1.d4(0:00)d5(0:00) 2.c4(0:03)e6(0:04) 3.Nf3(0:05)Nf6(0:05) 4.Bg5(0:04)Be7(0:07) 5.e3(0:04)h6(0:02) 6.Bh4(0:03)O-O(0:02) 7.Nc3(0:03)b6(0:02) 8.Bd3(0:36)Bb7(0:06) 9.O-O(0:29)Re8(0:41) 10.Rc1(1:38)c5(0:30) 11.cxd5(1:42)Nxd5(0:19) 12.Bxe7(0:22)Qxe7(0:16) 13.dxc5(0:56)Qxc5(1:17) 14.Nb5(15:16)Qe7(0:23) 15.e4(0:16)a6(0:52) 16.exd5(0:13)axb5(0:22) 17.dxe6(2:48)fxe6(1:12) 18.Bxb5(0:45)Rd8(0:24) 19.Qb3(0:13)Bd5(0:49) 20.Bc4(0:15)Qd6(1:16) 21.Bxd5(3:05)exd5(0:29) 22.Rfd1(1:33)Na6(2:55) 23.a3(0:38)Nc5(2:43) 24.Qa2(0:55)Ra7(1:00) 25.Rd4(5:55)
Defiled(1818) whispers: it may have been unwise to create a passer for black
25...Rad7(1:22) 26.Rcd1(0:31)Qe6(1:21) 27.Ne1(4:15)
Defiled(1818) whispers: i think i could have made it easier on myself somehow by not allowing the d pawn passer but I feel like white is still better
27...Qe2(1:47) 28.R4d2(0:07)Qe6(1:51) 29.Nc2(0:51)
milpat(1948) whispers: Ne4?
29...Ne4(2:12) 30.Rd4(0:13)
milpat(1948) whispers: ah, Ne3 is coming milpat(1948) whispers: Qf5 f3 Nf6 perhaps
milpat(1948) whispers: or Qf7 f3 Nf6 mindlin(2071) whispers: it's my feeling that black needs to switch defense to an attack on the king milpat(1948) whispers: Qf7 was attacking :) milpat(1948) whispers: wanted Qf5, but considering Ne3 is coming...
milpat(1948) whispers: force white to play f3, would have let Ne3 less comfortable Defiled(1818) whispers: i guess that plan now is to keep white tied to his d pawn and try to create a passed q side pawn mindlin(2071) whispers: yeah and could have threatened Nxf2 with Ne3 Defiled(1818) whispers: keep black* tied to the pawn milpat(1948) whispers: now that Ne3 is quite a good dog
mindlin(2071) whispers: like instead of Nf6.. Re7 was interesting mindlin(2071) whispers: or Re8 like that
SweetStallion offers a draw.
Defiled declines the draw request.
milpat(1948) whispers: was looking at Qb3/Rb4 milpat(1948) whispers: since d cant advance yet, maybe was ok
milpat(1948) whispers: i'd like to win b for free milpat(1948) whispers: a4 sounds like he wants to trade the weakness
milpat(1948) whispers: oh milpat(1948) whispers: a5 tnx milpat(1948) whispers: then u open to massive trades
milpat(1948) whispers: bah
milpat(1948) whispers: now white is the one with the weak b-pawn... life changes fast :P
milpat(1948) whispers: well, maybe not that weak
36...Qxa5(0:30) 37.bxa5(0:03)
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: Black's drawing chances probably improved, but have they improved enough? FiNLiP(1769) whispers: The a pawn and d pawn are likely to be exchanged here. milpat(1948) whispers: i guess despite this, white still has the good side
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: Black's hope is to try not to exchange all the pieces too. FiNLiP(1769) whispers: If Black has anything better than White, it's the King position. FiNLiP(1769) whispers: I'm an expert on how to lose from here as White.
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: Almost forced to exchange here. Defiled(1818) whispers: I should get the knights off in this situation i think
38...Nxg4(1:22) 39.hxg4(0:10)
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: Maybe all black needs to do is to exchange a pair of rooks now. milpat(1948) whispers: N were the only tricky pieces...now must be more simple for black
39...Ke6(1:00) 40.f4(0:06)
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: White should have tried to get the Rooks off first. N endings are like P endings I read. milpat(1948) whispers: Ra8?
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: Let's see if White exchanges again. milpat(1948) whispers: strange habit to serve passers on silver plate by Stallion milpat(1948) whispers: someday white will accept :)
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: Maybe he trusts Defiled to exchange pawns. milpat(1948) whispers: no reason to weakening kside before u solved a-pawn i believe
milpat(1948) whispers: u fight on on a side where u have no majority
milpat(1948) whispers: watch both wings at same time is less simple
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: a6 milpat(1948) whispers: trade does not always means draw :P
43.Kf2(0:51)Rc5(0:43) 44.Rda4(0:10)Rb5(1:05) 45.R1a3(0:10)Kd6(0:44) 46.Ke3(0:10)
FiNLiP(1769) whispers: Re7+
46...Re7+(1:27) 47.Kd3(0:25)Kc5(2:13)
Jammes(1779) whispers: i think a6 ra7 cant be bad. forces blacks rook to stay on a7 than white might try to get the d pawn
Jammes(1779) whispers: ra7 rb5 is intersting
48...Ra7(0:45) 49.Ra5(0:20)
Jammes(1779) whispers: ra5 i ment Jammes(1779) whispers: think its win for white now
49...Rxa5(1:06) 50.Rxa5+(0:03)
Jammes(1779) whispers: after kb6 probably ra1
Jammes(1779) whispers: black is helpless
51.Kd4(0:10)gxf4(0:39) 52.gxf4(0:03)
milpat(1948) whispers: go fight both wings now
52...Kb6(0:23) 53.Ra3(0:12)Kc6(0:18) 54.f5(0:05)Kd6(0:14) 55.Ra5(0:26)Kc6(0:15) 56.f6(0:15)Kb6(0:09) 57.Rxd5(0:31)Kxa6(0:13) 58.Rf5(0:05)Rf7(0:31) 59.Ke5(0:03)Kb6(0:56) 60.Ke6(0:03)SweetStallion resigns 1-0
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