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akhairat(2139) vs. gothicsavior(2164) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-06-16

1.d4 (0:00) g6 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Goooooo Gothic!!!
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Bring us the title
2.e4 (0:12)
evilcoyote(2091) whispers: Go Go Goooooo!
2...Bg7 (0:01) 3.Nc3 (0:05) d6 (0:11) 4.Be3 (0:09) c6 (1:05)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: not sure how good the modern is as a 'drawing line' but gothic only knows one way
5.Qd2 (0:13) b5 (0:08) 6.f3 (0:09)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: playing a 'drawing line' is not always advisable anyway
6...Nf6 (0:18) 7.g4 (0:08) h5 (0:38) 8.g5 (0:06) Nfd7 (0:22) 9.h4 (0:07)
tjradd(2145) whispers: not sure the upside to this structure for white
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: space advantage maybe
tjradd(2145) whispers: Bh3, f4, f5 is a try
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: play in the centre later I suppose
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: kside closed before castling - smart
9...Qa5 (1:44)
milpat(1974) whispers: but when u got space, u need to defend it
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: and when you have a cat, you have to feed it, but that doesn't mean its bad to have a cat
tjradd(2145) whispers: I make connections to the yugo
10.f4 (0:44)
tjradd(2145) whispers: white has spent a lot of moves to get here
pbeccari(1954) whispers: I thought cat were autonomous
pbeccari(1954) whispers: mine were, at least
milpat(1974) whispers: lol cat
10...b4 (0:42)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: depends on what prey is available
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: anyway I agree in principle that black seems fine here
11.Nce2 (0:21)
milpat(1974) whispers: its like the indians in round and cavalry around, the more the circle is grand, the more its hard to defend
pbeccari(1954) whispers: yeah he seems fine, no matter if he feed his cats or not
milpat(1974) whispers: haha
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: :))
superlaser(1901) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: good one, but I cannot laugh ;)
milpat(1974) whispers: cat is on diet until next week :)
11...c5 (1:03)
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: All I need is a draw, but this is already one of my favorite positions to play.
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: This is the ideal position for the black side of a 1. ... g6, in my opinion.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: l@@k at that Bg7 - if only Gothic could marry that piece...
oldengawy(2175) whispers: thats bloody game :p , and Khairat will win again :D
12.Bg2 (1:15)
milpat(1974) whispers: do u play sometimes olden??
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: We will see, oldengawy >:)
milpat(1974) whispers: *crickets*
oldengawy(2175) whispers: the important games only milp
milpat(1974) whispers: u always run vs us, we not important? :(
oldengawy(2175) whispers: never milp and ask tsbo :p
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Intriguing. I was totally expecting Bh3 or Nc1-b3.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Dont say it, the one who run was me. Olden was looking forward a game vs. me and was upset that I wasnt in the lineup.
oldengawy(2175) whispers: :D
NightFury(2121) whispers: olden team improved alot, they were last in TL 53
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: yes! for both team being in final is unexpected, pleasant surprize
oldengawy(2175) whispers: and i have more next tlS
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: funny how the archpatzers have so little rating variation from first to sixth
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: pat's been threatening to make me top board there next season
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: In Fischer-team? :0
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: well, my rating has become ridiculous
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: one good season, doubtless to be followed by a bad one
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: With your perfomance rating you shouldnt end too high.#
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: here's hoping ;)
12...Bb7 (6:14) 13.Ng3 (0:10)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: i was very happy when wake up and watched the funny mate which evil took :p
13...Nb6 (0:34)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: ...f5 ideas are nonsense?
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: i guess so. :< nvm
anandkvs(2093) whispers: I never liked playing against 1...g6, but I usually go with a modest setup e4, d4, Nf3 Nc3 Be2 Be3 etc.
14.b3 (1:12) Nc6 (0:17)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: white both are probably committed to k-side castling now
anandkvs(2093) whispers: white and black*
superlaser(1901) whispers: a1-h8 diagonal, liking black already
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: indeed, looks very nice for black
oldengawy(2175) whispers: gooo egyptian hero :p
anandkvs(2093) whispers: a possible plan for white is to castle quickly and open up the game before black can get his queen back
15.N1e2 (1:22)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: last game last chance for both
iwulu(2196) whispers: So, Black has draw odds here, right?
anandkvs(2093) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: white dares to castle
15...Rc8 (1:21)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: No, black has draw odds
anandkvs(2093) whispers: that is what iwulu said... :P
16.O-O (0:28)
iwulu(2196) whispers: :)
Gorgonian(1821) whispers: no that's what iwulu said
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: to sum up, black has draw odds
anandkvs(2093) whispers: we now have a firm grasp of the obvious
oldengawy(2175) whispers: what ?
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: :0 who can read has advantage, sorry
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: I am too nervous this game is important. We never won Fischer section before.
16...cxd4 (1:35)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: +- ok funk
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Speaking of we... They are winning because I havent played a single game :)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Gooooo Gothic!!!
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: one never wins until one wins
anandkvs(2093) whispers: this is now looking like some weird Sicilian
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: then, one can confidently say that one has won
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Nah
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Nxd4 NxN BxN e5
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: sorry, I'm in an odd sleep-deprived mood ;)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: the a1 rook is very awkwardly placed, and can't move
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Nxd4 NxN BxN Rxc2
anandkvs(2093) whispers: well it can right now, but shortly it won't be
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: its a bit like a dragon with a closed kingside, yeah
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: e5 or Rxc2 and both look good to me.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Because white has no attack
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: exactly, cat!
iwulu(2196) whispers: It actually looks like =+ to me. Would be -/+ if I knew where to place the Black king :)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: well, there is always f5
tjradd(2145) whispers: K/e8 is perfect, I think it's 0-1 :)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: 0-1 that's in chess ? Or ?
NightFury(2121) whispers: lol
17.Nxd4 (3:18)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: :)
milpat(1974) whispers: :)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: maybe i dont c good :s
17...O-O (0:27)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: oha
NightFury(2121) whispers: a3
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: if a3 black could play Nxd4
iwulu(2196) whispers: For as sharp as this position is, both players are making their moves really fast.
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: and then axb4 Qxa1 Rxa1 Nf3/e2+ and Bxa1, two rooks for the queen and pawn
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: they are playing fast yeah
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: I find that pure tactical calculation is quite quick though, its the nuances of a quiet position that I can labour over for ages
KayVee(1447) whispers: ermmm, this is tactical?
KayVee(1447) whispers: I have to go over these games slowly to really understand --- this is all way over my head.... but goooo gothic!!
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: maybe sharp is a better description than tactical
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: sharp of course was iwulu's word, and well chosen too :)
iwulu(2196) whispers: White is probably calculating 18.a3. If Black can pull off multiple exchanges on d4, Archbishops may be winning their first Fischer section Gold ;-)
milpat(1974) whispers: wooo-ooh!
18.Nge2 (7:52)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: lets not celebrate yet
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: No, lets do! :))
anandkvs(2093) whispers: if the a2 pawn was on a4, white would feel much happier
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: a4 is pushable, but the issue of c2 remains.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: rather c-pawn on c4, like maroczy structure
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: it is a =/+, imho
anandkvs(2093) whispers: nothing earthshattering happenned yet, but there are a lot of possibilities
oldengawy(2175) whispers: i c savior will lose any end game specially rook's ;)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: olden please... that was so frustrating
oldengawy(2175) whispers: i dont find any logical whispers here :D
NightFury(2121) whispers: Geez both teams trying to jinx themselves :)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Just because noone understands the position on the board :0
oldengawy(2175) whispers: i c the better watching in sighlent mode
oldengawy(2175) whispers: sighlnt
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: lol
18...Ba6 (5:58)
NightFury(2121) whispers: silent, olden :)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: a3 time's
oldengawy(2175) whispers: sorry silent ;)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: gives credit to olden for whispering a lot with Yafi.
oldengawy(2175) whispers: lol
oldengawy(2175) whispers: i'm out my home ;)
ivey(2206) whispers: if u travel a lot u get skills at that
ivey(2206) whispers: especially when u dont know when u can return on babas/thief
oldengawy(2175) whispers: just journy 4 fun , do u like sea ?
ivey(2206) whispers: this looks very ok for black
ivey(2206) whispers: just f5 might be dangerous
ivey(2206) whispers: but then e5 gets weak
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: its getting hot in here... how hot is it in Egypt?
KayVee(1447) whispers: H O T -- 79F - and it's night there
anandkvs(2093) whispers: it's monsoon in India :)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: dont worry ivee i will be here with my friend YaFi !!
ivey(2206) whispers: i think the situation there is still explosive as a good friend from there told me
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Not sure if all of his earlier moves were preparation when he was moving so quickly, but I can't imagine that he wanted to go into this position so readily. Then again, I just love the black side of this.
ivey(2206) whispers: serpent time, right anand?
anandkvs(2093) whispers: don't know what that means. Monsoon is rainy season in India
ivey(2206) whispers: yes yes yes gothic
anandkvs(2093) whispers: so it's relatively cool
oldengawy(2175) whispers: e5 seems u r dangerous bloody
ivey(2206) whispers: serpent=snake
anandkvs(2093) whispers: well, I know serpent=snake, I was not sure what a snake as to do with monsoon :P
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: So many observers for this game. Crazy. :P
Suiseiseki(2205) whispers: :o
wmahan(2013) whispers: it's kind of important
ivey(2206) whispers: virtually important
TGV(1710) whispers: Lots of archbishops
wmahan(2013) whispers: it's been a great edition for us
milpat(1974) whispers: 7
wmahan(2013) whispers: 7 of 8 teams in the playoffs
iwulu(2196) whispers: Wow!
milpat(1974) whispers: ::)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: yes lot of arch on one OLDEN :D
ivey(2206) whispers: (dance)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: we rule
19.Nxc6 (11:55) Rxc6 (0:03)
wmahan(2013) whispers: white's position already feels uncomfortable...both Ns are pinned and there are weaknesses on a2 and c2
20.e5 (0:07)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: more important: ks closed :)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: if i order them u will see alot of them here now but not interested :D
oldengawy(2175) whispers: have fun :p
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Hmmm. Rc7 or Rc8. Rc7 seems more logical, and it invites exd6, which I'm planning to meet with Rd7.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Rdown , epinned
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Although, Rc7 just looks silly for some reason.
anandkvs(2093) whispers: we had 4/4 of our teams in playoffs last time :)
wmahan(2013) whispers: I beat my players if they don't show up to observe
NightFury(2121) whispers: wow
pbeccari(1954) whispers: and wil is the kindest among captains...
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: cruel
wmahan(2013) whispers: :p
NightFury(2121) whispers: the beatings seem to work :)
ivey(2206) whispers: then was no mosun time ...
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: I beat my players if they dont score. This is why... oldpstat gothicsavior funkmaus
ivey(2206) whispers: haha
NightFury(2121) whispers: geez AB are sadist
oldengawy(2175) whispers: :D
oldengawy(2175) whispers: not clear
20...Rc7 (4:41)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: really i like black but white has chances maybe with attack
oldengawy(2175) whispers: but e5 ?!?
21.a3 (3:44)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: too many weaknesses and pins in white position
Keresch(1924) whispers: i was thinking f5 but not e5 look anti positional
oldengawy(2175) whispers: yes i c black seems solid
Keresch(1924) whispers: BUT all his piece except for the bishop is on the queen side
NightFury(2121) whispers: this loses a pawn doesnt it?
oldengawy(2175) whispers: until u with them u r iraq or just live in iraq ?
Keresch(1924) whispers: olden am an iraqi borned and raised there
oldengawy(2175) whispers: lol
oldengawy(2175) whispers: i expected u supposing the egyptian :p
Keresch(1924) whispers: of course i am
oldengawy(2175) whispers: :) suppose the good playing
21...Bxe2 (5:24)
Keresch(1924) whispers: msr hey omi nelh hoa dami that song is for u yaaaa man :))
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: why eat pinned piece??
oldengawy(2175) whispers: what if axb frist ?
22.Qxe2 (0:26)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: o ic greedy pawn grabber :D
22...bxa3 (0:31)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: lol keresch :D
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: translate, so we can laugh too - and keep whispers in english only for the future.
23.Ra2 (0:59)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: not ur buisenss funk :p
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: :0 :<
Keresch(1924) whispers: iam sorry jenny its a song about egypt that goes like that egypt is my mother her nile is my blood
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: thanks keresch :)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: lol
23...dxe5 (1:02)
ivey(2206) whispers: omg
Keresch(1924) whispers: but as i said sometime ago almsry has evolved from last TL there u r at the bottom of the tables now they r playing in the play offs sounds like someone is taking lessons from GM adlly :))
ivey(2206) whispers: gothic is winning
wmahan(2013) whispers: time to offer a draw :p
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Shalalalala - singing!
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: YES
oldengawy(2175) whispers: :D
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: The instinct to start blitzing moves out is becoming pretty hard to suppress.
iwulu(2196) whispers: LOL, someone should nail down Gothic's mouse, to keep from going into blitz mode :)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Should sit on the hands.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: The immediate reply is natural reaction for lightning players, sadly :/
24.f5 (4:00)
KayVee(1447) whispers: instinct true for <---- newbie's too
iwulu(2196) whispers: I was about to say 24.f5 looks like a good try
oldengawy(2175) whispers: no draw i said killer or dead ha :D
wmahan(2013) whispers: white has to go for broken now
wmahan(2013) whispers: broke*
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: yeah he does
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Ra2 is a sad piece
oldengawy(2175) whispers: blood want blooooood
evilcoyote(2091) whispers: I guess move the f rook but not sure where
oldengawy(2175) whispers: :D
NightFury(2121) whispers: c4 will give the rook some life when needed
herrahuu(1603) whispers: Rfa1 and how is black going to defend a3?
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: I really don't want to allow f6. That could just be obnoxious for me.
iwulu(2196) whispers: A sure sign I am not playing this game is that there is fire, rather than warm milk, on the board ;-)
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: But, gxf5 is just so hideous. Ugh. Too many problems.
wmahan(2013) whispers: your style is very effective
iwulu(2196) whispers: Gee, thanks! :)
wmahan(2013) whispers: but players like gothic love excitement
NightFury(2121) whispers: black worried about f6 and not Be4?
iwulu(2196) whispers: Definitely
herrahuu(1603) whispers: gx is engine move
oldengawy(2175) whispers: bbl , cu
Cuilin(2016) whispers: I'd be worried about Be4
24...Nd5 (5:55)
Cuilin(2016) whispers: oh, I was going to ask "what about ...Nd4?"
oldengawy(2175) whispers: when i back i wish c mate like yester "Layan" :p
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: Cuilin, yesterday's hero!
wmahan(2013) whispers: I guess Nc3 is not even a big threat
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: imo, the 'threat' is Nxe3 and Qc5 to trade queens
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Nb4 can be a threat though
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Double attack of the N, agree anand, think white has to take it
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: For me, even a draw is a win for the team at this point, but I want to win to counteract my bad loss from my last TL game.
iwulu(2196) whispers: 25.Bd5 Qd5 26.f6, and White looks back in the game. Main problem would be the draughty kingside
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Although, if a draw was offered, I'd accept. :P
wmahan(2013) whispers: you'd better :p
ivey(2206) whispers: following my results
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: not sure I'm hugely impressed by Bxd5 Qxd5 f6 Bh8
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: :)
wmahan(2013) whispers: impressed by whom?
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: black still has two extra pawns, and white has to maintain the bind with f6, but his pawns also get in the way of the attack
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: by white
milpat(1974) whispers: menaces Nc3
milpat(1974) whispers: can hardly ignore
iwulu(2196) whispers: White gets one back by Rxa3, and his bishop, and then can get c2-c4 in
iwulu(2196) whispers: I meant to say "and his bishop remains more active than Black's, and then..."
iwulu(2196) whispers: Definitely not a holiday for White, but may be the trend-breaker he/she needs
wmahan(2013) whispers: yeah, and a7 will be weak
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: ouch, fxg6 Nxe3 gxf7+ Rx RxR KxR Qxe3 Qc5 QxQ RxQ Rxa3 - the endgame is better for white.
25.Bxd5 (9:41) Qxd5 (0:04) 26.Rxa3 (0:06)
wmahan(2013) whispers: guess he shouldn't try Nxe3 there
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: NOW!
ivey(2206) whispers: i dont like nd5 so much
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: gxf5
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Rxf5 fails, there is Qe4
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: 2 strong passers, go Gothic
wmahan(2013) whispers: ok, so he omitted f6
ivey(2206) whispers: yes gf seems froced
26...Qe4 (1:19)
ivey(2206) whispers: f6?
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: omg
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: he allows taking or f6
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: :(
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: ah Rxc2
ivey(2206) whispers: rc2 is his idea
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: crazy
27.c4 (0:52)
wmahan(2013) whispers: Rc2 was fine yeah
milpat(1974) whispers: Rc2 waas deadly
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: now it looks comfortable to play gxf5
iwulu(2196) whispers: Nice play by Black
ivey(2206) whispers: kill!
ivey(2206) whispers: im coming later for party
KayVee(1447) whispers: a7 falls though right?
wmahan(2013) whispers: gothic knows how to work the pins
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: he didn't get his rating off a cereal packet
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: unlike me ;)
milpat(1974) whispers: Rd7-d3 maybe at some point
iwulu(2196) whispers: Can Black afford 27...Qh4 ?
KayVee(1447) whispers: oh wait Qe3
wmahan(2013) whispers: a7 does not fall because the Be3 is pinned, KV
KayVee(1447) whispers: I see it - thx wil
milpat(1974) whispers: i think cat was right, xf5 is ok?
wmahan(2013) whispers: I wonder if Qg4 is also a threat
milpat(1974) whispers: stronger after xf5
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qxh4?
wmahan(2013) whispers: yeah pat, not yet
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: I didn't even see Qxh4
milpat(1974) whispers: that losses a7 anandk, but maybe is ok
anandkvs(2093) whispers: no, if he takes a7, loses g5
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: a7 goes without a fight if Qxh4
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: ah
milpat(1974) whispers: ah
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qxh4 also allows e4 and opens the bishop's diagonal
27...gxf5 (4:25)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: but gxf5 is probably best
anandkvs(2093) whispers: keep the queen on central position
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Yeah, I think that is best, the xh4 doesnt run away sooner or later its gone
iwulu(2196) whispers: true
28.Qf2 (0:49)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: this was my first thought too, partly cos Qg4+ next looks good
wmahan(2013) whispers: nice multipurpose move, defending h4, and hitting f5 and a7
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: sure but Qg4+ forces either a draw or a queen trade
anandkvs(2093) whispers: heh f5 e5 f7 g7, strange pawns
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: I need more pieces for more threats.
iwulu(2196) whispers: For some reason, I like the idea of Rd7 intending Rd3
28...Rd8 (3:16)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: I would prefer to keep queens on as well
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: well...it moves black closer to the draw
anandkvs(2093) whispers: white's king is quite unsafe
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: but gothic wants blood
29.Rxa7 (1:08)
wmahan(2013) whispers: he wants to play Re3 I guess
29...Rxa7 (0:07) 30.Bxa7 (0:05)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: Re3 Qxf5 I guess
iwulu(2196) whispers: No, that would lose
wmahan(2013) whispers: hmm, this is not exactly safe for black :(
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Rd3 Qxf5 Rg3+
30...Rd3 (0:31)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: ah :)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Dont worry, Gothic isnt able to play for draws.
wmahan(2013) whispers: hehe
iwulu(2196) whispers: Ahh, this kind of chess is fun, when you are a spectator: Get there the fastest with the mostest! :)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: ok I guess Qg2 is the only defence, cos Qxh4 Bf2 covers g3
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qg2 Qxh4 threatens Rg3 again
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Kh2 is an option
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: Qg2 Qxh4 Bf2 Qg4 seems like a won ending anyway
iwulu(2196) whispers: I do not see a way for White to save this
floare(1804) whispers: Win for white?
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: I'm sure there will be blood on the board soon.
wmahan(2013) whispers: still playing for a win :<
31.Qg2 (3:39)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: I dont mind it.
wmahan(2013) whispers: I guess I was the only one thinking about Qg2 Qxg2 Kxg2 Rxb3 Rxf5
iwulu(2196) whispers: The position demands Black play for the win
pbeccari(1954) whispers: me too, wil
31...Qxh4 (1:07)
iwulu(2196) whispers: Though the match situation is a different issue, heh
32.Rf3 (0:10)
ivey(2206) whispers: gg
ivey(2206) whispers: rd1-rd2
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: something wrong with Rxf3 and Qxg5+?
ivey(2206) whispers: lol im blind
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: WOW
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: most players would kill to be as 'blind' as you ivey ;)
NightFury(2121) whispers: Rd1 puts draw in hand doesnt it?
32...e4 (2:31)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: I think gothic is not remotely interested in the draw anymore
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Rxd3 exd3 and then I can go Bd4, trade bishops, and push the e-pawn.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Get the draw dont risk please
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: I couldn't find a quick win with the queen and rook. I feel as though I must have missed something.
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: now I start to worry he didnt trade Rs and took the pawn
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: ooooh help
33.Rxd3 (1:20)
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Rxf3 I almost just snapped. But,two sets of doubled pawns just seems stupid to me.
33...exd3 (0:05)
herrahuu(1603) whispers: don't worry funk
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: I guess he wants Bf2 Bd4!
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: g6 afterwards can be answered by f6!
herrahuu(1603) whispers: other thing with e4 is that bishop is alive!
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: I thought earlier with gxf5 I could actually get the pawns into play. Disappointing that I chickened out.
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: actually no need, queen will cover g7 from d4
anandkvs(2093) whispers: it's hard to see how black can lose
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: this is chickening out?
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: I wish he'd play something like c5 here. Simple way to mate from there.
herrahuu(1603) whispers: no c5 :)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: unstoppable
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: I dont see defende to bc3 and d2
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Qd2 Qg3+ K Qf3+ Qe2
34.g6 (4:51)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: just Bd4+ here?
wmahan(2013) whispers: desperation mode
golddust(2123) whispers: Qe1+ should do it
iwulu(2196) whispers: That seems to be enough
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: In doubt perpetual check him
golddust(2123) whispers: Qe1+, Kh2, d2 and white should resign
iwulu(2196) whispers: There is that too
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: Bd4+ Bxd4 Qxd4+ Kf1 Qf4+ Ke1 d2+ Kd1 Qg4+ Qxg4 fxg4 and wins
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qe1+ is the simplest I think
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: dunno how that can be simpler than a line that forces queens off
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: quicker, sure ;)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: oh yes Q-trade
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: looooooong line
anandkvs(2093) whispers: well, it is simpler because it makes a new queen immediately :P
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: see now
34...Bd4+ (2:38) 35.Bxd4 (0:09) Qxd4+ (0:01)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: I can spot a queen trade a mile off :P
36.Qf2 (0:17)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: I used to :<
golddust(2123) whispers: queen exch and between h and d pawn white again should resign
herrahuu(1603) whispers: y
36...Qg4+ (0:41)
oldengawy(2175) whispers: congratulion to ArchBishops and cu later in a new teamleague !!
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: yes its the old rule, passed pawns that far apart can't be stopped
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: thanks oldengawy :)
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: I could force a perpetual here...
37.Kf1 (0:27)
wmahan(2013) whispers: a bit late for that
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: finish him!
golddust(2123) whispers: why is Gothic refuding to win ??
milpat(1974) whispers: let him draw, he'll be higher rated next tl :)
iwulu(2196) whispers: LOL
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: haha
golddust(2123) whispers: refusing
anandkvs(2093) whispers: perhaps he is worried about the passed pawns? Don't easily stopped though
wmahan(2013) whispers: a draw wins the championship, so it's just as good
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: draw odds, golddust, final game of the match
37...Qd1+ (1:07)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: maybe Kg2 Qe2 is the plan
golddust(2123) whispers: I see but this is such a clear win I couldnt understand :(
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: or Kg2 d2
anandkvs(2093) whispers: well, there are so many ways to win he is probably having a hard time choosing one :P
golddust(2123) whispers: "embarassment of riches"
38.Kg2 (1:00) d2 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: <0__/__/_
39.gxf7+ (0:08) Kf8 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: he probably saw this line first, and kept looking to make sure it was winning all the way
40.Kh2 (0:59)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Qc2, d1 new Q
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: nothing, nothing can take it!!
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qe1 is better I think :P
SEXYPLEXY(1344) whispers: give them some energy drinks~o)
anandkvs(2093) whispers: actually Qc2 is better I guess
wmahan(2013) whispers: Qe1 Qg2 d1=q Qg8#
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: no, Qc2 better, that way you can premove new Q
wmahan(2013) whispers: I whisper it so it won't happen :p
anandkvs(2093) whispers: well Qe1 Qg2 Qh4+ forces q trade
40...Qe1 (1:10)
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: careful there...
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: cant wait for it to be official
milpat(1974) whispers: gothic wont miss
anandkvs(2093) whispers: Qg2 for final swindle :P
41.Qg2 (0:38) Qh4+ (0:07)
ShakaZahn(2041) whispers: it's not over 'till it's over
Suiseiseki(2205) whispers: ok :o
milpat(1974) whispers: traded
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: bingo
milpat(1974) whispers: bye bye
ShakaZahn(2041) whispers: I blundered into mate in 1 once
pbeccari(1954) whispers: it really happened... First time winning the Fischer. Excellent, ABs!
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: SCORE
milpat(1974) whispers: ___CHAMPAIGN______
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: YES!!! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS
HyperMagnus(2100) whispers: champignons?
wmahan(2013) whispers: yay!
herrahuu(1603) whispers: abs!
evilcoyote(2091) whispers: Nice!
iwulu(2196) whispers: Congrats!
milpat(1974) whispers: HM :)
GothicSavior(2164) whispers: Whatever. I'm done thinking. Just time to play 1 0.
KayVee(1447) whispers: :D
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: biggest Gothic triumph since the sack of Rome
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Flowers @)>-'-,-'-,--- for you
Cuilin(2016) whispers: abs are the champions....
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: G-O-T-H-I-C!!
pbeccari(1954) whispers: ahahahah
milpat(1974) whispers: YESSSSSSS
pbeccari(1954) whispers: that was very nice, cat :D
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Fischer section who would have thought it!!!
Funkmaus(2119) whispers: Finito
Suiseiseki(2205) whispers: so well
smallblackcat(2172) whispers: ;)
Cuilin(2016) whispers: well done Gothic!!!
ShakaZahn(2041) whispers: 1st fischer win? is how many tries
ShakaZahn(2041) whispers: wd
Suiseiseki(2205) whispers: awesome :D
KayVee(1447) whispers: gratz gothic
iwulu(2196) whispers: Nice, SBC :)
AKhairat resigns 0-1


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