milpat(1974) vs. keresch(1924) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-06-23
Keresch(1924) whispers: iam truly sorry about this i have unstable power in where i live 14...Nbd5 (1:36)
Keresch(1924) whispers: now at least i have my first threat in the game :))
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Bd2? boxing the horse and freeing up 1st rank?
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Bd2, simple and effective yeah
anandkvs(2093) whispers: what threat is black talking about
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Nb4 I guess?
anandkvs(2093) whispers: and why isn't he castling
herrahuu(1611) whispers: what is the threat?
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Nb4 I guess
anandkvs(2093) whispers: not sure what Nb4 does
herrahuu(1611) whispers: y
pbeccari(1905) whispers: drops the rook
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: how is it a threat? white wants Qf3 anyway
Calabrese(1787) whispers: why not castle ? c4
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: White always has Qf3 tbh
anandkvs(2093) whispers: how is it dropping the rook Qf3 or even Qh3
pbeccari(1905) whispers: no, drops nothing, sorry
herrahuu(1611) whispers: y
Twikki(2140) whispers: I like c4
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: yea, c4 Nb4 Qf3
pbeccari(1905) whispers: I like more Bd2 first and then c4
milpat(1974) whispers: trying to choose between c3 and Bg5
Twikki(2140) whispers: well, if those are your candidates, pick Bg5 :P
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: hehe
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah c3 is a tad passive and you might want c4 soon
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: knowing pat he will play c3 to win by Qxh7# later
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Lol 15.Bg5 (10:07)
Twikki(2140) whispers: sounds like a plan ;)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Did I mention that black should castle? :P
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: The long plan, a la Alekhine:P - "c3 was played with the grand plan of Qxh7# later:D"
herrahuu(1611) whispers: now the keresches threat.
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: we need diduk in here to explain chess to us
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: although Qxh7# only works if black gets round to castling :P
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: castle early and often and develope minor pieces before queen
Twikki(2140) whispers: and often? lol
anandkvs(2093) whispers: I'm still mystified as to why black is not castling
Keresch(1924) whispers: ok what is going on here ? did he miss Nb4 or is it not a big deal ??
pbeccari(1905) whispers: black might be having the idea of O-O-O
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Never thought to see the day when Shak becomes a proponent of classical chess:P
Twikki(2140) whispers: I'm going with not a big deal
anandkvs(2093) whispers: o-o-o is an extremely bad idea
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: lol
anandkvs(2093) whispers: if black is thinking about it
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: I didn't say that I agree :P
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: ha!
Keresch(1924) whispers: oh he has Qf3 then i guess
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: welcome to the party K-man
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Next thing you know he'll play the QGD and Ruy Lopez:P
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: :P
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: bah
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: dont hold yer breath
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: :-)
Twikki(2140) whispers: yeah, the Canal variation and the Jaenisch
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: you say that like its a bad thing :P
Twikki(2140) whispers: hmm Nb4 Rxf6 looks like fun
Twikki(2140) whispers: for a move or two
superlaser(1912) whispers: lol
herrahuu(1611) whispers: Nb4 Qf3 and rook don't have too many squares
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: what about
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: Nb4 Qc4
anandkvs(2093) whispers: o-o is the only candidate move here. Nothing else should come to mind
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: oh drops rook :P
Twikki(2140) whispers: Nb4 Bxf7+ is a better version of that
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Like anand said, black should have played O-O ages ago
floare(1804) whispers: Qc4 is not good, shiva.
herrahuu(1611) whispers: what difference does it make?
anandkvs(2093) whispers: especially when the e-file is open, it makes no sense at all to not castle
herrahuu(1611) whispers: y.
anandkvs(2093) whispers: plus there is pressure on f7 and all kinds of nefarious things
superlaser(1912) whispers: well white isn't really using the e-file at the moment
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: short castle feels safe
superlaser(1912) whispers: 0-0 looks sensible here though
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah and this Nb6-d5 maneuver might cause tactical issues with a later c5, which is pretty much what black wants to play here
herrahuu(1611) whispers: keresch is luxurious with time
Twikki(2140) whispers: I dunno
Twikki(2140) whispers: black may need to play h6 and hope white exchanges
pbeccari(1905) whispers: but if O-O now Raf1 is preparing a storm on black castle
superlaser(1912) whispers: it seems easier finding a plan for white than for black
anandkvs(2093) whispers: that is not really important, even if Raf1, o-o should be the move
anandkvs(2093) whispers: also black is taking too much time, unless he's lagged out
superlaser(1912) whispers: c3, Bc2 is another idea with cheapo sacs on f6 then Qh7# :P 15...h6 (10:06)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: h6 is wrong on principle
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: seems promising :o
anandkvs(2093) whispers: unless there is some tactical shot I'm not aware of
Keresch(1924) whispers: i know am worse the least to put it
anandkvs(2093) whispers: black is totally ok, if only he'd castle
Twikki(2140) whispers: I like it for practical chances... gives white a chance to make a mistake
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: usually I avoid pawn weaknesses when defending. Black is a bit worse but position can be held
herrahuu(1611) whispers: i don't think black was worse?
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: I will always prefer practical chances over theoretical chances
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: I don't like this h6 tbh
anandkvs(2093) whispers: yeah h6 is not a good move
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: problem is that black's pieces aren't really attacking anything so he has no threats while white's pieces are a bit more actively placed. Flip side is that black had relatively few weaknesses making it hard for white to force matters
Twikki(2140) whispers: hard to avoid pawn weaknesses after white plays c4 and takes twice on f6 after building up on the f file
anandkvs(2093) whispers: black is afraid of ghosts
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Bh4, Bd2, even Bxf6 all look good for white
superlaser(1912) whispers: h6 and 0-0 don't really go together
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: I'd prefer keeping it on c1-h6 I think, for cheapo sacs later
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: so Bd2
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: after h6, 0-0 seems premature
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: yea, I can only assume black wants 0-0-0
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: That assumes black will O-O
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I remember when I went through a phase where I tried to mask my intentions so left Kingside and Queenside castling open. In the end I usually did around half the work required for either to be viable :( 16.Bxf6 (4:47)
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Bxf6 Bxf6 Bxd5 cxd5 Raf1 must be good for white, hence if Bxf6 maybe Nxf6, and then, uhm, still Raf1?
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Nxf6? 16...Nxf6 (0:32)
Alieth(1869) whispers: game over whites winning
herrahuu(1611) whispers: ?
herrahuu(1611) whispers: how?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: now that's a statement xD
superlaser(1912) whispers: lol
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: That seems awfully premature
superlaser(1912) whispers: would have liked to keep the dsb
Twikki(2140) whispers: Nf4 has good cheapo potential
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: NxB is correct 17.Raf1 (0:47)
Twikki(2140) whispers: bah Nf4 o-o Ng6 Rfe8 Ne5 was there
Twikki(2140) whispers: so black couldn't o-o
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: 0-0-0 Bxf7
anandkvs(2093) whispers: o-o is still not too late to achieve
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: and black has to move something
pbeccari(1905) whispers: so Nf4 was better than Raf1?
superlaser(1912) whispers: queen freed from defence of f5 rook
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Pat is probably drawn by the potential of c3 Bc2 and Rxf6 cheapos:)
superlaser(1912) whispers: now stuff like Qg3 could be available
Twikki(2140) whispers: o-o seems fine now
Alieth(1869) whispers: qxf5 qxf5 black resigns
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: for sure Laur
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: I know I am :P
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: 0-0 c3 c5 Bc2 Rfd8! - seems like it prevents the xchange sac and qh7
anandkvs(2093) whispers: black is thinking too much, just o-o
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: black might not stand theoretically too worse, but it surely is a painful pos to play in practice 17...O-O (2:52)
herrahuu(1611) whispers: maybe he is too pessimistic
anandkvs(2093) whispers: finally
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: way too many white moves to consider
superlaser(1912) whispers: lol
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: starting with rxf6
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: black has to react only while its on white to find the attacking ideas
Twikki(2140) whispers: funk, the Be7 kills black's escape
anandkvs(2093) whispers: black is fine now, though the B on b3 is much better than the B on e7
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: I want to take @f6 with the B
Twikki(2140) whispers: c3 and black is toast
anandkvs(2093) whispers: another reason why h6 was a bad move
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: so escape :)>
pbeccari(1905) whispers: well, now c3, for real.
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: c3 seems good :p
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: I don't know, c3 Bc2 now seems cavemanish but quite good
superlaser(1912) whispers: yeah
Twikki(2140) whispers: you say cavemanish like it's a bad thing :P
superlaser(1912) whispers: no easy way to stop it
herrahuu(1611) whispers: lol 18.c3 (1:46)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: maybe black isn't so ok after all :p
pbeccari(1905) whispers: also a Qg3 is an idea, with both Rxf6 and Qg6 available
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: basically a good BDG without pawn on e6, can't dislike this
superlaser(1912) whispers: yeah, was thinking maybe Qd6 or something there
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Nf4-g6 is annoying
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah if I'd get this position against teh Caro I'd convert to 1.e4 myself:) 18...Rfd8 (0:54)
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: ha
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: well he doesnt seem too concerned
anandkvs(2093) whispers: black now played super-fast
anandkvs(2093) whispers: I don't understand
superlaser(1912) whispers: wait was Rxf6 possible on the previous move
Twikki(2140) whispers: this is over
superlaser(1912) whispers: followed by Qg6+
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: you gotta be ready for crap like the nightwing variation
Twikki(2140) whispers: Nf4-h5
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: oooh Nf4 is crushing
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i think rxf6 previously led to a draw
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: Goooo Pat!
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: by perpetual
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: which wouldn't be too bad :p but this is totally winnable
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: which leads to a match win too so :p
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah Nf4 looks pretty good
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: yeah it does
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: This Rfd8 was bad, leaving f7 xrayed like that
anandkvs(2093) whispers: yeah, and he played it very fast too
milpat(1974) whispers: Rxf6 Bxf6 Rxf6 gxf6 Qg6+ Kf8 Qxh6+ Ke7 ... grr, escapes
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: ingame i would probably be happy with bc2
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: threatening rxf6
Twikki(2140) whispers: a simple remove the defender idea... not that hard to find, Pat
superlaser(1912) whispers: black's position hasn't been comfortable this whole game
KiranY(1974) whispers: no ke7
Twikki(2140) whispers: finish him! :P
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: bc2 also seems to work reasonably
anandkvs(2093) whispers: I would have tried Nd5 instead of Rfd8
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: Bc2 is so promising by itself so it makes it harder to find Nf4
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: he likes his N moves..and bish is working i think he'll find it
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: don't think I'd find Nf4 here, would probably play Bc2
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: I suspect he'll go Bc2 too
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: bc2 seems good too
superlaser(1912) whispers: Bc2 is natural
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: wouldn't mind it :p
pbeccari(1905) whispers: what after Bc2?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: rxf6
anandkvs(2093) whispers: I would have tried Nd5 instead of Rfd8
pbeccari(1905) whispers: uhm
Twikki(2140) whispers: Bc2 g6 and black's worse but might be able to hold for a while
pbeccari(1905) whispers: I don't think it's working, is it?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: yeah it's a clear advantage though
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: problem with g6 is that Rxf6 wins two pieces for a rook and even then attack is still ongoing
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: the type that you can just hold on to your pos :p
anandkvs(2093) whispers: h6 is now creating all sorts of problems
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: and when you still have a better pos that only makes it better 19.Qg3 (5:23)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: um
pbeccari(1905) whispers: let's say Bc2 and black pass... Rx Bx Rx gx Qh7+ Kf8 white has nothing... Dunno
floare(1804) whispers: Bc2 was better...
anandkvs(2093) whispers: hmm
Twikki(2140) whispers: looks like a solid plus
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qd6 can be considered
superlaser(1912) whispers: yes Qd6
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qd6 Qg6
anandkvs(2093) whispers: but Qd6 Nf4
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Qd6 can be met by Qg6
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Ah Qg6 is better
superlaser(1912) whispers: ohh there's no rook defending f7 any more
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Kf8 might be needed
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: i like it
superlaser(1912) whispers: yeah maybe not Qd6 :)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Still angling for Rxf6
pbeccari(1905) whispers: ah now I see, in the Bc2 line, there's no need to sac both rooks :D
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: well if not Qd6 then what is alternative? Kf8
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Kf8 is only move it seems like
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: threatens win piece so black has to make decision...move K >
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: yeah, maybe would have ng3 ideas in that line
Alieth(1869) whispers: game over like I said
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: but this looks ok too :D 19...Qd6 (2:59)
Twikki(2140) whispers: it's a little slower than other lines but works
anandkvs(2093) whispers: ugh
superlaser(1912) whispers: ok Qg6
anandkvs(2093) whispers: ok
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Qg6 is called
floare(1804) whispers: sure
superlaser(1912) whispers: was Bd6 any better? the queen defended f7
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: Qg6 Rf8 Nf4
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Qg6 for the lulz:D
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Qd6 loses on the spot to Rxf6 right
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I meant Bd6
herrahuu(1611) whispers: Qg6 Kf8?
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: m1
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Qf7# :P
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qg6 Kf8 Qxf7 mate
herrahuu(1611) whispers: aha
herrahuu(1611) whispers: :)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: forgot queen was hanging so wrong there :P
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: haha,,,yes i saw that too LOL
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: He might play Nf4 now
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i think qg6 is quite called for
Twikki(2140) whispers: don't think he'll disconnect his rooks unless he sees something forced
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: quite!
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: because it forces rf8 and he can't unpin successfully
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: for bxf7
golddust(2116) whispers: Qg6 is great. Are we still in TL???
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yah but Qg6 is hit or miss
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: theres no way to miss
golddust(2116) whispers: Sorry Qg6 is not great :(
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: because he cant unpin
golddust(2116) whispers: Not for MM team :(
pbeccari(1905) whispers: is not?
pbeccari(1905) whispers: ah ok, it is
golddust(2116) whispers: ok: is great for white. But not for black :(
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: maybe with a timely nd5, ne4
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: bring the crown for us, just before the last game. Gooooo pat!
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: which white will avoid with nf4 :p
golddust(2116) whispers: sorry for confusion; I didnt realize we still in TL54 :(
anandkvs(2093) whispers: not sure what white is thinking
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Some games have been delayed quite a bit
BethanyGrace(1614) whispers: whew, quite the game! (And quite the number of observers)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: well you have to be kinda sure when you put the q in a square like g6 :p
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: I think he might be considerring wussing out with Qxd6
Twikki(2140) whispers: sometimes it's hard to decide on a plan when 10 moves are winning :P
golddust(2116) whispers: lets hope he ll go for the Q sac on g7 instead >:)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Queen sacrifice on g7 would be quite a mouseslip
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: ppshaw...
superlaser(1912) whispers: wow yeah that would be dramatic :P
golddust(2116) whispers: embarras de richesses
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: i wouldnt hold my breath hoping for mouseslip LOL 20.Qf3 (6:28)
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: but good to see you are pragmatists LOL
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: indeed, if he spends another 5 minutes on move you could run out of breath
golddust(2116) whispers: OK now black has a chance :)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: heh :p
Twikki(2140) whispers: if he took on g7 quickly and loudly enough black might resign in shock ;)
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: LMAO
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: hard to find moves for b though
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Pat himself mentioned the Qg6 stuff before, am I wrong? Strange that he didn't play it now
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: maybe he saw some q trade line
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i think nf4 held these off but idk
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: feel like he doesn't want to play nf4
Twikki(2140) whispers: Ng3 to e4 or h5 ideas are still in play
golddust(2116) whispers: or as twikki likes to say "well frell"!
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: the rooks are looking nice together :p
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: This is solid and gives him time to think 20...Rd7 (1:49)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: What is black going to do either way?
Twikki(2140) whispers: yeah, Ng3 looks nice 21.Ng3 (0:36)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: probably what was his plan
Twikki(2140) whispers: yay
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Finally:)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: nf4 looks kinda ugly but ng3 looks good :p
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: this idea is straightforward
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah cause you also have e4
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: It's more natural
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: black should probably have rather played rf8
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: so that could meet this with nd5
golddust(2116) whispers: and I thought black had a chance :(
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: always a chance - but >:)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: but um.. guess there wasnt enough time :p
superlaser(1912) whispers: maybe g6 and try to fight the R vs N+B 21...Rf8 (2:17)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: not enough pieces
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: ne4 and looks dead
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Ne4 looks massive
Twikki(2140) whispers: Ne4 Ne4 Rf7 is 1-0
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: g6 is very risky as f7 pawn is pinned
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: although if losing then you don't have much to lose by trying 22.Ne4 (1:25)
Twikki(2140) whispers: barbarians are at black's gates and they're hungry :P 22...Qc7 (0:18)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: sac just has to work here :p
superlaser(1912) whispers: i see exchange sacs :P
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Nxf6 must be 1-0
Twikki(2140) whispers: yeah, either xf6 should be great
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah I don't thnk black survives this
Keresch(1924) whispers: a sitting duck is better than me here
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: umm
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: nxf6 bxf6 rxf6 gxf6 qxf6 rd6 seems fairly ok
Twikki(2140) whispers: take twice, Qg4+ and Rxf6
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: probably qh5 improves
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: or that
Misteraw(1918) whispers: NxNBxNRxBf6 gxRQxf6idea ofg Rf3
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: a qh5 is fine too :p
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah just don't take on f6 23.Nxf6+ (2:11)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Everything wins
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: :))
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: YEEES!!!!! 23...Bxf6 (0:13)
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: RXB
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: um xD
Twikki(2140) whispers: ok, if he doesn't take on f6... hmm
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: play a piece up and whatever :p
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: He's prob rechecking things
superlaser(1912) whispers: maybe Rxf6 gxf6 Qf5
Twikki(2140) whispers: no, I mean if Pat doesn't take on f6
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: oh
Twikki(2140) whispers: take him out back and shoot him, I guess
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: any merits to qg4 now
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: or qh5 even :p 24.Qg4 (1:50)
Twikki(2140) whispers: *sigh*
superlaser(1912) whispers: lots of moves look good here
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: bg5 h4 be3 i guess
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Pff
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: :<
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: This lets him off the hook
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I guess all these moves add to the excitement much to the obvious joy of the spectators :) 24...Kh8 (0:59)
superlaser(1912) whispers: Rxf6
Twikki(2140) whispers: no do overs. take it! :P
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: are we transposing xD
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: now there doesnt seem to be much of a question
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Rxf6 gxf6 Rxf6 Rd6 what's next
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: sac and everything works
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Rxf6 finally?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: qf4
Twikki(2140) whispers: Rf6 gf Qh4
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: rxf6 seems crushing too
Twikki(2140) whispers: can't defend against Qxh6 and Bc2
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: he will take this time, no other useful moves
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: Qg4 made sense to pin
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Rxf6 gxf6 Rxf6 Rd6 Qf4 goodbye blue sky
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: so this is a better transposition
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: though bg5 had to be played i guess
Twikki(2140) whispers: was harder to follow up after Qg4 Bd8
golddust(2116) whispers: Oh dear. Rxf6 :(
Alieth(1869) whispers: like I said game over
Twikki(2140) whispers: quit playing with your food, Pat :P
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: He might go Bc2 here Shak. That looks useful:D
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: does it :o
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: :-L
golddust(2116) whispers: Queen sac please on g7 this time :(
Keresch(1924) whispers: Rxf6 is coming and Bc2
pbeccari(1905) whispers: was 24... Bg5 completely saving black? Wow
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Not completely, but still a good try
golddust(2116) whispers: so Rxf6, Rd6 :(
golddust(2116) whispers: desperation 25.Rh5 (5:28)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Jesus
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: er
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: milpat explain pls :<
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: I was about to whisper pat is gonna try that...
golddust(2116) whispers: wow! Black lives!
superlaser(1912) whispers: sigh :P
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Wth is this?
golddust(2116) whispers: Black has a chance agaiin :)
Twikki(2140) whispers: it's a free pawn 8-|
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Bc2 is genius compared to this
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: pat loses his caveman title with this game
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yah
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: getting too cute
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: It's the game no one wants to win, just consider it part of the excitement of the match :)
superlaser(1912) whispers: ok so there is a Rxf6 cheapo now
Twikki(2140) whispers: but he's inching his way into the patzer society
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: rd6 now obviously
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Rd6 and what?
golddust(2116) whispers: Rxf6 could have been the Game of the Weekend prize.
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: and nothing
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Ofer draw sih
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i hope he has seen something we havent :p
golddust(2116) whispers: Rd6 and black has a good chance if Pat makes one more error the magnitide of the last move.
Twikki(2140) whispers: Rd6 Qe4
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Prob too excited to look at variations deeply
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: qe7
Twikki(2140) whispers: looks like white wins the h pawn and not much else
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: oh, extra pawn
golddust(2116) whispers: eg Rd6, Qf5
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: looks somewhat drawish though
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: To be fair a lot of Rxf6 lines are fairly complex or intuitive so it's hard to work out every branch
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i mean, can't be too drawish with 2 rooks and a lot of pawns 25...Rd6 (2:42)
golddust(2116) whispers: was example of the kind of move that will let black have a chance
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: but doesnt seem too promising
golddust(2116) whispers: another such move is of course Rxh6+
golddust(2116) whispers: or my favourite: Qxg7+
golddust(2116) whispers: I am just enumerating possible bad moves in Descecending order!
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Rxh6+ was first thing that came into my head when I saw 25. Rh5
golddust(2116) whispers: yes and it is a BAD move.
superlaser(1912) whispers: maybe Bc2 first
superlaser(1912) whispers: then Rxh6 is a real threat
golddust(2116) whispers: so just to make it clear. Bad moves : Qf5, Rxh6+, Qxg7+
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: indeed, second thing that came int my head was Rxf6 that was presumably idea
golddust(2116) whispers: or the assorted a4, etc ...
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qf5 isn't so bad
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: meh i am sad :<
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: cant look at this anymore
superlaser(1912) whispers: lol
Twikki(2140) whispers: doesn't really do much though
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Yeah such a waste of a position
golddust(2116) whispers: Well not as bad as Rxf6
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: it's a fairly level endgame 26.Bc2 (4:06)
superlaser(1912) whispers: yay Bc2
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: and white might soon be psychologically worse
golddust(2116) whispers: I forgot this one; loses initiative completely
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: I predicted this 15 moves ago, pat will win by Bc2-Qh7# :P
Twikki(2140) whispers: lol
superlaser(1912) whispers: lol
superlaser(1912) whispers: i see nothing better than sacing the h-pawn
Twikki(2140) whispers: yeah, looks like Qe7 holds
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Qe7 is pretty much equal for black as Qe3+ covers h6 allowing g6
golddust(2116) whispers: Qe7 and white's relentless attack has lost steam altogether.
superlaser(1912) whispers: Qe7 Rxh6+
superlaser(1912) whispers: then Qf5
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Care to suggest some moves of the same quality for black, golddust:)?
golddust(2116) whispers: Qe7, Rxh6+ ??
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: so i guess it is now an actually level endgame
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Qe3+ followed by Qh6 defends
golddust(2116) whispers: hmm ... :)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: oh well
superlaser(1912) whispers: huhhhh what am i missing
Twikki(2140) whispers: countersac on d4, then Rg6
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Like g6 or smth
superlaser(1912) whispers: oh yeah Bd4+ 26...Qe7 (3:19)
golddust(2116) whispers: any move by black that doesnt take Qe4 into account I think is bad
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: RIP initiative sad ending
golddust(2116) whispers: OK now black has a chance at an equal game.
superlaser(1912) whispers: lol
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: now pat is going to lose in a 100 move rook endgame
Twikki(2140) whispers: all white gets now is a slight endgame plus
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: and he will retire from chess
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i dont even see a plus
golddust(2116) whispers: perhaps they should declare a draw now :)
superlaser(1912) whispers: in the context of the team match, that could make it very interesting :)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I have to admit spotting 28... Bxd4+ is tough so both sides could miss it
golddust(2116) whispers: I think Black was tremendously lucky here :)
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qf5 Qe3+ Kh1 g6 Rh3 gf Re3 should be a little better for white
KayVee(1447) whispers: what abt Qf5 g6 R:h6 Kg7 Rxg6
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: ok
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: I guess we all will have to wake up tomorrow for the decisive game of the match
Twikki(2140) whispers: boo
Twikki(2140) whispers: I woke up early for this one :P
KayVee(1447) whispers: oh well - in that line Q covers h7 when the pawns come off - nvm
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: And revoke Pat's caveman title boo:P
Twikki(2140) whispers: he got some patzer points though... he'll have to figure out how to redeem them
golddust(2116) whispers: I would go for Q exchange twikki line
shivaroxxx(1768) whispers: ha!
pbeccari(1905) whispers: ha?
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: no
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: Qf5 g6 Rxh6+ Kg7 Rxg6 doesnt lead to mate
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: even worse, Qe3+ intermediate defends h6
milpat(1974) whispers: grr almost did Rxh6+ Qf5, but Bxd4+ saves ...
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i am afraid that this might end up in something unsound :<
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: dammit pat :( you are too damn late
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: He'll at least draw this, hopefully 27.Qf5 (5:04)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: He has a large screw-up margin here
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I guess problem for milpat is that having spent so much time and energy trying to get a mate he's going to end up in time trouble or/and in an unsound position
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: not so large
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: it might actually be quite close
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Just exchange queens - draw 27...Qe3+ (0:23) 28.Kh1 (0:08)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: white has to accept the new reality 28...g6 (0:14)
Twikki(2140) whispers: would feel worse for him if this was the final game
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: there is no advantage
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: it's really tough to accept it
milpat(1974) whispers: meh
Twikki(2140) whispers: but at least sbc can bail him out
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Qh3
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: ouch he loses
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: does he :<
Twikki(2140) whispers: nah, Rh3 is fine
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Rh3 should be fine
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Rh3, Qh3, Qc5
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: ah :) yes Qh3 saves the day
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: no doesnt
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: it does
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: it does
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: lol
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i think :p
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: ahah
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qc5 is kind of interesting
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i guess there are enough moves
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Rh3 exf Rxe even gives him an advantage
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: so that we shouldnt be afraid of him missing :p
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: More moves might just confuse him. One clear move is easier to deal with 29.Rh3 (2:02)
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: white has the better endgame after Rh3 as twikki said
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: but it's not like it's winning
LightKnight(1674) whispers: why not Rxh6 first
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: because it loses? :p
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Rxh6 Qxh6
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Qe3 guarding
LightKnight(1674) whispers: ah
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qd2 Qf2 doesn't look like anything
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qd2 Qc5 maybe
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i'd rather play that than gf
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: as black
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Qg5 was what I was thinking
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: maybe white can avoid trades for a while more
floare(1804) whispers: yes.
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: well this is a dull endgame
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: white doesnt get anything from delaying trades really
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: cheapo/practical chances
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: lining up against black king, even if it's defended
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: but black seems just so well coordinated now
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: bg7 etc
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: might end up worse for white
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i mean, black's majors in the e-file seem stronger than white's rooks
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: and whatever cheapo potential there is
Funkmaus(2134) whispers: <--worried about the time-scramble
Twikki(2140) whispers: f7 is still weak, so he might get some play on that 29...Qd2 (5:20)
KayVee(1447) whispers: Rxh6+ any good?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: defended
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qc5
KayVee(1447) whispers: oh
LightKnight(1674) whispers: har har, I'm not the only one :-P
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Rxh6+ is good for black
superlaser(1912) whispers: lol
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: Qc5 keeps it alive
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: but could get double-edged
tjradd(2150) whispers: Qc5 Be7 and?
superlaser(1912) whispers: yeah Qc5 looks fun
Twikki(2140) whispers: Qc5 Be7 Qe5+ 30.Qc5 (1:31)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: psycho-logics :p
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i am afraid pat might be too much in an "i have an advantage" mindset
Twikki(2140) whispers: at least it's active
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: maybe he still has some, but it has evaporated a lot
LightKnight(1674) whispers: Qe5+ Bf6 and it cna't be taken
Twikki(2140) whispers: the Rd6 is hanging then
tjradd(2150) whispers: oh but it can
LightKnight(1674) whispers: uf...
brainp(1599) whispers: Go Keresch! He is in my team :)
tjradd(2150) whispers: Rf6 Qe1+ Rf1+ 30...Rfd8 (1:45)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Rfd8 might be necessary
tjradd(2150) whispers: erm, make that c1 :)
floare(1804) whispers: bb3.
tjradd(2150) whispers: any alternatives?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: doubt it 31.Bb3 (1:11)
Twikki(2140) whispers: not good ones
VojFromMars(1965) whispers: this is still far from a dull endgame
tjradd(2150) whispers: Bb3 'obvious' :)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: yeah, i dont actually think it is dull :p
VojFromMars(1965) whispers: still opposite color bishops and attack still dominates
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: just meant it compared to the
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: CRUSHING WIN HE HAD ALLCAPS
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: :p
tjradd(2150) whispers: the opposite bishops are the opposite of boring here
Twikki(2140) whispers: ha!
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Kg7?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: there is time to take on b2, i guess
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: can black make things duller with Qg5? give up a pawn for simplification?
anandkvs(2093) whispers: b6 is also possible
Twikki(2140) whispers: a shame Kg7 Rxf6 Kxf6 isn't forced
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Dunno, Qxb2 Rhf3 is getting hairy
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Even R6d7 is possible thanks to back rank mate
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: i mean, he doesnt need to take on b2 anytime too soon
tjradd(2150) whispers: I would be afraid of Bf7
tjradd(2150) whispers: Qb2 Bf7 what next? 31...b6 (2:35)
tjradd(2150) whispers: Kg7 Bg6 Kg6 Qh5 and Qh6 is scary
pbeccari(1905) whispers: Qb2 Rhf3 what about that 32.Qc4 (0:19)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: I don't think b6 helps black 32...R8d7 (0:30)
tjradd(2150) whispers: can we make Rh6 and Rg6 work
tjradd(2150) whispers: cuz of Qg8 ideas 33.Rhf3 (0:16)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Rhf3, play it
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Good
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: He's at least coordinate now
golddust(2116) whispers: Kg7 and black is fine.
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: yeah :p
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: black didn't get to double on e
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: c5 pawn sac might be good sometime though
golddust(2116) whispers: Black is DD . Whoops!
floare(1804) whispers: What's DD?
golddust(2116) whispers: I meant he doubled on d file, of course.
floare(1804) whispers: OK. Thanks. 33...Kg7 (1:50)
golddust(2116) whispers: one track minds excluded!
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: was there any alternative to kg7 :p
tjradd(2150) whispers: Qg5 I guess
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Qg5 was other option
golddust(2116) whispers: good alternatives or bad alternatives?
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: looks pretty weird
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: but ok
Twikki(2140) whispers: Re7 worked too
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: R3f2
tjradd(2150) whispers: can I set my hair on fire with h4
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: re7 would be interesting 34.R1f2 (1:34)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: h4 h5 I guess
Twikki(2140) whispers: Re7 xf6 x x Re1+ Rf1 Qf2 was an unforced line :P
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: amazing :p
golddust(2116) whispers: aha! Qc1+ and b pawn gone
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: Qc1 Qf1
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: no, white has Qf1
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Qf1 saves b pawn
tjradd(2150) whispers: well Qf1 poss
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: then it looks = and dull
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Draw incoming
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: seems you'll play afterall cat
tjradd(2150) whispers: idea of h4 h5 R3f2
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: time to face the reality :p
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: not that I'm worried :)
tjradd(2150) whispers: h4 takes Qg5 away
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: well at least that should save me from seeing a French exchange :P 34...Qc1+ (1:10)
golddust(2116) whispers: sure Q exch not good for white 35.Qf1 (0:07)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: draw offer 35...Qxf1+ (0:14) 36.Rxf1 (0:01)
golddust(2116) whispers: I would rather lose b pawn than Q exch
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: although I'm unsure if queen would be trapped on b2 as it certainly would be running out of squares
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: or maybe black can play c5
Twikki(2140) whispers: lol
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: Qx Rx ctrl+d
floare(1804) whispers: And now it seems drawish. 36...Re7 (0:32)
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: g3 Kg2 and white can't lose
golddust(2116) whispers: now instead of DD black is going to try on EE.
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: that sounds about right 37.g3 (0:44)
Keresch(1924) whispers: just reaching this position is mericaale
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: only problem is that c6 is going to be a bit awkward
golddust(2116) whispers: except I am not sure if there is an EE!
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: re2 its ok
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: no EE that I can see
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: A surprise not seeing Keresch comment about unsound attacks and white not considering black's plans for once:P
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: re2 draw agreed go
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: Kg1 might have been better than g3 there, to get the king to f2 quicker
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: but it shouldn't matter
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: only move that would have me worried was h3
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: hbest
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I think black has no choice other than Re2 as otherwhile Rd6 is going to be passive 37...Rdd7 (1:41)
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: oops :p
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: ?
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: Rxf6 :(
anandkvs(2093) whispers: ugh
Suiseiseki(2221) whispers: uhh
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: wow
anandkvs(2093) whispers: what the
golddust(2116) whispers: Oh DE
Twikki(2140) whispers: hmm
ShakaZahn(2059) whispers: wtf 38.Rxf6 (0:22)
LaurentiuI(1956) whispers: Wow Keresch resigns 1-0
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