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wmahan(1967) vs. sighlintschoop(2051) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2012-02-20

Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Go Dreamteam!
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:22)
milpat(1943) whispers: go my friend!!
2...Nc6 (0:20) 3.d4 (0:05) cxd4 (0:00) 4.Nxd4 (0:01) Nf6 (0:01) 5.Nc3 (0:03)
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Probably he knows more theory than me in this line
5...e5 (0:07) 6.Ndb5 (0:02) d6 (0:03)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Sveshnikov, good
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: this should be expected
7.Bg5 (0:10)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: the "drawish" line
7...a6 (0:03) 8.Na3 (0:15) b5 (0:06)
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Hopefully I can win to take the pressure off jaberwock
9.Nd5 (0:10) Qa5+ (0:05) 10.Bd2 (0:02) Qd8 (0:02) 11.Bg5 (0:16)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: pressure off?! being 1,5-0,5 up id see to draw and secure at least a tie...
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: :s
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: but ok, happy to hear he is going to take some risks as black
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: maybe they just fear me? :p
wmahan(1967) whispers: hmm, I wouldn't have taken the draw anyway, so maybe I should have gone ahead with the planned Bd3
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: I guess it should be my job to win not draw
11...Be7 (1:32)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: hah :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: haha
12.Bxf6 (0:36)
LightKnight(1602) whispers: what was that Qa5?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: poker openings
12...Bxf6 (0:10)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I much prefer the line with 9. Bxf6
13.c3 (0:20)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but everyone plays this
13...O-O (0:49)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: pretty sure to have seen it so many times before
14.Nc2 (0:06)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: the only problem with repeating is that it messes up the move number~
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: its a book, still a book
14...Bg5 (0:04)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i like to use it as a reference :<
15.a4 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: a4 now
15...bxa4 (0:02)
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: not all weak players would 9. Nd5 thankyou
16.Rxa4 (0:10)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: a5
16...a5 (0:09) 17.Bc4 (0:09)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: bc4 rb8 b3
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: then im out
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: knowing sizilian belongs somehow to chess, even if you dont play it at all ;)
17...Rb8 (0:22) 18.b3 (0:06) Kh8 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: wow
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: who said anything about weak players playing Nd5?
LightKnight(1602) whispers: Still book or what?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: book goes to move 30
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: :p
wmahan(1967) whispers: still theory but I forget how to proceed
wmahan(1967) whispers: I know f5 is coming next
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: smallblackcat everyone plays 9 Nd5
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: *said
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: everyone is the same as weak?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: Nd5 is kinda forced
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: maybe castle, f5, take it, Bxf5 Nce3
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: like, b4 is threatened, and would you want to play some N to b1?
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: 9 Nd5 is rubbish if you are honest
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: not sure why you are trying to put words in my mouth...
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: this is already much better for black
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I do think Bxf6 is better though
wmahan(1967) whispers: I think Ne3 f5 Nxf5 Bxf5 exf5 Rxf5 was supposed to be pleasant for white because I have the B pair
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: thanks i agree with you
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: mainly cos the play is more thematic, less need to remember lines beyond move 20
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: what you are talking about, fredis? you think Bxf6 better, to move Nd5 on move 10??
19.Nce3 (2:37)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: oh okay ~ i missed the point :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yes
tjradd(2129) whispers: msot people like 8. Bf6, no?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: Bxf6 instead of Nd5, yes
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: but Nd5 is a more positional line, nothing wrong with it
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: not rubbish
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: 9 Nd5 seems to be most common in GM play
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I don't think it is more positional at all
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: but BxB and then Nd5 coming, I dont get it... it just transposes to the same line imho
wmahan(1967) whispers: so he plays g6 and then f5
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: please , convince yourselves not me
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: the point is, Bxf6 before black can recapture with the B :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ive no clue why I got into this silly arquement
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: sorry players, back to the game
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: me neither
19...g6 (1:46)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: openings cause lots of arguments
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: but i do believe Nd5 to be more positional :p
20.O-O (0:19)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: an opening is an argument, in a sense
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: white just goes for the d5 square, without allowing f5 f5 Rg8 type of stuff
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: f5 is somewhat outta question now imho
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: allowing Qh5...
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i dunno what black is doing with g6 and Kh8 there
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: certainly gxf6 lines are more sharp
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i think.. :<
20...f5 (1:29)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: wow
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: this seems wrong
21.exf5 (0:35) gxf5 (0:09)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: wait
Twikki(2063) whispers: yeah, that's a twikki move
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: f4!
wmahan(1967) whispers: I remember looking up this line, but that's all I remember :(
milpat(1943) whispers: seems black assume that hi DSB covers his @$$ well enough
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Qh5 is wrong... damnit
Twikki(2063) whispers: Qh5 f4 Bd3
milpat(1943) whispers: his* dsb
wmahan(1967) whispers: I didn't expect to see it in this game
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I think white wants black to play f4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and then the pawns can be blockaded
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: I think I should have advantage here but Sveshnikov positions are always tricky.
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Interesting, but Rb7 is a ressource to defend
wmahan(1967) whispers: I played Qh5 in a non-serious game but I think it wasn't best
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Crikey, 21 moves in and it is still memory.
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ok, the line is Qh5 f4 Bd3 Rb7 Nc4 - makes sence, switch those minors there
wmahan(1967) whispers: Qf3 comes to mind but I'm not sure if there's a real threat with it
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I like that
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: runs into f3 g3 Be6, what i hate is the lonely Nd5 there...nice square but no support
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: is best to defend imho
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: not sure, Qf3 e4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: and f4 next
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Qh5 f4 Bd3 Rb7 Nc4 f3 g3 Be6 h4 maybe?
milpat(1943) whispers: indeed e4 discourages Qf3
wmahan(1967) whispers: Qf3 f4 Ng4 e4 seems unpleasant
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: sorry cat, i cant visualize that :p he has Bxh4 and Bxd5 there
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bxd5 Nxd6
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and R is ready to come to h4
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: this is why i hate open sicilians :<
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: wow
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: Kh1?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: who can specialize in all this stuff? :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: what's not to like? :D
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: haha
wmahan(1967) whispers: Qf3 e4 Nc2 maybe
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: doesnt it feels uncomfortable even to watch?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: AHAH :s
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: somehow I like these life or death lines
Twikki(2063) whispers: it's like crack
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: despite my generally positional style
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: its kinda not fun to watch
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i am like, "what's going on really"?
Twikki(2063) whispers: somebody is going to play inexactly and get blasted
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: one player steamroll another player
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ok, enough with the 'I don't know what's going on' comments
Twikki(2063) whispers: and it won't take 30 extra moves to resolve :P
milpat(1943) whispers: talking of sicilian specialist...Notification: Ismirdochegal has arrived.
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: hahahaha
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: well okay ~ so
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: OK, shut up everyone
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Chris is gonna give us light
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i never played this line as black
milpat(1943) whispers: yep, we listen
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: not picking on anyone, but we need real analysis here
Twikki(2063) whispers: yes maam :(
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i prefered the 12. ...Rb8 line
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ahaha another I dunno what going on comment
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i know some random moves that may happen, ie Qh5 f3 g3
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: lol
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: but what makes the "good" moves good here? i have no idea on how to choose really :<
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: f4 for white certainly looks bad due to pin after exf4 Nxf4 Qb6, followed by Re8...d6 hangs with Qb6, but a knight is a knight
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: seriously whats to analyse? white needs to defend
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Qh5 looks sensible
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: once again my line: Qh5 f4 Bd3 Rb7 Nc4 f3 g3 Be6 h4 Bxd5 Nxd6
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: I don't trust Qh5 much, cant put a lot of wood on it
Twikki(2063) whispers: Well the best defense is a good offense, you know who said that? Mel, the cook on "Alice".
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: (with acknowledgements to others who filed in some of the moves) :)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: good fo Mel
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: I dont see anything reasonable except of Qh5 here
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: the threat of f4 poses some questions
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: "i have to defend" is nice, but what's the defensive plan
Twikki(2063) whispers: sorry, had to throw the Ti Kwan Leep reference out there
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: kh1 springs to mind
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i will consult my book
wmahan(1967) whispers: Qe2 f4 Ng4 f3 looks unpleasant
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: in my opinion, once the black pawn chain is fixed, white is relatively safe
tjradd(2129) whispers: anger is a weapon only in the hand of ones enemy
tjradd(2129) whispers: and, get in the first shot -- boot to the head
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: so you WANT to force f4 as a defensive idea
Twikki(2063) whispers: trying to defend by playing defensive moves seems like a bad idea
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: well, somethings gotta be done, f4 looks like a big win in space, comfort for black
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i have to agree~
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: okay you attack this lost position then
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: with twikki :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: cat, h4 Nxd6 - what on Qxd6 in ur line?
milpat(1943) whispers: Qh5 Bd3 seems the way to make black regret f4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: hxg5
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah, Bf7 there
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and no Qh6
22.Qf3 (11:56)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: or Bg8 even, its a free piece...
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: hmm the book is not much help
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: the Qf3 move is a challenge, runs into e4, but now forced to defend
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: provokant one
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yeah true
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: only mentions that Ne3 was a bad move and f4 would be another bad move
wmahan(1967) whispers: I was thinking about b4 instead, to create a passed pawn, but I was worried it was too comittal
wmahan(1967) whispers: also I guess axb cxb allowed Nd4
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: the book metions b4 bd7!
Twikki(2063) whispers: I still had games in my db until he played Qf3
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: e4 Qh5, makes no sence, our line with tempo down - which black has used for pushing pawn e4, there is Ne5 coming to support attack
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: I analyzed White's bad f4....this Qf3 is strange looking
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: so probably, ..e4 Qd1 and watch it coming
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: sorry for sounding harsh just trying to be honest
Twikki(2063) whispers: as of gxf5 white had a 55% win rate
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: certainly white is in trouble here
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Weird to play ef and then Qf3
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: I wonder if simply e4 f4-f3 is strong
Twikki(2063) whispers: which kinda told me what I knew already, that it's a toss up at that point
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: It looks like almost winning
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: im not so much into f3 rather ne5 and keeping it fexible
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: he sounds confident
wmahan(1967) whispers: e4 seems likely
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: moot point here but: Qh5 f4 Bd3 Rb7 Nc4 f3 g3 Be6 Be4 was possible
Twikki(2063) whispers: you have to have confidence as a Sicilian player :P
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: this is, walking into opp's pet system :<
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: with all the light squares blocked I think white is good there
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i know why i never played these lines as white
wmahan(1967) whispers: I'm worried about the N coming to e5. I hope I didn't blunder already
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: e4 Qh5 f4 Ng4 f3 g3
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i like your Be4, that was the solution. - as long as its not that tactical and white improved pieces
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: so Qh5 was probably best after all
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Still seems kind of good, his Q will be a bit useless there perhaps
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: maybe Bd7 even stronger than e4?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bd7 looks good
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: latent threats >> forcing moves
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: this really is quite painful
wmahan(1967) whispers: it's not fun to spend 11 minutes on a move and then not be happy with the choice
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: e4 Qh5 f4 Ng4 f3 g3 Bg4 Qg4 Ne5 Qe4 Qd7 and he might be without a defense
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: not that easy: e4 Qd1 f4 Nc2 f3 g3 Bh3 Re1 Ne5 Qd4! pins the N - and white has threats too
nemotyro(1787) whispers: So, at the moment Black has spatial and movement advantage?
Twikki(2063) whispers: white has Bf1 in most lines
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: So Qh5 instead of Qe4 but then my position seems simply better perhaps
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: hahahaha
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: im worried about Ne5 in his line
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: I like Bd7, too, followed up by Ne7 challenging whites best piece which prevents blacks Rf6/h6 lift, whilst discovery on Ra4
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i hate these depressive thoughts, even though i'm often guilty of them myself~ :<
wmahan(1967) whispers: I guess this is the danger of knowing some theory without really understanding the ideas in the position
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: often a prelude to bad moves
Twikki(2063) whispers: I think I'd go with f4 Nd1 Bf5
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: is hard to admit you need to defend, i should know :)
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Seems like a different variation would've been better.
22...e4 (11:46)
wmahan(1967) whispers: 1 move out of book and I feel like I'm lost already, bah
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: pawn move, then mobilizing Bd7 move, just looks like too much
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: :(
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i dont like that frustration there
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: nothing is lost
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: every black piece joins this party
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: into defence! and happy there is something to defend against
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: yes!
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: maybe still time to defend
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: need Qd4 for it
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: looks more like a position that you'd like :p
nemotyro(1787) whispers: I wonder if it is better to get out of book as quickly as possible.
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: so Qh5 is not the move, on it Ne5 becomes somewhat strong
23.Qd1 (1:46)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Yeah!!
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: nemotyro.. yes and no :p
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Well now he's going to have serious troubles I think.
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: good move wmahan
23...f4 (0:28)
nemotyro(1787) whispers: It's easy for me...I don't know book.lol
Twikki(2063) whispers: I haven't seen any mating lines yet... what's with all the pessimism?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: ahah :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: black is opening up lines against his own king in the process
JoshuaR(1762) whispers: serious troubles?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Nothing, yes Twikki
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: that's not such a big problem as people may want you to think :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: hard to make wrong move here, Nc2 looks forced (Ng4 f3)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: as an experienced sicilian player i can tell you white is close to being obliuterated
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Nc2 would be funny, it's like 2 free moves for me.
24.Nc2 (1:15)
nemotyro(1787) whispers: opening lines to his K, but smothering White's
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: cmon sighling, overestimate that! Who will be laughing last?!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: im getting mad here
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: the confidence!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: NE5
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Qd4
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: reminds me of myself~ :<
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: if he drops this game like i did with rey wouldn't be bad
24...f3 (0:45)
wmahan(1967) whispers: looks like it's a race to attacke the kings
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Everytime I get confident i blunder...
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Maybe I'm just wrong and he's better somehow but I like this position as black.
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: well, the f3 pawn is a tangible plus
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: this totally sounds like something i would say and think :<
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: and I see so many nice squares for white and a weakness on d6 :p
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: please sighlints
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: just survive the attack
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i have to sympathize~ :s
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: right!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: but now he gave white the e3 square
nemotyro(1787) whispers: White might get chances soon.
25.g3 (1:17)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: I like white, and Im saying that not cause Wil is playing
Twikki(2063) whispers: I think it's about even after g3
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Ok so Qd7 and Ne5-g4?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: white seems better now than 3 moves ago yes :o
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Wil just has to hang in,
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: hahaha funkmaus you type nonesense
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: threat > execution
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: the e-pawn will be hard to defence
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: set kiblevel 1824
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: mistell
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Actually, maybe Bh3 first
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: ahah :s
Twikki(2063) whispers: ROFL!
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Ah
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: e3 square is rock solid.. for now~ :<
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: hmm bh3 then rf5 occurs to me
wmahan(1967) whispers: Qd7 Re1 Qh3 Bf1 comes in time I hope
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Qd7 Kh1 Qh3 Rg1 Ne5 Bf1 Ng4!!
wmahan(1967) whispers: Ne5 Qd4 pins the N and hits e4
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Very nice, I think this wins
25...Qd7 (2:15)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Qd7 Re1
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: why the hell Kh1?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: knights yah?
Twikki(2063) whispers: Kh1 is overly optimistic on black's part
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: maybe he overlooked
26.Re1 (0:25)
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Oh, he has Re1
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Kh1 and Rg1 is another standard defence in trhis pattern
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Yeah ;)
wmahan(1967) whispers: uh oh, am I getting mated already
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Lol, got too excited
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: but Bf1 makes queen looks so useless
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Qg4 maybe
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: umm a lot of defences available i see :p
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i still thimk Ne5 was better than f3
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Qg4 still Bf1?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and threat of Nce3
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Qh3 no worries, would N move to d4?
wmahan(1967) whispers: I'm not sure how he can defend e4, but my fear is he doesn't need to
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: f3 seemed to release a lot of the tension that was on white
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: sure why not Bf1 on Qg4, it opens Ra4 to the e-pawn
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: rather, if Qg4 Bf1 Bf5 there is Nce3, but I am probably being optimistic there ;)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: im with you cat
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: can black not snag b3 right now?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Qg4 Nde3 is nasty enough
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Maybe Qh3 Bf1 Qg4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: as I said, you want those pawns blocked
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Nce3
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: not really, g2 can be defended by N
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: (answering OsaridSaris) :p
wmahan(1967) whispers: at least I have a clear idea now in Nd4
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: ah, true
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ok, another nonsence from me: I am gonna get smth to drink and when im back, black still hasnt moved. This is a moment where he realizes his misery. shocking
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah...Rxb3 was an interesting idea though
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: maybe Rf6 and Rh6
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: can be evil :<
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: looks exceptionally slow though
wmahan(1967) whispers: h5 might be a good move for him, attacking and giving his king an escape square
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Black couldve played more solidly by not rushing the pawns too much....somebody mentioned Bd7, well the Q's on that square now...and an e-pawn is out to dry...yes g2 defensible by a b or n
wmahan(1967) whispers: but I would just grab e4 probably
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: i thought Qd7 was a mistake , still prefer Ne5
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: but i like Rxb3
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i prefer Ne5 over f3
nemotyro(1787) whispers: for white, Nde3 clearing a space for Bd5?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: yay :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Rxb3 Rxe4 if nothing else
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no obligation to accept the sac
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: seems that players have now realized that white is ok :p
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Nde3 is a good allround move
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Yeah probably should have been Bh3-g2 first
nemotyro(1787) whispers: scrub my analysis
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Qh3
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: i think we now realized Ne5 instead Qd7
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Guess I can try Ne5 maybe
wmahan(1967) whispers: it's an interesting position. positionally I think his pawns are all weak, but he has an attack
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Black c8B needs a life...doesnt have it...R's not connected...shame
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I think white can premove Bf1 ;)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: no premoves in TL
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: there's no rule..
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: maybe still not too late to play Ne5
wmahan(1967) whispers: I think Ne5 Qd4 is better than Bf1 Rxb3
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i like to premove won endings, not much else :p
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: black could try something fishy like Bd2 playing on a Bf1 premove
BuyJupiter(1511) whispers: every time I've seen a premove in TL, it was a BAD idea.
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: you do all realise I was joking, right?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: back here - nothing happened :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: I only premove speculative sacs so my opp thinks I saw a forced line
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: yes yes :p
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i played a good premove my previous game, but it was a trade :<
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Premoves are good
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i won a TL game on them
BuyJupiter(1511) whispers: sorry. slightly humour-impaired tonight.
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i suggested playing Bd2 in expectation of white premove Bf1
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: my point is simply that Bf1 looks good against many moves here
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ditch b3, get e4
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: black R on b3 looks slightly out of place maybe
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yes
wmahan(1967) whispers: I'm guessing Ne5, but clearly it's a key moment
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: but apparently you can just devour e4 and keep all your units nicely together
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and Ra4-e4 is a dream
BuyJupiter(1511) whispers: true enough. I'll sit quietly in the corner now. :-)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: fairly useless rook gets centralised
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: u guys seen that Rxb3 doesnt work due to Nce3 defence on Qh3
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: well yes :p
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i once learned to keep my rooks out of the center, its just not their natural habitat
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: i just hope he plays Ne5
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: the idea is after Bf1 i think
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: ~o)break
milpat(1943) whispers: ==~ break
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: B-)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: mine was sposed to put cffee cup, up, dont see it
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: nah: Ne5 Rxe4 Nxc4 Rxc4 Rxb3 Rc7 1-0
wmahan(1967) whispers: Re8 Bf1 Rxb3?! Nd4 would be good for me I think
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: yawn
26...Qg4 (11:34)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: unexpected
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: yay? :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: we had this
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: oh :<
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Bf1 was universal reply
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: is the idea h-launch?
nemotyro(1787) whispers: tempo move here?
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nde3 and steal the d6 pawn if you can
milpat(1943) whispers: noone likes Nd4?
wmahan(1967) whispers: Bf1 first comes to mind
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yes, Bf1!
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: never mind compish ideas of winning material, just tidy up the pieces
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: im scared
wmahan(1967) whispers: I guess he wants to Qh5-Bh3-Bxf1 and mate me
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: exactly
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: seems i completely misjuged the position earlier
wmahan(1967) whispers: I also have to consider someNe3
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: oh right :s
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bf1 Qh5 Rexe4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and you are ready to put the queen on f1
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: it should be good for black, but he ereed somewhere
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: nice found, cat
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Doesn't Ne3 put presure on d6?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: somehow i dont care about that d6 pawn, can be picked later
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: q needed to defence
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: weak forever
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: so much is forever, not to forget that b3 hangs too
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: what a mess
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I think that's ok
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i hope
wmahan(1967) whispers: Nde3 looks appealing because I threaten Qxd6, Qd5, or Bd5
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: depending on the exact line, Nce3 might be a serious threat
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: after Rxb3 I mean
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: after Ne3 black must exchnage
wmahan(1967) whispers: and of course it stops me from getting mated, which is a plus
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: or Nd4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: again I am being simplistic, but I think white wins if he can a) cover g2, and b) win e4
nemotyro(1787) whispers: It also put presure on e4, doesn't it?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: without the e4 pawn, black's position is crumbling
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ah, qxd6 will be a double attack there and force Bb7, which watches closed diagonal
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: black can still defend d6
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah yes, Nde3 instead of Nce3, nice idea
wmahan(1967) whispers: Nde3 Qh5 Qxd6 Rf6 looks really annoying
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i think bf1 is best, N@d5 prevents Rf6-h6 in some lines
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ur faster, Wil ;)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: after Nde3 Bd5 becomes a move
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and you are getting that Ra4 back into the game without even losing b3
Twikki(2063) whispers: also stuff like Nde3 Qh3 Qxd6 Bb7 Qe6 available
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I am not interested in winning material, just in regrouping pieces
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: true
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: too many concessions by black
Twikki(2063) whispers: I wanna do both :P
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Black will have to regroup, wont he
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Nde3 Qh3 Bd5 N moves Rxe4 does both!
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: sveshnikov is such a sensitive system
wmahan(1967) whispers: Rxa5 is a crazy idea
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: crazy indeed :<
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: but its an idea
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: drop rook, for what?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I am going to pretend he didn't say that, cos it makes me too scared
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: he can capture but thats no reason to play it
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: for Qd4+ i guess
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: the prob is he doesnt have to take it
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: Rb3 and Rf4 look kinda worrying
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: Rf4 what
Twikki(2063) whispers: amusing idea, but giving up that many pieces for a queen in this position seems bad
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bf1 or Nde3, both seem fairly good and straightforward
nemotyro(1787) whispers: It almost seems that Black has over-extended himself.
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: maybe he has :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: still, I am glad to see that Wil doesn't fall into my trap of just looking at one candidate move ;)
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Ra5 would be annoying
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: b should not take, then the rook is oddly placed
Twikki(2063) whispers: Rxa5 Bd2 :P
27.Bf1 (11:46)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: YES
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: nice :o
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: dear oh dear there are many good moves hee
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: here
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: hmm, in the end I was preferring Nde3 ;)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: doesnt run away
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but now white cannot play Bd5 after
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i wasnt preferring Rxa5. which has been mentioned last
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: anyway, I am happy with this
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: no, but as twikki said, this one gains material AND defends
wmahan(1967) whispers: I guess he'll Bf5 and then I can still Nde3 if I want
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Rb3!!
Twikki(2063) whispers: it's solid and hits e4 again... can't be bad
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: that b3 pawn is the booby prize in a raffle, nemo ;)
wmahan(1967) whispers: actually Bf5 Nde3 Qh5 Qd5 looks nice
Twikki(2063) whispers: umm Rxb3 Nce3
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: no, b3 is poison
nemotyro(1787) whispers: yes, I know. Rb3!!
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah, lol
Twikki(2063) whispers: :P
27...Re8 (2:08)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bf5 was too much to hope for
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: maybe some tactic with Nc7 and Qxd6, but I don't like the look of it
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Nf4 Bxf4 Rexe4 works, doesnt it?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Nc7 is interesting
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Nf4 scares me too
28.Nde3 (1:42)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: way too scary :<
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nc7 was really interesting :)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: gah, this was the wrong move-order
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: both ideas combined
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: 27 Nde3 Q moves there was Bd5
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nc7 Re7 Raxe4 Rxc7 Re8+ led to niceness :P
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: now I think you are just decentralising a knight
28...Qe6 (1:01)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and breaking your own attack on e4
nemotyro(1787) whispers: B back?
Nitreb(1321) whispers: Put back that knight on d5 Willl ;)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: heh, Bc4-d5 now, same idea is reached ;)
nemotyro(1787) whispers: and then Bd5?
Twikki(2063) whispers: must be the right idea Bc4-d5
wmahan(1967) whispers: Bc4, Nd5, Qd5 candidates
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: looking more like a marshal attack without a pawn sac
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: omg mine doesnt work... wanted Qd5
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: aha :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: how is Qd5 bad?
wmahan(1967) whispers: and Nd4, hmm
nemotyro(1787) whispers: attacks N and e4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: trade eat b3 white gets e4, but in the end is Bf5
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I don't think it's best, but is it bad?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: mean :<
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: check on e8 saves material?
wmahan(1967) whispers: I'm sure one of those is good for me, but which one
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but no, I see the long-term problem is backrank
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: QxQ NxQ Rxb3 Rxe4 Rxe4 Rxe4 Bf5 Re8+ Kg7 Nce3... black has B-pair and c3 hangs
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: its not good
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: better avoided i guess
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: right
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I am confident with Bc4-d5
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: when i see possibilities of a piece hanging i get scared :<
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I was never suggesting Qd5, just wanted to know why maus rejected it :)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yes i agree with the Bc4-d5 idea
nemotyro(1787) whispers: whte picks up 2 tempi
wmahan(1967) whispers: Bc4 Qd7 Bd5 looks nice
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Both attacking the Q
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: he gave up up though
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: *one up
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Yes! he is going for it
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: with Bc4-f1
wmahan(1967) whispers: Nd4 Nxd4 Qxd4 Bf6 forced, but I'm not sure it does anything for me
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: he just defended vs. obvious, and now comes back :))
milpat(1943) whispers: was better with Non d5 to cofer f6 retreat
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: if it doesn't kill you..
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: sorry if I sounded harsh earlier
Twikki(2063) whispers: something else will?
milpat(1943) whispers: N on d5* to cover
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: it comes back and tries a second time :p
29.Bc4 (5:23)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: yes exactly~ :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Wil is doing great, no question
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: maybe white is better :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I believe he is
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: +1
nemotyro(1787) whispers: where does the N go if not defended?
wmahan(1967) whispers: Qd5, Rxa5, Bd5. I should have some threat next move
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: e7 probably
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Queen to go first, and then... there is no Ne5 anymore!! Bxe4 outrulez it
Nitreb(1321) whispers: Black can simply play Qh3, no?
Nitreb(1321) whispers: And then the B has to get back to f1
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: N covers g2, nit
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: he could, but white can say as mate defended, i eat the d6-pawn
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: N@e3
milpat(1943) whispers: N covers now
nemotyro(1787) whispers: The N protects g2
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: and see what black will do then
Nitreb(1321) whispers: Oh, right
29...Qh6 (2:19)
milpat(1943) whispers: f*kn lag
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: I'd be trying desperate stuff for black now, like Qh6, followed by Re5, ready to play Bxe3 followed by Rh5
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ok, white is giving up e4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: for counterplay
wmahan(1967) whispers: ok Rxa5 fails now because he has Bf6
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: damn c8B slows me down terribly, shoulda been played up an hour ago
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: interesting, his goal might be to trade one of the Ns, as B@e4 is misplaced for defence of the mate
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: gosh!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: forget this Rxa5!!1
nemotyro(1787) whispers: he'll attack the N, then something else perhaps
Twikki(2063) whispers: Bd5 seems good
wmahan(1967) whispers: Bd5 is a scary weakening of g2, but it seems to make progress
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: any point flicking in h4?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: rly?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i would be very, very afraid :<
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: nah, just inviting a sac there
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: take it in a heart beat
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: not scared of Bxh4
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: point taken
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: anything good with Bf7 before Bd5?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: a more sensible suggestion
30.Bd5 (3:57)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: h4 Bxh4 gxh4 Bh3 threat Rg8+ Bxg8 Rxg8+ K over, dies
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ok, we are just trading e4 for b3 now, right?
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: now Ne5 is terminal
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yeh i see a good exchange sac: with Ne5 Bxe4 Qh3 Rxe5!!!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: idea take f3 with queen
Twikki(2063) whispers: I think it depends on the line black picks
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Ne5 Rxe4 is easy
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: easy lost yes
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: you wouldn't care to give a line for that, by any chance?
Twikki(2063) whispers: what was that kiblevel command again? :P
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: :) +censor
wmahan(1967) whispers: my instinct says I should Ne5 Rxe4, but I guess I should calculate Bxe4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: which line, cat - if you mean me...
wmahan(1967) whispers: hopefully wanting to keep b3 is not too greedy
Twikki(2063) whispers: Ne5 Qd4 can't be that bad
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: refute me my exchange sac
30...Bb7 (4:26)
Twikki(2063) whispers: moot now :P
nemotyro(1787) whispers: white k safe
wmahan(1967) whispers: Bxe4 Rxe4 looks scary
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: check it twice
wmahan(1967) whispers: probably nothing but scary
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Rxe4 looks good enough
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Rxe4 seems more logical to me
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: that rook is idle, so trade it
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: RxR BxR threatens take f3 for free
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: hmm, I've just realised that b3 isn't under fire anymore
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: especially when later the Nc7 moves, Bxb7 Rxb7 - black has issues on backrank
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but I was quite happy to give it up
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: crap no, the N@e5 stops them - sorry
wmahan(1967) whispers: Rxe4 Rxe4 Bxe4 Ne5 hangs on to f3 I guess
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: wait yes!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: in the end Bxb7 Rxb7 Qd5!
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: is Ne5 more than just annoying though
DragonAce(1973) whispers: I can't caculate at all.
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: thats a double attack
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: answers my question, thanks maus :)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Brandon, hello!!!
DragonAce(1973) whispers: Hello
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: hey Brandon
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Doesn't Be4 provoke an immediate resoponse?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: sit back and enjoy, you've done your work for the round ;)
DragonAce(1973) whispers: I have a bad cold.:P
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i pretend that I can calculate here, but honestly... im uncomfortble
DragonAce(1973) whispers: I've slept all day until now
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: wow until now, seriously? that tops even me!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: who slept until 3pm
DragonAce(1973) whispers: haha
31.Rxe4 (4:57)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: oh uh, im scared of ThePeanutMonster who is watching this game right n ow
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i have a can of peanuts on my table, shall i move them away from the screen?!
31...Rxe4 (1:04)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Rxe4 seems not to help, so Rf8?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: moot point
32.Bxe4 (0:07) Ne5 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: here it comes
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: take and Qd5
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bxb7 Rxb7 Qd5+ and we are happy bunnies
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: sadly no +
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: would be over on +
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: right
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: how nice white has 2 Ns on e3
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Yeah my play this game was absolutely terrible
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: what I meant was, if Rb6 to hold d6 there is Qd4+
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Now he realizes that... ;) ahaha (sorry)
nemotyro(1787) whispers: I liked Be4 better.
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: man, I am a prat, there's no check at all!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: the trend is on our side - opp. is not only on material down, but also psychologically broken
33.Bxb7 (1:57) Rxb7 (0:00)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and no attack on d6
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: forgive my lunacy
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: we re happy bunnies :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: I'm convinced this opening is a coin flip at under IM level
34.Qd5 (0:52)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: YES
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ok, missed Rf7 defence, but does that matter?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: there is Ra1, Rd1 available, black threatens nothing
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: (anymore and for now)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: unless i miss smth very very cheap
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: um Rf7 defence of what?
nemotyro(1787) whispers: hoping for Qa1
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: for Qa8+
nemotyro(1787) whispers: lol, yes
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah...NOW I see it!
34...Rf7 (1:38)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Qa8 Kg7 Nf5+
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yep
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: scary :o
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Rd1 or Ra1?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: toss a coin :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: my candidates are Qxa5 and Nd4 :P
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: haha
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Nd4?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: well, you are different... :P
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nd4-f5
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: it wont be you to suggest smth doesnt win material but has some attacking ideas going
Twikki(2063) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: actually, im wrong, Qxa5 eats a pawn.... dunno, wanted get it with the rook
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Rd1 Rf6?
Twikki(2063) whispers: ok, here's one that wins material... Ng4 Nxg4 Qxf7 :D
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Maybe if I had played Ra7 he would have fell for Ra1
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Ng4?
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Blunder
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: oh, white has to watchout for Qh3
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: and Ng4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: puuh he has not to, there is Qd4+
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Nd4? Bxe3/Qh3 would be my guess for Black
35.Ra1 (5:05)
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Actually was I winning after Rb8?
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Hmm, Qh3 and Ng4 looks OK
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: JUst Qxa5 looked fine
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yeah, queen can return to threaten Qd4+
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: nah he will be surprised with Qd4+ on Qh3 Rxa5 Ng4
wmahan(1967) whispers: maybe I should have just Qxa5. seeing ghosts
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: this is somewhat safer though, cos Qh3 Rxa5 there is no sidestep with Kg8
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Oh, Qd4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: no no, there are no ghosts, no doubts, looks perfect
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: at least mates are still off for Black
wmahan(1967) whispers: I keep worrying he will somehow Bxe3 Ng4 and mate me
Twikki(2063) whispers: lots of weak pawns and no attack left... black should be toast
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Qh3 Ra5 Bf4?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bd8 I guess
wmahan(1967) whispers: so wanted to keep the option of Qd4 after Ng4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: black should rather think about Bd8 to save the game
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: and not about the mate
fredisblogs(1823) whispers: i wonder if Rf6 is any good?
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: toasted, minced, diced and refried
35...Qh3 (3:09)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: pls dont panic
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: im nervous
Twikki(2063) whispers: I can smell blood in the water
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Rxa5 Bf4 maybe just Qa8+ and Rxe5?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: btw. Rxa5 Ng4 Ra8+ Kg7 picks up the Bg5 with check
Twikki(2063) whispers: Rxa5 and black should be worried about getting mated
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no, I am a prat again
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: solving problems that don't exist by throwing material away
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: good battle going on
nemotyro(1787) whispers: I was looking at Qd6, then got scarred of the Black Q
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Qd6 looks fine
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Rxa5 go go go, let all the pieces work
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: *Qxd6
nemotyro(1787) whispers: of course N doesn't have to take N@g4
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Lol, he has Ne1 at the very worst
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Oh, I take e3 then
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: he doesnt consider the threats against his own king?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: strange, he doesnt even see Qd4+?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I prefer Qxd6, cos then black must do something about the Ne5
36.Rxa5 (4:06)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no no, he's thinking ahead
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: his idea is Bf4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ah i missed that whisper
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: which looks like a decent idea
wmahan(1967) whispers: I saw Ng4 fails to Qd4...hopefully i didn't miss something else
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but maybe Bf4 Ra8+ Kg7 gxf4 is safe, despite appearances otherwise
wmahan(1967) whispers: I guess Bf6
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: black overplayed his cards, this is dead
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: well yes cat the Ne3 defends g4... for a move safe, i dunno
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: whats the idea behind Bf4 if white doesnt take it?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Ng4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and no Qd4xg4
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but I think its mating after Qd4+ there
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: ?
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Actually Bf6 is probably best
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: maybe black gets mated first there, dunno
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: omg
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: I will try a line
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: But then Qe4
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: black got to play ktg4
wmahan(1967) whispers: I was trying to decide if Qxd6 was better. hope I didn't miss anything
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: ktg4
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Bf4 Ra8+ Kg7 Qxd6 Ng4 Qd4+
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: ktg4 is a good move
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yes maus, I think that is mating
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: never mind it isnt
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Ng4 fails to Ra8+ Kg7 and Qxg5+
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: If Ng4 Qa8+ Kg7 Rxg8+ followed by Rxg4
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Rxg5+ meant
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: you switched the checking and taking pieces to my line :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: or Ng4 Qd4+ and Qxg4
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: lol
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: so three different refutations
nemotyro(1787) whispers: It's funny, I thought Black was winning out of the Opening.
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: it may be that he was
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: who cares what he was. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee are going to win that!!!!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: what a game
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: calmly, maus ;)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: hard
milpat(1943) whispers: overexcited
wmahan(1967) whispers: Bf6 Ne1 I guess
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Bf6 would free one of the N s for active threats
Twikki(2063) whispers: Bf6 Ra8+ Kg7 Nd4 kill kill kill
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: exactly kill kill kill
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: it does seem to work, yeah
wmahan(1967) whispers: I'm feeling confident now...I'll have to remember this when I blow it :p
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Black had beautiful position with pawns f5 and e4, then misstepped a couple moves and here we went
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: that black bishop is hanging
36...Bf6 (9:29)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: yeah now what white can do nothing
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: give a check
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: go with twikki
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: white got to force that black queen out of there by doing soemthing
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: that black queen is not good there
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: nah let it sit there doing nothing :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: Ra8+ Kg7 Nd4 intending Ndf5+... just over
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: nah what nah
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: do u see it what it will do ?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: it will crush
nemotyro(1787) whispers: Could Nd4 first?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: we've been seeing it for a while :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: go with twikki!!!
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: u dont know but i see mate black can win
37.Ne1 (2:25)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: white is clever haha
Twikki(2063) whispers: maybe Ne6+ instead of Nf5+
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: everyone was worrying about checkmate, then we saw better
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: intercepts the move
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: :(
Twikki(2063) whispers: still problematic for black... Qd7 Ra8+ Kg7 Qxd6 is cute
wmahan(1967) whispers: maybe he can repeat with Bg5
37...Bg5 (1:48)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no worries, Qxd6
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: Re7, idea Ng4
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i'd just Nd2 :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: there is no threat!
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Bxe3 is just met by Qxe5+ and Qxe3
wmahan(1967) whispers: or maybe not...doesn't Qxd6 work
Twikki(2063) whispers: Qxd6 is grrrrrrrrrreat!
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: umm yes :o
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: probably :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: my ISP is playing tricks on me, same time disconnect as yesterday, day before yesterday
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: ?
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: put B back on f6 move Ng4, threat Qxh2+, and if Nxg4 Rxe1 mate
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: why that black bishop move again?
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: its no trick jenny, its the daily reset
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nc4 is a good line too
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: so Qxd6 Bxe3 fails to Qxe5+ anc pick the bishop
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: oh Twix, ffs!
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: you'll give me a heart attack :P
38.Qxd6 (2:08)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: YES
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nxc4 isn't possible because of the Qxg5 mate line as before
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: there is a time and a place for your imaginative ideas, and when we are about to win a crucial game is not one of them!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: damn i will get this "daily reset" when playing jaberwock on wednesday
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but actually, now that I look, that line is cute as a kitten, nice! :P
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: ach, he didnt try my last cheapo
wmahan(1967) whispers: fingers crossed
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i missed the line
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: twikki whispered last
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Nc4 Nxc4 Qxg5
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: pls repeat
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nc4 Nxc4 Ra8+ Kg7 Qxg5
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: and mate appears to be unstoppable with Ra8+
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: this is just bust
38...Bf6 (1:17)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah yes, slight improvement ;)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: re5 1-0
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Rx?
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: wow i see
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: my try wont work anymore
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: why dont u capture that bishop by a rook?
39.Rxe5 (0:47)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: bishop and a knight for a rook
39...Bxe5 (0:09) 40.Qxe5+ (0:02) Kg8 (0:01)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: yeah
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: mind you, the potential for backrank mates gives black reason to play on
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: now white will win
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: powerful
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: white is winning all the time
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: now it will win the whole game
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: or is Nxf3 working?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: hope him to not forget about g2# :p
41.Qg5+ (0:38)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: this guy is playing until (stale)mate
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: clearly not, scrap that
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: come on! this is well worth playing out
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: wil played safer than earlier today against thatgirl. apparently the line i showed him after the game had an impact
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: i just in general, i remember the mindcrime game, and so does Wil
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: mindcrime?
41...Kf8 (1:33)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: another thought there...was Qd5 just simple and good?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: idea Qh5 Nxf3 Qxf3 Qxf3 Rxf3 and win the ending with ease
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: *Qg4 not Qh5
42.Qd8+ (0:28)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yes good idea, but first check check to gain some time on the clock
wmahan(1967) whispers: gaining time
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: b4!
milpat(1943) whispers: yes, "stop my pawns now"!
42...Kg7 (0:50) 43.Qg5+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:02) 44.Qg4 (0:03) Qh6 (0:08)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: check check again?
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: why not eat that pawn now?
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: just take :<
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: that f3 pawn by a kt
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yes he can
45.Nxf3 (0:35)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: just eat it
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: but there is 90 seconds to gain!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yummy
Twikki(2063) whispers: that kills the suspense :(
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: white king sighs
45...Qf6 (0:22)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: black got to resign now
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: suspense :<
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: put ur king up to g2
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: not quite over
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Kg2
wmahan(1967) whispers: bah
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: c4!
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: no
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: let him take the knight
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: not bad
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ending is trivial
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: sure cat
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: protect that knight
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yep
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i would give up a N for queens off
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: it is important than a pwan
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: much less scary
DragonAce(1973) whispers: this looks like it won.
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: sui, that sounds like me: whole kingdom for a q-trade :p
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: yes why not~ :o
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: simplify to win
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: a kingdom foir someone like sui :)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: c4 Qa1 though
Twikki(2063) whispers: Qf4 Qxc3 Nf5 with cheap checks to follow
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: not that its a problem
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: AHAH >_>
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: he is thinking too long on obvious Kg2
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: tired of the game, of all the complications
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: that's why c4 is best, maus
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: not that i disagree
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: im just nervous u know
milpat(1943) whispers: prefer the baby Q to dead N
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: you aren't the only one
Twikki(2063) whispers: Kg2 Qxc3 Nd4 with cheapness to follow
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: twix is the only calm one in the house ;)
Twikki(2063) whispers: I just look for cheapness first :P
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: im also perfectly calm
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: isnt he playing great? the game vs. Noopet was !!!! - and this one trumphs it all
milpat(1943) whispers: so am i
46.Qc8+ (4:47)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: hah, more clock
46...Kg7 (0:07) 47.Qg4+ (0:13) Kf8 (0:02) 48.Kg2 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yes!
48...Qxc3 (0:10)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: one more time could have repeated tho
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: fics rules, if a position occurs three times its a draw
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: what that would be draw here??
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: FICS rules are not good in that respect
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: white got to win this game
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: not here, but after an extra repeat of Qc8+ and Qg4+
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: so one time less repetition than OTB?
49.Qc4 (0:46)
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nd4->Ne6+ should win an exchange
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: cos the position on Qg4 would be happening for a third time
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: it's that it happened before :p
49...Qf6 (0:14)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i was scared when it happened to me once
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i was thinking about Ng5
50.Qc5+ (0:15)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: this is neat
50...Kg8 (0:26) 51.Qg5+ (0:06) Qxg5 (0:02)
milpat(1943) whispers: yea
52.Nxg5 (0:02) Rb7 (0:00)
milpat(1943) whispers: oh damn
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: traded off!
wmahan(1967) whispers: nooo
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: oh
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: this is still won
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: just don't panic rite :p
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: this isn't even remotely a problem
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: f4 etc
milpat(1943) whispers: i still would have prefer the 2 passers to the N
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: you have THREE kingside pawns
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: g4
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: passer first! :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: yeah, it's not a tough win either
milpat(1943) whispers: yea suiz
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: and h4 and so on trade h pawns
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: well g4 should be better actually
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: he is getting the h pawn
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Ng4-Nf6+ Nxh7
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I am 90% convinced that Nxh7 is winning here too, btw ;)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: aha :p
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Nh7 is too complicated
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I know, I'm just reassuring myself ;)
milpat(1943) whispers: haha
milpat(1943) whispers: surely the 3 connecters would do it
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i once had a draw B+2 vs R
53.b4 (2:13)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: white will win
53...Rxb4 (0:03)
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Come on Nd5!
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: if white doesnt win this game it is all messed up
54.Nd5 (0:17) Rb5 (0:02) 55.Nf6+ (0:04)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: doesn't win a knight
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: too bad ;p
55...Kg7 (0:07) 56.Ngxh7 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: it comes how it has to came, gains h7
wmahan(1967) whispers: whew, I expected h6
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: ahah what an awesome position~ :p
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: ridicule
56...Rb3 (0:23) 57.h4 (0:03)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: FUN!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: dont rush
57...Ra3 (0:06)
milpat(1943) whispers: i liked Nfx h7
Twikki(2063) whispers: at most he can sac the rook for 2 pawns
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: g4 then f3
milpat(1943) whispers: as Ng can be covered by h-pawn
58.g4 (0:31)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i guess it's not that enjoyable when the game is serious :<
Twikki(2063) whispers: then white promotes the last pawn to a knight
58...Rb3 (0:23) 59.f3 (0:04) Ra3 (0:03) 60.Kg3 (0:03) Ra4 (0:01)
milpat(1943) whispers: well, clock is not anymore a worry
61.h5 (0:22) Rb4 (0:06)
milpat(1943) whispers: g5..same processus
sighlintschoop(2051) whispers: Meant d4, oh well
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no
62.Nd5 (0:31)
Twikki(2063) whispers: Nd5 R-any Nhf6
62...Rd4 (0:03) 63.Nhf6 (0:03)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: nice :p
63...Kh6 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: regrouping
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: this just looks that much easier now :<
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: g5/h6 Kh8 and rook can be sacked for stalemate
64.Ne3 (0:11)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: f3 now
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: haha
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: f4 now
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: mate is threatend
64...Ra4 (0:08)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yes!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: oh sorry seing ghosts
wmahan(1967) whispers: don't worry, I won't start promoting to Ns
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: Nfd5 i like :p
Twikki(2063) whispers: booo!
65.Ne4 (0:24)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no..Kg5 escape square
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: yeap
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: very risky :o
nemotyro(1787) whispers: did he miss g5 instead?
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: I think when one of the pawns is on the sixth Wil should sac a knight just to avoid stalemate tricks
65...Ra1 (0:41) 66.Nf5+ (0:08)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: or just keep them further away
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: or mate
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: mate would be nice, ya
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: just move ur king up white everything will be fine
Twikki(2063) whispers: once he gets there he can slow down a little
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: the stalemate position with a rook always on check is the only drawish idea for black
wmahan(1967) whispers: it's my opp's right to play on so I won't criticize him
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: this would be a much more interesting ending were it a Q instead of R
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: the mate works by just pushing the g pawn
66...Kh7 (1:08)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: just move the king
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: up
67.g5 (0:14)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Wil dont forget the stalemate game!!! after that one Id play everything on, if be him
67...Kh8 (0:13)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: g6
68.Kg4 (0:10) Kh7 (0:02) 69.f4 (0:04)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: heh :p
69...Kh8 (0:01) 70.Neg3 (0:05) Kh7 (0:01)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: tension! :o
71.Nh4 (0:14)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: i fear wil does not see the mate
71...Kh8 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: he doesnt have to
72.g6 (0:07) Kg8 (0:01) 73.h6 (0:04)
BeneathBlue(1906) whispers: he moving this mass as an amoeba
73...Kh8 (0:01) 74.Nhf5 (0:10) Kg8 (0:02)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: Nf3-g5 i would :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: it queeeeeeeeeeeeens!!
75.g7 (0:13)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: yeah
75...Kh7 (0:06)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: well everything works i guess :<
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: white checks first yay! :p
DragonAce(1973) whispers: so, just Ne7
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Ne7 good enough
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: thankfully no stalemates
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: yes
76.Nh5 (0:25)
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: oh
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: scaaaaary
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: my heart stopped for a moment
Twikki(2063) whispers: lol
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: :<
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: now goes for mate :P
DragonAce(1973) whispers: this works as well
milpat(1943) whispers: black should have put Ra3...for stalemate threats
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: 22,5 seconds he is careful
76...Ra6 (0:34)
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: ahah :s
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Kg5
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: oh, annoying
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Ne7 queen it
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: Kg5 there is Rg6
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: i would be afraid already
Twikki(2063) whispers: Ne7 stops the check too :P
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yes Ne7 is golden
77.Ne7 (1:06)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: but there is a last stalemate trick
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: and as h6 hangs, no stalemates!
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: yep
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: this is the move
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: what a game
DragonAce(1973) whispers: :)
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: Ne7 Rg6+ Nxg6 Kxh6
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: ah, one stalemate trick yeah
77...Kxh6 (0:30)
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: g8 draw
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: nah?
Twikki(2063) whispers: Ne7 at the end of that line
Ismirdochegal(2085) whispers: he does not even try
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: its not remotely forced
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: g8=Q how it goes :<
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: xg6+ mate
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: right
Twikki(2063) whispers: g8=N+ :P
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: no rook sacs
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: maybe he confused moveorders :<
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: was interesting yes :s
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: queen is fine
78.g8=Q (1:02)
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: just promote to queen
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: YEAH
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: thats the end
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: it is done
Twikki(2063) whispers: queen is a boring mate in 2
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: ghostbusters..
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: black resign
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: Rg6+ and Qxg6
smallblackcat(1981) whispers: good game
Hathkhola(1712) whispers: for them
Suiseiseki(1992) whispers: Rg6+ is to lose in style :p
Funkmaus(2288) whispers: ||*(
78...Rf6 (0:31)
DragonAce(1973) whispers: Wil was very good.
sighlintschoop checkmated 1-0


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