xombie(1824) vs. shakazahn(2002) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-02-25
milpat(1943) whispers: ah :) 2...e5 (0:07)
Myob(1672) whispers: ooh:) 3.Nc3 (0:04)
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: usually play Nf6 here hoping for Bc4
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: but no fun if for instance Bb5
wmahan(1990) whispers: yeah, don't count on Bc4
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: will try my new move 3...g6 (1:27)
milpat(1943) whispers: try to guess xom's move is such a gambit
zybraef(2008) whispers: a nice valse of Knights
zybraef(2008) whispers: :)
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: valse ? or waltz
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: d4 most common continuation
zybraef(2008) whispers: i think is the same or not ? 4.Bc4 (4:01)
milpat(1943) whispers: shak in waiting mode of Bc4
milpat(1943) whispers: ah
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: well u puit flowers in a valse 4...Bg7 (0:22)
xombie(1824) whispers: tl is becoming tiresome 5.O-O (0:55) d6 (0:35)
nitelyjoy(1729) whispers: d3 Nge7 6.Nd5 (3:40) Nge7 (1:09)
xombie(1824) whispers: he's trying desperately to get his f pawn push
xombie(1824) whispers: i wonder about the opening though
WMKnight(1696) whispers: so he is considering f5, and castling long ?
xombie(1824) whispers: basically trying to keep it closed until he can go for the space gaining f5
wmahan(1990) whispers: probably O-O still
xombie(1824) whispers: needless to say, general consideations indicate that i should open up NOW
xombie(1824) whispers: in the queen's indian, this move is often double edged
xombie(1824) whispers: if white can get d5
xombie(1824) whispers: that is, the combination of Nd7 and f5
xombie(1824) whispers: this being a KP opening, it has to be somewhat different
xombie(1824) whispers: for one thing, e4 has not been challenged 7.d4 (6:34)
WMKnight(1696) whispers: doesnt this just win a pawn?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: it looks like i do not know what white is thinking?
WMKnight(1696) whispers: black had control of d4 square
Myob(1672) whispers: Myob: 1. Nf3 Nc6 This is a fairly weak move for Black. Although the Black Knight does control two of the center squares, its presence does not limit any of White's major strategies.
Myob(1672) whispers: Both of the center Pawns are still able to move forward, as well as pretty much any other piece... Play the Reti Opening a bit more aggressively in this situation and watch for Black to make quick, but poorly planned attacks towards the beginning of the game. ADVANTAGE WHITE!
Myob(1672) whispers: from
Myob(1672) whispers: http://notpc.hubpages.com/hub/Reti-Opening-for-White-Players-1-Nf3-Nc6
evilcoyote(2149) whispers: I think xombie wanted to open up his bishop for it to go to g5
WMKnight(1696) whispers: maybe the idea after exd is Bb5
evilcoyote(2149) whispers: exd4 Bg5 with the idea of playing Bf6 or Nf6+
xombie(1824) whispers: among the challenges of playing cheap chess online is that it is impossible to play with any concentration in longer time controls
xombie(1824) whispers: and shorter time controls are just too fast
WMKnight(1696) whispers: so I guess d4 is a solid move then 7...O-O (4:32)
WMKnight(1696) whispers: can get the doubled pawn back easy enough if they wanted to exchange 8.Bg5 (0:36)
milpat(1943) whispers: good eye coyote 8...h6 (0:31)
WMKnight(1696) whispers: anything to Bf6 here
Cuilin(1956) whispers: no, not anything
xombie(1824) whispers: i dont know if KID ideas work here
xombie(1824) whispers: like in the petrosian system, h6 is provoked in order to make useless the f5 push (which is impotent here anyway)
xombie(1824) whispers: might even have some sac ideas here actually
xombie(1824) whispers: suitably cheap
zybraef(2008) whispers: white spends remarkably huge time in the opening maybe it costs later
xombie(1824) whispers: well i like Nf6+ Kh8 Bh4 g5 Bxg5 hxg5 Nxg5 Bxf6 Qh5+ mating
xombie(1824) whispers: but the problem is that he needn't respond to Bh4 with g5
Aneirin(1819) whispers: hehe
milpat(1943) whispers: xomb could write a whole thesis on 1 move
Cuilin(1956) whispers: :)
xombie(1824) whispers: oh look, i ve hardly started getting warmed up and we already see the time dwindling
zybraef(2008) whispers: he prefer to write than play
zybraef(2008) whispers: :)
WMKnight(1696) whispers: tick tock 9.Nf6+ (14:44)
xombie(1824) whispers: here goes anyway
xombie(1824) whispers: i think i lose a piece later to Ng8
xombie(1824) whispers: buit we wil see
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: hmm, thought simply Kh8 here
milpat(1943) whispers: yea, what if simply dont take?
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: Kh8 Bh4 g5 Bxg5 is admittedly scary, but that's not forced
milpat(1943) whispers: well, Kh8 Bh4 no g5 maybe the idea
Cuilin(1956) whispers: yes, so I would expect
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: Kh8 Bh4 g5 Nxg5??
milpat(1943) whispers: g5 free Nh5
Aneirin(1819) whispers: I really don't think g5 is going to be played
WMKnight(1696) whispers: the idea with g5, was Bxg5, hxg5, Nxg5, and Qh5+ with mate to follow
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: Kh8 seems obvious anyway
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: g5 is the only threat black has against white. 9...Kh8 (3:05)
Cuilin(1956) whispers: 9...Kh8 10.Bh4 Nxd4 may be an idea?
xombie(1824) whispers: fanfare for the common man, as it were 10.Bh4 (0:30)
milpat(1943) whispers: N is not pined cuilin, Bh4 is covered
WMKnight(1696) whispers: g5 leads to mate we believe
wmahan(1997) whispers: looks messy
xombie(1824) whispers: (a beautiful piece, by the way)
Cuilin(1956) whispers: um sorry MIlpat?
WMKnight(1696) whispers: or maybe not
milpat(1943) whispers: or i missed something?
WMKnight(1696) whispers: g5 Bxg5, hxg5, Nxg5, Bxf6, Qh4+
WMKnight(1696) whispers: and ok thats mate
Cuilin(1956) whispers: I mean ...Nxd4 11.Nxd4 exd4
Cuilin(1956) whispers: now h4 is unprotecetd and ...Nc6 is the threat
milpat(1943) whispers: right, tnx :)
Cuilin(1956) whispers: or maybe even Ng8!?
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: yeah, g5 is just asking for trouble
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: that means the N is fine then
WMKnight(1696) whispers: for now
WMKnight(1696) whispers: Nxd4, Nxd4, exd4 and then g5 is a possibility
Cuilin(1956) whispers: well, I feel White has a bit overextended here - at least if I'm right with my ...Nxd4 idea
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: hmm, thought I'd flipped sides here, and shak was white
xombie(1824) whispers: one way of killing my non-existent attack is by playing exd4
xombie(1824) whispers: or Nxd4 rather
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: xom being very provocative
WMKnight(1696) whispers: interesting game and I have to leave in 10 minutes
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: Nxd4 Nxd4 exd4 Qxd4 Be6 (Bxe6 fxe6 e5 Nf5!)
xombie(1824) whispers: i think i might be forced to sacrifice material after that
Rascian(1896) whispers: not so sure about white's piece quality
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: I suppose everyone has already noticed that g5 is not possible? ;)
milpat(1943) whispers: yes, and shak did too cat
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: of course
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: what about Nd5 after Nxd4 10...Nxd4 (7:55)
xombie(1824) whispers: it is strangely hot and cold in my apartment
wmahan(1997) whispers: haha
xombie(1824) whispers: there we go with the Ng8 continuation
zybraef(2008) whispers: Nxd4 !
milpat(1943) whispers: Nxd4 ex Qx? Nc6..?
xombie(1824) whispers: point being, Nxd4 exd4 Qxd4 Ng9
xombie(1824) whispers: Ng8
milpat(1943) whispers: forces Qc3 it seems
xombie(1824) whispers: then Nxg8 loses a piece in some way
pbeccari(1793) whispers: what if Nxd4 exd4 Nd5 instead
xombie(1824) whispers: again, its not forced
xombie(1824) whispers: that i take with the Q
xombie(1824) whispers: in fact, i d better not
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: Nd5 then g5
xombie(1824) whispers: i better not* 11.Nxd4 (3:02) exd4 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Hello everyone
zybraef(2008) whispers: d4 is poisoned
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: actually g5 might be good if Qxd4
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: now no Qh5+ threats or Nxg5
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: instead of Be6
WMKnight(1696) whispers: Qxd4, g5, Bg3, Ng8?
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: Nd5 looks needed
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: what about f4
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: g5 looks like a clear win really, so the pawn can't be captured
xombie(1824) whispers: here, f4 looks very good
xombie(1824) whispers: but fails to Nc6
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: f4 is interesting...
milpat(1943) whispers: f4 Nc6?
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: black can hold that pawn anyway 12.Nd5 (3:46)
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: question is how to generate counterplay
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: hmm, g5 or f6 look forced now
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: g5 is more Shaka-like
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: i think f4 Nc6 Bd5 might have been stronger
zybraef(2008) whispers: i think after g5 black can hold d4 easily
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: f6 lets white get the pawn back, no?
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: g5 to keep the pawn, but still some attacking chances
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: No, after f4 Qxd4 fails
xombie(1824) whispers: generally, its bad form to make the opening interesting
xombie(1824) whispers: means that the game is just poor
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: to g5 bg3 f5! and f4, trapping the bishop
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: g5 Bxg5 hxg5 Qh5+ Kg8 Qxg5 Ng6
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: interesting
Aneirin(1819) whispers: what kind of philosophy is that 12...g5 (3:25)
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: hmm g5 Bg3 f5 Qh5 f4 Nxf4 gxf4 Bxf4 looks kinda scary
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: but there is just Nxd5 first
xombie(1824) whispers: think this is nearly won now, except for the pawn
xombie(1824) whispers: i am again tempted to attempt the sac
Cuilin(1956) whispers: if you don't like the immediate f5 plan after Bg3, you can also consider Ng6
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: the rook is on f4 either, cat, at the end Rxf4
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: black is 2 pieces up in your line
xombie(1824) whispers: which shak has obviously calculated :)
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: ah, yes
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: too early in the morning here ;)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: but g5 and f5 looks good
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: probably Nxe7 here has my knight will be great on g6 and I can push him out with c6 anyway
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: as my*
milpat(1943) whispers: Ng6... Nxc7 Qxc7 Qxg6
milpat(1943) whispers: in previous line
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: Bxg5 looks wrong on principle, there aren't enough attacking pieces left 13.Bg3 (2:18)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: good game going on here
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: hmm, how about f5 f4, and if g4 then Bh4 renewing the pin
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: I suppose black can always interpose Nxd5 though
Madmansreturn(1964) whispers: hmm, this looks weird, Shaka nabbing a pawn rather than gambiting one :O
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: yes f5
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: i think g4 is outta question, will be forced to trade the Ns and take the pawn
WMKnight(1696) whispers: is there anything wrong with exf? after f5?
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: Ng6 f4 I suppose
milpat(1943) whispers: whats wrong with simple Nc6?
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: f5 exf5 is not bad, but helps black to untangle his pieces
milpat(1943) whispers: Nc6/Ne5 looks just cute to me
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: I don't get the point of Ng6
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: nah, f5 exf5 Nxf5 threatens c6, and a5 to trap the N
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: surely better just to trade knights
Madmansreturn(1964) whispers: hmm, so the idea with f5 is to make development easier for black?
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Ng6, idea c6/a5
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: Ng6 f4 c6 Nb4 looks good, so maybe he needs to prepare
zybraef(2008) whispers: i think f5 is most active way of play in this position 13...Ng6 (4:08)
zybraef(2008) whispers: and maybe most accurate
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: oh yeah
zybraef(2008) whispers: Ng6 is not bad move here for sure
milpat(1943) whispers: its a tetris move
milpat(1943) whispers: fit in the hile
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: :))
milpat(1943) whispers: hole
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: :)
jaberwock(2129) whispers: exactly
milpat(1943) whispers: i play tetris chess myself 14.f4 (1:59) c6 (0:31)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: hmm, and now?!
jaberwock(2129) whispers: my variant seems to be space invaders chess
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: fxg5 cxd5 gxh6
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: hmm, messy tactical line here would be fxg5 cxd5 gxh6 Bxh6 Qxd4+ Bg7 Qxd5 and maybe white is ok 15.Nb4 (0:39)
jaberwock(2129) whispers: xom tends to me materialistic
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Yes... would have definately been better than this
jaberwock(2129) whispers: NOT that this is a bad thing, mind you
zybraef(2008) whispers: hangs a piece ?
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: here it is, cos the bishop gets trapped
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: yeah
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: maybe I even win a piece with a5 here
zybraef(2008) whispers: he played too fast the most crucial move !
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: not the easiest thing to see, when you are foussed on your own attack
zybraef(2008) whispers: and thought too long in other less tensive
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: the choices... a5 Nd3 b5 to get the LSB or simple gxf4 to get the DSB
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: i wonder if black can get even both
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: a5 here
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: hardly
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: a5 fxg5
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: and you only get one ;)
xombie(1824) whispers: ah well
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: haha, true cat
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: ok, then i take gxf4 and the remaining threat of a5/b5
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: well, many moves there avoid the loss of a second piece 15...a5 (3:23)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: black will be ahead because of one extra piece 16.f5 (1:27)
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: Bxf7 Rxf7 f5 is interesting
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: lol 16...Ne5 (0:29)
LinceHispano(1901) whispers: Vamos Shaka!!
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: vamos shaka!!
zybraef(2008) whispers: black's pawns are better than pieces
zybraef(2008) whispers: :)
Aneirin(1819) whispers: wow black looks great 17.f6 (0:55)
Aneirin(1819) whispers: which is not to say that I didn't appreciate white's vigour as well :)
allanchs(1598) whispers: Bc4 not too secure 17...Bxf6 (0:09) 18.Qh5 (0:05)
Aneirin(1819) whispers: fun idea
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: :)) 2 easy for ahaka
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: fun idea??
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: moran idea
allanchs(1598) whispers: Kg7
zybraef(2008) whispers: in such positions biggest enemy is too much confidence
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: white will still lose a piece lol
WMKnight(1696) whispers: does black even bother protecting h6 pawn?
Aneirin(1819) whispers: that doesn't make this less fun :)
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: blacks rsigning
Aneirin(1819) whispers: btw, yes, he has to bother, otherwise he may lose the B as well
WMKnight(1696) whispers: is black not winning here?
zybraef(2008) whispers: as long as the game coninues one tactic is enough to change the balance
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: amazing how xombie found defence/counterplay
milpat(1943) whispers: Qxh6 Rxf6 seems dangerous 18...Bg7 (2:41)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: what is so amazing? at the end he lost a piece
Aneirin(1819) whispers: yes, Qh5 was great
Aneirin(1819) whispers: piece isn't everything :)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: its amazing :p
zybraef(2008) whispers: why not Kg7 ?
milpat(1943) whispers: still 2 pieces hanging
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: i thought he losing a piece for nothing, but see... there is play
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: yes kg7 was my idea
LightKnight(1623) whispers: why not axb4?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: aneirin u are not playing that is why? everybody wants to win aneirin
LightKnight(1623) whispers: why not ZOIDBERG? :-)
evilcoyote(2149) whispers: Bxe5 is forced otherwise Bg4 trapping queen
allanchs(1598) whispers: Bg4 threat too
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: he is not losing a piece!!
LinceHispano(1901) whispers: 19Bxe5 sure or Bg4
milpat(1943) whispers: Bxe5 sems forced
Aneirin(1819) whispers: I was just trying to convey that white has a certain form of compensation now. I'm not saying he's winning.
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Bxe5 xe5 Nd3 if b5 now there is Bxf7
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: ????????// 19.Bxe5 (3:03) dxe5 (0:03) 20.Nd3 (0:11)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: he will still lose a piece no matter what
WMKnight(1696) whispers: how?
Dominickk(1652) whispers: hes not
WMKnight(1696) whispers: Bxf7
WMKnight(1696) whispers: is available
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: i thought he was
Aneirin(1819) whispers: I still don't see that piece
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: No, he is losing 2 pawns
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: not a piece 20...f6 (0:53)
WMKnight(1696) whispers: xombie isnt 2100 on chesstempo for nothing, strong tactical player ;)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: never mind i was wrong u all were right
Aneirin(1819) whispers: wow f6
Aneirin(1819) whispers: well, ok, fair enough, I guess it makes sense
Credit(2086) whispers: safety first ;)
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: black bishop pretending to be a pawn, lol
Rascian(1896) whispers: centralization first ;)
Rascian(1896) whispers: not pieces everywhere
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: nice
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: if i was in white piece i would have lost a piece already haha
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: was wrong about the piece apparently, but this should be winning long term
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: place
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: not piece
milpat(1943) whispers: well...2 pawns up
ShakaZahn(2002) whispers: just need to avoid letting him play Nf5, so no Be6 LSB trade
milpat(1943) whispers: in fact, shak still have his 8 pawns ...:P
xombie(1824) whispers: well here goes
xombie(1824) whispers: in for a penny, in for a pound
xombie(1824) whispers: and i am only three pawns down!
xombie(1824) whispers: two actually 21.Nxe5 (3:31)
Rascian(1896) whispers: narayanuagutarasjdaskldjasa think about the game
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: gamble
milpat(1943) whispers: kaboum
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: all in!
Aneirin(1819) whispers: ZOOM may be pushing it a bit now :)
Aneirin(1819) whispers: what's the rationale behind this move? don't instantly see it
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haha
milpat(1943) whispers: we watch, we watch
Aneirin(1819) whispers: Hathkola got what he wanted, now, though. white is a piece down :)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Oh imho that move makes more sense than useless fight against a loss being 2 pawns down
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haha
zybraef(2008) whispers: Nxe5 is a kind of resignation ?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: aneirin yeah
Aneirin(1819) whispers: yes, fair enough, Funk, it might make sense, I'm just trying to see it :)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: he wanted to be a pawn down not 2 pawns down
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: fxe RxR QxR Re1Qd8 Qg6/Rf7 idea
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: lol that is why white played this?
Aneirin(1819) whispers: oh, right, thanks :)
xombie(1824) whispers: fanfare++ for the common man
Aneirin(1819) whispers: he's praising himself a bit too much as of yet.
xombie(1824) whispers: having said that, it is difficult to say whether it is fanfare++ or ++fanfare
Aneirin(1819) whispers: haha!
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Shaka must be shocked: its not him saccing material
allanchs(1598) whispers: funfair maybe
xombie(1824) whispers: more likely, segfault somewhere
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: ++fanfare++
Aneirin(1819) whispers: wow, I've never seen someone pull of a reasonable c++ joke
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: just take the knight
TiNours(1927) whispers: lol
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: nothing will happen
xombie(1824) whispers: i happen to use DDT
xombie(1824) whispers: as my debugger
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: dont take it, smth will happen, take it, something will happen. action is in any case. good show :p
xombie(1824) whispers: which, for all its virtues, is known to have serious long term effects
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: i dont see any threat in the black king side since queen is only staying there
xombie(1824) whispers: of a deletrious sort
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: just eat that pawn and exchange materials
Aneirin(1819) whispers: maybe not QxR but BxR in your line, Maus
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: it will benefit black
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: not pawn knight 21...fxe5 (4:46)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: trade pieces make white power less 22.Rxf8+ (0:06) Qxf8 (0:03) 23.Rf1 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: ok, BxR, Qg6 threatens checkmate
Aneirin(1819) whispers: no this is just as OK
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: my line becomes game
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: big threat haha
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: ?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: white threats black
Aneirin(1819) whispers: Qd8 Qg6 b5 ?!
oldengawy(2180) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: no
oldengawy(2180) whispers: Rf7
Aneirin(1819) whispers: no? :(
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: what is the line funkmaus?
TiNours(1927) whispers: Qg6 followed by Rf7 maybe?
Aneirin(1819) whispers: then Rf7 Qg8 :)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: thats a tactical shot: Rf7
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: go Qg8, Ra7!
xombie(1824) whispers: i thought i saw mate here
linuxblue(1729) whispers: Qxf1 lol
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: the only cheapo available for white
evilcoyote(2149) whispers: White is not down material on kingside black is
xombie(1824) whispers: if Bf6
Aneirin(1819) whispers: then bxc4 :)
xombie(1824) whispers: but i could be wong
Aneirin(1819) whispers: in my line
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: no, the Rook is on f7 already
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: just play qb4
Aneirin(1819) whispers: so I'm looking Qd8 Qg6 b5 Rf7 Qg8 Rxa7 bxc4, which admittedly, looks ridiculous
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: exactly, that what i look at also
evilcoyote(2149) whispers: Have to protect back rank from Qe8+
oldengawy(2180) whispers: Qg8 Bxg8 Qg6 , Rf7
milpat(1943) whispers: Qd6 playable? (Qd6 Rf7 Be6)
milpat(1943) whispers: freeing the rook
allanchs(1598) whispers: Qe7 Rf7 Qe8
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: no
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: Qd6
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: block it with bishop
xombie(1824) whispers: we can therefore see that QxR is nearly forced
Cuilin(1956) whispers: Qd6 Qe8+
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: no
milpat(1943) whispers: Qd6 maybe Qe8 yes
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: never mind
Aneirin(1819) whispers: I still haven't seen the bust to my line :)
xombie(1824) whispers: and the game is far from clear after that
FatherAbraham(1665) whispers: Kh7 after
milpat(1943) whispers: but bishop is pinned to c8 23...Bd7 (4:00)
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Whew
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: really
milpat(1943) whispers: Qsac!!
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: ?
Aneirin(1819) whispers: ahh, sactificing Q after all
xombie(1824) whispers: or this
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: what a joke?
oldengawy(2180) whispers: I think Bd7 best choice
milpat(1943) whispers: shakrifice!
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: if u want to sacrfice ur bishop than u could have dont it later too
TiNours(1927) whispers: hahaha
Aneirin(1819) whispers: I still liked the combined idea of Qd8 and b5, but fair enough
Credit(2086) whispers: he could have sacced a piece with Bf5, too
Nitreb(1321) whispers: Why sacking the Q? 24.Rxf8+ (1:18) Rxf8 (0:02)
WMKnight(1696) whispers: ?ow
evilcoyote(2149) whispers: He could have played Bf5 instead of Bd7
WMKnight(1696) whispers: wow
Aneirin(1819) whispers: anyway, now it's interesting a whole new level again!
WMKnight(1696) whispers: Whites attack is amazing
Twikki(2063) whispers: not really any attack left
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: it looks like white attack is amazing
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: now
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: not before
Cuilin(1956) whispers: that was the point of the q-sac after all
WMKnight(1696) whispers: even before
WMKnight(1696) whispers: it forced black into sac'ing queen.
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: counterattack
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: havent a clue what happened
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haha
WMKnight(1696) whispers: well, made black feel compelled to
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: ha, i dont think the q-sac was forced: Credit s Bf5 looked safe enough
WMKnight(1696) whispers: lets say he didnt do Q sac, could play, Qg6, Rf7
Twikki(2063) whispers: dunno why black didn't play Qd8
Psycho(1811) whispers: personally I would of preferred defending than this q-sac & giving white a slim but definite edge
WMKnight(1696) whispers: Qd8, Qg6, and then Rf7 coming, still a very strong attack 25.Bf7 (2:55)
Cuilin(1956) whispers: and where's White's edge now, psycho?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: it is alright black is going to learn few mistakes from this game
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: if black loses
Aneirin(1819) whispers: I don't really believe yet that black is worse.
Psycho(1811) whispers: black has white square weaknesses on k-side & his queen will be more mobile in attacking pawns
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: i dont even know how white is going to attack now?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: only got bishop and a queen
xombie(1824) whispers: we had seen in an earlier game that it can be very difficult with such a material imbalance
Aneirin(1819) whispers: kudos to both players, in any case already though, they deliver on their promises :)
Twikki(2063) whispers: didn't look that strong... Qd8 Qg6 Bg4 Rf7 Qg8 Rxb7 Qh7 and black seemed fine
xombie(1824) whispers: i d be happy to trade off the light bishops
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: this doesnt look like black is going to lose
xombie(1824) whispers: essentially amounts to an exchange sacrifice
LinceHispano(1901) whispers: white maybe want change bishops whit maybe g4
xombie(1824) whispers: of sorts
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: it looks a draw
Twikki(2063) whispers: moot point now... this is pretty even
WMKnight(1696) whispers: TL should have game of the week awards
WMKnight(1696) whispers: and this would win it :) 25...c5 (2:20)
Aneirin(1819) whispers: they do/did
WMKnight(1696) whispers: they do or they did?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haha
Aneirin(1819) whispers: "yes"
tseltzer(1909) whispers: I agree with Lince, White may be looking at g4 Bg6-f5
WMKnight(1696) whispers: lol
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: how is this game of a week ? wm i have seen a lot of game like this
tseltzer(1909) whispers: although have to be careful of move order
tseltzer(1909) whispers: due to Bxg4 possibilities
zybraef(2008) whispers: great game
WMKnight(1696) whispers: its a great game, exciting on many levels
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: yes great game
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: so now what draw or win?
WMKnight(1696) whispers: so why wouldnt it be a game of the week?
zybraef(2008) whispers: white show enormous fight spirit defending the position
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: 'game of the week' died through general lack of interest; if anyone wants to revive it, start a thread on the discussion board
linuxblue(1729) whispers: we have discussion boards??
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: whatsnice about this game, possibilities on both sides 26.b3 (2:54)
Rascian(1896) whispers: my bet is on black
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: http://teamleague.org/board.php
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: alright white offer a draw
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: this looks draw
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: they are not terribly active
zybraef(2008) whispers: now black have to find same steel willing to keep fire
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: Yes, I remember, I used to comment those "games of the week" - but really noone cared. As I dunno how to find old board, cant find the thread
Twikki(2063) whispers: xombie's out of rooks to sac for exchanges... major disadvantage for him :D
WMKnight(1696) whispers: can play a4 try to work queen side pawns and get that d pawn passed
WMKnight(1696) whispers: please dont listen to Hathkola, no draw, slug it out til the end
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: the d-pawn passed can go with b5, c4... but the bishop is watching the square
WMKnight(1696) whispers: I hate draws when its not clear
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haha
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: i think black is tied to defence with his big pawn on g7
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: good thinking wm there
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: but white cant do much either...
Psycho(1811) whispers: I'd go for a white win, provided xombie doesnt run out of time
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: yes big pawn, lol
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: oh yes time
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: bah, time
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: 0+45 standards are fun to observe :p
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: time pressure is all in the mind
Twikki(2063) whispers: Bc6
WMKnight(1696) whispers: why not a4 , bxa, Bxa4
milpat(1943) whispers: Bb5?
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: a4 NEVER bxa
WMKnight(1696) whispers: and then white needs to defend c2 pawn
milpat(1943) whispers: Bf7 cant move for a time
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: if white really wants to win than got to eat that black pawn on a and c file
Twikki(2063) whispers: Bb5 is stronger if you can deflect the bishop off of f7 first
zybraef(2008) whispers: black should calculate fast,
xombie(1824) whispers: actually, any trade of minors will win
zybraef(2008) whispers: otherwise will face time trouble also
tseltzer(1909) whispers: only one trade of minors is possible, I think
WMKnight(1696) whispers: there is only one minor on the board for white so that would make sense :)
zybraef(2008) whispers: queen is easiest piece to play fast in fast time control
Twikki(2063) whispers: Bc6, B defends the e pawn, Bb5 26...b5 (5:35)
xombie(1824) whispers: but there are also good losing chances
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: so, black should calculate fast now, so that he doesn't have to calculate fast later?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: ??
Cuilin(1956) whispers: g4 may even intronow g4 perhaps?
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: makes no sense to me
Cuilin(1956) whispers: oops
Cuilin(1956) whispers: now g4?
tseltzer(1909) whispers: g4 Bxg4 works?
Cuilin(1956) whispers: well its that trade of minors
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: g4 Bxg4 QXg4 Rxf7 Qc8+ and white is gobbling the queenside
Cuilin(1956) whispers: g4 Bxg4 Qxg4 Rxg4 Qe6
WMKnight(1696) whispers: yeah but minor + pawn
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: maybe not, Qc8+ and picks up pawns
Twikki(2063) whispers: it's hardly forced
Cuilin(1956) whispers: *Rxf7
Cuilin(1956) whispers: and the q-side should disintegrate
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: yes
CarlosKerber(1637) whispers: hey Tim! :)
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: queen is too active in that position
tseltzer(1909) whispers: Carlos :)
Cuilin(1956) whispers: exactly
Twikki(2063) whispers: what's to keep black from playing Be8 after white plays Bf5?
zybraef(2008) whispers: i think black should keep the bishop pair
Cuilin(1956) whispers: seems psycho was right 27.Qg6 (2:00)
TiNours(1927) whispers: Qg6 to teleport queen qside to attack the pawns? Is this possible?
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: just play h3 here
Cuilin(1956) whispers: ah, I didn't think to play Bg6-f5 after g4
Cuilin(1956) whispers: but rather h4 ->
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: queens going to go hunting
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haha 27...a4 (0:50)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: some deers
zulugodetia(1524) whispers: he he
TiNours(1927) whispers: only one minute left for xomb 28.Be6 (1:30)
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haah
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: oh daer
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: haha
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: blunder
Aneirin(1819) whispers: good lord
Aneirin(1819) whispers: is he going to trap his own Q?
Funkmaus(2294) whispers: dang
xombie(1824) whispers: oh no
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: had to be Bd5
TiNours(1927) whispers: Be8 and Q is trapped?
Aneirin(1819) whispers: oh, right, he can still do Bf7 and only lose the B
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: play rf6 here
Hathkhola(1741) whispers: black wins
Cuilin(1956) whispers: oops
milpat(1943) whispers: Rf6 fails to what?
smallblackcat(2004) whispers: yeah there's also that 28...Be8 (0:42) xombie resigns 0-1
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