mechanize(1854) vs. mapleleaf(1915) *
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-11-28
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Hello to all!
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: hi ;) 3...d6 (0:13)
Tysonx(1378) whispers: hi 4.Nc3 (0:01)
RxR(1799) whispers: judging from yesterdays game white will be very eager to exchange pieces
FargoBear(1724) whispers: hhi 4...Nf6 (0:36)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: the champagne is ready ;)
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Captain were there some "special" suggestions for Mech - how to play? 5.e4 (0:31)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: just to wi ;) 5...O-O (0:09)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: win
Delenn(2108) whispers: There's a highly drawisk line in KID with an early dxe I suppose. I never play these lines though
Myob(1687) whispers: witam chappies :) 6.Bd3 (0:07)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: hi Myob ;)
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Hello! Myob!
RxR(1799) whispers: whites team are u1800 champs with adraw, co champs even with a loss
Vishyy(1873) whispers: May I ask for sth Myob?
Myob(1687) whispers: please do, but privately if it's personal 6...e5 (0:47)
RxR(1799) whispers: wow Bd3? 7.d5 (0:03)
Plebusan(1788) whispers: white should ask for a draw
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: what for?
Delenn(2108) whispers: That would be rude I guess 7...a5 (0:46)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Bd3 is weird
RxR(1799) whispers: one draw offer would be OK
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Are You paid for kibtzing on FICS?
Vishyy(1873) whispers: I have never seens any game without your comments on :)
Myob(1687) whispers: :))
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: Hellou
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: hi
RxR(1799) whispers: hi
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: Go Szachista ! Go mechanize ! 8.O-O (1:26)
Myob(1687) whispers: lol, can't remember the last time some money came in my direction, it always flows the other way alas...
Myob(1687) whispers: lo Mis :)
RxR(1799) whispers: black must at least have equalized here. but a long way to go 8...Na6 (0:12)
Vishyy(1873) whispers: if game was not commended by Myob the game was not played at all!
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: szachista's 2 teams are the winners ;)
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: witaj Myob :-)
Myob(1687) whispers: what result does mech require here, or maple for that matter?
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: so far it's 2-1 for us
RxR(1799) whispers: whites team are u1800 champs with adraw, co champs even with a loss
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: making b4 and c5 as hard as possible 9.h3 (1:01) Bd7 (1:42) 10.Be3 (0:07)
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: black team are no champs with loss
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: or draw
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: even with a draw
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: ;)
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: ;-)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: but it'll happen ;)
Myob(1687) whispers: has been a very good season for Szachiste, grats, and also to Current Affairs for their success
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: our 3rd team losed in semifinals in U2000
RxR(1799) whispers: very impressive performance by all szachista teams
Vishyy(1873) whispers: it was our "opening" season
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: and in the semifinal game in U2000 there're some ambiguities
Myob(1687) whispers: yes and their english is great too
RxR(1799) whispers: szachista chess mag must be proud of its ambassadors
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: have you seen that magazine?
Myob(1687) whispers: Fiesta?
RxR(1799) whispers: I have been to the website and the forum
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: Szachista
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: I see,
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: it's the paper magazine in Poland
Delenn(2108) whispers: It means chess?
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: chessplayer
Delenn(2108) whispers: oh ok
Myob(1687) whispers: I'd go if i had a translation program which autotranslates everything
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: google translator ;)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: chrome + google translate
Myob(1687) whispers: autotranslates any page without having to click anything?
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Yes, you can configure it that way 10...b6 (6:27)
Myob(1687) whispers: would it autotrans my english into polish if i wanted to post something?
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Spam for Chlopaki ile osob z Was chcialoby zagrac w GP w Aktywa 5 rund szwajcar tempo 20 minut + 10 sekund.
Vishyy(1873) whispers: ?
Vishyy(1873) whispers: miejsce FICS
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: termin?
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: I doubt it translates what you type on the go but you can use external Google Translate for that
RxR(1799) whispers: b6 looked a good decisin. black just plays Nc5 and lets white decide if he wants to take on c5 11.a3 (2:03)
iveselov(1796) whispers: hehe, again KID 11...h6 (0:56)
RxR(1799) whispers: wasa3 really precise? NowNc5 and b4 is a blunder, so black gets in a4
iveselov(1796) whispers: but different variation from that one we have played in semifinal
Vishyy(1873) whispers: no zapewne bedzie rozlozone na 3 dni piatek sobota niedziela w piatek 2 sobote 2 i w niedziele jedna runda
Vishyy(1873) whispers: jak sie da to moze za 2 tygodnie
RxR(1799) whispers: hmm why not Nc5? 12.Qc2 (1:03)
cytrus(2006) whispers: Qd2 coming that is why he played h6 --> Kh7
RxR(1799) whispers: Nc5 prevented Qd2 too... 12...Nc5 (1:01)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Looks like white wants to engineer f4, after the piece placement 13.b4 (0:02)
mechanize(1854) kibitzes: Is a good movie in our Polish TV: "Joe Black".
Myob(1687) whispers: oops szach are accidentally kibbing again 13...Nxd3 (1:12) 14.Qxd3 (0:01) Nh5 (0:02)
RxR(1799) whispers: white better now I think
Mapleleaf(1915) kibitzes: hehe you are thinking about movies during our game !
RxR(1799) whispers: blacks only counterplay is f5 here, but its quite strong
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: ja bym zagral w te aktywa - bez wzgledu czy szwajcar czy inny...
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: nf4 looks unstopable, but making sure 15.c5 (3:33)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: no ja mysle, ze tez
kocur(1636) whispers: hello
RxR(1799) whispers: can black really line up against h3? Nf4 Qc4 Qc8 and Bxh3?
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: hmm f5 maybe, since i cant see a breakthrough to d6 for white
Plebusan(1788) whispers: why not meet Nf4 with Bxf4
RxR(1799) whispers: dont like that long diagonal for Bg7 then 15...f5 (2:22)
Plebusan(1788) whispers: good point
RxR(1799) whispers: generally that is good for black in such positins
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: you probably see why i traded off the light B now...not saying its the best plan 16.cxd6 (1:42) cxd6 (0:18) 17.bxa5 (0:02)
RxR(1799) whispers: bxa5 rb1 looks terrible for black, so Rxa5 better be good 17...Nf4 (1:40)
RxR(1799) whispers: or does black have enough tactical tricks even after bxa5 rb1?
Vishyy(1873) whispers: exchanges like that helps rather black to decrease the pressure 18.Bxf4 (0:22)
Vishyy(1873) whispers: now it is easy to see how weak are black squares
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: wow
Plebusan(1788) whispers: the g7-bishop springs to life! 18...exf4 (0:38) 19.axb6 (0:02)
cytrus(2006) whispers: mistake. fxe4
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: right
RxR(1799) whispers: perhaps a sac
Delenn(2108) whispers: Whites going to sac an exchange? 19...Qxb6 (0:48)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: shouldn't black take fe4?
cytrus(2006) whispers: of course they should
RxR(1799) whispers: I would have
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: i cant believe Bxf4, maybe some punishment is comming?
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: so good they didn't ;)
RxR(1799) whispers: still, black is quite happy here too
FargoBear(1724) whispers: hehe
FargoBear(1724) whispers: 57 mis
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: ok i finally get it...wihte did this to try and win a pawn
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: but he forgot the dragon bishop is worth 6 points
Plebusan(1788) whispers: white is actually up a pawn, so he suceeded
RxR(1799) whispers: buf after fxe4 he would have been down some material 20.Rfc1 (6:44)
RxR(1799) whispers: rfb1?
Jammes(1903) whispers: bishops are monsters
Vishyy(1873) whispers: second one!
RxR(1799) whispers: Rfc8 is natural
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: g5-g4?
Plebusan(1788) whispers: Rfc8 was a great move yesterday 20...Rfc8 (6:57)
RxR(1799) whispers: lets hope rfc8 is a CAsign of success 21.Rab1 (3:44) Qa7 (1:20)
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: hmm
gutierez(1851) whispers: Hello
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Hello Guti!
RxR(1799) whispers: I am starting to like this
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: analysing nb5
gutierez(1851) whispers: Nb5?! 22.Rb3 (3:09)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Doesn't that lose to Rxc Rxc Qa6!?
RxR(1799) whispers: I was thinking Nb5 rxc1 rxc1 fxe4
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: boy this guy is greedy
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Znowu spam. Zachecam Wszystkich do brania udzialu w GP forum ktore odbedzie sie 10-12 grudnia. W tym tygodniu pojawi sie regulamin na forum ale z ogolnych ingo to tempo 20+ 10 sec dwie partie w piatek i sobote i jedna w niedziele. Zapraszam serdecznie pora zapewne popoludniowa!
RxR(1799) whispers: blackmust have something here
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Iw wuoldbe better if back didn't have :)
RxR(1799) whispers: lol sure. co champ is not so fun.
RxR(1799) whispers: if that should happen perhaps the wtwo teams should publish the book black is better III, as black then has won all 4 games
RxR(1799) whispers: but still a long way to go
jaberwock(2064) whispers: Maybe "Black has been better all along"
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Just a friendly suggestion to Szachista team: you should settle in channel and use that to advertise and communicate among you in Polish - it's a far better solution than game whispers 22...Rab8 (6:31)
milpat(1891) whispers: 100% supporting this idea
Vishyy(1873) whispers: or sth like "Black are still alive!"
gwolff(1894) whispers: i liked fxe4 and then Ba4 or vice-versa 23.Rxb8 (0:39)
RxR(1799) whispers: gwolff I agree 23...Qxb8 (0:22)
RxR(1799) whispers: one more piece exchanged ;(
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: winning this looks tough
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: but i guess that goes for any chess position
RxR(1799) whispers: well blackthreatens both fxe4 and qb2 so its not impossible to win
gwolff(1894) whispers: but what if white plays Ne2?
RxR(1799) whispers: yes Ne2 or Na2 seems necessary
RxR(1799) whispers: but black still has goodchances I think
RxR(1799) whispers: something like ne2 rxc1 nxc1 fxe4 qxe4 bf5 and qb1 next
plutonas(1457) whispers: what do you think about Rb1/ 24.Rb1 (9:17)
nitelyjoy(1692) whispers: ne2 rxc1 nxc1 qb2! 24...Qa7 (0:24) 25.Nb5 (0:07)
gwolff(1894) whispers: does Qa6 win the knight?
RxR(1799) whispers: taking on b5 looks excellent too
gwolff(1894) whispers: no, but i think it's black's best move anyway
RxR(1799) whispers: bxb5 rxb5 rc1 kh2 qxf2 25...Bxb5 (2:19) 26.Qxb5 (0:03)
milpat(1891) whispers: this is safer 26...fxe4 (0:28)
RxR(1799) whispers: looking good for blacknow!
gwolff(1894) whispers: suddenly black has the advantage
plutonas(1457) whispers: where does the knight go now?
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: on h4
plutonas(1457) whispers: and after B f6? things don't seem very good for white
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: interesting Qe2 and If exf3 then Qe6+ and Qxc8
RxR(1799) whispers: nice line misu 27.Qe2 (7:26)
RxR(1799) whispers: but not easy to see
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: hmm
plutonas(1457) whispers: why not e3 now?
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: for on e6
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: fork
plutonas(1457) whispers: sorry to ask too much but i just didn't understand this last move
RxR(1799) whispers: why do you want to play e3?
Plebusan(1788) whispers: the main point was probably exf3 Qd6+
gwolff(1894) whispers: e3 actually looks nice RxR
plutonas(1457) whispers: makes pressure on f2 and white can't take it without loosing a pawn
plutonas(1457) whispers: at least it seems like this to me, judging from my rating, i'm probably wrong :)
RxR(1799) whispers: no, no it wasnt meant as criticism. 27...Re8 (4:47) 28.Rb4 (3:20)
RxR(1799) whispers: not looking so good for black anymore?
gwolff(1894) whispers: maybe still e3
gwolff(1894) whispers: its that or Qe7 in my opinion 28...e3 (3:18) 29.Rxf4 (0:02)
plutonas(1457) whispers: there goes e3 29...exf2+ (0:15) 30.Qxf2 (0:02)
Vishyy(1873) whispers: good!
Plebusan(1788) whispers: probably safest, now he gets a3. But starting to look very drawish... :( 30...Qxa3 (0:25)
RxR(1799) whispers: still some initiative against the loose white king
Plebusan(1788) whispers: Bg7 is only worth 3p again.... shooting at nothing
RxR(1799) whispers: the black squaresaround the white king are weak
gwolff(1894) whispers: but all whites pieces are available for defence, only Qc3+ is currently a vaguethreat
RxR(1799) whispers: d5 is a bit weak too, so still possible to win this
gwolff(1894) whispers: both players must be tired by now so there is increased risk of blunders 31.Kh2 (3:43)
RxR(1799) whispers: Qd3 now and d5 is dead?
Epals(1967) whispers: Qe2
plutonas(1457) whispers: RxR why is it dead? i see two defenses, one is Rd4 another is Qa2
RxR(1799) whispers: rd4 runs into Bxd4
plutonas(1457) whispers: haha right, sorry
RxR(1799) whispers: but I did miss qa2, although it looks scary 31...Qb3 (2:34)
plutonas(1457) whispers: hm the played move seems to have won d5 though 32.Qd2 (0:29)
RxR(1799) whispers: qd2 didnt work after qd3 but now it could work 32...Qb1 (1:10)
RxR(1799) whispers: Be5 is haning over whites head constantly now
Plebusan(1788) whispers: the rook can move, no? 33.Qb4 (1:00)
Plebusan(1788) whispers: oh, maybe mate instead of exchange-win then
gwolff(1894) whispers: QxQ RxQ Rc8 Rb6 Bf8 and then Rc5
plutonas(1457) whispers: if i were black i'd probably exchange the queens at this point
Plebusan(1788) whispers: he must trade queens now, right. No way to save d6 otherwise
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Witam z wieczora!
RxR(1799) whispers: qf1 qxd6 re2 loos promisinig but runs into qd8 kh7 ng5-
plutonas(1457) whispers: question not related to the game, since you all seem to be higher rated than me, which books would you suggest for someone at my level? 33...Qxb4 (4:12) 34.Rxb4 (0:01) Re3 (0:02)
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Smthing about tactics
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Winning Chess Tactics, for example
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: Witaj!
Delenn(2108) whispers: Steps method could be useful all chess players up to 2000
cytrus(2006) whispers: nice Arden book about tactics: Kombinacje szachowe wg tarrasha
RxR(1799) whispers: now its really tough to win
gwolff(1894) whispers: yes, tactics seem to be the point that always needs most improvement. you can also study My system
gutierez(1851) whispers: Hello Misiu
cytrus(2006) whispers: siema :*
gwolff(1894) whispers: but thats a book about positional chess
cytrus(2006) whispers: :D
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: In my opinion is draw, and what you think ?
plutonas(1457) whispers: yes i just started with "my system" i really like it. Marcinos, is this tactics book good? i see microsoft press :P
RxR(1799) whispers: yes draw without big errors 35.Rb8+ (1:36)
cytrus(2006) whispers: time to attack d6 pawn.
Marcinos(2069) whispers: I don't have it, I heard it's quite good. silman, after all, isn't it? 35...Kh7 (0:25)
RxR(1799) whispers: and rb8+ helps black a bit
cytrus(2006) whispers: Rd8
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Give me Cytrus a big hug ;p
Delenn(2108) whispers: Rd8, Rd3 36.Kg3 (0:29)
cytrus(2006) whispers: BIG HUG :P
RxR(1799) whispers: yes rd8 rd3 rxd6 rxf3
cytrus(2006) whispers: why didn`t he play Rd8 ???
RxR(1799) whispers: see above 36...Rd3 (0:46) 37.Rb5 (0:04)
plutonas(1457) whispers: no marcinos it's not silman maybe you meant another book?
cytrus(2006) whispers: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Then Seirawann, right?
Marcinos(2069) whispers: No, i meant this particular.
gwolff(1894) whispers: g5 and bring the king into the game
Marcinos(2069) whispers: No usefull way to bring him, unfotunately. Or am I wrong?
RxR(1799) whispers: d5 still is weak. get a b to c5 and its gone
gwolff(1894) whispers: g5 Kf2 Kg6 Ke2 Rc3-c5
Marcinos(2069) whispers: I think is unwinnable guys. Trying to push it like this may result i only one... result:)
Delenn(2108) whispers: Bd4 then
RxR(1799) whispers: bd4 would be great if the pawn was on g5 already
Marcinos(2069) whispers: If pawns were d5-black, d4 white, it'd be all another stoy, but now
RxR(1799) whispers: but now bd4 kf4 or bd4 rb7+ both look OK for white to me at least 37...g5 (7:31)
gwolff(1894) whispers: good job maple
gwolff(1894) whispers: maybe it will help that poland is already at 23:00 at night
RxR(1799) whispers: now bd4 looks like a threat, but gwolffs kf2 seems hard to crack 38.Kf2 (1:25) Kg6 (0:10)
Delenn(2108) whispers: Also yusupovs latest books from Quality Chess are excellent 39.Ke2 (0:02)
Plebusan(1788) whispers: it might help if mechanize is an old man :)
gwolff(1894) whispers: so far this is the same as my line :) 39...Ra3 (0:12) 40.Rb6 (0:40)
RxR(1799) whispers: yes and that is :( not ;) 40...Ra2+ (0:18) 41.Ke3 (0:02)
RxR(1799) whispers: because this looks like what white needed 41...Rxg2 (0:54) 42.Rxd6+ (0:02) Kf5 (0:12)
Plebusan(1788) whispers: hmm, whites e-pawn looks good to me
Plebusan(1788) whispers: but I guess Maple needed some imbalance to work with
RxR(1799) whispers: yes 43.Rc6 (2:04) Rg3 (0:18) 44.d6 (0:02) Ke6 (0:20) 45.Ra6 (0:03) Rxh3 (0:16)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Rxh3 looks promising 46.d7+ (0:21)
Plebusan(1788) whispers: yes, maybe he got the e-pawn under control, and can achieve something with g and/or h-pawn
Vishyy(1873) whispers: draw! draw draw!
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: shit
Plebusan(1788) whispers: oh, good move
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Don't tell me he didnt see it. I thought it was on purpose and it's a nice decision
Marcinos(2069) whispers: To sacrifice bishop for 2 pawns
gwolff(1894) whispers: Ke7 and black has winning chances
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Then e8Q and same result
Plebusan(1788) whispers: Ke7 still loses the bishop 46...Kxd7 (1:49)
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Ra8+ a7+ 47.Ra7+ (0:02)
Vishyy(1873) whispers: It is high time we opened champagne 47...Ke6 (1:06) 48.Rxg7 (0:01)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Problem is white can at least sac the knight for a pawn and get a Philidor
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: Gul Gul Gul ;-))
Marcinos(2069) whispers: aybe balck counted on pin and g4, 48...Kf6 (0:11)
Delenn(2108) whispers: nah, black king has no shelter
Vishyy(1873) whispers: Rg8!
milpat(1891) whispers: N will go too?
plutonas(1457) whispers: Rh7 Kg6 or whatever and Nxg5?
milpat(1891) whispers: Rg8 Kf7 R somewhere g4?
plutonas(1457) whispers: oops forget what i said
HyperMagnus(2017) whispers: yes milpat 49.Rg8 (1:16)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Doesn't Ra7 hold, g4 should work cause of lateral checks
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Shouldn't
HyperMagnus(2017) whispers: still drawn 49...Kf7 (0:20) 50.Ra8 (0:02)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Yeah, this
milpat(1891) whispers: oh, king cant hide after g4, u right
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: i see the draw here 50...g4 (0:59) 51.Ra7+ (0:04)
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: Good idea 51...Kg6 (0:30) 52.Ra6+ (0:02)
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: black king must go for white rook
Jammes(1903) whispers: + + + ... kf4 gxf r... xf3 rxf3 kh1
Plebusan(1788) whispers: getting out of the checks should be easy, just walk towards the a-file with king 52...Kf5 (0:19) 53.Ra5+ (0:02) Ke6 (0:41)
RxR(1799) whispers: problem is that doesnt help much
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: The problem is once you play that the white rook gets to the f file and probably something like exf3 Rxf will occur
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Still a draw, typical ending with h and f pawn will occur with black king far away 54.Ra6+ (0:12)
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: Not even that, white can cature the f pawn 54...Kd5 (0:29) 55.Ra5+ (0:02)
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Yes, for instance
Marcinos(2069) whispers: But black at least tried to complicate matters, credit to him!
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: kc4 is really bad here
Plebusan(1788) whispers: yes, nice effort Mapleleaf
Jammes(1903) whispers: gratz szachista for championship :) or should i wait :). gg both
RxR(1799) whispers: so congrats to szachista!
gutierez(1851) whispers: I tak jest remis
LaurentiuI(1836) whispers: He could try g3 as a desperado
Mapleleaf(1915) whispers: kc6 ra6 intending rxh6 and ne5?
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: so we're the single champs ;)
Jammes(1903) whispers: why ra6 i think kf4 after kc6
RxR(1799) whispers: kf4 looks good enough too but surely bringing the whire rook back to the f file directly is simpler
Jammes(1903) whispers: oh yes didnt thing rhat rook can leave aline
Jammes(1903) whispers: think
gutierez(1851) whispers: to co operacja remis? :D
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: no tak ;)
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: zwyciezki remis
gutierez(1851) whispers: nazwijmy ten motyw "szkalan pulapka"
Jammes(1903) whispers: what does szachista mean? Chesscube?
Marcinos(2069) whispers: Chess player
gutierez(1851) whispers: czarne juz to chyba widza 55...Ke6 (5:32) 56.Ra6+ (0:02)
gutierez(1851) whispers: hehe
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: Szachista = Chess player
Jammes(1903) whispers: yes did understood. tx.
Jammes(1903) whispers: ista = player?
RxR(1799) whispers: jammes its the same pattern in english, for instance economy, economist
gutierez(1851) whispers: Yes jemmes... jemmes bond
wojtekzam(1747) whispers: exactly
hugozver(1883) whispers: tak! 56...Kf5 (3:03) 57.Ra5+ (0:02)
gutierez(1851) whispers: Tak i Nie. Oto dwie odpowiedzi
gutierez(1851) whispers: :) 57...Kf6 (0:18)
hugozver(1883) whispers: ;)
Jammes(1903) whispers: chess chessplayer. depends on the word :)
Jammes(1903) whispers: chessist never heard
MisUszatek(1742) whispers: Chess player = man who play in chess = szachista in polish
plutonas(1457) whispers: why don't they agree on a draw? i don't think anything will change
RxR(1799) whispers: plutonas the match stands 2/1 to whites team and this is the last game so draw ) loss for black mechanize lost connection; game adjourned *
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