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jariv(1639) vs. uglyandy(1598) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-11-25

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:04) d5 (0:04)
kocur(1599) whispers: hello
3.exd5 (0:52) cxd5 (0:04) 4.c4 (0:02) Nf6 (0:05) 5.Nf3 (0:26) e6 (0:35) 6.Nc3 (0:03) Be7 (1:09) 7.cxd5 (0:17) Nxd5 (0:06)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Andy to the win
nubie(1632) whispers: same as last game with a little transposition
nubie(1632) whispers: last game jariv played Bc4 here
Marcinos(2061) whispers: It.s CK Panov by transposition
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Bc4 is wrong, Bd3 is the move
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Bc4 is worse, becasue vlack wishes to play a6-b5 at some moment
Marcinos(2061) whispers: And at c4 it will gain a tempo
8.Bc4 (5:03)
nubie(1632) whispers: eh, no improvement
nubie(1632) whispers: :)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Perhaps he knows position after Bc4 well. Taking at d5 definetely not a threat
8...O-O (2:58)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: go jariv!
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: saw shiv play this line only yesterday
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: although laurentiui smashed him hehe. slightly different. coz white managed to go complex e4 line
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Shiv=Shirov?:D
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: shirov xxx
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: That was a different line, from the Nc6 Panov
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: yeah it was different
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: The e6 lines are slighly more solid imo
Aneirin(1796) whispers: omg
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: only thing i know is white has to attack
milpat(1891) whispers: Go Jariv! Go ArchBishops!!!
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: and d4 gives more active dev for white pieces
9.O-O (5:01) b6 (2:35) 10.Nxd5 (2:36) exd5 (0:33)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Not he best decison, to say the least
Marcinos(2061) whispers: It's much easier to presure d4 for black, than d5 for white
11.Bd3 (1:05)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: i agree i dont go for this at all
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: but i sort of play cowardly
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Bg4 looks good, then Nc6 and Bf6
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: These positions are not without poison, white can set up a battery with Bc2 Qd3 black can get in trouble if he's not careful
Keresch(1974) whispers: i think white is ahead in development
Marcinos(2061) whispers: After blacks move it should be even, white lacks serious initiative
Keresch(1974) whispers: hi laurentiul
11...Bg4 (2:40)
Aneirin(1796) whispers: I can't watch this.
Keresch(1974) whispers: ignore him and play Qc2
Keresch(1974) whispers: hi Captin aneirin
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Will loss of pawn h7 outwiegh nightmare structure after Bxf3?
milpat(1891) whispers: is h3 best?
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: h3 is good
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: i wud play it
milpat(1891) whispers: or Be2?
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: qc2 i dnt like
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: I wouldn't even think of Qc2
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: not Be2
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: that bishop is beautiful on d3
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: yeah qc2 luks bad
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Bd6 and Qg5 looks real scary after Bxf3
milpat(1891) whispers: Qc2 Bxf3 Bxh7
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Probably then smthg like Bh5-g6, but it costs time
milpat(1891) whispers: not sure i like
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: grabbing the pawn is probably ok too
milpat(1891) whispers: trade K safety for a pawn?
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Why not Bc2 Qd3?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I don't mean that it's good
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: merely that it's playable ;)
milpat(1891) whispers: ah, i like that Laur
12.Be2 (5:42)
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: I guess black can counter with Bh5-g6 there
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Just Nc6 first, there's no longer tactic on h7
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: THis is too passive
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: only maintains symmetry
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I hate making moves like this
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: With Nc6 black already gets some pressure
RxR(1789) whispers: oh jaberwock(*) is here!
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: you concede a tempo and take your bishop off a nice diagonal just to alleviate a pin (admittedly a fairly unpleasant one)
milpat(1891) whispers: (*)!
RxR(1789) whispers: I guess congrats are in order?
jaberwock(2064) whispers: this means I have to behave
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Yeah, server image and all that:)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I thought it meant we had to behave ;)
12...Nc6 (2:51)
jaberwock(2064) whispers: I know you guys better to know you won't change :D
jaberwock(2064) whispers: I find these symmetrical positions so tough to play either side.
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: GBate is in the Vice Unit around here, they're probably okay:P
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: yeah, me too
13.Be3 (2:15)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: u dont isolate pawns to defend them :)
13...Rc8 (0:53)
RxR(1789) whispers: responding to b6 with Nxd5 is supposed to be good but then white plays Bd3/Be2 in the next 2 moves for some strange reason
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Yeah that wasn't the most sharp maneuver
14.Ne5 (3:13)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Probably just xe2 and blacks bihop looks better
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Rather not Nxe6
Marcinos(2061) whispers: 5
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Bxe2 Qxe2 Nxe5 dxe5 d4 might be critical
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: Rd1 there
Marcinos(2061) whispers: And d4 will probably fall.
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I think its more a question of whether the d-pawn s strong or weak
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Hm, not so simple
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I think it's probably quite strong here
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Bc5 with Re8 coming
Marcinos(2061) whispers: At the moment white's d4 pawn looks more like a problem, then why change position type?
14...Nxe5 (4:00)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: hmm
nubie(1632) whispers: in the last game black was quite successful at pressuring the d-pawn although it was on a half-open file then
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Well, we'll see why then:)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: now white has the choice about changing structure
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: by last u mean same opp sameopening?
nubie(1632) whispers: yes they played same line 2-3 rounds ago, same colors
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: ah lol
nubie(1632) whispers: but andy deviated on move 9 or so here
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: i guess they are like magicians who know each others trick :D
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: lol sounds like one of those gm world cup things :)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: White spends much time on decions which should be made beforehand
RxR(1789) whispers: sorry for caps
milpat(1891) whispers: we hear u :)
BuyJupiter(1542) whispers: that was some "whisper" :-)
15.dxe5 (3:33)
milpat(1891) whispers: haha
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Well, at least there's some imbalance here
15...Bxe2 (1:10) 16.Qxe2 (0:05)
Jammes(1903) whispers: yes difficult to say if d5 is a good one or weak
milpat(1891) whispers: sure that target it is clear plan
16...d4 (1:21)
milpat(1891) whispers: mm some Rd1?
BuyJupiter(1542) whispers: which would be better.... a or f?
milpat(1891) whispers: good question
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: f
Jammes(1903) whispers: yes rd1 bc5 rd3 qd5 rd1 qx rx looks =
milpat(1891) whispers: i'd like keep a-rook for c-file possibilities, and keep f-for e-file pawn protect
Marcinos(2061) whispers: f5 looks like a good outpost for black queen
17.Rfd1 (1:57)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: hmm Bc5 b4 is interesting
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: then Bxb4 Rxd4 Qe7
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: but it doesn't seem possible to take advantage of black's slightly loose pieces there
RxR(1789) whispers: just bc5 qg4 and bxd4 next?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: another vaguely interesting idea is Bc5 Qg4 dxe3 Rxd8 exf2+ and Rfxd8
RxR(1789) whispers: nice
17...Bc5 (3:32)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: or Rcxd8, which seems better
18.Qg4 (0:37)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: b4 at least avoids the queen 'sac'
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I would go for it here
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Nice idea indeed!
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: that f2 pawn is really hard for white to get rid of
RxR(1789) whispers: yes, that line is much better than just losing a pawn
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: in which case black is in no danger of losing
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: white queen would have to protect the backrank
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Lets assume for the oment, black will lose his pawn on d4 and echange bishops thereafter. You find such an ending winnable?
RxR(1789) whispers: s till that looks possible so i may not be more than =
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Winnable for whom?
RxR(1789) whispers: pawn for nothing is winnable
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: the queen sac line seems to give black all the practical chances though
milpat(1891) whispers: Q sac?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: with dxe3 etc
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: not really a sac, as black gets material equivalent
18...Qd5 (4:21)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: I'd be amused if white would win 4vs3 endind, but maybe I'm just unhappty with blacks position
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: There are pawns on both sides of the board, it's not yet 4v3
RxR(1789) whispers: and remember even kasparov has lost the 4 vs 3 rook ending
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: you can't win every game, but you can give yourself a chance at least
19.Bxd4 (2:01)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: this gives white a chance
19...Bxd4 (0:12)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Black will have Rc2
milpat(1891) whispers: wass there something with Qxe5 b4?
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Meh, black gets some activity with Rc2
20.Qxd4 (0:13)
LaurentiuI(1824) whispers: Rc2 Rd7
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: with two rooks vs two rooks, there are more chances of winning the 4 vs 3
Jammes(1903) whispers: i wondered about my engine 18. rc7 but now i understand rc7 bxd4 h5!!-+
20...Qxd4 (1:19)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Definetely take this queen andy. With queens on it's much easier for white
21.Rxd4 (0:03)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Uff
jassch(2084) whispers: This looks drawish
jassch(2084) whispers: But still has lots of play. Esp. for 1600s
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: even for 2k :P
jassch(2084) whispers: Uh, yes. :)
21...Rfe8 (1:19) 22.f4 (0:15)
jassch(2084) whispers: Trade off one set of rooks, trade off queenside pawns, and a 4-3 majority on one side of the board is an almost certain draw
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Maybe f6 to try Rc2 and Re2?
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: go go Bishops!!
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: hi jassch
jassch(2084) whispers: hi Carlos
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: :D see my fingers #4
22...Rc2 (1:52)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: ok so f6 is what is not good for white
jassch(2084) whispers: Yea. I remember. :)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: lol, that's some damn good advice
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: that is vulgar !!
23.b4 (2:54)
milpat(1891) whispers: what u say rooks enders, Rd7 playable? its b for a?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: it probably doesn't make much difference, but in general I would not be trading pawns as white
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: f6 as jas said
Jammes(1903) whispers: f6!?
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: very cool move which is giving equality
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: not that 4vs 3
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: ah yes, allows the other black rook in if takes
jassch(2084) whispers: I think white has to keep pawns on both sides of the board to try to win.
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: and second choice to sit is also bad :(
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: may benot that bad
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I would happily give up two pawns to double rooks on the seventh
milpat(1891) whispers: so, if f6 Re4?
SneakyRussian(1764) whispers: f6 is not an easy move to spot though
milpat(1891) whispers: Sneak-boy!
SneakyRussian(1764) whispers: :)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: It just comes to idea, not moves themselves
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: true
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: f6 has tactics attached to it so i agree its not easy
SneakyRussian(1764) whispers: black will likely play a5 or something :)
23...f6 (4:45)
jassch(2084) whispers: g5 looks interesting. white cn'at talke without crippling his majority
SneakyRussian(1764) whispers: wow
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: well maybe it wasnt that hard :d coz one rook is already in
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: whites choiece will be hard
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: f4 didnt turn out well now pawns are weak
Jammes(1903) whispers: f6 re1 rxa2 fxe5 . e pawn might be strong
Marcinos(2061) whispers: He probably should go Rd7 at once and forget this pawn
Jammes(1903) whispers: aeh ment fxe fxe rxa
RxR(1789) whispers: isnt re4 worth a try?
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Then Rd8 with same idea, 2 rooks on 2nd
RxR(1789) whispers: re4 rd8 e6
Jammes(1903) whispers: rd8 exact thats wat i thought
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Then he may just come back with Rd8 and e6 wiil be lost
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: rd5 re2
RxR(1789) whispers: re4 rd8 e6 and e6 is in no danger
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: Re1 is the only way to play for a win here
RxR(1789) whispers: re4 doesnt look so good I agree, but I cant really see the refutation
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Was Rd8 mentioned?
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Refutation is too strong word:)
24.Re4 (6:28)
TGV(1766) whispers: Sounds like a George Bushism word
RxR(1789) whispers: I still dont see it after rd8 e6
Jammes(1903) whispers: ok analysed with engine rd8 fails due e6
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: Rd8 e6 seems rather awkward
Marcinos(2061) whispers: He may just come back with rook and e6 will be a tasty target
24...fxe5 (1:10)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: hmm, I guess f5 if e6
Jammes(1903) whispers: f5 than
25.fxe5 (0:08)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: f5 from black, that is
25...Kf7 (0:14)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Very calm play
Jammes(1903) whispers: ok now i can say kf7 instead rd8was solution
26.Rf1+ (1:03) Ke6 (0:12)
TGV(1766) whispers: anyone for 26. Rd1?
RxR(1789) whispers: hmm blacks active king worth at least the pawn here
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: yeah
Jammes(1903) whispers: but this looks ok for black too?
Jammes(1903) whispers: yes
27.a4 (2:26)
Vishyy(1872) whispers: Przywital
Vishyy(1872) whispers: hi
27...Kd5 (1:37)
Jammes(1903) whispers: oh rg4
28.Rfe1 (1:32)
RxR(1789) whispers: as long as black gets the 2 rooks on the 2nd he doesnt care about much else
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Get back to e6 with this king
28...Rc4 (3:18) 29.Rxc4 (2:32) Kxc4 (0:04) 30.Re4+ (0:15) Kd5 (0:25)
Jammes(1903) whispers: black has or not slide edge
Vishyy(1872) whispers: seems like equalization
Jammes(1903) whispers: active king i like black
TGV(1766) whispers: I think blacks better from a pawn structure and centralized K perspective
jsobo(1633) whispers: hmm... can black win by force if Kf2
jsobo(1633) whispers: I guess not
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Yes, white slightly overextended
31.Rf4 (2:19)
milpat(1891) whispers: probably Kf2 KxR
milpat(1891) whispers: mm why not attack pawn?
milpat(1891) whispers: mmm welll Rf7 will do
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Rather Rd7, otherwsie havok by white on 7th rank
milpat(1891) whispers: will do even better
jsobo(1633) whispers: Re7 1/2-1/2
31...Rxe5 (1:11)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Well, if black wishes to win...:)
32.Rf7 (0:45) Re4 (0:58)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: They seem to be suprised by opponents moves constntly
33.Rxg7 (0:55) Rxb4 (0:17) 34.Rxa7 (0:04) h5 (1:25)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: a5
RxR(1789) whispers: yes a5 looks promising now
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: though its still just a draw
milpat(1891) whispers: or finally get white K active?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: but a winnable draw ;)
35.a5 (0:44)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: h4 is ok here
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: anything else gets black into trouble, I think
milpat(1891) whispers: go JARIV!
35...b5 (1:13)
milpat(1891) whispers: Rh7?
nubie(1632) whispers: or Rg7 maybe
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: hmm Rd7+ is a clever idea
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: since black has to play Ke6 or Kc6 to stop a6-a7
RxR(1789) whispers: does he have to stop a6-a7?
milpat(1891) whispers: nah , let a-pawn go please :)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: not sure, but its a way of generating winning chances
RxR(1789) whispers: rh7 is too slow?
36.Rh7 (3:34) Ra4 (1:01)
milpat(1891) whispers: omg
37.Rxh5+ (0:15)
milpat(1891) whispers: this good for white, uh?
RxR(1789) whispers: looking good for white now
milpat(1891) whispers: g-h pawns will talk
milpat(1891) whispers: ...finally
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: on the contrary, I think black's b-pawn sails now
37...Kc6 (1:15)
milpat(1891) whispers: Rh6 a6
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: whereas its quite difficult to get the g and h pawns going
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: yeah, Kc4 was much better
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: cos of that
milpat(1891) whispers: with little progress
RxR(1789) whispers: but kc4 rh4-! 1/0?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: nope
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: Kb3 there, and Rxa4 bxa4
nubie(1632) whispers: why 1-0 there?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: and 0-1 :)
milpat(1891) whispers: had , but black Q with checkQ at same time i think
milpat(1891) whispers: wow
milpat(1891) whispers: let me reformulate :)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: oh, hang on
38.Kf1 (2:19)
milpat(1891) whispers: had Q at same time i think , but black Q with check (better :)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: slight error there, Kc5 not Kb3
RxR(1789) whispers: but kc4 rh4 kb3 rxa4 is 1/0 but kc4 rh4 kc5 is possibly OK for black
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: and then black can stop the a-pawn
38...Rxa5 (0:11) 39.g4 (0:45)
RxR(1789) whispers: but like here the white king may be able to rush over
39...Ra4 (0:37)
nubie(1632) whispers: actually right now it seems to me white wins in Kc5 line since Kf1 is enough to reach the b-pawn. Could be miscounting something
40.g5 (1:29)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: you are
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: cos it's not a b-pawn anymore in that line
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: its an a-pawn :)
nubie(1632) whispers: lol you're right :)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: Ra1 + is also there
40...b4 (1:08)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: if nothing else, white is causing black some problems now
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I still think its drawn, but accuracy is needed to hold it now
RxR(1789) whispers: I think black is lost now
41.Ke2 (0:47)
RxR(1789) whispers: but its marginal
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: b3 Kd2 Rc4, must be a draw
milpat(1891) whispers: b3 Kd3 possible?
41...b3 (0:55)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: still Rc4 :)
Aneirin(1796) whispers: nice
milpat(1891) whispers: omg true lol
Jammes(1903) whispers: what is ur drawing idea. im sure its lost :)
Jammes(1903) whispers: ok see
Marcinos(2061) whispers: tHIS, LOST? hARS JUDGEMENT
Marcinos(2061) whispers: sorry, caps
Marcinos(2061) whispers: harsh:)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: b3 pawn is such a strong asset
Jammes(1903) whispers: kd3
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: as I said a moment ago, Kd3 Rc4!
Jammes(1903) whispers: no way to stop king reachin pawn
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Tactics rules
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: very simple way to stop king, as I've shown
milpat(1891) whispers: Rh3 help? and sac on pawn so dont get king too far away g-h pawns
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: Kd3 might even lose
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Very simple way but may be very hard to stop.
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: cos Rh3-b3 is stopped
Marcinos(2061) whispers: hard to SPOT, sorry:)
jassch(2084) whispers: Kd2 (or d3) is just about forced
Marcinos(2061) whispers: They are not playing it precisely though
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I do believe Kd3 loses
42.Rh3 (4:03)
RxR(1789) whispers: kd3 rc4 rh8 should hold I think
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Inconsistent
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: oh yeah, I guess Kc7 is met with checks
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: and not much to do to improve
RxR(1789) whispers: perhaps white saw the rc4 vars and decided this was better
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: Rb4 now
Jammes(1903) whispers: doentlos smb white has chech chech check after rc4 or not
jassch(2084) whispers: simply Rb4
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: right, I see that now
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: Rb4 Rc3+ round to b1, still just a draw
42...Rb4 (1:59) 43.Rc3+ (0:19)
Jammes(1903) whispers: yes i didnt see rc4 thats wwhy i thought lost
RxR(1789) whispers: this has been a well played ending
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: computer says black is winning
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: are u sure cat?
jassch(2084) whispers: Comuoters are stupid in endgames
43...Kb5 (0:59)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: quite sure
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: white can almost sac the rook and draw now
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: not always ;)
44.Rc1 (0:18)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: he only needs to gain a couple of pawn moves to get a safe draw, I think
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Maybe it is in Nalimov databases?
milpat(1891) whispers: Nalimov for 6-men
44...b2 (0:52)
Marcinos(2061) whispers: White looks worse imho, these pawns would be easy to hunt down
45.Rb1 (0:06)
Jammes(1903) whispers: it has 7 :)
milpat(1891) whispers: i know some 7, but not all
RxR(1789) whispers: now its clearly drawn
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Kc4 and b3(c3 must be winning
45...Kc4 (0:44)
nubie(1632) whispers: how to hunt them down without losing b2?
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Clear draw? In this game?:))
Marcinos(2061) whispers: King will protect b2
mechanize(1858) whispers: We'll see
nubie(1632) whispers: oh Kc3/b3, missed what Marcinos said
milpat(1891) whispers: now what, Kd2 or go cover kside pawns and sac Rb2
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: hmm, maybe black wins by a tempo or two...
Marcinos(2061) whispers: If black knows some position, he will make it
46.g6 (2:21)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: this is a mistake
mechanize(1858) whispers: It is winning for black!
46...Kc3 (0:32)
mechanize(1858) whispers: or not...
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: rg6?
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: rc6 Rg6?
mechanize(1858) whispers: I have to see that closer
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: rb6 rg6 i mean
Marcinos(2061) whispers: No point to calculate without white's move
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: g6 looks like a blunder
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: nah if white rook moves then b1 q
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: :)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: white is paralysed
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: it was blunder to go without h pawn
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: h4 seemed better to me
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: me thinks
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: black rook cant move
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Well, endinga are hard. Especially such like this
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: i mean white rook has to guard the pawn
RxR(1789) whispers: now kf3 kc2 rxb2 kxb2 h4 rxh4 g7 is nice
jassch(2084) whispers: Kf3 was better. If he gets to g4 and the h pawn to h4, draw
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: pff now h4 is not even allowed
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: :(
Marcinos(2061) whispers: But why Kc2 at once? First thing first
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: h3 is a try
jassch(2084) whispers: Assuming the king gets sucked to c2 trying to support queening the b pawn
mechanize(1858) whispers: wow, it's a quite of hard ending, isn't it?
Jammes(1903) whispers: hmm but rule is pawns on sixt unstopableim not sure iif h4 would ve helped
milpat(1891) whispers: i tought Kf3 instead g6
RxR(1789) whispers: of course my line above is not forced but kf3 is the only try
milpat(1891) whispers: try to hold pawns and sac R
milpat(1891) whispers: now pawn is too far to be held
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: computer says its draw though ;) now
47.Kf3 (3:54)
RxR(1789) whispers: white can still h ope the h apwn is enough
milpat(1891) whispers: GreatComputin, dont spoil our fun
RxR(1789) whispers: and kc2 probably loses here
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: :))
Vishyy(1872) whispers: Rb6-g6 and whit win!
nubie(1632) whispers: actually that's a R vs Q endgame, another fun one
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: its too complex for me cant help peeking
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: and all u 2k cant settle for consensus
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: kc2 rxb2 cat?
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: no
Marcinos(2061) whispers: No, just no
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: i aint telling the moves keep calculating ;)
RxR(1789) whispers: rg6 h4 rxg6 h5 is main line I think
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: why me?
Marcinos(2061) whispers: One must know positions, not calculate or his brain will explode
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: I'm too tired to calculate any more ;)
RxR(1789) whispers: -rb6 h4 rxg6 h5 is main line I think
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: coz u strong :D
47...Rb6 (2:22)
milpat(1891) whispers: go cat go :)
RxR(1789) whispers: hmm rb6 h4 rxg6 h5 rg5 is no good for white
milpat(1891) whispers: omg clock
48.g7 (1:36)
foxchaseii(1690) whispers: g7 -Rb7; Rgi
48...Rg6 (0:20)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: insane
milpat(1891) whispers: Kf4
49.h4 (0:30) Rxg7 (0:08)
milpat(1891) whispers: h4 do same
RxR(1789) whispers: yhes kf4 or h4 here
50.h5 (0:07)
milpat(1891) whispers: does*
jassch(2084) whispers: I think this is drawn
RxR(1789) whispers: ouch, my line, a blunder
mechanize(1858) whispers: BLUNDER!!!!!!
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: looks like white loses by one tempo to me
milpat(1891) whispers: guys playin stronger than me that ending
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: :(|)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: still no consensus lol
RxR(1789) whispers: now rg5 wins directly
mechanize(1858) whispers: now black go for win!
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: all this coz white cant move his rook :)
milpat(1891) whispers: Kf4 was better than h5
Marcinos(2061) whispers: White doesnt know positions mentioned
Marcinos(2061) whispers: He missed typical method of attacking such a pawns twice in a row. Miostly due to low time
milpat(1891) whispers: white will be caught twice by same problem,; not able defend pawn cuz pushing too far
milpat(1891) whispers: Napoleonish
50...Rg5 (1:51)
RxR(1789) whispers: ok thats it
jassch(2084) whispers: WTF did white push h5 for?
51.Rh1 (0:34) Rxh5 (0:12) 52.Rxh5 (0:03) b1=Q (0:04)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: rb5
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: ah even easy
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: may be not
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: move count on
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Black made his life hard, very hard
nubie(1632) whispers: lol this is such a cute endgame
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: rok against queen and u counting moves :))
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: cute?
mechanize(1858) whispers: Marcinos, do you really think so? I know, was better solution, but it's still win
jassch(2084) whispers: I think I'd rather try B+N v K than this
53.Rh3 (1:30)
milpat(1891) whispers: ok, i'm interested know the eval now Computin
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Very hard win if black doesnt know crucial position
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: huh jariv offers a draw.
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: too late uglyandy declines the draw request.
53...Qf5+ (0:44)
mechanize(1858) whispers: yeah, but I don't believe you can't win it. I hope Andy is able....
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Of course Black MUST try and will witout danger, so what is this offer for?
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: to draw ?
nubie(1632) whispers: GS: "cute" as in very annoying
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: :))
Marcinos(2061) whispers: You can win it. Just very hard. I for example probably would'nt manage to do so
Vishyy(1872) whispers: the game is now for black like safe sex ;)
nubie(1632) whispers: I cannot win it and I don't feel like studying it wither :)
mechanize(1858) whispers: yeap, I too. Some moves earlier :D
jassch(2084) whispers: safe sex is an oxymoron
54.Kg2+ (1:24)
nubie(1632) whispers: however Q side can get lucky esp. if opp is low on time
54...Kd2 (0:12)
Vishyy(1872) whispers: Jassch safe sex is not "an oxymoron". I wuold like to remaind You that rubbers were invented many years ago! ;P
RxR(1789) whispers: the winning method is quite logical most of the time, then you have to figure out some really strong moves at thend if the defender find the most stubborn defence
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: he can,t b mated
55.Rf3 (1:14)
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: http://www.jimloy.com/chess/kq-kr.htm
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: what
mechanize(1858) whispers: Qe5 is pretty good now
milpat(1891) whispers: tnx Carlos
55...Qg4+ (0:40)
jassch(2084) whispers: What oxymoron means is that there is no such thing as "safe sex". There is ALWAYS risk. Of one sort or another. Whether STD, financial or reputation ruin, there is risk.
56.Rg3 (0:26) Qe4+ (0:08) 57.Kh3 (0:14)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: hmm, apparently white did throw away the draw with 50.h5
milpat(1891) whispers: it says there its is complicated to get the win
mechanize(1858) whispers: Andy, move a king!
57...Ke2 (0:28)
SneakyRussian(1754) whispers: andy, move your ugly face! :D
Vishyy(1872) whispers: king! king king!
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: as long as he does not use ruk to avoid cheq he 5ine
milpat(1891) whispers: lol
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: as jasch said... its easier bn than this
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: so.... moves counting still on
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: you think so? I reckon queen vs rook is a lot easier
milpat(1891) whispers: low clock is a problem in situation like this
jassch(2084) whispers: This is not easy to win. Not by a long shot.
58.Kh2 (1:43)
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: Rb5!
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: given I don't know KBN vs K, I take Q vs R every day ;)
jassch(2084) whispers: But the clock might help
Marcinos(2061) whispers: Moro once admitted, that it is harder than BxN, to add another voice;)
mechanize(1858) whispers: Kf2 might work now
Marcinos(2061) whispers: He shouldn't run into a corner, one of this positions will appear soon
milpat(1891) whispers: link Carlos gave is nice
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: he played wrong move.
jassch(2084) whispers: Here you have only 4.0-4.5 advantage in force. B+N, you have at least 6. It SHOULD be esier. But even that one is HARD.
58...Qh4+ (1:37)
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: kc7 and he is going 2 b mated.
milpat(1891) whispers: Kg2?
jassch(2084) whispers: I did it once in an OTB tornney. It took 44 moves and I only got it because my opponent blundered.
Marcinos(2061) whispers: This Kc7 is nice, warp in space!
Vishyy(1872) whispers: Kg2 Qh7!
59.Rh3 (0:45)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: lol marc
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: Kg2?which side did white start from!
milpat(1891) whispers: oh nice one Vish
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: hehe
Marcinos(2061) whispers: From usual side
59...Qf2+ (0:24) 60.Kh1 (0:03)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: :))
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: stalemate tricks become helpful at this point
RxR(1789) whispers: so kf1 rg3
60...Kf1 (0:30)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: like that, for instance
61.Rg3 (0:07)
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: wow
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: :))
derMandarin(2146) whispers: nice
SneakyRussian(1754) whispers: love the position! :)
milpat(1891) whispers: WOW Jariv man!!
jassch(2084) whispers: This guy is 1600?
SneakyRussian(1754) whispers: andy's position getting uglier :D
61...Qf4 (1:00)
milpat(1891) whispers: lol SR!!!!
derMandarin(2146) whispers: on a similar note: 60... Qf1+ Kh2 Kf2 and Rf3+
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: now move d king and he is dead.
RxR(1789) whispers: now rg1 kf2 rg2 and both kf1 and kf3 is met by rf2! draw
milpat(1891) whispers: :)
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: nice
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: Rg1 Kf2 Rf1+!
milpat(1891) whispers: go Jariv...keep pedalin!!!
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: even nicer
RxR(1789) whispers: oops evemn better
derMandarin(2146) whispers: bruce willis rook in action
mechanize(1858) whispers: damn! 61... Qd4 and for a moment rook have some problems!
SneakyRussian(1754) whispers: oh damn, Rf1+ is amazing!
milpat(1891) whispers: indeed!!
milpat(1891) whispers: if he saw Rg3, he will see Rf1
62.Kh2 (1:56)
nubie(1632) whispers: not a draw yet, black can keep trying
GreatSachin(1721) whispers: 82 halfmoves until a draw).
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: oh dear
milpat(1891) whispers: Kf2 0-1
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: Kf2 and game over
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: loses to Kf2 Kh1 Kxg3
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: no draw black can run into open.
smallblackcat(2002) whispers: and no stalemate
Punkyyyy(1368) whispers: he's mate.
milpat(1891) whispers: ran into pin, omg
62...Kf2 (0:42)
Vishyy(1872) whispers: Qh$
jassch(2084) whispers: oops
Myob(1693) whispers: gg
SneakyRussian(1754) whispers: Rg1+ was last swindle chance
63.Kh1 (0:16)
RxR(1789) whispers: white wa thinking kf2 kh1 qxg3 draw
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: unfortunately Kh1 is answered by Kxg3 and not Qxg3 stalemate
63...Kxg3 (0:07)
Vishyy(1872) whispers: Kg3!
CarlosKerber(1638) whispers: omg
jariv resigns 0-1


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