1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.c4(0:10)c5(0:02) 3.d5(0:10)b5(0:03) 4.cxb5(0:33)a6(0:17) 5.bxa6(8:54)Bxa6(0:36) 6.Nc3(0:11)d6(0:04) 7.g3(0:33)g6(1:04) 8.Bg2(0:35)Bg7(0:04) 9.Nf3(0:06)Nbd7(0:12) 10.O-O(0:20)Nb6(0:58) 11.Re1(0:35)O-O(0:08) 12.e4(0:08)Nfd7(1:15) 13.Qc2(2:16)Nc4(3:12) 14.Bf4(2:36)Qa5(2:29) 15.Rac1(0:45)Rfb8(0:45) 16.b3(0:27)Nce5(1:07) 17.Red1(1:09)Nxf3+(2:49) 18.Bxf3(0:18)Ne5(0:04) 19.Be2(1:08)Bxe2(2:18) 20.Qxe2(0:47)Qa6(0:07) 21.Qxa6(2:27)Rxa6(0:00) 22.Kg2(0:13)
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: Now I think I have to move the knight, but I don't know whether to g4 or d7... RxR(2222) whispers: why does black have to move the N now? Inschipupa(1923) whispers: hm, or c5-c4... RxR(2222) whispers: or Rb4 RxR(2222) whispers: h6 looking OK too Inschipupa(1923) whispers: I think I just prefer c4 now... After c4 Bxe5 Bxe5 bxc4 Rc8 I win a pawn back (c4 or a2). I'll have the stronger bishop against his knight and he is a pawn up...
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: Omg,.. more than 17 minutes I was thinking about this move... RxR(2222) whispers: lol SQUAREBOARD(2110) whispers: interesting position SQUAREBOARD(2110) whispers: its hard to tell who is bette SQUAREBOARD(2110) whispers: r
RxR(2222) whispers: this is why h6 was a decent idea, no more back rank trouble after that Inschipupa(1923) whispers: Interesting...cxb3 axb3 and now rxb3 isn't possible cause of rc8+ and Bh6 Inschipupa(1923) whispers: nd3 rxc4 rxa4?! Inschipupa(1923) whispers: but after rxa4 nb2 he will be two pawns up... Psycho(1708) whispers: like blacks position, I'm surprised houdini gives white the slimmest of edges
23...cxb3(10:51) 24.axb3(0:10)Ra7(1:24)
RxR(2222) whispers: h5 must come soon now RxR(2222) whispers: it probably should have come last move
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: Okay... Inschipupa(1923) whispers: Is nd7 possible now? Inschipupa(1923) whispers: after nd3 rxb3 rc8+ I could move nf8... Psycho(1708) whispers: bit of a passive setup he is proposing Inschipupa(1923) whispers: or may I move h6 fiirst?? Inschipupa(1923) whispers: -i
25...Nd7(5:50) 26.Nd3(2:23)Rxb3(0:29) 27.Rc8+(0:09)Nf8(0:03) 28.e5(1:48)dxe5(4:40) 29.Nxe5(0:52)
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: is g5 now possible? Inschipupa(1923) whispers: seems not cause of nc6 Psycho(1708) whispers: not sure what possessed black to play into this, weird
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: now the threat is g5, i think... I hope...
predkoo(1834) whispers: Go Outposter go!
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: I dont't like to this move... Inschipupa(1923) whispers: to do this move
Tharderer(1725) whispers: dont like to point out the obvious but maybe na5
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: this will lose a pawn, or the whole game... Psycho(1708) whispers: Na5 fork can be dodged via Rb1 Tharderer(1725) whispers: before re1 na5 would work Inschipupa(1923) whispers: Perhaps 29. Bxe5 was better... But I wouldn't have changed my bishop with his knight... Tharderer(1725) whispers: na5 instead of re1 Tharderer(1725) whispers: but now maybe d6 Psycho(1708) whispers: Bh6 for me Psycho(1708) whispers: black has really led to his own downfall Tharderer(1725) whispers: yeah bh6 is stronger
xombie(1889) whispers: complications :
xombie(1889) whispers: very nice game it looks like
Bombassa(1875) whispers: isnt this winning?
33...Rf7(0:55) 34.Ree8(0:13)Bg7(0:05)
Tharderer(1725) whispers: bg7 re8 rf7 ne7 kh8 nxg6 Tharderer(1725) whispers: or ne5 here
35.Nd8(0:56)Rd7(0:58) 36.Bxf8(0:53)Bxf8(0:05) 37.Ne6(0:03)
Inschipupa(1923) whispers: hmmm
37...Kf7(0:24) 38.Nxf8(0:12)
Bombassa(1875) whispers: man kibbing is so much easier than playing ;o)
38...Rd2(0:02) 39.Nxh7(0:23)Rbb2(0:11) 40.Ng5+(1:20)Kf6(0:04) 41.Nh3(0:04)g5(0:01) 42.Rf8+(1:41)Kg6(0:12)
stevelco(1764) whispers: f-pawn looking sickly
43.Rg8+(1:44)Kh6(0:22) 44.Rc6+(0:22)Kh7(0:08) 45.Rxg5(0:04)
predkoo(1834) whispers: Good win Outposter! Amaterasu(2196) whispers: yes, very nice play from him!
Tharderer(1725) whispers: gg outposter
Psycho(1708) whispers: instead of taking on g5 with rook Rcg6 threatening Ng5 mate was better Psycho(1708) whispers: black is still dead lost though
46...f3+(0:47) 47.Kxf3(0:20)
GBate(1725) whispers: spite check
47...Rd7(0:07) 48.Nf4(1:02)Rb3+(0:20)
PankracyRozumek(1784) whispers: Mysterious Moves rock today!
Amaterasu(2196) whispers: woohoo :)
predkoo(1834) whispers: Yay!!
50.Raa6(2:01)Rb2(0:39) 51.Rh6+(0:07)Kg8(0:07) 52.Rag6+(0:02)Kf8(0:01) 53.Rf6(0:06)Kg7(0:13) 54.Rxf7+(0:05)Kxh6(0:11)
stevelco(1764) whispers: This is a position where they might say, "White has all the chances." predkoo(1834) whispers: :)) stevelco(1764) whispers: :-)
Psycho(1708) whispers: avoided h4 with a stalemate trap Amaterasu(2196) whispers: but you can`t say that he has all freedom to play on both sides of the board :P stevelco(1764) whispers: lol predkoo(1834) whispers: :D Amaterasu(2196) whispers: indeed white is very limited in his possibilities stevelco(1764) whispers: I don't know ... I bet White could play on the Q-side if he wanted to Inschipupa(1923) whispers: h4 was the last chance for him to achieve a stalemate... Now I should resign... Well done!Inschipupa resigns 1-0
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