donpachi(1975) vs. oldraptor(1954) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-04-26
Nicolau(1825) whispers: who's here? 1...g6 (0:00)
Introspection(1613) whispers: Whisper only please
Introspection(1613) whispers: oh sorry nm 2.c4 (0:18)
Introspection(1613) whispers: Forgot I wasn't playing :-) 2...Bg7 (0:06)
Nicolau(1825) whispers: rooting for OldRaptor! 3.d4 (0:19) d6 (0:07) 4.Nc3 (0:12)
Introspection(1613) whispers: Should be good ggame 4...Nd7 (0:26) 5.e4 (0:36) c5 (0:20)
NightFury(2101) whispers: the Mysterious teams are out in force today 6.Be2 (1:59)
predkoo(1864) whispers: May the force be with Mysterious teams! :)
NightFury(2101) whispers: :) 6...cxd4 (1:51) 7.Nxd4 (0:11) Ngf6 (0:39)
WMKnight(1791) whispers: ?ooks like an almost transposition into a maroczy sicilian
golddust(2146) whispers: i was late. was this benoni?
Introspection(1613) whispers: Hi Gold
NightFury(2101) whispers: and we were so close to a kid
Introspection(1613) whispers: I tstarted out Reti 8.O-O (1:18)
Introspection(1613) whispers: Eco says Modern Avrbakh, that's new one on me. 8...O-O (0:42)
Introspection(1613) whispers: Is it an English System?
golddust(2146) whispers: thanks intro. so it started out reti!
Introspection(1613) whispers: Yeh guess that was pretty obv from 1. Nf3 ;-) 9.Be3 (2:33)
NightFury(2101) whispers: except white got in e4
golddust(2146) whispers: I m on cell phone couldnt see starting moves. So guessed Benoni! 9...Nc5 (1:33)
Introspection(1613) whispers: Aha ic
Introspection(1613) whispers: is there a place for you to type commands with the phone?
WMKnight(1791) whispers: isnt f3 teh only good move here? 10.f3 (1:31)
golddust(2146) whispers: Bf3 is good too.
golddust(2146) whispers: Bf3 is good too 10...Bd7 (1:20)
NightFury(2101) whispers: google says Modern Averbakh is a d4 system
Introspection(1613) whispers: Interesting
NightFury(2101) whispers: eco A42
golddust(2146) whispers: I could go for an assualt on K side with g4 and h4 :D
NightFury(2101) whispers: heh, doesnt white normally play poisition with the bind systems? 11.Kh1 (3:40)
NightFury(2101) whispers: positional that is
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: ok, that's about as far as the easier moves go...
golddust(2146) whispers: so is donpachi thinking K side assault?
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: not sure what he was afraid of, or what he has planned with that move 11...Ne8 (3:05)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: if he can go in the corner, I can move my N backward
Introspection(1613) whispers: :-)
NightFury(2101) whispers: well thats some interesting logic :)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: in case he prepped my opening, i've resisted attacking his b pawn
golddust(2146) whispers: g4 will prevent any afventurous f5. also b4 is possibilitu
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: the downside is that this is now new territory for me
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: we have played 13 games, i'm 0-9-4 against him, but we haven't played in two years 12.f4 (4:21)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i think i can improve my pawns with that move 12...e5 (2:00)
golddust(2146) whispers: black can go to queenside with Qb6 or pick a fight in center with e5
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: maybe i should have thought longer, i assumed he had to fxe, but maybe not
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: for that matter i could take back with the B if he does, attacking h2
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: yes, i like fxe Bxe
golddust(2146) whispers: so after fxe5 should black dxe5 or Bxe5?
Nicolau(1825) whispers: I am new to observing games on FICS... I am assuming that oldraptor can only whisper to us but he can't se what we whisper about his game, correct?
WMKnight(1791) whispers: correct
NightFury(2101) whispers: maybe white will try to saddle black with a backward pawn
rsekhar(1663) whispers: is f5 bad for white?
rsekhar(1663) whispers: lol sorry
rsekhar(1663) whispers: N hangs 13.Ndb5 (7:41)
LNO(1859) whispers: i8f f5 what about the hanging N on d4?
golddust(2146) whispers: very intetesting move by white.
eugenek(1708) whispers: can someone explain the idea of it ?
rsekhar(1663) whispers: attking the pawn on d6?
golddust(2146) whispers: but white should be careful about the B on g7 after exf.
eugenek(1708) whispers: its protected with N... 13...Bxb5 (2:54)
rsekhar(1663) whispers: white double attked it
eugenek(1708) whispers: still easily parried 14.Nxb5 (1:48)
golddust(2146) whispers: cxB exf4 Bxf4 Bxc3. and black hains the pawn on e4!
golddust(2146) whispers: gains
JasSch(2123) whispers: Yea, but he gives white the two bishops and open files and diagonals to the king.
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: do i win a p?
golddust(2146) whispers: thats what i meant by care about B on g7. b2 is gone now.
JasSch(2123) whispers: But that variation is gone.
Nicolau(1830) whispers: golddust, you mentioned benoni you play the benoni it? I just started playing. It's fun playing it but very hard to understand its pawn structure
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: or is it a fools errand?
JasSch(2123) whispers: Now exf, Bxf4 Bxb2, Rb1, Be5 looks good for black
Miltie(1814) whispers: yes I was looking at the same thing 14...exf4 (3:53)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: this is what i like about this opening... more often than not, the B comes alive
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: not too early to think about the endgame 15.Bxf4 (2:57) Bxb2 (0:05)
WMKnight(1791) whispers: how does white get teh pawn back?
WMKnight(1791) whispers: I dont think it can, black looks much better
LNO(1859) whispers: Rb1 seems mandatory here
Miltie(1814) whispers: yes
WMKnight(1791) whispers: Bh6 might work?
LNO(1859) whispers: so white shouldnt waste time on this move or does he see some possibilty that I dont ?
milpat(1973) whispers: why remove the grip on h6 WMK?
milpat(1973) whispers: on d6*
WMKnight(1791) whispers: Rb1 is probably best, but I dont think Bh6 is that bad
Diduk(2208) whispers: Wm, it might not, bh6 qh4 bxf8 be5 g3, bxg3 gg.. 16.Bh6 (5:14)
LNO(1859) whispers: aha theres another possibilty thanks
WMKnight(1791) whispers: milpat he wouod lose it anyway
WMKnight(1791) whispers: Rb1 and Be5
WMKnight(1791) whispers: and black is up a pawn and better structure
WMKnight(1791) whispers: well looks like Diduk just killed this idea
WMKnight(1791) whispers: with Qh4
LNO(1859) whispers: so... Qh4...
WMKnight(1791) whispers: but black has ot see it
WMKnight(1791) whispers: I dont think thatis very easy to see
LNO(1859) whispers: well it depends
LNO(1859) whispers: if he has reconed with the possibilty earlier then he might see it
NightFury(2101) whispers: Ng7
WMKnight(1791) whispers: NightFury Qh4 is "winning" 16...Ng7 (6:36)
LNO(1859) whispers: well this move was my first thought also
rsekhar(1663) whispers: Qh4 is very hard to see
WMKnight(1791) whispers: yes I agree qh4 hard to see, but Diduk saw it
WMKnight(1791) whispers: Nxd6 now, seems pretty good
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i didn't see Bh6.. i Looked at Bxd6, but not that
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: but this looks ok
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: the d pawn is poison 17.Rb1 (6:59) Be5 (0:28) 18.Qe1 (0:33)
milpat(1973) whispers: white saw Qh4 :)
LNO(1859) whispers: well re8 now
milpat(1973) whispers: a6 no?
LNO(1859) whispers: to mobilize the N and increas the pressure on e4 18...Re8 (1:48)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i like my chances if the Qs come off
Mekk(1804) whispers: Ugh, I just don't know how to evaluate this at short glance 19.Bf3 (4:47)
Mekk(1804) whispers: still likely would prefer to play white (even if I dont like Bf3 very much somehow, f7 feels less weak 19...Nge6 (1:50)
Miltie(1814) whispers: Nd3 then Qh5 possible for black
LNO(1859) whispers: white is a pawn down
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: no plan.. everything is safe, and I'm just making my N better
Mekk(1804) whispers: the position felt like some sacrificial attack on f7 or so. But of course one would need to calc and black improved in last move
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: maybe Nd4 trading something 20.Rd1 (1:52)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: ok, maybe not
Mekk(1804) whispers: :-)
Mekk(1804) whispers: a6 first
Mekk(1804) whispers: (would be bad if white had c3 covered but now)
Miltie(1814) whispers: that eliminates Nd3 options
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: if 20... a6 21. Nxd6 Nxd6 22. e5 might work
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: *21... Bxd6
Mekk(1804) whispers: Qh4 impossible after that, yes
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i can't seem to find a plan, or even a move with purpose
Miltie(1814) whispers: yes I meant h4 of course sorry
LNO(1859) whispers: what about Qb6 moving out of the pin?
JasSch(2123) whispers: Probably best. Then drive the knight back with a6
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: well, let's get the Q out from the x=ray of the R he just moved. He must have a plan involving that R 20...Qe7 (6:23)
LNO(1859) whispers: this wasa maybe just as good
Diduk(2201) whispers: Nc3-Nd5 might be unpleasant for black
LNO(1859) whispers: quite funny comment of raptor, well if you dont see the plan of the opponent , suspiciousness can take you far :)
LethalChess(1850) whispers: No, Nc3 and Bxc3 is favorable for black.
JasSch(2123) whispers: What about Nc3 Nc7 eyeballing d5, Diduk?
Diduk(2201) whispers: yes, Nc7 looks cool
Diduk(2201) whispers: Bxc3 is a bit worrying
JasSch(2123) whispers: White can't occupy then since the trade still keeps his kb bad
Diduk(2201) whispers: Nc7 is a good move, true
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i do have that pawn, but as always, the initative was lost doing so... but i'm still safe, i think 21.Nc3 (3:32)
rsekhar(1663) whispers: white connects the pawns now?
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i wonder where he is going? could it be...... um... d5! 21...Nc7 (1:24)
Nicolau(1821) whispers: nice oldraptor!
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: that must have been the reason I move the N to f6 in the first place
LNO(1859) whispers: raptor is on top as always!
LNO(1859) whispers: and never loosing his sense of humor... thats good! you must have fun while playing!
LethalChess(1850) whispers: nothing immediate, white needs to look for positonal improvements, Qe3, Bg4, and maybe doubling on f-file.
Nicolau(1821) whispers: Bg4, Rb1 or Be2 for white now... 22.Nd5 (2:42) Nxd5 (0:06)
JasSch(2123) whispers: Snap that sucker off, Raptor
JasSch(2123) whispers: Yea.
LethalChess(1850) whispers: I don't understand Nd5 from white. 23.Rxd5 (0:16)
rsekhar(1663) whispers: why keep isolated pawns?
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: ok, I didn't calculate that
LethalChess(1850) whispers: b/c d5 is a hole.
rsekhar(1663) whispers: i see
LethalChess(1850) whispers: but he traded off his only minor piece that could've exploited it.
LNO(1859) whispers: why did white played his R to d5? I dont quite understand this...
JasSch(2123) whispers: Not too shabby. He keeps pressure on d3 this way. At the expense of retaining 4 pawn islands and the weakie at c4.
LethalChess(1850) whispers: Yeah white's moves here were quite dubious, much better was Qe3, Bg4 and maybe Rf2, and Rdf1
LethalChess(1850) whispers: something along those lines.
LNO(1859) whispers: ok thanks JasSch , but was it really called for
Nicolau(1821) whispers: hmmmm, rook is active there and cant be bothered by minor pieaces anytime soon.... i think oldraptor should play Rac8 now....
LNO(1859) whispers: but how do you increase the pressure on d6?
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i think it's obvious i need a R on c8, but which?
Nicolau(1821) whispers: hahaha cool
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: normally the QR for the Q side
LNO(1859) whispers: I mean its covered by both the B and Q
Mekk(1804) whispers: if i were black I would be concerned about Rxe5
Mekk(1804) whispers: those dark squares afterwards, mmmm
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: but i'm probably going to want a R behind my b pawn also
Nicolau(1821) whispers: LNO, i think white needs to get rid of the DSB, so maybe g3 the Bf4, but what do i know? 23...Rec8 (4:51)
LNO(1859) whispers: yes but it all seems fishy to say the least, white is a cleart pawn down now isnt he?
Nicolau(1821) whispers: LNO, then there could be more pressure on d6.... but maybe that's too far fetched
LethalChess(1850) whispers: I think both of white's bishops need improvement.
Nicolau(1821) whispers: indeed a pawn down 24.Be3 (1:58)
LNO(1859) whispers: and as JasSch pointed out the pawn on c4 is also weak
milpat(1973) whispers: idea Bg4 Qf2 maybe
LethalChess(1850) whispers: Bg4 was suppose to be played like 4 moves ago lol :) Poor white.
predkoo(1864) whispers: Time advantage is in black's favor at that: 18 vs 4 mins
LNO(1859) whispers: what about this now: Na4 and start harassing Rd5? 24...b6 (2:01)
JasSch(2123) whispers: He could have probably got away with that last move, LNO
LNO(1859) whispers: yep
JasSch(2123) whispers: c3 looks like an awfully nice square for that horsey.
Funkmaus(2183) whispers: Interna-fight
LethalChess(1850) whispers: meow
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: probably had better, but absolutely no reason to be in a hurry
Funkmaus(2183) whispers: OR seems to have the time and position. 25.Bxc5 (2:36) dxc5 (0:09) 26.Qf2 (0:34)
Nicolau(1821) whispers: I wish I could stay to the bitter end... but I got to go... take care all... see you later on mysterious places.... hehehehe ... Tchau
LNO(1859) whispers: well now raptor is a happy camper getting rid of the weakness on d6
JasSch(2123) whispers: and material, FM
Miltie(1814) whispers: two isolini's for white
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: Bs of opposit colors, no good
Funkmaus(2183) whispers: ah extra pawn.
Funkmaus(2183) whispers: white s attacking chances are minor: if instead of the Rook on d5 would be that bishop...
Funkmaus(2183) whispers: but its not likely possible
Miltie(1814) whispers: white will have to try to make something happen with time running slim 26...Rd8 (1:33)
LNO(1859) whispers: but isnt it a fact , speaking of opp colored B that its good for the side with the attack?
LNO(1859) whispers: and if so, has Black the attack?
JasSch(2123) whispers: Yes. And here black's bishop is a heckuva lot more active. 27.Rfd1 (1:02)
Funkmaus(2183) whispers: well, with B@d4 he could be looking for opening another file
Funkmaus(2183) whispers: if b.file opens, b2 is a nice entry square 27...Qc7 (1:22)
LNO(1859) whispers: but of course if OldR is already imagining all the pieces swapped off except for the Bs, but why should he allow that? 28.Qh4 (1:04)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: I don't want to connect his pawns
LNO(1859) whispers: alright Bd4 must be best here right?
Keresch(1945) whispers: i like white
Miltie(1814) whispers: does anybody like bd4?
Keresch(1945) whispers: more active piece Bd4 he is shooting on nothing
LNO(1859) whispers: I do
Miltie(1814) whispers: it looks right to me
LNO(1859) whispers: Bd4 breaks the connection between the Rs
LNO(1859) whispers: places the B actively as FM pointed out already
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: but i do want to cut off cummunication 28...Bd4 (3:07)
LNO(1859) whispers: well well oldr is thinking about it now
LNO(1859) whispers: and he will play it
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: *communication
Miltie(1814) whispers: R at a8 could become a target for white's bishop soon
rsekhar(1663) whispers: why ppl like white? I cant see any serious attack developing
LNO(1859) whispers: white would have needed a dark bishop 29.Qg3 (2:32)
Miltie(1814) whispers: this has to be clock related
LNO(1859) whispers: well is it OK to swap the Qs now? 29...Qxg3 (0:42)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I don't understand Qg3 since surely swapping off pieces suits black as I think opposite square bishop ending is hard to hold 30.hxg3 (0:03)
Miltie(1814) whispers: will simplify choices for white's time trouble
Miltie(1814) whispers: but white king is sadly isolated
Diduk(2201) whispers: If I had black pieces here, I'd not be so fast trading pieces:)
rsekhar(1663) whispers: Oldraptor wanted endgame 15 moves ago :)
LNO(1859) whispers: No Diduk but thats the trademark of Oldraptor, he cannot help it
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: problem is even if you imagine all the rooks off white bishop would struggle to defend c4 and e4 if black can play Kd4 so it's a very difficult defence even without doubled g pawns
Miltie(1814) whispers: if black gets a rook on the h file its over 30...f6 (2:23)
Diduk(2201) whispers: anyway, it's much easier for white to defend when there are less pieces on the board
LNO(1859) whispers: well thats easier said than done Miltie
LNO(1859) whispers: anyhow, white is playing on increment now, that is hard for the nerves 31.g4 (1:19) Kf7 (0:13) 32.g3 (0:06) Ke7 (0:54) 33.Kg2 (0:40)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: if black moves rook away from d8 then d5 rook is essentially trapped, not that black can really win it
LNO(1859) whispers: couyld black start something on the Qside now? with Rb8? 33...Rab8 (1:51) 34.a4 (0:38)
Diduk(2201) whispers: I suppose white's position is better than it was a few moves ago
LNO(1859) whispers: lets say Rxd5 exd5 Kd6 but what is the plan to win?
LNO(1859) whispers: yes I think black would have done well with the Qs still on the board 34...a6 (1:41)
Diduk(2201) whispers: rx rx rb1 35.Be2 (0:47)
predkoo(1864) whispers: Stubborn defense by donpachi
Keresch(1945) whispers: bad move a6
Mekk(1804) whispers: now there is a time to put rook on e8 after RxR maybe
Keresch(1945) whispers: u need carlsen to win this
Diduk(2201) whispers: the problem is that black has 2 weaknesses now: h7 and b6
Diduk(2201) whispers: white's pawns looks odd, but I doubt black can easily capitalize on it since the position is closed
LNO(1859) whispers: maybe thats true Keresch, but that implies that Kramnik defends this ...
LNO(1859) whispers: what about the R trade and then Kd6 now? 35...Rxd5 (5:00)
LNO(1859) whispers: well we will see it now
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: i really did not want to do that
Keresch(1945) whispers: c or d? 36.exd5 (0:34)
Diduk(2201) whispers: exd and rb1 for white should be ok
LNO(1859) whispers: well a6 must have been bad as pointed out 36...Kd6 (0:23)
LNO(1859) whispers: we can see it now
LNO(1859) whispers: but Oldraptor has every right to continue to try to win 37.Rb1 (1:09)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: I disagree
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: b5 is probably best try as cxb5 will win d5
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: both players have right to press for a win
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: (not just OldRaptor)
LNO(1859) whispers: well I was thinking that black is still better 37...Bc3 (0:53)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: maybe better, but opposite-coloured bishops should give a draw 38.Rb3 (0:40) Bb4 (0:14)
LNO(1859) whispers: yes but that was exactly my point, maybe its a draw, but black can try for a win since he is better 39.Re3 (0:26)
Diduk(2201) whispers: that is a brilliant move by white, rc1 was worse, rc1 re8, rxc3 rxe2 and black is winning there 39...Kd7 (0:59)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: not going well lately 40.Re6 (0:23)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: 40... Re8 might be black's best chance 40...Re8 (0:37) 41.Rxe8 (0:26) Kxe8 (0:01) 42.Kf3 (0:09)
Diduk(2201) whispers: I guess it's drawish 42...Ke7 (0:24)
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: tough to win
Diduk(2201) whispers: well played by donpachi 43.Ke4 (0:50)
LNO(1859) whispers: this must be close to = since white has a passer
LNO(1859) whispers: yes good defense 43...Kd6 (0:38)
LNO(1859) whispers: of course black can try to go after pawn g3 , but then what next? 44.Bf3 (0:31)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: I am not sure if it is drawish
Diduk(2201) whispers: be1 kf4 g5 kf5 bxg3 kxf6
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: but it seems at least ;) 44...Be1 (1:28) 45.Kf4 (0:30)
Mekk(1807) whispers: white can't win, black can't win, remains draw ;-) This position was fancier with more pieces 45...Bf2 (1:36)
Diduk(2201) whispers: be4 46.Be4 (0:28)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: are you sure Mekk you woule be able to draw if I would have black pieces? ;)
Keresch(1945) whispers: i would draw it
LNO(1859) whispers: I am pretty sure that Mekk draws this as black
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: :D 46...Bd4 (1:42) 47.Bg2 (0:35)
LNO(1859) whispers: the burdon of proof still lies on white not on black
Keresch(1945) whispers: its simple as long as black is stock defending aginst the passer he cant do much progress
Keresch(1945) whispers: so we eechange the king side pawns
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: B+ and trying to play b5
Keresch(1945) whispers: pu bishop on e4 and wallah
Keresch(1945) whispers: in mean while am just gonna sit and see what black to do after the ball is in his court
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: and it might be one of the best option to break through imho 47...b5 (2:34) 48.axb5 (0:21) axb5 (0:03) 49.cxb5 (0:15) c4 (0:03)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: that was my plan ;)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: I just interpose it with earlier B+, but the general idea is the same 50.Ke4 (1:05) Bb6 (0:48) 51.Bf1 (0:53) Kc5 (0:25)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: now d6 should draw 52.d6 (1:30)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: but black tried all he would 52...c3 (1:21) 53.Kd3 (0:45) Kxb5 (0:06) 54.Kxc3+ (0:22) Kc6 (0:25)
AbdouOrabi(1924) whispers: Draw or not ?
Keresch(1945) whispers: draw
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: it should be, but black might try to test white if he would be able to draw 55.Kd3 (0:57) Bf2 (0:16)
AbdouOrabi(1924) whispers: 3pawn agains 1 ?
LNO(1859) whispers: no reason not to play it out
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: I would play it
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: at least until it would be very clear it is a draw
LNO(1859) whispers: yes exactly 56.Ke4 (0:32) Bxg3 (0:44)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: of course most stronger players see the draw much faster than I can do it :) 57.Kf3 (0:04)
JasSch(2126) whispers: Practically speaking, I'm not sure this is a draw.
pbeccari(1880) whispers: Bc4 focusing on g8 to emphasize the draw
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: intersting endgame
LNO(1859) whispers: i saw a lecture on this, it is a draw if whites bishop is not trapped on the short diagonal 57...Bh4 (1:08)
LNO(1859) whispers: at least if i understood the lecture , so thats my disclaimer :)
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: but this only if the b fights a lone pawn and b 58.Bd3 (0:20)
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: b+p vs b
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: here are 3 vs 1
LNO(1859) whispers: yes 58...Kxd6 (0:33)
LNO(1859) whispers: ok 59.Be4 (0:11)
rsekhar(1663) whispers: sucks for blacks! 59...Ke5 (0:05)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: I do not understand most endings except basic R-ending :) 60.Bc2 (0:02)
pbeccari(1880) whispers: still thinking that after Bc4 white was ok
pbeccari(1880) whispers: but probably he's ok no matter what
LNO(1859) whispers: well the ending is Raptors favourite, but I think he likes the R endings more
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: yes, it is ok
Triarius(2170) whispers: keep in mind taht black's promotion square on h file cannot be controlled by his bishop
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: black can exchange f or h.pawn vs white's g pawn
pbeccari(1880) whispers: he can't
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: but both queening squares are white
pbeccari(1880) whispers: f5 gxf5 gxf5 Bxf5 draw
LNO(1859) whispers: the last capture was on move 58
Triarius(2170) whispers: here f5 gf5 gf5 Bf5 draw
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: thats right pbeccari
LNO(1859) whispers: does the server have the 50 move rule? anyone know?
GBate(1741) whispers: Yes
Miltie(1812) whispers: I beleieve so
Triarius(2170) whispers: it does, but you have to type draw
GBate(1741) whispers: You have to claim it
JasSch(2126) whispers: You mean you don't have to claim it, GB?
WMKnight(1791) whispers: no where close to 50 moves here
LNO(1859) whispers: ok i think you have to claim it on repetition also
Triarius(2170) whispers: you have to, like the repetition
GBate(1741) whispers: Yes, you have to claim it--that is what I just said
WMKnight(1791) whispers: yes you do
Triarius(2170) whispers: (you might)
LNO(1859) whispers: and in reral life too
WMKnight(1791) whispers: claim on repitition and 50 move rule
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: EVERY type of draw
WMKnight(1791) whispers: NM and SM are auto though of course.
LNO(1859) whispers: *real
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: you have type (accept)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: except those "forced"
WMKnight(1791) whispers: you only have to type accept for an agreed draw
Triarius(2170) whispers: OTB you have to indicate the moves (and the move number in this case)
WMKnight(1791) whispers: if its 50move or 3peat its a draw once claimed
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: great game by donpachi and OldRaptor
LNO(1859) whispers: yes IRL you must have the scoresheet correct 60...Bg5 (5:04)
WMKnight(1791) whispers: what life am I in right now? 61.Bd3 (0:04)
WMKnight(1791) whispers: if not the real one? 61...Bc1 (0:13)
Triarius(2170) whispers: fortress for white? 62.Bc2 (0:03) Ke6 (0:21) 63.Bd3 (0:03)
LNO(1859) whispers: well WMKnight we cannot be sure if this is real life ;) 63...Kf7 (0:10) 64.Bc2 (0:04)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: yes, it is some kind of fortress
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: i can't see any way for black to win this 64...Kg7 (0:11)
Triarius(2170) whispers: lol h5 gh5 g5? 65.Bd3 (0:05) Kh6 (0:11) 66.Bc2 (0:04) Kg5 (0:12) 67.Bd3 (0:03) h5 (0:11)
Triarius(2170) whispers: h5 might 68.gxh5 (0:06)
Triarius(2170) whispers: k takes ofc 68...Kxh5 (0:10) 69.Bc2 (0:03)
LNO(1859) whispers: bad news: last capture is on move 68 now ;) 69...f5 (0:59)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: I think every pawn move resets 50 move count 70.Kg3 (0:36) Kg5 (0:05)
GBate(1741) whispers: Correct 71.Bd1 (0:15)
LNO(1859) whispers: oh yes i forgot
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: yes capture or pawn move 71...Kf6 (0:18)
LNO(1859) whispers: well the time here in sweden is 00:00 and I must get up 06:00 72.Bf3 (0:24)
Keresch(1945) whispers: the bishop should be on the long diaganol 72...g5 (0:04) 73.Bd1 (0:17)
Triarius(2170) whispers: white probably needed Ke4 and Be2 (keeping the bishop on d1-h5) to draw
LNO(1859) whispers: so oldraptor better win this now or else ... 73...Bf4+ (0:17)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: it looks drawish as black lacks control over g4
LNO(1859) whispers: yes of course its very drawish 74.Kh3 (0:28)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: maybe black can force zugzwang by marching kind to e3
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: *king
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: no way
LNO(1859) whispers: but we cant blam black for trying
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: king needs to be on e2 b on g2,
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: B can go for d1 and h5 points 74...Bc7 (0:35)
predkoo(1864) whispers: here in Russia it's 4 a.m. But the game is so interesting
LNO(1859) whispers: yes it is
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: i remember the other way b on e2 and k on g2 is losing 75.Bf3 (0:48) Ke5 (0:03)
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: but maybe i am wrong here
Triarius(2170) whispers: if black pushes the f pawn, white can draw (blockade)
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: as long as B and K would control g4
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: the game should be drawn
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: if Ke3 and f5 thann B1 - controlling f3
NokiaTwenty(2015) whispers: and the draw is obvious even to me ;)
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: of course, as Kf4 fails as white blockades g2/f3 76.Bc6 (1:51)
Triarius(2170) whispers: drawing setup for white already? 76...Kf4 (0:08) 77.Kg2 (0:35) g4 (0:13)
Triarius(2170) whispers: let's see if he can regroup
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: slow, but sure
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: ke3 bd7
Triarius(2170) whispers: just by moving the bishop now?
predkoo(1864) whispers: If I'm not mistaken, Kg2, Bd1 vs f4+g4 pawns = draw according to Silman 78.Bd7 (0:57)
Triarius(2170) whispers: the king is on the right square, bishop on the right diagonal 78...Kg5 (0:36)
Triarius(2170) whispers: yeah just control f3 with king and bishop now 79.Bc6 (0:07) f4 (0:09)
Triarius(2170) whispers: drawn 80.Bb7 (2:19)
Triarius(2170) whispers: as the black king tries to support the f3-push, it leaves the defence on g4 pawn
Triarius(2170) whispers: no kf6-e5-d4-e3 plan then
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: so fragile
smallblackcat(2119) whispers: I'm trying to remember, is this kind of position winnable if the pawns are more central?
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: I think my f4 may have been a mistake
predkoo(1864) whispers: that's why it's better to keep white B at d1-e2 squares
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: kf6
OldRaptor(1954) whispers: it's a draw i believe
smallblackcat(2119) whispers: just thinking that if the king can penetrate to either side, it helps, but I seem to recall they are drawn anyway
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: kf6 bc8 f3
WilkBardzoZly(1753) whispers: Kf6 Bc8 f3 Kf2 Kg5 Bb7 Kf4 ? 80...Kh4 (3:01)
Keresch(1945) whispers: oh no
Keresch(1945) whispers: this is winning 81.Be4 (0:15)
smallblackcat(2119) whispers: this is clearly drawn
LNO(1859) whispers: yes this must be a draw
Keresch(1945) whispers: put the king on e3 and push the pawn
smallblackcat(2119) whispers: as triarius says, if the black king tries to penetrate white can attack g4 and force it forward
KRMCHESS(1953) whispers: then g4 falls 81...Kg5 (0:47) 82.Bb7 (0:03) Kf5 (0:03) 83.Bc8+ (0:06)
Keresch(1945) whispers: then maybe they should shake hands :))
Boobyslegacy(2061) whispers: not neccessarily, if k on e3 and b attacks g4 then f3+ and k f4
smallblackcat(2119) whispers: right, white has to attack it in time OldRaptor offers a draw. donpachi accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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