zutons(2330) vs. burnage(2290) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-11-16
mindlin(2033) whispers: small crowd; is this game important? good matchup 6...O-O (3:03) 7.Nf3 (1:47) Bd7 (1:58) 8.cxd5 (2:12) exd5 (1:26) 9.Bxf6 (0:18) Qxf6 (0:13)
mindlin(2033) whispers: why did white trade the bishop? I don't get it 10.Nc3 (5:42)
xivarmy(2012) whispers: planning to play d4 in the near future possibly and didn't want to seal it in the coffin? 10...Bc6 (1:48) 11.Bb5 (2:15)
xivarmy(2012) whispers: like now :) would've expected black to play Nc6 instead of Bc6 to finish development. a black d4 was also interesting to try and take advantage of white not getting out of the kingside
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: d4 is still playable though
xivarmy(2012) whispers: for white? yea it is. for black? with the knight still undeveloped i'm not sure black can get compensation fast enough to be worth the sac
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: what sac? .. d4 and presumably Bxc6 Nxc6
xivarmy(2012) whispers: well i guess it's not a sac exactly - but all the same, the initiative isn't quite what one would hope for because the rooks are not yet united and the knight can't join in
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: in fact black should prevent white's d4 by pre-emting 11...d4 (6:16) 12.Bxc6 (1:05) Nxc6 (0:03) 13.Ne4 (1:24) Qf5 (0:30)
xivarmy(2012) whispers: Nxc5 Qxc5 o-o looks pretty much = i think 14.Nxc5 (1:30) Qxc5 (0:00) 15.O-O (2:08)
lambertdw(1515) whispers: Is the queen side pawn majority a significant advantage? 15...dxe3 (9:51)
xivarmy(2012) whispers: not by itself - if black can gain a lead in development in the middle as well it could be. needs to use threats against white's a-pawn to force white into a passive position to take advantage probably 16.fxe3 (2:30) Rfd8 (0:16)
coolexpert(2018) whispers: zutons is trying to imbalance by fxe3
lambertdw(1515) whispers: #thank you 17.Rb1 (2:05) b6 (1:31) 18.Rc1 (1:15) Qd5 (0:06) 19.Qa4 (1:13) Ne5 (0:52) 20.Nxe5 (0:29) Qxe5 (0:00) 21.Qc6 (2:36) h6 (0:28)
xivarmy(2012) whispers: Qb7 followed by Rc7 seems appealing 22.Rc3 (1:53) Qd5 (0:22) 23.Qxd5 (1:12) Rxd5 (0:00) 24.d4 (3:05) Re8 (0:18) 25.g4 (1:04) f6 (0:42) 26.Kg2 (1:27) Kf7 (0:34) 27.h3 (0:45) Re7 (0:18) 28.Kf3 (0:43) g6 (2:21)
coolexpert(2018) whispers: probably a good plan would be lock down the kingside and then try to push the queenside pawns forward. i am not sure but g5 might be worth trying 29.Rc6 (1:22) Re6 (0:32) 30.Rc8 (1:31) Re7 (0:27) 31.Rfc1 (1:24) f5 (1:57) 32.R1c3 (1:23) Ra5 (2:45) 33.Kg3 (0:14) Rd5 (4:12) 34.R3c7 (1:19) fxg4 (0:23) 35.hxg4 (1:43) Ra5 (1:24) 36.Rc3 (0:56) h5 (0:08) 37.gxh5 (1:10) Rg5+ (0:07) 38.Kh4 (1:09) Rxh5+ (0:16) 39.Kg4 (1:01) Re4+ (0:07) 40.Kg3 (0:21) Re7 (3:25) 41.R8c7 (1:27) Rg5+ (0:09) 42.Kf4 (1:14) Ra5 (0:37) 43.e4 (1:47) g5+ (5:23) 44.Kf3 (0:07) Rxc7 (0:52) 45.Rxc7+ (0:07) Kg6 (0:01) 46.Rc6+ (1:47) Kf7 (3:01) 47.d5 (0:08) Rxa3+ (0:05) 48.Kg4 (0:05) Re3 (6:06) 49.Kf5 (3:10) g4 (2:30)
NakedNous(1918) whispers: hi :) 50.Rc7+ (3:04) Ke8 (1:12) 51.e5 (1:01)
FriarBlues(0) whispers: White's mating net is faster than black's g pawn 51...g3 (4:59)
NakedNous(1918) whispers: so this is it? 52.Ke6 (0:37)
FriarBlues(0) whispers: yep
xivarmy(2012) whispers: Kf8 Rf7+ Kg8 Rf1 and white's d-pawn converts instead? burnage resigns 1-0
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