funkmaus(2162) vs. lingzhi(1960) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-08-26
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Thats be fun, guys! 1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.f4 (0:02) exf4 (0:05) 3.Nf3 (0:03) d6 (0:02)
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: yeah king's gambit!
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: I didnt wanted have QI or Nimzo, hope he didnt watched my Sponge-game where I played KG already
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: but after this I have improved a little in here 4.Bc4 (1:12) h6 (0:05)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: gosh he plays same line 5.h4 (1:31)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: now he must be out
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: if he expected KG 5...Bg4 (2:06)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: also out now
ShakaZahn(1974) whispers: d4 looks natural
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: all i know about mine h4 is that it prevents g5 lines and outrules Qh4+
StrategyMaster(1917) whispers: what is a rock opening milpat?
CrazyHunter(1950) whispers: ooo a KG
ShakaZahn(1974) whispers: my some years old database only has 3 games with this played
ShakaZahn(1974) whispers: :o
milpat(1894) whispers: its a secret SM, continue ur caro-kan ;)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: d3 or d4 now. d3 Be7 Bxh4+ g3 Bf6 c3
CrazyHunter(1950) whispers: d4 looks good now
ShakaZahn(1974) whispers: agreed
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: if d4 no c3 needed after Bf6, but d4 is a target, leaves e4 loose too
wmahan(1981) whispers: I have d4 played 3 times, c3 1, and d3 1
xivarmy(1956) whispers: d4 Nf6 Nc3 Nh5 can be annyoing though
milpat(1894) whispers: which move is unusual in ur db shak, early h4 or Bf5?
StrategyMaster(1917) whispers: I don't play KG or carokann
ShakaZahn(1974) whispers: ask wil, I closed it
CrazyHunter(1950) whispers: early h4 6.d3 (7:12)
wmahan(1981) whispers: Bg4 was less common than Nf6
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: could not resist... tho it feels totally wrong to play KG and care about the safety of position
milpat(1894) whispers: tnx
wmahan(1981) whispers: but there was no major blunder afaik
xivarmy(1956) whispers: h4 isn't unusual where it was played here, Bg4 i don't even have a game with though
CrazyHunter(1950) whispers: hm 6...Be7 (2:18)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: good evening guys
milpat(1894) whispers: ismir
wmahan(1981) whispers: the only game I have with d3 a GM was white, so it can't be all bad :)
wmahan(1981) whispers: hey ismir 7.Bxf4 (0:13)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: just saw this game was on on TL page
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Kf1 Qf6, so out of question
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: after Bxh4+
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: didnt even now of this till seconds ago
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: lol Kd2
CrazyHunter(1950) whispers: so i guess after Bxh4 g3 is needed
wmahan(1981) whispers: Bxh4 Rxh4 Qxh4 Nxh4 Bxd1 Kxd1 g5, hmm
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: trouble is Bxh4 Rxh4 Bxf3 though
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: i dont like that he can trade the LSB here: Bxh4+ g3 Bf6 c3 Nc6 Nbd2 Na5 and Qa4+ c3 doesnt help
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: as far as i know 5 h4 is considered a mistake
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: but even that is not totally clear, cos of the attack on f7
wmahan(1981) whispers: never mind, g5 failed to to Bxg5
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: no time for a3 or smth
xivarmy(1956) whispers: 5 d4 and 5 h4 are equally played, and h4 has overall faired much better than d4 in my db...
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: i would have loved to see her play 5 b3 as i did against sponge
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: 5 d4 is crap, 5 b3 is the interesting idea 7...Bxf3 (3:18) 8.Qxf3 (0:19)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: this makes things easy for white
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: unexpected. but must favour me
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: in muzio this N is free to watch f7 8...Bxh4+ (0:19)
milpat(1894) whispers: see development
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: g3 Bf6 Nd2 he has to watchout e5!
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: thinking if DSB trade force the attack, gains a tempo
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: id rather play nc3 than nd2
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: but trade... dont wanna trade today!
raisinman(2125) whispers: rh4 got anything to it?
wmahan(1981) whispers: nice idea Jenny
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Bg3 BxB QxB Qf6 Rf1 Qxb2 Bxf7+
milpat(1894) whispers: yea, e5, thats maybe why d4 better than d3, support e5 instead e4?
raisinman(2125) whispers: rh4 g3 qf6 nc3 c6 0-0-0 rook comes into the game black isnt developed
wmahan(1981) whispers: Rxh4 Qxh4 Bg3 Qh1 Ke2 Nf6 e5 maybe
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: why not simply g3 bf6 nc3 and 0-0-0?
raisinman(2125) whispers: qf6 instead of qh1 is better in your line i think wmahan
milpat(1894) whispers: cuz Bxc3 Ismir?
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: bxc3 is shit
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: sorry, bad language
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: that cannot be a good move
xivarmy(1956) whispers: why would black play Bxc3? the scrambled pawn doesn't matter a thing and it exposes f7 again
milpat(1894) whispers: ok 9.g3 (4:57)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: nothing there. all-in to get e5 in right time
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Bg3 wasnt good 9...Bf6 (0:35)
milpat(1894) whispers: nah, make his B move again is cool
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: so Bf6 Nd2 Nc6 e5 trade and get b7 is one line
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Qh5?
wmahan(1981) whispers: I like Nc3 better than Nd2, more threats
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: g6 Qd5 is cheap will he miss it?!
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: wishing play is Nc3, but i think i will need c3 to defend d4 from his N
milpat(1894) whispers: move N forward then :) 10.Nd2 (4:10)
wmahan(1981) whispers: I thought Nc3 Nc6 e5 Nd4 Qf2 would be fine
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: e5-Ne4 idea in some lines
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: to prevent his kingsside pieces development
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: too bad just 3 moves and he done 0-0-0 too
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: dont see smth forcing
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: you dont need anything forcing here
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: white has more than enough compnesation for the pawn which is pretty much long term compensation
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: just improve your position and let things come on their own account
wmahan(1981) whispers: this looks great for white so far, better development for just a pawn
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: Nc6 0-0-0 Ne5 Qh5 Nxc4 Nxc4 is just great or white
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: or maybe Qf2 rather than Qh5
StrategyMaster(1917) whispers: I think she misses the tactical games she used to have when she played bughouse so now she plays the KG in teamleague
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: actually the Qf2 plan really appeals to me 10...Nc6 (5:00)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: so id just castle long now
wmahan(1981) whispers: instead of Ne5, Na5 Bxf7 would be a nice trick
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: yes 11.Rf1 (4:09)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: invite to Nd4
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Nd4 Qh5 Nxc2+ Kd1 g6 Qd5 he defend f7, me eat his c2-N
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: and pray I missed nothing in that mess 11...Nd4 (1:55) 12.Qh5 (0:07)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: maybe she missed than NC2 is not forced
wmahan(1981) whispers: wow, this is very committal
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: black must play Qe7 now i guess
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: honestly i went for this so he avoided Ne5 and trades my LSB
xivarmy(1956) whispers: but then defending f7 is forced and she gets o-o-o to defend c2, and c3 will come
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: nd4 was just a bad move, ne5 was called for
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: 11.0-0-0 Ne5 BxN forced, dxN
wmahan(1981) whispers: then O-O-O is ok, yeah 12...Qd7 (1:51)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: 0-0-0 now
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: haha my line seems to work! He didnt take c2 with check!
wmahan(1981) whispers: what?
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: thats good news, my Q can go now to a5 his king be there too 13.O-O-O (1:03)
wmahan(1981) whispers: oh I guess she's just happy she didn't miscalculate
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: oh my god i love everything about this game!
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: king's gambit, fischer defense! everything comes together!
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: except for blacks position
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: lol
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: on that note, go lingzhi!
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: he cannot play 0-0-0 easily as f7 hangs
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: is he thinking i take f7 on 0-0-0. I wont :p
xivarmy(1956) whispers: he can play b5 and c6 if needed here to force the B back to b3 and trade it
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: then his king is completely stripped of all possible shelters
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: haha, funkmaus immediately says she doesn't want f7
xivarmy(1956) whispers: no, it can still go kingside
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: kingside? now thats a good ione
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: once c6 and b5, that's already the start of a pawn storm! :P
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: also note that e5 is a serious threat 13...g6 (4:35)
wmahan(1981) whispers: I guess Qh2, no need to allow Ne2
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: right
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: its really unfair how she always gets the easy opps who fall for her traps
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: for some rason i didn't expect g6, now i might say o-o would be scary
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: how would you prepare 0-0 without g6?
hugozver(1920) whispers: and how you 0-0 with Non g8?
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: good evening, oh gracious lady mila
hugozver(1920) whispers: oh! Good evening Ismir!
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: im delighted to see you tonight 14.Qa5 (4:01)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: to be honest i wouldn't have been looking at o-o as the first priority, doesn't seem too safe there anyway
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Ne2+ Kb1 NxB RxB threaten Rdf1 vs. f7
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: and f6, of course, he cant hold there
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: liked xivarmy's idea of b5 and c6 if Bd5 though likely Bb3 right away
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: trade annoying lsb
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: b5 just seems suicidal to me
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: i could see a full c6, b5, a5 grouping
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: he has to be accurate, many tactics
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: well no c6 necessarily
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: only the heavies to attack f7
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: a6 c3 Ne2+ Kb1 g5 Be3 Nxg3.. another pawn goes
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: he has to miss smth really cheap here :p
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: grabbing g3 also cries suicide to me
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: why play Ne2+ in all the lines?
milpat(1894) whispers: get the bishop is attractive for sure
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: over light squares he cant trap my queen 14...Qc6 (11:16)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: unexpected move
raisinman(2125) whispers: bf7 followed by e5?
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: qc2 mate
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: direct e5 maybe
raisinman(2125) whispers: i dont bother with details like that
raisinman(2125) whispers: c3 ne2 and black has to stop bb5
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: yeah, maybe N was better @c6 than queen
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Qc6 is strong! my attack gets stuck here :(
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: i calculate on e5, too low on time to write lines, sry
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: c3 wasnt it, there is Q-trade
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: nb3 looks intersting 15.e5 (13:47)
Alieth(1882) whispers: b6?
nitelyjoy(1700) whispers: Rde1 before e5 not stronger?
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: maybe
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: c3 Qb6 white queen doesn't need to trade
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: from before
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: c3 Ne2, then what?
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: Kb1 i would presume. :P
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: i think so yes, not mcuh for blakc really
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: Ne2 would fail because of what raisinman already said with the pin on the queen
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: so it would have to be Qb6 15...b5 (5:47)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: dunno the next steps for the white queen though, in that line. it could be at a3, but less attacking
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: maybe Qa4+ Qc6 then Qa3 so that the knight can't retreat to c6
wmahan(1981) whispers: b5 seems kinda rash to me 16.exf6 (1:20)
wmahan(1981) whispers: bxc Rde1 maybe? 16...bxc4 (0:45)
milpat(1894) whispers: yea 17.Rde1+ (0:20)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: rfe1 rather
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: never miss a check!
milpat(1894) whispers: and no more Ne2 trick
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: d rook seems more natural, since the f rook can later support f6, or blasts down that file if black takes it 17...Kf8 (1:36)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: why not Ne6 there?
wmahan(1981) whispers: too bad Qc3 cxd3 Qxd4 Qxc2# doesn't work 18.Nxc4 (0:41)
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: Nxc4 d5 Qa3 does :)
milpat(1894) whispers: oh?
milpat(1894) whispers: d5?
Ismirdochegal(2146) whispers: d5 Qa3 and mates
wmahan(1981) whispers: very nice, knew there must be some tactic
milpat(1894) whispers: under that angle ... :)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: wow, got the pawn back with superior position
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Nxf6 fails to Qc3 18...Ne6 (5:28)
wmahan(1981) whispers: it feels like there should be a sack somewhere for white 19.Bd2 (2:39)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: a sack?
NoelTheHacker(1838) whispers: hi all
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Ne3-Qd5 looks nice
wmahan(1981) whispers: I was tring to make Ne5 or Rxe6 work but they didn't
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Go, Funkmaus!
wmahan(1981) whispers: hmm, she wants to trade queens? 19...h5 (1:44)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: Qa3-Ne5-Nxg6 Rxe6 is an idea too
wmahan(1981) whispers: I like the Qa3 idea since black wants to play Na6 next and get the king to safety 20.Qa3 (1:41)
milpat(1894) whispers: go Jenny go!!
wmahan(1981) whispers: Nh6 rather
wmahan(1981) whispers: go Jenny
milpat(1894) whispers: Nd4 Nxg6 ideas maybe?
milpat(1894) whispers: (+Rxe6) 20...Qc5 (1:59)
Ismirdochegal(2150) whispers: bb4 21.Bb4 (0:18) Qg5+ (1:12) 22.Kb1 (0:10)
Ismirdochegal(2150) whispers: nf6 bc3 :) 22...Nh6 (1:36)
wmahan(1981) whispers: I was wondering about Kg7 after Bc3
xivarmy(1956) whispers: Bxf6+ forks the queen then...
wmahan(1981) whispers: oh, right
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: time to sac on d6?
wmahan(1981) whispers: Re5!?
xivarmy(1956) whispers: does it help?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Bxd6+ cxd6 Qxd6 Kg8 Rxe6 looks pretty good to me
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: ah, fxe6 Qxe6 Nf7 might hold, never mind 23.Nd2 (4:10)
Ismirdochegal(2150) whispers: nevermind
milpat(1894) whispers: why this?
hugozver(1920) whispers: ne ver mind
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: relocating to e4
tjradd(2162) whispers: white queen should almost be done with her vacation 23...Qb5 (1:36)
milpat(1894) whispers: why not relocate via Nd4-c6-e7? :)
milpat(1894) whispers: Ne5* sorry, not Nd4
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: good question
xivarmy(1956) whispers: e7 is a very committal place for the knight, and not entirely clear it's good there
Ismirdochegal(2150) whispers: well put, xiv
nitelyjoy(1700) whispers: Which time does black want to develop his Rh8, after the game? ;-)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Hmm, Bxd6 could become possible at some point. 24.Ne4 (2:46) Nf5 (0:46)
wmahan(1981) whispers: Nc3
tjradd(2162) whispers: wondering about c4, structurally chaotic but..
tjradd(2162) whispers: idea of c4 and possibly fast c5
xivarmy(1956) whispers: Bxd6 could work now, dx Nx with discovery threat, Nx Qx Kg8 Rxe6 and nothing left to interject now 25.Re2 (1:46)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: yes 25...a5 (0:53) 26.Bd2 (0:24)
wmahan(1981) whispers: it's now or never to take on d6
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: she chooses never...
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: :(
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: this went away
DragonAce(1921) whispers: I think I have to agree with Funkmau Bd2 though
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: cant finish attack, as always... stupid blitz mode 26...Nfd4 (1:31) 27.Rg2 (0:39)
tjradd(2162) whispers: not sure about these rook maneouvres
wmahan(1981) whispers: I think the king might be able to escape to h6 and even g5 after the sack 27...Ra6 (0:41)
tjradd(2162) whispers: wow black is really coming alive
tjradd(2162) whispers: maybe black can even think about Ke8-d7 and Rb8
DragonAce(1921) whispers: lol, white monster attack move c4! lol
DragonAce(1921) whispers: ok, this is probably not a good idea.
milpat(1894) whispers: start to look at c4 again
DragonAce(1921) whispers: it creates a permenant point for black's knight on d4. 28.Rh1 (1:32)
wmahan(1981) whispers: I dunno, why weaken the king? now black has some attack too
tjradd(2162) whispers: c4 had some point to it when white was lined up to break through on d6
tjradd(2162) whispers: whether or not it was any good then, now that the initiative is shifting, I don't see it being so safe
xivarmy(1956) whispers: really not sure about white's rooks now though, g4 still isn't really a threat even as black can just push by...
wmahan(1981) whispers: it looks even to me, but I guess somebody will blunder in the time pressure
tjradd(2162) whispers: I don't see a plan for white, so I prefer black
xivarmy(1956) whispers: i guess g4 h4 g5 and then attack h, and take over that file
tjradd(2162) whispers: what is the threat of g4
tjradd(2162) whispers: g4 Ke8 and
DragonAce(1921) whispers: I might just bring rook to g4 instead of the other way 28...Kg8 (3:06)
xivarmy(1956) whispers: gxh, just erase the g-pawn, it's all i can figure the rooks are doing over there is to move that g-pawn
tjradd(2162) whispers: gh Rh5
tjradd(2162) whispers: (and Rh5 Qh5) 29.g4 (0:36)
tjradd(2162) whispers: liked it better with K/e8 than K/g8
xivarmy(1956) whispers: not saying it's a crushing attack or anything. just not sure what else the motivation for this rook placement might be 29...hxg4 (0:30) 30.Rxh8+ (0:03) Kxh8 (0:02) 31.Rxg4 (0:01)
tjradd(2162) whispers: gives black ending play with g passer
tjradd(2162) whispers: I don't mind Qh5 here 31...Qh5 (0:25)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: oh wait, this doesn't look good.
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Rg1 runs into Nf3
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Nf2 instead...
DragonAce(1921) whispers: hmm..
Ismirdochegal(2137) whispers: Nf2 Qh2
DragonAce(1921) whispers: white's queen is awkwardly situated.
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Be1.
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Nf6 Qc3 32.Qa4 (2:03)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: horrible. traded a piece who hasnt made a single move!
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: QxR is perp at least
CWQ(1732) whispers: mate net qxrfqh
DragonAce(1921) whispers: this is an interesting idea
CWQ(1732) whispers: qe1 -e8 if qxr no? 32...Ra8 (2:38)
CWQ(1732) whispers: e8 h8 excuse
milpat(1894) whispers: i dont see the mate
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: still alive and kicking. GO LINGZHI!
tjradd(2162) whispers: perp anyway
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Nf2 now surely
milpat(1894) whispers: mm, sounds nice Al 33.Rg1 (1:42)
wmahan(1981) whispers: what's wrong with Rg1
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: Qxg4 Qe8+ Kh7 Qxf7 Kh8 Qe8 Kh7 Ng5+ Nxg5 Qe7+ Kh8 Qg7#
milpat(1894) whispers: forks?
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: i forgot for a bit that N was protecting bishop 33...Nf3 (1:08)
CWQ(1732) whispers: this is was trying to say ty evil coyote
wmahan(1981) whispers: any chance of Ng3?
Alieth(1882) whispers: Ng3
tjradd(2162) whispers: Ne2 is a check hmm
tjradd(2162) whispers: naw just Ne2 and Qg5
Alieth(1882) whispers: Ng3 Nxd2
tjradd(2162) whispers: righto, d2 34.Rf1 (1:10)
wmahan(1981) whispers: I hope she has a plan for d5
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: so Qxg4 was a forced loss for black
Alieth(1882) whispers: Nxd2 Nxd2 Qe2 Rh1 Kg1 Qh4 34...Qh3 (0:50)
Alieth(1882) whispers: isn't d5 coming
xivarmy(1956) whispers: d5 can be answered with Qc6 perhaps?
Alieth(1882) whispers: then Rd8 35.Rf2 (2:07)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: whoa
wmahan(1981) whispers: wow 35...Qh1+ (0:28)
tjradd(2162) whispers: how is d5
DragonAce(1921) whispers: I guess this works.. but hard to see at first glance
tjradd(2162) whispers: nm 36.Bc1 (0:08)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: wait what happened? did black have something? i missed it but everyone got excited
wmahan(1981) whispers: Qh1 didn't make much sense to me
tjradd(2162) whispers: I wanna see the d5 line :p
DragonAce(1921) whispers: I think D5 loses
wmahan(1981) whispers: it seemed to work but she was playing with fire on the back rank
tjradd(2162) whispers: e.g. d5 Qc6 Rd8
tjradd(2162) whispers: with Q/h3 and B/d2 still, I was more interested :) 36...Nfd4 (1:36)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: d5 Ng3 Qh4 Qxh4 Rh2 g5, hmm or maybe not
wmahan(1981) whispers: maybe c3 now 37.Qd7 (0:58) Kg8 (0:59) 38.c3 (0:02) Nf5 (0:06)
wmahan(1981) whispers: too bad about the f6 pawn, otherwise Qc6 and Nf6+ would work
DragonAce(1921) whispers: yes, f6 is a real bummer.
DragonAce(1921) whispers: crunching all kinds of counterplayer
DragonAce(1921) whispers: counterplay*
Alieth(1882) whispers: Qa4 39.Rd2 (1:50)
Alieth(1882) whispers: with Qc2 next and Rh2 attack on the h file
Alieth(1882) whispers: seems simple enough
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: what is the rook doing on d2?
milpat(1894) whispers: free f2 for N or what
nitelyjoy(1700) whispers: its a time battle now... 39...Qh5 (1:18) 40.Qb5 (0:55)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Hmm. Funkmaus plays a lot of lightning:P
milpat(1894) whispers: no flaggin chances here though :P
Ismirdochegal(2122) whispers: ng3 maybe? 40...Qh3 (1:00)
Alieth(1882) whispers: can someone tell me what's wrong with Qa4-c2 and Rh2 to start attacking along h file? 41.Qb7 (0:33)
wmahan(1981) whispers: time pressure is totally different though 41...Rd8 (0:34)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: I think you have a good idea. 42.Qa6 (0:41)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: i'm missing something more basic. is taking the a pawn bad just because the king is more exposed? okan nm 42...d5 (0:45) 43.Nf2 (0:02)
wmahan(1981) whispers: finally some blood 43...Qf1 (0:11) 44.Qxa5 (0:08)
milpat(1894) whispers: she gaining some clock 44...Ng3 (0:59)
milpat(1894) whispers: probably more important than the pawn :)
wmahan(1981) whispers: Qa4 Ne2 Qd1
Ismirdochegal(2122) whispers: i wa just considering nd1 45.Qb4 (0:51)
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: but gives the f6 pawn away wil
Diboss(2080) whispers: hhm 45...Ne2 (0:30)
Diboss(2080) whispers: how does this answer Ne2
Diboss(2080) whispers: ohh, Nd1?
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: Nd1 yeah
Diboss(2080) whispers: giving away f6 though
wmahan(1981) whispers: yeah
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: no alternative though
wmahan(1981) whispers: but that forces a trade at least 46.Nd1 (1:14)
wmahan(1981) whispers: getting rid of Bc1 is not a bad deal
Diboss(2080) whispers: seems better for white still, the a-pawn looks more dangerous than the g 46...N2f4 (1:22)
wmahan(1981) whispers: haha
milpat(1894) whispers: aiming d3 47.d4 (0:52)
wmahan(1981) whispers: Nd3 Qb5 Nef4 hmm
tjradd(2162) whispers: what does white do against g5, g4, g3 47...Nh5 (1:06) 48.a4 (0:53)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: push 48...Nxf6 (0:18) 49.Ne3 (0:02) Qa6 (0:13)
wmahan(1981) whispers: Rf2 and Qe7? 50.Rh2 (0:26) Ne4 (0:45) 51.Ng4 (0:15) Ra8 (1:05)
wmahan(1981) whispers: b3 seems ok
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: why not Nh6+ and Qe7?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: or Qe7 first, for that matter
wmahan(1981) whispers: Qe7 Qd3 is annoying 52.Ne5 (1:47)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: hmm, true
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: no fun 52...Qxa4 (0:39) 53.Qe7 (0:10)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: well black has a draw at least
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: all agme 1 prob - Q not in play
wmahan(1981) whispers: what after N6g5
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: oh i didn't even think of Ng5, i was calculating Qa1+ 53...Qa1+ (1:29) 54.Kc2 (0:03) Qa4+ (0:01)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: hmm, is b3 possible?
wmahan(1981) whispers: I think so
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: oh dear
milpat(1894) whispers: wow
DragonAce(1921) whispers: b3 Qa2 Bb2 Ng5 possibly.
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: move king instead?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: then Nxg6
wmahan(1981) whispers: Qa2 Kd3 Qxh2 Qxf7+ should mate
milpat(1894) whispers: yes Ng6
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Kd3 allows checks
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Kd1 is sounder than Kd3 there
wmahan(1981) whispers: good point
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: but both fall into the same problem
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Kd1 allows Qxb3
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Nf2+
milpat(1894) whispers: but after Ke3, more checks?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: oh, maybe not
CarlosKerber(1673) whispers: Kd1 impossible black has nd4+ 55.Kb1 (2:51)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: Qxc1+
wmahan(1981) whispers: repeating for time I hope
DragonAce(1921) whispers: why this move.
milpat(1894) whispers: yes Carlos, i saw this too
DragonAce(1921) whispers: I hope this is not a draw by repetition.
milpat(1894) whispers: aybe Rh2 can come defend then 55...Qa2+ (1:12) 56.Kc2 (0:02)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: still trying to calculate 53. Qa1+ agh haha, no time to have looked at Ng5 56...Qa4+ (0:05) 57.b3 (0:01)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: okay here we go
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: no rep
wmahan(1981) whispers: yay
milpat(1894) whispers: go Jen!!!
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Qe8 Nxg6 again
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: not mating though, unlike in the Ng5 line
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: Rc2 blcoks after Kd1, i just don't like the idea of Nf2+
milpat(1894) whispers: looking at Kd3 Qa6/b5+ c4 :)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: This is not good for white. 57...Qa2+ (1:40)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: why? qa2+ bb2 58.Bb2 (0:02)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: I think that Bb2 is better
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: yeah, Bb2 better than king runs
wmahan(1981) whispers: darn
DragonAce(1921) whispers: ll
milpat(1894) whispers: threat Q was more forcing
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: i was calculating that last it seems
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: ah hang on, Ng5 NXg6 doesn't work, cos h7 is covered 58...N6g5 (0:53)
wmahan(1981) whispers: Qxc7 would be super-greedy 59.Qxc7 (0:16)
tjradd(2162) whispers: lol
DragonAce(1921) whispers: sigh.
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: and there you go!
wmahan(1981) whispers: :p 59...Qa7 (0:13)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: lol
DragonAce(1921) whispers: but black wants to trade
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: but it works
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: well now, trade looks better for white 60.Qc6 (0:25)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: hmm..
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: okay still alive here
milpat(1894) whispers: Nxg6 comes again
tjradd(2162) whispers: what is threat on ng6
milpat(1894) whispers: oops no 60...Rd8 (0:35)
milpat(1894) whispers: Q comes g7 ok
wmahan(1981) whispers: Rh1-a1 maybe?
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Nxg6 is not worth it I guess.:P
milpat(1894) whispers: Bc1? 61.Rh1 (1:09)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: hmm, nice switch
wmahan(1981) whispers: Ng4
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: i thoguht black should play qe7 anyway 61...Qe7 (0:45)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: now Bc1 is playable
tjradd(2162) whispers: Qb5 makes room for n/c6 and covers f1 for Rf1 in reply to Qf6
kasperyan(2054) whispers: O i missed this game :(
wmahan(1981) whispers: maybe even c4 to try to activate the bishop?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: risky...
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: c4 puts the white king at too much rsik i think
milpat(1894) whispers: black Q made the whole tour of the board, quite a career 62.Rf1 (1:31)
kasperyan(2054) whispers: i think there was strong fight !
wmahan(1981) whispers: definitely
CarlosKerber(1673) whispers: absolutely
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: i would like to play kg7 to allow f6 but thats very unwise with the bishop on b2 62...Kg7 (0:49)
wmahan(1981) whispers: Qa4 threat Nc6
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: he does not seem to agree
xombie(1812) whispers: wow what a funny game 63.Bc1 (0:49) Rd6 (0:24) 64.Qc8 (0:05)
milpat(1894) whispers: dont remember 65 moves funk game with all this material on board
milpat(1894) whispers: go Jen!!
Nitreb(1326) whispers: Is it a decisive game? 64...Rd8 (1:01)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: first game
wmahan(1981) whispers: it's the first game
Nitreb(1326) whispers: Oh 65.Qg4 (0:17)
Nitreb(1326) whispers: Quite a fight!
tjradd(2162) whispers: lively f5
tjradd(2162) whispers: eh leaves g6 just too weak
kasperyan(2054) whispers: not f6 ?
milpat(1894) whispers: Rh1 any good? 65...Qc7 (0:59)
Diboss(2080) whispers: position is still interesting i see
milpat(1894) whispers: Rh8*
tjradd(2162) whispers: f6 might be rudely met by Nc6
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: well still the fork threat to be taken care of
Diboss(2080) whispers: lingzhi is hanging on well
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: f6 would have been my choice
Twikki(2077) whispers: looks like I missed a lot of action
milpat(1894) whispers: (whispered to 33 players)
kasperyan(2054) whispers: u also twikki :D
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: damn, that's a good move
wmahan(1981) whispers: I guess c4 is too risky?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: very hard to stop Qxc3
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: i have never had the privilege of observing a lingzhi game that wasn't some incredible fight down to the wire
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: I mean, Bb2 sure, but that is passive
milpat(1894) whispers: Bb2 passive, but defence is required
xombie(1812) whispers: ah lingzhi never resigns so it will always end with the game goind down the wire
tjradd(2162) whispers: hmm
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: I wonder if Bxg5 and just run the king somewhere
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: Bd2 looks stronger than Bb2
tjradd(2162) whispers: it does?
keracim(1953) whispers: amazing game...white squandered again and again
tjradd(2162) whispers: Nxd2 not a problem?
xivarmy(1956) whispers: run the king where? black has at minimum perp and i'd be shocked if it wasn't mate
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Bd2 Nxd2 Kxd2 f6
tjradd(2162) whispers: Bd2 Nd2 Kd2 Ne4 lezgo
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: Zugzwangotang's game last night his opponent didn't resign, zugs missed mate in two, and then he lost his queen.
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: yea miscalculated
wmahan(1981) whispers: Bb2 hurry 66.Rxf7+ (4:45)
StrategyMaster(1917) whispers: there are enough instances of players screwing up won games to make resigning a hard thing for me to do 66...Nxf7 (0:08) 67.Qxg6+ (0:00)
Diboss(2080) whispers: nice shot 67...Kf8 (0:06) 68.Ba3+ (0:02)
Diboss(2080) whispers: wow
wmahan(1981) whispers: yowza
Diboss(2080) whispers: Ned6 68...Ned6 (0:18)
Diboss(2080) whispers: Nxf7 69.Nxf7 (0:09)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: rd6 was better
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Hmm.. this is looking like game.
Diboss(2080) whispers: more forceful...
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: jeez i missed everything that just happened
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: wow
wmahan(1981) whispers: I'm very impressed
milpat(1894) whispers: cant turn my eyes 30 seconds?? wow
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Jen, is a tactical beast:)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: very good but not yet over
Diboss(2080) whispers: doesn't look done to me
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: it's a draw now right?
Diboss(2080) whispers: Qxf7 Bxd6 Kd8
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: qf7 bd6 ke8
Diboss(2080) whispers: e8 i mean :) 69...Qxf7 (1:04) 70.Bxd6+ (0:04)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: draw?, not likely
KiranY(1957) whispers: not clear win 70...Ke8 (0:10)
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Ok, not done, but this seems to only favor white.
Twikki(2077) whispers: white has a clear edge after the qs come off
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: i once had this OTB, it was draw in the end
Diboss(2080) whispers: pretty much must trade queens 71.Qxf7+ (0:24)
milpat(1894) whispers: QxQ Be5 is draw?
Diboss(2080) whispers: without queens it's drawn 71...Kxf7 (0:03)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: well the suspense seems gone at least. now if it's a win it's going to be another long fight from here 72.Be5 (0:01)
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: 68...Nfd6 was 0-1
wmahan(1981) whispers: at least white can't lose (I hope)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: im sure its a draw
Funkmaus(2162) whispers: lucky
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: well, no way white can lose 72...Ke6 (0:28)
Diboss(2080) whispers: lol
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: 68... Rd6 was also much better than this
Diboss(2080) whispers: man, that's a well placed bishop
KiranY(1957) whispers: if black can get b+p for rook then there is a possibility of a draw
Diboss(2080) whispers: Kd3 Ra8 maybe
CarlosKerber(1673) whispers: Ba3? 73.c4 (0:57)
milpat(1894) whispers: Be5 covers potential queening square
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: of course the plan is to wait for white to exchange pawns and then try to give away the rook for the two pawns
milpat(1894) whispers: lol not anymore true after px px
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: but you cannot win with the b pawn alone
Diboss(2080) whispers: dxc looks safe 73...dxc4 (1:02) 74.bxc4 (0:03)
xombie(1812) whispers: whats the theoretical verdict of this?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: can check a tablebase...
Diboss(2080) whispers: should be drawn
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: draw
Diboss(2080) whispers: but advantage white
xombie(1812) whispers: ah
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: draw with best play, I'm sure
KiranY(1957) whispers: the color of the queening square is an issue with only rook pawns right?
CarlosKerber(1673) whispers: I would try Ba3+
Diboss(2080) whispers: and the knight pawns in some weird situations
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: carlos we are on move 74
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: if you mean could black draw by Rxd4, the answer is a resounding no ;)
milpat(1894) whispers: :)
Diboss(2080) whispers: lol, agreed sbc 74...Kf5 (1:34)
Diboss(2080) whispers: the rook needs to get behind
xivarmy(1956) whispers: draw by tablebase. not sure how hard a draw it is, i wouldn't expect it to be too difficult, bishop is clumsy, and king is near
xombie(1812) whispers: well c5 must draw methinks
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: don't think i'd move my king that way though
xombie(1812) whispers: would be ?? clearly
Diboss(2080) whispers: king's trying to get to d5
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Kf5?
Twikki(2077) whispers: he wants to prevent Ke4 and d5+
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Kf5 is fine
tjradd(2162) whispers: looks drawn
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: kf5 is strange, ra8 seemed most snesible
xombie(1812) whispers: not sure of Kf5
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: the only way to win is to advance the pawns on light squares
xombie(1812) whispers: why not just wait with rook
Diboss(2080) whispers: Kf5 prevents Ke4
KiranY(1957) whispers: maybe e4 is important
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: thanks, unbalanced endgames are not my strong suit
Diboss(2080) whispers: e4 is the way white could get his king forward 75.Kd3 (1:52)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: kd3 b somewhere d5
tjradd(2162) whispers: but black king doesn't have to give way
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: yes Kf5 is perfectly logical, there's no way the king gets cut off from the pawns anyway
KiranY(1957) whispers: with c5 and ke4 d5 is covered right
Twikki(2077) whispers: well now there's Kd3/c5/Kc4
xombie(1812) whispers: well, push B back and d5
CarlosKerber(1673) whispers: omg
CarlosKerber(1673) whispers: my screen was frozen...damnit
milpat(1894) whispers: at what move u r now Carlos? :)
tjradd(2162) whispers: Ra8 is fine
KiranY(1957) whispers: yes
Diboss(2080) whispers: Ra8 c5
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: yea ra8
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: then ke6
Diboss(2080) whispers: king can still get to d5 it seems
KiranY(1957) whispers: getting d5 control is key
xombie(1812) whispers: how abt Rd7
Diboss(2080) whispers: and how to answer Ke4 then
tjradd(2162) whispers: Ra8 c5 Ke6
KiranY(1957) whispers: yes
Diboss(2080) whispers: add Ke4 to tj's line
Twikki(2077) whispers: with black's king so far away, I'd try c5-c6-c7 75...Ra8 (1:33)
tjradd(2162) whispers: Ra8 c5 Ke6 Ke4 Ra4
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: just what I was thinking
DragonAce(1921) whispers: Bd6
Diboss(2080) whispers: this still looks pretty good for white
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: that looks like an easy draw
Twikki(2077) whispers: ke4 looks wrong in that line... c4 looks much better 76.c5 (0:21)
Diboss(2080) whispers: c4?
Twikki(2077) whispers: Ke4 Kc4
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Kc4 yes, that is more challenging
Twikki(2077) whispers: oops Ke6 Kc4
tjradd(2162) whispers: Kc4 Ra1
Diboss(2080) whispers: ok
Diboss(2080) whispers: but on e4 the bishop is still protected
kasperyan(2054) whispers: i think ke6 =
Twikki(2077) whispers: send the k to b7
Diboss(2080) whispers: forcing the black king back with d5
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: what about Ra6?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: I guess giving a tempo to Kc4-b5
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: ke6 is fine
tjradd(2162) whispers: Ke6 Kc4 Ra1 seems good, Kb5? Kd5 is easy draw 76...Rc8 (1:34)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: ke6 kc4 ra2 it must be 77.Kc4 (0:10) Ke6 (0:05)
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: win now by tablebase
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: oh, now white gets d5
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: Bd6 and d5
tjradd(2162) whispers: Rc8 looks bad :)
Diboss(2080) whispers: couldn't stop it I think
milpat(1894) whispers: Bd6 can be call progress?
KiranY(1957) whispers: by just one move
tjradd(2162) whispers: definitely
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: yes
tjradd(2162) whispers: it's huge
xivarmy(1956) whispers: now a tablebase win for white
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: now i tend to believe in a win
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: :(
milpat(1894) whispers: wow xiv :D
wmahan(1981) whispers: wow
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: Be4,g3 or h2 wins
Diboss(2080) whispers: remember though that black can just sac and draw
plk(2061) whispers: Rc8, Rd8 or Re8 lost. Other rook moves drew
Twikki(2077) whispers: Bg3 seems better than d6 78.Bd6 (0:43)
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: its like the theory of opposite coloured bishops, once both pawns get to the fifth rank it becomes a win
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: draw again
plk(2061) whispers: only if the resulting pawn ending is drawn, diboss
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: really?
xivarmy(1956) whispers: and now once again draw
tjradd(2162) whispers: how, Rh8?
wmahan(1981) whispers: ugh, Bd6 looked so natural
Diboss(2080) whispers: I meant trade for both pawns :)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: ok this means the rook must move to a more active square immediately
xivarmy(1956) whispers: Rg8 is the line it's given, but i guess Rh8 might be same
Diboss(2080) whispers: yeah, the rook is on the wrong side of the board
evilcoyote(2001) whispers: only Rh8 Rg8 and Kd7 draw
plk(2061) whispers: Bf4/g3 or h2 won
Diboss(2080) whispers: should definitely be behind, not in front 78...Rh8 (1:10)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: ok lets see how this drama will end
Diboss(2080) whispers: ahh, draw
plk(2061) whispers: I think the point is that c6 is impossible now
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: I see, the key was to stop rook checks on the long side
Twikki(2077) whispers: Be5 to see if black will repeat :P
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: oh, that too
tjradd(2162) whispers: it looks like white makes progress with e5 Ke7 Be5 Rh4 Kb5 79.d5+ (0:52) Kd7 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: now the bishops clumsyness makes itself felt 80.Be5 (0:11)
tjradd(2162) whispers: but no, just rh5
plk(2061) whispers: rh6 can draw by taking c6 if it moves up
Diboss(2080) whispers: Rh5 c6
plk(2061) whispers: rh6 c6+ Rxc6 =
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: I think he meant Rh4+ Kb5 Rh5 80...Rh6 (0:44)
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: rh6 kb5
Diboss(2080) whispers: yeah, but now Kb5
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: again Rh5
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: yea cat i see
plk(2061) whispers: sbc is right.
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: I would try Bg3
Diboss(2080) whispers: true, because of the check
tjradd(2162) whispers: oh c6 Rxc6
KiranY(1957) whispers: bd4
milpat(1894) whispers: yes Rxc6 instant draw
KiranY(1957) whispers: bd4 then kb5 and then c6
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: bd4 rh4
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: yeah you don't walk into a pin here
Alieth(1882) whispers: watchbot is going to have a huge... list of whispers... 81.Bg3 (2:09)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: so straight d6 doesn't work i take it?
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: I think Bg3 gains time to play c6+
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: rg6 now
KiranY(1957) whispers: true
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: oh but just Rg6, yes
xivarmy(1956) whispers: no d6 gets the pawns blockaded after Kc6, and white can never unblock them 81...Rg6 (0:28)
Alieth(1882) whispers: d6 and Kc6! then Rh7 to control d7 82.Be1 (0:05)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: ahh, thanks
KiranY(1957) whispers: nice
milpat(1894) whispers: exciting game!
Twikki(2077) whispers: just nothing here without blunders
tjradd(2162) whispers: which side is more anxious otb :p
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: now i am out of good ideas for black
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: dunno about that, seems to me black has to play quite accurately
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: low time makes that a strong possibility...
plk(2061) whispers: Ke8? loses, but everything else draws :)
tjradd(2162) whispers: Rg3 draws, impressive :p 82...Rg4+ (1:33)
xivarmy(1956) whispers: lies! Rg3 83.Kd3 (0:06)
plk(2061) whispers: everything else reasonable :)
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: enticing Rg3 now
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: hmm, what was wrong with Kb5 there?
Diboss(2080) whispers: don't know
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: ok, now its trivial really
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: ah Rg5 and c6 is met by Kd6 83...Rg6 (0:23)
Diboss(2080) whispers: hhm, nice
Diboss(2080) whispers: well held by lingzhi
Alieth(1882) whispers: Kb5 and Rg5
Diboss(2080) whispers: this, like most endgames, isn't as easy as it seems when unbalanced
KiranY(1957) whispers: bb4?
Ismirdochegal(2095) whispers: bb4 rh6
Twikki(2077) whispers: 83.Kb5 Rd4 c6+ Kd6=
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: thing is, white can play on for quite some time
KiranY(1957) whispers: bb4 rh6 kc4 rg6 kb5
Nitreb(1326) whispers: Susprizing to see Funk playing a KG; quite out of character with her finger notes ;) Funkmaus offers a draw.
smallblackcat(1957) whispers: bah Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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