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lingzhi(2034) vs. walkingterrapin(2173) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-11-04


walkingterrapin (2012-11-04): the game is over after h5, its like mate in 9 or 10. i have been in this position about 10 times so far and 3 OTB games.

walkingterrapin (2012-11-04): the old marshall attack contains alot of poison for those not prepared, you cannot meet it with g3. you must play h3 and then after black plays Nf2 next move you must play Qf3. They are only moves at that point.

anandkvs (2012-11-04): This is the old variation of Marshall attack, when Marshall played this against Capablanca. The first ever Marshall attack game is still very instructive.

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