toweronika(1764) vs. gabrielpergola(1750) 1-0
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-10-31
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Good Skills, Toweronika! 6...exd5 (3:41) 7.cxd5 (0:06) Ba6 (2:51) 8.b4 (4:09) Ne4 (6:55) 9.Qd4 (5:00)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Laura tells me I should whisper here.
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: You're not one of the cool kids Ani:P
Aneirin(1788) whispers: look who's talking, Mr. Bean.
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: That's such a geeky joke:P
FargoBear(1598) whispers: geek
Aneirin(1788) whispers: haha
Aneirin(1788) whispers: why, thank you :)
FargoBear(1598) whispers: :D
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Eyy cool guys, how about you comment on game?! 9...Qf6 (6:48)
FargoBear(1598) whispers: gab played my move. :P
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I'm still trying to understand what's going on :) 10.Qxf6 (1:38)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Well... my suggest for white is clear - trade as much as possible, so Nxe4
Aneirin(1788) whispers: this also trades a lot :) 10...Nxf6 (0:24)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: not the knights, only Queens
Aneirin(1788) whispers: true.
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: I know, for you its trades your soul ;)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: that's so poetical. 11.Bf4 (0:29)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Nxe4 forced black to trade Queens on d4 and would have developed Nf3
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: nice idea, on d6 Nd4-e6
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: white is clear better positionally
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: and she needs a draw to win match from round 4 :))
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I'll agree with that.
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I once drew gabriel before, myself.
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: dont arque with females, PhD of ~:>
FargoBear(1598) whispers: me?
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: not you, but you also dont arque!
Aneirin(1788) whispers: is it supposed to look like a chicken? :)
FargoBear(1598) whispers: It did.
FargoBear(1598) whispers: ~:>
FargoBear(1598) whispers: I keep thinking this position in atomic terms. :(
Aneirin(1788) whispers: lol
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: !BCS->(explosion)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: in bughouse-terms black is screwed. p@f7 and then Ne5+, +p, +R - game over!
FargoBear(1598) whispers: bug is bad.
FargoBear(1598) whispers: never do it.
FargoBear(1598) whispers: try atomic.
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: oh sorry, his move... he plays p@f7 himself, problem fixed
FargoBear(1598) whispers: lol 11...c5 (4:46)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: No, thanks... I seen 1 game where Scandinavian defence won in 3 moves for black
milpat(1857) whispers: lol
Aneirin(1788) whispers: haha 12.b5 (1:02)
FargoBear(1598) whispers: atomic is good for the mind..
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: b5 might be serious positional mistake
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: damn 12...Bb7 (1:01) 13.Rd1 (0:17)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: how so?
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: how so what?
FargoBear(1598) whispers: atomo being good for the mind?
Aneirin(1788) whispers: how is b5 a serious mistake :)
FargoBear(1598) whispers: beats me. 13...d6 (1:48)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: look at pawn c5.. should favour black in every ending, and white cant make a passer in k-side majority
milpat(1857) whispers: Ng5 while possible
Aneirin(1788) whispers: fair enough
FargoBear(1598) whispers: ur right, funk.
wmahan(1987) whispers: what other option was there becides b5? bxc? 14.e3 (0:46)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: dc?
FargoBear(1598) whispers: ac 14...h6 (0:14)
FargoBear(1598) whispers: whoops, sorry mad
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: take c6 en passen, dxc forced, then e3 trade LSB and own on dark-squares. d6 weak, c7 weak, Nb5 is a threat
wmahan(1987) whispers: oh, of course
wmahan(1987) whispers: sorry, only looked back one move so I didn't consider en passant
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: hehe
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: every pawn move weakens another square.. white can try to fix square g6 15.Bg3 (1:47)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: h4-h5 i meant
Aneirin(1788) whispers: is g5 good?
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I would play it without thinking :)
FargoBear(1598) whispers: why retreat the Bishop?
milpat(1857) whispers: Bg3 announcing Nh4?
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: g5 is too active... runs into h4 (maybe) and force pawns to be fixed
pbeccari(1711) whispers: feared Nh5
Aneirin(1788) whispers: too active, hehe
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: g6 looks good, no more threats on Q-side, then finish development and play on strong side
Aneirin(1788) whispers: what is that :')
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: that is what your pieces at home and you pawn-storm :))
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I 'grab space' :)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: hehe
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: g5 h4 g4?
FargoBear(1598) whispers: what I was looking at.
Aneirin(1788) whispers: doesn't looks so bad
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Ne2 and? I want Nc4 next ;)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I can't be arsed to think more than one move ahead :') 15...g6 (3:30)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: if this would be tactical, you would calculate more far then me
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: gabriel goes with me....
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: judging from my blitz play today, I can't think more than one move ahead and dubious at that :p
wmahan(1987) whispers: what if Nh4 now? Kf7?
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Nb8 looks a bit hard to develop
FargoBear(1598) whispers: lol, mad
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Yes Kf7 and finally develop
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: the only trumph of b5-move is square c4 for a knight...
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Black is a bit cramped now
Aneirin(1788) whispers: maybe he could have used some SPACE
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: why?
wmahan(1987) whispers: the Bb7 is bad so I still like white
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: why cramped?
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Well, look at the d6 pawn for a moment
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Say white plays Nd2-c4
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: How do you defend it?
FargoBear(1598) whispers: Kd7.
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: hmm i see.. i like black... has pawn c5, ,square e4 and can defend d6 with Kf7-Ne8 :p
FargoBear(1598) whispers: I like black
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: not sure about Kd7, want get Nb8 into play
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: you mean, having a piece on the 3rd rank (Nf6) is far too active? ;)
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: N on e8 and B on f8 to defende that pawn:)
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Not exactly the most active positions:P
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: but white s d5 is also weak. Nb8-d7-f6, black can open a-file with a6 on some point 16.Bc4 (4:50)
wmahan(1987) whispers: with respect Funk, you are biased toward defensive positions :)
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: I remember a game from Corus with Berg facing someone, where one side pretty much only did pawn moves and kept all pieces for the most time on the 1st rank
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: hehe wil and madman :p 16...Nh5 (1:27) 17.Ne2 (1:47)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: I dont get what she is doing... accourding to how I play recently its only good for our team ;) 17...Nxg3 (1:07)
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: I'd say Nxg3 favors black 18.hxg3 (0:14)
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Easy development with Nd7-f6
Aneirin(1788) whispers: white has Nf4-e6 if allowed
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Pressure on d6 low
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: I favour black after 12.b5...
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: good point, Ani!
milpat(1857) whispers: Nf4 to come
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: its allowed, g5 failz to Nxg
Aneirin(1788) whispers: nice
Aneirin(1788) whispers: should have played g5 earlier :')
Aneirin(1788) whispers: maybe that other N could go to c4 or so
Aneirin(1788) whispers: white doesn't look so shabby then
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: all we need is draw, draw is all we need B-)
milpat(1857) whispers: lol
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Don't laugh Pat:P
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Hm, the Nf4-e6 maneuver is unpleasant
milpat(1857) whispers: or Nf4-g6
FargoBear(1598) whispers: lookat that white bishop.
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Maybe Kf7 and Bc8 18...Bg7 (5:21)
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: I looked at this Bg7+ it seems bad
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: You can try Nh4 now before Nf4
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: The point being Nh4 Kf7 Nf4 g5 Nxf5 gxf4 Nxd6+ winning the Bb7
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Very nice laurent!
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Nh4 now looks really cool
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: So do you still like black:P?
pbeccari(1711) whispers: Nh4 Kf7 Nf4 g5 Nxf5 Kf6(instead of gxf4) then Nxg7 looks nice too
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: No, I like white
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Nice line too, but I think even on Kf6 you can go Nxd6 - the funny part is that even without check Nd6 wins Bb7, it's trapped:))
pbeccari(1711) whispers: Nh4 Bc3+ Kf1 Rg8
pbeccari(1711) whispers: oops missed Ne2xc3
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: No Bc3+:)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: no escape!
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Important to play Nh4 first to prevent this 19.Nh4 (9:35)
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Wow, very nice find 19...Kf7 (0:26)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: Nh4 Rg8 Nxg6 Bc3+ Nxc3 Rxg6 looks less devastating 20.Nf4 (0:14)
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Black will be in shell-shock after Nf4:D
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: Rg8 guards g6 indirectly now?
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Yeah, maybe even directly after Bc3+:(, missed that 20...g5 (0:57)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: this looks odd
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: But my line is up:D
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Wow Wow Wow 21.Nxf5 (0:23)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: yeah they're going for THE line ;)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: THE line? :o 21...gxf4 (0:08) 22.Nxd6+ (0:03)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: this is bonkers!
Madmansreturn(1960) whispers: but this looks awful for black? 22...Ke7 (0:09) 23.Nxb7 (0:03)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: isn't the N gonna be trapped?
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Yes it does, but we should be glad:D 23...fxg3 (0:26)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: won't be trapped, imho
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: trapped? well. Kd7 d6 would indirectly guard
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: d6+ solves that
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: So did this tactical melee satisfied your bloodthirst Ani:P?
Aneirin(1788) whispers: it's wicked!
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Another little trick is d6+ Kd7 fxg3 Kc8 Ke2 Kxb7 Bd5+! winning the rook for the knight:)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: d6+ Kd7 Bd5 threatening Nxc5 and capturing rook but loses d pawn
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: It's better to let black walk into it imo:D
pbeccari(1711) whispers: there must be something better 24.O-O (5:24)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: nicely timed castle, imho
Aneirin(1788) whispers: pretty, yes
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Maybe it was better to go d6+ first
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: If black goes Kd7 the Nb8 is stuck
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: While Ke8 or f8 look very dangerous on account of d7-d8Q
pbeccari(1711) whispers: after fxg3 Kd7 Rf7+ 24...a6 (3:44)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: fxg3 Rf8 Rxf8 Bxf8 Rf1 25.fxg3 (1:20)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: and if not Rf8 then d6 followed by Rf7 25...Rf8 (0:14) 26.Rxf8 (1:37) Bxf8 (0:06) 27.Rf1 (0:44)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: white looks great here
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Ke8 coming up soon and he'll have undeveloped himself entirely :)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: axb5 d6+ Ke8 Bxb5+ Nc6 Bxc6#
Aneirin(1788) whispers: nice mate :)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: but Nd7 and not Nc6
pbeccari(1711) whispers: uh, d7 is free
pbeccari(1711) whispers: i was thinking to axb5 d6+ Kd7 too
pbeccari(1711) whispers: mixed up things :D 27...a5 (8:14)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: definitely d6+
pbeccari(1711) whispers: d6+ now Ke8 forced (otherwise Rxf8) 28.d6+ (1:57) Ke8 (0:07)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Be2 looks funny 29.Bd5 (0:41)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: Bf7+ Kd7 Bh5 29...Ra7 (0:17) 30.Bc6+ (0:09)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: oh this is better
pbeccari(1711) whispers: Bc6+ 30...Nd7 (0:16)
milpat(1857) whispers: NxN
Aneirin(1788) whispers: take the N, then the B
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Just got here back, this looks simply great<!
Aneirin(1788) whispers: and then Rf7+ looks a win
milpat(1857) whispers: ah yes Rf7
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: N@b7 support promote
Aneirin(1788) whispers: I know, but the endgame I showed looks so easy to win :)
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: Bx Kx Rf7+ and d7.. its great game of tower :))
LaurentiuI(1843) whispers: Yep that's a clean win
Aneirin(1788) whispers: oh right, that is even better
milpat(1857) whispers: Rf4-e4 as well 31.Bxd7+ (2:52) Kxd7 (0:05)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: think she found it 32.Rf7+ (0:04)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: she did!
pbeccari(1711) whispers: great!
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: she found Nh4, she found this! WOW WOW WOW
Funkmaus(2155) whispers: and she nicely made 0-0, just rewieved what happened 32...Ke8 (4:05)
milpat(1857) whispers: RxB
milpat(1857) whispers: altought d7 works
milpat(1857) whispers: why not take a piece
pbeccari(1711) whispers: d7+ Kxf7 d8=Q Rb7 Qd5+ and end 33.d7+ (1:20) Kxf7 (0:21) 34.d8=Q (0:05)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: clean.
milpat(1857) whispers: well done
pbeccari(1711) whispers: if not Rxb7 Qb8 is enough to make things simpler 34...c4 (0:59)
milpat(1857) whispers: Qd5 still good
pbeccari(1711) whispers: yeah Qb8 now look not so great.... 35.Qb8 (1:31)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: she better look out here :) 35...c3 (0:17) 36.Qxa7 (0:07)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: c3 Qxa7 c2
Aneirin(1788) whispers: wtffff 36...c2 (0:10)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: ohhhh
Aneirin(1788) whispers: brilliant
Aneirin(1788) whispers: this is fabulous by white 37.Nc5+ (0:17)
milpat(1857) whispers: haha 37...Kg8 (0:22) 38.Nd3 (0:06) Bxa3 (0:07) 39.Qc7 (0:06) Bc5 (0:04) 40.Kf2 (0:10) a4 (0:09)
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Qb8+
pbeccari(1711) whispers: a couple of check and a pawn dies
Aneirin(1788) whispers: then Qa7+ to pick up the other pawn
pbeccari(1711) whispers: black is a real fighter, btw! 41.Ne5 (1:59)
pbeccari(1711) whispers: go for the mate
Aneirin(1788) whispers: she sure wants to do it fancy
pbeccari(1711) whispers: Qf7 and Ng6
pbeccari(1711) whispers: precise, till the end!
Aneirin(1788) whispers: Kh8 Qf7 Bxe3+ Kf3 is a crazy line :) gabrielpergola resigns 1-0
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