funkmaus(2179) vs. bmk(2124) 0-1
Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-10-20
Myob(1764) whispers: oh how i sympathise
FargoBear(1585) whispers: with? 1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03) c6 (0:01) 3.Nc3 (0:05) Nf6 (0:02)
FargoBear(1585) whispers: *for who?
evilcoyote(1960) whispers: Gane!
seberg(1609) whispers: my team of course, which is intrepids ;)
seberg(1609) whispers: or probably not, but who cares :P 4.e3 (1:47)
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: with early a6 is what i seen he playing 4...e6 (0:21) 5.Nf3 (0:39) a6 (0:02)
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: is this the Chebanenko or is that 4.- a6?
fernbap(1806) whispers: GO JENNY!
hugozver(1875) whispers: right! GO Jenny!
fernbap(1806) whispers: left too!
hugozver(1875) whispers: :D 6.c5 (2:15)
Boobyslegacy(2001) whispers: i think chebanenko is 4..a6
mrundersun(2026) whispers: test
Boobyslegacy(2001) whispers: but it can trnsopose
Amaterasu(2200) whispers: i think this is a good chebanenko for Black because usually Bc1 is out of pawnchain if white plays c5
Amaterasu(2200) whispers: at least as far as i know
Amaterasu(2200) whispers: bur i may be wrong of course
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: want have a dark-square control game. ismir played this c5 vs. him in a 15+0 game got good position
Amaterasu(2200) whispers: but*
cytrus(2045) whispers: Go BMK! Go BMK! heya heya Go BMK!
xSHYNE(1767) whispers: P@d6 is clearly the threat here
mrundersun(2026) whispers: black can play b6 here
GreatSachin(1680) whispers: gl Fm! do ur best! we will analyze it later :))
xSHYNE(1767) whispers: N@e5 also looks very strong
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: hmm, database tells me Accelerated Meran, Alekhine Variation. Never heard of it before :p
milpat(1860) whispers: lol GS
mrundersun(2026) whispers: nbd7 looks strongest, and after bd3 , b6 6...b6 (3:30) 7.cxb6 (0:10) Nbd7 (0:02)
BMK(2124) whispers: c5 is a black move 8.Bd3 (1:14) c5 (0:12)
Boobyslegacy(2001) whispers: na4 nxb6 bd2 nxa4 qxa4 qb6 rc1 was a main line 9.O-O (0:11) Qxb6 (0:34) 10.Qe2 (0:48) Bb7 (1:23)
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: can't find Qe2 being played before, anyone with a big database found any predecessor? 11.b3 (0:54)
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: Wow
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: First time I see Funk playing something relatively main-line:P
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: if have enough control over e4 and can open the diagonal with dxc5 can dream of a sort zukertort-colle-attack 11...cxd4 (3:11)
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: not really familar with this position, didnt expected him to play b6 there...
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: oh, he eat d4, ok, choice QIP or give him centre in future
BMK(2124) whispers: Be7 0-0 Rc8 stuff is in my mind
milpat(1860) whispers: exd tight down the Nf3
fernbap(1806) whispers: i think exd is sorta obvious here....
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: Nxd4 e5 Nf5 - no problem, but smth like Bd6, Nc5 Bc2 0-0 and later e5 looks too good
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: probably is, since I would probably play Nxd4 and pay for it 12.exd4 (3:59) Be7 (0:05)
wmahan(1978) whispers: same here mad
milpat(1860) whispers: apperently same here :)
fernbap(1806) whispers: well, the idea is NOT to give black a mobile center, i think :P 13.Bf4 (0:35)
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: I thought black would play Bd6 though
BMK(2124) whispers: and now I can't play Qd6
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: feel did smth wrong here, he will have Ba3 for a c-fight file :(
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: I'm sure Funk wouldn't mind Qd6 here ;)
hugozver(1875) whispers: Qc5 is ok too 13...O-O (2:07)
BMK(2124) whispers: anyway I don't see much problems here
spendius(1835) whispers: no problemo :-)
hugozver(1875) whispers: no problema :p 14.Rad1 (6:45)
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: Seems to me like the only sensible plan for white here is to try and force a kside attack, somehow
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: will leave him c-file and try to open second front by kingsside attack with Ne5 and g4
wmahan(1978) whispers: interesting she doesn't want a rook on c1
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: I guess she is discouraged by the Ba3 possibility
wmahan(1978) whispers: good point 14...Rfc8 (1:23)
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: R (any) c8 Na4 Q-moves Ne5 NxN dxN Nd7 Qh5 g6...
milpat(1860) whispers: Na4?
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: too late typing ;)
hugozver(1875) whispers: yea, but she would have had Na4 and Bc7 15.Na4 (0:41)
fernbap(1806) whispers: bery antipositional, but ...
hugozver(1875) whispers: bery bery
fernbap(1806) whispers: yes, Bila
hugozver(1875) whispers: :D
BMK(2124) whispers: a5 or b4?
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: silence is golden, writing is BERYllium?
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: ok queen, where?!
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: just realized that on Qb4 my idea fail to unprotected B@f4
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: but if there, will harass her! 15...Qa5 (1:36)
fernbap(1806) whispers: ng5, threatening nxe6? 16.Ne5 (1:00)
wmahan(1978) whispers: she seems to be following Laur's plan of a Kside attack
fernbap(1806) whispers: too err... not original?
milpat(1860) whispers: ...but she cant refrain herself to trade kside N ;)
hugozver(1875) whispers: I don't mind if it's not original!
hugozver(1875) whispers: I want blood!!
hugozver(1875) whispers: and I want it now!
fernbap(1806) whispers: yea, but blood and trading pieces is not the same thing :P
wmahan(1978) whispers: I don't like Nxe5 so much for black but it's hard to find something better...
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: he seems not to have useful manouvre-moves now, all pieces are there where belong
milpat(1860) whispers: that Ng5 xe6 idea maybe had something
hugozver(1875) whispers: Re1 and Ng5 after that was interesting
BMK(2124) whispers: what's against Nxe5, Bc6?
fernbap(1806) whispers: yea, but re1 might face bb4
spendius(1835) whispers: maybe Bc6 first
hugozver(1875) whispers: well, without R on e line, Ng5 is not the threat
milpat(1860) whispers: cuz Kf8 hugo?
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: g4 is too double-edged, if he dont wants trade NOW will play Re1to threaten Nxf7
fernbap(1806) whispers: it is. Piecex2 pawns, an attack going and many tactical possibilities
fernbap(1806) whispers: and the king stuck in the center
fernbap(1806) whispers: i think it's worth it
milpat(1860) whispers: Re1 Bb4?
wmahan(1978) whispers: that was my question too pat
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: I fear he goes Bc6 for Bb5 trade and no NxN
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: hmm.. Bc6 NxB RxN Rc1 Rac8 Bxa6 :) he cant!!
wmahan(1978) whispers: as usual she sees a move deeper than me 16...Nxe5 (9:54) 17.dxe5 (0:06) Nd7 (0:03)
hugozver(1875) whispers: yes! Qg4 and h4, h5 ... with quick mate!
beuki(1907) whispers: hmm bxh7 works?
wmahan(1978) whispers: Bxh7 Kxh7 Qh5+ Kg8 Re3 you mean?
beuki(1907) whispers: yup
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: lol attack with N@a4. The question is for whom is useful if I make him play g6
beuki(1907) whispers: though rd3
wmahan(1978) whispers: oops, thanks
wmahan(1978) whispers: dunno if it's sound either...if in doubt I would probably just play Qh5 with a promising attack
beuki(1907) whispers: qh5 might be met by nv8
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: so, Bxh7+ is unsound?
spendius(1835) whispers: maybe :0
hugozver(1875) whispers: now it's the time for Kside attack, his pieces are far from it
FargoBear(1585) whispers: yes
wmahan(1978) whispers: Bxh7 Kxh7 Qh5+ Kg8 Rd3 f7 Qg4 maybe?
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: Bc6 is open for him, N is in trouble. h4 is too slow
spendius(1835) whispers: maybe Nf8 after Rd3
spendius(1835) whispers: idea Ng6 ..defending h8 .. but this might lose very foast to h4-h5 , uh uh
spendius(1835) whispers: she is pondering Bxh7, no doubt
wmahan(1978) whispers: after Rd3 Nf8 maybe Rh3 f7 Qh8+ Kf7 Rh7
wmahan(1978) whispers: oops no, Rh7 drops the rook 18.Bb1 (10:40)
Twiny(1975) whispers: I liked Rc1
Estranger(1761) whispers: will try to create weakness on black kingside then maybe h pawn rush
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: Bb1 as a defence for Bc6. will threaten mate Qd3, Nf8 or g6, then have Nc3
paire(1910) whispers: who is better?
wmahan(1978) whispers: I guess she wants to Nb2
BMK(2124) whispers: Bc6 Nb2 Bb5 Nd3 is ok, but what's next?
Twiny(1975) whispers: Bc6 Qd3 g6 Nc3
Estranger(1761) whispers: can d5 ruin any of funkmaus plans with redeploying the N to c3
wmahan(1978) whispers: seems to me that black controls c3 already 18...Rc7 (8:40)
wmahan(1978) whispers: apparently neither player thought Bxh7 was a threat
fernbap(1806) whispers: rd3-h3 looks good 19.Qd3 (2:56)
fernbap(1806) whispers: "with a n on f8 you are never mate"
fernbap(1806) whispers: *mated
Estranger(1761) whispers: who said that larsen? 19...g6 (0:55)
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: I think Steinitz
fernbap(1806) whispers: i think so, but not sure 20.Rfe1 (0:07)
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: "Gimme a knight on f8 and I will defend any position"
milpat(1860) whispers: ah! i get Qd3 now. R can lift on Bb4
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: He was probably on crack
Myob(1764) whispers: lol laur
wmahan(1978) whispers: now I think Bb4 doesn't work
Twiny(1975) whispers: Bb4 is still working
milpat(1860) whispers: not same impact
wmahan(1978) whispers: to me it just invites h4 ideas later
milpat(1860) whispers: thats a point
Twiny(1975) whispers: I don't really see a better alternative 20...Bc6 (3:48)
Twiny(1975) whispers: Maybe that's the one.
wmahan(1978) whispers: hmm, Nb2 Nc5 and I wonder where the Q goes
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: oops, now there is Bb4 pinning :(
milpat(1860) whispers: what about Bd2
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: Nc3 Bb4 Rac8 with Bb7 threat
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: The a4 knight is awfully short of squares
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: gosh, cant escape pin without losing e5 after forced Bd2
wmahan(1978) whispers: I don't suppose Rc1 is any good?
wmahan(1978) whispers: sorry, missed that Re1 hangs after Bxa4 Rxc7
Twiny(1975) whispers: I don't see why e5 is lost
milpat(1860) whispers: me neither twiny
milpat(1860) whispers: Bd2 Bb4 h4, not good?
milpat(1860) whispers: or Bd2 Bb4 Nc3
Twiny(1975) whispers: Bd2 Bb4 Nb2
milpat(1860) whispers: to go where via b2?
Twiny(1975) whispers: out of that useless spot
Estranger(1761) whispers: If one piece is badly placed, your whole game is bad.......damn you tarrasch :) 21.Nc3 (9:10) Bb5 (0:02) 22.Re3 (0:04)
milpat(1860) whispers: omg
LaurentiuI(1831) whispers: Wow
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: I guess Spielmann had another philosophy, if one piece is badly placed, sac it!
Boedi(1996) whispers: huh
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: omg
spendius(1835) whispers: owww
wmahan(1978) whispers: oh no
Funkmaus(2179) whispers: oh well
Madmansreturn(1995) whispers: eh?
Twiny(1975) whispers: This is lost
spendius(1835) whispers: what is that :0
hugozver(1875) whispers: wtf
spendius(1835) whispers: mouseslip !
BMK(2124) whispers: em.. Funkmaus resigns 0-1
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