funkmaus(2132) vs. cuilin(2059) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-02-24
Cuilin(2059) whispers: oops?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Another 1.e4 game with no preparation
Cuilin(2059) whispers: OK, I'm always up for a nice game of real chess :) 1...e5 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: choices 2.Nf3 (0:32) Nc6 (0:02) 3.Bc4 (0:06) Bc5 (0:03)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: ahh drat, no kg lol
Cuilin(2059) whispers: shame for all the time rereading all those Anti-Benonis though ;)
milpat(1948) whispers: b4
milpat(1948) whispers: c'mon
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Captain Evans or the c3-line which I probably know best (from black s side)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: c3 is book
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: d3 is safest option
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: thinking... choices again 4.c3 (3:27) Nf6 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: this one is +++FUN
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: yes this. sac the N@h7 5.d4 (0:24) exd4 (0:03) 6.cxd4 (0:02) Bb4+ (0:01)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: thinking of Bd2 option, but will probably go into the theoretical book line I remember it well from my past life :p 7.Nc3 (2:57) Nxe4 (0:32) 8.O-O (0:08) Bxc3 (0:05) 9.d5 (0:44)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: interesting mouse... you don't know or don't like qd3 lines? 9...Bf6 (0:06)
KayVee(1379) whispers: bishops opening - kinda 10.Re1 (0:21) Ne7 (0:06) 11.Rxe4 (0:05) d6 (0:02) 12.Bg5 (0:17)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes, qd3 was book if i remember right 12...Bxg5 (0:10) 13.Nxg5 (0:03) h6 (0:04)
KayVee(1379) whispers: Yes. All the quick takes and it diverged fast
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: he doesnt castle into a draw... ok.. challenging line with interposed B@e6 14.Qe2 (0:38) hxg5 (0:08) 15.Re1 (0:10) Be6 (0:03) 16.dxe6 (0:10)
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: why do they playing so fast? 16...f6 (0:06)
KayVee(1379) whispers: wow - attacking chess
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: some kind of racing?
KayVee(1379) whispers: blitz TL
wolfypup(1905) whispers: it's all still tjheory nokia
Psycho(1832) whispers: its all theory so far I think
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: It looks like one of the players (playing that fast) is... me!
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: how many moves they are "in the book" yet?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: well my book ends here :O
Cuilin(2059) whispers: amazing - I thought this line was nearly dead, and now Funk plays it against me of all people!
KayVee(1379) whispers: Wow - this is book ?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: totally weird
wolfypup(1905) whispers: sideline noted as -+
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: who wrote that book?
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Salvador Dali?
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: ;)
KayVee(1379) whispers: lol
wolfypup(1905) whispers: lots of people, this is one of the original MCO lines
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: why black is +/-?
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: could anyone explain that?
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: black play bit similar 2 me
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: don't hurry with castle :D 17.Re3 (3:20) c6 (0:08)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: because white's whole plan is to remove the n from e7 and it takes long where black's extra material can make the difference
xivarmy(2015) whispers: i don'
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: but what about a B vs N and doubled pawns?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: t think it's quite -/+ yet
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes it's noted as -+ in ECO 18.Bb3 (2:14)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: he can t castle now.
xivarmy(2015) whispers: e6 is hard to win. and black can't just storm ahead with the d-pawn really while e6 is still there
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: slightly recall the Rh3 RxR gxR g6 Qf3 line, but there the Qa5 responce been strong
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: maybe computers refuted it for white already, I have no clue about 1...e5 openings since I have stopped playing them myself in early 2007
wolfypup(1905) whispers: i think qb6 and ooo and black is ok
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: after d5 play a4 maybe, if he later 0-0-0 I have the a-pawn rolling into it.
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: d5/Qc7, is there h3 or g3 the move?!
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: If black player is 2300-2400 player
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: is it "obvious" win to him at this moment?
KayVee(1379) whispers: center passed pawn that can't be blockaded easily with so many pieces on board
KayVee(1379) whispers: maybe?
KayVee(1379) whispers: OTOH - white has a passed pawn on the 6th as well
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: hmm, rather h3, Rh3 and Rdh8 is fast after g3
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: a4-a5-a6, one ....b5 kills my idea. should have Bd3, maybe :/
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes but white's b has no targets so black n is fine to blockade
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: he s thinking for first time in the game. now i must have taken him outta book too :p
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: after 18 move - it is nice to know someone is "out of book" (now) :D
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: :)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: ArchEnemies
KayVee(1379) whispers: lol
wmahan(2112) whispers: I don't really see white's compensation for the pawn
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Not impatient today - good sign
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Remember myself playing this game as black back in 2004 at state championship where after 13.Ng5 spend 40 minutes on whether I can castle or not
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: and had already used like an hour, while my opp. only 5 minutes, and it ended up perpetual check draw
xivarmy(2015) whispers: the line funkmaus aluded to earlier with Rh3 instead of Bb3 white gets penetration. As it stands it mostly feels like white has black a little tied down but can't do anything with it. still, all those open lines could turn into something once black tries to castle. hard to imagine wanting this position as white though.
gutierez(1911) whispers: Hello
wolfypup(1905) whispers: i still like qb6 and castle long 18...Qa5 (19:05)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: i prefer Qc7 and castle long. but it is thinkable that once castled long white can manufacture an attack
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: the italian game is an interesting opening - modern lines tend towards 5 d3 instead of old 5 d4 - just dont listen anything nigel davies has to say about it - his analysis is rubbish
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: the goes my a-pawn push idea, but dont have to worry about mate threat on h2
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: i've resorted to using an engine to make a nice opening book on this italian
wolfypup(1905) whispers: i recommend houdini's monte carlo to give hints what might be good, then the engine's (norma) analysis to the actual moves...
wolfypup(1905) whispers: a trick with the monte carlo method is don't look at the move on the table, look at the one after it for your hints at good moves
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: thx but i just let houdini run for 10 minutes a move ...pts ideas are usually very good .. mostly
wolfypup(1905) whispers: admitted, mostly monte carlo is for unclear positions, but i've seen it bring up some interesting stats in what looks like even positions from time to time
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: i dont need a rocket science opening book .. just up to move 10 ok :D
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: i'll check this monte carlo out thx 19.h3 (7:23)
golddust(2129) whispers: is Maus going to castle today?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Still do have to worry about Qc7, when after 0-0-0 will play Bc2-Ra3.
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: somehow no attacking ideas until he castles
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: go Funkmaus
gutierez(1911) whispers: Go go Funkmaus 19...O-O-O (3:52)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: come on mouse, he didn't play qb6 so d5 and d4 bnot relly an option anymore
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: can he... take both pawns (a2 and b2) after Bc2? - or is it just suicide... gonna look deeper before sac more material for no reason
golddust(2129) whispers: d5 certainly an aoption. Also Queen probably should return to c7 after d5. Open h file to be utilized. Maus is in good shape.
NokiaTwenty(1968) whispers: Have you ever seen Maus not being in a good shape? ;)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: maus is white golddust
wolfypup(1905) whispers: i was thinking more of returning the favour of an advanced pastie, so qb6 is a better fit for that plan
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: pastie? - someone mention food ? :D
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: the only thing I have from having all majors on e-file is that his N cant move
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: but it will change after ...d5
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: doubt it's economy having 3 major pieces to freeze a minor piece though :D
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes fred, a chess game is like a doner jebab. if not managed well it has a messy ending
golddust(2129) whispers: OK looks like I have made an enormous error in mistaking Maus to be black. Take everything back :(
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Bc4 for the Ra3 threat? 20.Bd1 (6:21)
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: btw, what does d5 change regarding the 3 majors on the e-file and the frozen N? :-/
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: now taking a2 isnt attractive at all - b2 doesnt hang
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: in a blitz game, I would Kb8 here without thinking, is there anything better?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: excuses for failure calc. in a forcing line :< Bc2 Qxa2 Ra3 Qxb2 Rxa7
wolfypup(1905) whispers: not a lot regarding the n for the moment, and kb8 good because then white's b really has no targets ever, but d5 and d4 start to throw white in disarray
xivarmy(2015) whispers: f5 is interesting, get g4 in and renew threats against h2
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: double rooks on the h-file then play g4
golddust(2129) whispers: Qxa2 probably noyt an option for black because of Ra3 20...Kb8 (2:34)
golddust(2129) whispers: and now Ra3 good for Maus :)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Ra3 Qe5 Qd2 thanks intuition, i played h3 already :)) 21.Ra3 (0:50)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: forcing the q to b6 where it should have gone in the fiurst place
xivarmy(2015) whispers: c7 a better location now i think, on b6 white can switch attack to b-file at will with Rb3
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: isn't Qc7 an alternative, I would guess Qb6 invites Rb3?
golddust(2129) whispers: and then Rb3, Qa5, Ra3, Qb6, ... and we have a draw.
golddust(2129) whispers: so Qb6 not so good. Queen has, d5, f5, and c7
wolfypup(1905) whispers: nope, after rb3 it goes to c7 but in the meantime it displaces white's r
wolfypup(1905) whispers: don't like white's attacking theme4s on a7 with the r on a3
xivarmy(2015) whispers: white rook doesn't go to b3 immediately, builds up more pieces into the attack first. queen moves aside, other rook raises to the fourth so it can go to a4/b4
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: I'm not so sure the white rook is worse on b3 than a3?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: on c7 at least black's queen is involved in the attack themes on white's king after d5
wolfypup(1905) whispers: on b6 it prevents f pawn move making attackin the pawns on k side easier
xivarmy(2015) whispers: don't need the f-pawn pinned. h3 is already a giant target
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: heh Qb6 or Qc7, b4 any good?!
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: one pawn down... or two... tempted to go for it.
wolfypup(1905) whispers: get blackdemon in here on analysis mode lol
xivarmy(2015) whispers: plus on c7, b6 is an option to defend any attack pileup
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: if his clock goes under 20 after the move, for sure
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: must complicate
golddust(2129) whispers: Qb6, b4, Qxb4 - why not?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: present enough play the opening where he (well both) knew the book.
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: whole line is ill , imo , sorry 21...Qb4 (7:37)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: lol didnt consider it... but prevents my b4-crap directly :p
golddust(2129) whispers: so is black asking for a draw by repetion? Rb3, a3, etc
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qe3, can't take cause the rs pile on b file and q is poised
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qe3 Qb6 i guess
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: checking my database, all seems to be theory until 18.Bb3 ("my" book ended after 11.- d6) :p
xivarmy(2015) whispers: the continuation of theory at that point had not gone well for white though, so one can understand trying to find a different way
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: wow!
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yeah mine after 16 ... f6 was end of my knowledge
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: I think I have it: Kf1 and regrouping pieces.
xivarmy(2015) whispers: really? Kf1 Qb5 and white's compensation is nonexistent no?
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: if 22.Qe3, could black just laugh and play ...Nd5 -- after 23.Qxa7+ Kc8 and white has nothing, the rook on e1 is en prise, and Ra8 is threatened
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: if it comes down to q-trade, K is better in centre, dont have to calculate with g4-shot and mate on h2/h1, will runaway via e3
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: *e2
DragonAce(1876) whispers: Go Funkmaus!
wolfypup(1905) whispers: though.. it does open c file for both 22.Kf1 (7:41)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: :) was struggeling finding attacking ideas, now from backrank :) looks cute
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: MrLatvian, Ra8 is not threatened with the black king on c8?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: there's still the more ambitious f5-g4 as well
ivey(2109) whispers: kf1 looks starnge
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: thanks mad, i meant Kc7
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: then Qa5+ exchanges queens and white has some hope having regained the pawn although black is better?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: d5 must be an option now
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: as black i'd love to have the queens off -- makes it easier to snarf the doomed e6 pawn
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: need a ~o) cappucino, - take ur time, I brb quick
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: MrL, me too but I couldn't find another way to cope with Re1 hanging and the Ra8 threat in our line
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: but now, i gotta like ...d5 followed by Qd6 eyeing h2 and removing Her Majesty from the crossfire 22...d5 (5:27)
KayVee(1379) whispers: Hmm - how abt Rb3 then for white
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: Also if given time, black has Ne7-g6-e5 ideas
KayVee(1379) whispers: followed by Qa6 - or something like that
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: thinking of trades... I keep forgetting that i am pawn down :/
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rb3 kinda pointless now, q can play behind and support opawns while rs double behind d5
KayVee(1379) whispers: oh - yes - Q can get to c7
KayVee(1379) whispers: thx wolfy 23.Qe3 (3:12)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: also id preparation for two wing attacks with q on c7 and rs on d can open k side with pawns and push d
wolfypup(1905) whispers: d4 fits that plan
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: Nc8 :))
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: rb3 qa5 a4
xivarmy(2015) whispers: i still like Qb6 here
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: ugh
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: underestimated d4
wolfypup(1905) whispers: d4 and no threats on a file cause it's defended
xivarmy(2015) whispers: d4 is interesting as well, i just don't know if it continues being an aid, or becomes a target instead
wolfypup(1905) whispers: d4 rd6 rhd
wolfypup(1905) whispers: also manoeuvre q to c7
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Qb6
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qb6 just trades. d4 advances paewn, hits q, defends a7
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: unless black will find something better
xivarmy(2015) whispers: just trades while already up a pawn, and potentially up two since e6 is hard to support in ending 23...d4 (4:53)
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: !
xivarmy(2015) whispers: well this is at least the more entertaining move to watch :)
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: as white, now where do you put the Q
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: risky but why not try
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: I would expect Qg3 ?
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: qg3+ qd6 qb3-a4
wolfypup(1905) whispers: forcing too cause wrong q move and k comes under fire
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: black could play Rd6 in response too (following up with Rhd8)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: staying at the point leads nowhere 24.Qg3+ (3:51) Qd6 (0:03)
golddust(2129) whispers: just a few moves and black's position appears to have improved a lot. Q exch probably not good for white.
floare(1786) whispers: Surely not good.
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qb3 Qh2 makes for an interesting calculation
wolfypup(1905) whispers: not good at all. with h3 no h file counters, and e6 starting to look a little shaky after swap
golddust(2129) whispers: the black passed d pawn is quite dangerous. 25.Qd3 (2:47)
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: on top of that .. black appears to have a mild initiative
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: + was bad. random. improved his Q. :(
golddust(2129) whispers: isn't h2 a dangerouns irruption for black queen?
golddust(2129) whispers: Qh2 very dangerous penetration of the black queen.
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: it (Qh2) looks interesting to say the least
wolfypup(1905) whispers: maybe with some preparation... someone mentioned f5 before? maybe now?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: less so here, Ke2 is a surprisingly safe spot atm with the d-pawn blocked
floare(1786) whispers: nf3 after qh2.
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Qh2 Bf3 and Qh1+ leads nowwhere
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: now black can go ahead with k- side pawns to attack
floare(1786) whispers: bf3*
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: yes, sadly but true, white had to swap queens
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: time to rumble? g6?
golddust(2129) whispers: Qh2, Bf3, then not Qh1+ but rook maneuvre
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qh2 Bf3 g4!? is still interesting
wolfypup(1905) whispers: f5 maybe quicker
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i tho about f5 2
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Qh2 almost forces Qg3+
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: b4 next, whatever comes
golddust(2129) whispers: yes Qg3+ is the best option under the circumstances
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Premoved?
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: black don't have to hurry with attack, they can just take a walk with pawns and dismantle kings defense
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Or, Qh2 Bf3 g5 Bxc6
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: No no
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: Rh6 kinda interesting
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Nxc6
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: yes i also like Rh6 which prepares Ng6-e5
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: yes mr latvian
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: that was my thinking too
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: how about Rb3 and Qh6 for white?
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: but probabily black won't let it happen
wolfypup(1905) whispers: why give away options?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: the more i look at f5 the more i like it
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: Rh6 i like its flexibilty
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: outblitz him
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Not sure why Kf1 was played earlier
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: objectivly im worse
wolfypup(1905) whispers: less flexible actually cause then can't double behiund d
floare(1786) whispers: rh6 seems a great move.
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: wolf you have a good point too. f5 also looks strong, prepares g4 and stops Bg4 activation
golddust(2129) whispers: I agree: why did K move to f1? Does anyone know?
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: white should use that N is blocked and go ahead with sharp counter
wolfypup(1905) whispers: mouse was scared of ghosts on h file
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: and f5 is good option
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: golddust & FinLip, I guess we better ask Maus, but I guess relieving the queen of defending the e1 rook?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: a bizarre decision from a long think golddust, somehow funk felt it important after Qb4 to have the K on f1 to cover the Re1 to rearrange i think
golddust(2129) whispers: Ghosts made her move the K to f1?
floare(1786) whispers: lol...
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: let black play Rh3 and so on
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Rh6 sorry
wolfypup(1905) whispers: ok going witgh rh6 for the moment, f5 allows rxp
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: real ghosts might make her move back to g1
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: e6 pawn is only danger for black
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: gosh :( f5-g5
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: I assume Cuilin is calculating Qh2, seems like the only move warranting such long think here?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: his attack is faster, right?!
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: miss that after b5 qxb5 fails R hangs
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: this Qg3+ was silly
golddust(2129) whispers: not a bad move Kg1.
xivarmy(2015) whispers: well the long think could also be so many candidate moves to choose between
golddust(2129) whispers: but I am afraid too late with Qh2 coming
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: 2 candidates imo : Rh6 or f5
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: Nothing wrong with Qh2 either. I agree - lots of reasonable moves here
floare(1786) whispers: f5 is also a good move.
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: he seems overwelme
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: overwelmed
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qh2 leads to q swap after qg3+
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: some puppies maybe lost again? :((
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: 16 minutes ooooh
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: that smells like a disconnect
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: getting impatient... no good
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: as some compensation in form of plustime 25...Rh6 (13:52)
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: hes overthinking - u might get lucky , maus
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: lol
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i was right! ;)
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: i like this moves flexibilty
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: He's going to take out pawn
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: its ... purity >:)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qd2 kills f5 push... 26.b4 (1:16)
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Qxb4
golddust(2129) whispers: Maus could begin a threat on the black king, but noyt with b4.
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: yes, thats the right way
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: take it idk
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: haha
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: that makes sense 26...Ng6 (0:58)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: gives place 4 sec rook
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: oh so that was idea of Rh6... shouldve seen
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: ng4 clearly better than qxb4
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qg3 forced now or k-q combination deadly
wolfypup(1905) whispers: n-q*
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: Rh6 had several reasons: this is why i liked it
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Bf3 Ne5 :((
golddust(2129) whispers: Qg3 is not going to work now because of Ne5.
sighlintschoop(1990) whispers: Bf3 Qh2? 27.e7 (2:00)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: whatever, go back please!
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: hmm, can't black just play Nxe7 here? :-/
wolfypup(1905) whispers: and there goes the game, yes
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: thats what she wants
golddust(2129) whispers: so the e pawn is gone and I am afraid without any compensation.
xivarmy(2015) whispers: yes, but the N is further back, gives white some time to try and make that b-pawn accomplish something to open the black king up 27...Nxe7 (1:08)
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: well... some real ghosts to worry about now
floare(1786) whispers: Maus sacs a pawn.
wolfypup(1905) whispers: 2 pawns...n b pawn falls too
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Bf3 now, I guess.
golddust(2129) whispers: is Maus going for b5?
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: Based on her previous whisper.
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: may as well
wolfypup(1905) whispers: what stops nd5-c3 now?
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: can't black play c5 on b5?
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: wolfy, ATM Qxd4?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: b5 c5 would be delightful for white, open up the line for a Bf3
wolfypup(1905) whispers: nxb4 and 2 pawns is enough 28.b5 (1:46) c5 (0:13)
FiNLiP(1733) whispers: cxb5
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: need to mix it up before all pices gone .. but how?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: oh, bf3 c4!?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: Qc4 forced?
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: bf3 c4 qe4!
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Bf3 c4 Qe4 with dual threats on taking the knight and mate
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: Bf3 c4 Qe4 Nd5 Qxd4 I guess (still not fancy c4 though) 29.b6 (1:39)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: black now are covered too
wolfypup(1905) whispers: Bf3 c4 Qe5 rd7
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qe4 rd7* 29...axb6 (0:24)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: it was all covered
bigwienke(1948) whispers: Funkmaus not liking her pawns this game
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: black has many toys to play with here :(
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qb3-Qa4 now i guess, but Kc7 is sufficient exit space 30.Bf3 (0:42)
Jammes(1888) whispers: bf3 threatening ra8 :)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: c4 wins now
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: first threat for.. 2 pawns
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: Qe4
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rd7 kills qe4 threats
xivarmy(2015) whispers: that Ra8 is an evil thought jammes :)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: high quality cheapo :)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: 3 pawns oh dear
KayVee(1379) whispers: Ra8 !!
xivarmy(2015) whispers: but Ra8 Kc7 still works
bigwienke(1948) whispers: Is Ra8 Kc7 so bad though?
KayVee(1379) whispers: Kxa8 Qa6
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: so also Ra8+ KxR Qh6+ and mate on b7
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: but that is easy, Kc7 after the check
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: Rd7 kills most cheapos no? 30...Nd5 (2:00)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: ok c4 wasn't easy to see under time pressure
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: the idea of c4 to get the d-pawn rolling?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: qf5 nc3 re6
wolfypup(1905) whispers: with the b no longer on d1 it rolls all the way too
xivarmy(2015) whispers: i'm not sure why you think c4 was so good, for instance c4 Qxc4 d3 Ra8+! actually worked because Kc7 unavailable
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: no need to give back pawns .. be greedy
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: :D
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: watchout for ...c4!
wolfypup(1905) whispers: analyse later xiv, i'll show you how much was involved there
xivarmy(2015) whispers: well what was your followup move to Qxc4?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: ra4 forced cause c4 still wins
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: my mentioned qf5 is bad, i see now then nb4! re6 qh2!
bigwienke(1948) whispers: xiv, Qxa3 31.Qc4 (3:56)
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: no need imo .. just kill the position quietly with Kc7
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: to a4, idea Re8, Qa8+ gets wild
xivarmy(2015) whispers: oops :) ok thanks big, no further questions on that line :) 31...Rhh8 (0:46)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: kg1 since qg3 no lohnger possible 32.Qa4 (1:08)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: everytime i get an idea, he makes ONE move and it is out
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: blacks postion is rock solid , unfortunately
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i guess black will exch rooks in e8 and then attack on h2
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: so if Qc6 Q+ Kc7 Re7+ works maybe 32...Qc6 (1:14)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qd7 stopped it
anandkvs(2055) whispers: It does not :(
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: off course after esc. of K
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Qa8+ Kc7 Re7+ Nxe7
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Qa7+
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qa7+ instead
anandkvs(2055) whispers: oh wah
floare(1786) whispers: qa7+
anandkvs(2055) whispers: there's Qa7+ as well 33.Qa7+ (0:57)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: but then Rd7 works for Re7+ 33...Kc7 (0:03)
bigwienke(1948) whispers: But Qa7 then Kc8 maybe ok
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: now BxN
golddust(2129) whispers: Qa7 or a8 check achieve little
wolfypup(1905) whispers: re7 rd7
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: and Re7+
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: check achieve zero
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Re7 Rd7 at least removes the Ra8 threat that now exists 34.Re7+ (0:50)
golddust(2129) whispers: black king well protected
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: well he can sac Q for sure, other options too bad, Ra8 been coming and Q for 2 rooks loses immediately to the passers
golddust(2129) whispers: Rd7 and thats the end
xivarmy(2015) whispers: and yes that's a good point too, Nxe7 is not all bad
anandkvs(2055) whispers: no need to sac q, Rd7 is fine
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: Rd7 is rock solid
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: hmm
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: no
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Rd7 Rxd7 Qxd7 Ra6 is possible maybe 34...Nxe7 (1:29)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: no need to take q it's not in the game at a7
anandkvs(2055) whispers: woah 35.Bxc6 (0:04) Nxc6 (0:00) 36.Qa4 (0:05)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: I guess d3
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yep
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: bit unnecessary but still winning
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: endgame will be incredible
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: the pawns rolls down quickly now
wolfypup(1905) whispers: nothing quick enough now for white
golddust(2129) whispers: Why black went for the queen loss I will never know! But he still has the d pawn
KayVee(1379) whispers: Re8 to lock the king maybe?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: q for r, n and 3 pawns, 9 points vs. 5+3+3, = -2
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Rhe8
floare(1786) whispers: re8.
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: well its a fancy way to win i guess 36...d3 (0:59)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: q for 2 bits and pawns almost unstoppable already? it was valid plan
wolfypup(1905) whispers: on qd1, c4 37.Qd1 (0:30)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: oh ye
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Nb4
floare(1786) whispers: ne5.
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: yes
golddust(2129) whispers: yes Ne5 or c4.
wolfypup(1905) whispers: c4. move em both
anandkvs(2055) whispers: c4 might be better
wolfypup(1905) whispers: and b5 can support c4
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Ne5? blocking R
anandkvs(2055) whispers: d2 is also ok
floare(1786) whispers: ne5 is good.
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: d2 then rhe8-e1
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: c4 perhaps
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: c4 Rc3 b5 a4
xivarmy(2015) whispers: d2 Re3 is a little concerning
wolfypup(1905) whispers: and mouse saw the line 37...Nb4 (1:44) 38.Rc3 (0:24)
golddust(2129) whispers: I see black wants a rook on the e file too 38...Rhe8 (0:06)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: there's many options good for black indeed
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rc3 holds a while longer than all other options, she might find something 39.a3 (0:34)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: unfortunately there is nothing to blockade with
anandkvs(2055) whispers: d2, then Re1+ 39...Nc2 (0:16)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Nc2 leads to a pawn ending
golddust(2129) whispers: as the Borg says: resistance is futile now.
anandkvs(2055) whispers: hmm
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: wrong resistance is voltage divided by current
wolfypup(1905) whispers: take n is worth in ending but maybe too many pawns
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: beautiful end
anandkvs(2055) whispers: I would have considered d2 better, d2, Re3 Rxe3 fxe3 Nc2
bigwienke(1948) whispers: Booby, there is a shirt I saw: "V/I is futile"
KayVee(1379) whispers: Rxd3 Rxd3 Qxd3 ??
Jammes(1888) whispers: its not over. rxc2
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Rxc2 might be best shot, hope for a perp in a longer QvRR ending
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: that is it.
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: :D
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: Rxc2 forced
wolfypup(1905) whispers: r for minor and p in ending worth it
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: au revoir
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: only chance rxc2
ivey(2109) whispers: i like to see the admins get pawned
ivey(2109) whispers: just not the right ones :(
anandkvs(2055) whispers: black should win with 2R and 2p against q
xivarmy(2015) whispers: but it's at least a little tricky
wolfypup(1905) whispers: should but don't forget time pressure, such endings can get complicated
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: Rd7 would have killed all this unnecessary flailing about
anandkvs(2055) whispers: a plan for black would be, keep a rook on c6 and roll the c-pawn
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: but fun :D 40.Rxc2 (3:48) dxc2 (0:03) 41.Qxc2 (0:00)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: g3 necessary
floare(1786) whispers: sure.
ivey(2109) whispers: draw chances 41...Rd4 (0:54)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: still looking for plan, but q is good harrassment value
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: even exch 2 rooks on Q gives black wins
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: so ... a3 toast ... f2 swapsy toast .. all good in a long roundabout way 42.Qg6 (0:14) Re7 (0:05)
Cuilin(2059) whispers: ooof
Jammes(1888) whispers: mate in 1 was prefereable
Cuilin(2059) whispers: Rd1 od course
anandkvs(2055) whispers: heh
Cuilin(2059) whispers: man...
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: white should unblock king
floare(1786) whispers: rd1 was mate. 43.g3 (0:34)
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: good find jammes^^
Cuilin(2059) whispers: yes...
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: so maybe outside passer somehow to push to h6, and get f6...
anandkvs(2055) whispers: c4 and stuff
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: then fun would be done
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: hopeless actually
wolfypup(1905) whispers: he's just playing a few moves for time pressure release by the looks
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: should have Qh7 instead maybe
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: dunno, all wrong
anandkvs(2055) whispers: heh g3 stopped the mate, but funk wasn't aware of it :P
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: hahaha
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: what was wrong with 42.- Rd1#? :D
floare(1786) whispers: nothing.
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: amusing end
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: now rde4 then c4
anandkvs(2055) whispers: MMR, it was too easy 43...c4 (1:41)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: nothong man, black was pklaying quick to release time pressure
MrLatvian(1947) whispers: perhaps Rd1# not as elegant as a 100-move grind-down? :D
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: hahaha
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: why Rd1 after all the other long winded stupidity? mate too easy :))
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i guess in rematch will be amazing struggle ;)
KayVee(1379) whispers: lol 44.h4 (1:29)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yeah i like the way mouse plays black 44...gxh4 (0:13) 45.gxh4 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: he wont fall for Rxh4
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Rd6-c6
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: and for c3 too
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: it may spice it up :))
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: do it intentionally?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: <--hopes for a miracle or wunder-blunder
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Rd6 prevents h6 and taking f6 as well 45...Rd5 (1:12)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: white shouldn't gives pawns to easy
anandkvs(2055) whispers: hm
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: bit late for that wise words!
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i makes same mistakes
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: and white's other choices are?.....
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i lost pawns 2 easy 46.Qg3+ (0:57)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: hmm, h5 Rg5 Q outta action
anandkvs(2055) whispers: ah Rd6 Qg3 and the pin is very annoying 46...Kc8 (0:31)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: great!!! 47.Qg4+ (0:07)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Qg4+?
anandkvs(2055) whispers: gah
KeyboardCat(1711) whispers: I just got here. FM losing again, eh ?
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: sry Cuilin
xivarmy(2015) whispers: now probably drawable
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: was hoping for that :p
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: wasn't Kc6 a lot better than Kc8?
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Kc6 was forced
Cuilin(2059) whispers: arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: wunder-blunder?
Cuilin(2059) whispers: I'm starting to hate this game
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: now black needs to work for the win again
ivey(2109) whispers: lol
ivey(2109) whispers: go funky go
xivarmy(2015) whispers: i'd offer draw before he's working for the draw. the win might not even be there
ivey(2109) whispers: mate him!
KayVee(1379) whispers: Rd1 was too easy :D
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: c'mon funk, grind this up
floare(1786) whispers: lol...
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: anyway, i think both of players deserves for applause for that amazing game
floare(1786) whispers: sure.
ivey(2109) whispers: nooo better ! flag him thobjostyle!
KayVee(1379) whispers: =D>
wolfypup(1905) whispers: it's not over yet
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: =D>
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: we should vote it as game of the week 47...Red7 (2:02)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: should still be ok, still has one pawn to the good 48.Qxc4+ (0:14) Kb8 (0:07)
floare(1786) whispers: Black is under time pressure and thus he is proned to mistakes.
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: black should easily draw since rooks protect each other and white king cannot assist for mate
wolfypup(1905) whispers: would be tempted if mine wasn't also such a marathon, hard to tell... if mouse wins, for sure, or even if draw
xivarmy(2015) whispers: it's a doubled b-pawn though. hard to convert. and one more blunder dropping a kingside pawn and white's got a passer. 49.Qf4+ (0:23)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: KRM, black is not playing or draw
anandkvs(2055) whispers: for*
ivey(2109) whispers: just one line was qb4 ka7 qa4 ra4 qd7 :D
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: I know, although what I meant is position is pretty safe 49...Kc8 (0:27) 50.Qc4+ (0:05) Rc5 (0:10)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: if he doesnt want repetition maybe checking is just +++ for him time
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: ok, decision
KayVee(1379) whispers: Qg8+?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qb4 looks playable
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: draw? :(|)
KayVee(1379) whispers: oh Kc7 then
KayVee(1379) whispers: nvm 51.Qe6 (0:39)
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: now the fox is in the chicken coup 51...Kc7 (0:12)
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: ~:> 52.a4 (0:31) Re5 (1:01)
Jammes(1888) whispers: king on a7 is safe than go for pawns
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qg4 or c5 53.Qc4+ (0:32) Kb8 (0:13)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: check anyway
Jammes(1888) whispers: maybe a4 wasnt that good since it stops any chance to attack king on a7
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Qg8+
anandkvs(2055) whispers: a4 was to prevent b4
anandkvs(2055) whispers: b5+
anandkvs(2055) whispers: b5*
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: well rather than stopping attack, I think problem is only way black can win is exchanging a b pawn for a pawn and trying to promote b pawn and a4 makes it a bit easier
fredisblogs(1833) whispers: just hang that b6 pawn before it gets u into more trouble :-/ :-B #-o :(|)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: draw is getting close 54.Kg2 (1:22)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qb4 prevented it but all good position is not a lot better for black so mouse is achieving her goal slowly
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: white needs the king as supporter for the pawns 54...Ka7 (0:55)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: ya there is safe :/
Cuilin(2059) whispers: I hope a4 was the mistake I needed to still win this game...
xivarmy(2015) whispers: black needs to keep a rook on the 5th though for it to stay safe, so how does he win a pawn with only one rook 55.Qg4 (0:57)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: double attack
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: a5 is on 5th, although then g7 falls
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: move K around, Q has to be on 4th
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: definetly black won't have easy to coordinate figures
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: g5 could solve one problem although h5 lines could be double edged 55...Rde7 (0:43) 56.f3 (0:14)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: g5 h5 is gold for white, passed pawns favor the queen, especially with such an open board
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: he redouble on d, where is my defence?!
anandkvs(2055) whispers: black might get frustrated and offer a draw :P 56...Rc7 (2:56) 57.Qb4 (0:32) Rc2+ (0:16)
floare(1786) whispers: lol
floare(1786) whispers: Possible. 58.Kg3 (0:16)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: not sure what the point of Rc2+ is
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: time pressure maybe?
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: Ra2 might win a4 pawn
bjs(1891) whispers: getting 30 seconds 58...Rec5 (0:37)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: brings white k closer to swapping kside pawns 59.Qg4 (0:15)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Rc7, then Rc4 59...Rc1 (0:17)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: oh ah 60.Qd7 (0:19)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: could be rearrange to defend g7 from g file instead of 7th rank
xivarmy(2015) whispers: although that could get awkward
bjs(1891) whispers: hmmm. place the pawn on g5, then go for the a-pawn?
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: g7 is defended indirectly
xivarmy(2015) whispers: g5 h5
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: no need for g5
bjs(1891) whispers: yes... some work to do :)
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: g6 followed by f5 is simpler and more effective if going for that plan, not that it's necessarily a good plan
wolfypup(1905) whispers: ra1 gets chased, but eventually the a pawn falls
xivarmy(2015) whispers: in exchange for g pawn though
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: clock ticking
anandkvs(2055) whispers: tick tock 60...Rc7 (3:11) 61.Qb5 (0:28)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i guess it is good time to offer draw 61...R1c5 (0:01) 62.Qb4 (0:22) Rc4 (0:04)
Jammes(1888) whispers: whats longest tl game ever played?
floare(1786) whispers: I think so. 63.Qb5 (0:20)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i had 133! but not TL
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: not even 45 45
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: but 15 15 ;) 63...R7c5 (0:35) 64.Qd7 (0:05)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: mine was 85 this week 64...g5 (0:16)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: woah
bjs(1891) whispers: oh
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: mine was 14 moves this week
KayVee(1379) whispers: h5
anandkvs(2055) whispers: not sure if this is a good idea
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: yes, h5 for sure
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes h5 besty shot
xivarmy(2015) whispers: oh he went there... now white can actually think about winning
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: rc1 was the move
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: oh
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: because then qxg7 rg1 winning
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: my chance!
anandkvs(2055) whispers: h5 Rh4 is possible, but it looks a bit risky
wolfypup(1905) whispers: not winning, rh4 stops it for f pawn 65.h5 (2:03)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: after h5 Rh4 Qf7-g6 might be a plan for white
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: why?
bjs(1891) whispers: Qe8-g6 ;) 65...Rh4 (0:31)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: h5 Rh4 Qf7, allow a pawn to fall and guide the h-pawn in in exchange for a rook.
bjs(1891) whispers: ah well Qf7 too
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: let pawn free to go
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: Rc7 would pretty much leave pawn unable to advance and king can't get past h4 rook
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: most often ends bad
wolfypup(1905) whispers: does a5 sac get a perp? 66.Qh7 (0:38)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: woah
bjs(1891) whispers: how about Rc1-h1
anandkvs(2055) whispers: rxa4?
bjs(1891) whispers: ah well, the f6 falls
wolfypup(1905) whispers: f5
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: f5-f4 might get mating threats
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: f5 no doubt
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Rxa4 h6 Rh4 Qg7 is still good for black i think
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Rxa4 h6 Rh4 Qg7 Rc1 should stop the pawn I think 66...f5 (1:18)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: er for white i mean 67.Qg6 (0:23) f4+ (0:05) 68.Kg2 (0:03)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: alright, black has perp here if he wants it i guess, so safe enough
bowserJRzhu(1697) whispers: Go Funkmaus 68...Rd5 (0:23)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: I doubt that black can win this now
floare(1786) whispers: h6?
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: mh, seems that h6 gets lost
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: looks like whites prepare trapp on Maus
xivarmy(2015) whispers: well there's Rd2+-Rh2 winning the h-pawn available, but it's in exchange for both black f and g pawns
anandkvs(2055) whispers: white can win both g5 and f4 for h6
wolfypup(1905) whispers: h6 rd2 kg1 rh3
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: 8blacks
anandkvs(2055) whispers: plus black has to be careful about a5
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: *b...
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qc2 forced
wolfypup(1905) whispers: everything else loses
xivarmy(2015) whispers: forced how? what specific new threat did Rd5 unleash?
Jammes(1888) whispers: h6 rd2 kg1 rh2 and over till king gets mated
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rh3 not h2
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: there is no mate, is it?
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: qc2 is silly because it loses h5 right away
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: h6 only move now
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes because rg3 then takes f then back to g then to a
bjs(1891) whispers: meanwhile white plays h7-h8
wolfypup(1905) whispers: not with all those checks she doesn't
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: there is no forced mate
wolfypup(1905) whispers: checks and mate in 1 threats
Jammes(1888) whispers: yes kf1 doest stop direct mate but than rxh5
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rd2 kg1 rh3 ids threatening mating windmill
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qc2 is forced
Jammes(1888) whispers: yes maybe rh3 is even better than rdh2
xivarmy(2015) whispers: ahhh, there's the mate threat, Rd2+-Rd1+-Rh1 with R4h2# threatened
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: im more nervous than in my own last game ;)
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: rh3 h7
floare(1786) whispers: lol mc...
xivarmy(2015) whispers: so then this is just over if everyone sees stuff. because white has to drop the h-pawn
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rh3 h7 rg3 kh1 rf3 kg1 rg3 kh1 ra1 and white gets mated as it queens
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qc2 is forced
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rb3* and mated
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qc2 is equivalent to giving up.
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: is this confirmed by engine, otherwise i dont believe it?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: game is lost, there's forced mating line, qc2 forced
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: Qc2 is forced, although it's also losing so I guess Funkmaus has to choose between theoretical best move and practical best move
bjs(1891) whispers: I can't see a forced mate either
xivarmy(2015) whispers: i looked at it with stockfish. Qc2 and a5 are -5.0, everything else is mate
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: No way out the mating net. :( 69.h6 (8:47) Rd2+ (0:16) 70.Kg1 (0:03)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: here it goes
wolfypup(1905) whispers: rh3
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: funk has seen it too
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: Rd1+
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: why you trust in programs more than in common sense?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Rd1+-Rdh1 is the mate line
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: rd1+ kg2 rh1
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: rdh1
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: generally programs see more than I do, especially with mating nets
bjs(1891) whispers: now I see it, thanks
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: 3 hours play. do it.
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: so no other option than Qb1
wolfypup(1905) whispers: i'm not using engine though lol 70...Rd1+ (2:14) 71.Kg2 (0:02)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: and your Rh3 is in fact = :)
bjs(1891) whispers: you talked about Rh3 though 71...Rd2+ (0:10)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: eh? 72.Kg1 (0:04)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Rdh1, has he seen it?
Jammes(1888) whispers: :)
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: Rdh1 is quite hard to see as it's an unusual mating net
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: i must admit rd1-h1 r4h2 is not so easy to see
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: feeling the clock too much?
bjs(1891) whispers: but rdh1 is a candidate since it attcks h6 :) 72...Rh3 (1:24)
bjs(1891) whispers: duh!
anandkvs(2055) whispers: this might work as well?
wolfypup(1905) whispers: yes talked about rh3 but not seeoing how white can draw but there is a sac of q for r that means black has only 1 r and takes on h8 as white queens
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: he really miss it??
xivarmy(2015) whispers: and here, by strange coincidence, a5 draws
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: or is he just playing with me 73.a5 (0:39)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: I have no nerves for i
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: it,if there a perp his fault 73...bxa5 (0:24) 74.Qf5 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: see?!
floare(1786) whispers: wow
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: I AM BACK
bjs(1891) whispers: nice Funky
cadger(1847) whispers: goo funkmaus!
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: bravo!!!
KayVee(1379) whispers: lol
KayVee(1379) whispers: this is a rollercoaster
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qg7 instead of Qf5 was the drawing line, engine sees way to avoid perp here
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: Funkmaus must have nerves of steel
floare(1786) whispers: rh3 wasn't good. 74...Rg3+ (1:02)
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: glad funk didnt resign earlier
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: totally agree 75.Kf1 (0:53)
xivarmy(2015) whispers: but this wasn't it, needed Rd1+ and Rxh6
floare(1786) whispers: right
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: yes now she has perpetual
wolfypup(1905) whispers: very nice result
wolfypup(1905) whispers: for mouse
floare(1786) whispers: yup.
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: wow really
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: incredible game :)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: swindle of the year :) if he doubles on d, i take a5 with +, trade both R and queen h-pawn
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: that would be huge
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: out of the corner, out of mating net
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Awesome position I may say :) 75...Rxf3+ (2:32) 76.Ke1 (0:03) Rd6 (0:48)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: clear draw now
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: now black got blitz 77.Qxa5+ (0:27)
Jammes(1888) whispers: ugh its getting dangerous for blakc now 77...Kb8 (0:20)
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: so nervous worried to slip a move, gonna type
xivarmy(2015) whispers: not so clear draw, white might be winning soon
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: now white might go for win 78.h7 (0:19)
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: in this game anything is possible
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: holy cow!
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: 3:-O
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: masterpiece! 78...Re3+ (0:18)
wolfypup(1905) whispers: wrong r
Jammes(1888) whispers: rh3 didnt work?
BuyJupiter(1561) whispers: real chess players type their moves. :)
Jammes(1888) whispers: doesnt 79.Kf2 (0:28)
Jammes(1888) whispers: ?
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: rh3 qe5
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Rh3 Qe5! Re3+ Qxe3! and h8=Q
wolfypup(1905) whispers: re6 check first was key
wolfypup(1905) whispers: now mouse pins one
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Black position was better when I got here , but I guess now its about white winning thou
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: but we cannot blame culin for not seeing it
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: it is hard in timetrouble
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Well , time is a big part in a chess game
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: i will not type result
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: anything can happen
Jammes(1888) whispers: he can be blamed for the first mate. realy crazy that both missed it
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: What team are this?
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: true, jammes
KRMCHESS(1916) whispers: thing is even if black sacs a rook for h pawn he can easily draw with a fortress built around a rook on c6 and pawn on b7 79...Re8 (1:43)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Qe5?
xivarmy(2015) whispers: this much is true krm
floare(1786) whispers: Black had mate at move 47.
KeyboardCat(1711) whispers: white is Wunderblunder, a team that has been taking the name to the heart
Fischeur(1926) whispers: qe5
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qxp
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Qe5
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Nice , german team :)
mindlin(2003) whispers: i like Qxg5
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: yep
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: keyboardcat, funk stole some of your lifes?
mindlin(2003) whispers: maybe Qe5 wins though
floare(1786) whispers: what about qe5?
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Qe5 wins,yes
anandkvs(2055) whispers: Qe5 wins a rook, doesn' it
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: and Qg8 80.Qxg5 (1:28)
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Jesus christ Qe5 is brilliant move!
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: if not then checking
KeyboardCat(1711) whispers: heh, not yet
anandkvs(2055) whispers: woah
wolfypup(1905) whispers: qe5 wins r but r on f3 and p stays home v q is draw
xivarmy(2015) whispers: Qe5 Rxe5 h1=Q+ wins a rook, but then Ra6 should draw 80...Rdd8 (0:20)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: ah right, Ra6 might draw then 81.Qxf4+ (0:21)
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Hard position thou, but I would prefer to play white position atm 81...Ka7 (0:05)
anandkvs(2055) whispers: R + p on b7 is theoretical draw
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: now checks to the end of world ;)
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: rf8 threat
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Yes, it is.
wolfypup(1905) whispers: kg2 and r can't chase anymore
mindlin(2003) whispers: anyway to make progress?
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Now I wish I could play tl for some team :S
Boobyslegacy(1965) whispers: unique endgame position 82.Qa4+ (1:01)
mindlin(2003) whispers: why can't you play? 82...Kb8 (0:06)
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: I can play, I was away from chess 83.Qf4+ (0:04)
Cuilin(2059) whispers: phooey, 80...Qe5 looked like more of a problem...
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: I think my tl rating is about 2150 83...Ka7 (0:07) 84.Qa4+ (0:04)
mindlin(2003) whispers: want to join poisoned pawns?
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: draw
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: draw
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Why not :) 84...Kb8 (0:16)
kasperyan(1948) whispers: draw ? Cuilin offers a draw.
SQUAREBOARD(2207) whispers: Yep
mcstorytaller(1729) whispers: :D
KayVee(1379) whispers: take it
Funkmaus(2132) whispers: sure, my friend, thank you, good game :)) Funkmaus accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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