funkmaus(2241) vs. maras(2170) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-03-13
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: break e4 black
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i guess e4 is the move here
wmahan(2046) whispers: agreed!
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Congratulations to Rainbow-Warriors for reaching playoffs!
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: haha 1.d4 (0:00)
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: oh no
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: cant break e4 now 1...d5 (0:00)
wmahan(2046) whispers: this is only slightly inferior
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Damn no! Where is 1...Nc6?!
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Maybe I should go into Tschigorin still
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: haha
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: why nc6 is good respond for nc6?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i meant for d4
wmahan(2046) whispers: he usually plays Nc6, and this ruined her preparation 2.c4 (1:07) Nc6 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: yeah lets test it ;)
wmahan(2046) whispers: go Jenny
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: but how can she prepare for that specific line only?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: black can play a lot of lines 3.Nf3 (0:43) Bg4 (0:31)
wmahan(2046) whispers: she's not out of book yet, I promise
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: bg4 cxd bxf3 gxf3 qxd5 e3 e5 is the line i was looking at before 4.cxd5 (0:34) Bxf3 (0:21) 5.gxf3 (0:00) Qxd5 (0:05) 6.e3 (0:03)
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: so where castle?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: now qside or k side
wmahan(2046) whispers: I guess qside for both
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: e5 Nc3 bb4 bd2 BxN
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: bxN and i thought white is comfortable having B-pair
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: mainline that is?! dunno
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Looks like it will be a sharp fight
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: so she was prepared for this line
wmahan(2046) whispers: hey laur, sui
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: all fine so far :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: for both 6...e5 (1:47)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: sharpest~ 7.Nc3 (0:08)
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Black is out for blood:)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Bb4 Bd2 Bx and white chooses~
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: how about bb4 7...Bb4 (0:20) 8.Bd2 (0:14)
wmahan(2046) whispers: I think I'd go Bx but we'll see
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: actually i think Bx is dubious
wmahan(2046) whispers: probably :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: pressure on d4 grows quickly~
wmahan(2046) whispers: it does make more sense, but will white have to leave the king in the center?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yeah
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Usually I chicken out Tschigorin, hope that would not end with got into middlegame with book moves and dunno what to do there
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: yah i think this is not in funkmaus style :x
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: no book moves are just for 10 moves right?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: opening moves
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: "book" is usually the term for everything that you know from memory :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: depends on context, can mean all the known theory too
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: when you are out of book you just have to play chess 8...Bxc3 (2:22) 9.bxc3 (0:13) Nf6 (0:03)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: yay? :p
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: give your opponent something to think about by playing a new line
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: haha
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: wondering about that choice, i thought exd4 is the move.
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: think this allows c4
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: ok, so if i wanna use should play c4 now or never.
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: I don't think qside was a realistic option for the white K. In lines similar to this in the Russian Grunfeld white's K just stays put in the center
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: c4 Q down d5 ne7 Rb1, maybe with Bb4 ideas if he goes 0-0 ;)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i like~ :o
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: when spassky expected bobby to play e4 but instead he played c4 and he was asked why? and he said i want to give my opponent something to think about
wmahan(2046) whispers: nice b and g files for white, regardles off which side black castles
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: c4, d5 bc3 is an option
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i am pretty sure c4 is the move here :x
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: worthy taking a lot of time though :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: implies some huge commitments
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: if i set up centre with c4 d5 e4 my lsb is useless and he will get f4 for his N s, too bad i see no way to trade it vs. one of them there
wmahan(2046) whispers: it does give up d4 though
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: now castling is difficult for white isnt it?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: p@e3
wmahan(2046) whispers: yeah I guess kicking Nc6 keeps control over d4 10.c4 (5:12)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: white can hide under the pawn cover, comp is bishop pair
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: ok this is dynamic opening i should love action
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: so my haters wont say i play boring chess 10...Qd6 (0:32)
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: what opening is this? by white queen gambit 11.d5 (0:25) Ne7 (0:05)
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: 2 bishi against 2 bishops :-B
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: chigorin defense
cstarx(2089) whispers: now A4+ and Bb4 ?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: hey gents
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: by white or black?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i approve~ :o
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: by black
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: by white?
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Starting to look a bit claustrophobic for black
wmahan(2046) whispers: nice idea
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: queen's gambit
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: ok
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yeah
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: The knights are pretty bad
wmahan(2046) whispers: I guess black doesn't need to castle either
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: lol
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: black will be more into saftey
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Rb1 Rb8 Qa4+ and eat a7!
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: if castle
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: so he has to play b6, yeah - means wont have c6 to break it
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: maybe a pawn sac :p
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Rb1 b6 yes
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: or still will have but not that powerful
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Looks strong 12.Rb1 (2:46)
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i think in this line white purpose is to attack
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i think i like Rb8 Qa4+ c6 Qxa7 O-O
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: 9...Nf6, if someone knows here about that move, please comment. he has taken me outta preparation with it :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: umm Rxb7 nvm
tjradd(2092) whispers: I think black should leave his king in the center
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes now
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: maybe
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: maybe not that bad~
wmahan(2046) whispers: I guess O-O-O Qb3 b6 c5 Qxc5 Bb4 is good for white
tjradd(2092) whispers: castling either way runs into a rook on a knight file that will pester :)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: O-O-O looks highly suspicious :p
tjradd(2092) whispers: wow! o-o-o really? wow!
tjradd(2092) whispers: I like your ambition
wmahan(2046) whispers: it's obviously bad, I was just trying to figure out why :p
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i think black king should stay on middle now
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: no need for variations there :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: trust intuition!
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: haha
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: what is so bad of short castling...white's attack is still a far way off.
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yeah
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: if i had i will go 0-0
wmahan(2046) whispers: what after O-O Rxb7
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: problem is more Rxb7
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: but pawn sac can be interesting
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i will castle kingside
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i think sac with Rb8 is more promising~
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: after protecting that pawn
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: well of course!...I meant later. U guys were asking where to put the king.
tjradd(2092) whispers: I like b6, stick a knight or two on c5
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i also think o-o is fine :p
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: I would play b6
wmahan(2046) whispers: the problem is Rb8 Qa4 and he can't castle out of check
ButcherIII(2546) whispers: c6 looks quite nice
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: protect that b7 pawn first
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Qa4 c6 Qxa7 O-O
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: i dont like sacking ideas. these bishops will cause problems
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: but looks unpromising
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: yes looks good so far. just because i like it
tjradd(2092) whispers: butcheriii, are you a comp? You look like a comp :)
wmahan(2046) whispers: I didn't think about c6
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: haha
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: c6 is very clever~
ButcherIII(2546) whispers: white can't castle therefore opening center looks winning for me
ButcherIII(2546) whispers: defending b pawn with b6 leads to equal game
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: butcher are you a chess pro?
tjradd(2092) whispers: White will not be mated with an open center, so opening the center is a disaster for black?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: what if i play Bd3, Ke2, Rg1 and see if i can get some attack going?!
tjradd(2092) whispers: great, I'm going to learn something. I would say that opening the center is the -last- thing black should do, with the knight pair v bishop pair imbalance. Do you have a concrete variation, or?
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: how the hell this arose from d4 opening
ButcherIII(2546) whispers: black can o-o because white can't manouver his pieces on kingside so quickly
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: no maybe even Qg1 and push h4-h5 etc
ButcherIII(2546) whispers: I like c6 period
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: one thing is clear i should never play e4 here
tjradd(2092) whispers: heh agree funk
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: so Bb4 or how, or Bc3 followed by f4
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i think 0-0 is good
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: i have some ideas ;) new feeling
wmahan(2046) whispers: I want to know what ButcherIV thinks
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: butcher thinks 0-0 is good
ButcherIII(2546) whispers: c6!
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: oh
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: c6 is a good move
ButcherIII(2546) whispers: probably he is thinking the same
wmahan(2046) whispers: is c6 Bb4 possible?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: c5!
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: ha :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: dunno
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: c6 rxp?
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: threatening bb4
wmahan(2046) whispers: I don't think white can allow opening the center GS
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: just play a move who cares?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: long think....
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: thinking is good
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: no question about it 12...b6 (11:17)
tjradd(2092) whispers: c6 Rb7 looks profoundly bad for black, to me :)
donpachi(2026) whispers: 'long think=wrong think' e. lasker
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: haha
wmahan(2046) whispers: whew
tjradd(2092) whispers: sort of wish he'd played c6
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Bd3 c6
wmahan(2046) whispers: so Qa4 first?
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: not sure white cares for center. but after rb7 white threatened a pin to threat the knight. i am not long calculator though
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: i can sac a pawn with bd3 c6 bb4 qd7 d6 nc8 c5 bx Bxc5 - d6 is dead but i opened the position
tjradd(2092) whispers: funk after bb4 c5 is possible, is that OK?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: a repetition draw!!! Bb4 Qe7 Bc3 Qd6 lol i will go into here just to see if he wants it 13.Bd3 (4:33)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: tj c5 dxc?
tjradd(2092) whispers: was referring to Bd3 c6 Bb4 c5 :p
WMKnight(1725) whispers: ahh, a 2 step pawn advance
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: that c4 and d5 pawn is huge for white 13...Nd7 (2:44)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: always those unexpected replies^^
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: great manuvere
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Nd7 is standard here
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: using the only sq available lol
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: ah gosh, square c5, how silly
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i dont mind this kind of position
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: would not want to play this with either colour
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Bc2 Nc5 immediately forced, otherwise i trade it with Ba4 and play e4 with all comfort
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: back that bishop than
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: did black also prepared f5 14.Bc2 (2:39)
Maras(2170) whispers: Go, Liverpool! Not the best time to play a chess game. But anyway, it seems everything is clear and this game doesnt influence final standings (at least to my team).
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: dont think he can 0-0 here 14...O-O (2:23)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: WOW, thats fearless!
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: Liverpool??? LOl!...there closer to being relegated than winning the Premier this year! What a sucky team!
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: what teams are going to playoffs?
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: what playoffs?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: shouldnt I abadon that confidence vs. an FM :p but really i think to be winning here
jaberwock(2112) whispers: pairings listed tonight
jaberwock(2112) whispers: but you can figure out top two teams each division
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i guess i have to join TL next year
WMKnight(1725) whispers: next month you mean.
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: next month never mind
cstarx(2089) whispers: how about Bc3 and f4.
WMKnight(1725) whispers: my team went undefeated, but finished 3rd
cstarx(2089) whispers: go to a full blown attack mode.
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Rg1 here probably no? 15.Rg1 (3:15)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: clain the g file
WMKnight(1725) whispers: claim*
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i dont think white can attack kingside because black will defend it really well
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i left TL for good, too many cheaters
wmahan(2046) whispers: win or lose, Jenny, you are playing an exciting game ;)
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: lol ismir
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: worst case e4, so he dont break the middle, else... my attack is decisive
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: too many cheaters ?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: its not funny, its depressing
NightFury(1943) whispers: you think people are cheating?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: how do you know they were cheaters?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Qe2-f1-h3
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: well, this is not the place to discuss it, but yes
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: or f4/Qg4
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: you brought it up not me
WMKnight(1725) whispers: can this stay out of the game chat please
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: depends what coming
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: playing long controls online is a risky compromise :x
WMKnight(1725) whispers: how does funk increase pressure on g7?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: she wont
WMKnight(1725) whispers: than what is the point of Rg1 without ideas of increasing pressure on the g file?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Rg1, ???, checkmate!
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: its just a pressure but you got to know how to attack with your pieces? 15...Nc5 (3:24)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: what are your suggestions hath?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: rook just cant attack g file
WMKnight(1725) whispers: yes, that was the question, how to increase presusure
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: bring your queen
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: to g file
WMKnight(1725) whispers: like e4, Bh6, f4, Qg4 etc..
wmahan(2046) whispers: that N on c5 is really annoying
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: what is that white queen doing?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: blocked by its own pieces
pchesso(1710) whispers: white cannot play f4 now
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i guess i liked o-o better :x
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: could Kh1 and Rg1 then
WMKnight(1725) whispers: anything wrng with e4, other that limiting lsb?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: f4 maybe
wmahan(2046) whispers: I guess she could Ke2 and Qf1-g2
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: e4
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: (f4 hole)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: good point
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: its double edged, f4/Qg4 - i cant resist
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: not sure it really matters though :x
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: now white got to attack on kingside
pchesso(1710) whispers: f4 e4 f3 f5 is the idea then?
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: What about Bc3 with f4 next?
WMKnight(1725) whispers: then f4 wins a pawn for black
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i guess black has some f5 point
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: f4 opens up Qg4 too
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: f4 exf4 Qg4 ng6 exf4 threaten f5, Re8+ Kf1 - and then?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i think qe2 here
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: actually i regret not to have played it slower with 0-0, Kh1, Rg1 now
pchesso(1710) whispers: yes, that looks interesting Qe2-f1-g2 16.f4 (4:48)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Bc3 was solid :p
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: if he plays e4 now i would know my move is good :p
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: e4
wmahan(2046) whispers: she agrees with sui
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Yeah it was better to go Bc3 before this imo
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: block bishops line
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Only to cut out exf which looks messy
wmahan(2046) whispers: black can't open the e-file with exf Bc3 g6?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: looks more like black is going to benefit from this :x
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: thinking he has to take
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: didn't she said it herself? :s
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: *she say :p
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: e4 f3 is mess so e4 is good
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: umm i guess f5 is in the cards~
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: e4 followed by nd3+
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: exf with some rook to e8 next must be critical
WMKnight(1725) whispers: exf, exf, f5?
WMKnight(1725) whispers: looks decent
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: f5 for black can prevent white's f5
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Probably Ra8
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: rite
pchesso(1710) whispers: exf4 e4 and i prefer white, because of all the center pawns
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: exf4 exf4 re8
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: exf4 exf4 never :p
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: scared
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: qg4 or e4 i guess
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: exf e4 f5
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Looks pretty bad
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: bc3
pchesso(1710) whispers: exf4 e4 f5 e5 white still better
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: umm, e5 drops :p
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Yeah:)
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: And Bc3 is not possible
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: e4 f5 bc3 threatens xg7
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: but ng6 e5 still not possible, new protection~ boo
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: ok calculate exf4 exf4 than re8
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: If exf exf white basically admits she made a mistake
tjradd(2092) whispers: ef Qg4 maybe, with ideas of e4 and Bxf4 etc?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: exf bc3 pointless?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: qg4 was the original idea~
pchesso(1710) whispers: on any black Re8 white has Ba4, btw
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: qg4 is a good move 16...exf4 (7:11)
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: I think it transposes to your other Bc3 line sui
pchesso(1710) whispers: ah, no
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: With Ng6
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: possibly :p
cstarx(2089) whispers: Bc3 now I bet
wmahan(2046) whispers: Qg4 allows exf whereas Bc3 doesn't
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: qh5 is an option too
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: intial idea was qg4
WMKnight(1725) whispers: how does Qg4 allow exf?
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Ng6 seems to hold everything together
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Funkmaus(2241)[511] whispers: f4 exf4 Qg4 ng6 exf4 threaten f5, Re8+ Kf1 - and then?
wmahan(2046) whispers: like that
cstarx(2089) whispers: nice quote
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: exf4 looks very strange
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: but it might actually work
wmahan(2046) whispers: Bc3 Ng6 Qd4 seems like the other option
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: looks better to me
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: umm new bc3 line :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: interesting
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: it looks very strong
pchesso(1710) whispers: Bc3 Ng6 Qd4 another idea
donpachi(2026) whispers: anyone has tablebases for this? :(|)
tjradd(2092) whispers: Qg4 Ng6 e4 looks great to me
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i guess black must play qf6 after qd4
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: don maybe in 50 years..
donpachi(2026) whispers: ;)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Qh5 f5! why i drift away there... 17.Qg4 (4:51)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: the original idea :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: wonder if she considered Bc3? :x
pchesso(1710) whispers: just wanted to write before Funk's move: at some point, even Rxg7+ might do wonders
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: bc3 pxp?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: g7, you know~ :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: bc3 ng6 looked kinda forced
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: ah ok
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: still now :p 17...Qf6 (1:22)
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: g6 looks fine here
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: oh
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Ng6 with Qf6 next cover a lot of squares
GreatSachin(1803) whispers: glued to whites king. pretty much in danger
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: umm rite ~ exploiting no bc3 :p
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Yeah but Qxf4 is possible here
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: opps that works too, hmmm#
tjradd(2092) whispers: here I like trying ef, Rg3, and Bc3 :)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: clever way of setting up :p
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: And I like the endgame for white
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: so in hindsight Bc3 was better~ :<
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: I think the Ng6 move order was more precise
wmahan(2046) whispers: Bc1!?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: seems even more clever :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: but i think ng6 covers?
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: bc1 looks dumb to me
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: need some way to kick n out of g6 i think, ie exf4
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Bc1 fxe with f2 threatened?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: good point~
wmahan(2046) whispers: I guess I would Bxe3 then, maintaining threats
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Qc3+
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Kd1
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: no idea
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: oh can't take b
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: how abt ke2 here?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: guess black needs Ng6 soon anyway
wmahan(2046) whispers: yeah, Qc3 is probably the reason it's dumb
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: bc1 g6
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: problem is, there is mate on g7 :p
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: and Ng6 has to be the right way to cover it~
wmahan(2046) whispers: then exf and f5
cstarx(2089) whispers: kf1 ?
tjradd(2092) whispers: does it? seems prone to pawn pushes :)
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: In that Be3 maybe Rae8 is good
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: indeed..
tjradd(2092) whispers: I like ef a lot :)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: that's a lot to think about~ :p
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: why is g6 bad, as a way to defend against mate at g7?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: it is not bad
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Cause you weaken a lot of squres
Obliviax(2112) whispers: is this a team game?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes
tjradd(2092) whispers: g6 might be awkward because it makes all the darks weak, and white has a dsb and black does not
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: a teamleague game, rather :p
tjradd(2092) whispers: no, this is a team league game
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: no one cares about team games~
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes teamleague game my bad
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: i see..
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: I wouldn't consider g6 except in very dire circumstances
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: g6 is good but tha black bishop will do something bad?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: nothing going :( good move, Maras, im done here
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i meant white bishop
pchesso(1710) whispers: how do you like h4 here?
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Bail out with Qzf:)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: there may be some play who knows
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Even there white seems to have good play
pchesso(1710) whispers: h4 before Ng6 looks fine
tjradd(2092) whispers: I have not found a good defense to ef Rg3 Bc3 :)
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: With a bit less danger of dropping material or getting mated
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: how bc1 followed by bb2?
tjradd(2092) whispers: if necessary Kf1, Kg1, Kh1, Rbg1 :)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: TJ how do you plan to defend the bishop on c3?
petlya(1576) whispers: how about e4
tjradd(2092) whispers: wmknight with a rook on g3
WMKnight(1725) whispers: oh thats right
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: rg3?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: Rg3 at least gets clever points :p
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: there is a black pawn there
WMKnight(1725) whispers: exf first
tjradd(2092) whispers: ef clears g3 for rook, and also gives you f5 threats v n/g6
wmahan(2046) whispers: yeah, clever
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: ending after Qxf4 QxQ exf4 looks just worse, so i guess ive no option to exf4 and keep the thrill
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: yes exf4
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: find something later :o
wmahan(2046) whispers: go for it
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: it is good go for it
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: that's how i won my previous game, kinda :< 18.exf4 (10:44)
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Ng6 still
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: but i had an actually awesome pos
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: re8
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: this is more suicide than chess and everyone is watching
wmahan(2046) whispers: you were throwing all your pieces at your opp
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: rae8
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: it had to work! :p
WMKnight(1725) whispers: we are very entertained at least funk
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: rae8 be3
WMKnight(1725) whispers: game might set a record for comments
nitelyjoy(1754) whispers: what about white's king safety?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: qc3+
donpachi(2026) whispers: everyone: for she is a jolly good fellow |_|D
tjradd(2092) whispers: should be safe on f1 eh
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Kf1 is there for white king if needed
tjradd(2092) whispers: Rae8 Kf1
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: umm comment record
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: nice idea~ :o
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: guess we can do it legitly
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: it wont work
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: never mind 18...Ng6 (2:04)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: it happened :o
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: so now rg3?
tjradd(2092) whispers: updated evaluation of Rg3 idea? :)
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: now it seems so much clearer :o
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: rg3 yes
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: i am low on visualization these days :<
wmahan(2046) whispers: I like it if she can find it
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: Rae8 followed by Ne4
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: do you like rg3 here? wm ?
wmahan(2046) whispers: f5 Rae8 Kf1 Ne7 and white's bishop is bad
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: umm Nf4
wmahan(2046) whispers: yes
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: *Ne4
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: haha yeah
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: looks like a serious spanner :<
tjradd(2092) whispers: don't play f5 until it crushes :)
wmahan(2046) whispers: yeah, that too sui
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: rg3 re8+
wmahan(2046) whispers: Kf1
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: ne4
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i think jenny played too recklessly here
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: bishop is gone
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: It's a very nice game nontheless
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: so the cutting edge is ~ Rg3 Re8 (any) Kf1 Ne4 ???
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: :p
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: help!
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: rg3 re8+ kf1 ne4
wmahan(2046) whispers: maybe Rg3 Rae8 Kf1 Ne4 Bxe4 Rxe4 Bc3 followed by f5
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Isn't f4 hanging there?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: bc3 qd6
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Rg3, Rfe8+, Kf1, Qd4, Bc3, Qxc4+
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Once you go Bc3 Qxf is possible
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: qxc4?
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: how about Qh4 fow black in next move, looking to trade?
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: Rg3 Qh4?
wmahan(2046) whispers: yeah, you're right, it doesn't work for white
tjradd(2092) whispers: f5 is a problem there maybe, N/h4 kinda trapish
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: what is the move here for white?
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: k i don't know anything anymore~
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: i think rg3 is good 19.Rg3 (6:36)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: I guess we will see
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Nah, I think it works wil. After QxQ Nxq Rxg7!+ sets up a windmill
tjradd(2092) whispers: tj is as strong as a funk (well, today)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: for Bc3
wmahan(2046) whispers: haha, I thought you just refuted it
tjradd(2092) whispers: or should that be, funk is as weak as a tj, today :)
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: That must be winning
wmahan(2046) whispers: but if Bxe4 Rxe4 there is a rook on e4
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: how are you weak today?
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Oh yeah, forgot about that
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Rxe:(
wmahan(2046) whispers: there's no windmill if black can just go Rxf4
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Yep
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: re8+ kf1
wmahan(2046) whispers: so R+ and Ne4 looks kinda crushing to me
Maras(2170) whispers: f5 Ne5 Qg3 (with idea Bc3 looked more annoying). Now after Re8+ and Ne5 I will trade one bishop with quite comfortable possition. Unless I am missing something. Lets think a bit.
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: yes wil, in that case there is only Don quixote
Maras(2170) whispers: *Ne4 of course not e5
wmahan(2046) whispers: haha
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: :)
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: re8+ kf1 ne4 if bxe4 rxe4 f4 cant be pushed
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: if f4 is pushed rook will capture the queen
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Qd4!? looks interesting too after Re8 Kf1
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Ranye8+Kf1 Ne4 BxN Rxe4 Bc3 Qd8 h4 hopefully works
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: oh so it happened~ :o
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: which rook aint my problem, Rf makes more sense, on the other hand he might have to play ...f5 at some point and need the f-rook for that
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: im more worried about Qd4
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: so Qd4 Bc3 Qxc4 threaten the check and i have nothing there, damn
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: A lot of threats with that move yes
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: 1 tempo needed 19...Rfe8+ (6:27)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: qd4 f5 :( qxQ rxQ and Ne5 20.Kf1 (0:21)
wmahan(2046) whispers: I don't see why black wouldn't Qxf4 instead of Qd8 in her line 20...Ne4 (0:17)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: so Maras mentiond Ne4 here, is that still the plan
WMKnight(1725) whispers: looks like
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: ichat was the one who came up with that idea first here 21.Bxe4 (0:59) Rxe4 (0:00)
linuxblue(1741) whispers: timeeeeeeeeee
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: so now bc3
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: ?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: did I miss Qxf4 in that sequence?! omg
wmahan(2046) whispers: h4 Rxc4 or maybe even Nxf4 doesn't look good
linuxblue(1741) whispers: ?
wmahan(2046) whispers: Bc3 fails to Qxf4
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: bc3 qd6
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: qf3 rae8
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Looks pretty bad
WMKnight(1725) whispers: c4 pawn also hanging can at least try to hold onto that.
WMKnight(1725) whispers: I dont think f4 pawn can be saved.
darnakas(1720) whispers: Counterplay need to be settled
darnakas(1720) whispers: like Qf3
wmahan(2046) whispers: f4 is lost and probably c4 too
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes it cant be
wmahan(2046) whispers: guess she could go Rc3 and save one pawn
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes
darnakas(1720) whispers: along with d6
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Rc1 also
WMKnight(1725) whispers: to hang on to c4 pawn
wmahan(2046) whispers: sorry meant Rc1
WMKnight(1725) whispers: definitely a tough spot to be in with 4 minutes on clock
wmahan(2046) whispers: Qd7 Rxc4 f5? 22.Rc1 (5:41)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Giving free lessons on how to lose as white under 30 moves, reasonable fees :)
superlaser(1771) whispers: lol :)
tjradd(2092) whispers: Qb2 looks like a kill
superlaser(1771) whispers: agreed
wmahan(2046) whispers: maybe Nxf4 Rf3
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: qb2 gets a free a pawn
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: f4 is poisoned at least, but else simply horrible here
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: that rook on e4 kills f4 from moving
wmahan(2046) whispers: yes
wmahan(2046) whispers: I guess Rae8 is also acceptable from black
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: so if qb2 be3
tjradd(2092) whispers: Qb2 Be3 Re3
tjradd(2092) whispers: leaves R/c1 hanging
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: if qb2 be3 rxbe3
Treekiller(1651) whispers: can black play nxf4 now? nfx4 bxf4 rxf4?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: this is messed up
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Nxf4 wasnt best cuz of Rf3 22...Rae8 (5:52) 23.Bc3 (0:27)
pchesso(1710) whispers: maybe Re3 is defensive and good here?
WMKnight(1725) whispers: this isnt so bad, can scrap and claw just a pawn down
Maras(2170) whispers: so, free pawn?
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Qxf4
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: qd6 or qd8
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: now take that
wmahan(2046) whispers: Qxf4 sure
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: It's pretty bad, white's structure is not good at all
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: yes qxf4 is good
Aneirin(1819) whispers: it will look better when she loses the doubled pawn:') 23...Qxf4 (1:40)
wmahan(2046) whispers: haha ani
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: qxq
wmahan(2046) whispers: it's necessary yeah
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: how about qd1 24.Qxf4 (0:45) Rxf4 (0:00) 25.Bb2 (0:26)
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: ?
superlaser(1771) whispers: so no Rxc4
WMKnight(1725) whispers: this isnt so bad
superlaser(1771) whispers: its not doing much though
superlaser(1771) whispers: Bd2 perhpas more active
superlaser(1771) whispers: but meh
wmahan(2046) whispers: it's pretty bad because of white's pawns
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: but it isnt so good too
pchesso(1710) whispers: Rh4 here?
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: I guess black should try to prevent c5
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Rf5?
superlaser(1771) whispers: id double up rooks again
superlaser(1771) whispers: and maybe try to get Nf4 in at some point
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: Re4 here, maybe?
superlaser(1771) whispers: yah
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Ra3/c5 ideas, my B is better than his N, but it absolutely doesnt compensate a minuspawn + structure weakness
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: Yeah but where is it going?
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: what else should i have expected from an unserious attacking chess?! get what you deserve
superlaser(1771) whispers: Nf4
LaurentiuI(1904) whispers: The doubled rooks only look good as there are no entry points
Fischeur(1965) whispers: how about f6, a quite/waiting move?
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: i like R8e4 here
superlaser(1771) whispers: oh
superlaser(1771) whispers: i was thinking Rfe4
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: not sure how reasonable this is ~ double rooks in both ways seem to be somewhat poisonous
Suiseiseki(1991) whispers: see you later maybe :x go funkmaus! :p
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Rfe4, and c5 for white seems ok? 25...Rf5 (6:52)
cstarx(2089) whispers: propralyxis move!
cstarx(2089) whispers: to stop c5 26.Ra3 (0:31) a5 (0:04) 27.Rd1 (0:24) Rd8 (0:10)
wmahan(2046) whispers: Rf5 is an FM move; I wouldn't have thought of it
Boedi(2220) whispers: true, if he plays it, it seems logical doesnt it ;)
superlaser(1771) whispers: is maras FM?
wmahan(2046) whispers: yeah
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: yeah Maras(FM)
Boedi(2220) whispers: Finger of Maras(FM):
superlaser(1771) whispers: wow didnt know that
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: boedi(GM) <-- should be
Boedi(2220) whispers: hard
superlaser(1771) whispers: agreed :) 28.Re3 (2:37) f6 (0:20)
Twikki(2148) whispers: re6-c6 29.Re6 (2:42)
cstarx(2089) whispers: Rd7 29...Rd7 (0:50)
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: Rd6
superlaser(1771) whispers: b5 get rid of the centre pawn
cstarx(2089) whispers: impressive to see how many people are watching this game.
superlaser(1771) whispers: woah 40
Treekiller(1651) whispers: why rd7? i dont unstand 30.Bc1 (0:56)
cstarx(2089) whispers: again pre defence to Rc6
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: now i want that N maybe can draw r-ending
cstarx(2089) whispers: black is trying to reduce counter play as much as possible.
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: i still like rd6
cstarx(2089) whispers: untile all his pieces are ready.
superlaser(1771) whispers: b5!
cstarx(2089) whispers: could be Kf7 here.
cstarx(2089) whispers: or may be Ne5.
wmahan(2046) whispers: I have to go. gg both. Save it, Jenny!
dodenko(2207) whispers: Ne5 threathning Ng4 next?
Hathkhola(1755) whispers: ne5 here
cstarx(2089) whispers: ne5 threathing Nxc4
cstarx(2089) whispers: as simple as that
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: 867-5309
superlaser(1771) whispers: hmm, i think b5 is more forcing
cstarx(2089) whispers: I dont think he will play b5
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: eight six seven five.. three oh niiii iiii eeen.. 30...Ne5 (4:24)
cstarx(2089) whispers: Ne5 might meet c5 and that needs calculation 31.Rd4 (0:17)
dodenko(2207) whispers: Nf3 31...Kf7 (0:18)
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: threatning c6! 32.f4 (0:25)
superlaser(1771) whispers: hmm Nf3 looking pretty tragic for white
harlanellison(1614) whispers: Nc6 is met by Rxc6 32...Nf3 (0:51)
dodenko(2207) whispers: game over
superlaser(1771) whispers: 2 pawns for nothing?
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: thank u gm!...but I think I meant the pawn
cstarx(2089) whispers: tragic means good ?
superlaser(1771) whispers: nah, bad :P
cstarx(2089) whispers: I see
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: tragic means sad
cstarx(2089) whispers: I think Nf3 is good for white.
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: missed that
superlaser(1771) whispers: ...
superlaser(1771) whispers: good for white?
superlaser(1771) whispers: really?
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: ah distraction. did someone call on that phone number?
cstarx(2089) whispers: he takes the pawn on h2
Twikki(2148) whispers: black's knight gets stranded on h6 for a while
cstarx(2089) whispers: but he already has a pawn
superlaser(1771) whispers: well yes
cstarx(2089) whispers: and not that white attack is very strong yet. 33.Rde4 (2:48)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: 0+45
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: maras' chigorin worked very well here
Fischeur(1965) whispers: ng5
superlaser(1771) whispers: oh nice sport
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: yeahh ng5 strong!
superlaser(1771) whispers: *spot
Fischeur(1965) whispers: not really
Twikki(2148) whispers: Ng5 Re2 isn't anything
superlaser(1771) whispers: oh yeah
dodenko(2207) whispers: if Ne6 fxe6 check
superlaser(1771) whispers: Nxh2+ then
cstarx(2089) whispers: FM would never miss such move.
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: Ng5 Re2 Rxe2 0-1
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: eeks.. sorry
superlaser(1771) whispers: Nxh2+ looks like 2 safe pawns
cstarx(2089) whispers: better just take on h2 then.
pchesso(1710) whispers: Ng5 Re2 Nh3 though, with g5 next
dodenko(2207) whispers: cstar you would be surprised what fm's are able to overlook 33...Ng5 (2:30)
superlaser(1771) whispers: oh wow
Twikki(2148) whispers: oh, Re2 Nh3
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: Re5 possible 34.Re2 (0:18) Nh3 (0:03)
cstarx(2089) whispers: that is true. we always overestimate the power of the title player.
dodenko(2207) whispers: g4 threat
dodenko(2207) whispers: g5 sorry
superlaser(1771) whispers: is funkmaus a titled player?
cstarx(2089) whispers: nop
Twikki(2148) whispers: WIM
cstarx(2089) whispers: really
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: really? 35.R2e4 (1:15)
superlaser(1771) whispers: wow, still really good then
cstarx(2089) whispers: I thought her fide is around 2100
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: wow
superlaser(1771) whispers: lol that was 1 second from flag
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: g5
cstarx(2089) whispers: funk is fighting like a ...
Twikki(2148) whispers: I know a 1900 USCF WIM... depends more on results than rating
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: monster?
cstarx(2089) whispers: warrior
tjradd(2092) whispers: does g5 lead to any winning chances?
tjradd(2092) whispers: seems like it might not
tjradd(2092) whispers: g5 Kg2
Qauz(1975) whispers: i think they give out the titles for certain 1st place results in women tournaments
cstarx(2089) whispers: like a guy ?
tjradd(2092) whispers: You are a GM if you win the world junior, I think
WMKnight(1725) whispers: I am a WGM (initials, not a woman or a GM :) 35...g5 (2:15) 36.Kg2 (0:03)
Fischeur(1965) whispers: g5 then maybe g4 36...Nxf4+ (0:02)
dodenko(2207) whispers: funkmaus is WFM.. litlle correction 37.Bxf4 (0:01) Rxf4 (0:01) 38.Rxf4 (0:01) gxf4 (0:01)
tjradd(2092) whispers: looks drawn :) 39.Kf3 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: puuh some +++ time again
Qauz(1975) whispers: didn't tal shaked win his gm title from the world junior?
cstarx(2089) whispers: should have taken on h2
dodenko(2207) whispers: like i said before... you would be surprised what titled players can miss :) 39...b5 (0:40)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: im not, i know what titled players miss
WMKnight(1725) whispers: good fighting by funk though, its not just abotu 1 player missing something, the other player played solid and didnt let them increase their advantage and claws back into it.
superlaser(1771) whispers: Re4 here?
cstarx(2089) whispers: I did play with one FM last christmas. I was much better from the opening. But he offered a draw and I took it.
dodenko(2207) whispers: why not Ra6
cstarx(2089) whispers: I still regret that until these days
KrystianSz(1934) whispers: r c6 looks good
tjradd(2092) whispers: Ra6 looks good 40.cxb5 (1:39)
superlaser(1771) whispers: yes Ra6 does look good
superlaser(1771) whispers: oh wow 40...Rxd5 (0:05) 41.Rc6 (0:01)
tjradd(2092) whispers: all rook and pawn endings are drawn 41...Rxb5 (0:20) 42.Rxc7+ (0:03) Kg6 (0:01)
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: u guys act like an fm is a Godd or something...and honestly a women's title means very little unless she is rated over a certain elo. Not taking anything away from Maras or Jenny; both are extremely strong players. But I mean a fm, it's a rating of around 2200.
cstarx(2089) whispers: looks winning to me though
superlaser(1771) whispers: this is won for black
superlaser(1771) whispers: if Kxf4 then Rb2
tjradd(2092) whispers: I will be surprised if white wins this.
superlaser(1771) whispers: well yes :P
tjradd(2092) whispers: yes, so perhaps Ra7 :)
Qauz(1975) whispers: kx followed by h4?
dodenko(2207) whispers: Ra5
tjradd(2092) whispers: I will also be surprised if black wins this.
dodenko(2207) whispers: Ra7 lol
tjradd(2092) whispers: I am not sure why Ra7 is laughable
dodenko(2207) whispers: lol is cause i wrote Ra5, then corrected to Ra7
tjradd(2092) whispers: oic 43.h4 (3:03)
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: ra7? Rf5
Maras(2170) whispers: I played too passive after winning a pawn, but now everything looks good again. I am not a big expert in rook endgames, but I think it should be a win.
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: too much respect for FMs
Twikki(2148) whispers: cheapness :P
dodenko(2207) whispers: if Rf5 h4 is playable
WMKnight(1725) whispers: they deserve respect, just like you do.
tjradd(2092) whispers: my intuition is to leave p/a2, p/h2, shuffle rook on a-file and see how black tries to proceed
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: heheh
cstarx(2089) whispers: do we have any CM around here?
tjradd(2092) whispers: CM is not recognized by FICS
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: how about PM?
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: haha
cstarx(2089) whispers: I know one person who got a CM title.
dodenko(2207) whispers: I'm national CM, not fide if you count it :)
tjradd(2092) whispers: national CM means NM?
WMKnight(1725) whispers: what is CM?
dodenko(2207) whispers: candidate master
WMKnight(1725) whispers: ahh
Treekiller(1651) whispers: il be GM one day! when Mc D start handing them out with Happy meals
stevelco(1760) whispers: Me too Treekiller
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i cant say the real meaning of CM, TL is four underaged too
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: you are national cm
Treekiller(1651) whispers: :)
dodenko(2207) whispers: that is candidate master in my country
cstarx(2089) whispers: I am 30 points short for CM. But I definitely not gonna apply for the title.
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: i feel like testing my game with cm
dodenko(2207) whispers: not NM, that should be national master ;)
Treekiller(1651) whispers: why not cstarx?
Twikki(2148) whispers: treekiller... that's how Maurice Ashley got his title ;)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: because CM is ridiculous
dodenko(2207) whispers: true
cstarx(2089) whispers: people will look at me like I am dying to have a title.
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: so ready?
tjradd(2092) whispers: FIDE defines CM as 2200+, and FM as 2300+
cstarx(2089) whispers: and it is ridiculous, yes
KrystianSz(1934) whispers: h6
dodenko(2207) whispers: don't you have cm titles approved by your country chess federation?
WMKnight(1725) whispers: uhm, time? 43...h5 (5:04)
cstarx(2089) whispers: I agree with my nice friends that these titles and ratings does not buy me a good.
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: would you like to have a game?
tjradd(2092) whispers: white also has some interesting stalemate ideas
cstarx(2089) whispers: *food
WMKnight(1725) whispers: oh man cutting it close 44.Rc4 (0:22)
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: rf5
KrystianSz(1934) whispers: rb4 44...Rb2 (0:45)
cstarx(2089) whispers: I would have tried Rb2 instead of h5 45.Ra4 (0:10)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Ra4?
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: noooo...
tjradd(2092) whispers: ra4
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: ok Rb5 :P
Twikki(2148) whispers: Rh2
cstarx(2089) whispers: white seems to be holding with his active rook.
WMKnight(1725) whispers: her 45...Rh2 (0:39)
cstarx(2089) whispers: her
cstarx(2089) whispers: oh Rh2. sorry i missed that 46.Rxa5 (0:51) Rxh4 (0:03)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Rxa5, Rxh4
Treekiller(1651) whispers: rh2 was sneaky
WMKnight(1725) whispers: and Rb5?
WMKnight(1725) whispers: or is this over now? 47.Ra8 (0:18) Kg5 (0:17)
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: well I am no Fm,NM or Cm but I am M&M and i know that a rook endgame with the f and h pawns may well be drawn.
Twikki(2148) whispers: still need some technique I think
cstarx(2089) whispers: but this is three pawns not two
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: black can still win this game 48.Ra5+ (0:48) f5 (0:04) 49.Ra8 (0:01)
cstarx(2089) whispers: black will win. 49...Rh3+ (0:02)
dodenko(2207) whispers: now this is a win, I agree 50.Kf2 (0:42) f3 (0:22)
IChatToPadhYaya(1682) whispers: a4
dodenko(2207) whispers: a4 Kf4
dodenko(2207) whispers: and she has no checks from side
Twikki(2148) whispers: Ke3 seems more likely
tjradd(2092) whispers: I think I like Ra4
cstarx(2089) whispers: an extra f-pawn is very useful.
KrystianSz(1934) whispers: a3
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: it makes the difference cause it cuts many checks and can be a useful "intermezzo" in some lines.
tjradd(2092) whispers: delete a2, delete f3, is drawn
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: it is not draw until it is
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: tj 51.Ra4 (2:43) h4 (0:09)
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: I could be wrong but take away f5 and a2 and it might be draw also...
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: that rook on a4 is blocking the pawn to advance
tjradd(2092) whispers: agree, f3/h4 is also drawn 52.Ra8 (0:58)
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: i think black will win this game 52...Kg4 (0:08) 53.Rg8+ (0:02) Kf4 (0:07)
dodenko(2207) whispers: Rh2 incoming...
tjradd(2092) whispers: there is no shelter for the black king hmm
tjradd(2092) whispers: black king run to h2?
pchesso(1710) whispers: Kg1 here?
tjradd(2092) whispers: Kg1 is met by Rg3+ 54.a4 (1:15)
Twikki(2148) whispers: yeah, pretty sure white missed a draw with Ke3 instead of Ra4
cstarx(2089) whispers: so this will give a tie for first in the top section.
WMKnight(1725) whispers: Rh2+ Kg1 f2+?
Hathkhola(1744) whispers: is this really draw?
Twikki(2148) whispers: no
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: f+h draws (how? not for me tho!) double f makes the difference
cstarx(2089) whispers: Who will get a draw od then? 54...Rh2+ (0:32) 55.Kf1 (0:09)
dodenko(2207) whispers: h3, Rg2, h2...
pchesso(1710) whispers: your team, i guess, because of the direct encounter
tjradd(2092) whispers: I do not see how black wins. It looks like Ra2, Kg3, Kh2 is the try
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: yes but FPF because of direct encounter must be favoured!
cstarx(2089) whispers: ahh, my team.
Twikki(2148) whispers: Ra2/f2/Kf3
cstarx(2089) whispers: cool!
Madmansreturn(1956) whispers: so H2H is the tiebreaker?
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: first tiebreaker is game points but we are also tied on this so yes...head 2 head is the decisdive factor
dodenko(2207) whispers: Ra2 RH8
tjradd(2092) whispers: I guess I was thinking of Rh8 as the defense-try, twikki
tjradd(2092) whispers: but then Kg3 Rg8+ Kh2 looks like it will win
cstarx(2089) whispers: I did not play a single game for this team though. 55...Ra2 (1:49)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: I am impressed with everyones end game knowledge, I know none of these rules
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: YES, here is nothing more to fight for
cstarx(2089) whispers: endgame is very important
LightKnight(1651) whispers: GO DA FUNK
tjradd(2092) whispers: at least worth playing 3 more moves :)
WMKnight(1725) whispers: its next on my study list, I have 3 more problems in current studny to complete
Twikki(2148) whispers: Rh8 h3 0-1
tjradd(2092) whispers: uh
Qauz(1975) whispers: so many ways for black to win
tjradd(2092) whispers: guess so :)
cstarx(2089) whispers: but if it is too boring, study middle game is fine too.
MALCOVICH(2187) whispers: yes as long as u don't fall for the trap Rxa4?? Rxh4+ even losing the h pawn with this position black wins. his pieces are just too active!
WMKnight(1725) whispers: I know basic ideas of end game, not much beyond that
Funkmaus(2241) whispers: Congrats, Maras - and good skills in playoffs! gg Funkmaus resigns 0-1
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