1.e4(0:00)c5(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:03)d6(0:17) 3.d4(0:02)cxd4(0:03) 4.Nxd4(0:01)Nf6(0:03) 5.Nc3(0:02)a6(0:03) 6.Be3(0:03)e5(0:07) 7.Nf3(0:03)Be6(0:06) 8.Be2(0:18)h6(1:08) 9.h3(0:20)Nbd7(1:57) 10.O-O(0:15)Be7(0:07) 11.Re1(1:14)Rc8(0:37) 12.Bf1(3:32)Qc7(3:43) 13.Nd2(3:09)
Psycho(1751) whispers: white seems to have wasted quite a few moves
13...b5(4:04) 14.a4(1:02)
Fischeur(1936) whispers: b4 NoelTheHacker(1799) whispers: I never like to play the a4 move because of b4.. I find it awkward
14...O-O(5:57) 15.axb5(0:32)axb5(0:20) 16.Bxb5(1:26)d5(0:52) 17.exd5(1:02)Nxd5(0:07) 18.Nxd5(0:23)Bxd5(0:03) 19.Ra7(0:41)Bb7(0:46)
Madmansreturn(1993) whispers: hmm, Bxh6!? gxh6 Qg4+ and take on d7 is possible? StefanGER(1791) whispers: well after Bg5 to defend the check the Knight on d2 is hanging as well, not sure if that works out StefanGER(1791) whispers: probably not if white takes with the bishop...
20.Nb3(5:27)Rfd8(1:18) 21.Qe2(1:15)f5(14:11)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: what a horrible pin evilcoyote(2050) whispers: Na5
evilcoyote(2050) whispers: Rb8 Nc6
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: b4
23.Bxc5(9:08)Bxc5(0:07) 24.Qc4+(0:06)
RobertFrost(1740) whispers: intresting idea
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: was there smth wrong with Rxb7 instead of this check? What I miss?
RobertFrost(1740) whispers: i liked rxb7 too, maybe lingzhi see's something down the road LostIllusion(1809) kibitzes: and miles to go before i sleep, and miles to go before i sleep... RobertFrost(1740) whispers: The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep
26.Nxc5(7:05)Qxa7(2:06) 27.b4(0:52)Rd4(2:18) 28.Qe6(4:33)Qb8(5:10) 29.c3(3:04)Rd2(1:58) 30.Bd7(1:33)Rf8(2:53) 31.Qxe5(5:00)Rd1(0:04) 32.Qe2(0:42)
StrategyMaster(1980) whispers: go lingzhi!
32...Rxe1+(1:36) 33.Qxe1(0:03)Qd6(0:03)
LostIllusion offers a draw.
lingzhi declines the draw request.
34.g3(2:55)f4(0:29) 35.g4(0:04)f3(0:24) 36.Bf5(0:11)Ra8(1:00) 37.Nb3(1:16)g6(1:34) 38.Bc2(1:07)Kg7(1:33) 39.Qe4(0:37)Ra2(0:33)
StrategyMaster(1980) whispers: this is definitely won, Qd4 seems like the easiest move
40.Qd4+(0:32)Qxd4(0:05) 41.Nxd4(0:03)Kf6(0:22) 42.Kh2(0:25)Ra3(0:45) 43.Bb3(0:12)Ke5(0:28) 44.Nxf3+(0:39)Ke4(0:08) 45.Nd4(0:06)Kd3(0:20) 46.Bc2+(2:22)Kc4(0:03) 47.Bb3+(0:24)Kd3(0:17)
StefanGER(1791) whispers: is there any problem with taking the pawn? StefanGER(1791) whispers: oh yeah
LostIllusion offers a draw.
lingzhi declines the draw request.
49.Bxg6(0:21)Rxc3(0:02) 50.Nf5(0:11)
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: and he s begging for mercy wmahan(1957) whispers: not appropriate to offer a draw there imo
Funkmaus(2133) whispers: ya
51.h4(0:44)Rc6(3:43) 52.h5(0:07)Rf6(0:26) 53.Kg3(0:11)Kc4(0:04) 54.Nxh6(0:11)Kd4(0:07) 55.g5(0:18)Rb6(0:25) 56.Ng4(0:24)Kd5(0:31) 57.h6(0:27)Ke6(2:05) 58.Nf6(0:44)Rb5(1:57) 59.h7(0:26)Rxg5+(0:55) 60.Ng4(0:12)LostIllusion resigns 1-0
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