balckedurr(2379) vs. gnucheese(2443) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 15+5, 2013-03-23
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: g8f6 score=1 1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: e7e6 score=1 2...e6 (0:00) 3.Nf3 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: d7d5 score=71 3...d5 (0:00) 4.g3 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: f8e7 score=6 4...Be7 (0:00) 5.Bg2 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: e8g8 score=11 5...O-O (0:00) 6.O-O (0:07)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: d5c4 score=9 6...dxc4 (0:00) 7.Qc2 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: a7a6 score=8 7...a6 (0:00) 8.Qxc4 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: b7b5 score=246 8...b5 (0:00) 9.Qc2 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: c8b7 score=246 9...Bb7 (0:00) 10.Bd2 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: Bookmove: a8a7 score=15 10...Ra7 (0:00) 11.Rc1 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=17 score=0.26 time=34.25 node=36469454 speed=1064801 pv=Be4 Qb3 Nc6 e3 Bd5 Qd3 Bc4 Rxc4 bxc4 Qxc4 Qd5 Qc1 Qd6 Nc3 Rb8 Ng5 Nd5 Nxd5 11...Be4 (0:34) 12.Qb3 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=0.42 time=29.03 node=30858152 speed=1062974 pv=Nc6 e3 Bd5 Qd3 Qd7 Nc3 Bxf3 Bxf3 Ne5 Qe2 Nxf3+ Qxf3 e5 dxe5 Qxd2 exf6 Bxf6 Ne4 Qxb2 Nxf6+ Qxf6 Qxf6 gxf6 12...Nc6 (0:20) 13.e3 (0:37)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=20 score=0.37 time=42.04 node=46575344 speed=1107881 pv=Bd5 Qd3 Qd7 Nc3 Bxf3 Bxf3 Ne5 Qe2 Nxf3+ Qxf3 c5 Ne2 e5 Ba5 cxd4 exd4 e4 Qf4 Rb7 Qe3 Bd6 Rc2 Rc8 13...Bd5 (0:05) 14.Qd1 (0:33)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=19 score=0.23 time=39.78 node=43741856 speed=1099594 pv=b4 a3 Na5 Bxb4 Bxb4 axb4 Nb3 Ne5 Nxc1 Bxd5 Qxd5 Qxc1 Qb7 Nc3 Raa8 Ra4 g6 Qb1 Rfd8 Qd3 14...b4 (0:40) 15.Ne1 (0:11)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=17 score=0.17 time=25.10 node=27450157 speed=1093631 pv=Qe8 Bxd5 exd5 Qa4 Nd8 Qxe8 Rxe8 Nd3 Rb7 Be1 Kf8 Nd2 Bd6 Nb3 Ne6 Rc6 Ng5 Rxa6 Nfe4 Kg2 15...Qe8 (0:25) 16.a3 (0:19)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.14 time=31.90 node=35601272 speed=1116027 pv=a5 axb4 Nxb4 Bxb4 Bxb4 Nc3 Bxg2 Nxg2 e5 dxe5 Qxe5 Nf4 Rb7 Qc2 Rfb8 Nd3 Qe6 Rd1 Ng4 Nf4 16...a5 (0:32) 17.Bxd5 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=21 score=-0.35 time=48.43 node=56353368 speed=1163604 pv=exd5 axb4 Nxb4 Bxb4 Bxb4 Nd3 Qb5 Nc3 Bxc3 Rxc3 Ne4 Rc2 Re8 Rac1 Re7 Qe2 Rb7 f3 Nd6 Nc5 Qxe2 Rxe2 17...exd5 (0:48) 18.axb4 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=20 score=-0.47 time=36.82 node=42195205 speed=1145986 pv=Nxb4 Bxb4 Bxb4 Nd3 Qb5 Nc3 Bxc3 Rxc3 Ne4 Rc2 Re8 Rac1 Re7 Qe2 Kf8 Rc6 f5 Kf1 Kg8 Nf4 Rb7 18...Nxb4 (0:27) 19.Bxb4 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=19 score=-0.38 time=24.31 node=27506386 speed=1131484 pv=Bxb4 Nd3 Qe7 Nc3 Rb7 Nxb4 Qxb4 Qa4 Qxa4 Nxa4 g5 b3 Ra8 Nc5 Rbb8 h3 Rb6 Kg2 g4 19...Bxb4 (0:15) 20.Nd3 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=20 score=-0.59 time=30.28 node=33957884 speed=1121462 pv=Qe7 Nc3 Rb7 Nxb4 Qxb4 Na4 Qd6 b3 Rfb8 Nc5 Rb5 Qd3 Qb6 f3 Qc6 Qd2 Re8 Kf2 Qb6 Ra4 Qd6 Rxa5 20...Qe7 (0:22) 21.Nc3 (0:18)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.59 time=26.18 node=29616229 speed=1131253 pv=Rb7 Nxb4 Qxb4 Na4 Qd6 b3 Ra8 Nc5 Rb4 Qf3 g6 Rc2 Nd7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Rac1 Ra7 Rc5 Rb5 Rxb5 Qxb5 21...Rb7 (0:07) 22.Ra4 (0:20)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=16 score=-0.78 time=25.04 node=28118227 speed=1122932 pv=Qd7 Na2 Bd6 Rxa5 Rfb8 Qe2 Rb5 Rxb5 Qxb5 Nc3 Qa6 b4 Re8 Nc5 Qa3 Qc2 Rb8 Rb1 Bxc5 22...Qd7 (0:25) 23.Na2 (0:23)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.93 time=29.80 node=34282020 speed=1150403 pv=Bd6 Rxa5 Rfb8 Nc3 c6 Rca1 Qh3 Qf1 Qc8 Ra7 Rxa7 Rxa7 Qf5 Qe2 Ne4 f4 Nxc3 bxc3 Kf8 Kf2 23...Bd6 (0:06) 24.Rxa5 (0:13)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-1.00 time=28.84 node=33773677 speed=1171070 pv=Rfb8 Nc3 Bb4 Ra6 Qf5 Qe2 Re8 Nxb4 Rxb4 Nb5 Rb8 Nxc7 R4b7 Rc2 Qd7 Rac6 Rc8 Rxf6 gxf6 24...Rfb8 (0:14) 25.Nc3 (0:10)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.96 time=24.77 node=29715788 speed=1199668 pv=c6 Ra6 Qc8 Rca1 Rc7 Qf1 Qf5 Qe2 Re8 Ra8 Rcc8 R8a7 Rb8 R1a6 Qc8 Qc2 Rb7 Ra1 25...c6 (0:15) 26.Na4 (0:10)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-1.01 time=26.24 node=33616454 speed=1281114 pv=Qc8 Nac5 Re7 Rca1 h5 Qf3 h4 Ra6 hxg3 hxg3 Bxc5 dxc5 Re4 Qe2 Ng4 Ra7 Rb5 Ra8 Rb8 26...Qc8 (0:26) 27.Qc2 (0:07)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-1.28 time=49.30 node=61331303 speed=1244042 pv=Rc7 Nac5 Re7 Qa4 Re8 Ra7 Qf5 Qxc6 Bxc5 Nxc5 Rxb2 Rf1 h6 Qc7 Rf8 Kg2 Ne4 Qf4 Qxf4 gxf4 f5 27...Rc7 (0:49) 28.Ndc5 (0:17)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-0.68 time=17.97 node=22221355 speed=1236580 pv=Qh3 Qe2 Rbc8 f3 Re8 Qf2 Rce7 Re1 h5 Nc3 Qf5 e4 dxe4 N3xe4 Nxe4 fxe4 Qxf2+ Kxf2 Bxc5 Rxc5 Rxe4 28...Qh3 (0:18) 29.Na6 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=16 score=-1.46 time=32.33 node=44315816 speed=1370733 pv=Ra8 Nb6 Ng4 f3 Nxe3 Qf2 Rca7 Qxe3 Re7 Qf2 Rae8 Raa1 Re2 Re1 Rxf2 Rxe8+ Bf8 Kxf2 Qxh2+ Ke3 29...Ra8 (0:32) 30.Nb6 (0:20)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=16 score=-1.76 time=21.50 node=29416682 speed=1368217 pv=Raa7 Qd2 h6 f3 Rcb7 Rxc6 Bxg3 Nxd5 Nxd5 Rxd5 Bh4 Qe2 Ra8 Re5 Bf6 Rec5 Bh4 Rh5 30...Raa7 (0:01) 31.Qe2 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=16 score=-1.62 time=23.88 node=30394441 speed=1272799 pv=g6 Ra4 Ng4 f3 Bxg3 hxg3 Rcb7 Nc5 Qxg3+ Qg2 Qxg2+ Kxg2 Nxe3+ Kf2 Rxa4 Ncxa4 Nf5 Rxc6 Nxd4 Rc5 Ra7 Rxd5 31...g6 (0:24) 32.Qf1 (0:13)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=17 score=-1.90 time=18.16 node=22955258 speed=1264056 pv=Qh6 Qe2 Qh3 Ra4 Ng4 f3 Bxg3 hxg3 Rcb7 Nc5 Qxg3+ Qg2 Qxg2+ Kxg2 Nxe3+ Kf2 Rxa4 Ncxa4 Nf5 Rxc6 Nxd4 32...Qh6 (0:18) 33.Kg2 (0:16)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=15 score=-2.27 time=19.98 node=25420785 speed=1272311 pv=Ng4 Qg1 g5 h3 Nf6 Qe1 g4 h4 Ne4 Nxc7 Rxc7 Ra8+ Kg7 Nc8 Qe6 Nxd6 Qxd6 33...Ng4 (0:20) 34.Qg1 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=15 score=-2.22 time=20.86 node=27107668 speed=1299504 pv=Qf8 Qe1 Bb4 Qxb4 Qxb4 Nxb4 Rxa5 N4xd5 cxd5 Rxc7 Rb5 Na4 Kg7 Ra7 Rb8 h3 Nf6 Rc7 34...Qf8 (0:13) 35.Qd1 (0:12)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=16 score=-2.64 time=15.64 node=19860282 speed=1269839 pv=h5 h3 Nxf2 Kxf2 Qd8 Nxc7 Bxg3+ Kg2 Rxa5 Ncxd5 Bh4 Rxc6 Qg5+ Kf1 Rxd5 Nxd5 Qxd5 Rc5 Qe4 Ke2 Bg3 35...h5 (0:16) 36.b4 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=17 score=-2.56 time=22.18 node=28767090 speed=1296983 pv=Bxb4 Ra4 Rxa6 Rxa6 Qe7 Ra8+ Kg7 Qf3 Bd6 h3 Nf6 Rca1 Qe6 Rb8 Qe4 Qxe4 Nxe4 Re8 36...Bxb4 (0:22) 37.Ra4 (0:10)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=17 score=-3.10 time=32.62 node=43636630 speed=1337726 pv=Rcb7 Rxc6 Be7 h3 Nf6 Qf3 h4 Nxd5 Nxd5 Qxd5 Kh7 Nc5 Rxa4 Nxb7 hxg3 fxg3 Ra1 37...Rcb7 (0:22) 38.Rxc6 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=15 score=-3.51 time=14.41 node=20092292 speed=1394329 pv=Be7 Nc5 Bxc5 dxc5 Rxa4 Qxa4 Kh7 h3 Ne5 Rc8 Qg7 Qa8 f6 f4 Nd3 38...Be7 (0:06) 39.Nc5 (0:09)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=17 score=-3.86 time=20.22 node=28090140 speed=1389225 pv=Bxc5 dxc5 Rxa4 Qxa4 Qe7 h3 Nxe3+ fxe3 Qxe3 Qa2 Qe5 Rd6 Kh7 Rxd5 Qe4+ Kh2 h4 gxh4 Qf4+ Kg2 Re7 Qf2 39...Bxc5 (0:10) 40.dxc5 (0:06)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-3.42 time=25.33 node=35407481 speed=1397847 pv=Rxa4 Qxa4 Qe7 Nxd5 Qd7 Qe4 Rb2 Nf6+ Nxf6 Rxf6 Qb7 Qxb7 Rxb7 Rc6 Ra7 Kf3 Kg7 Rd6 Ra5 c6 Rc5 40...Rxa4 (0:19) 41.Qxa4 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=16 score=-4.00 time=13.97 node=18811865 speed=1346590 pv=Rb8 Rd6 Qg7 Qd4 Kh7 Nxd5 Qxd4 exd4 Rb2 Nf6+ Kg7 Nxg4 hxg4 Rd7 Rc2 Rc7 Kf6 d5 41...Rb8 (0:05) 42.Nd7 (0:08)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-5.00 time=13.85 node=19099355 speed=1379014 pv=Ra8 Qd4 Qe7 Qxd5 Kh7 h3 Nh6 Rd6 Ra4 c6 Ra8 c7 Rh8 e4 h4 Qc6 Rc8 Nf6+ Kh8 42...Ra8 (0:14) 43.Qb3 (0:22)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=19 score=-5.20 time=17.59 node=24216810 speed=1376737 pv=Qe7 Qxd5 Kg7 h3 Rd8 Rd6 Nxe3+ fxe3 Qxe3 Qf3 Qxf3+ Kxf3 Ra8 Ke4 Ra3 Rd3 f5+ Kd4 Ra6 Ne5 Ra4+ Nc4 Ra7 Rb3 h4 gxh4 43...Qe7 (0:18) 44.Qxd5 (0:19)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=19 score=-5.31 time=20.56 node=28471335 speed=1384792 pv=Kg7 h3 Rd8 Rd6 Nxe3+ fxe3 Qxe3 Qf3 Qxf3+ Kxf3 Ra8 Rd3 Rc8 Kf4 Rc7 Rd6 Ra7 Ne5 h4 gxh4 f6 Rd7+ Rxd7 44...Kg7 (0:01) 45.h3 (0:16)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=19 score=-5.77 time=22.99 node=31665867 speed=1377375 pv=Rd8 Rd6 Nxe3+ fxe3 Qxe3 Qd4+ Qxd4 Rxd4 Rc8 Kf3 Rc7 Ke4 h4 g4 Kh7 Kf4 Kh6 Rd3 Ra7 c6 Kg7 g5 Rc7 Ne5 45...Rd8 (0:05) 46.Rd6 (0:30)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=21 score=-6.04 time=34.73 node=48701859 speed=1402299 pv=Nxe3+ fxe3 Qxe3 Qd4+ Qxd4 Rxd4 Rc8 Kf3 Rc7 Ke4 h4 g4 Kh6 Kf4 Kg7 Rd6 Rb7 Kg5 Rb4 Kxh4 Rb3 g5 Rb4+ Kg3 Rb3+ Kg4 46...Nxe3+ (0:04) 47.fxe3 (0:15)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=21 score=-6.17 time=19.64 node=27669776 speed=1408848 pv=Qxe3 Qd4+ Qxd4 Rxd4 Rc8 Kf3 Rc7 Ke4 h4 g4 Kh6 Kf4 Kg7 Kg5 Rc8 Kxh4 Rh8+ Kg3 Ra8 g5 Ra3+ Kg4 Rc3 Rd6 Rc4+ Kg3 Rb4 47...Qxe3 (0:05) 48.Qf3 (0:11)
GnuCheese(2443) whispers: depth=18 score=-6.04 time=13.27 node=18921201 speed=1425862 pv=Qe7 Qc3+ Kh6 Qd2+ Kg7 Qd4+ Kh6 Ne5 Re8 Qf4+ Kg7 Rd7 Qe6 Qxf7+ Qxf7 Nxf7 Kf6 Nd8 Re7 Rd6+ Kf5 c6 Re3 Rd7 Rc3 GnuCheese resigns 1-0
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