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jariv(1727) vs. araszek(1670) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2014-05-16

1.e4 (0:00) g6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:41) Bg7 (0:03) 3.Bc4 (0:13) d6 (1:50) 4.O-O (1:02)
mcstorytaller(1699) whispers: Go Araszek!
4...c5 (1:35) 5.d3 (1:59) Nf6 (1:16) 6.Nc3 (1:11) O-O (1:14) 7.Bg5 (2:28) Nc6 (1:37) 8.a3 (1:00) a6 (4:40) 9.Qd2 (0:55) Re8 (1:17) 10.Bh6 (1:38) Bh8 (1:19) 11.Ng5 (3:00) Ne5 (1:22)
araszek(1670) whispers: Im not sure if I can defend it
12.Ba2 (1:02) Nfg4 (0:46) 13.f4 (3:22) Nxh6 (3:47)
araszek(1670) whispers: I hope I can avoid weaknesses
araszek(1670) whispers: but it may be hard
14.fxe5 (0:27) Rf8 (2:35) 15.exd6 (6:46) Qxd6 (5:04) 16.Nd5 (8:53) Bxb2 (5:22) 17.Rab1 (0:08) Bd4+ (0:38) 18.Kh1 (0:47) b5 (1:32)
araszek(1670) whispers: looks like I'm a pawn up
araszek(1670) whispers: with safe position
19.Nf3 (2:30) Bg7 (3:42) 20.e5 (2:13) Qd8 (4:00) 21.c4 (4:31) Ng4 (5:07)
araszek(1670) whispers: hard battle
araszek(1670) whispers: and we use most of us time ;)
araszek(1670) whispers: until 20th move
araszek(1670) whispers: for my lucky both of us, not only me
22.Qf4 (5:26) Bh6 (5:46) 23.Qg3 (1:17) Ne3 (0:44) 24.Nxe3 (1:14) Bxe3 (0:04) 25.cxb5 (2:51) axb5 (0:38)
araszek(1670) whispers: I think this exchange was not good for white
26.Rxb5 (1:24) Qxd3 (1:54) 27.Rbb1 (3:38) Rxa3 (0:42) 28.Rfd1 (0:19) Qa6 (2:51) 29.Bxf7+ (2:45) Kxf7 (0:46)
araszek(1670) whispers: dont understand this sacrifice
araszek(1670) whispers: maybe analysis (or rest play) give the answer
30.Qh4 (1:12) h6 (1:50) 31.Qe4 (1:40)
jaszczur(1931) whispers: Rf1 was better
jaszczur(1931) whispers: now simply Bf5
31...Bf5 (1:52) 32.Qd5+ (0:26)
jaszczur(1931) whispers: and Qe6
32...Qe6 (0:32) 33.Qb7 (1:11) Bxb1 (0:24) 34.Qxb1 (0:18) Rfa8 (0:44) 35.Rf1 (0:25) Kg7 (0:45) 36.Re1 (1:34) Bd4 (1:29) 37.Qe4 (0:45) Ra1 (0:30) 38.Nxd4 (0:20)
jaszczur(1931) whispers: cd d3 d2
38...cxd4 (0:55) 39.h3 (0:07) d3 (0:27) 40.h4 (0:40) d2 (0:12)
araszek(1670) whispers: its over
41.Rd1 (1:18) Rxd1+ (0:17) 42.Kh2 (0:06) Re1 (1:04) 43.Qf4 (2:00) Qxe5 (0:31) 44.h5 (0:30) Qxf4+ (0:07) 45.g3 (0:19)
nitelyjoy(1771) whispers: kiddy chess ;-)
45...Qf2+ (0:18) 46.Kh3 (0:16) Rh1+ (0:01) 47.Kg4 (0:08) Qf5# (0:02) jariv checkmated 0-1


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