diduk(2328) vs. ivey(2159) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-08-03
mindlin(1994) whispers: anyone watching still?
purplepawns(1845) whispers: yawn 49...Qf8 (1:23)
purplepawns(1845) whispers: did i miss anything? 50.h4 (0:17) gxh3 (0:06) 51.Rxh3 (0:06)
mindlin(1994) whispers: action on the h-file 51...Rhg7 (0:40)
smallblackcat(2050) whispers: ironic how the high-rated games often don't get many comments, I think because we are all scared of looking foolish 52.Be2 (1:28)
Treekiller(1701) whispers: yeah :)
AIDog(2132) whispers: After playing Qb5 and Rd1, expected Qc5 from White 52...e5 (1:43)
ivey(2159) whispers: omg this gets ugly 53.Bxe5 (0:14) Ne3 (0:22) 54.Kxe3 (0:02) Bxh3 (0:06) 55.Bf3 (0:07)
smallblackcat(2050) whispers: how the hell did white play these moves so fast... 55...Rxg3 (0:30)
davidmarcouiller(1827) whispers: go ivey 56.Kd2 (0:13)
purplepawns(1845) whispers: the result i want is a loss - for both
Treekiller(1701) whispers: good luck with that lol
smallblackcat(2050) whispers: you are cruel and harsh, purple ;)
smallblackcat(2050) whispers: btw, nice to see you again :) 56...Rg2+ (2:32) 57.Kc1 (0:07)
Treekiller(1701) whispers: bet that kc1 felt nice to play
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: while the exch is still hanging, Qa3+ still has some bite. 57...R7g5 (1:50)
purplepawns(1845) whispers: good to see you cat - these games are nothing without you - have a beer on me |_|D
tjradd(2152) whispers: hrm wondered about Qa3 Kb1 Bf5 58.Bxd5+ (0:53) Kg6 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2050) whispers: well it is only 9.30 am...but I never turn down beer
Treekiller(1701) whispers: maybe kb2 here? 59.Kb2 (1:44)
Treekiller(1701) whispers: :D i got one right
Linchpin(1873) whispers: if white gets king into safe zone his bishops will dominate this open board and black king will come under fire i think 59...Qf2 (0:52)
ivey(2159) whispers: rf1 please
Treekiller(1701) whispers: bxc4?
xombie(1910) whispers: does BxR work?
oldengawy(2310) whispers: really white is safey !
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: BxR goes into a drawn ending
oldengawy(2310) whispers: i c Bxc4 better
xombie(1910) whispers: yes, that seems safe
xombie(1910) whispers: white should win that no?
Linchpin(1873) whispers: what is dangerous about bxg2 and reclaiming that rook?
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: Bxc4 plays nicely, aiming for Bd3+ and holding down c2.
xombie(1910) whispers: well, white wont have too much play there
xombie(1910) whispers: after BxR
smallblackcat(2050) whispers: Bxg2 looks fine to me, but Bxc4 carries less risk
xombie(1910) whispers: Bxc4 also gives passer
xombie(1910) whispers: together with the very exposed black king
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: brb 60.Bxc4 (3:46) Bf5 (0:28)
oldengawy(2310) whispers: Bb3 61.Qe2 (0:20)
Blondie(2132) whispers: plus with the B pair still intact the d pawn is much more dangerous to black
xombie(1910) whispers: the ending must surely win for white!
xombie(1910) whispers: oh
xombie(1910) whispers: this is problematic
AIDog(2132) whispers: Bxc2
xombie(1910) whispers: QxQ RxQ RxR BxR Rg2
oldengawy(2310) whispers: so Qh4 means problem ;)
xombie(1910) whispers: so after QxQ it has to be BxQ
xombie(1910) whispers: very unfortunate
CarlosKerber(1666) whispers: hi xombie 61...Bxc2 (2:05) 62.Qxf2 (0:10) Rxf2 (0:00) 63.Ka3 (0:10)
xombie(1910) whispers: ck 63...Rd2 (0:52)
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: Bf4?!
tjradd(2152) whispers: Bf4 Ra5 Kb4 Ra4
oldengawy(2310) whispers: Rxa
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: kk got it
ivey(2159) whispers: bf4 doesnt work :p
Treekiller(1701) whispers: what about just bd5 attacking pawn? 64.Re3 (1:29)
mindlin(1994) whispers: so this is one of those long draws? 64...Rg1 (0:20) 65.Kb4 (0:18) Ra1 (0:32) 66.Bc7 (0:28)
mindlin(1994) whispers: that d-pawn could become dangerous 66...Rdd1 (1:14)
ivey(2159) whispers: i hope the pawn is not running 67.Kc5 (0:38)
ivey(2159) whispers: :(
mindlin(1994) whispers: his king will lead the charge 67...Re1 (0:22) 68.Rg3+ (0:16) Kf6 (0:21)
oldengawy(2310) whispers: two strong BISHOBS should won in the end
nitelyjoy(1745) whispers: black should try to trade LSBs
Treekiller(1701) whispers: i cant see what black can do if white starts the pawn push already 69.Bd8+ (4:50)
AIDog(2132) whispers: to send the B King away from the d pawn : Bd8+, Rg5+
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: imo, the right plan is not to trade the Bs b/c the guard the path to the Q-square. d7 is the only weak spot. 69...Kf5 (0:17) 70.Bf7 (0:14) Re2 (1:52) 71.c4 (0:39) Rh1 (0:49)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: Rg8
bigwienke(1948) whispers: wow, this has been a long game
WMKnight(1751) whispers: this is really top level chess, I would have no idea what to do with either color in this game
bigwienke(1948) whispers: that's how I usually feel about chess. Even in my own games
Blondie(2132) whispers: lol
Blondie(2132) whispers: we all do i think
Blondie(2132) whispers: we can see others mistakes in their games, but rarely see them during our own game.. :D 72.Rg8 (3:17) Rh6 (0:06) 73.d5 (0:12) Ba4 (0:15) 74.Rg1 (0:31)
purplepawns(1845) whispers: these guys see every mistake it seems 74...Bd7 (0:29)
bigwienke(1948) whispers: So whats the evaluation consensus
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: messy
bigwienke(1948) whispers: :)
purplepawns(1845) whispers: 0-0
WMKnight(1751) whispers: when was hte last pawn move?
bigwienke(1948) whispers: 3 moves ago
WMKnight(1751) whispers: oh yeah
WMKnight(1751) whispers: I tupid
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: i thought white was surely winning, but maybe black somehow holds
mindlin(1994) whispers: white has advantage
purplepawns(1845) whispers: somehow 75.d6 (2:29)
WMKnight(1751) whispers: Bd5 is a nice loomoing threat I think. 75...Rf2 (1:00)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: Re1 76.Bd5 (1:01)
WMKnight(1751) whispers: holy cow I guessed a move right 76...Rh8 (1:58) 77.Bc7 (0:47)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: now to remove the blockading bishop
WMKnight(1751) whispers: how do you do that?
WMKnight(1751) whispers: Rg7?
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: looks reasonable
mindlin(1994) whispers: well he threaten b7 and Rg8 now seems hard for black 77...Rb2 (1:35)
mindlin(1994) whispers: Rg7 78.Re1 (0:26) Kf6 (0:14)
ivey(2159) whispers: o my 79.Ra1 (2:00)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: hmm i thought sure Re7
mindlin(1994) whispers: he has second thoughts
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: cant see what scared him off the move
mindlin(1994) whispers: maybe he want both pawns in the action
mindlin(1994) whispers: c and d pawns 79...Rh5 (1:33)
ivey(2159) whispers: donno re7 looked harder to defend
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: yeah i agree with black...Ra1 looks senseless
mindlin(1994) whispers: not senseless just different plan
ivey(2159) whispers: now i got pawn defended and attacker even pinned, but still i dont think i can hold d7
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: but whats the plan
AIDog(2132) whispers: Rf1+
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: whats the point behind Ra1? 80.Bd8+ (1:51)
purplepawns(1845) whispers: looks like it protects a pawns i`m not sure
mindlin(1994) whispers: maybe trade a for b somehow 80...Kg7 (0:22)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: im not saying its a blunder, but Re7 seemed straight forward on the way to a win 81.Re1 (0:23)
tjradd(2152) whispers: I like Rg1
Jammes(1938) whispers: is there a statistic. longest teamleague game? :)
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: now he is third guessing :-)
xombie(1910) whispers: wow this wonderful game is still going on 81...Bc6 (0:42)
Fischeur(1889) whispers: d7
linuxblue(1744) whispers: my bet is on nokiatwenty being in the longest TL game :p 82.Re7+ (0:22) Kg6 (0:06) 83.d7 (0:09)
xombie(1910) whispers: perp!
Jammes(1938) whispers: why? because he plays every game til mate? :)
linuxblue(1744) whispers: because he defends very bad endgames to a draw :) 83...Rxd5+ (0:26) 84.cxd5 (0:09) Rb5+ (0:02)
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: woo 1-0
xombie(1910) whispers: it was, anyway 85.Kd6 (0:16)
mindlin(1994) whispers: hmm
xombie(1910) whispers: what a nice finish though
xombie(1910) whispers: king walk and all
Tharderer(1772) whispers: haha 85...Rxd5+ (0:23) 86.Ke6 (0:03)
tjradd(2152) whispers: b6
mindlin(1994) whispers: this could be draw still right?
bigwienke(1948) whispers: how hard is R v RB
tjradd(2152) whispers: b6 ab Rd7!?
xombie(1910) whispers: how about Bxb6?
xombie(1910) whispers: after b6
ivey(2159) whispers: if i could teleport king to a8
Fischeur(1889) whispers: looks drawish now
Jammes(1938) whispers: come on, make 2 queens somehow. i want to see the next 100 moves
maeniel(2022) whispers: b6 looks good
mindlin(1994) whispers: idk what about Bxb6?
Jammes(1938) whispers: or b+R against R ending :)
xombie(1910) whispers: i dont think Bxb6 works
mindlin(1994) whispers: maybe not
bigwienke(1948) whispers: I've started my RB v R study at wikipedia now :)
xombie(1910) whispers: very complex though
tjradd(2152) whispers: I have not found an acceptable line for black after b6 Bb6 86...b6 (4:10)
maeniel(2022) whispers: rb5 i suppose after 87.a6 (0:19)
bigwienke(1948) whispers: Bx d7 and Ra5 now?
bigwienke(1948) whispers: woops
bigwienke(1948) whispers: nvm 87...Ra5 (0:57)
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: actually, i don't like a6
tjradd(2152) whispers: good luck winning this, after a6?
mindlin(1994) whispers: Bxb6
mindlin(1994) whispers: oh check lol
ivey(2159) whispers: :)
mindlin(1994) whispers: this game is hard 88.Rg7+ (0:32)
rjbriggs(1787) whispers: !
mindlin(1994) whispers: all the tricks are coming out
BuyJupiter(1519) whispers: now I am completely flummoxed.
WMKnight(1751) whispers: heh, upgrading the rook for a queen
BorisFromRussia(1539) whispers: wow long game or what
ivey(2159) whispers: hmm 88...Kh5 (0:49)
tjradd(2152) whispers: ok and Kh5 nexxt? :)
AIDog(2132) whispers: Rg7+
mindlin(1994) whispers: this game calls for a superb finish
maeniel(2022) whispers: the assumption is he gets the b+ and q, its enough to win?
WMKnight(1751) whispers: Bf6
Jammes(1938) whispers: every result besides draw would be illigal. fantastic played by both sides.
Tharderer(1772) whispers: check the black king onto a black square and sack the b
AIDog(2132) whispers: 88.Rg7+ Kh5 89.Rg5 Rxg5 90.Bxg5 Bxd7 91.Kxd7 +- 89.Rh7+ (3:41) Kg4 (0:12) 90.Rg7+ (0:05) Kf3 (0:15) 91.Rg3+ (0:08)
bigwienke(1948) whispers: AI, b5 at the end of that? 91...Ke2 (0:14) 92.Re3+ (0:06)
Tharderer(1772) whispers: uh oh hes taking my advice
BorisFromRussia(1539) whispers: hm
Boobyslegacy(1922) whispers: kx
Boobyslegacy(1922) whispers: kx bg5 rx g8
Mchevycarman(1482) whispers: Rook g5+ woulda worked
Boobyslegacy(1922) whispers: or kx bxb6 axb6 d8 rxa6 92...Kd2 (1:22)
AIDog(2132) whispers: bigwienke says : "AI, b5 at the end of that?" ... But White has a Bishop at g5
ivey(2159) whispers: no more checks :)
Tharderer(1772) whispers: bg5!!!!!!
WMKnight(1751) whispers: doesnt Rc3 work here?
Boobyslegacy(1922) whispers: bg5 bxd7!
Fischeur(1889) whispers: if bg5 bx+
WMKnight(1751) whispers: no I guess
Tharderer(1772) whispers: yeah oops
WMKnight(1751) whispers: not
telamon(2208) whispers: does Ra3 work? Diduk offers a draw.
WMKnight(1751) whispers: Ra3, Bxd7+
telamon(2208) whispers: oh, congrats
bigwienke(1948) whispers: well ivey can't decline that
BorisFromRussia(1539) whispers: yeah
Boobyslegacy(1922) whispers: ra3 bxd7
schachtherapy(1889) whispers: yeah Bxd7+ saves most of the tricks white has 93.Rb3 (2:05)
bigwienke(1948) whispers: computer is saying 89. Bf6 was winning
Boobyslegacy(1922) whispers: bxd7 seems simplest for draw
BuyJupiter(1519) whispers: Bd5+ accomplish anything?
Boobyslegacy(1922) whispers: 89.bf6 still draw
bigwienke(1948) whispers: ah some how a mating net after 89...Bxd7+ Rxd7 Rxa6 Kf5 ivey accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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