cuilin(2100) vs. oldraptor(1915) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2013-02-15
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: Go oldraptor 4.Nc3 (0:25) Nf6 (0:58) 5.e4 (0:54) Nbd7 (1:36) 6.Nge2 (0:46) e5 (1:10) 7.O-O (1:07) O-O (0:57) 8.d3 (1:17)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: i was expecting e4, but no matter, this plays well against the english
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: want to play b6, but that looks like a sea of holes
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: i can reposition Nc5-e6, but not sure what that get's me 8...c6 (4:52)
Plyo(2180) whispers: Botvinnik's system
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: I don't know if i equalized or not, but i don't see a white attack yet. I'm happy if we draw 9.h3 (2:23)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: last time we played, Oldraptor blundered a piece
Miltie(1829) whispers: white to play Kh2 next
Plyo(2180) whispers: Strange comment, "white attack". Whte doesn't "attack" in this set up. It's a positional game.
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: will black play f5 later on?
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: a weakness of sorts, but not now
Jammes(1888) whispers: h3 at least invites to nh5 f5 9...Nc5 (2:54)
Jammes(1888) whispers: but ok at the moment knight covers g3
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: maybe land N on g5 eventually aiming at h3
Plyo(2180) whispers: b4/Be3/Qd2
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: maybe i can break with f5 later
Jammes(1888) whispers: rb1 ne6 b4 na5 b5 f5 are moves i expect
Jammes(1888) whispers: nh5 i ment
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: something bold must be coming as much time as he is puting into this move
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: or he has lost connection 10.b4 (20:01)
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: main ideas are b4, Be3 and f4 in position, although b4 is a normal reaction
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: i was thinking king side, so a bit surprised with b4
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: how about ne6 now
Miltie(1829) whispers: yes that's what I was thinking also 10...Ne6 (1:58)
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: Ne6 is ok, although light squared bishop isn't that active and white's queenside play is easier
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: i was going there anyway, so why not?
anandkvs(2028) whispers: a5 perhaps would have been useful to prevent b4 straightaway
Jammes(1888) whispers: rb1 i would play without using time here. cant be good to let it stay in the bishop diagonal 11.Be3 (1:06)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: ok, stopping Qb6
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: Rook isn't really in danger as black cannot open diagonal
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: in this position f6 knight is often better on e7 as it allows f5 ideas
Jammes(1888) whispers: i know. but he acn play f5 f4 one day or even white can think about f4 . i dont believe rook on a1 has future where it is
Jammes(1888) whispers: but ok, maybe white wants to trade of that bishop with bh6
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: unless he plays a4, although rook isn't really priority in this position as white has a spatial edge and to exploit position you generally need precise energetic moves rather than playing on general considerations that gives black time to regroup
bigwienke(1948) whispers: so generally, you can't use generalities :)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: a5 gets dynamic if ba, but with b5 followed by c5 things get blocked perhaps a draw
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: i like nd7 followed by f5 idea 11...a5 (6:47)
Jammes(1888) whispers: ok with a 5 the rook would make sence where it is. i thought its clear black would made actions on kingsite :) 12.a3 (0:40)
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: A plan of Nc7 followed by d5 might have worked
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: I expected white to go for b5 last move
golddust(2137) whispers: a5 prob followed by white a3.
golddust(2137) whispers: b5 would have just lost a a pawn and game!
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: looking at c5
Jammes(1888) whispers: he ment white b5 i think
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: I meant b5 for white...
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: but i hate moving that pawn twice
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: maybe prep for it with B or N 12...Nd7 (4:23)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: this makes possible the break with f5
golddust(2137) whispers: c5 prob open b file for white rook.
dgmcremer(1660) whispers: time for f4?
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: making my black B come alive perhaps
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: 12 moves with no capture
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: i don't care about white's time, he is a blitz player... i just need to manage my own
Nappula(1898) whispers: maybe Qd2 now
Bombassa(1970) whispers: but you are ahead on time? 13.Qd2 (5:45)
Nappula(1898) whispers: ;)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: Nd4 is now possible, but is it good?
Nappula(1898) whispers: I would think that time will be an issue in this game...
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: if i break with f4 he can destroy my nice B with Bh6
golddust(2137) whispers: Nd4 now ! 13...Nd4 (3:44)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: it seemed like the only move
golddust(2137) whispers: threat Nb3 14.Rab1 (0:40)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: get a pesky pawn on d4
golddust(2137) whispers: and now clear the a file. 14...axb4 (1:26) 15.axb4 (0:05)
golddust(2137) whispers: maintaining the threat NxN+, f pawn can advance now. 15...b6 (2:19)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: looking to Bb7
Miltie(1835) whispers: a file now controlled by black
Nappula(1898) whispers: Bh6 gives counterplay for white
golddust(2137) whispers: the c6 move allows for b5 and a strong pisting of white Nd5 now. 16.Bh6 (3:26)
golddust(2137) whispers: posting!
golddust(2137) whispers: no need to panick raptor! Now black has chance to oppose Nd5 by simply NxN+ and Nf6.
golddust(2137) whispers: Bh6 was a little rushed! 16...Bb7 (4:19)
golddust(2137) whispers: and so queen cannot take N after NxN+
Miltie(1835) whispers: strong resolve for black 17.Bxg7 (0:31) Nxe2+ (1:01) 18.Nxe2 (0:46) Kxg7 (0:04)
Nappula(1898) whispers: f4 now seems logical 19.f4 (0:53)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: I think i have a slight endgame advantage
anandkvs(2028) whispers: endgame is far off
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: HE goes for the break, now that my black B is gone
golddust(2137) whispers: black should oppose whites f advance by advance on q side!
Jammes(1888) whispers: problem is, c5 creates pawn weakness 19...Ra3 (2:43)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: take the bloody pawn!
Jammes(1888) whispers: ra1 makes sence. qa8 qb7 and black nees some move to get back to a file
Jammes(1888) whispers: qb2 i ment
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: let's see, i should think about putting my pawns on dark squares 20.Ra1 (2:20)
golddust(2137) whispers: not sure what Ra3 was meant to achieve?
Jammes(1888) whispers: idea was qa1 c5 i think
Jammes(1888) whispers: qa8
Nappula(1898) whispers: the rook manouver probably looses time for black
Jammes(1888) whispers: he probably missed qb2 20...Qa8 (1:12) 21.Qb2 (0:12)
golddust(2137) whispers: yes the whole Ra3 was a waste of time I am afraid. 21...Ra6 (3:01) 22.Rxa6 (0:15) Bxa6 (0:33)
golddust(2137) whispers: after Ra1 black had to play b5 23.Ra1 (0:45) Qc8 (0:05)
golddust(2137) whispers: has to
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: i could have lost my Q there... i think (hope) this is ok
Nappula(1898) whispers: h4 any idea?
anandkvs(2028) whispers: no danger of losing q, but the rook maneuver left the a-file in the hands of white. It might still be ok though
golddust(2137) whispers: too late to play b5 after Nc3 24.Ra3 (3:34)
Nappula(1898) whispers: looks a bit odd? 24...Bb7 (1:14)
golddust(2137) whispers: h4 is interesting! with Bh3 or. g4 to follow
golddust(2137) whispers: good idea Napulla
Nappula(1898) whispers: Nappula :)
Squikes(1881) whispers: f5 Nf4
golddust(2137) whispers: sorry Nappula. I m on a cell phone :)
Nappula(1898) whispers: never ming 25.d4 (2:06) f6 (0:42)
Nappula(1898) whispers: oh the idea behind the rook move
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: open the f file for me? 26.Ra7 (0:47)
Miltie(1835) whispers: black reduced to rope-a-dope
Nappula(1898) whispers: oh, that rook is so alone out there
Jammes(1888) whispers: c5 is probably the idea 26...Qc7 (1:08)
golddust(2137) whispers: c5 for whom? 27.Qa2 (0:35)
Nappula(1898) whispers: it's turning to a blitz-game 27...Rb8 (1:14)
Jammes(1888) whispers: black wants to recover the a file
Nappula(1898) whispers: I'm a little disappointed to white's game, don't think this will lead to anything
Jammes(1888) whispers: he played for tricks more than any plan it seemed
Jammes(1888) whispers: but was there a good plan :)
mcstorytaller(1704) whispers: chinesse wall ;) 28.Bf3 (4:18)
Jammes(1888) whispers: whats the chinese wall in chess? i only know berlin wall named after kramnik
golddust(2137) whispers: whites 5 pawns in a row need to decide if they can break into the black defenses. 28...c5 (1:03)
Nappula(1898) whispers: I think it would the all eight pawns to the chinece wall 29.bxc5 (0:15) bxc5 (0:04) 30.d5 (0:14)
golddust(2137) whispers: good advance by black preempting whites advances!
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: lol chinese wall
Nappula(1898) whispers: the chinese wall is known for its length not the strenght
Jammes(1888) whispers: :)
golddust(2137) whispers: would be a good time to offer a draw now :)
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: i think so too draw
golddust(2137) whispers: lets take a vote :D
Nappula(1898) whispers: white to go Nb5 maybe 30...Nb6 (2:38)
golddust(2137) whispers: anyone for a draw say so please!
Miltie(1835) whispers: white attempting an eventual pin with black's king on 7th row
Nappula(1898) whispers: no draw, it's dull
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: i think black is planning to play nc8 to not let rook be on a7
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: trade down to an endgame
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: he has a backward pawn on c4 that could be a target 31.Qa5 (1:33)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: double check my calculation
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: i like ra8 now 31...Ra8 (1:08)
Squikes(1881) whispers: Na8 and black gets better
golddust(2137) whispers: draw even morw now :)
golddust(2137) whispers: more
Nappula(1898) whispers: I don't think white want's to draw yet
Jammes(1888) whispers: Rxa8 nxa8 i think white should keep queens on board
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: time is no issue
Jammes(1888) whispers: but is that poassible?
Miltie(1835) whispers: is white's hand forced here?
Jammes(1888) whispers: qb6 comming
Jammes(1888) whispers: ok rxa8 not good
Squikes(1881) whispers: if not Rb7 and Nc8
Miltie(1835) whispers: if not rxr then rxr and knight wins the pawn
Jammes(1888) whispers: right
Miltie(1835) whispers: or am I wrong
golddust(2137) whispers: Rxa8 good for draw :)
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: yeah knights win c pawn
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: knight
Nappula(1898) whispers: black has a better bishop now
Squikes(1881) whispers: definitly
Jammes(1888) whispers: question is just how fast can white defend that c pawn
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: is something bold about to happen? 32.Nc3 (5:53)
Miltie(1835) whispers: ironically in OldRaptor's modern he likes to play c5 on his first few moves
Miltie(1835) whispers: in this game c5 eventually becomes his defining move to losen the pawn storm
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: rxa7 qxa7 nxc4 something wrong with nxc4?
Miltie(1835) whispers: nope
Miltie(1835) whispers: looks good for black
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: or is it something set up by white ? 32...Qb8 (1:26)
Miltie(1835) whispers: he plays the rope-a=dope well 33.Rxa8 (0:19) Bxa8 (0:04)
Nappula(1898) whispers: Qb5 34.Be2 (0:26)
Jammes(1888) whispers: nb5 i thought didnt know how to protect d pawn
Jammes(1888) whispers: arght knight covers ba8 :) missed that 34...Nd7 (1:09) 35.Nb5 (0:10)
Jammes(1888) whispers: i think this position is far away of a draw. kings open pawns weak
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: White is looking a little better, not as drawish now
Jammes(1888) whispers: nd7 might been a mistake
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: kf7 ke7 to protect d6
Nappula(1898) whispers: yes , there is tension
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: no bb7 first
Jammes(1888) whispers: yes bb7 forced
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: 33...Nxa8 easy draw
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: after bb7 i like kf7 ke7 for black to protect d6 pawn
Jammes(1888) whispers: bb7 bg4 nf8 qb6
Jammes(1888) whispers: trouble for black
Nappula(1898) whispers: white king could seek shelter
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: no trouble for black because black can play nb6 at any time
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: after bg4
Jammes(1888) whispers: not after bb7
Jammes(1888) whispers: but maybe now instead bb7
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: oh right
Jammes(1888) whispers: ok nb6 is forced 35...Nb6 (4:28)
Jammes(1888) whispers: didnt see that because dont like to take back a move :)
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: nb6 is correct choice
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: looks tense
Nappula(1898) whispers: time will be an issue... 36.Kf2 (0:48)
Jammes(1888) whispers: ok geht king to protect d6 than black can try nd7 bb7 again :) 36...Kf8 (1:01)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: didn't see that the N+ would harm me, but why take the chance 37.Ke3 (0:33) Ke7 (0:09) 38.Kd3 (0:12)
Jammes(1888) whispers: but nd7 bg4 i guess knight is far prefereable here 38...Nd7 (1:36) 39.Bg4 (0:13)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: gotta get my B free
Jammes(1888) whispers: knight and queen working together are scarry 39...Nb6 (1:48)
Jammes(1888) whispers: hehe
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: just like spasky, reduced to shuffling wood
Jammes(1888) whispers: not many moves lefte now
Jammes(1888) whispers: be6
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: fx
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: i'm getting out played
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: fxe5 fxe5 Qd2! 40.fxe5 (1:50)
Nappula(1898) whispers: I'd go for fxe
Jammes(1888) whispers: oh nice 40...fxe5 (0:48)
Jammes(1888) whispers: thats better idea than be6 41.Qd2 (0:11)
Jammes(1888) whispers: which he can play whenever he wants
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: Cuilin is so good :)
Nappula(1898) whispers: change of flank
Jammes(1888) whispers: nd7 i think forced 41...Qf8 (0:48)
Jammes(1888) whispers: this loses a pawn or not
Nappula(1898) whispers: black cannot afford to loose d6
Jammes(1888) whispers: qg5 and only idea is ke8 after kf white can trady queens. i cant believe ke8 is surviveable
Jammes(1888) whispers: ok not that simple maybe kf7 possible be6 kg7 42.Qg5+ (3:31) Kf7 (0:19)
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: how about kf7
Jammes(1888) whispers: mybe nc7
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: Nc7 43.Qe3 (1:29)
Jammes(1888) whispers: hmm
Nappula(1898) whispers: oh , why
Jammes(1888) whispers: seems he didnt find somehting. no even white king might become open
Jammes(1888) whispers: now
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: wow, i can breath!!!
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: he had good chances if he went in
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: oh wait white is planning to play qf3+ exchanging queen and get d6
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: so kg7
Nappula(1898) whispers: Kg7 seems natural 43...Kg7 (2:12) 44.Qf3 (0:07)
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: hmm my guess was right
Nappula(1898) whispers: Qe7 possible
Jammes(1888) whispers: that was my orginal idea. but didnt see queen had no square on f file :) qe7 andd how does white resume
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: back to draw :(
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: well, if QxQ i'm losing
Jammes(1888) whispers: be6 does thes threaden nxd6? 44...h5 (2:13) 45.Qxf8+ (0:11) Kxf8 (0:07)
Hathkhola(1895) whispers: wow
Jammes(1888) whispers: this was i nice idea by black
Jammes(1888) whispers: that seems to solve all his probs
anandkvs(2028) whispers: Ke7 protects against Nxd6 46.Be2 (0:39)
Nappula(1898) whispers: white is back to the weaker bishop... 46...Ke7 (0:28)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: now get the B out of there
anandkvs(2028) whispers: just have to improve the bishop, if that is done, black will have a good endgame 47.Ke3 (1:27) Bb7 (0:16) 48.h4 (0:35) Bc8 (0:51)
Nappula(1898) whispers: ok , I think white missed the opportunities, looks like a draw to me
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: i see draw too 49.Nc3 (0:34)
salowolf(2018) whispers: is this a team game?
KRMCHESS(1888) whispers: black is a little better, although probably not enough to win, Ba6 means a pawn win or a good knight bs bad bishop
Jammes(1888) whispers: qg5 did look like his best opertunity. but nobody did see a win. where do you think he missed a move 49...Ba6 (0:34) 50.Nb5 (0:23)
Jammes(1888) whispers: oh might becom interesting bishop against knight 50...Bc8 (0:37)
Jammes(1888) whispers: but no that cant be good 51.Kd3 (0:13) Na8 (1:12)
Nappula(1898) whispers: Jammes, I think the Q exh didn't favor white 52.Nc3 (0:23)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: he doesn't want the draw.. make my N better 52...Nc7 (0:17) 53.Nd1 (0:04)
GALD(1939) whispers: it's a draw 53...Ne8 (0:48) 54.Ne3 (0:06)
Jammes(1888) whispers: nappula, ok, he probably missed h5. but i wasnt sure that his posistion was better after kg7 the black king might be safer than whites dont know if there was something to keep pressure on, but maybe 54...Nf6 (0:38)
Nappula(1898) whispers: I think maybe 43.Nc7 55.Bf3 (0:11)
Jammes(1888) whispers: ok 55...Bh3 (0:37) 56.Kc3 (0:19) Bd7 (1:45) 57.Kb3 (0:05) Bg4 (1:14) 58.Nxg4 (0:13) hxg4 (0:06) 59.Bg2 (0:03) Nh5 (0:05) 60.Kc3 (0:11)
Jammes(1888) whispers: that was a blunder i think
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: yes 60...Nxg3 (0:07) 61.Kd3 (0:02)
CrazyHunter(1750) whispers: fatal maybe 61...Kf6 (0:39)
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: trading pawns and K in position
OldRaptor(1915) whispers: all my other pawns on dark sq
Jammes(1888) whispers: maybe nh5 and going for kingsite would be easier for black
Jammes(1888) whispers: queenside i ment Cuilin resigns 0-1
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