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golddust(2135) vs. layanali(2194) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-06-09

1.f4 (0:00)
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: latecomers should lose
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: And we are goin gfor the Bird's
1...e5 (0:00)
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: Golddust always plays Birds opening. He loves this opening.
golddust(2135) whispers: take the offer or go for the KG: that is the question.
2.e4 (3:16) exf4 (0:14) 3.Nf3 (0:11) g5 (0:04)
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Is this not a Muzio?
4.Bc4 (1:20) g4 (0:22)
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Lovely sharp line :-)
golddust(2135) whispers: Muzio or not.
5.Ne5 (1:52) Qh4+ (0:09) 6.Kf1 (0:02) Nh6 (0:20) 7.d4 (0:11)
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: tell me what is Muzio?
7...d6 (0:12) 8.Nd3 (0:14)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: this line is mzio :)
Fischeur(1926) whispers: somebody is playing too fast
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: King's Gambit Accepted, along the classic variation
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: but playing Bc4 instead of h4
8...f3 (1:23)
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: a game run by 2000 + players are really different than this blitz junk chess
anandkvs(2085) whispers: o-o instead of Ne5 is fun
9.Nc3 (2:20)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: but probably not for the faint hearted
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: I agree with that - I would have castled
anandkvs(2085) whispers: the double muzio with o-o gxf3 Qxf3 Qf6 Bxf7+ is even more fun and probably the most dangerous for black
9...Be6 (1:36) 10.Bxe6 (1:00) fxe6 (0:09)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: err, there's e5 Qxe5 before Bxf7+
11.Nf4 (1:08)
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: That is the double Muzio? Very, very, sharp line
oldengawy(2197) whispers: we need to 1 point of 3 games
anandkvs(2085) whispers: yes, it is quite hard to defend
anandkvs(2085) whispers: here is an old Shirov game in the double Muzio: http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1074916
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: Funkmau you were famous of your last comments on golddust`s game. No comments today?
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: No, I was still trying to make this freakin bot observe the game
milpat(1967) whispers: your fans want you Funk
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: And I get easily frustrated when it comes down to computer-stuff :p
milpat(1967) whispers: *making prayer foth the bot to work* then
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: May be situation is not developed enough to give a shrewd comment yet.
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: On that I have to fully agree with you Miss
GothicSavior(2188) whispers: Yeah, I was about to ask why TL bots didn't notice this game was being played.
GothicSavior(2188) whispers: Hmmm. Now to figure out who to root for.
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: mekk is designer of watch bot
11...fxg2+ (5:47)
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: My guess is players started it without "tell teamleague play" command, but maybe they did, and TL-bot screwed up.
12.Kxg2 (0:06) Kd7 (0:29)
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: Yes, indeed, Gothic. ELMASRY for playoffs, but on 2-2 tie. They are 1-0 lead.
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: Just lets root for a good bloody show.
golddust(2135) whispers: well that's a new one for me! I better get the queen out ASAP.
13.Qd3 (0:56)
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: he made stupid move i think. e6 was not threatenend because f4 needs to protect h3
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qh3+ is harmless
13...Bg7 (1:03)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: hmm
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: hehe
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qb5+?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: probaly not too good
14.Qb5+ (0:44)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d5 is also interesting there
anandkvs(2085) whispers: so Kc8?
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: I would love to see golddust push for e6
14...Kc8 (1:27)
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: Black want to develop rook h 8 i think
15.Nxe6 (0:58) Qh3+ (0:06)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Ne6 looks very dangerous
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Kf2 g3+
16.Kg1 (0:23)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: so Kg1 g3 Nxg7 g2
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Agree on Ne6 - very strong position
anandkvs(2085) whispers: g3 Ng5 is possible though
anandkvs(2085) whispers: didn't see
anandkvs(2085) whispers: wait
anandkvs(2085) whispers: no
anandkvs(2085) whispers: g3 Ng5 Bxd4+
anandkvs(2085) whispers: so g3 Nxg7 is only move
16...g3 (2:01)
floare(1804) whispers: n:g7, g:h1.
anandkvs(2085) whispers: wait Qc4?
floare(1804) whispers: after g2.
golddust(2135) whispers: black's queen side needs development I think.
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qc4 is possible
ivey(2207) whispers: perpetual ...
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: where?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qc4 Nc6 hxg3?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: actually
ivey(2207) whispers: ng7 g2 bh6 gh-q kh1 qf3 kg1 qg4 is perpetual?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qc4 Nc6 Nf4?
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: thanks, ivey - yes
milpat(1967) whispers: or Qxh6 in ur line ivey?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: I don't know can't white just go Kf1?
StrategyMaster(1820) whispers: is this a TL game?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: since Kf1 Rf8+ Nf5 is possible
anandkvs(2085) whispers: if white wants
ivey(2207) whispers: yeah or that
ivey(2207) whispers: but i dont think black has much
ivey(2207) whispers: so he should go for perpetual or h2 and then qh6
anandkvs(2085) whispers: is Nxg7 forced, or can white do something like Qc4?
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: I woyld have played bishop f4
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Bf4 loose you a Rook and a pawn I guess
anandkvs(2085) whispers: the e6 N is hanging
anandkvs(2085) whispers: as well
milpat(1967) whispers: cant black sac bishop on d4 to get xh2+ and Rg8+actually?
golddust(2135) whispers: Qc4 tempting but he ll just block with Nc6 and develop the horse too.
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: do not thin I would exchange that for a Queen in this position
anandkvs(2085) whispers: no, pat, since Bg5 is possible there at the end
anandkvs(2085) whispers: wait
milpat(1967) whispers: how so, N is on d4
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qe3+ then
17.Nxg7 (4:48)
milpat(1967) whispers: oops, Q covers
anandkvs(2085) whispers: you're talking about Bxd4+ Nxd4 hxg2+ Rxg2 Rg8+?
milpat(1967) whispers: gxh2+ yes
17...g2 (0:17)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Bxd4+ Nxd4 gxh2+ Rxh2 Rg8+ I mean
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Bxd4+ Nxd4 gxh2+ Rxh2 Rg8+ Bg5 Qe3+ is possible though
milpat(1967) whispers: i was looking in this sense, not sure was good
milpat(1967) whispers: perhaps white judged that it was :)
golddust(2135) whispers: very nice position here with my lousr rook never have made a move :( I should have castled and gone for the Muzio :(
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Bxh6 gxh1=Q+ Kxh1 Qxh6 Nf5 I guess
anandkvs(2085) whispers: wait, Qf5+ is there
anandkvs(2085) whispers: I don't know
anandkvs(2085) whispers: very complicated position
anandkvs(2085) whispers: after Qf5+ there is Nd7 hmm
milpat(1967) whispers: amazing black sees all of this without using clock
brainp(1613) whispers: i'm really impressed as a beginner
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Complicated indeed - whte wlaks a very narrow line here
SEXYPLEXY(1330) whispers: rook H8 G8 will be deadly move
golddust(2135) whispers: well there are really only 2 moves here. I rather keep the B if i can. So no Bxh6 yet.
18.Qe2 (5:10)
StrategyMaster(1820) whispers: this position seems ridiculously sharp, I have doubt the balance could last much longer
18...gxh1=Q+ (0:29) 19.Kxh1 (0:04)
superlaser(1901) whispers: Ng4 maybe
floare(1804) whispers: I think white should have taken the h knight.
GothicSavior(2188) whispers: Bxh6 lines look crazy, but then again, playing 1. f4 is mildly crazy.
19...Rf8 (1:17)
superlaser(1901) whispers: Bxh6!
superlaser(1901) whispers: maybe Qg4 to follow
anandkvs(2085) whispers: looks like Bxh6 is forced now, otherwise Ng4 is very annoying
superlaser(1901) whispers: more importantly covers f1
anandkvs(2085) whispers: yeah, and covers f1
oldengawy(2197) whispers: yes seems best for white
Playncool(1780) whispers: i'd take that horse :D
golddust(2135) whispers: well cant afford Ng4 so looke like bye-bye Bishop :(
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Complicated indeed - but Bg5 is going to bring white down a pawn - so not a good choice either
golddust(2135) whispers: not to mention Rf1+ :(
20.Bxh6 (4:01) Qxh6 (1:38)
innlay(1967) whispers: wow, so many observers, is this the championship game??
floare(1804) whispers: No, it's not, but it is very interesting.
oldengawy(2197) whispers: last R of teamleague
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Wonderful game so far - complicated, sharp and unusual :-)
ivey(2207) whispers: horrible opening in my view
golddust(2135) whispers: now block the f file and occupy g file?
ivey(2207) whispers: but excellent play in this nonstandard "kuddelmuddel"
21.Nf5 (2:24)
StrategyMaster(1820) whispers: is teamleague bot not picking up this game?
milpat(1967) whispers: Qe6 attacks the N
anandkvs(2085) whispers: not really Nc3 protects the queen
milpat(1967) whispers: oops
NakedNous(1989) whispers: Hi all :)
milpat(1967) whispers: i just realise
NakedNous(1989) whispers: and nice game!
NakedNous(1989) whispers: at first glance prefer white here
NakedNous(1989) whispers: because of the Rg1-g7 path
NakedNous(1989) whispers: and Nf5 is a monster
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: I tend to agree on that, Black played Rf8 instead of Rg8, and golddust elegantly blocked the f-file
NakedNous(1989) whispers: protecting and attacking at the same time
21...Qe6 (3:47)
tjradd(2138) whispers: requests Rg1 (and Rg8?? Rg8 Qg8 Ne7 oops)
22.Rg1 (1:09)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d5 is possible?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: probably not
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d5 Ng7
Fischeur(1926) whispers: white is enjoying more space
22...Nd7 (1:42)
golddust(2135) whispers: ok we'll go for the seventh rank and hope for the best :0
23.Rg7 (1:16)
Playncool(1780) whispers: if only more of the GM's games where as this exciting :)
ivey(2207) whispers: gms ont play crap openings
Playncool(1780) whispers: yea and 90% are booring games
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Nd5 now is an option
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: This is no slow and boring opening - or middle game either. Sharp, complicated and fun to watch
anandkvs(2085) whispers: since Rxf5 Ne7+
ivey(2207) whispers: rf7 rg8 rf8 rg7 rf7 ...
ivey(2207) whispers: i like more openings with strategic ideas
ivey(2207) whispers: then bloody battles
ivey(2207) whispers: bloody battles should be outcome of a logic strategy
floare(1804) whispers: So is it r:f5 good?
23...Rf7 (3:21)
ivey(2207) whispers: no its bad
ivey(2207) whispers: u give back exchange and ra8 is horrbily placed
floare(1804) whispers: OK.
ivey(2207) whispers: lol ok theres some tactics
ivey(2207) whispers: dont trust my comments :)
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: I wuld consider continuing the push with Rg8+
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: "If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub"
wmahan(2013) whispers: this is a tl game, right? it looks like it was started without the bot
ivey(2207) whispers: rf5 ef qe2 rg8 nf8 rf8 kd7 ra8 is there perpetual?
24.Qg4 (2:56)
ivey(2207) whispers: ok just ne2
floare(1804) whispers: What about nf6?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Nf6 Nxd6+ is interesting
milpat(1967) whispers: mm, tricky Nf6 after Rxf7
24...Kb8 (2:55)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: so no Nf6
milpat(1967) whispers: because Nd7 was shileding
milpat(1967) whispers: shielding*
golddust(2135) whispers: I suppose he doesnt want to exchange rooks; i would have exchanged them now.
golddust(2135) whispers: that king move is incomprehensible to me; threat of d8 mate will win the h pawn.
25.Qh4 (3:44)
golddust(2135) whispers: I have terrible lag !
Playncool(1780) whispers: good game...
Psycho(1832) whispers: black seems to be self-destructing
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Mate if not opening the line on a- or b-file :-) Well Kc8 is also defendable
milpat(1967) whispers: a6 or b6 yes
golddust(2135) whispers: lets hope and pray for Rf8 :)
25...b6 (2:55)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: a nice and sharp game
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qxh7?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d5 is also interesting as is Nb5
anandkvs(2085) whispers: or Nd5 even
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Nb5 threatens Rxf7 Qxf6 Qc8+ Kb7 Nxd6+ cxd6 Nxd6, forking
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qxf7*
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: odd, first it was white
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: R trappen in the corner, now its blacks
milpat(1967) whispers: black soon trades rooks and activate the other R
golddust(2135) whispers: the Qd8 threat is quite strong. so best to prepare with Nb5 and possible mate.
26.Nb5 (6:26)
golddust(2135) whispers: d5 coming next i hope
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Exchanging Rooks now opens for Qd8+!
golddust(2135) whispers: I assume rf8 to defend
26...Nf6 (2:05)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: bravoooooooo :p
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Rxf7 Rxf7 e5?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: I mean Rxf7 Qxf7
golddust(2135) whispers: well .. same d5 is still strong ...
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d5 is also interesting
oldengawy(2197) whispers: yes
27.d5 (1:59)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: Qd7 Qxf6 :D
oldengawy(2197) whispers: just kid
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Look at the d6 square :-)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: combination here ?
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: will layan get out of this one?
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i hope not :p
oldengawy(2197) whispers: in d6
Playncool(1780) whispers: e4
27...Qe8 (2:18)
Twikki(2081) whispers: Qe8 Nbxd6 is very tempting
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: is it time
anandkvs(2085) whispers: is Nxd6 possible
anandkvs(2085) whispers: looks like it is
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i guess there is no nxd6 qb5 :p
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: that would probably be the strongest counterplay move
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Nxd6 cxd6 Nxd6 Q somewhere Rxf7 and if Qxd6 Qxf6
oldengawy(2197) whispers: yes Nxd6 !!
golddust(2135) whispers: and the d6 pawn will fall with a horse. fork on Q + r is looking quite good.
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: he saw it :D
28.Nbxd6 (2:40)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: yes
28...cxd6 (0:35) 29.Nxd6 (0:04)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: R R N to Q ?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Rxg7 Nxe8 Nxe8 possible?
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: looks like the best try to me
29...Rxg7 (0:35)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: too hard
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: (wow) Amazingly good!
30.Nxe8 (0:09) Nxe8 (0:03)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: have to push the pawns now
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: white has a practical advantage though imo
milpat(1967) whispers: yea, ...those center pawns
Twikki(2081) whispers: Qh6 to keep the king penned in
anandkvs(2085) whispers: ah hmm
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qh6 might be necessary
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i guess if black gets the other rook out he's ok
oldengawy(2197) whispers: Nxd6 combination made transposition
ivey(2207) whispers: middle pawns might run to queens
golddust(2135) whispers: have to get tothe 6th rank now with e6 and c6 as important squares
31.Qh6 (3:30)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i dont see how black untangles
oldengawy(2197) whispers: ah Qc6
golddust(2135) whispers: active queen + 2 passed pawns should be more than a match for a R + N
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: any king move drops piece :P
Twikki(2081) whispers: think he has to give the knight back
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: if he does that the ending should be lost though :p
Playncool(1780) whispers: move pawns then
oldengawy(2197) whispers: not easy BTW
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: And he knows it ;-)
Twikki(2081) whispers: something like Rc7 d6 Nxd6 Qxf6 Kb7
Twikki(2081) whispers: er, Qxd6
oldengawy(2197) whispers: kb7
31...Rd7 (3:18)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: where kb7
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: qc6 is too strong :o
oldengawy(2197) whispers: instead rd7
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: that was the point i think
oldengawy(2197) whispers: ka6
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: a8 falls
32.Qe6 (1:10)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: very tough pos for black
golddust(2135) whispers: the e6 square i mentioned above ...
oldengawy(2197) whispers: R in g7 bit the K
32...Rd8 (0:43)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: interesting
anandkvs(2085) whispers: now Kb7 is possible
33.Qe7 (0:25)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: white is fully aware :D
oldengawy(2197) whispers: resign move
anandkvs(2085) whispers: if only black had one more tempo :P
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Rc8 d6?
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: this is just painful
Twikki(2081) whispers: Kc8 seems reasonable
anandkvs(2085) whispers: black has material, but h8 rook is in prison, and no coordination, and king is unsafe
Playncool(1780) whispers: a5
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Kc8 e5 I guess?
33...Kc8 (1:46)
floare(1804) whispers: black should have played a6 instead of b6.
34.e5 (0:13) a5 (0:26)
golddust(2135) whispers: one small step for a pawn one giant step for ... whatever
Twikki(2081) whispers: Rb8
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: thought we would see rb8 too
Twikki(2081) whispers: hmm
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d6-d7?
oldengawy(2197) whispers: i know layan no resign " play to last move"
35.d6 (1:36)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: layan is a good defender
anandkvs(2085) whispers: indeed, his game with Noopet showed amazing defence
anandkvs(2085) whispers: here as well, I would have blundered 10 times by now :P
floare(1804) whispers: lol.
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: "resign" plays easily :p
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d7+ loses the N, question is, does it lose the game?
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: probably
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: its just material advantage
35...Rb8 (2:12)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: rb8 d7+ Rxd7 Qxe8+
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: though it also probably isn't "easy"
anandkvs(2085) whispers: will save black for the time being
anandkvs(2085) whispers: what about Qa7 here
anandkvs(2085) whispers: no
anandkvs(2085) whispers: not good
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Nxd6
anandkvs(2085) whispers: wait
anandkvs(2085) whispers: yes LayanAli requests to take back 1 half move(s). golddust declines the takeback request.
rsekhar(1687) whispers: lol
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: d7 rxd7 qxe8 rd8 qc6# :P
anandkvs(2085) whispers: takebacks are not allowed
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: what xD
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: takeback offered and accepted double forfeit :0
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: could white claim a win :p
Playncool(1780) whispers: instead of c8 i would have played a5
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: never heard of such a thing :P
anandkvs(2085) whispers: is just offering takeback a forfeit?
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i don't think this particular rule makes a lot of sense if he can't ;p
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: misclick?
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: http://teamleague.org/waystolose.php
anandkvs(2085) whispers: could be a misclick, sure
rsekhar(1687) whispers: is there a button for takeback?
36.Qxh7 (3:15)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: well it doesnt say anything about takeback offered and declined
anandkvs(2085) whispers: hrm
36...Rb7 (0:14)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: this can be dangerous
wmahan(2013) whispers: haha
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qf5+?
37.Qf5+ (0:41)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i think takeback offered and declined should be a forfeit for offerer
anandkvs(2085) whispers: d7+ won a piece for a pawn, this can be dangerous if the N gets into play. On the other hand, the connected passed pawns tie up black
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: How it doesnt say? Here
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: Takeback is offered and accepted = Set game loss against both players, no game point for either.
floare(1804) whispers: wasn't d2 better?
37...Kb8 (0:17)
LightKnight(1656) whispers: what happened
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: and "set notakeback 1" and move on.
38.h4 (0:15)
LightKnight(1656) whispers: geez, what a shame.
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: so there is no punishment for offering a takeback
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: that is my point :p
oldengawy(2197) whispers: ka7 then N in 2 pawns
wmahan(2013) whispers: right, but you'd better hope your opponent doesn't accept
LightKnight(1656) whispers: what was the original move?
38...Ng7 (1:18)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: isn't a double forfeit better than a loss
LightKnight(1656) whispers: uhm, clever :-P
39.Qg4 (0:42)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: what am i missing here :s
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: hehe
wmahan(2013) whispers: missing where?
AIDog(2156) whispers: maybe W should have tried 38..Nxe3
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: just seems like the ruling doesn't make sense, that's all
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: someone could offer takeback as a final swindle
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: and it's free for him, though it's scummy behavior
39...Rf7 (2:21)
wmahan(2013) whispers: well forfeits can be used as a tiebreaker
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: wow,,you really are devious siusei :P
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i guess you've never had problems
wmahan(2013) whispers: right
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: of course the higher sections probably won't ever have a problem with it
wmahan(2013) whispers: if somebody really tried that we'd warn them
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: but i'm worried about inexperienced players
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: who could just naively walk into it
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: for all those years, I cannot remember takeback cases in TL
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: neither in higher nor in lower sections.
anandkvs(2085) whispers: white needs to be careful he doesn't drift into an inferior position
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: yeah, i guess people aren't scumbags :p
oldengawy(2197) whispers: he is new funk
40.Qc4 (2:31)
wmahan(2013) whispers: we carefully screen tl to keep out the scumbags
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: I dont blame your player, oldengawy
Playncool(1780) whispers: a draw maybe
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: can happen, and you might ask him after the game for the reason he has offered that takeback.
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: yeah, i am not saying that layan did it maliciously
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: maybe notakeback 1 should be suggested before games, as is noescape 0
LightKnight(1656) whispers: ah, lol, it was declined :-P
oldengawy(2197) whispers: ok , Rf8
wmahan(2013) whispers: I think it is somewhere
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: it just seems unnecessarily potentially dangerous to me :p
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i mean, when i had noescape 1 before a game, the tl bot actively told me to set it to 0
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i am not sure that happens with notakeback :p
wmahan(2013) whispers: right, I did that
anandkvs(2085) whispers: it doesn't. I have notakeback 0
wmahan(2013) whispers: it's not worth it for notakeback though
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: why not
wmahan(2013) whispers: you have to explain to new users how to do those commands
wmahan(2013) whispers: that takes a lot of time :p
anandkvs(2085) whispers: as mentioned before, takeback is very rarely an issue
oldengawy(2197) whispers: f f8 i think playable
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: right, i dunno :p
KayVee(1433) whispers: ummm - I did ask for a takeback in a TL game due to a mouseslip - luckily my opp knew the rule and said it was against rules
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Rdf8 might be forced here
oldengawy(2197) whispers: *R
oldengawy(2197) whispers: Yes
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i guess if it actually happens you could cut his head and hang it in a wall for everyone to see
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: :p
KayVee(1433) whispers: Might not hurt to publicize it - ofc, I now set notakeback 1
anandkvs(2085) whispers: rdf8 Kg1 is forced I guess
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: but yeah, kayvee's case is a great example
anandkvs(2085) whispers: otherwise perpetual
anandkvs(2085) whispers: or wait
40...Rb7 (3:43)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: if the opponent accepted out of courtesy, that would be a pretty sticky spot
anandkvs(2085) whispers: qd5?
wmahan(2013) whispers: I see your point
oldengawy(2197) whispers: i cant understand alot of moves
KayVee(1433) whispers: :)) I also got a new mouse
wmahan(2013) whispers: but we are practical...unless a problems come up, we don't go looking for them
wmahan(2013) whispers: and it's never been a problem
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: hehe :p
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: on the subject of mouseslips, i think it's a good idea to set click-click mode for standard games :p
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: well and of course gild the loinclothe
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: typing moves - and double-checking them is the best
41.Qc6 (2:16)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: or that
rsekhar(1687) whispers: click-click is the best
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: agreed @ suiseiseki
GothicSavior(2188) whispers: I type out all of my premoves for 1 0.
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i find typing somehow distracting though :<
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: click-and-misclick
oldengawy(2197) whispers: but i think black has a draw chances on white play
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: Tyoing is the best
anandkvs(2085) whispers: why not Qd5, with threat e6
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: mistype xD
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: @pos, black suddenly looks much better now somehow :<
rsekhar(1687) whispers: mistyping could be an issue
oldengawy(2197) whispers: yes i said on white play
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: takeback request throws outta concentration
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: not as in "black is better", just better than before :p
41...Ka7 (1:13)
floare(1804) whispers: White had the chance to win the knight for a pawn.
42.Kg2 (0:19)
GothicSavior(2188) whispers: I wonder if the plan to make a third passed pawn opens up too many lines.
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: well it's connected passers :p
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i would probably take d7+ back then though
rsekhar(1687) whispers: you mean 4th?
Playncool(1780) whispers: only 7 minutes for white
floare(1804) whispers: enough.
42...Rf7 (1:10)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: its never enough :o
oldengawy(2197) whispers: not with best playing draw < and maybe they surprised us and see mate inany side :D
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: "Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose." (Sun Tze - "The Art of War")
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: What you need?
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: mis
floare(1804) whispers: black prepares rdf8.
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qd5 here?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Qd5 Rdf8 e6?
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: with N@e6 black has possibly a fortress
43.Kh3 (2:15)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: I am just slightly worried about putting the queen on d5 because I'm afraid of a fork
43...Nh5 (0:20)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: but Qd5 seemed like the move there
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: like now xD
anandkvs(2085) whispers: e6 now?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: wait
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: yeah wait
oldengawy(2197) whispers: :D
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: :o
anandkvs(2085) whispers: very dangerous
anandkvs(2085) whispers: ugh
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Kg4?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: no LayanAli requests to take back 1 half move(s).
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: tough
anandkvs(2085) whispers: gets mated
oldengawy(2197) whispers: the duble
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: layan pls :p
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: wow
LightKnight(1656) whispers: again? O_O
rsekhar(1687) whispers: wtf
golddust(2135) whispers: I guess i better make sure i can prevent Rg8.
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: >...cough..cough...<
KayVee(1433) whispers: wonder if there is a toolbar button that got accidentally pressed for the takeback
shivaroxxx(1776) whispers: whats next some draw-offer-lamode
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: this is just rly weird
oldengawy(2197) whispers: rsekhar(1687) go out golddust declines the takeback request.
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: Babas chess has no default takeback button
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: and this is pretty distracting, golddust send me a tell about it, I told him to "decline" and "set notakeback 1"
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: I will forward this case to jaberwock.
oldengawy(2197) whispers: takeback again :D
44.Qc4 (2:42)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: seems i should call him
LightKnight(1656) whispers: uhm, why not e6
anandkvs(2085) whispers: e6 Nf4+
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: e6 nf4 ofc
rsekhar(1687) whispers: he is deliberately offering takebacks
44...Rdf8 (1:28) 45.e6 (0:05)
LightKnight(1656) whispers: oh :-/
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: w/k in mating net?
anandkvs(2085) whispers: this is very dangerous
anandkvs(2085) whispers: and white is low on time
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: takebacks are distracting
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: human to mess up
anandkvs(2085) whispers: looking back I think d7+ should have been palyed
anandkvs(2085) whispers: but very exciting game
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: rf3 draw agreed? :p
floare(1804) whispers: Same here, anand.
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: white is about to get a new Q, so mate or perp with those 3 pieces
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Rf3+ Kg2 is not a draw
45...Rg7 (2:26)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: it does set up a net though :p
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: but Rg7 then Rf3+ and Rf2 + is perpetual
46.e7 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: Kh1 fails to Ng3 mate.
46...Rf3+ (0:08)
AIDog(2156) whispers: Also in OTB games some players know they can get away after distracting tactics
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: or just this right away
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: gg?
47.Kh2 (0:10)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Rf2+ Kh1 is possible
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: oh wait ng3 isnt mate
47...Rf2+ (0:37)
YukiYamamoto(2167) whispers: This look drawish
48.Kh1 (0:02)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: its kh1 ng3 kg1 ne4 and that is draw though
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: Oooo right its in the way of the rook
48...Ng3+ (0:26) 49.Kg1 (0:03)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: amazing defense? :p
anandkvs(2085) whispers: Ne4+ is a perpetual
49...Ne4+ (0:12) 50.Kh1 (0:03)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: amazing game
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: trying to win :o
anandkvs(2085) whispers: game of the week for sure
50...Ng3+ (0:48) 51.Kg1 (0:02)
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: well the takebacks might or might not create some controversy :p
51...Ne4+ (0:07) 52.Kh1 (0:01) Ng3+ (0:14)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: sry , WTF :p
golddust(2135) whispers: #@$%
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: lol
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i feel your pain
53.Kg1 (0:28)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: :D
oldengawy(2197) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: ELMASRY for PLAYOFFS!!!
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: (on a tie)
oldengawy(2197) whispers: :D
53...Ne4+ (1:32) 54.Kh1 (0:02)
anandkvs(2085) whispers: at one point I thought Rf1+ Qxf1 Ng3+ worked for black, but it doesn't
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: i guess black is considering it
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: and will decide against it :p
Suiseiseki(2200) whispers: the resulting pos is pretty obvious
Funkmaus(2102) whispers: 6th rank 2 pawns and here is one on 7th
Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2


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