1.e4(0:00)e5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:02)Nc6(0:01) 3.Bb5(0:02)a6(0:01) 4.Ba4(0:01)Nf6(0:01) 5.O-O(0:01)Be7(0:02) 6.Re1(0:04)b5(0:01) 7.Bb3(0:01)d6(0:01) 8.c3(0:04)O-O(0:01) 9.h3(0:02)Na5(0:02) 10.Bc2(0:03)c5(0:01) 11.d4(0:03)Qc7(0:01) 12.Nbd2(0:04)Re8(0:01) 13.a4(0:11)Bd7(0:11) 14.Nf1(0:12)Rac8(2:13) 15.d5(2:50)Nc4(6:01) 16.Bd3(7:27)Nb6(3:08) 17.a5(4:51)Nc4(4:42) 18.Bxc4(0:27)bxc4(0:00) 19.N3d2(0:06)
NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: I do not recognize Swirus's style of play ;) NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: instead of killing his opp, he just play positional chess :D
19...Bb5(4:09) 20.Ne3(0:15)Nd7(1:06)
pchesso(1824) whispers: b3 threatens to trap the Bb5
21.Ndxc4(3:14)Bg5(0:47) 22.Qg4(1:18)Bxe3(1:12) 23.Nxe3(0:16)Nf6(0:02) 24.Qh4(0:19)
gutierez(2038) whispers: Hello pchesso(1824) whispers: hi dodenko(2208) whispers: hi NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: probably swirus's position is close to winning dodenko(2208) whispers: if he keeps concentracion, sure mcstorytaller(1739) whispers: hi pchesso pchesso(1824) whispers: hello Marek :)
mcstorytaller(1739) whispers: i hope i won't play with You in TL 2 soon ;) NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: the attack goes itself NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: Nf5 is quite simple to start with mcstorytaller(1739) whispers: but friendly game ...why not? NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: and after h6 just Bxh6 ;) pchesso(1824) whispers: why? but no, i don`t think we are in the same section dodenko(2208) whispers: maybe Nxg7 later mcstorytaller(1739) whispers: ufff NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: ofc dodenko - these threats are hard to stop NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: (at least I do not know how to do it)
dodenko(2208) whispers: sure pchesso(1824) whispers: black has c4 now, and a superstrong B on d3 dodenko(2208) whispers: pchesso, Nxg7 is decisive on c4 pchesso(1824) whispers: ah, i didn`t look at that NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: Qg5 might be even a bit stronger ;)
25...Qd8(3:21) 26.Qg3(0:42)
dodenko(2208) whispers: Nxg7 still wins i think evilcoyote(2100) whispers: I was looking at that and Bg5
26...g6(0:25) 27.Nh6+(0:11)
dodenko(2208) whispers: Kxg7, Bh6+, and Bg5 after
27...Kg7(0:01) 28.Qxd3(0:03)Nh5(0:13)
evilcoyote(2100) whispers: That is a piece NokiaTwenty(2005) whispers: and simple winning position ;)
29.Qf3(2:25)Rf8(0:25)CrazyHunter resigns 1-0
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