boedi(2084) vs. technika(2162) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2011-03-03
Technika(2162) whispers: OK - let's try something unusual - though I suspect we may transpose into a normal line :) 2.e4 (1:23) c5 (0:18) 3.d4 (0:42) cxd4 (0:12) 4.Nxd4 (0:06)
milpat(1824) whispers: go sir Bo! 4...Bb7 (0:23) 5.Nc3 (0:15) a6 (0:32) 6.Be3 (0:25) e6 (0:21) 7.Bd3 (0:16) Nc6 (0:59) 8.O-O (0:06) Nge7 (1:06) 9.Nxc6 (1:32) Bxc6 (0:21) 10.Qe2 (0:08)
Technika(2162) whispers: OK - we have sort of transposed into a classical sicilian on the white side.......
Technika(2162) whispers: against an unorthodox, haven't got a clue how I got here, sicilian on the black side :)
Technika(2162) whispers: where black has played his queenside moves way too early, before he thinks about development and castling......
Technika(2162) whispers: breaking all the rules so they say ........
Technika(2162) whispers: at the moment, my king is OK - the problem with this type of setup - is getting caught in the middle ......
Technika(2162) whispers: but isn't it fun living on the edge :) 10...b5 (3:33)
Technika(2162) whispers: expecting to see f4 now.......
Technika(2162) whispers: in which case I will live dangerous and attack the knight with b4 maybe? 11.a3 (1:04)
Technika(2162) whispers: ah, my plan is foiled :)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: good
Technika(2162) whispers: because I was then going to play for the d5 break after the knight moved........
Technika(2162) whispers: alas, move on to Plan B ......
FargoBear(1769) whispers: what is it?
Technika(2162) whispers: which should be Plan A - develop and get castled before all hell breaks loose in the centre - lol 11...Ng6 (1:42)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: right 12.f4 (1:18)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: If boe is gonna do f4 maybe he should do Kh1 first. 12...Be7 (1:28)
Technika(2162) whispers: don't need to worry about f5 just yet.......
Technika(2162) whispers: OK, I plan to castle shortly, and then see the picture that presents itself......
HindsFeet(1614) whispers: gooooooo Boedi!!! :) 13.Rad1 (3:16)
Technika(2162) whispers: potential half-open c-file, which is normal in Sicilian, some space on the qside, nice bishop on a8-h1 diagonal........
Technika(2162) whispers: problem with the d-pawn, I would like to be able to play d5, but is is not possible just yet........
Technika(2162) whispers: I also suspect, based on opponents last move, that that is the weakness to home in on, so castles is followed by e5 I guess to fix the pawn.......
Technika(2162) whispers: then maybe Be4 to swap off bishops........
Technika(2162) whispers: so what so I have to counter that.......
Technika(2162) whispers: well, f5 springs to mind, and we then end up with a french feel to the position.......assuming white took the f-pawn e.p.........
Technika(2162) whispers: cmon obvious move is castles, work out your plan after white's next move :) 13...O-O (3:54)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: lol
Technika(2162) whispers: e5 appears to be the logical move for white, based on the setup......
Technika(2162) whispers: not sure how many Siclians my opponent plays, as they normally play Nf3 and go reti style.....from what little preparation I could manage .......
HindsFeet(1614) whispers: Boe rules
Technika(2162) whispers: hence my rather obscure opening to confuse - but it has sort of gone into normal(ish) open sicilian line......
Technika(2162) whispers: I also know Boedi, normally chats as well, so it will be interesting looking this game up on WatchBot later :)
Technika(2162) whispers: hope you observers are having fun......
FargoBear(1769) whispers: we are
FargoBear(1769) whispers: but boe isnt chatting
FargoBear(1769) whispers: :(( 14.Qh5 (8:52)
Technika(2162) whispers: hmmm, need to watch for tricks on h7.....but nothing to worry about yet, but my knight moves are limited.......
Technika(2162) whispers: hmm, need to make a "nothing" move........
FargoBear(1769) whispers: why not h6?
Technika(2162) whispers: f5 looks slightly worrying........
Technika(2162) whispers: but Ne5 escapes all that and blocks e5, minimising tactics on h7.....
Technika(2162) whispers: also, need to watch for knight rerouting from c3 to g5....... 14...Qc7 (6:37)
Technika(2162) whispers: so I will go with usual Qc7 move that is played so often in the sicilian - make it look like I know what I am doing - lol ........
Technika(2162) whispers: to be honest, I have to sit and wait, and let White reveal their plan.......
Technika(2162) whispers: and then hope to pounce :)
Technika(2162) whispers: the other threat, is the rook lift :(
Technika(2162) whispers: Rf3 --> Rh3 - and to paraphrase Fischer......
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: I still think f5 is the big problem...
Technika(2162) whispers: sac, sac, then mate :) 15.Ne2 (2:40)
Vishyy(1877) whispers: hi to all!
Perkl(1401) whispers: ello
Technika(2162) whispers: I think I need a drink......
Technika(2162) whispers: why didI think the knight could get to g5 - lol ......
Technika(2162) whispers: mind you, it will come to a good square eyeing up f5 ....... 15...Rac8 (1:52) 16.Rf3 (1:26) Ba8 (1:51)
Technika(2162) whispers: let's hide the bishop, and hope white forgets it is there .........
Technika(2162) whispers: Rh3 means I am forced into a weakness on the kside........
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: rh3 seems pretty obvious
Technika(2162) whispers: which presents white opportunity to sac ds bishop on h6 ......
Technika(2162) whispers: that is the danger I need to keep an eye on the most.... 17.b4 (3:14)
Technika(2162) whispers: Rh3 h6 f5 exf5 Bxh6!!
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: nice from white
Technika(2162) whispers: is a line I need to worry about .......
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: stopping bc5...
Technika(2162) whispers: OK, can I get away with f5.,.......
Technika(2162) whispers: let me think.......
Technika(2162) whispers: f5 ef5 Bxf3 ......
Technika(2162) whispers: white cannot play pxN because queen en-pris....
Vishyy(1877) whispers: wh white did not play Rh3 instead of b4?
CebirX(1711) whispers: i guess to cut black s Qc5
Technika(2162) whispers: so f5 ef5 Bf3 Qf3, Knight has to move, either h4 or h8 .....h8 is daft, h4 attacks f5 square and Queen.............
Technika(2162) whispers: hmm, maybe I can get away with it, and it might take the sting out of the attack on h7......
Technika(2162) whispers: however, f5 Rh3......
Technika(2162) whispers: h6 drops knight, so crazy move like Nh4.......
Technika(2162) whispers: but then g3??
Technika(2162) whispers: no, g3 does not work for white, so anything else Ng3 .....
Technika(2162) whispers: complicated position this....... 17...f5 (8:08)
Technika(2162) whispers: fingers crossed time - too complicated to work it out.......
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: Rh3 should just be crushing
Technika(2162) whispers: Rh3 looks the scary move, but I think Nh4 is ok........
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: white has all the time in the world to win the knight
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: I think.. 18.Rh3 (1:52)
Technika(2162) whispers: as I am sure g3 does not work due to fxe4
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: white can just play e5 first
Technika(2162) whispers: well, either I am right, or I lose in about 5 moves :) 18...Nh4 (0:27)
Madmansreturn(1935) whispers: Ng3 looks adequate here, doesn't it?
Technika(2162) whispers: there is of course RxN...... 19.exf5 (0:31)
Technika(2162) whispers: but then I think White loses bishop....
lastchancexi(1749) whispers: I think this is good enough
Technika(2162) whispers: hmmm......
Technika(2162) whispers: did not expect that........
Boedi(2084) whispers: Coulndt take h4 due to bxh4 qxh4 fxe4 Bd3 trapped
Boedi(2084) whispers: he now needs to play qc6/b7 to force rg3 I think
Technika(2162) whispers: and now the point of my Ba8 is revealed :)
Technika(2162) whispers: .....
FargoBear(1769) whispers: finally the great boe speaks :P
Technika(2162) whispers: Qc6 Rg3 (forced) .......
Technika(2162) whispers: but I might have to give up the exchange to stop mate......
Technika(2162) whispers: Qc6 Rg3 ...... Nf5.......
Bombassa(2009) whispers: or ng2 perhaps
Technika(2162) whispers: bloody hell, my time is slipping away....... 19...Qc6 (5:08) 20.Rg3 (0:14) Nxf5 (0:04)
Technika(2162) whispers: Bf5 Rf5 Qg4 Rf7 is fine for me...... 21.Bd4 (1:31) Rf7 (0:36) 22.Be5 (1:20) Qb6+ (2:22) 23.Kh1 (0:03) Qb7 (0:19)
Technika(2162) whispers: was worried about Nd4, now I get my queen out of the way, and keep an eye on mating on g2 :) 24.Bxf5 (1:13)
Technika(2162) whispers: but I am well behin in time....... 24...exf5 (0:24)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: go boe!
FargoBear(1769) whispers: crush the patzers!
Technika(2162) whispers: at least these moves are kinda forced for me, so less thinking time required :)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: Qxf7 might be fun, or it might be crazy, probably just crazy
FargoBear(1769) whispers: crazy 25.Nc3 (1:07) Bf6 (1:52)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: sane plan is Nd5-f6
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: whether there is a piece on f6 or not
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: except that allowing Rxc2 is fatal
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: or is
Technika(2162) whispers: there is a little trap to this move :)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: Nd5 Bxe5 fxe5 Rxc2 Nf6+ Kf8 Nxh7+ Ke8 Ng5 might just work 26.Bxf6 (4:20)
Technika(2162) whispers: Bf6 Rf6 Nd5 Re6! - offering the pawn, and if Qe5 then Qxd5 wins the knight........ 26...Rxf6 (0:06) 27.Nd5 (0:05)
Technika(2162) whispers: :)
Technika(2162) whispers: but if I play it too quickly, my opponent might spot it.......
Technika(2162) whispers: mind you, Re6 is also forced as it stops Ne7 fork :)
Technika(2162) whispers: will my opponent see the trap in the offered pawn.......
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: of course he'll see it
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: weak backrank isn't exactly subtle
Technika(2162) whispers: well let's assume he does, so lets say h3, then Rf8 to protect the pawn again, and I think I can breathe a little easy - for at least a couple of moves, before panic sets in again - lol
Technika(2162) whispers: OK, double check...... Re6 Qf5 Qd5! Rd5 leads to Re1# - so Qd5 Bd5..... Knight for the pawn because white then has to defend backrank, and I can play Bc6 and keep the d-pawn......
Technika(2162) whispers: so Re6 h3 Rf8 defends the pawn....... 27...Re6 (5:17)
Technika(2162) whispers: hmmm, no quick pawn take, usually means it has been spotted.......
Technika(2162) whispers: but I can pray and hope still :) 28.h3 (1:44) Rf8 (0:05)
Technika(2162) whispers: always assume your opponent see what you see :)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: h4 seemed better than h3, since then this could be met by Qg5 and if g6 then h5 29.Qg5 (1:14)
mindlin(2190) whispers: hello tl observers!
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: hello
FargoBear(1769) whispers: hi
FargoBear(1769) whispers: what can black do to postpone his loss? 29...g6 (4:22)
Perkl(1401) whispers: ne7! 30.Rgd3 (1:04)
Perkl(1401) whispers: :( 30...Rf7 (1:13)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: we cannot understand the great mind of boe lol 31.Kh2 (1:29)
Boedi(2084) whispers: waiting move to see what he wants
Boedi(2084) whispers: I dont see much chances here though 31...Kg7 (1:43)
CebirX(1711) whispers: h4 instead of h3 was offered when it is first played
Technika(2162) whispers: OK, need to move into move at 45 second pace now........
Technika(2162) whispers: and this position is so complicated still, the advantage is with my opponent due to time......
mikemouse(1851) whispers: and position
Technika(2162) whispers: so time to not write so much - sorry observers.......chess comes first........
Bombassa(2009) whispers: o no.. 32.h4 (2:42) h6 (0:58)
mindlin(2190) whispers: here he comes with the attack, the moment we've been waiting for 33.Qg3 (0:06) Kh7 (0:01) 34.Rc3 (0:43) Rc6 (0:33)
Technika(2162) whispers: people ask why I type so much, well 25 yrs in IT industry, means I touch type so can type reasonably quick whilst thinking out aloud........ 35.Qf3 (2:49)
Technika(2162) whispers: and yes, I am trying to bail out for a draw here...... 35...Rd6 (1:21)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: Rc7?
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: actually no, forcing the black queen to move just creates a pin on d5
alekseju(1544) whispers: Qxc7 36.Rc5 (2:23)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: yes
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: though to be fair, that only exchanges pieces
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: Rc7 Qxc7 Nxc7 Bxf3 Rxd6 36...h5 (1:10)
alekseju(1544) whispers: :)
Jokimdawar(1843) whispers: boedi is so strong 37.Qc3 (2:59) Rc6 (0:17) 38.Rd2 (0:39)
Boedi(2084) whispers: uberdecking g2 :P
Boedi(2084) whispers: Nimzo style ;-) 38...Qb8 (1:04) 39.Kg3 (0:21)
blkmagic(1606) whispers: BusDriver, I love your handle!!
BusDriver(2021) whispers: lol 39...Qe8 (1:59)
Technika(2162) whispers: Nc7 Qe1+ !! 40.Kf2 (0:28)
Technika(2162) whispers: damn spotted it :) 40...Rxc5 (0:47) 41.Qxc5 (0:21) Qe6 (0:03) 42.Qd4 (0:49) Bxd5 (0:42) 43.Qxd5 (0:22) Qb6+ (0:01) 44.Qd4 (0:12)
Jokimdawar(1843) whispers: the rook ending is clearly won for white
mikemouse(1851) whispers: indeed 44...Qd8 (1:18)
mikemouse(1851) whispers: with queens on this looks very difficult for black 45.g3 (1:25) Qa8 (0:09) 46.Qd5 (0:12) Qa7+ (0:07) 47.Qc5 (0:11) Qa8 (0:06)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: slightly exposed nature of white's king helps black a bit 48.Rd5 (0:12) Qh8 (1:21) 49.c3 (0:20)
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: looks quite bleak now though 49...Qe8 (1:23)
mikemouse(1851) whispers: just torture now... 50.Re5 (1:44) Qb8 (0:08)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: poor tech 51.Re7 (2:44)
mikemouse(1851) whispers: or even lost pawn endgame
Bombassa(2009) whispers: qf8
mikemouse(1851) whispers: swap rooks and queens
mikemouse(1851) whispers: better king position and queenside pawn majority
Technika(2162) whispers: hmm, running out of time, I need to get a perpetual.........
Technika(2162) whispers: Re7 Re7 Qe7 Kh6 Qd7 Qb6+ .......
FargoBear(1769) whispers: Yay! Tech is gonna run out of time!
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: Qf8 maybe, queen ending is probably lost though
FargoBear(1769) whispers: of course
Boedi(2084) whispers: TIME 51...Rxe7 (6:52)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: LMAO 52.Qxe7+ (0:02) Kh6 (0:00)
mikemouse(1851) whispers: pawn ending lost, maybe try and keep queens on?
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: you people have an unhealthy obsession with the clocks 53.Qxd7 (0:07) Qb6+ (0:01)
Jokimdawar(1843) whispers: white's king is too safe to be perpetualled
FargoBear(1769) whispers: Qe4
FargoBear(1769) whispers: *Qd4 54.Qd4 (0:16)
Jokimdawar(1843) whispers: watchout! h8
Technika(2162) whispers: white king needs d4 square.......
Boedi(2084) whispers: forces trade?
Boedi(2084) whispers: qh8#
Coraguru(1846) whispers: just trade and it's equal
Boedi(2084) whispers: qb8 though
Jokimdawar(1843) whispers: Qb8 only move
Boedi(2084) whispers: I'll play c4 then
Boedi(2084) whispers: pawn storm
FargoBear(1769) whispers: Qb8 is disgraceful
Technika(2162) whispers: Qd4 cd4 King can't get in front of pawn, so I think I can block the pawn......I hope........
FargoBear(1769) whispers: better to resign
mikemouse(1851) whispers: probably a good time to resign 54...Qxd4+ (1:16)
Coraguru(1846) whispers: lol 55.cxd4 (0:02) Kg7 (0:00)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: lol
FargoBear(1769) whispers: even I could win this
FargoBear(1769) whispers: lol
Coraguru(1846) whispers: really?
FargoBear(1769) whispers: yes
FargoBear(1769) whispers: as white
Coraguru(1846) whispers: :O
Coraguru(1846) whispers: so what's your move?
Boedi(2084) whispers: damn draw maybe
Boedi(2084) whispers: prolly
FargoBear(1769) whispers: d5
Technika(2162) whispers: yes, think I am right, white king can't come down the board except on the d-file....
FargoBear(1769) whispers: d6
FargoBear(1769) whispers: d7
FargoBear(1769) whispers: then get some zugzwang maybe
Technika(2162) whispers: and that means pushing the pawn forward and my king gets there.....
Pawnadian(1978) whispers: But how does white support the advance of his d-pawn? He can't get past it to help.
mindlin(2190) whispers: d5 Kf7 Ke3 Ke7 tricky
Coraguru(1846) whispers: d5 Kf6-e7-d6 56.d5 (2:05) Kf7 (0:10)
mindlin(2190) whispers: black has the opposition 57.Ke2 (0:14)
Jokimdawar(1843) whispers: Ke3 much better
Jokimdawar(1843) whispers: panic
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: no difference really
mindlin(2190) whispers: Ke2 is a trick to try to get the opposition
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: black has the opposition in either case
Coraguru(1846) whispers: yap 57...Ke7 (0:30)
Fischeur(1890) whispers: white want to gain opposition 58.Kd3 (0:13)
mindlin(2190) whispers: Kd7!
FargoBear(1769) whispers: game over
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: this ending is trivial, the clever part was seeing that it was a draw 58...Kd7 (0:31)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: d6?
Pawnadian(1978) whispers: As long as black doesn't go to d6 until white gets to d4 he should be okay.
DodgeBrother(1562) whispers: draw 59.d6 (0:03)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: LMAO
Technika(2162) whispers: must maintain correct moves, so opposition is right......
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: Ke6 easy
FargoBear(1769) whispers: everyone screaming draw at the same time lol
mindlin(2190) whispers: opposition hardly matters without the pawn, right?
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: I dunno, but why risk it?
Boedi(2084) whispers: kc6/e6 draws
Boedi(2084) whispers: I'll offer if he plays
Technika(2162) whispers: maintain distant opposition, or lose.......
blkmagic(1606) whispers: technika found a perpetual
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: just Kc6 or Ke6 keeping the opposition is totally safe
FargoBear(1769) whispers: yeh
Boedi(2084) whispers: well spotted that q trade was draw
FargoBear(1769) whispers: I calculated that
Boedi(2084) whispers: didnt notice that
Coraguru(1846) whispers: hehe
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: or rather, not allowing white to gain the opposition
RubberDuck(2002) whispers: good now ban him and make him return to his original account , thanx gg
Technika(2162) whispers: so cannot take pawn :) - otherwise Kd4 and easy win for White!
FargoBear(1769) whispers: good job finding that! 59...Kc6 (2:07) Boedi offers a draw.
FargoBear(1769) whispers: even tho we all found it faster ...
FargoBear(1769) whispers: :)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: gg
Technika(2162) whispers: just need to count the sqaures between the kings........
FargoBear(1769) whispers: nice boedi 60.Kc3 (0:20)
Boedi(2084) whispers: 1/2-1/2
FargoBear(1769) whispers: KxP
Perkl(1401) whispers: kxp kd4 and its no longer a draw
FargoBear(1769) whispers: nvm
mindlin(2190) whispers: he still can't take the pawn
Technika(2162) whispers: and keep them at even numbers, not odd numbers !!! Technika declines the draw request. 60...Kd7 (0:53)
Fischeur(1890) whispers: kd7 of course
FargoBear(1769) whispers: lol
andreufm(1868) whispers: boedi was hoping for kd4 61.Kd3 (0:10)
andreufm(1868) whispers: kd5*
FargoBear(1769) whispers: whyd he decline
Boedi(2084) whispers: Sofia Rules? Dont talk with opponent during game? :P
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: didnt see the offer
Bombassa(2009) whispers: perhaps he didn't see it
Bombassa(2009) whispers: i love you
FargoBear(1769) whispers: ooO
smallblackcat(1943) whispers: ;)
FargoBear(1769) whispers: I didnt think of that
FargoBear(1769) whispers: then again, all I think about is myself lol 61...Kc6 (0:54) 62.Kc3 (0:03) Kd7 (0:04) 63.Kd3 (0:03) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2
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