f5 Rb5 Bc5 gxf5 Bxf5+ Kc4 Be6+ Kd3 43.c4 (0:16) a5 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=23 score=-2.49 time=26.36 node=34147673 speed=1295435 pv=Kf3 Bxh3 Ra6 Bc3 c5 f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Ke3 Bc2 Kf3 Bxa4 Kg4 Bd2 Kf5 Kd8 Rd6+ Bd7+ Ke4 Bf4 Ra6 Bc7 Rg6 g4 Rg8+ Ke7 Rg7+ Ke8 Kd5 Bf4 44.Kf3 (0:26) Bxh3 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=24 score=-2.76 time=19.33 node=26254466 speed=1358223 pv=Ra6 Bc3 Rb6 Bf1 Ke3 Kd7 Rb5 Bg2 Kd3 Bb4 Rb6 Ke7 Kd4 Bf3 c5 Bxg4 Rb7+ Ke6 Rb6+ Kf5 c6 Bd6 Rb5+ Ke6 Rxa5 Bf3 Ra6 Be5+ Kc5 45.Ra6 (0:14) Bc3 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=23 score=-2.95 time=16.96 node=23430461 speed=1381513 pv=c5 f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Ke3 Bc2 Ra7+ Ke6 Ra8 Bxa4 Kd3 Bb4 Kd4 Bc6 Ra6 Kd7 Ra7+ Kc8 Rh7 Bd2 Rh6 Kc7 Kd3 Bf4 Rh7+ Bd7 46.c5 (0:12) Bf1 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=26 score=-3.29 time=15.21 node=22067805 speed=1450874 pv=Ra7+ Ke6 c6 Bc4 Rd7 Be5 Ra7 Bb3 Rxa5 Kd6 Ke3 Bd1 Ra6 Bxg4 a5 Kd5 c7 Bd7 Rb6 Bxc7 Rxf6 Bxa5 Rg6 Bd8 Kf3 Be7 47.Ra7+ (0:15) Ke6 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=27 score=-3.48 time=18.38 node=26891006 speed=1463057 pv=c6 Bc4 Rd7 Be5 Ra7 Bb3 Rxa5 Kd6 Ke2 Kxc6 Ra8 Kc5 Ra7 Kb6 Rh7 Bxa4 Rh1 Kc5 Rb1 Bd7 Kf3 f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Rg1 Bf4 Rd1 48.c6 (0:13) Bc4 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=29 score=-3.52 time=19.65 node=28969162 speed=1474257 pv=Rd7 Be5 Ra7 Bb3 Rxa5 Kd6 Ke2 Kxc6 Ra8 Kc5 Rc8+ Kb6 a5+ Kxa5 Rc1 Be6 Kf3 Kb5 Rc2 Bd5+ Ke2 Be4 Rc8 Kb6 Re8 Bc6 Re7 Bd5 Rh7 Kc5 Ke3 Bd4+ Ke2 49.Rd7 (0:12) Be5 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=26 score=-3.74 time=21.02 node=29442168 speed=1400674 pv=Ra7 Bb3 Rxa5 Bd1+ Ke4 Bxg4 Rc5 Bf5+ Kf3 Kd6 Rc1 Bf4 Rc4 Kd5 Rb4 Kxc6 a5 Bd6 Rb2 Be5 Rb4 Bd3 Rb3 Bc4 Ra3 Ba6 Ke4 g4 50.Ra7 (0:12) Bd5+ (0:14)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=25 score=-3.50 time=14.77 node=21935623 speed=1485147 pv=Ke2 Bb3 Rxa5 Kd6 Ra7 Kxc6 a5 Bd5 Ke3 Kb5 Ke2 Ba2 Ke3 Be6 Kf3 Bd6 a6 Be5 Rb7+ Kxa6 Rb1 Ka5 Rd1 Kb5 Rb1+ Kc5 Rc1+ Kd6 Rb1 Kc6 Rd1 Bd5+ Ke3 51.Ke2 (0:15) Bxc6 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=27 score=-3.62 time=15.23 node=22870726 speed=1501689 pv=Rxa5 Bd7 Kf3 Kd6 Ra6+ Kc5 Ra7 Be6 a5 Kb5 Rh7 Kxa5 Re7 Bd5+ Ke3 Kb5 Re8 Kc5 Rc8+ Bc6 Rd8 Ba4 Ke2 Bb3 Rd2 Bf4 Rb2 Bc4+ Kf2 Bd5 Re2 52.Rxa5 (0:15) Kd6 (0:02)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=28 score=-3.73 time=17.63 node=26748982 speed=1517242 pv=Ke3 Bd7 Kf3 Ba1 Ra6+ Kc5 Ra7 Bc6+ Ke3 Kb6 Rh7 Bxa4 Rh2 Be5 Ra2 Bd7 Kf3 Kc5 Rd2 Bc6+ Kf2 Kc4 Ke2 Be4 Rd8 f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Rf8 Be4 Rc8+ Kd5 53.Ke3 (0:18) Bd7 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=27 score=-3.75 time=21.90 node=31498375 speed=1438281 pv=Kf3 Ba1 Ra6+ Bc6+ Ke2 Kd5 Ke3 Be5 Ke2 Bd7 Kf3 Bd4 Ra8 Bc6 Rc8 Bxa4 Rc1 Ke6 Ke4 Be5 Rf1 Bd7 Ke3 Ke7 Kf3 f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Ke3 54.Kf3 (0:14) Bc3 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=26 score=-4.08 time=14.48 node=20563523 speed=1420132 pv=Ra6+ Ke5 a5 Bd4 Kg3 Ke4 Ra8 Ke3 Rd8 Bb5 Rc8 Bf1 Kh2 Be2 Rc2 Bxg4 Ra2 Be6 Ra4 f5 a6 Ba7 Ra1 Kf2 Rc1 f4 55.Ra6+ (0:14) Kc5 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=26 score=-3.93 time=14.69 node=21554950 speed=1467321 pv=Ra7 Kd6 Kg3 Bd4 Ra8 Be5+ Kh3 Bc6 Rd8+ Ke7 Rd2 Bxa4 Kg2 Bd7 Kf3 Bc6+ Kf2 Ke6 Rc2 Ba4 Rd2 f5 Ra2 Bb5 Ra5 Bd4+ Kg2 Bc6+ Kh3 Be4 Ra6+ Ke5 56.Ra7 (0:15) Bc6+ (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=25 score=-3.67 time=17.20 node=27175563 speed=1579974 pv=Ke3 Kb6 Re7 Bxa4 Kd3 Bb2 Ke4 Kc5 Kf5 Kd5 Kg6 Be5 Ra7 Bc2+ Kh5 Kd4 Rd7+ Ke4 Rb7 Kf4 Rb4+ Be4 Rc4 Kf3 Rc5 Kg3 Rc4 Bd5 Rb4 57.Ke3 (0:17) Kb6 (0:14)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=31 score=-3.99 time=21.05 node=33756557 speed=1603636 pv=Re7 Bxa4 Kd3 Bb2 Ke4 Kc6 Ra7 Bc2+ Ke3 Bd1 Ra2 Be5 Rg2 Bb3 Rg1 Ba4 Rg2 Kd5 Rd2+ Ke6 Rd8 Bd7 Kf3 Ke7 Rg8 Bc6+ Ke3 Kd7 Kf2 Bd4+ Kg3 Kc7 Rg7+ Kd6 Kh3 Bd5 58.Re7 (0:06) Bxa4 (0:04)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=30 score=-4.24 time=19.51 node=31501769 speed=1614647 pv=Kd3 Bb2 Ke4 Kc6 Ra7 Bc2+ Ke3 Bd1 Ra2 Be5 Rg2 Bb3 Rg1 Kd5 Kf3 Bc2 Re1 Bc3 Re3 Bd1+ Kg3 Be5+ Kh3 Bc2 Re1 f5 Rc1 Be4 gxf5 Bxf5+ Kg2 g4 Rd1+ Ke6 Re1 Kf6 59.Kd3 (0:15) Bb2 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=31 score=-4.08 time=22.82 node=36473275 speed=1598303 pv=Ke4 Kc6 Ra7 Bc2+ Ke3 Bd1 Ra2 Be5 Rg2 Bb3 Rf2 Kd7 Rf1 Ke6 Rb1 Bc2 Rf1 Ba4 Rh1 Kd5 Kf3 Bc2 Ke3 Bd4+ Ke2 Ke5 Rc1 Be4 Rf1 f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Kf3 60.Ke4 (0:17) Kc5 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=25 score=-5.13 time=24.31 node=37227117 speed=1531349 pv=Kf5 Kd5 Kg6 Bc2+ Kh5 Be5 Ra7 Ke4 Re7 Ba4 Rb7 Kf3 Kg6 Bc6 Rb4 Bd7 Kh5 Be8+ Kh6 Kg3 Re4 Kh4 Rb4 Bd7 Kg6 Bxg4 Kf7 Kg3 Ke7 61.Kf5 (0:24) Kd5 (0:14)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=31 score=-5.67 time=15.84 node=27224225 speed=1718701 pv=Kg6 Bc2+ Kh5 Be5 Kh6 Ke4 Rb7 Kf3 Rb4 Kg3 Kh5 Bd1 Rc4 Bb3 Rb4 Bc2 Kh6 Kh4 Kg7 Bd1 Kg6 Kg3 Kf5 Bc2+ Ke6 Bc3 Rb8 Kxg4 Kf7 Be5 Rc8 Be4 Rc4 62.Kg6 (0:02) Be5 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=30 score=-6.42 time=14.46 node=25203479 speed=1742979 pv=Rb7 Bc2+ Kf7 Ke4 Kg6 Kf4+ Kh5 Kg3 Rb4 Bd1 Rc4 Bb3 Rb4 Bf7+ Kh6 Kh4 Re4 Be6 Kg6 Bxg4 Ra4 Kg3 Ra2 Bd7 Ra7 Bb5 Rb7 Bc6 Rb4 Bf3 Rc4 Kf2 Kh7 g4 63.Rb7 (0:14) Bc2+ (0:06)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=31 score=-6.51 time=12.52 node=23162367 speed=1850029 pv=Kh5 Ke4 Rb4+ Kf3 Kh6 Kg3 Kh5 Bd1 Rc4 Bb3 Re4 Bf7+ Kh6 Kh4 Rb4 Be6 Kg6 Bxg4 Ra4 Kg3 Ra2 Kf3 Ra7 Ke3 Ra4 Bd1 Rc4 Kf3 Rc1 Be2 Kf5 g4 Ke6 g3 Kd5 64.Kh5 (0:06) Ke4 (0:05)
GnuCheese(2410) whispers: depth=32 score=-7.30 time=16.04 node=30200652 speed=1882833 pv=Rb4+ Kf3 Rb7 Ba4 Rb4 Be8+ Kh6 Kg3 Rc4 Kh3 Kg7 Bd7 Rc1 Bxg4 Kg6 Kg3 Rc2 Be6 Rc1 Kf4 Rf1+ Ke3 Kg7 Bd5 Kf8 Bf3 Ke7 Kf4 Rc1 g4 Rc4+ Ke3 Ra4 g3 Ra3+ Kf4 Kd7 GnuCheese resigns 0-1
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