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funkmaus(2150) vs. potpiedude(2009) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-02-19

1.e4 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: I havent prepared, I am in 1.e4 mood :)
1...Nf6 (0:00)
Twikki(2126) whispers: woohoo
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Dont know what to expect, being white is my preparation
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: oh!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: this opening is rare :<
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: i get this a lot, myself
Twikki(2126) whispers: Nc3 and head for a Vienna
2.e5 (0:52) Nd5 (0:02)
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: alekhines goodie :D
BethanyGrace(1652) whispers: Go Jenny!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: thanks Wil I could play book for liek 15 moves in mainline with cxd6 :p
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: but I used to play a sideline...
kasperyan(1932) whispers: Alekhin
NokiaTwenty(1958) whispers: I am impressed by playing "book moves" up to 15-20 moves deep
NokiaTwenty(1958) whispers: my "book" finishes at move 3-5 and after that I am "ouf of book" :D
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: cant remember the one with Bxf7 :(
3.d4 (2:32)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: go funkmaus!
3...d6 (0:12) 4.Bc4 (0:03)
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: aleks a fun opening , underrated imo
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: since when does funkmaus play 1.e4?
Twikki(2126) whispers: glad she couldn't remember that line, it sucks
Psycho(1832) whispers: hmm not sure this suits the maus's style
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: ...c6, ...e6... or ..nb6 are playable
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: that one with c4 - mainline is where I know book but dont understand the imbalance
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Nb6 Bb3 dxe5 Qh5 e6 dxe5 is what I intend
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: nb6 bxf7 is bad, i hope funkamus knows this
Twikki(2126) whispers: she's very good at gambit play, wish she would do it more
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: wonder if the last beer I had tonight was one too much 8-|
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: too excited and fearless play expected
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: does actually... dxe5 dxe c6?! work
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: i like c6 straight away
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: thinking it could oh
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: earlier i preferred nb6 but now i prefer e6
4...Nb6 (4:20)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: bb3 please
5.Bb3 (0:39)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: wow Boobys watching lol
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: expert around and... why did I run into it :(
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: hi funkamus!^^
5...Nc6 (0:34)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: why not :p
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ok on my own. From here.
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Hang on its the pawn sac line
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: I know it :))
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: e6 is tempting ...
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: well know that e6! is the move but not more lol
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: prob dubious tbh
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: yes, e6 would be nice
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: if you play bc4 line then you must play like this
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: exd he chooses exd or cxd then c3, Nf3 0-0 looks safe
Jammes(1888) whispers: is e5 an option here booby
Jammes(1888) whispers: e6
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: yes e6
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: thats the normal stuff
Jammes(1888) whispers: ah tx didnt see that was already mentioned
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: thats why black usually inserts dxe5 first
6.e6 (4:45)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: +++FUN
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: knowing the right move and not to play it.. would be a SHAME
6...fxe6 (0:27) 7.Nf3 (0:08)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: fx nf3 g6 ng5 bg7 bxe6
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: gave a pawn, now looking for compensation :p
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: I won OTB as white yesterday with it, - gotta work again (I hope)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: white got her mollyfication sac, now black has to untangle
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: confidence is back to make arrogant comments :)
Twikki(2126) whispers: e5 de d5 is an older line
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: to free the DSB must play g6
KayVee(1346) whispers: go funk go!!!
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: also na5 here is a line
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: g6 Ng5 Bg7 and im getting it back already
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: g6 0-0 Bg7 Bf4 0-0 Qd2 follow by Bh6
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: e5 looks playable
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: as black i don'T like to play against these e6-sacs
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: 8-|
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: h6 to hinder ng5 would lead to qd3 qd7 qg6+ kd8 with a cumbersome position for black
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: and what if ...e5 right now?
andreasw(2139) whispers: e4 , unusual opening move for funk :p
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: is too slow or working.
mindlin(1980) whispers: wow e6 exciting line
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: well i am sure this is book. there must be a solution - but what?
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: hehe, wait for your opponent to play funk
mindlin(1980) whispers: i've never seen e6 that early
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: looks like an old line , not sure though
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: e5 dxe dxe QxQ KxQ looks kinda... nasty
Psycho(1832) whispers: maybe just Ng5 after e5
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ...e5 doesnt work, NxQ and I take e5
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: there is another line ...now d5 ng5 g6 qf3 nxd4 qf7+
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: KxQ have Ng5 next, and Bc1 out, Nc3 long castle with check. Doubled pawns there on e are nothing.
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ok enough talk, ...e5 fails
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: both d5, e5 and g6 are perfectly playable for black but may be a bit uncomfortable to play
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: so maybe start Bd7
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: hold pawn stubbornly
gile(1884) whispers: hi all... what is this? funkmaus playing 1.e4? :)
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: hi
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: naaa i think i like e5 then d5
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: thinking or disconnected?!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: now I worry
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: twikki mentioned it i think
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: e5 makes good sense to the old school, first take gambit pawn then give it right back to free your game
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: big think anyway
Twikki(2126) whispers: <-- old school
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: i like old school
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: me too old fart more like here :D
cadger(1851) whispers: goo funkmaus!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Move!
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: id see alternatives then blast out e5 then d5 imo
Twikki(2126) whispers: I'd spend a while on this if I hadn't seen it before
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: tbh it is tricky
gile(1884) whispers: she is impatiant... :)
Twikki(2126) whispers: you always wonder if you stepped in something with lines like this
JasSch(2080) whispers: It is very, very easy to screw this up for black. I'd take my time if I didn't know the theory.
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: trying to hold pawn should show the mess u can get in imo
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: sac back!
gile(1884) whispers: yes... seems like blacks pisces having hard time coming out ...
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: yes, oldschool chess!
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: old school!
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: although the quite modern na5 is also nice
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Eeeeeh
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Move?!
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: give back , dream of the f file >:)
Twikki(2126) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: "screaming" - close to get bored and switch off fullboard
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: funk beginning to panic
Aplexchion(1671) whispers: is this bookline
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: yes aplex
cadger(1851) whispers: must be some pet line
Twikki(2126) whispers: next time I play Funk, I'm going to take a shower in the middle of the game
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: still theory
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: so really 2 ideas :Na5 or e5 ?
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: g6, e5 and na5 main moves in this order
gile(1884) whispers: anywayv... e5 dxe5 d5, black still seems to have holes in postion... am I wrong?
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: usually black plays g6 in these types of position
Aplexchion(1671) whispers: what is white getting in return for the pawn sac?
Twikki(2126) whispers: time
cadger(1851) whispers: hehe time & time
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ^^--^^
mindlin(1980) whispers: he gets nice pressure on e6
mindlin(1980) whispers: or she rather
7...g6 (16:45)
gile(1884) whispers: and he moved:)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: omg I am soooooo sorry,
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: won a lot of clock time anyway!
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: blacksquared bishop is "trapped", king a bit unsafe ,holes at diagonal h5-e8, weakness on e6, backward pawn on e7, whte can combine attacks against f7 and e6
gile(1884) whispers: why is she sorry?
mindlin(1980) whispers: idk
gile(1884) whispers: Ng5?
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: ng5 is an option where white gets the pawn back
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: Ng5 is the only thing i can think of here
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: other moves include 00 or h4
mindlin(1980) whispers: castle and Re1 clearly an option too right?
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: so, - I need c3 first, else he goes with Na5 xBb3
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: white is in no hurry to get the pawn back instantly
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: or the Ng5 line, where I get the pawn back which... I dont want.
Aplexchion(1671) whispers: which side does black castle in this opening
Twikki(2126) whispers: there's a weak master game with c3, but I'd guess it's too slow
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: fair enough .. 0-0 looks good too
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: c3 suits funkmaus' style
8.c3 (4:41)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: new idea: h4!
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: bg7 h4
JasSch(2080) whispers: h2-h4,h5 would sure be interesting...
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: they must have mixed something into my beer :p
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: typical play
8...Bg7 (0:47)
Twikki(2126) whispers: maybe Qe2
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: if now h4 e5 h5 bf5 is good for black
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: so maybe c3 was the tempo black needed
Twikki(2126) whispers: not so much to win the pawn back but for pressure
JasSch(2080) whispers: What about Nh4 in that line?
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: hmm... Bf4 0-0 Qd2 Na5 Bc2 Nc4 :(
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: aint working somehow
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Qe2?!
NokiaTwenty(1958) whispers: I am very confused with these lines and that kind of play by Funk
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: qe2 e5 and white must play d5 then na5 runs into qb5 winning
Aplexchion(1671) whispers: nf5
Aplexchion(1671) whispers: g5 i mean
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: so after d5 , nb8 must be played
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: his move is ...e5 on anything
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: ng5 00 then qe2 d5 seems good for black
9.h4 (5:25)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: yes, we want fire on board
cadger(1851) whispers: attack!
Jammes(1888) whispers: booby knows all the moves :)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: e5 h5 xd4 cxd4 Bf5 h6 (maybe)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: has funkamus slept on "fire on board" tonight?
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: i like it more when funkmaus play with fire rather than boring stuff
Jammes(1888) whispers: are there some alekhine games with e6 in it ?
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: no
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: been impatient and only 5 minutes up. something went wrong
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: i just meant her general attitude
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: usually funk play solid stuff
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: ok, 00 h5 is obvious
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: then white bishop can come to c2 to excert more pressure
wolfypup(1878) whispers: something wrong with e5?
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: e5 i guess
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: think thats what i'd try
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: or d5
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: probably both
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: pref e5 tbh
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: one after the other
wolfypup(1878) whispers: then n goes to f6 vgia b8 and d7 (after e5 d5)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: I will win on time :D
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: i hope not
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: strangle a puppy!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: sbc not here, tho
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: nooo ... more puppies will perish!
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: voodoo puppy? :D
9...e5 (9:38)
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: e6 killed a hell of a lot of puppies
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: e5 >:)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: fire on board
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: and probabyl the best move for black
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: d5 is so double-edged.
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: dxe5 and d5 is not what white wants
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: but what else
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: h5 bf5 as mentioned and then maybe the mentioned nh4
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Nd5 d5 Qf3 Bf6
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: *Ng5
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Ng5 d5 Qf3 Bf6 Bc2 idea Nxh7 oh
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: dang e4 kills it.
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: forgte
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: *forget
10.h5 (3:56)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: that was planned - go for it.
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: yes, e4 in this line looks nice for black
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Now I have it!!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: if xd4 I xg6 - who cares one or 2 pawns down :p
wolfypup(1878) whispers: candidate moves: bg4, ed4, Bf5, d5 and qd7.. i think ed4 simplifies the quickest
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Bg4 also xg6, xg6 on anything
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: RxR BxR should be good
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: funkmaus should drink beer more often before the games
wolfypup(1878) whispers: xg6 is bad because after e6 the black q is first on the h file
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: can pressure g6, get Q into that wing
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: tough to verbalize all those crappy ideas enter my mind :p
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: Bf5 imo
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: bg4 is bad though
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: bg4 bf7+
wolfypup(1878) whispers: and after kxf7 black has the edge
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: ng5
wolfypup(1878) whispers: kg8
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: followed by qxg4 and white is better
wolfypup(1878) whispers: followed by qc8 band bloack is clearly better
10...Bf5 (4:46)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: heh there goes my RxR :/
Twikki(2126) whispers: Bg4 hg hg Rh8 Bh8 d5 Na5 Bc2 and white had an edge
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: aah no still there
Pulga(1731) whispers: a careful study of the russian school of chess indicates that vodka >> beer.
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: hxg6 Bxg6 Ng5 - in the hole!
wolfypup(1878) whispers: hg is bad because black doesn't take back, he plays e6 and black q is first on h file
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Ng5 now?
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Ng5 d5 g4
mindlin(1980) whispers: not sure that I like this h4 h5 plan by funk
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: nh4 now can lead to qd7 followed by 000
Twikki(2126) whispers: d5 Na5 Bc2
wolfypup(1878) whispers: simple chess... de5
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: blacks used a lot of time
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: but played well imo
Twikki(2126) whispers: oh... Nh4
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: but dxe5 doesn't archive much for white
wolfypup(1878) whispers: nh4 e6 probably white' best shot
wolfypup(1878) whispers: de5 simmplifies white's k is better, best chence for ending
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: yes black played well so far, he now has a lead in development
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: :D
wolfypup(1878) whispers: after de5 de5 white can develop pieces again
11.Ng5 (5:41)
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: this g6 then e5 seems better than my e5 first ... looks good against this e6?! line
Jammes(1888) whispers: doesnt look like anybody will castle in this game
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: gotta love the imbalance and timetrouble fight in a tactical position
wolfypup(1878) whispers: qd7 removes the fork and frees black's kr
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: this game is for... FUN
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: e6 or d5 fight agaisnt f7-threat
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: e6 terrible
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: Qd7
wolfypup(1878) whispers: e6 gets very messy
11...d5 (2:47) 12.g4 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: see the speed
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: oh yes d5 silly
12...Bxb1 (0:09)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: hmm
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ok
wolfypup(1878) whispers: whoops. take was bad, ne6 wins something now, surely
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: he didnt fall for Bxg4 Bf7 followed by Ng5+ :((
Twikki(2126) whispers: yeah, Ne6 is nasty
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: i mean lol
Twikki(2126) whispers: think Bc8 was needed
13.Rxb1 (1:08)
Jammes(1888) whispers: hmm
cadger(1851) whispers: must be IPA
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: indeed ne6 was a nice in-betwwen-move
cadger(1851) whispers: zwischenzug
13...Qd6 (0:29)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: reallly no fun here
Jammes(1888) whispers: she is desperate. that desperate that she misses easy tactical shots already. but why
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: 10.Bf5 was best move, 10.Bg4 would be cool
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: for me I mean
cadger(1851) whispers: hg and black still can't o-o right away
kasperyan(1932) whispers: hey
Jammes(1888) whispers: black doesnt want 0-0 he wants 0-0-0 :)
kasperyan(1932) whispers: what's up
cadger(1851) whispers: *o-o-o :P
wolfypup(1878) whispers: does black even really want to castle at all? he can't activate both rooks yet
kasperyan(1932) whispers: go jenny
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: white can still castle short
cadger(1851) whispers: i have faith in funk, but black is startin' to look better
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: I am so.. stupid
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: forgot about Ne6
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Bxb1 Ne6
Jammes(1888) whispers: :)
Twikki(2126) whispers: de looks best now
Jammes(1888) whispers: would be better she realises that after the game
wolfypup(1878) whispers: maybe qf3 (!? to me)
Jammes(1888) whispers: realising mistakes during a game makes you feal worse
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: i would ponder about 00 here
wolfypup(1878) whispers: loses a pawn
14.dxe5 (5:48)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Nxe5 f4!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: All-in
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: This is what happens when one plays an opening knowing slightly the lines and not the cheapos around.
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: in my opening I would never have missed that shot/pattern.
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: or maybe I still would have.. im an expert on that.
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: :(
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: now sitting here and regretting it wont help. game on!
wolfypup(1878) whispers: no use beating yourself up over it mouse, stick to the task at hand ;-)
mindlin(1980) whispers: what line are you guys talking about?
cadger(1851) whispers: 13. Ne6
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: it depends how black recaptures now
wolfypup(1878) whispers: hmm... bxe5, bc2, bf6, nxh7, rxh7, bxg6, rf7 looks interesting
14...Nxe5 (4:02)
mindlin(1980) whispers: oh Ne6 would have been nice I see
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: 12 g4 .... h6?! was possibly the correct response? obviously 12 ... Bxb1 was terrible
15.f4 (0:33)
cadger(1851) whispers: can't see if 13. Ne6 would have won a piece?
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: but black got lucky
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Nec4 Bc2 and after 0-0-0 I fork him ;)
Jammes(1888) whispers: cadger i think it doesnt need to win a piece but king would be stuck in attack
wolfypup(1878) whispers: yes it did cadger, because after check and take b, h6 supports the n
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: oh sheeet no fork.. Qe6 picks my N
cadger(1851) whispers: ah kewl
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: yes that one last beer... I have something to blame :)
mindlin(1980) whispers: position reminds me of the pirc line with e6 a little bit
cadger(1851) whispers: but then B@b1 escapes?
Jammes(1888) whispers: ok, didnt calculate that far :) still even without winning piece its an easy move imo
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: i dont think it won a piece but gave white gr8 position
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ok then Nec4 Bc2 and after 0-0-0 play Qe2... fork threat and still Ne6 in
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: my king is safe.. nowwhere
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ://
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: funk has only one advantage now - the time
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: Ned7 Be3 e5!! - this is sooo scary
wolfypup(1878) whispers: yep. she was liking the r take before now it's bad. eg... nc6 hg6 hg6 rxh8 bxh8 and black can still castle or play kd7
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: someone help me out, (whispered to 32 players)
wolfypup(1878) whispers: LOL mouse
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: you guys have fun
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: me actually too :D
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: h6 now by black is also interesting
Ratlos(1178) whispers: whe all count on You
15...Nc6 (5:04)
Jammes(1888) whispers: qe2 an try to exchange queens mighte be best hope here
Jammes(1888) whispers: no e5 she mentioned
AIDog(2099) whispers: How about 16.Bc2 ..?
16.Qe2 (1:11)
mindlin(1980) whispers: i liked 0-0
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: if ...e5 f5 maybe. Be2-move K to c2
wolfypup(1878) whispers: doesn't e5 kill the swapping? for the moment?
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: as long as he doesnt castle, no threat to eat f4, and there is now still that fork
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: now for real is fork
Twikki(2126) whispers: e5 o-o
16...e5 (0:55) 17.Be3 (0:21)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: fxe4 Bxb6 >:)
mindlin(1980) whispers: Bc5
wolfypup(1878) whispers: h6. kick it back
gile(1884) whispers: somehow, I don't think black will fall for that
17...h6 (0:43)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: noooooooooooooooo
Jammes(1888) whispers: now its over. black will castle now. knight did stop that
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: a covered passer in a position full of holes
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: -->losing :/
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: can I sac it?!
Jammes(1888) whispers: i m more worried about king position than any passer
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: the position doesn't deem to be that bad for white
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: seem*
wolfypup(1878) whispers: the problemj is the white k is in the middle of the board with very little cover and black is about to castle
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: white can still 00 at some point
wolfypup(1878) whispers: if she's very lucky
AIDog(2099) whispers: Funk thinkin about 18.Bc2 or ..?
jaberwock(2177) whispers: does Bc2 contain much cheapo potetntial?
Ratlos(1178) whispers: F4 x E4 ?
wolfypup(1878) whispers: i don't think so since black would be prepared to give up the g pawn, he can blockade g7 forever
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: Bc2 for clocktime and swindlobility ? >:)
Ratlos(1178) whispers: sorry ... F4 x E5 can open your the queen
wolfypup(1878) whispers: bc2 hg5 and ...? piece down
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: just nf3 seems fine
Jammes(1888) whispers: fine?? :)
wolfypup(1878) whispers: ne4 de4 rd1 might be a shot
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: nf3 exf4? bc5 winning
18.Nh3 (6:32)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: well dang. if i sac it he resac queen and get my 2 rooks
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ment Bc2 Bxg6+ leaded nowwhere
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: anyway
Twikki(2126) whispers: Nh3 seems like the best of a lot of bad options
18...gxh5 (1:05)
wolfypup(1878) whispers: rd1 i guess. leave the k in the centre and build fortress of pieces
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: g5 hxg Nxg5 0-0-0 and fork again
wolfypup(1878) whispers: except g5 ooo
Twikki(2126) whispers: Rd1 -> Bxb6
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: g5 0-00 :/
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: 00 still an option
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: 00 hxg4 qxg4 rg8 kh2
wolfypup(1878) whispers: oo loses to ooo
wolfypup(1878) whispers: then rbd1 etc.
AIDog(2099) whispers: 19.Rd1
wolfypup(1878) whispers: yep that's looking more and more like the best option
19.Rd1 (5:05)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: there was... double attack with Qg6 on Nf7
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: also now.. maybe after 0-0-0 can BxN and Rxd5
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: no time to hxg5 here
Jammes(1888) whispers: why? does rd1 threaten anything?
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: and no need
wolfypup(1878) whispers: because the d pawn is weak
Jammes(1888) whispers: but 0-0-0 does protect that d pawn
wolfypup(1878) whispers: only seems to. after bxn stilln weak
Jammes(1888) whispers: ah right
kasperyan(1932) whispers: Bxb6
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: as twikki mentioned bxb6 after 000 then take on d5
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: 000 bxb6 axb6 rxd5 qe7 gxh5 regains the pawn
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: puppies >:)
kasperyan(1932) whispers: yes nice
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: what's this about 000? white rook was on b1 castling privilege already lost
19...O-O-O (2:51)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: 000 for black of course
wolfypup(1878) whispers: that's what about ooo lol
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: oh lol silly me
kasperyan(1932) whispers: Bxb6 axb Rxd5
20.Bxb6 (2:57) axb6 (0:03) 21.Bxd5 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: this one better than with a rook
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: he killed me in centre
wolfypup(1878) whispers: nd4 wins piece by force?
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: now exf4 fails to Be6+
21...Nd4 (1:27)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: oh dear!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: what is this???
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: interesting
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: cxd4 qxd5 r?exf4 then re9 coming
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: re8*
MrLatvian(1953) whispers: uh oh cxd qxd5 the r:h1 is hanging
JoshPruett(1912) whispers: does Bxb7 do anygood
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: cxd4 qxd5 00 forced
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: oh dear I missed that :< This is good. Im done...
22.Bxb7+ (2:19) Kxb7 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: forced
23.cxd4 (0:02)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: she regained the pawn
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: :D
cadger(1851) whispers: `finally W gets to castle?
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: hmm
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: equal material :((
wolfypup(1878) whispers: yeah but castling right into a pawn storm i think
Twikki(2126) whispers: this is almost over :(
23...exd4 (1:31) 24.O-O (0:22)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: saving the check
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: 00 in 24th, you don't see every day
24...hxg4 (0:30) 25.Qxg4 (0:13)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: h1 is safe behind his h-pawn
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: still a pain
wolfypup(1878) whispers: qf3 first mouse, don't give the diag too
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: d3 ? :(
25...d3 (1:12)
wolfypup(1878) whispers: d3 is possible, but rhg8 was perhaps a bigger threat
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: next move :((
26.Qf3+ (1:01)
BuyJupiter(1552) whispers: B on g7?
26...Kb8 (0:05) 27.f5 (0:24) Bxb2 (0:11)
Jammes(1888) whispers: u cant take it jupiter because queen gets pinned
BuyJupiter(1552) whispers: nvm I see it
wolfypup(1878) whispers: rg8 won q for r and b then
28.Nf4 (0:31)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: :(
28...Rhg8+ (1:16) 29.Kh1 (0:13) d2 (0:16)
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: rather grim
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: there is nothing left for white
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: well played by black
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: funk missed her chance
wolfypup(1878) whispers: ng6 best shot, but looks pretty bad for white
AIDog(2099) whispers: what after 30.Rf2..?
KayVee(1346) whispers: Bc1
wolfypup(1878) whispers: qf6 even
30.Rf2 (4:44)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: get mter
30...Bc1 (0:22)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: mated
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: cant spell
wolfypup(1878) whispers: qf6 and ng2 was forced
wolfypup(1878) whispers: now ne6 gives a temporary reprieve
31.Ne2 (0:48)
wolfypup(1878) whispers: back to qf6 plan
golddust(2129) whispers: or Qc5 plan
nitelyjoy(1777) whispers: still so many pieces on the board!
wolfypup(1878) whispers: also good but i think qf6 nmight be quicker
golddust(2129) whispers: or Qb4 plan ...
31...Qf6 (1:51)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ???
wolfypup(1878) whispers: looking at the same critical square, yeah, that probably would have been just as fast
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: that was good move ago now I am back!!
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: :))
KayVee(1346) whispers: ??
kasperyan(1932) whispers: he want play Qa1
32.Nxc1 (1:05) Qh4+ (0:03) 33.Rh2 (0:03) Qe1+ (0:02)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: omg
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: oh well
Ratlos(1178) whispers: cool
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: 3:-O
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: short excitement
wmahan(2119) whispers: go Jenny
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: ://
golddust(2129) whispers: :(
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: :@)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: oh wait
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: yes
34.Qf1 (0:34) Qxf1+ (0:03)
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: lol
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: haha ,nice
35.Rxf1 (0:15) d1=Q (0:00)
wolfypup(1878) whispers: mate in a few
fredisblogs(1829) whispers: :o)
Boobyslegacy(1931) whispers: rhf2 qh5
wolfypup(1878) whispers: gt4 not h5
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: congrats, PoTpIeDUDe
Funkmaus(2150) whispers: good game!
Funkmaus resigns 0-1


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