1.d4(0:00)e6(0:00) 2.c4(0:04)f5(0:09) 3.g3(0:04)Nf6(0:04) 4.Bg2(0:03)Be7(0:05) 5.Nc3(0:07)d6(2:15) 6.Nf3(0:09)O-O(0:08) 7.O-O(0:06)Ne4(0:10) 8.Qd3(0:52)Nxc3(0:18) 9.bxc3(0:04)Nc6(5:25)
Mahog(1803) whispers: Go Defiled
10.d5(7:38)Ne5(0:41) 11.Nxe5(0:40)dxe5(0:07)
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: hmm I don't like that for white smallblackcat(2176) whispers: e5/f5 combo is useful Mahog(1803) whispers: and e4 from Black painful also
Mahog(1803) whispers: dxe? smallblackcat(2176) whispers: that nice pawn cluster gets broken up Mahog(1803) whispers: forget that Mahog(1803) whispers: f4? smallblackcat(2176) whispers: I kinda like f4
Mahog(1803) whispers: yes smallblackcat(2176) whispers: its just what you do in such positions, block the f5-f4 advance by playing f4 yourself Mahog(1803) whispers: k Mahog(1803) whispers: looks the best Mahog(1803) whispers: now exf or fxe ok Mahog(1803) whispers: White needs a win for the team here unfortunately smallblackcat(2176) whispers: not a bad position for that Mahog(1803) whispers: what? for the win Cat? Mahog(1803) whispers: or u mean f4 not so bad now for white? smallblackcat(2176) whispers: I mean its not a very drawish position yet Mahog(1803) whispers: ok Mahog(1803) whispers: not often u see all 4 horsies first to leave the battlefield Mahog(1803) whispers: is like first world war Mahog(1803) whispers: many many horsies died Mahog(1803) whispers: so who has a plan here?
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: not me anyway
Mahog(1803) whispers: I mean (hehe) Black or White Mahog(1803) whispers: that was fast Mahog(1803) whispers: maybe white has a plan
14...Bxe5(1:33) 15.Bf4(0:09)
Mahog(1803) whispers: cool Mahog(1803) whispers: BxB forced? smallblackcat(2176) whispers: not quite smallblackcat(2176) whispers: fxe4 seems plausible Mahog(1803) whispers: no but then Bxe4 threatens h7+?
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: ah yes
16.Rxf4(0:11)e5(1:14) 17.Rf2(0:44)Qg6(1:46)
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: Raf1, get the last piece involved smallblackcat(2176) whispers: nothing to be gained by exf5, and you prevent f4 anyway
Mahog(1803) whispers: Go! Defiled!!!!
18...f4(5:50) 19.gxf4(0:13)h5(0:39)
Mahog(1803) whispers: wow Mahog(1803) whispers: what to do? PankracyRozumek(1835) whispers: fxe5 now? Mahog(1803) whispers: looks threatening Mahog(1803) whispers: fxe RxR smallblackcat(2176) whispers: Kh1 seems fine to me smallblackcat(2176) whispers: oh fxe is stronger, yeah
PankracyRozumek(1835) whispers: then e6 and it is hard to do anything for Black
20...Rxf2(0:25) 21.Rxf2(0:09)h4(0:13) 22.e6(0:10)
Mahog(1803) whispers: wow Mahog(1803) whispers: Defiled roks smallblackcat(2176) whispers: those pawns are great Mahog(1803) whispers: yeah smallblackcat(2176) whispers: black can barely develop Mahog(1803) whispers: right Mahog(1803) whispers: Qf3coming? Mahog(1803) whispers: or Rf7 and Qd4 Mahog(1803) whispers: just gotta watch h3 Mahog(1803) whispers: even if Black had b6 already B cannot do much
22...b6(7:07) 23.Qf3(0:33)
Mahog(1803) whispers: for e7?
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: I'd just get the queens off Mahog(1803) whispers: c4 and a2 hang a bit Mahog(1803) whispers: u mean Qf7+?
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: yes Mahog(1803) whispers: hehe
Mahog(1803) whispers: so ex or Rx? Mahog(1803) whispers: k
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: I preferred Rx, but this is fine Mahog(1803) whispers: Bf1?
Mahog(1803) whispers: e5 Mahog(1803) whispers: e5-e6 Jammes(1779) whispers: can black hold this? white is 2 pawns up but black has a good dark square control
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: not a chance Mahog(1803) whispers: and alsb Jammes(1779) whispers: but needs to free the rook somehow Jammes(1779) whispers: ke7 i guess smallblackcat(2176) whispers: I think white can simply open a line on the queenside with a4-a5 later
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: or c4-c5 if black blocks that
Jammes(1779) whispers: but after ke7 the g pawn falls still only move i see to activat the rook Mahog(1803) whispers: now Rf4
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: I still like a4-a5
Mahog(1803) whispers: nice Jammes(1779) whispers: this is nonsence to block with the rook rh8 and over smallblackcat(2176) whispers: though this is more direct Jammes(1779) whispers: the rook is death smallblackcat(2176) whispers: too easy Mahog(1803) whispers: Defiled is a legend
Jammes(1779) whispers: sry for insulting. but re7 was awfull Mahog(1803) whispers: was Mahog(1803) whispers: Bh3 smallblackcat(2176) whispers: position was essentially dead already
smallblackcat(2176) whispers: Bh3, don't let black sac on e6 Mahog(1803) whispers: Rxh4 ok Jammes(1779) whispers: i wasnt that sure smb ke7 i thought black has a nice blocade Mahog(1803) whispers: Bxe6 Rh8 smallblackcat(2176) whispers: Kxf7 there, it was better to avoid it Mahog(1803) whispers: but this nails it shut Mahog(1803) whispers: ah yeah smallblackcat(2176) whispers: Rxh4-h8 is killing, and black has no way to stop it
30...g5(1:08) 31.Rf6(0:05)
Mahog(1803) whispers: K cannot move Mahog(1803) whispers: but Rg6 next Mahog(1803) whispers: beautiful smallblackcat(2176) whispers: hmm smallblackcat(2176) whispers: Rh6 can be met by Kg7 Mahog(1803) whispers: Rg6 Mahog(1803) whispers: is the move smallblackcat(2176) whispers: oh right :P smallblackcat(2176) whispers: I suck at totally won positions Mahog(1803) whispers: hehe Mahog(1803) whispers: no I do
Mahog(1803) whispers: even drawn positions
Mahog(1803) whispers: all done here
32...Rxf7(1:53) 33.exf7(0:08)Bxc4(0:04)
Mahog(1803) whispers: Be6? smallblackcat(2176) whispers: seems good
Mahog(1803) whispers: chess always finds an answeraberleider resigns 1-0
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