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misteraw(1939) vs. cuilin(2010) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-05-28

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:04) cxd4 (0:05) 3.c3 (0:09) dxc3 (0:02) 4.Nxc3 (0:03) Nc6 (0:06) 5.Nf3 (0:05) d6 (0:14) 6.Bc4 (0:05) a6 (0:06) 7.O-O (1:45) Nf6 (0:13)
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: e5 looks interesting
8.h3 (2:57)
superlaser(1901) whispers: e5 was good
8...e6 (0:33) 9.Qe2 (0:20)
milpat(1950) whispers: Be7 Rd1 e5
9...Be7 (7:01) 10.Rd1 (1:32)
milpat(1950) whispers: now prevent e5 is mandatory
10...b5 (1:37) 11.Bb3 (0:15) Bd7 (0:04) 12.Bf4 (0:48) Qb8 (1:38)
milpat(1950) whispers: Rd2 and double on d-file is comon, e5 probably good too
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Nd5 also worth considering imo
13.Rac1 (2:01) O-O (2:26) 14.e5 (1:23)
milpat(1950) whispers: can someone calculate Nh5 exd6 for me pls?
milpat(1950) whispers: :P
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: ed5 Ne5 Ne5 Be5 Qb7 black fine probably
milpat(1950) whispers: white went too slow
milpat(1950) whispers: imagine Rd2 Rad1
14...dxe5 (3:49) 15.Nxe5 (0:03) Nxe5 (0:04) 16.Bxe5 (0:30) Qb7 (0:01)
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Nh5 is hard to calc Nh5 ed6 Nf4 maybe Qd2 Bf6 Qf4
milpat(1950) whispers: watch for Rc7 to happen
Rascian(1891) whispers: "set kiblevel 1951"
milpat(1950) whispers: censor me is easier
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: a co tam set kiblevel 2800 ;)
Rascian(1891) whispers: #moarDrama no need game is nice indeed
milpat(1950) whispers: so now black can challenge both files, dont see any problem
milijonas(1806) whispers: pawn for nothing
Rascian(1891) whispers: white needs to go yolo
milijonas(1806) whispers: Bc2 maybe
milijonas(1806) whispers: to try Qd3
17.Bxf6 (8:26)
Rascian(1891) whispers: ufff
NightFury(2104) whispers: did Nd5 work
Rascian(1891) whispers: doubt so
milijonas(1806) whispers: aims for Ne4
Rascian(1891) whispers: acctualy c5 forcing another exchange Misteraw offers a draw.
milijonas(1806) whispers: :)
milijonas(1806) whispers: draw Cuilin declines the draw request.
17...Bxf6 (1:54) 18.Ne4 (0:04)
NightFury(2104) whispers: does a draw win the match?
Rascian(1891) whispers: desperate househousbands
pbeccari(1954) whispers: 'lo there
Rascian(1891) whispers: what's up with this FICS all higher rated then A-God itself :(
NightFury(2104) whispers: actually fics ratings a kind of low
pbeccari(1954) whispers: smith-morra, right? Seems white has good compensation for the pawn
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Be7 ?
pbeccari(1954) whispers: fics rating is low? Respect to FIDE, I think it's way higher... If ever this comparison has a meaning
Rascian(1891) whispers: FIDE inflates FICS deflate
NightFury(2104) whispers: i meant low compared to other chess servers
pbeccari(1954) whispers: oh, I see
mcstorytaller(1709) whispers: hello there!
milijonas(1806) whispers: hi
NightFury(2104) whispers: any internet rating will always be better then ones fide
18...Be7 (5:13)
mcstorytaller(1709) whispers: why?
NightFury(2104) whispers: whats up mc ;)
mcstorytaller(1709) whispers: hehe
pbeccari(1954) whispers: I like the way fics calculate it... Maybe RD is considered a bit too much, tough
wmahan(2013) whispers: black basically needs a draw here, and I like his chances
19.Qf3 (1:27)
mcstorytaller(1709) whispers: im wondering why ratings aren't changed after every round
NightFury(2104) whispers: wait black needs a draw?
Rascian(1891) whispers: why draw when he can go for win?
NightFury(2104) whispers: white already offered 1
mcstorytaller(1709) whispers: there's no automatical actualisations in FICS?
wmahan(2013) whispers: maybe they didn't realize it
Rascian(1891) whispers: self results>team needs
milpat(1950) whispers: nothing done yet ;)
wmahan(2013) whispers: no Rascian
wmahan(2013) whispers: well I shouldn't say anything because the last game is adjourned, and pat is here ;)
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Kh8 ? look stupid but dont see better move
milpat(1950) whispers: will be continued next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel
milpat(1950) whispers: time set
Rascian(1891) whispers: well white gave control over dark squares
mcstorytaller(1709) whispers: well, we got still 2 rounds to score, too bad not more :(
gile(1851) whispers: hi all... :)
mcstorytaller(1709) whispers: hi gile
milpat(1950) whispers: gile
Rascian(1891) whispers: zdravo Gile
gile(1851) whispers: trap is set, Nf6+ :)
Rascian(1891) whispers: rather treat then trap
Rascian(1891) whispers: rusty english :(
milpat(1950) whispers: can u Kh8?
milpat(1950) whispers: or cover the Q
Rascian(1891) whispers: bc6 rxc6!
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Qa7 Rb8 Kh8 all looks stupid probably Kh8
milpat(1950) whispers: b8 is not where black wants a rook i presume
NightFury(2104) whispers: put it on a7?
Rascian(1891) whispers: R-God living chess legend don't have prediction on next move
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Kh8 beacuse Bc6 possible later
Rascian(1891) whispers: position is so generic that I struggle with it
19...Rab8 (14:15)
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: maybe i understimate Nc5
Rascian(1891) whispers: Qf4 maybe?
20.Rc3 (1:33)
milijonas(1806) whispers: Kh8 i think should have been played
milijonas(1806) whispers: now there are still these tricks to be used
milijonas(1806) whispers: in various lines
wmahan(2013) whispers: yeah, this is starting to look very dangerous for black
20...b4 (2:34)
milpat(1950) whispers: now u have to prevent double on d and/or double on c
milpat(1950) whispers: brrr
milpat(1950) whispers: oh
milpat(1950) whispers: this helps?
wmahan(2013) whispers: planning Rcd3 Bc6 I guess
Rascian(1891) whispers: activates ls bishop :)
milijonas(1806) whispers: inacuracy from white
21.Rcc1 (1:00)
Rascian(1891) whispers: yay QF4 or Qg3 way better was right
pbeccari(1954) whispers: leaving the rook en prise, you mean?
21...a5 (3:51)
Rascian(1891) whispers: instead that rc3 move
pbeccari(1954) whispers: maybe Rc2. It seemed purposeful to double rooks on the c file
anandkvs(2120) whispers: not sure, but I doubt white has anything to do in this position, probably best was white trying to steer for an opposite color bishop game with Nc5 instead of Qf3
anandkvs(2120) whispers: wait, that didn't work :P
anandkvs(2120) whispers: Nc5 Bxc5 and it is same color bishops
anandkvs(2120) whispers: anyway
22.Qg3 (5:18)
pbeccari(1954) whispers: what's bad with Qxe4
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Rd7
milijonas(1806) whispers: Rd7
milijonas(1806) whispers: now Bc6 is possible
Triarius(2163) whispers: qe4 rd7 bf6 perfectly playable btw
pbeccari(1954) whispers: I think I'm ok with Qxe4 Rxd7, as black
milijonas(1806) whispers: maybe
Triarius(2163) whispers: take e4 or expect Nd6
anandkvs(2120) whispers: it's playable but why give up the two bishops advantage?
22...Rbc8 (2:45)
anandkvs(2120) whispers: perhaps to stop Nd6 it is necessary, not sure
23.Nd6 (0:24)
Triarius(2163) whispers: yeah, i mean he's gonna lose it anyway just decide which one of the bishop he's gonna take
23...Bxd6 (0:07) 24.Qxd6 (0:03) Rxc1 (0:02)
Triarius(2163) whispers: probably avoid the opposite bishop + heavy pieces endgame this way
25.Rxc1 (0:09)
anandkvs(2120) whispers: right
Triarius(2163) whispers: Rc8 r:c8 q:c8 and white is still the one who has to fight for a draw
anandkvs(2120) whispers: Rc8 Rd1 perhaps?
floare(1804) whispers: Rc8 seems to be the best move.
Triarius(2163) whispers: remove bishop and prepare qc6 i guess
anandkvs(2120) whispers: Rc8 Rd1 and there might be back rank ideas
milijonas(1806) whispers: Rc8 Rd1 maybe
floare(1804) whispers: Yes.
Triarius(2163) whispers: rc8 rd1 be8 (c6 qd8!) is fine for black
anandkvs(2120) whispers: Rc8 Rd1 Be8 Ba4 looks interesting
anandkvs(2120) whispers: wait, no
Triarius(2163) whispers: can take and come back
anandkvs(2120) whispers: right
anandkvs(2120) whispers: still forcing Be8 should be good
Triarius(2163) whispers: finally someone who plays the right setup vs morra, btw :P
NightFury(2104) whispers: hey is that a crack at me ;)
Triarius(2163) whispers: also! :D
wmahan(2013) whispers: yeah, I think white should have prevented the early b5 with a4
Triarius(2163) whispers: black should have played 9..b5 instead of Be7 infact
superlaser(1901) whispers: would 8.e5 have been anything to fear for black?
25...Rc8 (8:19)
BethanyGrace(1639) whispers: Go Misteraw!
26.Rxc8+ (0:45) Qxc8 (0:02) 27.Qb6 (0:21)
milijonas(1806) whispers: a4 ?
WilkBardzoZly(1756) whispers: Qa8 Bc6 maybe
27...g6 (0:54)
wmahan(2013) whispers: after 8.e5 Palliser recommends dxe5 Qxd8 Nxd8 Nxe5 e6 with an advantage to black
28.Qxa5 (0:12) Qc1+ (0:04) 29.Kh2 (0:03)
pbeccari(1954) whispers: black can force the draw now
29...Qf4+ (0:03)
pbeccari(1954) whispers: f2 no longer guarded
Triarius(2163) whispers: 8.e5 forces de qd8 nd8 ne5, doesn't really score good for white (q-exchange in a gambit doesn't really look good)
30.Kg1 (0:17) Qc1+ (0:08) 31.Kh2 (0:06) Qf4+ (0:01) 32.Kg1 (0:03)
milijonas(1806) whispers: draw
Triarius(2163) whispers: qa8 instead of g6 defo not draw i think
wmahan(2013) whispers: btw according to Palliser 13.e5 was the critical move to open the poisition
wmahan(2013) whispers: but until then they followed theory, so they must have been prepared
32...Qc1+ (4:22) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2


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