umko(2504) vs. zotacge(2337) 1/2-1/2
Login to get PGN standard 15+0, 2010-11-27
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 1...c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 2...d6 (0:04) 3.d4 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 3...cxd4 (0:01) 4.Nxd4 (0:01)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 4...Nf6 (0:04) 5.Nc3 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 5...a6 (0:04) 6.Be3 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 6...Nc6 (0:05) 7.f3 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 7...e6 (0:04) 8.Qd2 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 8...Be7 (0:04) 9.O-O-O (0:30)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.34/19 (29.57 sec, 38362976 nodes, 1297 knps) PV=O-O-O Nxd4 Qxd4 e5 Qd2 Be6 g4 Rc8 g5 Nh5 Kb1 Nf4 Bxf4 exf4 Qxf4 Bxg5 Qxd6 Qxd6 Rxd6 O-O Nd5 Rfd8 Rxd8+ Rxd8 Rg1 Bd2 9...Qc7 (0:08) 10.g4 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.43/18 (4.51 sec, 4673528 nodes, 1036 knps) PV=(Nxd4) Qxd4 e5 10...b5 (0:04) 11.Nxc6 (0:28)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.40/18 (28.31 sec, 41171060 nodes, 1454 knps) PV=Nxc6 Qxc6 a3 Nd7 h4 Ne5 Be2 11...Qxc6 (0:07) 12.Qd4 (0:27)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.28/18 (35.01 sec, 51303540 nodes, 1465 knps) PV=Qd4 O-O h4 Qb7 a3 Bd7 Qb6 Bc6 Qxb7 Bxb7 Be2 Nd7 h5 h6 Kb1 Rac8 12...O-O (0:12) 13.h4 (0:21)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.26/19 (33.42 sec, 56716571 nodes, 1697 knps) PV=h4 Qb7 a3 Bd7 Qb6 Bc6 Qxb7 Bxb7 Be2 Nd7 g5 Ne5 h5 Nc4 Bxc4 bxc4 h6 g6 Kb1 f6 gxf6 Bxf6 Rxd6 Bxc3 bxc3 Rxf3 13...Rb8 (0:09) 14.a3 (0:25)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.60/18 (25.02 sec, 39910479 nodes, 1595 knps) PV=a3 14...Nd7 (0:31) 15.h5 (0:24)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.70/18 (24.34 sec, 30784159 nodes, 1265 knps) PV=h5 h6 g5 hxg5 h6 Bf6 Qb4 Nc5 hxg7 Kxg7 Be2 Rg8 Rdg1 Kf8 Rh6 Nd7 Rh7 Nc5 Kb1 Rg6 Bc4 15...h6 (0:10) 16.g5 (0:20)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.80/17 (30.05 sec, 38918910 nodes, 1295 knps) PV=g5 16...Bxg5 (0:09) 17.Bxg5 (0:19)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.92/17 (29.02 sec, 43982997 nodes, 1516 knps) PV=Bxg5 hxg5 h6 f6 Qg1 Ne5 hxg7 Kxg7 Qh2 Kf7 f4 gxf4 Qxf4 Ke7 Be2 Qc5 Rh7+ Nf7 Rg7 Qe5 Qh4 Bb7 Bh5 Rbc8 Kb1 17...hxg5 (0:02) 18.h6 (0:25)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.52/18 (27.99 sec, 44244862 nodes, 1581 knps) PV=h6 f6 Qg1 Ne5 hxg7 Kxg7 Qh2 Kf7 f4 gxf4 Qxf4 Ke7 Be2 Qc5 Rh7+ Rf7 Rh6 Nc4 Bxc4 bxc4 Rh5 e5 Qg3 Be6 Rh6 Qa5 18...f6 (0:14) 19.Qg1 (0:12)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.68/19 (26.43 sec, 43936319 nodes, 1662 knps) PV=Qg1 Ne5 19...Ne5 (0:18) 20.hxg7 (0:08)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.64/17 (25.93 sec, 48033137 nodes, 1852 knps) PV=hxg7 20...Kxg7 (0:10) 21.Qh2 (0:20)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.49/17 (20.02 sec, 35155084 nodes, 1756 knps) PV=Qh2 21...Kf7 (0:15) 22.f4 (0:19)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.29/18 (19.28 sec, 31808487 nodes, 1650 knps) PV=f4 gxf4 22...gxf4 (0:05) 23.Qxf4 (0:18)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.09/17 (23.84 sec, 38637859 nodes, 1621 knps) PV=Qxf4 Ke7 23...Qc5 (0:05) 24.Rh7+ (0:18)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.23/17 (17.60 sec, 30527642 nodes, 1734 knps) PV=Rh7+ Ke8 Be2 Rb7 Rh6 Rg7 Rxf6 Rxf6 Qxf6 Rg1 Bf1 Qe3+ Kb1 Nf7 Be2 Rxd1+ Bxd1 Qg1 Ka2 Qg5 Qd4 Qc5 Qxc5 dxc5 Kb3 Ne5 Be2 24...Ke8 (0:10) 25.Be2 (0:11)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.06/18 (21.79 sec, 32373617 nodes, 1486 knps) PV=Be2 Rb7 Rh6 b4 Bh5+ Kd7 Rh7+ Kc6 axb4 Qxb4 Rxb7 Kxb7 Na2 Qb6 Qh6 Qd8 Nc3 Ka8 Qd2 Rh8 Be2 Rh2 Qxd6 Qxd6 Rxd6 Kb8 b4 25...Rb7 (0:05) 26.Bh5+ (0:15)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.03/19 (21.26 sec, 30207742 nodes, 1421 knps) PV=Bh5+ Kd8 26...Kd8 (0:05) 27.Qh6 (0:15)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/19 (20.39 sec, 33513976 nodes, 1644 knps) PV=Qh6 Rxh7 Qxh7 Qc7 Qh6 Qe7 Rg1 Nf7 Qe3 Ne5 a4 bxa4 Nxa4 Rh8 Be2 Bb7 Qb6+ Ke8 Nc3 Rh2 Qa7 Nc6 Qb6 Ne5 27...Rxh7 (0:10) 28.Qxh7 (0:10)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.02/19 (19.53 sec, 21518685 nodes, 1102 knps) PV=Qxh7 28...Nd7 (0:06) 29.Bg6 (0:15)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/20 (14.81 sec, 22703924 nodes, 1533 knps) PV=Bg6 Ne5 Bh5 29...Bb7 (0:11) 30.Kb1 (0:14)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.25/18 (14.26 sec, 21763590 nodes, 1526 knps) PV=Kb1 Qe5 30...Qe5 (0:09) 31.Rd2 (0:08)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.43/16 (17.64 sec, 27630232 nodes, 1566 knps) PV=Rd2 f5 exf5 exf5 Re2 Qf6 Rh2 f4 Be4 f3 Bxb7 f2 Bg2 f1=Q+ Bxf1 Qxf1+ Ka2 Qc4+ Ka1 Rf1+ Nb1 Kc7 Rh6 a5 Qe7 Qd4 Ka2 31...Bc6 (0:09) 32.Rd1 (0:13)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.79/15 (13.46 sec, 19636784 nodes, 1459 knps) PV=Rd1 f5 Qh4+ Kc7 exf5 exf5 Qf2 Nc5 Rg1 f4 Re1 Qg7 Rg1 Qf6 Bh5 f3 Rg6 Qe5 Bg4 Kb8 32...f5 (0:15) 33.Qh4+ (0:01)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.55/18 (16.65 sec, 28494252 nodes, 1711 knps) PV=Qh4+ 33...Kc7 (0:04) 34.exf5 (0:12)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.45/18 (16.90 sec, 29037047 nodes, 1718 knps) PV=exf5 exf5 Qf2 Nb6 Re1 Qf6 Bh5 f4 Bf3 Bxf3 Qxf3 Qg7 Re4 Nc4 Qf2 Kc6 Rxf4 Rxf4 Qxf4 Nxa3+ Ka2 Nc4 Qf3+ Kc7 Qa8 Qd4 Qxa6 34...exf5 (0:05) 35.Qf2 (0:11)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -1.05/17 (16.21 sec, 23676375 nodes, 1461 knps) PV=Qf2 Nb6 35...Nc5 (0:07) 36.Re1 (0:12)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.68/18 (12.14 sec, 17184836 nodes, 1415 knps) PV=Re1 Qh8 Re7+ Kb8 Rh7 Qe5 Ne2 Be4 Nd4 Ka8 Bh5 Qd5 Bf3 Bxf3 Qxf3 Ne4 Qd1 Rc8 Rh5 Ng3 36...Qh8 (0:07) 37.Re7+ (0:07)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.73/19 (14.98 sec, 24201826 nodes, 1616 knps) PV=Re7+ Kb8 Rh7 Qe5 Ne2 Be4 Nd4 f4 Bxe4 Qxe4 Re7 Qh1+ Re1 Qd5 Nf3 Rh8 Nh4 Qh5 Nf3 Re8 Rxe8+ Qxe8 Qd4 Qf8 Qd5 37...Kb8 (0:14) 38.Rh7 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/19 (14.68 sec, 17195268 nodes, 1171 knps) PV=Rh7 Qe5 Ne2 Be4 Nd4 f4 Bxe4 Qxe4 Re7 Qh1+ Re1 Qd5 Nf3 Rh8 Nh4 Qh5 Nf3 Re8 Rxe8+ Qxe8 Qd4 Qf8 b4 Nd7 Kb2 38...Qg8 (0:05) 39.Qh2 (0:12)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -1.10/18 (11.58 sec, 19356572 nodes, 1671 knps) PV=Qh2 Qe6 Rh8 Nd7 Rxf8+ Nxf8 Bh5 Qe1+ Bd1 Qe5 Qf2 Nd7 Ne2 Be4 Nf4 Nc5 Qh4 Nb3 Qd8+ Ka7 Qd7+ Bb7 Ne6 Nd2+ Kc1 39...Qe6 (0:06) 40.Rh8 (0:08)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -1.05/18 (14.32 sec, 22183259 nodes, 1549 knps) PV=Rh8 Nd7 Rxf8+ Nxf8 Bh5 Qe1+ Bd1 Qe5 Qf2 Nd7 Ne2 Be4 Nf4 Nc5 Qh4 Ka7 Qh7+ Ka8 Qh4 Ne6 Nxe6 Qxe6 Qd8+ Kb7 40...Nd7 (0:10) 41.Rxf8+ (0:03)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.82/18 (13.96 sec, 17280739 nodes, 1238 knps) PV=Rxf8+ Nxf8 Qh8 Qe1+ Ka2 Qe7 b3 f4 Ne2 Kb7 Nxf4 Nxg6 Nxg6 Qf7 Qh6 Be4 Nf4 Qc7 Qh2 Qc3 Qf2 Qxc2+ Qxc2 Bxc2 Kb2 Be4 Kc3 Kb6 Kd4 41...Nxf8 (0:01) 42.Qh8 (0:13)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.71/18 (14.03 sec, 13077341 nodes, 932 knps) PV=Qh8 Qe1+ Ka2 Qe7 b3 f4 Ne2 f3 Nd4 Bd5 Bd3 Bb7 Nf5 Qd8 Qh2 Kc7 c4 bxc4 Bxc4 42...Qe1+ (0:11) 43.Ka2 (0:02)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.91/20 (13.24 sec, 6977978 nodes, 527 knps) PV=Ka2 Qe7 43...Qe7 (0:02) 44.b3 (0:11)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.76/19 (13.58 sec, 10730925 nodes, 790 knps) PV=b3 f4 Ne2 Kb7 Nxf4 Nxg6 Nxg6 Qf7 Qh6 Be4 Nf4 Bxc2 Ne6 Qg6 Qxg6 Bxg6 Kb2 Be4 Kc3 Bd5 Nf4 Kc6 b4 Be4 Kd4 44...f4 (0:05) 45.Ne2 (0:07)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.76/18 (12.69 sec, 5304105 nodes, 418 knps) PV=Ne2 45...Kb7 (0:07) 46.Nxf4 (0:10)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.72/17 (9.62 sec, 5630530 nodes, 585 knps) PV=Nxf4 Nxg6 Nxg6 Qf7 46...Nxg6 (0:05) 47.Nxg6 (0:06)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.72/17 (11.87 sec, 2588288 nodes, 218 knps) PV=Nxg6 Qf7 47...Qf7 (0:01) 48.Qh6 (0:11)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.72/16 (11.62 sec, 3557422 nodes, 306 knps) PV=Qh6 48...Be4 (0:06) 49.Nf4 (0:09)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.62/15 (8.51 sec, 3021883 nodes, 355 knps) PV=Nf4 Bxc2 Ne6 49...Qc7 (0:04) 50.Qh2 (0:08)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.57/16 (8.17 sec, 5853985 nodes, 716 knps) PV=Qh2 Qc3 Qe2 Bxc2 Qe7+ Qc7 Qxc7+ Kxc7 Kb2 Bf5 Kc3 Kd7 b4 Be4 Kd4 Bc6 Kc3 d5 Kd3 Kd6 Kd4 50...Qxc2+ (0:08) 51.Qxc2 (0:08)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.58/16 (7.95 sec, 2433695 nodes, 306 knps) PV=Qxc2 Bxc2 Kb2 Be4 Kc3 Kc6 Kd4 Bf5 b4 Kc7 Nd5+ Kd8 Nf4 Kd7 Nd5 Be6 Nf4 Ke7 Ng6+ Ke8 51...Bxc2 (0:00) 52.Kb2 (0:09)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.62/18 (9.77 sec, 2795164 nodes, 286 knps) PV=Kb2 Be4 Kc3 Kc6 Kd4 Bf5 b4 Kc7 Nd5+ Kd8 Nf4 Kd7 Nd5 Be6 Nf4 Bb3 Nd3 Ke6 Nf4+ Kf6 Ke4 52...Bh7 (0:06) 53.Kc3 (0:07)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.62/19 (7.18 sec, 4131998 nodes, 575 knps) PV=Kc3 Kc6 Kd4 Bf5 53...Bg8 (0:04) 54.b4 (0:07)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/19 (6.90 sec, 4678557 nodes, 678 knps) PV=b4 Kc7 Kd4 Kd7 Ne2 Bc4 Nf4 Be6 Ke4 Ke7 Kd4 Bb3 54...Kc6 (0:05) 55.Kd4 (0:07)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.62/19 (6.79 sec, 5824320 nodes, 858 knps) PV=Kd4 Kc7 Ne2 Bf7 Ke3 Kd7 Ke4 Ke7 Nc3 Be6 Kd4 Bb3 Ke3 Ke6 Kd4 Kf6 Ne4+ Ke7 Nc3 Be6 55...Bf7 (0:06) 56.Ke4 (0:06)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/19 (6.47 sec, 3677320 nodes, 568 knps) PV=Ke4 Bc4 Nh5 Kd7 Nf4 Ke7 Kd4 Be6 Ng6+ Kf6 Nf4 Bf7 Nd3 Ke7 Nf4 Kd7 Ne2 Kc7 56...Bc4 (0:07) 57.Nh5 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (7.94 sec, 4266841 nodes, 537 knps) PV=Nh5 Kd7 Nf4 Ke7 Kd4 Be6 Ng6+ Kf6 Nf4 Bf7 Ne2 Bh5 Nc3 Be8 Nd5+ Ke6 Nc7+ Kd7 Nd5 Kd8 Ne3 Bf7 57...Bd5+ (0:06) 58.Kf5 (0:06)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (6.30 sec, 4818610 nodes, 765 knps) PV=Kf5 Kb6 Nf6 Bf3 Kf4 Bc6 Kf5 Bg2 Kf4 Kc6 58...Bf7 (0:10) 59.Nf6 (0:06)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (6.15 sec, 4708958 nodes, 766 knps) PV=Nf6 Bc4 Ke4 Bf1 Kf4 Bg2 Kg3 Bh1 Kf4 59...Kb6 (0:08) 60.Ke4 (0:06)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (6.11 sec, 4628527 nodes, 757 knps) PV=Ke4 Be6 Kd4 Kc7 Ke4 Kd8 Kd4 Kc8 Ne4 Kc7 Nf6 Kc6 60...Kc7 (0:06) 61.Kd4 (0:06)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (6.02 sec, 2220467 nodes, 369 knps) PV=Kd4 Be6 61...Kb7 (0:05) 62.Ne4 (0:06)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (5.57 sec, 3381526 nodes, 607 knps) PV=Ne4 Kc6 Nf6 Be6 62...Kc6 (0:06) 63.Nf6 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (6.94 sec, 2082271 nodes, 300 knps) PV=Nf6 Be6 63...Be6 (0:04) 64.Ke3 (0:02)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/20 (7.01 sec, 8358825 nodes, 1192 knps) PV=Ke3 Bh3 Ke4 Bc8 Kd4 Bb7 Ke3 Kc7 Kf4 Kd8 Kf5 Ke7 Ng8+ Kd7 Nf6+ Kc6 64...Bc4 (0:06) 65.Ke4 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (5.47 sec, 5193446 nodes, 949 knps) PV=Ke4 65...Kc7 (0:05) 66.Kd4 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (5.41 sec, 2517664 nodes, 465 knps) PV=Kd4 Be6 66...Be6 (0:06) 67.Ne8+ (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (6.79 sec, 2895522 nodes, 426 knps) PV=Ne8+ 67...Kc6 (0:08) 68.Nf6 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/20 (5.47 sec, 2779788 nodes, 508 knps) PV=Nf6 Bf5 Nd5 Bc8 68...Bf7 (0:15) 69.Ke3 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (5.22 sec, 1711344 nodes, 328 knps) PV=Ke3 Bd5 Kf4 Bg2 69...Bg6 (0:10) 70.Kf4 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/20 (5.15 sec, 4972693 nodes, 965 knps) PV=Kf4 Kc7 Ke3 Bf5 Kd4 Kc6 70...Bb1 (0:07) 71.Ke3 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (4.98 sec, 4529888 nodes, 909 knps) PV=Ke3 Bc2 Kf4 Kc7 Nd5+ Kd7 Ke3 Bg6 Kd4 Kd8 Nf4 Bf5 Kd5 Kd7 Kd4 Be6 Ne2 Ke7 Nc3 Kd8 Ne4 71...Ba2 (0:06) ZotacGe offers a draw. umko declines the draw request. 72.Kd4 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (4.83 sec, 2497567 nodes, 517 knps) PV=Kd4 Kc7 Ne4 Be6 72...Bb3 (0:09) 73.Ke3 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (4.85 sec, 5078133 nodes, 1047 knps) PV=Ke3 Kc7 Ke4 Be6 Kd4 73...Bd5 (0:07) 74.Kf4 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/22 (5.04 sec, 3587550 nodes, 712 knps) PV=Kf4 Bh1 Kf5 Bg2 Kf4 Kc7 Kf5 Bh3+ Kf4 Kd8 Nd5 Bd7 Nc3 Ke7 Nd5+ Kf7 Ke3 Bc6 Kd4 Kf8 Nc7 Bb7 Ke3 Ke7 74...Bg2 (0:06) 75.Kf5 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/20 (4.50 sec, 3261108 nodes, 725 knps) PV=Kf5 Bh3+ Ke4 75...Kc7 (0:05) 76.Ke6 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/20 (4.33 sec, 3085526 nodes, 712 knps) PV=Ke6 Bc6 Ng8 Bd7+ Kd5 Be8 Nf6 Bg6 76...Bc6 (0:06) 77.Ng8 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (6.36 sec, 2718294 nodes, 427 knps) PV=Ng8 Bd7+ Kd5 Be8 Nf6 Bg6 Kd4 Bf7 77...Bd7+ (0:06) 78.Kd5 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/23 (6.90 sec, 3040337 nodes, 441 knps) PV=Kd5 Be8 Nf6 Bg6 Kd4 Bf7 78...Bg4 (0:04) 79.Nf6 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/20 (4.37 sec, 4027162 nodes, 921 knps) PV=Nf6 Bf3+ Ke6 Kc6 Kf5 Bg2 79...Bf3+ (0:04) 80.Ke6 (0:01)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/21 (5.45 sec, 1324641 nodes, 243 knps) PV=Ke6 Kc6 Kf5 Bg2 80...Kc6 (0:05) 81.Kf5 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/21 (5.87 sec, 1245588 nodes, 212 knps) PV=Kf5 Bg2 81...Bg2 (0:05) 82.Kf4 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/21 (5.56 sec, 3113825 nodes, 560 knps) PV=Kf4 Kc7 Kf5 Bh3+ Kf4 Kd8 Nd5 Bd7 Nc3 Ke7 Nd5+ Kf7 Nc3 Bc6 Ke3 Kf6 Kd4 Ke6 Ne2 Bb7 Nf4+ Kd7 82...Bd5 (0:05) ZotacGe offers a draw. umko declines the draw request. 83.Ke3 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/20 (4.57 sec, 5862359 nodes, 1283 knps) PV=Ke3 Bh1 Kd4 Kc7 Ke3 Bg2 Kd4 Kd8 Ng4 Bc6 Nf6 Ke7 Nh5 Ke6 Nf4+ Kf6 Nh5+ Ke7 Nf4 Bf3 Ke3 Bg4 83...Bb3 (0:12) 84.Kf4 (0:05)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (4.56 sec, 4478861 nodes, 982 knps) PV=Kf4 Kc7 Ke3 Be6 84...Bc2 (0:06) 85.Ke3 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/19 (4.25 sec, 7647741 nodes, 1799 knps) PV=Ke3 Bf5 Kd4 Bd7 Ke3 Bh3 Ke4 85...Bf5 (0:04) 86.Kd4 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/21 (5.25 sec, 2823921 nodes, 538 knps) PV=Kd4 Bd7 Ke3 Bh3 Ke4 86...Bg6 (0:04) 87.Ke3 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.63/21 (4.19 sec, 3992709 nodes, 953 knps) PV=Ke3 Kb6 Kd4 Kb7 Kd5 Kc7 87...Bc2 (0:07) 88.Kf4 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/22 (4.07 sec, 2074082 nodes, 509 knps) PV=Kf4 Kc7 Nd5+ Kd7 Ke3 Bf5 88...Kc7 (0:11) 89.Nd5+ (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/21 (11.93 sec, 6282411 nodes, 527 knps) PV=Nd5+ Kd7 Ke3 Bf5 Kd4 Kd8 Nf4 Bc8 89...Kd7 (0:05) 90.Ke3 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/22 (5.76 sec, 2240015 nodes, 389 knps) PV=Ke3 Bf5 Kd4 Kd8 Nf4 Bc8 Kd5 Kd7 Kd4 Bb7 Ke3 Ke7 Kd3 Kf6 Kd4 Kf5 Nd5 Ke6 Nf4+ Kf7 Ne2 Ke6 90...Bb3 (0:05) 91.Nc3 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.62/18 (4.20 sec, 7973285 nodes, 1898 knps) PV=Nc3 Bc4 Kd4 Bf7 a4 Kc6 axb5+ axb5 Ne4 Be6 Nc3 Kb6 Ke3 Bb3 Kd4 Bc4 Ne4 Kc6 91...Kc6 (0:05) 92.Kd4 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.66/20 (4.05 sec, 4535509 nodes, 1120 knps) PV=Kd4 Bc2 Nd5 Bd1 Nf4 Bf3 Ke3 Bh1 Kd4 Kd7 Nd3 Ke7 Nf4 Bc6 Ke3 Kf6 Kd4 Bb7 Nd5+ Bxd5 Kxd5 Ke7 Kd4 92...Be6 (0:05) 93.a4 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! -0.62/20 (3.93 sec, 2343104 nodes, 596 knps) PV=a4 Kb6 axb5 axb5 Ke3 Bc4 Kd4 Kc6 Ne4 Kd7 Nd2 Bf7 Ne4 Be6 Nf6+ Ke7 Ne4 Bb3 Ke3 Bf7 Nc3 Bc4 93...bxa4 (0:07) 94.Nxa4 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/18 (3.85 sec, 3073701 nodes, 798 knps) PV=Nxa4 Kb5 Nc3+ Kc6 Ne4 d5 Nc5 Bc8 Nd3 Be6 Nc5 94...Kb5 (0:05) 95.Nc3+ (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/21 (5.00 sec, 3002126 nodes, 600 knps) PV=Nc3+ Kc6 Ne4 d5 Nc5 Bc8 Nd3 Be6 Nc5 95...Kxb4 (0:04) 96.Ne4 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/24 (3.86 sec, 2571137 nodes, 666 knps) PV=Ne4 d5 Nc5 a5 Nxe6 96...a5 (0:05) 97.Nxd6 (0:04)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/29 (3.76 sec, 3010216 nodes, 800 knps) PV=Nxd6 97...a4 (0:04) 98.Kd3 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.01 sec, 50 nodes, 5 knps) PV=Kd3 98...Kb3 (0:04) 99.Nb7 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.01 sec, 50 nodes, 5 knps) PV=Nb7 99...Bc4+ (0:04) 100.Kd2 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.00 sec, 50 nodes, 50 knps) PV=Kd2 100...a3 (0:08) 101.Na5+ (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.01 sec, 50 nodes, 5 knps) PV=Na5+ 101...Ka4 (0:06) 102.Kc1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.02 sec, 50 nodes, 2 knps) PV=Kc1 102...Kxa5 (0:09) 103.Kb1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.01 sec, 50 nodes, 5 knps) PV=Kb1 103...Ka4 (0:07) 104.Ka1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.00 sec, 50 nodes, 50 knps) PV=Ka1 104...Bd5 (0:04) 105.Kb1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 105...Kb3 (0:05) 106.Ka1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.00 sec, 50 nodes, 50 knps) PV=Ka1 106...Bf3 (0:05) 107.Kb1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 107...Bd1 (0:06) 108.Ka1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.00 sec, 50 nodes, 50 knps) PV=Ka1 108...Be2 (0:04) 109.Kb1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 109...Bd3+ (0:04) 110.Ka1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.00 sec, 50 nodes, 50 knps) PV=Ka1 110...Ba6 (0:05) 111.Kb1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 111...Be2 (0:04) 112.Ka1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.00 sec, 50 nodes, 50 knps) PV=Ka1 112...Bd1 (0:01) 113.Kb1 (0:00)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/0 (-0.01 sec, 0 nodes, 0 knps) PV= 113...Bc2+ (0:00) 114.Ka1 (0:01)
umko(2504) kibitzes: !!! +0.00/50 (0.00 sec, 50 nodes, 50 knps) PV=Ka1 114...Bd3 (0:00) Game drawn by stalemate 1/2-1/2
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