shakazahn(2004) vs. tjradd(2194) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-10-28
tjradd(2194) whispers: is this the toilet bowl gambit :)
tjradd(2194) whispers: I am out of book :p 3...dxe4 (1:12) 4.Ng5 (0:06)
milpat(1910) whispers: haha, 1 more for ur notes shak 4...Nf6 (0:09) 5.Bc4 (0:03)
tjradd(2194) whispers: Did we play this last time
tjradd(2194) whispers: with the q sac
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: hopefully he will go for Bg4 again, this time I have prepared a bit
tjradd(2194) whispers: my team leads 1-0 and I contemplate playing a very messy game (Bg4)
milpat(1910) whispers: do it! 5...e6 (4:14)
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: booo
milpat(1910) whispers: booooooo
tjradd(2194) whispers: although I do think Bg4 is the critical test, I think I'll be less entertaining here
tjradd(2194) whispers: particularly since I think the last tl game we played a line like this (maybe this) 6.Nc3 (0:47)
tjradd(2194) whispers: although maybe I had white 6...Be7 (0:46) 7.Ncxe4 (1:11) O-O (1:05) 8.d3 (0:09) Nc6 (0:18) 9.O-O (0:28)
tjradd(2194) whispers: tj can have bishops 9...Nxe4 (1:21) 10.Nxe4 (0:07) Na5 (0:21) 11.Be3 (1:02)
tjradd(2194) whispers: my opponent has no concerns of endgames 11...Nxc4 (1:20) 12.dxc4 (0:02) Qc7 (0:18)
tjradd(2194) whispers: b6 prob the most consistent
milpat(1910) whispers: Qh5?
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: I notice black refused the queen sacrifice line (5.- Bg4). SCID tells me this is called Bird - Batavo Gambit. Anyone know the stem game?
milpat(1910) whispers: chickened is the real term :)
milpat(1910) whispers: not refused
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: IIRC Shaka has played it before in a longer game here on FICS
milpat(1910) whispers: they played it (Bg4) same color last tl
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: Shaka and tj?
tjradd(2194) whispers: Qf3 leaves me a little annoyed (at myself)
xombie(1897) whispers: this is kinda positional
milpat(1910) whispers: yes madman
xombie(1897) whispers: no lsb for white, strong knight
xombie(1897) whispers: which means, get rid of it!
xombie(1897) whispers: and white will try his characteristic rook lifts and h7 attack
xombie(1897) whispers: how about f5, N moves, e5 for black?
xombie(1897) whispers: does that equalize?
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: black has already equalized
xombie(1897) whispers: hmm this is lost for white in the endgame
xombie(1897) whispers: its not easy though
xombie(1897) whispers: still has development issues
xombie(1897) whispers: either b6, Bb7 or Bd7-c6
xombie(1897) whispers: the biggest problem for black is to predict
xombie(1897) whispers: future f4-f5 plans too for white
tjradd(2194) whispers: I assume white, being who he is, will play Qh5, Ng5, Rf3-h3 and try to mate directly :)
xombie(1897) whispers: amazing how shaka gathers his pieces to best suit his tastes 13.Qh5 (7:38) b6 (0:05) 14.Ng5 (0:05)
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: good prediction
xombie(1897) whispers: and f7 is under fire too
xombie(1897) whispers: indeed 14...Bxg5 (0:28)
xombie(1897) whispers: tj has played a fair number of sicilians
xombie(1897) whispers: which look a lot wilder :)
xombie(1897) whispers: this gets rid of the strong knight 15.Qxg5 (0:31) Bb7 (0:30)
xombie(1897) whispers: and this prevents the rook lift
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: tjradd's prediction was accurate but not exactly huge odds on the setup given the opponent :)
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: btw, what was wrong with 15.fxg5? (Closing the g-file for white which might be bad?)
tjradd(2194) whispers: just in time to stop sucky rook lifts
xombie(1897) whispers: gave away another pawn
xombie(1897) whispers: essentially
xombie(1897) whispers: but white probably had somethign more incisive
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: you mean, Qe5 was no fun to face?
xombie(1897) whispers: by way of reasoning :)
caballobravo(0) whispers: I like the black bishop for his more active
xombie(1897) whispers: opening up the position should favour black i think
Bombassa(2009) whispers: it seems black is busy chatting in channel 49. he must feel confident
xombie(1897) whispers: actually, its one thing i ve not understood 16.Bd2 (3:31)
xombie(1897) whispers: they say in books that opening up favours the attacker
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: only one, that's far better than me ;)
xombie(1897) whispers: but my experience is that it is the opposite ...
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: that is weird xombie
xombie(1897) whispers: chess is hard :)
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: I always thought opening up the position favoured the attacker
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: it does make sense (sort of), lagging in development is rarely fatal in closed positions, while development lead is essential in open positions? 16...Be4 (1:24)
xombie(1897) whispers: well, if your attacker is going for a wing attack as here
xombie(1897) whispers: it obviously makes sense to make freeing moves like e5
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: the one with more development is probably better than "attacker"
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: yup, you mean the cliche "counter a wing attack with a strike in the center (that's tough if the center is totally blockaded)"
xombie(1897) whispers: yes
xombie(1897) whispers: same goes for freeing moves 17.Bc3 (1:34)
xombie(1897) whispers: which is essentially opening up
caballobravo(0) whispers: the black wins a pawn
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: surprised he took on g5, opposite Bs now
xombie(1897) whispers: hmm is a hedgehog setup viable here?
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: anyway I sure talking in channels is bad in TL games, "set silence 1" is a great command for playing serious chess
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: maybe I won't get crushed for once
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: caballobravo, Bxc2 immediately runs into a weakness on g7 ;)
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: He's probably thinking f6
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: would prefer losing in the queen sac line though, this is no fun
xombie(1897) whispers: you mean f6 and e5
xombie(1897) whispers: not sure that f6 and e6 is tenable
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: xombie, you lost me there, what do you mean with Hedgehog in this position?
xombie(1897) whispers: sorry
xombie(1897) whispers: i am mixing up :)
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: f6, e6, Bf5
xombie(1897) whispers: yes
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: g4 is pretty risky here
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: I think black is ok with f6, e6
xombie(1897) whispers: in a proper hedgehog setup black's B should be on d7
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: well, white must do something, otherwise likely grinded down in an endgame?
xombie(1897) whispers: actually, the B is the key piece
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: perhaps opening up the position does favour the one with the attack, the thing about this position is that black can easily stop white's attack
xombie(1897) whispers: so if black can find some way to get rid of it (say and exchange sac) it should be the end
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: I reckon this position must be classed as semi-open at least
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: With the black pawn on c5 it's hardly a hedgehog anyway
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: hmm, surely unless white goes for the Maroczy bind, c5 is prevalent for black in Hedgehogs? :-/
caballobravo(0) whispers: f6 and Bxc2
wildest(1955) whispers: isn't the hedgehog a line in the english...this was more a boudapest gambit with reversed colours
xombie(1897) whispers: yes ...
caballobravo(0) whispers: I see no weakness on g7
evilcoyote(2111) whispers: f6 Qg4 Bf5 or f5 not sure
xombie(1897) whispers: f6 looks good here
xombie(1897) whispers: Q defends from c7, Rf7 later
xombie(1897) whispers: etc
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: In my understanding, the Hedgehog implies that black exchanges his c pawn
xombie(1897) whispers: yes
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: For white's d
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: of course, but does white always comply with d4 in the English?
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: This hardly resembles that
xombie(1897) whispers: this would be a 'tabia' formation then
xombie(1897) whispers: i agree with all that ... but in the hedgehog we have a seemingly weak pawn guarded from behind by the B
xombie(1897) whispers: as in the scheveningen etc
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: No mad, but those aren't proper hedgehog positions
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: wildest, I hadn't thought of it being a Budapest Gambit reversed. :)
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: Anyway
xombie(1897) whispers: hmm i seen an interesting defensive idea for black
xombie(1897) whispers: Rd8-d4
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: xombie, since my knowledge of the Hedgehog is not good enough (as evidenced), you mean the d6 pawn and bishop on e7 now? 17...f6 (7:43)
tjradd(2194) whispers: np this makes me happy anyway :)
xombie(1897) whispers: the B on d7
xombie(1897) whispers: or on f7!
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: and the weak pawn (e6), but surely black often has the pawn on f7 so it isn't weak? 18.Qg4 (1:02)
xombie(1897) whispers: i dunno, this is kinda abstract, i was only positing :)
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: so not a real Hedgehog with the bishop on b7? I thought a6, b6 and Bb7 was common in the Hedgehog :p
xombie(1897) whispers: not at all
xombie(1897) whispers: the hedgehog comes about only the english
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: well, that far my supposed knowledge seems to agree (Symmetrical English variation)
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: That's not true at all, there are plenty hedgehog structures in the e6 Sicilians
xombie(1897) whispers: i did see one karpov game with a similar pawn formation as here 18...Bf5 (1:53)
xombie(1897) whispers: nunn called it 'tabia'
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: Kan, Taimanov
asturia(1764) whispers: suppose black is better?
wildest(1955) whispers: I would'have liked Bg6 more
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: e6 was hanging though? 19.Qe2 (0:52)
xombie(1897) whispers: here it is
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: or did you mean instead of f6?
wildest(1955) whispers: Qxe6 Bf7
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: g4 threat here
caballobravo(0) whispers: Bxc2 or Qf7
tjradd(2194) whispers: pawn looks taboo
xombie(1897) whispers: g4 not so hot
xombie(1897) whispers: the B can go to f7
tjradd(2194) whispers: Rad8 g4 Bg6 Qe6+ Bf7 Qe? Rfe8 looks very comfy to me, but
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: xombie, I recognize that game. I saw it on kingscrusher's youtube channel a week or so ago :)
tjradd(2194) whispers: necessary? hmm
tjradd(2194) whispers: well e6 is backward 19...Rad8 (1:24) 20.Rad1 (0:03)
xombie(1897) whispers: wow
xombie(1897) whispers: whats he doing
tjradd(2194) whispers: again, endings have to favour me 20...Rxd1 (1:11) 21.Qxd1 (0:12)
xombie(1897) whispers: hmm if white had wnated a draw he would have played Rd8 21...Rd8 (0:19)
xombie(1897) whispers: Rd1* 22.Qe2 (0:15)
tjradd(2194) whispers: I am comfortable. The position is roughly equal, slightly better for me because of his pawn weakness
wmahan(2037) whispers: wouldn't Rxd1 have allowed Qxf4?
caballobravo(0) whispers: better position for black
tjradd(2194) whispers: now, how do you improve black
xombie(1897) whispers: oh yeah
tjradd(2194) whispers: fischer was so good at that :)
tjradd(2194) whispers: Q@g6
xombie(1897) whispers: for all his love for Bs fischer made some very weird trades
xombie(1897) whispers: i just saw a game with that theme
tjradd(2194) whispers: if I wander off he plays Rd1 and takes the file
tjradd(2194) whispers: hrm an interesting idea for white is g4 and quick g5
caballobravo(0) whispers: Qf7 and Qg6
asturia(1764) whispers: Kf7
tjradd(2194) whispers: so how do I meet g4
tjradd(2194) whispers: I note that I can trade c2 for e6 if I can get Bb1 in (hits a2, and then Ba2 wins c4) if the queens are traded
tjradd(2194) whispers: but I give up e7 :/
caballobravo(0) whispers: If Kf7 ?? g4
tjradd(2194) whispers: not really any desire to play something where he gets his rook on the seventh :/
tjradd(2194) whispers: I'm analyzing something like Qc6 g4 Qe4
xombie(1897) whispers: good idea
xombie(1897) whispers: centralized Q there
tjradd(2194) whispers: Qx Bx Re1 Bc2 Re6 Bb1 a3 Ba2
wildest(1955) whispers: he means Qc6 g4 Qer Qxe4 Bxe4 Re1
tjradd(2194) whispers: but then he has just Re7 and I look kinda meh up a pawn but his rook annoys me
xombie(1897) whispers: why not just f5 after Re1
tjradd(2194) whispers: but "what else"
superlaser(1679) whispers: oh boy, tj is playing!
xombie(1897) whispers: tj's thinking well here :)
caballobravo(0) whispers: not a good plan for Re1 22...Qc6 (7:07)
xombie(1897) whispers: hmm what if Rd1 now
tjradd(2194) whispers: yes I'm not sure about my claim that I am better here
caballobravo(0) whispers: If Rd1 Rxd1 and Qe4
xombie(1897) whispers: that sort of lets the Q in no?
tjradd(2194) whispers: the opposite bishops make it very drawish if we trade queens (or almost dead drawn if we trade rooks too) 23.b3 (4:12)
tjradd(2194) whispers: wow ok
superlaser(1679) whispers: interesting 23...Qe8 (0:44)
superlaser(1679) whispers: preparing Qg6?
caballobravo(0) whispers: QE4 was better
xombie(1897) whispers: very
xombie(1897) whispers: probably goes back to tj's earlier comment regarding draws
xombie(1897) whispers: i meant, very intteresting
caballobravo(0) whispers: if Qg6 Bb2
superlaser(1679) whispers: well yeah obviously bring another defender to e6
xombie(1897) whispers: hmm maybe thats what his 'wow' was for :)
xombie(1897) whispers: Qg6 thwarts g4!
superlaser(1679) whispers: yep
superlaser(1679) whispers: cant even play g4 now
xombie(1897) whispers: its a brilliant move
xombie(1897) whispers: Qe8!
tjradd(2194) whispers: now g4 is busted by Qg6
superlaser(1679) whispers: yep
superlaser(1679) whispers: yeah this is better than Qe4
tjradd(2194) whispers: Rd1 Rd1 Qd1 Be4
tjradd(2194) whispers: and I grind the ending 24.a4 (3:24)
tjradd(2194) whispers: I do not regret my decision to keep this a little boring - I do not mind a draw if he keeps this up :)
superlaser(1679) whispers: hmm
mindlin(2051) whispers: that's gotta be a hard ending to grind
superlaser(1679) whispers: yeah 24...Qg6 (0:23)
xombie(1897) whispers: all endings can be ground 25.a5 (0:06)
superlaser(1679) whispers: wow quick move
tjradd(2194) whispers: wow no hesitation
superlaser(1679) whispers: i dont believe hes calculated so quickly
mindlin(2051) whispers: hmmm losing some pawns here?
xombie(1897) whispers: well, my exchange sac idea is still there to create an imbalance
xombie(1897) whispers: if opp colored Bs are a problem :)
caballobravo(0) whispers: if Qg6 g4 bad for h5
xombie(1897) whispers: hmm
xombie(1897) whispers: can black play h5-h4-h3?
superlaser(1679) whispers: hmm
caballobravo(0) whispers: h5
superlaser(1679) whispers: why not just simply Bxc2 first
xombie(1897) whispers: Qxe6
superlaser(1679) whispers: oh yeah
superlaser(1679) whispers: lol
xombie(1897) whispers: maybe good too
superlaser(1679) whispers: im so dumb
xombie(1897) whispers: since b3 is weak
superlaser(1679) whispers: maybe, but risky
xombie(1897) whispers: another interesting idea is to trade ALL majors
xombie(1897) whispers: if the B can get to d1
xombie(1897) whispers: d1, c2, b3, c4
xombie(1897) whispers: fruit 25...Rd6 (4:10)
KrystianSz(1906) whispers: Bxc2 Qxe6 Qf7
superlaser(1679) whispers: hmm
xombie(1897) whispers: okay, maybe Qg4 is now a threat
superlaser(1679) whispers: interesting way of defending e pawn
xombie(1897) whispers: it weakens backrank though
xombie(1897) whispers: gxb, Ra1 might come
mindlin(2051) whispers: ah but now there is Bg4 huh?
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: Yeha but h6, h5 takes care of back rank issues while gaining good space on the kside
xombie(1897) whispers: this cant be drawn if Qs go
xombie(1897) whispers: white has a very active rook and minor
xombie(1897) whispers: and who says drawn endings are drawn anyway :)
xombie(1897) whispers: i meant black 26.Rc1 (2:39)
superlaser(1679) whispers: borrrrrring
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: Tough to win this with queens off
mindlin(2051) whispers: boring but safe I guess 26...h5 (0:46)
LaurentiuI(1905) whispers: Worst case scenario, white manages to liquidate the qside pawns and is left defending 4 v 3 on the kside
xombie(1897) whispers: the second front ...
tjradd(2194) whispers: idea of Be4, and ready-made h4 after g3
tjradd(2194) whispers: still, I have to get my rook (even more) active
xombie(1897) whispers: brilliant game actually
xombie(1897) whispers: they say in books, tie down your opp into defending one weakness
xombie(1897) whispers: then open the second
xombie(1897) whispers: it would be good to see it being realized here
superlaser(1679) whispers: i want to see a queen sac lol
xombie(1897) whispers: bah :)
superlaser(1679) whispers: hahaha
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: this is so annoying, tempting to resign and get it over with
superlaser(1679) whispers: shaka is beginning to crack lol
MarsellusArraes(1529) whispers: are both human players? 27.Be1 (3:28)
wildest(1955) whispers: what else, eliens ?
MarsellusArraes(1529) whispers: PC players
MarsellusArraes(1529) whispers: Computers
tjradd(2194) whispers: in the last 3 moves I've felt more and more of a momentum
caballobravo(0) whispers: Rd4
wildest(1955) whispers: no, there just playing realy good
tjradd(2194) whispers: well since I need to improve my rook 27...Rd4 (2:02)
superlaser(1679) whispers: let the rook invade, ouch
superlaser(1679) whispers: now Qg4 is beginning to look really good
xombie(1897) whispers: still needs proper continuation before trading
caballobravo(0) whispers: Qg4 good
xombie(1897) whispers: my guess is that he'll push some more wood until things materialize
superlaser(1679) whispers: lol
superlaser(1679) whispers: i good see g3 being played here
superlaser(1679) whispers: even though h4 is a threat
tseltzer(1949) whispers: do you mean Bg3, superlaser?
superlaser(1679) whispers: no, but that might be better lol :)
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: I think it is safe to say this is not the kind of position Shaka prefers :D
xombie(1897) whispers: we'd all kill for such positions as black
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: tseltzer, if Bg3 I think h4 is very viable for black creating a passed pawn
xombie(1897) whispers: shaka terrorizes in the opening and middlegame, so its only fair that he gets this once in a while :)
tseltzer(1949) whispers: I wasn't suggesting Bg3, just asking a question, madman 28.axb6 (6:08) axb6 (0:04) 29.Bg3 (0:01)
superlaser(1679) whispers: h4 29...h4 (0:36)
xombie(1897) whispers: passer! 30.Bxh4 (0:10)
Madmansreturn(2025) whispers: not too shabby, tj played the move I suggested :) 30...Rxf4 (0:05)
xombie(1897) whispers: this looks very concrete 31.Bg3 (0:03)
superlaser(1679) whispers: id be tempted by Qg4 here
superlaser(1679) whispers: no maybe not
xombie(1897) whispers: i think Qg4 won a pawn
xombie(1897) whispers: instead of h4 31...Re4 (0:55) 32.Qd2 (0:14) Rd4 (0:05)
superlaser(1679) whispers: xombie how
xombie(1897) whispers: Qg4 Qxg4 Bxg4 followed by Rd2
tjradd(2194) whispers: I have a passed pawn and my rook is a serious threat
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: nice trap, Qf2 Bxc2! Rxc2? Rd1+
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: nvm, Qcx2 there :p
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: boredome is making me slow
superlaser(1679) whispers: lol
xombie(1897) whispers: so e5 comes next?
SolidStrike(2226) whispers: I wouldn't play it automatically
xombie(1897) whispers: Bc2 threatened
xombie(1897) whispers: Bc7*
caballobravo(0) whispers: If Qe1 Qh6
caballobravo(0) whispers: If Qe2 Qh6
SolidStrike(2226) whispers: I think Qe1 e5 33.Qe2 (4:47) e5 (0:03)
asturia(1764) whispers: lucky that e6 passer was not traded back then :)
tjradd(2194) whispers: now the question is, how quickly should that e-pawn advance
tjradd(2194) whispers: it does it's best obstructive work on e5
oldengawy(2206) whispers: c3 y not
xombie(1897) whispers: we should have been able to see it then :)
tjradd(2194) whispers: it is a central passer, so it is more of a middle game strength (not that I am complaining)
xombie(1897) whispers: that if f4 goes we get a passer
caballobravo(0) whispers: Qh6 abd Rd2
caballobravo(0) whispers: Qh6 and Rd2
tjradd(2194) whispers: I was saying I would have an ending advantage. That is because my kingside majority much more easily created a passer (ok he helped speed it up) than his unhealthy q-side majority (which, for the record, could not make a passer without help)
tjradd(2194) whispers: I honestly didn't think I'd have winning chances 8 moves ago. I thought I'd take a small plus into an ending and he'd hold me off for a draw
tjradd(2194) whispers: now this feels decisive
tjradd(2194) whispers: It's still my job to put a bullet in his head
superlaser(1679) whispers: shaka might do that himself :)
tseltzer(1949) whispers: pscyhologically Black seems to have a big advantage here
wildest(1955) whispers: no wonder
xombie(1897) whispers: black's dark pawns serve as a Bishop 34.c3 (3:19)
superlaser(1679) whispers: Qh6 now i think
tjradd(2194) whispers: ok c3 did not cross my mind
tjradd(2194) whispers: d3 is now deadly weak
xombie(1897) whispers: but white threatens to play b4
tjradd(2194) whispers: I like the idea of Rd3 but
xombie(1897) whispers: followed by Bf2
tjradd(2194) whispers: should I be happy to conceed the d-file for his c3 pawn?
tjradd(2194) whispers: I think my king is entirely safe on h7
xombie(1897) whispers: Qg5 any good?
SolidStrike(2226) whispers: i actually think that an interesting option here is Qg5 34...Rd3 (1:59)
tjradd(2194) whispers: whatever, lezgo :)
SolidStrike(2226) whispers: Yes, like xombie ;) 35.b4 (0:27)
caballobravo(0) whispers: Qg5 good 35...Qg5 (0:30)
superlaser(1679) whispers: looking at Qe3+ coming 36.Rd1 (0:36)
asturia(1764) whispers: nice
xombie(1897) whispers: also, Bf2 prevented
tseltzer(1949) whispers: if this gets down to just the opp color Bishops and pawns, what are Black's chances
tjradd(2194) whispers: I get to check and then prove my claim :p
superlaser(1679) whispers: Qe3+ im sure it wins
tjradd(2194) whispers: I get to check and then prove my claim :p
superlaser(1679) whispers: Qe3+ im sure it wins
xombie(1897) whispers: well, passers favour the Q
tjradd(2194) whispers: or I can trade rooks first hmm
caballobravo(0) whispers: ??
SolidStrike(2226) whispers: Rxc3 seems obvious
caballobravo(0) whispers: Rxc3
tseltzer(1949) whispers: but what if it ijust the Bishops
tjradd(2194) whispers: ah no Qe3 gives rise to bf2 which hits c5
xombie(1897) whispers: that is interesting too ... might have good winning chances if the K comes into play
tjradd(2194) whispers: e.g. RxR QxR Qe3+ Bf2 Qc3 bc bc Qc5
tjradd(2194) whispers: I mean that's good for me
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: I like Rxc1 Qxc1 Qe3 for black
tjradd(2194) whispers: oh just play it now
xombie(1897) whispers: Rc3 looks great too
xombie(1897) whispers: what can white do?
tseltzer(1949) whispers: don't play until you see it
superlaser(1679) whispers: hmm, id rather simplify it
SolidStrike(2226) whispers: I don't see the point of making it more complicated only to capture it in a few mobes when you can capture it now
xombie(1897) whispers: after Rc3, black threatens g2 big time
tjradd(2194) whispers: qe3
caballobravo(0) whispers: Rxc3 win 36...Qe3+ (3:17)
xombie(1897) whispers: wow!
superlaser(1679) whispers: yes tj!
xombie(1897) whispers: even better
superlaser(1679) whispers: :)
superlaser(1679) whispers: Rxc3 is just so boring
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: how is this better? 37.Qxe3 (0:31) Rxe3 (0:00)
superlaser(1679) whispers: at least its interesting
xombie(1897) whispers: rook ending should win very easily
superlaser(1679) whispers: now coming on to c3 like a dog
Perkl(1401) whispers: cxd cxd rd5?
xombie(1897) whispers: no wait, there is Bf2 :*
tjradd(2194) whispers: hrm tj, how do you defend your c5 pawn while you're busy winning his c4 pawn
Perkl(1401) whispers: cxd cxd rd5?
xombie(1897) whispers: no wait, there is Bf2 :*
tjradd(2194) whispers: hrm tj, how do you defend your c5 pawn while you're busy winning his c4 pawn
tjradd(2194) whispers: I should've just played Rxc3
tjradd(2194) whispers: I thought this would be safer
superlaser(1679) whispers: hahahahaha
xombie(1897) whispers: oh man
superlaser(1679) whispers: lol
superlaser(1679) whispers: tj is hilarious
tjradd(2194) whispers: (in the sense that, with my team up 1-0, I want to give him -no- winning chances)
mindlin(2051) whispers: yeah i don't see it 38.Bf2 (1:03)
mindlin(2051) whispers: time for lunch be back in a little while 38...Rxc3 (0:06) 39.bxc5 (0:01) bxc5 (0:09)
xombie(1897) whispers: ugh, this is rather sad :( 40.Bxc5 (0:01) Rxc4 (0:02)
tjradd(2194) whispers: ok this is fine 41.Be3 (0:13)
superlaser(1679) whispers: yeah should still be a simple win
tjradd(2194) whispers: I worried about Be1-d2-e3 and if I could save my pawn on c5 :p
superlaser(1679) whispers: yeah should still be a simple win
tjradd(2194) whispers: I worried about Be1-d2-e3 and if I could save my pawn on c5 :p
oldengawy(2206) whispers: i think this pawn can't getting win 41...Kf7 (0:22) 42.Kf2 (0:09) Be4 (0:14)
superlaser(1679) whispers: yeah nice move
superlaser(1679) whispers: preparing Rc2+
tjradd(2194) whispers: no counter play
xombie(1897) whispers: actually, this might have been a great continuation
xombie(1897) whispers: opp colored Bs but Rs make all the difference
wildest(1955) whispers: Rd7 maby
superlaser(1679) whispers: no...
caballobravo(0) whispers: Rd7 and g4
superlaser(1679) whispers: hmm 43.g3 (2:01)
wildest(1955) whispers: if possible Rxg7 if not , perpetual
superlaser(1679) whispers: poor move 43...Ke6 (0:16)
superlaser(1679) whispers: Rc2+ was so much better lol 44.h4 (0:17)
superlaser(1679) whispers: Kg1 Rg2+ Kf1 Rxh2 44...Bd5 (0:14)
Bombassa(2009) whispers: rd2 was possible
superlaser(1679) whispers: and then black has advantage in endgame 45.Rd2 (1:07) f5 (0:11) 46.Bg5 (0:29) Ra4 (0:12)
superlaser(1679) whispers: preparing Ra2 im guessing 47.Rb2 (0:19)
Perkl(1401) whispers: i dont understand that move
superlaser(1679) whispers: whichmove
Perkl(1401) whispers: rb2
superlaser(1679) whispers: prepares a check on b6 47...Ra3 (1:13)
superlaser(1679) whispers: and here im guessing to prepare Rf3+
Perkl(1401) whispers: right, but ra2 wouldve forced a rook trade. would it have been bad for black?
caballobravo(0) whispers: Rb6
tjradd(2194) whispers: trying to work on f3
tjradd(2194) whispers: but I've let his rook in 48.Rb6+ (0:47) Kf7 (0:07)
superlaser(1679) whispers: yeah i liked Ra2 the best
Bombassa(2009) whispers: ra2 was drawn 49.Rd6 (0:15)
wildest(1955) whispers: rooktrade leeds to draw
StrategyMaster(1886) whispers: black needs to keep his rook for now
caballobravo(0) whispers: Ra3?! 49...Ra2+ (0:13)
superlaser(1679) whispers: i cant see where this is going lol
tjradd(2194) whispers: ideas of Rg2
superlaser(1679) whispers: ...
superlaser(1679) whispers: d5 is still hanging
superlaser(1679) whispers: after Rg2 50.Kf1 (1:17) Bc4+ (0:38) 51.Kg1 (0:03)
tjradd(2194) whispers: gotta love a seventh rank absolute
tjradd(2194) whispers: doesn't look like it does anything for me :p
superlaser(1679) whispers: if this is going to be a grind, its going to be one hell of a grind 51...e4 (2:00)
caballobravo(0) whispers: black is complicated, but continues better 52.h5 (1:19)
tseltzer(1949) whispers: how about Rd2 for White 52...Be2 (0:10) 53.Rd7+ (0:05) Ke6 (0:07) 54.Rxg7 (0:02) Bxh5 (0:04) 55.Re7+ (0:21) Kd5 (0:07) 56.Rh7 (0:02) Bg4 (0:16) 57.Re7 (0:09)
tjradd(2194) whispers: just patient, defend my back pawn
Capibarus(2168) whispers: maybe the better winning chance was on exchange sacrifice before the pawns at whiye squares 57...Kc4 (0:09) 58.Bf4 (0:15) Kd3 (0:12) 59.Rd7+ (0:16)
caballobravo(0) whispers: Ke2 59...Ke2 (0:20)
superlaser(1679) whispers: Ke2 and Kf3 looks like a nice setup
ExirK(1570) whispers: yikes
ExirK(1570) whispers: looks like black has good chances of winning now
tjradd(2194) whispers: side rank mate threats
superlaser(1679) whispers: or Bf3 and Ra1+
tjradd(2194) whispers: side.. file?
caballobravo(0) whispers: by by
superlaser(1679) whispers: game over 60.Rc7 (0:39)
Capibarus(2168) whispers: the king passed too easily
superlaser(1679) whispers: now rook exchange is fine for black because of the number of squares the passed pawn is advanced 60...Bf3 (0:37) 61.Rc1 (0:04)
tjradd(2194) whispers: harder to stalemate him now with B off g4 :)
superlaser(1679) whispers: e3 looks sensible to me now
superlaser(1679) whispers: split bishop and rook
superlaser(1679) whispers: and prepares Kd2
tjradd(2194) whispers: I guess he can't keep my king off f3
tjradd(2194) whispers: e3, Be4, Kf3
tjradd(2194) whispers: ok 61...e3 (2:41)
superlaser(1679) whispers: black wins SURELY
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: FML
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: should've went with the gut and resigned earlier
Technika(2195) whispers: blimey a fair few watching this game, looks won for black
superlaser(1679) whispers: with the king coming to chase the rook away off the first rank, and then Ra1
tjradd(2194) whispers: Kh2 Ra7
tjradd(2194) whispers: Rf1 Be4 and?
ShakaZahn(2004) whispers: one last trick 62.g4 (1:35)
superlaser(1679) whispers: ah going for the stale
superlaser(1679) whispers: fxg Re1+ 62...fxg4 (0:27)
xombie(1897) whispers: nice
superlaser(1679) whispers: no wait
tjradd(2194) whispers: watch for cheapo stalemates :) ShakaZahn resigns 0-1
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