hugozver(1866) vs. vishyy(1877) *
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-11-09
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: good evening and czien dobry to our polish friends!
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: GO MILA!!
HindsFeet(0) whispers: Go vishyy!!!!!!!!!
HindsFeet(0) whispers: lol, FM.
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Please keep yourself away from that game, HF
nemotyro(1542) whispers: All the very best, hugozer!
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: i have to admit i dont care hwo this ends 2...Nf6 (1:29)
spendius(1826) whispers: go Cruella ! 3.e5 (0:11)
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Go Vishy! Szachista! 3...Nd5 (0:26)
nemotyro(1542) whispers: No no, SheRocks forever! 4.Nf3 (0:11)
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Cruella back to her Dalmatians! 4...e6 (0:26) 5.d4 (0:09)
Aneirin(1803) whispers: I like this variation :)
nemotyro(1542) whispers: Pull their tails!
Aneirin(1803) whispers: as black, obviously.
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: i dont like the move e6
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Love with white cxd Qxd4
Aneirin(1803) whispers: I think my own move is d6 there 5...cxd4 (0:41) 6.cxd4 (0:03)
kocur(1562) whispers: hello 6...Nc6 (0:18)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: ok h6 nc3 nxn bc is what i know
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Probably he wants solid game, no theoretical discussion 7.a3 (0:12)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: hmm be7 bd3 00 h4 d6? bxh7 1-0 :D
mindlin(2033) whispers: is a3 all that important?
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: a 3 is fine 7...d6 (2:33)
HindsFeet(0) whispers: have a good game, Vish and hugz 8.exd6 (5:02)
Koff(1965) whispers: 8.Bd3 g6 was one main line, I think
Koff(1965) whispers: ..Qxd6 with fianchetto feels is still an option
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: hmm i now why i rather play 2 c3 d5 8...Bxd6 (2:08)
Koff(1965) whispers: quite much matter of taste
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: question of ambition too 9.Bc4 (0:45)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: the B does not belong here
Koff(1965) whispers: you consider 2..d5 leading more drawish positions or what?
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: yes
Koff(1965) whispers: but it gives more free game, and imo in practise (in my level) it's more important that any objective assesment
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: well i mean Nf6 contains more risk but also more chances to complicate the game
Koff(1965) whispers: if you happen to feel that more comfortable, it is
Aneirin(1803) whispers: I've had 2. .. d5 lead to more frenchy stuff
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: 2. ...d5 leads to isolani stuff
Rascian(1969) whispers: srecno Mila! :)
Koff(1965) whispers: possibly.. but if white just sits and allows dxe5 - i don't really understand how you can those games with black
Koff(1965) whispers: ie, it depends much on whites ambitions
Aneirin(1803) whispers: I play Nf6 myself, it's kinda cool.
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: i ised to play 2. ...Qa5
Aneirin(1803) whispers: :o haven't seen that before :)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: its not very amazing
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: often you get a bad version of french exchange 9...O-O (4:25)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Is this still book?
Aneirin(1803) whispers: a bad version of the french :') 10.O-O (0:41)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: not sure if Bc4 is book
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: the B belongs on the b1-h7 diag 10...a6 (0:26)
Koff(1965) whispers: not sure if exd6 was book, but oth Mila likes IQP, so why not
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: ed was definately a branch
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Nc3 might solve the problemof IQP. if no trade Ne4 or something ;) 11.Re1 (1:04)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: Nc3 gives hanging pawns
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: but blacks pieces are not optimally positioned to dal with the hanging
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: yes. our club specialist in c3-sizi plays nc3 a lot
Aneirin(1803) whispers: 8 games with Bc4 in database
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: he would go Nc3 instead of Bc4
Koff(1965) whispers: iqp is not a problem per se :)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: if you now tell me you mean pete i will ROFL out
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: haha, I mean Georg - LOL
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: ok
Aneirin(1803) whispers: a6 is the first novelty (according to database) 11...b5 (1:27)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: Ba2-b1 :)
Koff(1965) whispers: Bd6 is extraordinarily placed.. any way to take adv on that? 12.Bd3 (0:36)
Rascian(1969) whispers: Bb3-c2
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Ng5-Ne4 12...Bb7 (0:31)
Marcinos(2049) whispers: I see you don't believe in black's positionB-)
Koff(1965) whispers: Ng5 is tempting
Koff(1965) whispers: say Ng5 g6 Nxh7 etc
Rascian(1969) whispers: Ng5 is loss of time
Koff(1965) whispers: I think white should take a moments think here
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: agreed. one defender to f6, another one to d5 via e7
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: bxh7 anyone?
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: you :))
Rascian(1969) whispers: no conditions for that Ismir
Koff(1965) whispers: blacks army feels to be funnily at the very monet
Aneirin(1803) whispers: Bxh7 looks cool :o
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: just give it a think
Rascian(1969) whispers: after Kg6 ??
Aneirin(1803) whispers: it's worth considering in any case :)
Koff(1965) whispers: black will have ..Nf6 after Bxh7
Rascian(1969) whispers: Bxh7 Kxh7 Ng5+ Kg6 and what then?
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: qc2
Koff(1965) whispers: Bxh7 Kxh7 Ng5+ Kg8 Qh5 Nf6 with a tempo
Rascian(1969) whispers: Kg8 is mistake
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: yes tahts a refutation
Rascian(1969) whispers: Kg6 ever heard for greek gift?
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: kg8 is fine 13.Ng5 (3:58)
Koff(1965) whispers: not sure.. after Qh4 Nf6 is tied to defend h7 and white night play Nc3-e4
Rascian(1969) whispers: sorry Koff :)
Rascian(1969) whispers: no intention to hurt you
Koff(1965) whispers: for what? 13...h6 (0:56)
Vishyy(1877) whispers: I have never before seen so many supportes during my game. Thanks!
Rascian(1969) whispers: Ne4 Be7 is mistake so Ne4 Nc7
Rascian(1969) whispers: Bc7*
Rascian(1969) whispers: as I said Ng5 is loss of time infortunately 14.Ne4 (1:12)
Koff(1965) whispers: for that "lost time" white re-posistions the N and induces a weakning ..h6
Koff(1965) whispers: not so clear
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: nah, if black can eat d4 now, Ng5-e4 was a mistake
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Nxd4 Bxh6 might work
Rascian(1969) whispers: black can't take bishop then right ?
Koff(1965) whispers: Nxd4 Bxh6 Nf4!?
FargoBear(1626) whispers: go vishy
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: take bishop will gain N@d4 back and king is opened up. dont think black can take
Koff(1965) whispers: or better ..Bf4
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: B or Nf4 Bh6 takes it... hmm... nasty tactics!
Koff(1965) whispers: possibly Nxd6 interm.
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: i only see rc8 and nf4 as viable possibilities
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: not on Bf4, which looks stronger
Rascian(1969) whispers: it means d pawn is protected
Rascian(1969) whispers: I always hated IQP just coz of this ;)
Koff(1965) whispers: say ..Nxd4 Nxd5 Qxd6 Bxh6 Nf4 Qg4 Ng6 Bxg6
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: worst case you lose this QIP, and can dream of attack ;) Nothing for you?
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: ok, nf4 now!
Koff(1965) whispers: ..Nf4 Bc2
Koff(1965) whispers: ..Nf4 Bc2 Nxd4 Qxd4 Ne2?
Koff(1965) whispers: ouch
Rascian(1969) whispers: I make horrible blunders in open and sharp positions
Koff(1965) whispers: I believe that
fernbap(1763) whispers: everyone makes them :P
Rascian(1969) whispers: I preffer closed and semi-closed positions not fireworks 14...Nxd4 (9:42)
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Critical
Rascian(1969) whispers: this becoming interesting
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: wow wow wow
mindlin(2033) whispers: I prefer a little more piece development myself
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: this IS ALREADY interesting
Rascian(1969) whispers: easier to kibitz harder to play ;)
wojtekzam(1710) whispers: looks as a nice shoot
FargoBear(1626) whispers: easiest to whisper.
mindlin(2033) whispers: the no-stress whisper
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: other moves then Bxh6?
Rascian(1969) whispers: Funk Nxd6 Qxd6 and Bxh6! 15.Nxd6 (1:58) Qxd6 (0:09)
Rascian(1969) whispers: yup exactly cute game :)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: yeah, this looks better ;)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: take it ;)
Rascian(1969) whispers: go Mila 16.Bxh6 (2:25)
Rascian(1969) whispers: :)
wmahan(1954) whispers: nice
Koff(1965) whispers: any other moves after ..Nf4 Qg4, than Ng6?
Rascian(1969) whispers: why not f5? 16...f5 (1:02)
gutierez(1836) whispers: Hello
Rascian(1969) whispers: :)
Koff(1965) whispers: coz of mate?
Rascian(1969) whispers: blocks the bish and takes g4
Rascian(1969) whispers: but Q can go to h5
Koff(1965) whispers: ah, here
FargoBear(1626) whispers: watched any more ice hockey, rasc?
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: it might be in danger when black play e5 - if Qh5
Rascian(1969) whispers: yeah great sport I like it :) deep in my soul I am canadian
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: Go Vishy! Show them what means playing with szachista team! :)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: You can explain what that means, nokia? lighten me up! 17.Bg5 (2:36)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: they will show you, jenny!
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: szachista team is our native fourum's team
Koff(1965) whispers: black must be better here
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: and we are playing in 3 divisions (U2000, U1800, U1600)
FargoBear(1626) whispers: szachista is good team .:) 17...Rac8 (1:43)
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: It means: better do not go (come) to ches game without a knife, spear or maybe just like an axe ;)
wojtekzam(1710) whispers: all 3 our teams are fighting for the winning in its division ;)
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: Vishy is great player: I have played him a month ago (in our forum's competition "POWOLNIAK") and I was lucky to get a draw!
gutierez(1836) whispers: 17. Rac8!? betre is 17. Rae8
gutierez(1836) whispers: beter
FargoBear(1626) whispers: nice name, nokia. :)
gutierez(1836) whispers: Rac8?!
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: imho Vishy plays a bit too fast (I know - there is a great amount of pressure), but he feels the positions quite good
Koff(1965) whispers: ..Rac8 stopped Nc3 for the monent 18.Nd2 (3:23)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Nf4 probably forces bishop for knight trade
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: Vishy should worry just about e6 weakness - everything is in his advantage imho
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: bishop pair is also an issue - there dark squares can be exploited 18...Nf4 (5:16)
ZinkBav(2118) whispers: sl
mindlin(2033) whispers: is that a new square s1?
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: this position is better for black and white should worry about their pieces (development and g2 for mate threat with Q)
Rascian(1969) whispers: well Bxf4 I don't like it but I can't see anything else :(
mindlin(2033) whispers: what about Bf1?
Koff(1965) whispers: Nc2
Rascian(1969) whispers: too passive
Rascian(1969) whispers: but still that bishop is hangin
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: give up bishop ia
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: pair
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: bxf4 seems forced
ZinkBav(2118) whispers: Is Re3 playable?
mindlin(2033) whispers: you have to like black's position
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: maybe after Bxf4 Qxf4 Re3 can be played
Rascian(1969) whispers: fork
Rascian(1969) whispers: Nc2?
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: re3 qc6
Rascian(1969) whispers: re3 Rf6! bringing more forces ;)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: g2 and d3 are under attack 19.Bxf4 (6:48) Qxf4 (0:11)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: looks good so far
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Rf6 indeed looks tempting 20.Re3 (0:39)
Rascian(1969) whispers: lol Nc2? Bxc2 :)) BlindRascian
Rascian(1969) whispers: play IQP or don't play it result is don't play it
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: The d4 knight is dominating
cytrus(2029) whispers: I would suggest Rfd8
Koff(1965) whispers: white has also potential problems on the d-file
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rfd8?
Rascian(1969) whispers: I like Rf8
Rascian(1969) whispers: Rf6*
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: me too: good developing move and threat on B and Q
Koff(1965) whispers: so something like ..Qd6+Rzd8 looks unpleasant
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: (Rfd8)
Rascian(1969) whispers: black can always sack on g2
Rascian(1969) whispers: that option make s me to worry about black's potentials 20...Rfd8 (3:49)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: didnt like 19..nf4
cytrus(2029) whispers: yay! cytrus was first who guessed Rfd8. :)
Bombassa(1998) whispers: or 18...
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: maybe white can try a4 to see if a file can open - if b4 the knight can go to c4
Koff(1965) whispers: Rc1 Rxc1 Qxc1 e5!? g3 Qh6 Rxe5 Nf3-+
ZinkBav(2118) whispers: But Qc7 instead of g3
Koff(1965) whispers: i'd like consider Qf1
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rc1 Rxc1 Rc8 and black permanentky gives up c file 21.Nb3 (4:00)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Nc2 bishop is pinned to queen
Koff(1965) whispers: very good
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Does Nc2 work?
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: I think so
Koff(1965) whispers: seems to work
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Oh, mentioned, sorry:)
wojtekzam(1710) whispers: hope Vishy will see it ;)
cytrus(2029) whispers: Nc2 is a nice shot 21...Nc2 (1:53)
wojtekzam(1710) whispers: yes
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: oh :(
Marcinos(2049) whispers: He's good at tactics.
wojtekzam(1710) whispers: gogogo Vishy
cytrus(2029) whispers: hello Funkmaus :)
cytrus(2029) whispers: :*
FargoBear(1626) whispers: gogogogogo vishy. :)
Koff(1965) whispers: black saw it
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: nice shot
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: is Qxc2 worth considering?
Koff(1965) whispers: not sure which is better, Qxc2 or Bxc2
Bombassa(1998) whispers: bx
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: qc2 rc2 bc2 qc4
Koff(1965) whispers: oth, Rxe6 might be equally worth of cons.
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: bishop protects the knight though Ismir
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: i attack the bishop in that line
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: Rxe6 is an error because d3 bishop falls
Koff(1965) whispers: well, no: Rxe6? Nxa1 Nxa1 Rc1 0-1
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: even worse
FargoBear(1626) whispers: IS Bxc2 RxQ BxR best?
tseltzer(1916) whispers: Crafty is still giving Qxc2 as best
tseltzer(1916) whispers: -1.92 at depth 14 ply
tseltzer(1916) whispers: with Rc8 after Bxc2
Aneirin(1803) whispers: good heavens
Marcinos(2049) whispers: Oh no, computer garbage:(
Koff(1965) whispers: one point is Bx rxd1+ bxd1 Qd4 and b2 seems to drop
Koff(1965) whispers: phh, nm :p
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: but first drops your Q
Koff(1965) whispers: right
FargoBear(1626) whispers: :)) 22.Bxc2 (6:54)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: all because of Nb3 22...Rxd1+ (0:10) 23.Bxd1 (0:02)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Swindle him!
Aneirin(1803) whispers: nice one, Vishyy 23...Qg5 (0:19)
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: hmm Bd5 looked more to the point
wojtekzam(1710) whispers: 31 watching people right now ;)
Koff(1965) whispers: g3 a5 is to be considered
wojtekzam(1710) whispers: and only 4 from ;)
FargoBear(1626) whispers: Go vishy! :)
Tablajedrez(1619) whispers: 13.Ng5? is premature and 14.Ne4?! is not to recognize the error.
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: If g3 then f4 is uncomfortable 24.Bf3 (9:06) Bxf3 (0:16) 25.Rxf3 (0:01) Rc2 (0:08) 26.Rb1 (1:14)
Koff(1965) whispers: still ..a5!?
Ismirdochegal(2105) whispers: qf6 seems easy enough
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: b2 falls
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: white must think about back rank 26...Qf6 (5:19)
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: does anybody have any uncertanities about the final score? :) 27.Re3 (1:27)
alphafoxtrot(1778) whispers: jusr Rxb2? 27...Rxb2 (1:29) 28.Rbe1 (0:04) e5 (0:20)
NokiaTwenty(1868) whispers: now just e4 win it easily 29.Nc5 (1:17) Vishyy lost connection; game adjourned *
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