1.c4(0:00)Nf6(0:00) 2.Nc3(0:15)e6(0:06) 3.Nf3(1:34)Bb4(0:29) 4.g3(5:49)O-O(0:56) 5.Bg2(0:08)d5(1:52) 6.cxd5(4:52)exd5(1:02) 7.Qc2(4:35)Re8(2:37) 8.a3(1:46)Bxc3(1:19) 9.bxc3(0:52)Qe7(2:09) 10.e3(2:41)
StefanGER(1806) whispers: Hello observers, I am very embarassed about this :P
10...c5(1:28) 11.O-O(0:49)Bd7(2:03) 12.a4(3:42)
NoelTheHacker(1826) whispers: Does anyone know what this opening is? Gorgonian(1590) whispers: "eco" NoelTheHacker(1826) whispers: thank you
12...b6(2:53) 13.d4(5:00)c4(1:55) 14.Ne5(5:00)
xombie(1850) whispers: ha, the xiv
xombie(1850) whispers: white seems to be in a good position
SolidStrike(2254) whispers: better ending too, that c pawn is weak SolidStrike(2254) whispers: well, after white plays e4 i mean xombie(1850) whispers: yes, but he does have good e4 control
SolidStrike(2254) whispers: we'll have to see how it goes xombie(1850) whispers: also, i think Nxc6 was a mistake
SolidStrike(2254) whispers: agreed xombie(1850) whispers: i think he could very well have played Ba3/f4 xombie(1850) whispers: what do you think white's plan should be here
SolidStrike(2254) whispers: i know what i would do, jusy keep on building on that e4 push. probably Re1 SolidStrike(2254) whispers: like he played xombie(1850) whispers: okay ... xombie(1850) whispers: that seems to be the only play for now
17...Re6(1:49) 18.e4(1:28)Rae8(0:13) 19.e5(0:26)Nd7(0:52)
xombie(1850) whispers: hmm, this is very remotely similar to reshevsky-petrosian 1953 xombie(1850) whispers: only that in that game black had d5 xombie(1850) whispers: here, whites center is uncontestable tanerture(1971) whispers: wow you must know a lot of games xombie(1850) whispers: i just saw the annotations to that game again xombie(1850) whispers: apparently, petrosian was VERY worried xombie(1850) whispers: here, black doesnt have d5 to sit on with his knight tanerture(1971) whispers: Bh3 followed by Ba3 tanerture(1971) whispers: he might win the exchange xombie(1850) whispers: yes
tanerture(1971) whispers: the guy didnt have to move the knight because there was a pin xombie(1850) whispers: here is that game http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1106248 xombie(1850) whispers: in that game it was commented that (as is obvious) white could just push the pawns on the kingside xombie(1850) whispers: so why did black not take on e4? xombie(1850) whispers: ah, not enough pieces
20...g6(4:10) 21.Bh3(1:43)
tanerture(1971) whispers: but now f5
LostIllusion(1705) whispers: g4 go for it
22.g4(1:08)fxg4(0:26) 23.Bxg4(0:05)R6e7(0:17) 24.Re3(1:32)Nf6(0:49)
MilPat(1894) whispers: nice move MilPat(1894) whispers: is exf6 possible? MilPat(1894) whispers: lol no no
SolidStrike(2254) whispers: ?
25...Ne4(0:46) 26.Qg2(2:06)Rg7(0:45) 27.Ba3(0:49)
KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: I hope that is planned as an exchange sac KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: 27... Bxa4 28. Rxe4 pxe4 29. Qxe4 with idea of marching central pawns SolidStrike(2254) whispers: decent idea LostIllusion(1705) whispers: what about Qe2 LostIllusion(1705) whispers: with the idea of winning two pieces for the rook KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: don't think it works, since queen covers c4, unless I'm misinterpreting it
27...Bxa4(5:34) 28.Rxe4(0:55)dxe4(0:19)
KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: he saw it :) well 28. Bd6 was alternative that looks horrible
KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: d5 should win a piece KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: or give initiative xombie(1850) whispers: it might, but is it worth it is the question xombie(1850) whispers: pretty interesting excahnge sac too that KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: is there an alternative? I assumed 30. d5 Qb5 31. Qxe4 followed by e6 xombie(1850) whispers: agreed xombie(1850) whispers: so Re3 seems to have been a mistake by white xombie(1850) whispers: i think he needed f5 instead of Bh3
KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: I actually consider it good for white. Bishops are too powerful
LostIllusion(1705) whispers: wow tanerture(1981) whispers: why did he take it so quick
LostIllusion(1705) whispers: no
xombie(1850) whispers: ugh KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: ouch, should have spotted that
KRMCHESS(1823) whispers: should be winning for black, although bishop pair and central pawns give some potential for cheapos
32...Qxa4(3:12) 33.Qxe4(0:07)Qb5(0:59) 34.e6(2:02)Qb2+(0:20) 35.Kg3(1:49)Qxc3+(0:16) 36.Kg4(0:21)Qd3(2:48) 37.Qc6(1:03)Qe2+(1:17) 38.Kg5(0:17)
maeck(1905) whispers: h6 Kf6 Qb2+ Be5 Rf8+
tanerture(1981) whispers: qc8
tanerture(1981) whispers: jk jk LostIllusion(1705) whispers: yeah!!
39...Qxe6(0:21) 40.Qa8+(0:10)Kf7(0:20)xivarmy checkmated 1-0
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