1.e4(0:00)e5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:06)Nc6(0:02) 3.d4(0:03)exd4(0:02) 4.Bc4(0:02)Bc5(1:46) 5.c3(0:03)Nf6(0:09) 6.e5(0:26)d5(0:05) 7.Bb5(0:04)Ne4(0:26) 8.cxd4(0:06)Bb4+(0:03) 9.Bd2(0:40)Bxd2+(0:15) 10.Nbxd2(0:05)O-O(1:35)
CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: This feels even...
11.Rc1(1:23)Rb8(2:35) 12.O-O(0:28)Bg4(0:08)
CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: ok so h3 and I can play Nxd4 NightFury(2140) whispers: gooo cstarx
13.Bxc6(9:18)bxc6(0:00) 14.Qc2(0:06)
CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: He can't take on c6 otherwise b2 falls CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: Bf5 Rfe1 Rb6 ... umm... a4? a5 maybe b3 isn't so bad either... if b3 then something like Qe7/d7 and Rfb8 looks like a good plan
NightFury(2140) whispers: i doubt white would stay inline with the pin CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: Qd7 makes the most sense for holding and connecting
15.Qxc6(2:00)Nxd2(1:23) 16.Nxd2(0:09)Rxb2(0:01) 17.Nb3(0:42)
NightFury(2140) whispers: Rxa2 Ra1 perhaps CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: I don't think I can make the attack work :( // Cutting the connection between q/r battery looks like the only other option though if Be4 and Qg4 seem to get me nowhere
CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: Qg5*
18.Rfd1(4:19)Bc4(2:41) 19.Na5(2:16)Rb6(11:54)
NightFury(2140) whispers: hmmm pretty good move
NightFury(2140) whispers: Ra6 now, thought white had to go Qc5 CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: I was just going to play Bb5 but now Ra6 has utility xombie(1899) whispers: pardon me, but what after Qb4 NightFury(2140) whispers: you mean after Ra6? xombie(1899) whispers: yes CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: I have a more cohesive plan though of relocating my rook and starting a kside attack NightFury(2140) whispers: well i supposed if Bxa2 doesnt work there is Rb6 again cadger(1948) whispers: goo crazy! xombie(1899) whispers: Bxa2 Ra1 Bc4 Nxc4 dxc4 Qxc4 Rxa1 Rxa1 and the only thing i see is long term pawn weaknesses for black
xombie(1899) whispers: maybe this is better cadger(1948) whispers: ? Bxa2 Qxa2? xombie(1899) whispers: not in this line
xombie(1899) whispers: in the Ra6 line cadger(1948) whispers: ah sorry
cadger(1948) whispers: dropping a pawn... is it worth it? NightFury(2140) whispers: i doubt it
xombie(1899) whispers: there might be something here NightFury(2140) whispers: Qxc7 Qg5 g3 Bf2
NightFury(2140) whispers: *e2 cadger(1948) whispers: Be2 might play a role xombie(1899) whispers: and Rc3
23.g3(0:13)Be2(0:02) 24.Re1(0:02)Bf3(0:01) 25.Qc3(0:04)
xombie(1899) whispers: or this
25...Qh5(0:11) 26.Re3(0:11)
xombie(1899) whispers: wow xombie(1899) whispers: mate! smallblackcat(2211) whispers: wow xombie(1899) whispers: goodness smallblackcat(2211) whispers: Qxh2+! cadger(1948) whispers: sweet! xombie(1899) whispers: the last few moves were rather fast NightFury(2140) whispers: heh i knew it NightFury(2140) whispers: that pawn wasnt worth it cadger(1948) whispers: he knew it xombie(1899) whispers: no smallblackcat(2211) whispers: lol xombie(1899) whispers: Rc3 was the move cadger(1948) whispers: i hope? xombie(1899) whispers: to prevent Bf3 directly
xombie(1899) whispers: what??! smallblackcat(2211) whispers: nooooo cadger(1948) whispers: noooo
cadger(1948) whispers: fart xombie(1899) whispers: how often do we get these sorts of mate cadger(1948) whispers: 1/267 NightFury(2140) whispers: had 15 min to think about it xombie(1899) whispers: sigh smallblackcat(2211) whispers: well he didn't know he had 15 min to think about it ;) xombie(1899) whispers: yes, he did look for a min smallblackcat(2211) whispers: check every check... cadger(1948) whispers: good quote smallblackcat(2211) whispers: thanks; I never remember it during my own games
xombie(1899) whispers: oh, he is trying to irritate cadger(1948) whispers: it irritates me
xombie(1899) whispers: lol cadger(1948) whispers: Bg6 is quite the concession xombie(1899) whispers: i wonder if this leads to an unwitting pawn storm xombie(1899) whispers: Bf5 might be better cadger(1948) whispers: or a wittling pawn storm xombie(1899) whispers: Bf5 g4 Qg6 could lead to more weakening NightFury(2140) whispers: theres no need to play g4 xombie(1899) whispers: ah yes
cadger(1948) whispers: g4 Qxh4 xombie(1899) whispers: eh, strangely, black now owns the b file smallblackcat(2211) whispers: does the b-file matter? cadger(1948) whispers: heh
xombie(1899) whispers: no, Nb3 covers it xombie(1899) whispers: black might like to play g5 xombie(1899) whispers: when possible cadger(1948) whispers: Re8 seems forced cadger(1948) whispers: oh nvm cadger(1948) whispers: that would be mate xombie(1899) whispers: mate? xombie(1899) whispers: oh
NightFury(2140) whispers: only if black took the knight NightFury(2140) whispers: he doesnt have too :) cadger(1948) whispers: ah true! xombie(1899) whispers: but he would trade off the N for B NightFury(2140) whispers: indeed xombie(1899) whispers: okay, maybe black gets to play g5 after all cadger(1948) whispers: might as well take a7 xombie(1899) whispers: so maybe f4 is the move cadger(1948) whispers: blacks pieces are so cramped cadger(1948) whispers: that's not exciting though :P
30.Ne7+(3:16)Kh8(0:04) 31.Qc5(0:01)
xombie(1899) whispers: nice! smallblackcat(2211) whispers: that appears to win cadger(1948) whispers: Rd8 smallblackcat(2211) whispers: oh B covers c8 xombie(1899) whispers: yes, but it is quite irritating xombie(1899) whispers: Re8 or Re8 forced xombie(1899) whispers: perhaps Re8 cadger(1948) whispers: much more excting than Nxa7 CrazyHunter(1817) whispers: Well i had a good start cadger(1948) whispers: don't give up! you are almost there cadger(1948) whispers: wherever there is... xombie(1899) whispers: but what is interesting is taht Qc5 prevents g5
xombie(1899) whispers: oh no xombie(1899) whispers: is taht mate? xombie(1899) whispers: naw cadger(1948) whispers: not yet cadger(1948) whispers: Rc3 g6
xombie(1899) whispers: maybe Qxa7 xombie(1899) whispers: or this cadger(1948) whispers: mm Rb3 xombie(1899) whispers: has to capture
32...f5(0:33) 33.Nf4(0:13)
xombie(1899) whispers: or allows monster N
cadger(1948) whispers: Qb6 looked better
34.d5(0:16)CrazyHunter resigns 1-0
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