1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:14)e6(0:07) 3.Bf4(0:12)c5(0:18) 4.e3(0:18)Nc6(0:12) 5.c3(0:28)d5(0:19) 6.Bd3(0:53)Bd6(0:26) 7.Bg3(1:12)Ne4(0:51) 8.Bxe4(4:09)
CNoble requests to pause the game.
Gregorioo accepts the pause request.
Game clock paused.
CNoble requests to unpause the game.
Gregorioo accepts the unpause request.
Game clock resumed.
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: I feel bound to remind the players to be more careful next time ;) smallblackcat(2006) whispers: "tell teamleague play" every time, please
9.Nfd2(1:23)cxd4(0:14) 10.cxd4(1:50)Bb4(0:20) 11.O-O(0:24)f5(0:10) 12.Qh5+(0:19)g6(0:09) 13.Qh6(0:43)Qf6(0:30)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: hmm, this looks dangerous for black
14.Bh4(1:06)Qf7(1:01) 15.Bg3(3:29)
Twikki(2038) whispers: meh smallblackcat(2006) whispers: would you care to expand on that? ;) Twikki(2038) whispers: that would have been my 4th or 5th option wmahan(2044) whispers: maybe the idea is Nc4-e5 smallblackcat(2006) whispers: or Nc4-e6 smallblackcat(2006) whispers: *d6 wmahan(2044) whispers: ya
15...Bd7(5:12) 16.Nc3(1:17)
BethanyGrace(1688) whispers: Go CNoble!
Twikki(2038) whispers: that just seems to create a weakness to defend another one
Twikki(2038) whispers: Bf8 Qh3 f4 was a neat idea Twikki(2038) whispers: o-o-o doesn't look very good after a6 ;)
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: this is very unpleasant wmahan(2044) whispers: Nd6, or maybe throw in Be5 first? smallblackcat(2006) whispers: Nd6+ Bxd6 Bxd6 and white can probably invade on the c- or d-files later wmahan(2044) whispers: on second thought Be5 Nxe5 Nxe5 and the N isn't sustainable on e5
smallblackcat(2006) whispers: this is less good, I think wmahan(2044) whispers: hmm, I thought trading off the Bd7 is the last think white would do
Twikki(2038) whispers: d5 looks good smallblackcat(2006) whispers: oh yes smallblackcat(2006) whispers: nasty smallblackcat(2006) whispers: games like this give the London system an undeserved good name ;) Twikki(2038) whispers: Bf8 Funkmaus(2240) whispers: wow that was london?! wakes me up! smallblackcat(2006) whispers: lol
19...Bf8(9:09) 20.Qh3(1:57)
Twikki(2038) whispers: ed ->f4 has cheapo potential
mindlin(1963) whispers: hello all mindlin(1963) whispers: how's it going/ mindlin(1963) whispers: *? smallblackcat(2006) whispers: white appears to be winning smallblackcat(2006) whispers: or at least well on top mindlin(1963) whispers: my freind that taught me the blackmar deimer plays london too mindlin(1963) whispers: i never tried it thoughGregorioo lost connection; game adjourned *
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