1.d4(0:00)d5(0:00) 2.c4(0:02)c6(0:03) 3.cxd5(0:05)cxd5(0:03) 4.Nc3(0:02)Nc6(0:04) 5.Bf4(0:23)Nf6(1:21) 6.Nf3(0:17)Bf5(0:16) 7.e3(0:11)e6(0:32) 8.Bb5(0:06)Nd7(4:16) 9.O-O(1:30)Be7(5:09) 10.Qa4(2:14)Qb6(0:35) 11.Ne5(6:28)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: comments flying fast here ;)
11...Ndxe5(0:22) 12.Bxe5(0:09)O-O(0:03) 13.Bxc6(1:14)bxc6(0:27)
fernbap(1763) whispers: <insert comment here> Plebusan(1806) whispers: slav exchange is probably the best opening for both sides Aneirin(1803) whispers: :o fernbap(1763) whispers: the slav is just a way to trade pieces and achieve a drawn position Plebusan(1806) whispers: exactly! :-) Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: ah, the true essence of fascinating chess then Aneirin(1803) whispers: that can hardly be the best opening for white then? although I can see it for black, not that I would play it. fernbap(1763) whispers: besides, saying that something is the "best for both sides" is nonsensical :P fernbap(1763) whispers: chess is all about not being the best for both sides Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: the reasoning is simple, white hates the Slav and decides to punish black by playing the Slav Exchange which black seldom enjoys
HindsFeet(0) whispers: best for both sides Command: best Purpose: list the 20 highest rated players in the ratings categories Usage: best (b|s|l|w|B|S) (default: bsl) Examples: best; best s Aneirin(1803) whispers: ah, I see, MMR. Plebusan(1806) whispers: so the slav exchange is really a game of chess which white hates and black seldom enjoys Aneirin(1803) whispers: if you hate the slav, you have a problem as a 1. d4 player. I rarely see a game that doesn't go slav. :) KiranY(2002) whispers: qxp? fernbap(1763) whispers: the slav can give rise to many insteresting gambits fernbap(1763) whispers: by chosing the exchange variation, white is just saying "i'm happy with a draw" Aneirin(1803) whispers: I heard the word gambit :) KiranY(2002) whispers: qxp qxp rfc8 fernbap(1763) whispers: and is so boring that both players agree to a draw rather than continuing playing that boring game :P Aneirin(1803) whispers: I like gambit. Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: I thought you claimed you had matured from those things, Ani ;) fernbap(1763) whispers: aneirin, the botwinnik gambit is excelent Aneirin(1803) whispers: yeah, not really. I thought so, but in my last TL game I couldn't resist the urge anyhow. KiranY(2002) whispers: qd7 rxn KiranY(2002) whispers: maybe qb5 Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: Slav Exchange is the opening for true chess lovers, anyone not obsessed could stand playing the opening Aneirin(1803) whispers: lol fernbap(1763) whispers: lol Aneirin(1803) whispers: so what are the plans here, for either side? Aneirin(1803) whispers: assuming they don't want to draw yet. Aneirin(1803) whispers: I can see white is going to put pressure on c. fernbap(1763) whispers: the plan is trying to unbalance the position somehow fernbap(1763) whispers: but here, doing that is usually not advantageous to the one who does it Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: Qxb2 unbalances the position fernbap(1763) whispers: symetric pawn structure = boring game where nothing happens Aneirin(1803) whispers: it's not completely symmetric :) Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: fernbap, it's not a symmetric pawn structure fernbap(1763) whispers: right, madman, not now Plebusan(1806) whispers: Qxb2 seems to balance the position Aneirin(1803) whispers: so, actually, 'why' is this boring then Aneirin(1803) whispers: little opportunities for tactical complexities? fernbap(1763) whispers: but only because black wanted it at the expense of his own position Plebusan(1806) whispers: Qxb2 Qxc6 = symmetrical pawns
Aneirin(1803) whispers: hehe Plebusan derMandarin(2143) whispers: boringY derMandarin(2143) whispers: :)) fernbap(1763) whispers: aneiring, according to a IM tutor i saw once on ICC, "you need pawns to attack" and symetrical structures don't allow for it derMandarin(2143) whispers: dont think Kiran will go for Qxb2. Also there is still bishop vs. knight fernbap(1763) whispers: that's the wholse reasoning behind the sicilian, for instance
Aneirin(1803) whispers: I can see the logic behind that :)
KiranY(2002) whispers: coz c5 qd7 is troublesome
KiranY(2002) whispers: now c5 qd7 kf8
16...c5(0:48) 17.dxc5(0:48)Bxc5(0:11)
Aneirin(1803) whispers: real pawn imbalance now :) Aneirin(1803) whispers: I can see this gearing up to be a superspectacular game now, according to fernbap's theory.
18.a3(1:17)a5(0:24) 19.Qf4(4:32)Bg6(3:25) 20.Qf3(2:36)a4(1:02)
fernbap(1763) whispers: there are imbalances and imbalances, aneirin :D
pchesso(1754) whispers: white has better pawns, black better pieces?
fernbap(1763) whispers: see? you need pawns to attack ;)
22.exd4(2:08)Bxd4(1:57) 23.Nc3(0:50)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: only ten of them left pchesso(1754) whispers: i like Qb3 here KiranY(2002) whispers: if bxn bxc3 opp color bishop and only slight adv.. KiranY(2002) whispers: and i could try to win c3..but would that be enough KiranY(2002) whispers: e5 nxa4 KiranY(2002) whispers: rxr rxr rxn rc8 kf7 rc7 KiranY(2002) whispers: ke6 maybe Aneirin(1803) whispers: looks shady KiranY(2002) whispers: e5 nb5 pchesso(1754) whispers: another idea would be Qa6, preparing Bd3, getting the B on b3 ? KiranY(2002) whispers: rc6 nb5 Fashion(1719) whispers: y kiran y pchesso(1754) whispers: @a6, the Q would defend e6 and c8 and a8 and a4, all important KiranY(2002) whispers: ra45 ne4 KiranY(2002) whispers: will play it safe
fernbap(1763) whispers: hmm....
24.Rxc3(0:29)Rxc3(0:05) 25.bxc3(0:06)
Fashion(1719) whispers: hmmm hmmmm hmmm
25...Rc8(0:21) 26.Rc1(2:32)Qb3(0:08)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: not sure Ani's prediction came true Aneirin(1803): I can see this gearing up to be a superspectacular game now, according to fernbap's theory. pchesso(1754) whispers: maybe not spectacular, but a good game
Aneirin(1803) whispers: so it's actually fernbap's prediction that came true :) Aneirin(1803) whispers: or not so much. KiranY(2002) whispers: probably drawish..but its ok for team score i guess KiranY(2002) whispers: not for my rating though :D Aneirin(1803) whispers: hehe KiranY(2002) whispers: rxp rxr qxp qxe6 bf7 Aneirin(1803) whispers: yes, I was just looking at that line KiranY(2002) whispers: he has to cover back rank and save queen KiranY(2002) whispers: just qe2
27...Rxc3(5:29) 28.Rxc3(0:20)Qxc3(0:02) 29.Qxe6+(0:03)Bf7(0:01) 30.Qe2(0:21)
KiranY requests to abort the game.
KiranY offers a draw.
Outposter accepts the draw request.Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2
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