lincehispano(1944) vs. inschipupa(1956) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-12-16
milpat(1912) whispers: go Lince boy! 4...c5 (0:22) 5.d4 (0:10)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Go! Give a free game tomorrow:D
milpat(1912) whispers: :)
Galleta(1614) whispers: this is going fast, wonder why, isn't it a Sunday anyway?
milpat(1912) whispers: 5 moves Gal :)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: sbc's game was crazy
milpat(1912) whispers: yes 5...Nc6 (2:11)
anandkvs(1998) whispers: strange, why not cxd4, isn't that the point of c5 6.O-O (0:54)
anandkvs(1998) whispers: and white doesn't play d5 either
anandkvs(1998) whispers: something high level is going on :P
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yeah I would have gone d5 there
anandkvs(1998) whispers: cxd4 is almost automatic here
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I guess white insists to have this structure
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: this is the match where white team has to score 1 point in two games? 6...O-O (6:12)
anandkvs(1998) whispers: yeah
milpat(1912) whispers: yes
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I think he needs to play d5 though
milpat(1912) whispers: d5 c'mon
milpat(1912) whispers: looks so comfortable 7.d5 (1:41) Nb4 (0:08) 8.Nc3 (0:46)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: And I guess black goes for Na6-c7 and typical Benoni play with a5-b5
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: a6-b5
milpat(1912) whispers: this Nb4 might travel much to land on doubtful square 8...d6 (0:29)
milpat(1912) whispers: a3 say
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: 8. a6 Na6 d6 was interesting 9.a3 (0:53) Na6 (0:06) 10.e4 (0:16)
milpat(1912) whispers: i guess from c7 the N goes nowhere, has to Nb8?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: No, Nc7
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Supports b5
milpat(1912) whispers: and comes to life via e8?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Usually the maveur is Na6-c7 rather than Nc6-b4-a6-c7
milpat(1912) whispers: benoni-ish
milpat(1912) whispers: so white gained few temps there 10...Nc7 (2:25)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: It is a Benoni, with black one or two tempi down
milpat(1912) whispers: 1-0? :D
anandkvs(1998) whispers: yeah, not sure why black was so keen to provoke d5
anandkvs(1998) whispers: cxd4 was natural and good
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I wouldn't go that far
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: a3 isn't that useful here
milpat(1912) whispers: Re1 i suppose?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: But white has a very nice position here
anandkvs(1998) whispers: a3 was indeed not necessary, since black must play a6-b5 anyway in benoni, which is not possible with N on b4. However, it's not harmful
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: maybe Qe2 is more useful than Re1 11.Bg5 (2:15)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I would play for e5 here
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: maybe black can play Bg4 to exchange bishop for knight
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yeah, I guess you could make a case for playing h3
anandkvs(1998) whispers: yeah, that's often a good idea in benoni
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Also blocks Ng4 in some lines
anandkvs(1998) whispers: h3 for white and Bg4 for black
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Say h6 and you can go Be3 with h3 in
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I thought h6 Bd2
anandkvs(1998) whispers: I don't see the point of Bg5, unless it's to provoke h6
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: well it stops e6
anandkvs(1998) whispers: isn't e6 still possible?
milpat(1912) whispers: white wants e5 himself, Bg5 doesnt seem to serve that project
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Maybe he's trying to exchange the dsb with Qd2-Bh6, though I'm not sure it's such a good idea
milpat(1912) whispers: h3 was good idea, the more i think to it
anandkvs(1998) whispers: I like Nd2 for white, or maybe h3
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Anyway, the pressure is on black here to find some counterplay
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I have no concrete lines but e6 e5
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: White has enough useful moves to make before pushing e5
anandkvs(1998) whispers: e6, exd5 looks a plan
milpat(1912) whispers: Ng4-Ne5 an idea?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: h3, Qe2, Re1, Nd2 etc
anandkvs(1998) whispers: or a6, b5
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: It will be interesting to see how white recaptures if he allows balck e6, exd5
milpat(1912) whispers: ex?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I think both are possible, ex is a bit safer
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Probably better w N on c7
milpat(1912) whispers: thinking of Nx too, then play agaisnt d-pawn with half-open file
milpat(1912) whispers: ah, i think its not possible finally
milpat(1912) whispers: black can force px if he wants 11...h6 (12:14)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I like Bd2 keeps c3 knight protected. It allows the white knight to move and play Bc3 to support e5. It also allows white to play b4
Capris(1915) whispers: Bf4 stops e5. If black can get e5 in he will be fine 12.Bd2 (5:33)
milpat(1912) whispers: Bf4 Nh5...stops what?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Capris that is interesting idea
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: your knight would be misplaced after Bd2 pat
milpat(1912) whispers: true, but black gets his e5
milpat(1912) whispers: anyway, black has no fear of N wasted temps it seems :D
donpachi(2100) whispers: is e5 really that desirable for black? from one perspective it sort of 'buries' the bishop on g7
milpat(1912) whispers: how black frees himself if not?
milpat(1912) whispers: i mean, how he can go forward?
superlaser(1896) whispers: i think the main idea is to play e5, then move the knight and play f5
milpat(1912) whispers: can he* 12...b5 (4:03)
donpachi(2100) whispers: i think e6 and exd5 is quite typical in this sort of positions
milpat(1912) whispers: oh 13.cxb5 (0:09)
superlaser(1896) whispers: yay, gambit
milpat(1912) whispers: Nc3 overlaoded 13...a6 (0:12)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: This is rather drastic
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: in benok style
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: No it's not
milpat(1912) whispers: benko-ish
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: benko*
superlaser(1896) whispers: nice idea
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: it looks like fianchettoed benok
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: sigh benko*
milpat(1912) whispers: b6, benko-chickened-ish 14.a4 (0:56)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yes but that knight on c7 is pretty bad
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: It seems like a bad benko for black
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Not sure about this a4 though
milpat(1912) whispers: benko 4-5 tempo down
wmahan(2029) whispers: :)
milpat(1912) whispers: hey W-boy
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: black has to to take on b5 otherwise b6 a5
anandkvs(1998) whispers: Nc7 is fine in this line, it's often a thematic idea
wmahan(2029) whispers: hey pat 14...axb5 (2:27)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: but that particular knight no 15.axb5 (0:39)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: ax axb Rb8 Qe2 i guess?
milpat(1912) whispers: like Laurent said, usually Na6/Nc7, not Nc6-b4-a6-Nc7
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I don't understand why white played a3 on move 9
milpat(1912) whispers: reflex
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: he should have let black knight stay there
anandkvs(1998) whispers: yes
anandkvs(1998) whispers: since it prevents a6
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: This looks like a small, safe advantage for white
anandkvs(1998) whispers: I would have just taken the pawn on a6
milpat(1912) whispers: i dont see white's problem
milpat(1912) whispers: (s)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Nice clock advantage too
wmahan(2029) whispers: normally black would move his queen and try to connect the rooks, but Nc7 is in the way
milpat(1912) whispers: that N got the lemon prize for sure :)
milpat(1912) whispers: Qd7 any good?
wmahan(2029) whispers: maybe Bg4 first
milpat(1912) whispers: perhaps Qd7 encourage white's e5 15...Bd7 (5:18)
anandkvs(1998) whispers: what happens if the playoff match gets tied?
milpat(1912) whispers: top seeded wins
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: black's team wins
anandkvs(1998) whispers: ok
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I guess b6 Nb5
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Can you try some b6+e5 here?
milpat(1912) whispers: interesting Laur 16.Qb3 (3:19)
wmahan(2029) whispers: I thought e5 Rxa1 Qxa1 Nfxd5 Nxd5 Nxd5 looked ok for black
milpat(1912) whispers: b6 1st chase N Wil
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yeah but with Nb5 black looks ok
milpat(1912) whispers: but Bg2 sees a bit more of a daylight
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I like this, keep the tension
milpat(1912) whispers: Qb3 seems great, connects rook
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Though Nxb Nxb Rb8!?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: What do you play then
milpat(1912) whispers: perhaps Nxb Rxa8
wmahan(2029) whispers: yeah, this makes b6 even more of a threat
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Not sure Nxb Rxa8 works
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Since you play Qxa8 and play Rfb8 after Nxb5
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: You get a worse version since you activate the other rook
milpat(1912) whispers: true point 16...Qb8 (7:23)
wmahan(2029) whispers: Rxa8 maybe, since either recapture seems awkward
wmahan(2029) whispers: followed by Re1 and Bf1 17.Rxa8 (4:52)
wmahan(2029) whispers: Nxa8 Ra1 controls the open file 17...Qxa8 (0:37)
wmahan(2029) whispers: b6 Rb8 just loses the pawn, but maybe e5 is possible
milpat(1912) whispers: looking seriously at e5 too
milpat(1912) whispers: making Qa8 misplaced
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Pretty sharp with e5
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: e5 Nxd5!? Ng5?! hxg5 Nxd5 Nxd5 Bxd5
wmahan(2029) whispers: can throw in b6 for fun
milpat(1912) whispers: that helps black to bring the rook
milpat(1912) whispers: needs a good threat
wmahan(2029) whispers: the idea of moving Ng5 or some other discovery seems artificial though
wmahan(2029) whispers: I think I'd just play Re1
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: It is, I'm not sure it's any good
milpat(1912) whispers: could white try Ne1/Nd3, with similar stuff but Bg2 sees more
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: Go Inschipupa!
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Wow, white went into the tank here
pchesso(1800) whispers: hello all
pchesso(1800) whispers: is Qa3 an idea?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: b6?
wmahan(2029) whispers: hi pchesso, it seems to drop b5 18.e5 (11:53)
milpat(1912) whispers: b6 Rb8...and what funk?
pchesso(1800) whispers: yes, it returns the pawn
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Wow, he went for it:)
wmahan(2029) whispers: wow, he went for it
milpat(1912) whispers: rock on
wmahan(2029) whispers: jinx laur
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: He must have seen the discovery, this doesn't work without it
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: wow
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: And I think Ng5 is the only move after Nfxd, because you have to stop Be6 18...Ng4 (2:00)
wmahan(2029) whispers: that was unexpected too
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Eh, Nd4 also
milpat(1912) whispers: uh, no Nxd5! :o
wmahan(2029) whispers: now maybe e6!?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: typical reply, if e6 doesnt work good move :p
milpat(1912) whispers: looked at e6, xe ?Bxe6 seems tempo-gain
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: tactics with Ng5
milpat(1912) whispers: Bxe6 attacks Qb3
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: This is getting crazy
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Also b6 in many lines
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: then maybe trade off on e6 and pinning with Bd5
Vachopet(1947) whispers: b6
wmahan(2029) whispers: exd exd h3 Ne5 Nxe5 and Bxe5 isn't possible due to Bxh6
Vachopet(1947) whispers: maybe
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Not sure, Rb8 looks serious there 19.Bf4 (4:04)
Vachopet(1947) whispers: i like the wmahan variantion
milpat(1912) whispers: eh!
wmahan(2029) whispers: strange, is he thinking g5 exd?
milpat(1912) whispers: will be d5-d6 discover line i think
Vachopet(1947) whispers: black woud have been forced to take back dxe5
Vachopet(1947) whispers: g5 exd6 humm
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Crazy game
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Bf4 is strong it seems tough
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: nah this gives less action ://
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: There's still the Nxb5 Nxb5 Rb8 idea but I think black would have played it by now if he spotted it
milpat(1912) whispers: less action??? lol
Vachopet(1947) whispers: black forced to dxe5?
Twikki(2118) whispers: I liked b6 Rb8 ed ed Bf4
milpat(1912) whispers: Laur, Nxb5 e6?
Vachopet(1947) whispers: twikki found something with b6 milpat :D
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: More crazyness with dxe5 d6 Be6 Nxe5!?
milpat(1912) whispers: kind of game where u happy to be the one with the clock :)
wmahan(2029) whispers: now dxe Nxe5 Nxe5 e6 isn't clear to me
anandkvs(1998) whispers: probably because e6 is illegal in that line :P 19...dxe5 (5:17)
anandkvs(1998) whispers: but you mean d6 perhaps :P 20.Nxe5 (0:15)
wmahan(2029) whispers: minor details :p
wmahan(2029) whispers: yea
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: trades
milpat(1912) whispers: Lince on fire!!! 20...Nxe5 (0:27)
milpat(1912) whispers: d6
gile(1858) whispers: does d6 wins a piece?
milpat(1912) whispers: dxc7 will end Rb8 lines :) 21.Bxe5 (0:37) Bxe5 (0:02) 22.d6 (0:02)
milpat(1912) whispers: no, get back the piece gile
gile(1858) whispers: oh... :)
milpat(1912) whispers: ok xc7 Bxc7, that pawn does not stay, bummer
wmahan(2029) whispers: I think Bxe5 was unnecessary because now the bishop can take back on c7
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Not sure I like this, black keeps the two bishops after Be6 and simplifications
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: gets back or wins, imho this simplification helped black a lot
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Even Q somewhere dxc Bxc looks ok for black
milpat(1912) whispers: where Q goes, step#1
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I'd play Qa5 probably 22...Qa5 (2:33)
Twikki(2118) whispers: Be6 23.dxc7 (0:04)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: This must be ok for black 23...Bxc7 (0:54)
milpat(1912) whispers: Ne4?
milpat(1912) whispers: Ndd5*
milpat(1912) whispers: if Be6 Qa3 i guess white is ok?
milpat(1912) whispers: make the rook play would be appreciable
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Nd5 Qxb5 Qxb5 Bxb5 Nxc7 Bxf1 Kxf1 Rb8 must be good for black
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Rd1 maybe
milpat(1912) whispers: Nd5 Qxb5 Qxb5 Bxb5 Nxe7+ then move the rook 24.Nd5 (3:37)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: hmm
pchesso(1800) whispers: Qe3 could follow, forking c5 and e7 and h6
wmahan(2029) whispers: I think this is good for black, but not because of laur's line :p
wmahan(2029) whispers: I mean that seems ok for white to me
Galleta(1614) whispers: It seems like afterall LaurentiuI might not be off the hook anymore for tomorrow.
milpat(1912) whispers: Lince is trying hard
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I don't think I ever was
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yeah, it's a hell of a game
Twikki(2118) whispers: Bxb5 seems fine
milpat(1912) whispers: ur Qe3 is interesting pc
pchesso(1800) whispers: probably not feasible
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: If black goes for simplifications w Qxb, I think you need to go Nxc and not Nxe, the two bishops seem a bit too much here
milpat(1912) whispers: u said urself Nxc is good for black
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yeah but Nxe is even better:)
milpat(1912) whispers: anyway, Twikkis Bx probably better
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Good as in decent position, I don't think white is losing there 24...Bxb5 (4:31)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: He could always hang a piece:)
milpat(1912) whispers: Rc1?
milpat(1912) whispers: Rc1 b5 Qe3...
milpat(1912) whispers: Rc1 c4*
Vachopet(1947) whispers: if you want to play Rc1 take e7 1st?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I gues Nxe7 first?
wmahan(2029) whispers: surely
milpat(1912) whispers: of course
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: This would be a good moment to offer a draw
milpat(1912) whispers: he does not play like a man who wanna draw :)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: :0
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: The tide has turned in the past 5-6 move
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: It's not about wanting to draw, it's about being practical
Twikki(2118) whispers: Nxe7 Kh7 Nc6 25.Nxe7+ (3:01) Kh7 (0:03) 26.Rc1 (0:02)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Can you suggest a good plan for white here, other than black hanging a piece?
Twikki(2118) whispers: meh 2/3 :P
Twikki(2118) whispers: mate him :D
wmahan(2029) whispers: I'd definitely rather be black, with the B pair in an open position
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: He could blunder in zeitnot
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: compensation is on the clock
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Move the rook:D
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yeah Funk, but white's position doesn't have enough cheapo potential:D 26...c4 (2:18)
milpat(1912) whispers: Q eyeing f7 indeed keeping the rook calm
milpat(1912) whispers: so...Qf3?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: you are right Laurent. :( 27.Qf3 (0:44)
wmahan(2029) whispers: Qf3 keeps the rook busy
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Qb4 looks pretty unpleasant now
superlaser(1901) whispers: Qb4 though wins a pawn right?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: black can go to eat b2
Twikki(2118) whispers: gotta create cheapo potential ;)
Blondie(2157) whispers: been expecting Qd2 for black for a couple moves now
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: h4 - h5 etc 27...Qd2 (0:55)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Qc3, I guess - though white might be reluctant to do that
Blondie(2157) whispers: i think it is whites only option 28.Rd1 (1:34) Qxb2 (0:05)
Blondie(2157) whispers: wow.. time pressure mistake
milpat(1912) whispers: this covers Qf6 though
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Nd5
golddust(2143) whispers: white lost all his chances here: instead of Qc3 lost the b pawn. A blunder.
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Well, he's all in now that's for sure:)
wmahan(2029) whispers: Qb7 Bb8 Bc6 Qc2 seems winning for black
pchesso(1800) whispers: Nxg6 Kxg6 Qg4+ ?
golddust(2143) whispers: white's move Rd1 deserves a "?"
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: h4 maybe
milpat(1912) whispers: Qd5?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Or bluff Nxg6, is there smth there? 29.Nxg6 (2:27)
milpat(1912) whispers: Qd5 with Be4 idea
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Lol
pchesso(1800) whispers: Nxg6 Kxg6 Qg4+ Kh7 Bd4
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Nxg6 Kxg6 Qg4+ Kh7 Qf5+ Kh8 Rb1 win Bb5?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: there are your tactics
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: King is going for a walk
superlaser(1901) whispers: headache
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yeah, might be good with 1 min on the clock
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I would hate to see this with black
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: anything else is just lost this is a try
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I think Qe4+ may be better 29...Kxg6 (1:20) 30.Qg4+ (0:03)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: no f5 and Qf6 sigh cant calculate lol
milpat(1912) whispers: why 30...Kh7 (0:09)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Push draw button:P 31.Qf5+ (0:05)
milpat(1912) whispers: Qf5 then Be4
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: check with B better?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: white running outta pieces
golddust(2143) whispers: Kg7 and it is over
milpat(1912) whispers: Be4 no need more piece?
Vachopet(1947) whispers: oohh Be4
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Kg7
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: looks like Kg8
milpat(1912) whispers: how u defend that princess?
pchesso(1800) whispers: Kh8 Be4 Qg7 Qxb5
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Be4 Ra8
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: Kg8 Be4 and if Q moves xc5
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Rb1 still
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: easy defended, no?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ah
golddust(2143) whispers: Kg7 and it is over I am afraid
milpat(1912) whispers: ah Rb1 wins the piece back, cool
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Rb1
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: woooooooooooooooooooooooow
superlaser(1901) whispers: that is so awesome
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Kg8 Be4 I gues move rook and go for a K walk?
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: flaaaaaaaaaag 31...Kg8 (1:45)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ok runaway with Kg8 Be4 Rb8! defending the Bb4
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: time 32.Be4 (0:04) Qg7 (0:17)
wmahan(2029) whispers: Rb8 nooooooooo
Blondie(2157) whispers: Re8 simple enough i think
milpat(1912) whispers: xB
Blondie(2157) whispers: wow
superlaser(1901) whispers: ohhhhh
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: bailed out
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: haha
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: fear! 33.Qxb5 (0:12)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: that is tactics got back the piece
superlaser(1901) whispers: hahaha
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: no more Bpair
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: YAAAAY
golddust(2143) whispers: well black just lost all his advantage and more.
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: sweet
milpat(1912) whispers: and b-pawn seems less dangerous now
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: should be easy to draw this now 33...c3 (0:45)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Well, I have to hand it to white - he did create cheapo potential:))
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: well, "easy" 34.Qc4 (0:04)
Blondie(2157) whispers: now B opp color.. haha
milpat(1912) whispers: can put 3 attackers on f7 34...Be5 (0:44)
milpat(1912) whispers: i'd like Rg4 too :D
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Rg6 could be a shot :)
andreasw(2090) whispers: houdini suggests 32. - Re8 as a winning move, allowing the queen to + on h7
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: sure andreas
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: must go afk again :( go lince!
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I'm not sure what you can achieve here if black simply sits tight
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Bf6 and just Kh8-g8
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: houdini would win this pos. with both colors against us
golddust(2143) whispers: The importance of a rook on the 7th rank can never be overstated.
milpat(1912) whispers: so, u might have to work a bit after all Laur :)
golddust(2143) whispers: I forget who said that!
andreasw(2090) whispers: now houdini thinks white is slightly better but maybe drawish 0.34
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Well, working for a draw sounds better than winning on demand with black against a superior opponent
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I would lose as black against houdini but not white
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: please dont quote comp analysis
golddust(2143) whispers: forget Houdini: whoever makes fewer blunders wins now.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Golddust is totally right
milpat(1912) whispers: so, advantage to the 1 with clock :D
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I guess a plan would be to set up a battery with Bc2 Qd3 and try some rook cheapo on the g file 35.Bc2 (3:20)
wmahan(2029) whispers: with opposite colored bishops I think it should be kinda drawish now
andreasw(2090) whispers: but i suck so comp evals is probably more intersting than my own kibitzes ;)
wmahan(2029) whispers: I don't think a draw has entered white's mind this game, though 35...Rb8 (0:55)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: no black's king is weaker
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: it is considered poor form to quote comp analysis
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Qd3, Re1-e4-g4
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: White should go for it, the trend of the game favors him
andreasw(2090) whispers: but if it isn't abuse it would be ok?
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: sigh
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: it isnt abuse but a lot of players dont want you to
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: and it doesnt really help anything since anyone can click on a computer if they want 36.Re1 (1:13)
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: so please dont
superlaser(1901) whispers: totally agree
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Black might even consider scaking the exchange on b2 to get some pieces off
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: c2
Blondie(2157) whispers: it should be a complete draw.. but with blacks time pressure and missing Re8 dropping the B.. white should apply the pressure
milpat(1912) whispers: go Lince!!! 36...Bd4 (1:00)
milpat(1912) whispers: Re4?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: YESS
milpat(1912) whispers: B move Rg4 :D
Vachopet(1947) whispers: #Re4?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: complete draw?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Re4 wins
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Re4 Rd8 forced?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: what i miss
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Re4 Rd8
milpat(1912) whispers: Rd8 forced
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: lol ok
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: then Qe2 winning!
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Still, he's quite tied up
Pawnadian(1969) whispers: Inschipupa needs at least a draw or else we have lost the title after only 3 games. :( And it would be mainly my fault! :((
Vachopet(1947) whispers: wouha
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Re4 Rd8 Qe2 37.Re4 (1:41)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Qe2 Kf8
milpat(1912) whispers: yessssssssss
wmahan(2029) whispers: nice!
andreasw(2090) whispers: ok i will shut up now
Vachopet(1947) whispers: what on Kf8 togh?
superlaser(1901) whispers: wow nice move
milpat(1912) whispers: u can talk Andreas, just turn off the engine :)
gile(1858) whispers: so .. is this a winning move?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: tic tac
pchesso(1800) whispers: Rd8 Qe2 f5 ?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Maybe Bxf2 in frustration 37...Bxf2+ (0:49)
superlaser(1901) whispers: time
milpat(1912) whispers: haha
Blondie(2157) whispers: white is not won 38.Kxf2 (0:06)
Blondie(2157) whispers: well he is now
wmahan(2029) whispers: time pressure blunder?
superlaser(1901) whispers: looks like 38...Qf6+ (0:08)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Sure
Blondie(2157) whispers: wow
milpat(1912) whispers: Rf4 :)
Vachopet(1947) whispers: now its clear no perpet
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Now take your time to mop up
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: I missed Rd8 defence too, so completely see why he play Bxf2+ this is pain :<
milpat(1912) whispers: yesss yess yesss 39.Kg2 (0:32) Rb2 (0:08)
milpat(1912) whispers: ArchBishops going for triple crown!!!
Blondie(2157) whispers: game
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: mating looks like Qc8+ Rg4
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Re8
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Rg4+ must mate smehow
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: with Qc8
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Yup
pchesso(1800) whispers: Rf4 is also good
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: exciting game
milpat(1912) whispers: Rg4 Qc8 combo
golddust(2143) whispers: isnt the game over after Rg4+?
Vachopet(1947) whispers: ya Rg4 forced win 40.Re8+ (1:14)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Qc8+ more accurate 40...Kg7 (0:07)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: that way king does not have f8 square
milpat(1912) whispers: Qd3
Vachopet(1947) whispers: yes coyote
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qc8 was best
wmahan(2029) whispers: yeah Qc8 looked like mate
Twikki(2118) whispers: Qg4+ Qg6 Qd4+
gile(1858) whispers: Qg4-d4 Rg8?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: This gets the queens off
milpat(1912) whispers: Qd3 Qg6 Qxc3+
golddust(2143) whispers: isnt the game over after Qg4+?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: trade extra piece
Vachopet(1947) whispers: but Re8 easy win too
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: no work for you. Laurent
wmahan(2029) whispers: after Qg4 I thought the king could run to d6, but it was probably good too
Twikki(2118) whispers: wins the q, over
wmahan(2029) whispers: Bc2 is pinned, sadly
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Well, it's not over yet
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qg4 Qg6 Qd4+
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Qg4+ Qg6 works btw.
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: and Qg5
milpat(1912) whispers: what a playoffs game!
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: dont see how wins the queen it trades
Twikki(2118) whispers: Qg4+ Qg6 Qd4+ Qf6 Rg8+
Blondie(2157) whispers: Qg5 Qg6 Qd4 Qf6 Rg8
Vachopet(1947) whispers: yup
milpat(1912) whispers: with Qd4+ Qf6 Rg8+ funk
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: can't play Qd3 because of Rxc2
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: The endgame should be won with queens off but there is some work
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ah thanks
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: nvm there is Qe4 blocking 41.Qe4 (2:06)
Blondie(2157) whispers: same
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: scary
milpat(1912) whispers: ouch, what a move
wmahan(2029) whispers: Rxc2 Qxc2 Qc6 Qe4 whew
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: all fine
wmahan(2029) whispers: I wonder if he saw that
milpat(1912) whispers: then c2?
andreasw(2090) whispers: the win after Re4 is very deep and hard to find i think 41...Qg5 (1:24)
Blondie(2157) whispers: still same.. Qg6 Qd4+ Qf6 Rg8+ wins the Q for the R and B
milpat(1912) whispers: Qd4+
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Also Re4 insted of Qe4 in your line wil
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qh7+ Kf6 Qh8+
Vachopet(1947) whispers: 1-0
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Mate
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: that forces queens off vacho
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: or queen
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: black is forced to play Qg7 42.Qd4+ (1:02)
milpat(1912) whispers: Qf6 Rg8+
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: He doesn't want to queens off
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: f6 Re7+ and Qd8
Vachopet(1947) whispers: oh shit sorry i hallucinate this time
milpat(1912) whispers: and hope c-pawn does not win :P 42...Qf6 (0:34) 43.Rg8+ (0:05)
Blondie(2157) whispers: yeap.. shame time trouble hurt black.. everyone seems to be for white, i dont know either player
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Killa move 43...Kxg8 (0:07) 44.Qxf6 (0:02) Rxc2+ (0:02) 45.Kh3 (0:03)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Archbishops!
milpat(1912) whispers: YEAAAH |_|D
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: After 3 games when opponent had a draw odds. SUPPORT
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: over black king is to weak to keep c pawn 45...h5 (1:22)
pchesso(1800) whispers: congrats ABs! :)
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Kh4 g5 h6 :D
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: nice plan
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Funny, he's almost in zugzwang
LinceHispano(1944) whispers: i will like speak english for can give thanks to my team especiality milpat now i have to win or im very bud
milpat(1912) whispers: cheers |_|D
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Qf5 I think
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: He must move the rook from the c file soon
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: yes Qf5 is definitely over c1 not possible Qg5+
superlaser(1901) whispers: the Kh4-g5-h6 plan seems a little dangerous because of c-pawn advances
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: and other moves lose c pawn
milpat(1912) whispers: was looking Qd8+ Qd3
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Qf5 locked in!
andreasw(2090) whispers: yes and the K on h6 is + when the pawn goes Q 46.Kh4 (2:14) Rxh2+ (0:05)
milpat(1912) whispers: wow
Vachopet(1947) whispers: haha he likes it :D 47.Kg5 (0:10)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: ?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: NOOOOOOOOOOOO
milpat(1912) whispers: going to mate with K ? :)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: he queens with check on c1
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Why?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: why go for complications:(
milpat(1912) whispers: Kh6 Qd8 does 47...c2 (0:37)
andreasw(2090) whispers: i think white is playing unneccessarily risky
Vachopet(1947) whispers: oupss
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Pff, is this even won now?
gile(1858) whispers: wow ...
milpat(1912) whispers: Kh6 what ur move?
wmahan(2029) whispers: note to self, never whisper "I have to win" before the game is over
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: C1Q
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: +
milpat(1912) whispers: oops check
milpat(1912) whispers: mon dieu
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qc6?
Twikki(2118) whispers: Qd8-d4/d3+/c3
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Qc3 I guess
Vachopet(1947) whispers: or Qc3
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: roller/coaster
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Incredible
BuyJupiter(1571) whispers: Qb2?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: maybe you will have to work after all, Laurent
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: :((
Vachopet(1947) whispers: funny variation is
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: :(
superlaser(1901) whispers: yeah isn't Qb2 still easily winning?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I blame Vacho for suggesting it:) 48.Qc3 (2:14)
milpat(1912) whispers: haha
golddust(2143) whispers: anyone feelinf seasick :O
andreasw(2090) whispers: what if black moves around the king only now?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: if black gets rook to g6 draw
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: or e6
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qb2 Rg2 Qc3 Rxg3+ Qxg3 c=Q+ Kf6+ 1-0 lol
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Well, I'm sure we've all had our moments when we thought we'd win brilliancy prizes for some clever maneuver only to be woken up by the sad reality that our opponent queens with check:)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: This looks like a fortress already 48...Kh7 (1:36)
wmahan(2029) whispers: true laur
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: absolutely :?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: yes happened to me in otb game I missed a check! 49.Kf6 (0:41) Rf2+ (0:18)
andreasw(2090) whispers: Kf6+ Kf8! Qg7+ Ke8
Vachopet(1947) whispers: K to f8 lol
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: k is going to f8 :)
milpat(1912) whispers: going Kf8?
milpat(1912) whispers: yes
milpat(1912) whispers: unanimous 50.Ke7 (0:18)
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Lol
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: haha
milpat(1912) whispers: K to da front
Vachopet(1947) whispers: thats the kings indian attack
milpat(1912) whispers: haha
Vachopet(1947) whispers: or king attack
Vachopet(1947) whispers: lol
superlaser(1901) whispers: white needs to force black's king into the open to have any chance of winning now
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: or he can try to trick black into hanging his rook into a queen fork :p
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: but Kg8 stops that
andreasw(2090) whispers: sure it's not a very easy win now i think
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Forks won't work if black queens next
Vachopet(1947) whispers: yes Kg8!
wmahan(2029) whispers: hanging the rook might not even lose
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: that is a point..
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: dang
pchesso(1800) whispers: Kg8 Qc5 looks good
superlaser(1901) whispers: white should press for the win, but it looks unlikely that he'll get it
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Only if he hangs it on d2
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Hard to believe:)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: if hanging rok doesnt lose, can play Kg6 now
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: less chances to get mated
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Kg8 very !? Qc5 pcheso
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: scratch the Kg8 idea 50...Kg8 (2:57)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: thought I saw something king hides on h file
milpat(1912) whispers: Qe3?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Qe3 Re2
Vachopet(1947) whispers: pla!!
milpat(1912) whispers: urgh
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: >:)
pchesso(1800) whispers: Qc5 Re2+ Kf6 Re6+ ?
KayVee(1390) whispers: gtg Lince, g/l
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: bye lil superstar
KayVee(1390) whispers: :D funk
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: could some one explain what Kh4 earlier by white was supposed to aim for?
Vachopet(1947) whispers: pf7+rook agains queen = draw
Vachopet(1947) whispers: just Re6-g6
pchesso(1800) whispers: Qc4 is interesting
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: yes Re2+-Re6 is threat
milpat(1912) whispers: Re2 on everything it seems 51.Qc8+ (2:40)
pchesso(1800) whispers: Qc4 guards e2 and c2 and c1 for now
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: With the g pawn on, I suspect it's winning
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: does not guard e2
milpat(1912) whispers: Qc4 Re2+ Qx?
wmahan(2029) whispers: Kh4 was a big blunder, because he missed that later he couldn't play Kh6 threatening Qg7 mate, due to c1=Q+
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Qc4 guards one but not both e2 and c1 51...Kh7 (0:25) 52.Qc5 (0:05)
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: thanks wmahan
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: no Kf8 missed
Vachopet(1947) whispers: he had Kf8?
milpat(1912) whispers: nice
milpat(1912) whispers: now Re2 Kxf
milpat(1912) whispers: right?
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: yes now white is winning
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Kg8 or kg6
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: winning? 52...Kg6 (0:48)
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: I exaggerate but better chances than before
Vachopet(1947) whispers: watta game :D 53.Kf8 (0:15)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: wow
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: yeah
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: all playoffs games are so crazy
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: the pressure makes one behave strangely :p
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Clutch baby
Twikki(2118) whispers: looks drawn after f5 53...Kh6 (1:18)
Twikki(2118) whispers: blunder
Twikki(2118) whispers: qxf2 wins
superlaser(1901) whispers: uh oh
superlaser(1901) whispers: omg
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qxf2 1-0
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: Qxf2 ye!
superlaser(1901) whispers: Qxf2 c1=Q Qf6+ Kh7 Qg7#
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: YES
wmahan(2029) whispers: gooooooooo
milpat(1912) whispers: alllllll right
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: pls dont miss it
superlaser(1901) whispers: incredible
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Wow
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: SO sick
milpat(1912) whispers: black must be tired of beeingunder clock pressure :)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: under pressure
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: take a second to look awesome, Lince!
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: MOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEE
milpat(1912) whispers: relax, this is not lightning :P
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: whaaat
milpat(1912) whispers: take time to find the kill!
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: if he doesnt move i worry he doesnt see it
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: he has missed soooo much :// under pressure
wmahan(2029) whispers: I think he sees it, it's just the kind of move you should triple-check
milpat(1912) whispers: my thought too Wil
milpat(1912) whispers: roll the snares
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Plot twist: mouseslip to Qxf7 instead on Qf6+:P
evilcoyote(2136) whispers: well sometimes you can stop short like Qxf2 oh he queens that kind of thing
milpat(1912) whispers: yes coyote, discard the idea too early in calculations
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: well if he walked his king all the way to f8, he must have been planning this trap
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: otherwise I can't see what he was trying with K to f8
gile(1858) whispers: QxR c1=Q Qf6+ and ?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: I think he'll check it, otherwise why march your k to f8 54.Qe3+ (3:42)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: AAAA
wmahan(2029) whispers: ??
superlaser(1901) whispers: ouch
milpat(1912) whispers: Qg7# cliff
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: lol
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Wow. Mouslip or?
andreasw(2090) whispers: now draw again 54...Kg6 (0:20)
milpat(1912) whispers: who talked of slip? 8-|
gile(1858) whispers: Qxr was mate?
superlaser(1901) whispers: you are kidding 55.Kg8 (0:16)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: draw this right now i have enough suffering here
superlaser(1901) whispers: haha
Vachopet(1947) whispers: lol Funk
superlaser(1901) whispers: this is horrible and brilliant to watch at the same time
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: No chance to win this if you don't spot this tactic - black isn't gonna wak into mate in 1
andreasw(2090) whispers: what if this end up black wins
wmahan(2029) whispers: yeah, this is the second time he's thrown away the win
wmahan(2029) whispers: maybe it wasn't meant to be 55...f5 (1:14)
superlaser(1901) whispers: uh oh danger again 56.Qe6+ (0:15)
superlaser(1901) whispers: mate threat on g7 56...Kg5 (0:01)
gile(1858) whispers: Kg7
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: black is going for a win
Twikki(2118) whispers: yeah Qe5 looked strong
superlaser(1901) whispers: wasn't Qe7 winning?
milpat(1912) whispers: Kg7 c1 Qg6#
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: can't take this
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: logging off
superlaser(1901) whispers: or Qe5
ShakaZahn(1992) whispers: congratulate him for me if he wins
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: ooh shaka
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: will do
superlaser(1901) whispers: im sure Qe7 won
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: He should settle for a repetition, next thing you know black captures g3 and has 3 passed pawns
Vachopet(1947) whispers: i prefer Kg7(orf7) to Qe5
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: It's clear that there is no mate by now
Twikki(2118) whispers: Qc4
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Kf7 Kg4 Qg6+
Vachopet(1947) whispers: humm maybe Kg7
milpat(1912) whispers: but kg7 Kg4 Qg6 Kf3 then what?
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qc4 yes
Vachopet(1947) whispers: milpat i thought bout Qxf5+
milpat(1912) whispers: mmm
Vachopet(1947) whispers: but i prefer the twikki Qc4
Vachopet(1947) whispers: possibility to play Kg7 after
Twikki(2118) whispers: hmm Qc4 f4 gf+ Kg4
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: equalizing clocks :/
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: He must be very frustrated now but it's time to accept this is drawish
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: board with no coordinates: reminder to myself: I was watching the game from black's side
Vachopet(1947) whispers: these guys will have a billion of comments to read
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: watchbot drunk or not?
milpat(1912) whispers: all hurting more than the others
superlaser(1901) whispers: never seen such an eventful TL game
pchesso(1800) whispers: what is the easiest way to force the draw?
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: This is not eventful this is just painful
milpat(1912) whispers: hit the button 57.Kh7 (6:22)
Vachopet(1947) whispers: fancy Kh7 :D
milpat(1912) whispers: just to make us lie
superlaser(1901) whispers: c1+q
Capris(1915) whispers: I hope they keep playing. It's very entertaining
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Kg4 Qg6+ K where, loses a pawn
milpat(1912) whispers: Qg6 mate
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: Queens mates
superlaser(1901) whispers: ;)
gile(1858) whispers: Kg4 only move?
Twikki(2118) whispers: trade the h pawn for the g pawn and it's easy 57...Kg4 (0:55)
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: he saw it 58.Qg6+ (0:45)
superlaser(1901) whispers: starting to worry that white could lose this while trying to win it :/
Vachopet(1947) whispers: Qg5+ javais penser
pchesso(1800) whispers: can't black move the king safely over to the c-pawn?
gile(1858) whispers: me agrees with superlaser
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: God forbid he plays Kh6 now to walk into some Qc1+ 58...Kh3 (1:10)
Twikki(2118) whispers: should be a perpet now
Vachopet(1947) whispers: ya perpet possible
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: <--- worried about white loses too
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: trends aint good :(" 59.Qxh5+ (0:56)
Vachopet(1947) whispers: maybe white can still win
Twikki(2118) whispers: g5-h6-c1 checks
pchesso(1800) whispers: i think black is winning - what do i miss? where is the perp? 59...Kxg3 (0:05)
pchesso(1800) whispers: the R will shield the K from Q checks and escort the K to the c-pawn, no?
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: You can't shiled the K with the rook 60.Qh1 (1:02) Rh2+ (0:04)
Twikki(2118) whispers: lol
ByTheCliff(1644) whispers: ...
Galleta(1614) whispers: wow
LaurentiuI(1873) whispers: Wow
wmahan(2029) whispers: appropriate somehow
pchesso(1800) whispers: ui
LinceHispano(1944) whispers: ????
Gorgonian(1788) whispers: welp
Twikki(2118) whispers: agree with Wil
Funkmaus(2200) whispers: dammmit LinceHispano resigns 0-1
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