1.d4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.c4(0:02)d5(0:16) 3.cxd5(0:08)Nxd5(0:04) 4.Nc3(0:01)g6(0:39) 5.e4(0:05)Nxc3(0:31) 6.bxc3(0:03)Bg7(0:06) 7.Bc4(0:33)O-O(0:40) 8.Ne2(0:22)c5(1:04) 9.O-O(0:45)Nc6(0:21) 10.Be3(0:28)Qc7(1:55) 11.Qc1(4:25)cxd4(2:52) 12.cxd4(0:11)Bd7(0:59) 13.Rb1(1:03)Rac8(2:31) 14.Qb2(5:20)
milpat(1906) whispers: go Timy!!!
sibreen(1864) whispers: cant think of a plan.. :/ fernbap(1746) whispers: the problem with the grunfeld is that it is very difficult to find good moves for both sides
fernbap(1746) whispers: perhaps a6 and b5
fernbap(1746) whispers: although it weakens the dark squares ButiOxa(1770) whispers: agreed
fernbap(1746) whispers: risky, i think mountm(2039) whispers: I agree...seems like the queen has an opening here to make some threats fernbap(1746) whispers: the knight has nowhere to go Alieth(1862) whispers: Qa3!! mountm(2039) whispers: yeah Alieth(1862) whispers: pressure the a5/e7 squares and threaten d5 and get queen off long diagonal fernbap(1746) whispers: right Alieth(1862) whispers: Qa3 e6?! Bf4 and a5 knight hangs fernbap(1746) whispers: or even qb4 Alieth(1862) whispers: Qa3 e6 Bf4 e5 Bd2 Alieth(1862) whispers: anyone know the score here? i'd say white is winning lol
xivarmy(1930) whispers: Qa3 b6 is fine i think, just need to prepare a retreat for the N mountm(2039) whispers: I'd say so too =)
fernbap(1746) whispers: oh dear mountm(2039) whispers: esp after Bf4 now Alieth(1862) whispers: Bf4 wins the knight Bf4 e4 Bd2 b6 d5 mountm(2039) whispers: you mean e5, not e4 Timelesss(1926) whispers: hmmmmm d5 exd5 Bxa7 threatening Bb6 looks tempting mountm(2039) whispers: but what about b5 after that line Alieth(1862) whispers: give the line please mountm(2039) whispers: d5 exd5 Bxa7 b5 Alieth(1862) whispers: oh his line i thought u meant in mine heh mountm(2039) whispers: doesn't work for white at all Alieth(1862) whispers: go timeless!!! mountm(2039) whispers: definitely Bf4 here sibreen(1864) whispers: guess it shouldve been Qa5 not Na5..?
Alieth(1862) whispers: BRING IT HOME TIMELESS!! milpat(1906) whispers: :)
Alieth(1862) whispers: Bd2 then d5 Timelesss(1926) whispers: true sign of a patzer - looking at the same 3 lines....50...times xivarmy(1930) whispers: well Bd2 exd4 seems sensible, to at least get something for the piece Alieth(1862) whispers: Bd2 ed Bxa5 b6 Bb5
fernbap(1746) whispers: urgh milpat(1906) whispers: pin theme xivarmy(1930) whispers: this works the same as your idea, d5 is coming unless he moves the Q, which drops the N Alieth(1862) whispers: b6 forced i think Alieth(1862) whispers: well Alieth(1862) whispers: this seems to work too
19...b6(2:50) 20.Ba6(1:00)
Alieth(1862) whispers: d5 Qd6 QxQ and d3 hangs milpat(1906) whispers: ? milpat(1906) whispers: this works? milpat(1906) whispers: black will just sac the exchange, no? Alieth(1862) whispers: of course :P milpat(1906) whispers: at least save the piece Alieth(1862) whispers: exchange+protected passer=enough to win milpat(1906) whispers: probably
20...Bf8(2:41) 21.Qb2(2:14)Qe7(1:47) 22.Bxc8(1:33)sibreen resigns 1-0
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