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qauz(1965) vs. cuilin(2046) 1/2-1/2

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-05-04

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:13) Nc6 (0:04)
tseltzer(1971) whispers: go qauz!
3.Bb5 (0:06) a6 (0:01) 4.Ba4 (0:38)
milpat(1974) whispers: Cuilin!!
tseltzer(1971) whispers: should be a great game today
4...Nf6 (0:04)
milpat(1974) whispers: hey Tim!
tseltzer(1971) whispers: hey Pat!
milpat(1974) whispers: u found a way to avoid me this round? :P
5.O-O (0:24) Be7 (0:04) 6.Re1 (0:03) b5 (0:10)
tseltzer(1971) whispers: by losing to someone stronger ;)
7.Bb3 (0:11)
tseltzer(1971) whispers: tomorrow
Keresch(1905) whispers: u wont avoid me candian Muhahahhaha
7...d6 (0:04) 8.c3 (0:05) O-O (0:10) 9.h3 (0:03) Na5 (0:01) 10.Bc2 (0:02) c5 (0:01) 11.d4 (0:07) Qc7 (0:04) 12.Nbd2 (0:17)
milpat(1974) whispers: i have !Keresch in my formula
Keresch(1905) whispers: in TL u wont there is good chance that we play unless u r afraid
12...Nc6 (0:53)
pbeccari(1868) whispers: oh, a nice ruy lopez, shall we see a theoretical novelty? :P
Keresch(1905) whispers: and send laur to face me
Myob(1672) whispers: Go Cuilin ! :)
milpat(1974) whispers: Keresch, u know if i win that u will hear me forever and ever, u really want to risk?
pbeccari(1868) whispers: so far so book, isn't it?
Keresch(1905) whispers: a man like me never backs from a challange
pbeccari(1868) whispers: a milpat - Keresch should be interesting to watch... C'mon guys!
Keresch(1905) whispers: its either do or die
13.dxc5 (2:27) dxc5 (0:04)
Keresch(1905) whispers: brb dinner
14.Nf1 (0:38) Be6 (0:33) 15.Ne3 (0:21) Rad8 (0:10) 16.Qe2 (0:24) c4 (0:07) 17.Nf5 (0:22)
pbeccari(1868) whispers: uhm, on Bc5 Bg5 is unpleasant
17...Bxf5 (1:51) 18.exf5 (0:05) Rfe8 (0:05)
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: they known their ruy it seems
pbeccari(1868) whispers: interesting choice, i was not considering at all Bxf5 as a candidate
19.Bg5 (3:13)
milpat(1974) whispers: black maybe can use d3 square later
milpat(1974) whispers: dunnoe Nd5/Nf3-d3
milpat(1974) whispers: Nf4*
19...Nd5 (2:33)
pbeccari(1868) whispers: I'm still scared by that f5 pawn
20.Be4 (5:48)
milpat(1974) whispers: what scares u?
pbeccari(1868) whispers: I'm always scared by enemy pawns in my territory :D
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: I'm scared of Cuilin :P Go Qauz!
pbeccari(1868) whispers: as long as f5-f6 is a move, you have to take it into account
milpat(1974) whispers: Be4 is sensed answer
milpat(1974) whispers: Bxg5 Nxg5 Nf4 looks cool, but Bxg5 Bxd5 possible too?
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: yes... I think Bxd5 is required(first) because Nf4 is strong
20...h6 (4:21)
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: however if h6 then Be3 Nf4 comes in anyways, then something like Qc2
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: and this is why Cuilin scares me.
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: He's underrated
Keresch(1905) whispers: 20 moves and he has not taken any of his time !!
21.Rad1 (5:35)
pbeccari(1868) whispers: Nxc3 is a little shot
Keresch(1905) whispers: i just had a huge dinner so i dont c anyting behind Nxc3 pb
KayVee(1476) whispers: I don't understand pbeccari - Nxc3?
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: grabs a pawn
KayVee(1476) whispers: for a knight
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: Bg5 is hanging
KayVee(1476) whispers: ah...
KayVee(1476) whispers: I'm blind
pbeccari(1868) whispers: I wonder if white will attack e5 successfully, after Nxc3 bxc3 hxg5
milpat(1974) whispers: can u Nxc3?
Keresch(1905) whispers: white is more active
pbeccari(1868) whispers: yeah, some kind of compensation for the pawn maybe
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: Wow. Houdini finds a perpetual for white after a knight sack on f7
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: Nxc3 bxc3 hxg5 Qd3 and you have to play f6 to maintain the pawn, which seems weakening
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: so it's not clear-cut
milpat(1974) whispers: idea is not to maintain the pawn shak, but create majority qside
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: that seems dangerous, kingside very weak
milpat(1974) whispers: yea
pbeccari(1868) whispers: any alternative? hxg5?
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: Nxc3 bxc3 hxg5 Bxc6 Qxc6 Nxe5 Qc8 Nxf7! Rxd1 Qxd1 Kxf7 Qh5+ Kg8 f6 gxf6 Qg6+ with a perpetual for white
milpat(1974) whispers: comp line, boo :P
Keresch(1905) whispers: boooooooo
pbeccari(1868) whispers: what a line :O
pbeccari(1868) whispers: (agree with the boooooooo, however :D)
Keresch(1905) whispers: but i guess we were all guilty in doing that at some point i once did and a freind of mine told me in chat dont do it again :)) he knows him self
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: lol
21...Nxc3 (13:04)
milpat(1974) whispers: so Nxc3 is best according to houdini, peoples
milpat(1974) whispers: now that we know :P
pbeccari(1868) whispers: well, let's see... Computer lines are sometimes too complicated for humans
22.bxc3 (0:31) hxg5 (0:03)
Keresch(1905) whispers: i think there is a good chance that white will go wrong here
milpat(1974) whispers: if only u could harrass c3 or a2 ...
Keresch(1905) whispers: Nh2
Keresch(1905) whispers: Nh2 , Qh4 , f6
milpat(1974) whispers: f6, urgh, u let e6 (light suqare) hole like that with N and lsb on board???
Keresch(1905) whispers: its with a threat of Qh7 Qh8 mate :))
pbeccari(1868) whispers: do you remember that f5 pawn that was scaring me? :P
milpat(1974) whispers: what a carokan player can do to save a pawn, pff...pathetic
milpat(1974) whispers: :D
Keresch(1905) whispers: the attacking Genes r still in my DNA :))
milpat(1974) whispers: oh, u meant f6 by white? sorry then
Keresch(1905) whispers: of course f6 by white :))
Keresch(1905) whispers: u have to be suicidal to play f6 as black
milpat(1974) whispers: 1000 excuses :P
xombie(1839) whispers: seems like some nicesquare control issues
xombie(1839) whispers: black has no light square control
Keresch(1905) whispers: i would play Nh2 here
xombie(1839) whispers: i think Rd5 is an idea too
milpat(1974) whispers: maybe Bf6 would be necessary
xombie(1839) whispers: but Rd5 Rxd5 Bxd4 e4
milpat(1974) whispers: badly placed...until e5 advance!
23.Bxc6 (9:18) Qxc6 (0:03)
Keresch(1905) whispers: no no no this is wrong
24.Nxe5 (0:06)
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: Qauz is greedy
Keresch(1905) whispers: in order to get his pawn back he spoils a good attacking postion
Keresch(1905) whispers: Qf6
milpat(1974) whispers: pin urself? :o
milpat(1974) whispers: Qf6 makes sense
milpat(1974) whispers: covers houdini's f7 :P
24...Qc7 (3:46)
milpat(1974) whispers: eyeing c3 weak
phlemish(2039) whispers: does Qf6 lose a B after Ng4 anyway?
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: Wouldn't it be Rxd8 and Ng4 if Qf6? looks like trouble
milpat(1974) whispers: ah yes plemish :(
phlemish(2039) whispers: maybe Qf6 Ng4 Qb6 would have held
phlemish(2039) whispers: not both Nxf7 and Ng6 are playable apparently
phlemish(2039) whispers: now both are playable I mean
Keresch(1905) whispers: Qh5
Keresch(1905) whispers: Qh5 Bf6
phlemish(2039) whispers: Ng6 pxN? pxp is mating I think
25.Qh5 (7:18)
Qauz(1965) whispers: 1-0?
phlemish(2039) whispers: now Bf6 Ng6 is interesting ...
tseltzer(1971) whispers: tricky
phlemish(2039) whispers: I just see a draw after RxR here ...?
milpat(1974) whispers: Bf6 Ng6 fxg6 fxg6 mating, really?
KayVee(1476) whispers: dark squares not covered - can escape
milpat(1974) whispers: maybe Re7 after fxg6
milpat(1974) whispers: oops no no
25...Bf6 (4:43)
milpat(1974) whispers: maybe Re5 then
milpat(1974) whispers: and K has e7 square
26.Ng6 (0:52)
Keresch(1905) whispers: is poeple here pointe out Ng6 could be deadly
Keresch(1905) whispers: as**
phlemish(2039) whispers: yea good find on Re5 milpat
milpat(1974) whispers: (examed on other board) :)
milpat(1974) whispers: so this is "almost-free" knight?
phlemish(2039) whispers: if Ng6 before Qh5 then the Bishop was pinned right?
Keresch(1905) whispers: its very strange to say a decent player dont take his time on such a huge decision like sacing a piece
milpat(1974) whispers: sure Cuilin can find this
Keresch(1905) whispers: he took 51 seconds
phlemish(2039) whispers: I am sure Qauz had analyzed this move before Qh5
KayVee(1476) whispers: on move 25 white took 7 mins when he likely planned it out
milpat(1974) whispers: anyway fxg6 is forced or mate in 1
milpat(1974) whispers: so thats teh easy part :)
phlemish(2039) whispers: what would have happened after 25.Ng6 I wonder ... 25...PxN 26.PxP RxR 27.RxR and then what?
26...fxg6 (5:23)
milpat(1974) whispers: u mean when Q was on e2?
27.fxg6 (0:11)
phlemish(2039) whispers: yea Q on e2
27...Re5 (0:31)
milpat(1974) whispers: yessssssss
milpat(1974) whispers: Cuilin is da man!!!
milpat(1974) whispers: and white realizes.....
Keresch(1905) whispers: he is losing
milpat(1974) whispers: D'Oh!
phlemish(2039) whispers: now f4-f5 push is playable ... Hard to find though
Qauz(1965) whispers: i missed that move, wonder if i can still make something happen
milpat(1974) whispers: u open ur K's dark squares way plem?
KayVee(1476) whispers: f4 gf ? what am i missing?
phlemish(2039) whispers: Q is overloaded if gxf
milpat(1974) whispers: yes KV, must cover e5 and d8 at same time
KayVee(1476) whispers: well - there is always a Rxe1 or Rxd1 (depending on line) with tempo right
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: oh snap
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: this game went crazy
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: Re5! is very nice, amazingly solid
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: hard to even complicate for white here
milpat(1974) whispers: f4 only try?
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: but I guess it was the only move, so easier to find ;)
milpat(1974) whispers: the danger was to resign before seeing it
phlemish(2039) whispers: I guess f4 Rxd1 Rxd1 and now if fxg then Qh7-h8-g8 may be stong
milpat(1974) whispers: f4 Rxd1 is what i'm looking at too
phlemish(2039) whispers: yea I think fxg loses for black
28.f4 (7:51)
phlemish(2039) whispers: woot ... wow way to go Q!! Nice find!
phlemish(2039) whispers: now I just hope Cullin thinks Q is just desperate
milpat(1974) whispers: Cuilin is to realistic for that...sorry enemies :)
milpat(1974) whispers: too*
milpat(1974) whispers: f4 comes with cow-bells around the neck
phlemish(2039) whispers: well C has plenty of time ...
milpat(1974) whispers: excellent move, but nothing subtle
milpat(1974) whispers: Rxd1 Rxd1 then gxf is ok?
phlemish(2039) whispers: after RxRd1 and RxR cant the white Q get into g8 with f7 mate threat?
milpat(1974) whispers: ah
milpat(1974) whispers: i guess i should start to hate Paolo's pawn
phlemish(2039) whispers: oh no ... Black has Q manouver with Qb6 or Qc5+ and then onto white squares
phlemish(2039) whispers: I am missing something though because rybka gives rxr rxr and r retreats to e6 with +1 for black is all
phlemish(2039) whispers: game not over yet!
phlemish(2039) whispers: Re6 to me looks bad because it blocks the diagonal for the black Q to protect f7!
phlemish(2039) whispers: what am I missing?
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: I don't get it either, it looks so good for black
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: I mean the +1 eval
phlemish(2039) whispers: Qb6+-e6 fails to Qd8 mate!
phlemish(2039) whispers: I dont see how black survives this
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: what do you do as white after RxR RxR Re6?
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: I must be missing something
phlemish(2039) whispers: Qh7-h8-g8
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: hmm, good idea
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: Rd6? after Qg8
phlemish(2039) whispers: I have to say I have seen Qauz come up with some very sharp tactics and this game is no exception!
28...gxf4 (13:48)
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: and move king over to queenside
phlemish(2039) whispers: wow C blinks!
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: now it's not so relevant anymore, but that looked ok to me at first glance
29.Rxd8+ (0:35) Qxd8 (0:04) 30.Rxe5 (0:12) Bxe5 (0:01) 31.Qxe5 (0:05) Qb6+ (0:02) 32.Kh2 (1:28) Qxg6 (0:06)
phlemish(2039) whispers: well Black was winning there somehow - I just didnt see the defense. Safe choice by Cullin. Great game.
33.Qxf4 (0:11) Qauz offers a draw.
phlemish(2039) whispers: Shaka, Rd6 after Qg8 allowed Af7 mate!
phlemish(2039) whispers: I mean Qf7#
milpat(1974) whispers: Qs off is 0-1?
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: no, you have Kd8 there
phlemish(2039) whispers: oh right! thats what I was missing!
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: but it is a perpetual I think
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: so clearly rybka saw something better
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: or no
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: king can move e7-d8-d7-c6 Cuilin declines the draw request.
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: and escape
ShakaZahn(2040) whispers: to be less confusing it would be Qf7+ Kd8 Qf8+ Kd7 Qf7+ Kc6
33...Qf6 (4:56)
milpat(1974) whispers: declined!
milpat(1974) whispers: RAWR
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: hmm
34.Qe4 (7:03)
WMKnight(1780) whispers: cant take the pawn here I guess since it leads to perp
milpat(1974) whispers: f...the pawn, run after Q trade
milpat(1974) whispers: Kf7?
WMKnight(1780) whispers: Kf7 Qd5+
CrazyHunter(1807) whispers: Qb7+ right?
milpat(1974) whispers: Kf7 Qd5 Ke6 ....
WMKnight(1780) whispers: illegal move
milpat(1974) whispers: Qe6* sorry
WMKnight(1780) whispers: Qh5+
Keresch(1905) whispers: analysing a queen ending thats so forstraing
milpat(1974) whispers: Ke7
WMKnight(1780) whispers: Qc5+
milpat(1974) whispers: Qd6+!!
milpat(1974) whispers: 0-1
WMKnight(1780) whispers: owned :)
milpat(1974) whispers: thats my idea
milpat(1974) whispers: but must be million lines
milpat(1974) whispers: Q endings, pff
34...Kf7 (4:50) 35.Qd5+ (0:58) Qe6 (1:43) 36.Qf3+ (2:10) Kg8 (4:17) Cuilin offers a draw. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2


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