twikki(2059) vs. funkmaus(2133) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-08-01
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: good evening, dear friends and admirers
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: GETTEM FUNK 1...e5 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: :)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: hello friends and enemies
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: eh, Shiz, ready for Funkdom?
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: no caro show today avoid preparation is best preparation for me
hugozver(1920) whispers: Go Jenny! Go Twikki!
Twikki(2059) whispers: there went my ck preparation
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ROFL
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: LOL
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: 2. f4!
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: f4!!
hugozver(1920) whispers: no! Bc4!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: good night, oh gracious lady mila
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: also playable is 2. Qh5 2.Nf3 (1:33)
MilPat(1891) whispers: 1.e5 ?!!! 2...Nc6 (0:05)
MilPat(1891) whispers: kewl!! 3.Bc4 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: omg it might be evans...
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: 2 knights please
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: should i chicken out with ungarian defence?!
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: know pretty well the mailine of italian game
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: but fear evans....
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: be7 is certainly fine
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: hoping for Nf6 Ng5 :)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: Hey Shak!
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: hi
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: i stopped playing bughouse to watch this caro kann
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: pathetic
Twikki(2059) whispers: I wonder how well she knows the Max Lange lines...
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ugh max lange
Gorgonian(1599) whispers: to watch this what 3...Bc5 (2:52)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: sry shaka no traxler :p
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: :D
KarottenHobbes(1551) whispers: funk!funk!funk! 4.b4 (1:44)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: argh! 4...Bxb4 (0:09)
Twikki(2059) whispers: let's play something a little more respectable ;) 5.c3 (0:08)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ok lets see which line she favors here
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: sweet jiminy an evans gambit 5...Ba5 (0:23) 6.d4 (0:05) d6 (0:38)
Gorgonian(1599) whispers: well this should be fun
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: she was supposed to play a caro kann
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: so i could learn something
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: this move loses outright
xSHYNE(1846) whispers: not same gay 1...e5 opening
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: 1...e5 is the king!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: or at least its not very good
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: i am more used to exd4 o-o then consider taking lasst pawn :-)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: at least dxe5 looks annoying
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: it's normal move
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: its the normal move in the be7 line sure
Alieth(1843) whispers: doesn't d5 win a piece?
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: in my database with 2550+ it's played 12 times as #2 move and exd4 as #1 qith 16
MilPat(1891) whispers: d5 stop all the Qb3 ideas
Rascian(1903) whispers: go Jenny!
Alieth(1843) whispers: uh nvm i imagined an imaginary pawn on b2 :P
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: score is 50%
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: 2nd most popular and scores nicely for black so...go jenny :-)
Rascian(1903) whispers: what this E by rating means ?
MilPat(1891) whispers: Estimated
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: there is Nxd4 trick on Qb3
MilPat(1891) whispers: means RD > 80
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: hmm 7.Qb3 (4:35)
Rascian(1903) whispers: thanks MP
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i hope there will be mor to come after this first one ;)
Rascian(1903) whispers: what's bothering you ismir
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: mistell, sorry
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: here we go...Nxd4 Bxf7+ Kf8 then what happens
Twikki(2059) whispers: d6 didn't look right, but I'd rather have play than the pawn right now so no de
pbeccari(1832) whispers: looks sharp
pbeccari(1832) whispers: is it book?
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: oh...
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: nd4 bf7 kf8 nd4 ed looks like a variation
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: db Nxd4 NxN kind of squashes fun
Twikki(2059) whispers: the idea is that if she defends f7 with the queen on a dark square I play d5
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qd7 instead?
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: yep
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: u smart man :-)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: its the only playable alternative
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: dont wanna let f7 fall, Qd7, Bb6 followed by Na5 is the safest way to escape this. Qd7, cause Qe7 runs into takes and Ba3, lost that way already once
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: he can have his pawn back
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: sadly dont remember how Nxd4 worked
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: it seems she is on the right track 7...Qd7 (8:22)
MilPat(1891) whispers: Qf6 didnt work? (Qf6 if Bg5 Qg6)
Rascian(1903) whispers: is this book play or I am again having side shroo effects
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qf6 would also fall to d5 and qa4+ picking up the bishop
Rascian(1903) whispers: shroom*
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: definitely shrooms
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: dxe5 Bb6 exd6 Ma5 Qb5 NxBc4 QxB Qxd6
MilPat(1891) whispers: what if Ng5?
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: he s got weak c3 pawn which takes natural square for night and all dangerous piece trade off
MilPat(1891) whispers: Nh6 ok 8.O-O (4:17)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: what a surprise, he doesnt want a pawn (yet) :p
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: Bb6 scores very, very nicely prepare Na5
MilPat(1891) whispers: nice
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: so where does the black night go after say Bb6 dxe5 Na5 Qb5 Nxc4 Qxc4 8...Bb6 (1:53)
MilPat(1891) whispers: go Jenny, u'r a pawn up! :P
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: actually dxe5 Nxe5 looks perfectly playable
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: for example Nxe5 dxe5 Rd1 Qe7
MilPat(1891) whispers: Ne5 would covers f7
MilPat(1891) whispers: cover* 9.Bb5 (1:09)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: hmm...
Twikki(2059) whispers: I think her position is starting to get overloaded
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: when the white knight goes there is no more pressure on f7 so the bishop may live
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: a6
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: played a lot of evans, but this move I haven't seen
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: perhaps it's what I missed, I never got anything in these positions
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: with Q@b3 his bishop is trapped too, but dont like Bxc6 at all...
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i wonder if exd4 is a viable option here
MilPat(1891) whispers: then Nxd4? 9...a6 (3:27)
wmahan(1965) whispers: what after a6 Ba4 shiva?
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: Ba7 is one option
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ba7 d5
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: b5
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: then b5
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: exd
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: i think
MilPat(1891) whispers: Ba6 exd4 Nd4 Bxd4 would be fine
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: id rather go Ba7 than eyd4
MilPat(1891) whispers: Ba6 Ba7 d5?
wmahan(1965) whispers: b5
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: so far this looks promising for black
MilPat(1891) whispers: lookin rapidly at Qa4 right here
KarottenHobbes(1551) whispers: good luck funkmaus!
KarottenHobbes(1551) whispers: bye
MilPat(1891) whispers: bye Tom
wmahan(1965) whispers: bye Thomas!
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: hehe...yes the old a file trick here is common tactic
MilPat(1891) whispers: proably bad
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qa4 axb5 deserves serious attention
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: what if i sac a pawn like: BxN QxN dxe5 Ne7 exd6 Be6 Q-moves Ng6 with options for castle both side
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: queen will be out of the way after Qxa8
MilPat(1891) whispers: also tactics with Rd1 might come faster than expected
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: Ba4 Ba7 d5 b5 dxN QxN is not critical
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: Qa3 axB exchange sac maybe
PontNeuf(2054) whispers: if qa4 then ba7 i guess is good for black. but isnt white just better here with ba4?
wmahan(1965) whispers: Qa4 Rb8 d5 axb5 dxc6 bxa4 cxd7+ Bxc7 seems fine for black to me?
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: same for Qa4
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: hehe..nice line wil
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ba4 ba7 can hardly be anything for white
MilPat(1891) whispers: sais Ba6 dunno why, of course meant Ba4
MilPat(1891) whispers: said*
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bxc6 qxc6 dxe5 looks critical
PontNeuf(2054) whispers: ba4 ba7?! d5 and then what?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i think dxe5 Nxe5 Qe6 then deserves some attention
wmahan(1965) whispers: that can't be bad for white, winning back the pawn with a much safer king
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: why is the white king safer? black wont have any troble castling
PontNeuf(2054) whispers: right wmahan
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: BxN bxN dxe5 Rb8 is crazy too
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: forces Q-move and give time for Ne7 0-0
MilPat(1891) whispers: Ismir, at some point dxe Ba3 stuff makes problem to castle sometimes, no?
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: hence Ne7
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: well black can castle to the other side
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: she expecting it
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: would u really wanna o-o-o
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: :-)
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: looks brave
MilPat(1891) whispers: ah, Ne7 can be now, since f7 not anymore threatened
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: due to his time-management we re out of book :p
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: looks pretty safe here
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: I'm with ismir, see no problems for black after BxN QxN dxe dxe Nxe Qe6
StrategyMaster(1956) whispers: wait a second, this isn't caro-kann
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: i think to have had this before, especially in blitz
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: my score vs. evans to 1...e5 times is to forget anyway :(
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: its bughous caro kann with pawn dropped on c7
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: lol
Rascian(1903) whispers: did I hear bug
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bxc6 qxc6 dxe5 be6 q~ 0-0-0 looks ok to me 10.Ba4 (12:22)
Rascian(1903) whispers: pitty no database for crazyhouse anywhere to study 10...Ba7 (0:15)
Twikki(2059) whispers: I misanalyzed Bb5, but continuing the line still seems right
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ask johnthegreat, ras
MilPat(1891) whispers: d5 xc6 not letting white with a so great center 11.Bxc6 (1:08)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: interesting, he forced this Ba7 for those lines....
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: now i like Qxc6 dxe5 dxe5 Nxe5 Qe6
wmahan(1965) whispers: hmm, this is like the other line with the bishop on a7 instead of b6
pbeccari(1832) whispers: what about Qxc6 dxe5 Be6?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: thats a viable alternetive
Twikki(2059) whispers: I looked at c4 lines, but I think they were too slow
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: interesting... 11...Qxc6 (2:19)
wmahan(1965) whispers: I like paolo's line too 12.Bg5 (0:48)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: it looks like a good way to go with 0-0-0
evilcoyote(2094) whispers: f6
wmahan(1965) whispers: maybe Be6, f6, and O-O-O?
Twikki(2059) whispers: free pawn :D
MilPat(1891) whispers: Qxe4 fails to something?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: f6 ne7 and qb5 to come?
wmahan(1965) whispers: Qxe4 looks insane imho
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qxe4 cannot be good
MilPat(1891) whispers: not safe :)
pbeccari(1832) whispers: Qxe4 Re1 Qmoves dxe5 is scary
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: f6 ne7 and then bg4-h5-f7
MilPat(1891) whispers: i thought Be6, but b7 hangs
fernbap(1694) whispers: playing a gambit against funk is a good idea. She will grab the mnaterial and try to hold
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: be6 just loses a piece
fernbap(1694) whispers: that will give you the iniciative for long
wmahan(1965) whispers: bah, Be6 d5
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: damn dont wanna play f6... h6/g5? lol
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: well f6 bh4 g5 bg3 h5 is some plan
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: but white is too well developed for it to work
Gorgonian(1599) whispers: counter attack in the center might be pretty brutal
wmahan(1965) whispers: I like f6 more but h6 makes some sense
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: f6 should not hurt tho
pbeccari(1832) whispers: funk doesn't like f6... So she's for short castle
pbeccari(1832) whispers: shes' *going* for
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: Nf6 BxN gxN - 2Bs vs. 2Ns, and one of them enters f5 to sit forever there
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: you can still 0-0 after f6 just takes some preparation
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: id go f6 and then qb5
Gorgonian(1599) whispers: Nf6 Bx gx d5 could close it up for awhile, at least until c6 can help out
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: or ne7 then qb5
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: u guys see e4 is hanging :D 12...Qb5 (8:39)
wmahan(1965) whispers: nooo, forget it
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: oh thats also quite clever 13.Qc2 (0:29)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: now f6 should be perfeclty fine
wmahan(1965) whispers: Na3 could be annoying sometime
MilPat(1891) whispers: mmm 13...Be6 (1:04)
Psycho(1751) whispers: ed cd Bxd4 was interesting threat
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: i threaten f6, Ne7 and 0-0 now
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: no surprise he didnt trade the queens, but now his doesnt sit on that diagonal 14.Nbd2 (1:20)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: Na3 seeme dmor to the point
fernbap(1694) whispers: robbolito prefered nd2, though
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: f6 then qd7 14...f6 (0:35) 15.Be3 (0:12)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: rb1 is really pesky
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: good twikki! wonder if he saw that b7 be weaker as he provoke me to Ba7
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: and wonder if he wants take it
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: hmmmaybe c5 now 15...Qd7 (3:12)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: oh b5 is easy enough
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: this checking tactics with d5 is making me tired
Twikki(2059) whispers: that's a shame... I had some really cheap BS ready to fire if the queen stayed on b5
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i bet you did
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: anyR to b1, Qc8
wmahan(1965) whispers: hehe
fernbap(1694) whispers: in fact the engine prefers c6
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: but there is still Rab1 Qc8 Qb2
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: d5 Bf7 Bxa7 RxB Nc4 - idea Ne3, Nh4-Nf5.
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: also on Q-side Rc1 c4/c5
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: I hope he is deciding which rook to b1 he takes
wmahan(1965) whispers: haha
fernbap(1694) whispers: na, obviously the rook in a
PontNeuf(2054) whispers: there is always c5 to stop qs pawns
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: Rfb1 isnt that pointless imho a4-a5
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: even if you play a4-a5 you dont need a rook on a1
fernbap(1694) whispers: the engine wants d5, though. Funny 16.Rab1 (8:48)
wmahan(1965) whispers: Jenny's d5 line made sense 16...Qc8 (0:37)
Rascian(1903) whispers: Te1 with idea Nf1-g3 or e3
pbeccari(1832) whispers: Qc8 allows Bxe3 in case of d5?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: yes, paolo
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: i feel to have survived the worst ;) 17.c4 (1:13)
Rascian(1903) whispers: d5 is just wrong
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: if necessary as after Qb2 Rb8 d5
fernbap(1694) whispers: robbolito wants it, though. Engines play antipositional
wmahan(1965) whispers: c5 maybe
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ne7 now
Rascian(1903) whispers: h5! 17...Ne7 (2:01)
fernbap(1694) whispers: c5!
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: not really out of trouble, castling runs into q-trade with Rxb7 in the end if he plays c5 now
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: there is always bxc8 after queen trade 18.c5 (1:20)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: here we go
Rascian(1903) whispers: finally
Rascian(1903) whispers: some real fight
Rascian(1903) whispers: f5 hihihi
fernbap(1694) whispers: f5 is funny
Rascian(1903) whispers: yeah firework then
wmahan(1965) whispers: what about trading on c5 then O-O
Rascian(1903) whispers: girl stuff wm
wmahan(1965) whispers: :p
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: dxc5 dxe5 is also unappealing
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ng6 might be right to prepare dxc5
wmahan(1965) whispers: good point
wmahan(1965) whispers: then you have to play the ugly Bxc8 line I guess
Rascian(1903) whispers: she can just o-o str8 away
MilPat(1891) whispers: put K safe ( if rest is ok)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i dont think the ugly bxc8 line is a real problem
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: oh well 18...b6 (6:12)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ugh
Rascian(1903) whispers: d5
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: but i see the point
wmahan(1965) whispers: cxb6 cxb6 Qxc8 Nxc8 defends the pawn at least
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: shiva should reveal his sources, so we ca check the databases
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: d6 be weak, with his d5, cxd cxd and Nc4... if he trade Q on c6, take back with N, defend b6/d6
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: the good thing is she forces hom to act
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: <--praying this is safe
Rascian(1903) whispers: yeah
Rascian(1903) whispers: maybe my plan for white was better then this c4-c5 pawn push
Rascian(1903) whispers: which gains nothing
Amauta(1902) whispers: Go Ttwikki! d5
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: it seems like white is doing more then fine 19.d5 (4:33)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: gosh i guess i blundered on b6 :(
Rascian(1903) whispers: d5 fails coz Bg4 with f5 comes
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: maybe she should consider the sacrificial dxc5 here
jetix(2002) whispers: no
Rascian(1903) whispers: Bg4
jetix(2002) whispers: white won't play cb6 i think
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: white will play cxd6 and nc4 and black has big problems
fernbap(1694) whispers: white plays cd6
jetix(2002) whispers: white should try to trap the black bishop even more *_*
MlodyBog(2141) whispers: Bg4= ?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: id have a look at dxc5 here
Rascian(1903) whispers: funk is still better here
jetix(2002) whispers: why
jetix(2002) whispers: cxd6
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: although bg4 cxd6 cxd6 nc4 0-0 Rfc1 bxf3 gf qh3 looks like the sane choice 19...Bd7 (3:54)
jetix(2002) whispers: dammet
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: c6 bg4, be lucky if he closes this
jetix(2002) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: if not, Bb5 interrupt the file in some lines
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: now cxd6 cxd nc4 is a a real problem
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: dont like it anymore at all
jetix(2002) whispers: maybe white should play c6 Bg4 a4
jetix(2002) whispers: to trap the ay bishop and make Jenny play b5
jetix(2002) whispers: a8*
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bg4 was really much better
jetix(2002) whispers: yess
MilPat(1891) whispers: b6 still fall after cxd6?
jetix(2002) whispers: Jenny's lost here
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: no comments under 10min
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: b6 falls after cxd6
jetix(2002) whispers: wtf does jenny say?
jetix(2002) whispers: why no comments?!
fernbap(1694) whispers: from her
Gorgonian(1599) whispers: she means she wont comment when her time is low
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i guess she plans cxd6 cxd6 Nc4 Qc7
MilPat(1891) whispers: by her 20.cxb6 (2:30)
jetix(2002) whispers: oh ok 20...cxb6 (0:07)
jetix(2002) whispers: Nc4!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: why this now bxb6 was better for her 21.Qb2 (0:19)
jetix(2002) whispers: OMG
jetix(2002) whispers: looool
Rascian(1903) whispers: yes!
MilPat(1891) whispers: Nc4 was serious
fernbap(1694) whispers: urgh
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i dont get this game
jetix(2002) whispers: LOOOOL
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: b5 -+
jetix(2002) whispers: i really can't stop laughing
Gorgonian(1599) whispers: that seems harsh
jetix(2002) whispers: it's like we all here think and post and think,,,
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: b5 just wins for black
jetix(2002) whispers: and then he spits at our faces
jetix(2002) whispers: lol
jetix(2002) whispers: b5 0-1
Rascian(1903) whispers: hormons?
jetix(2002) whispers: :D
MilPat(1891) whispers: lol
jetix(2002) whispers: lol
wmahan(1965) whispers: it's a lot harder to play than to comment jetix
jetix(2002) whispers: u sure?
jetix(2002) whispers: :D
fernbap(1694) whispers: i think he just decided to save time
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i agree wil, but nc4 followed by rfc1 was not hard to spot at all 21...O-O (1:58)
MlodyBog(2141) whispers: wow
Rascian(1903) whispers: safe mode again 22.Rfc1 (0:32)
jetix(2002) whispers: i have a feeling that jenny will lose this game
fernbap(1694) whispers: we can always count on Jenny not to play active :D
jetix(2002) whispers: because now white will play bb6
wmahan(1965) whispers: b5 seemed safer to me :p
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: b5 was just right, 0-0 volontarily gives away the important pawn 22...Qe8 (0:51)
pbeccari(1832) whispers: Qe8 still avoid Bxb6
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: but now nc4 23.Qa3 (0:23)
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: or not
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: :-)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: but then again its not all too clear
Rascian(1903) whispers: yeah looks scary
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qb8 forced now
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: certainly not enough time to be scientific!
Rascian(1903) whispers: makes her passive
Rascian(1903) whispers: wrong week to quit smoking :(
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qb8 nc4 nc8
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: blacks position is still full of song
jetix(2002) whispers: ismir
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: Nc8 is such a funkmaus move
jetix(2002) whispers: in your line with nc8 and qb8
jetix(2002) whispers: there's qa6!!!!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: sure then ill play b5
jetix(2002) whispers: :) the bishop has NO moves
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: what wrong with Bb5 now?
jetix(2002) whispers: ismir
MilPat(1891) whispers: Qxd6?
pbeccari(1832) whispers: Qxd6?
jetix(2002) whispers: iSMIR
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: oh yeah...
pbeccari(1832) whispers: lol
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: oic
Rascian(1903) whispers: hehe
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qb8 nc4 nc8 qa6 b5
ShakaZahn(1932) whispers: get another espresso
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: LMAO
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: there is no qxd6
jetix(2002) whispers: i got my pawn back
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: you can say that again
jetix(2002) whispers: black's very bad there
Rascian(1903) whispers: wish I am an AB :(
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: you got your pawn back and your queen trapped, congratulations
jetix(2002) whispers: Qa3
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: then i have bxe3 qxe3 rxa2 and you havent got your pawn back 23...f5 (4:50)
MilPat(1891) whispers: weew
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: crap is this im damned to creat smth cheap
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: oh shes losing control of herself :(
fernbap(1694) whispers: hormons?
wmahan(1965) whispers: is it so bad?
pbeccari(1832) whispers: i'm worried by Qxd6
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: 'hormons' ? sounds like promiscuous followers of joseph smith
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i see 2-4 pawns getting lost for black
fernbap(1694) whispers: i was just repeating a former whisper :P
pbeccari(1832) whispers: aren't they morhons?
StefanGER(1789) whispers: what's this talk about mormons?
Rascian(1903) whispers: mormons
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: :))
pbeccari(1832) whispers: :D shiva
fernbap(1694) whispers: oh, i see, this move is book. From the book of mormons
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: wah-wah-wah~~~~~~~~
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: ,..rimshot...
Rascian(1903) whispers: lol Jesus teleported to US :))
jetix(2002) whispers: now observe my 15 0 game :))
Rascian(1903) whispers: almost like power rangers tm
wmahan(1965) whispers: at least she made him think
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: its a shame hypermagnus cant be here to comment
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: powerrangers?? 24.Qxd6 (4:51)
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: lol..i was thinking more like the lil green guy in the jetsons
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: im looking at rf6 now
StrategyMaster(1956) whispers: hypermagnus isn't as much involved in TL as he used to be it seems
MilPat(1891) whispers: fxe4 Nxe4 Nf5?
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: this suddenly is not looking so great ... 24...Rf6 (1:15)
wmahan(1965) whispers: why not Rf6 Qxe5
fernbap(1694) whispers: err...
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: as bb8 qxb6, dxe4 nxe4 rxf3 gf nf5 qa3 and fxe4 nxe4 bb8 qb6 nxd5 qb3 all looked uninspiring 25.Qxe5 (0:44)
wmahan(1965) whispers: oh I see 25...Bb8 (0:05)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bb8 now 26.Qd4 (0:19) f4 (0:23)
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: something like...fxe5 Nxe5 RxN gxN Qh5?
MilPat(1891) whispers: yup?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: so this was her plan
wmahan(1965) whispers: Qd4 made no sense to me
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: R+2pawns for 2Bs and hope for attack
Amauta(1902) whispers: e4 go Twikki
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: it the queen retreats further she may consider the exchange sac on f3 again
nemotyro(1738) whispers: yeah, go Funkmaus!
wmahan(1965) whispers: e5 fxe5 exf6 exd2 hmm
MilPat(1891) whispers: e5 Nf5
wmahan(1965) whispers: fxe3*
wmahan(1965) whispers: lets the B get away pat?
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: this position is a lottery; had no choice he outplayed me
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: e5 fe ef Nf5!
MilPat(1891) whispers: Nf5 threats the Q sir
wmahan(1965) whispers: :)
Amauta(1902) whispers: e5 Nf5 Qe4
MilPat(1891) whispers: can save his B if he wants :)
MilPat(1891) whispers: is more hit on e3 27.e5 (2:48) fxe3 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: e5 ef fe is forced, but then blakc has the strong Nf5
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: complicated for so little time... 28.exf6 (1:27) exd2 (0:06)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: so far i see Nf5 Qe4 ... nevermind
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: she should have taken a moment here
wmahan(1965) whispers: why was Nf5 first better? 29.Nxd2 (0:32)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: now it makes nodifference
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: or it does
MilPat(1891) whispers: will come now for sure
wmahan(1965) whispers: I would worry about Nf5 Qxb6
MilPat(1891) whispers: or Nc8 ala funk?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: the line i was thinking of was Nf5 Qe4 exd2 Qxe8+ ... but white is not forced to play qxe8+
wmahan(1965) whispers: but I guess there is no choice now
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: nf5 qxb6 ba7 i guess
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: hmm it looks grim now
jetix(2002) whispers: not nicee 29...Nf5 (4:50)
wmahan(1965) whispers: not much time; anything can happen
MilPat(1891) whispers: 2B + N +R +Q ..sure there is some play
jaberwock(2063) whispers: enough pieces for carziness in approaching time trouble
jetix(2002) whispers: :D nice said 30.Qg4 (1:59)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: ok i had a deeper look at Qxb6 Ba7 Qb7 Bxf2+ Kxf2 Qe3+ Kf1 Qxd2 Qxa8+ Kf7
wmahan(1965) whispers: Qe5!?
fernbap(1694) whispers: didn't get that one 30...g6 (1:32)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: hmm maybe Qe5 Nf3 Qxf6
MilPat(1891) whispers: yes, nice Wil
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: Re1 now
MilPat(1891) whispers: Re1 Qf7?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: the rxb6 pat 31.Re1 (1:37)
MilPat(1891) whispers: oh, wanted to get f6
jaberwock(2063) whispers: Qd8 31...Qf7 (0:45)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: re7 now is also far from clear
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: he also has Ne4 now
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: rxb6 32.Ne4 (1:29)
jaberwock(2063) whispers: not enough time for both sides to evaluate this
StrategyMaster(1956) whispers: not enough time for such a position
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: white should be winning but yes time
StrategyMaster(1956) whispers: I can't really tell who is winning
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: nd6 maybe 32...b5 (1:54)
fernbap(1694) whispers: noone is winning, according to robbolito
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: still after this move, fern?
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: nc5?
jaberwock(2063) whispers: lost for both sides
wmahan(1965) whispers: I think somebody will win
fernbap(1694) whispers: yes
jaberwock(2063) whispers: so speaks silicone
fernbap(1694) whispers: nc5 follows, though
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: nc5 hard to meet
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bd6 seems like the only plausible answer to nc5
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: maybe Bd6? 33.Nc5 (1:32)
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: yes
jetix(1995) whispers: my Houdini says it's White little bit better
Amauta(1902) whispers: Nc5 is good!
jetix(1995) whispers: my deep Houdini
jaberwock(2063) whispers: other than chasing Bd7, what does teh white knight do on c5? 33...Bc8 (0:30)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: :(
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: eh
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: this overdoes things a little i fear
jaberwock(2063) whispers: Steinitzian retreat to first rank; I love it 34.Qg5 (0:55)
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: well...Ne6 looks annoying....
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: qg5?!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: now bd6 is really forced to keep the rook from e7
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: bd6 looks good
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bd6 ne4 bf8 g4 bh6 and captures the queen :D
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: heh
jaberwock(2063) whispers: does Qc7 work?
jaberwock(2063) whispers: or is f7+ a pain? 34...Ra7 (1:57)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: qc7 seemed to work
MilPat(1891) whispers: leave back rank with pawn on f6? mmm
MilPat(1891) whispers: Rbc1 35.Ne6 (0:43) h6 (0:05) 36.Qc1 (0:03)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bd7
MilPat(1891) whispers: similar threat
MilPat(1891) whispers: what a game!
jaberwock(2063) whispers: This is like watching two individuals walking tightrope simultaneously...with no net
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: Bd7 qc3 or something
fernbap(1694) whispers: starting to look really dangerous
MilPat(1891) whispers: Bb7 wrong?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i see no alternative to bd7 36...Bd7 (2:03)
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: Qc3 37.Qc3 (0:26)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: bd6 37...Bd6 (0:21)
jaberwock(2063) whispers: Ismir = mind reader
MilPat(1891) whispers: go Funk!!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i wish i was
MilPat(1891) whispers: u have nerves!!
fernbap(1694) whispers: nd8 lol
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: nd8 doesnt look too threatening
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: yet at least
MilPat(1891) whispers: Ne6 annoying enough already i guess
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: g4!? 38.Rbc1 (1:42)
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: idea of qe3 38...Ra8 (0:22)
Twikki(2059) whispers: lots of stuff going on... Nd8 is there, but I thought it was early
fernbap(1694) whispers: lots of opportunities missed as well
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: what did computer say of g4
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: and wmahan disconnecting in excitement all the time
wmahan(1965) whispers: :(
jaberwock(2063) whispers: I am surprised no one offered a draw so both sides no longer have to hold their breath
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: show confidence in your lady, wil
fernbap(1694) whispers: it says g3 39.Qb2 (1:39)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: re8 now i think 39...Re8 (0:28)
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: ya
jaberwock(2063) whispers: I was going to suggest that to;
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: qb2 is mysterious
jaberwock(2063) whispers: if I were black here, I would have passed out by now
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i had worse positions in my life
nemotyro(1738) whispers: lol jaber
fernbap(1694) whispers: score reached 0.00, after kf1 40.Qc3 (1:01)
jaberwock(2063) whispers: me, too, Ismir. and survived few of them
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: b4 now
jaberwock(2063) whispers: yes, activate that queenside majority
wmahan(1965) whispers: what happens if dxe6
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: wil, you cant give away any of blacks pieces now 40...a5 (1:04)
wmahan(1965) whispers: oh nvm, Qc8+ kills 41.Qxa5 (0:05)
wmahan(1965) whispers: hehe 41...Qxf6 (0:03) 42.Qa7 (0:05)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: they are all needed to cover vital squares
jetix(1995) whispers: loll
jaberwock(2063) whispers: they are all needed at the time
MilPat(1891) whispers: Re7 any good?
wmahan(1965) whispers: but it's ok to give away pawns (I hope)
jetix(1995) whispers: (lol)
jaberwock(2063) whispers: forcing moves by one side are a disadvantage; they give opponent a move that has to be made, gaiinng quick time on clock
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: i dont get a5, b4 was stronger and safer
jetix(1995) whispers: i dont believe Jenny played a5!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: re7 might still be ok, tho
wmahan(1965) whispers: ugh, now it's looking bad for black again
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: wit the point re7 nc5 qc3!!
jaberwock(2063) whispers: that would be exciting 42...Re7 (2:29)
jetix(1995) whispers: ooooh
jetix(1995) whispers: but what if white goes nd3 here?
jetix(1995) whispers: there*
wmahan(1965) whispers: wow ismir
MilPat(1891) whispers: yea, white has back rank to watch
jetix(1995) whispers: nobody heard what the KID said
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: nc5 here?
jaberwock(2063) whispers: KID?
jaberwock(2063) whispers: Nd3?
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: well nd3 is a stron reply
wmahan(1965) whispers: maybe we just don't know the answer, jetix the kid
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: to what
jaberwock(2063) whispers: oh, after Nc5
jetix(1995) whispers: wmahan
jetix(1995) whispers: nc5 qc3 nd3
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: sure would have been nice to get 30 min at move 40 :-)
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: qa8 after qc3?
wmahan(1965) whispers: right, nice move 43.Qa8+ (1:55)
jaberwock(2063) whispers: I am into one & two move threats; the third move taxes my brain 43...Kh7 (0:18) 44.Nf8+ (0:09)
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: oh tricky 44...Qxf8 (0:02)
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: nooo!!
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: lol
MilPat(1891) whispers: haha
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: how did i know>!
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: wow
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: nice
fernbap(1694) whispers: oh shit
Ismirdochegal(2184) whispers: he fell for it
wmahan(1965) whispers: !!!
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: hehe
jaberwock(2063) whispers: there goes my brain...poof
Eleventeen(2136) whispers: didnt think he would
shivaroxxx(1702) whispers: BAMM!!!
Amauta(1902) whispers: very tricky
Twikki(2059) kibitzes: good game
StefanGER(1789) whispers: wow Twikki resigns 0-1
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