1.e4(0:00)c6(0:00) 2.Nf3(0:10)d5(0:12) 3.exd5(0:10)cxd5(0:04) 4.Bb5+(0:22)Bd7(0:11) 5.Bxd7+(0:12)Nxd7(0:04) 6.O-O(0:00)Ngf6(0:41) 7.Qe2(0:18)a6(0:08) 8.d3(0:22)Qc7(1:33) 9.Re1(1:15)e6(0:34) 10.Nc3(4:33)Be7(0:24)
Myob(1770) whispers: mad :)
Madmansreturn(1990) whispers: I think Bb5+ gave black a fairly easy road to equality
Myob(1770) whispers: yes can't see any storms brewing
13.Bf4(0:26)Bd6(0:41) 14.Bxd6(2:03)Qxd6(0:24)
Myob(1770) whispers: looking tasty for black
Fruitcrank(0) whispers: is it nothing to change strong and weak bishop?
15...Nxe5(8:30) 16.Qxe5(0:05)Qc5(0:52) 17.Re2(5:52)Rfc8(1:14)
arunsingh(1718) whispers: white must be careful about minority attack.
arunsingh(1718) whispers: also d4 is in air
Boobyslegacy(2015) whispers: it is easier for black to generate prssure on the q-side than for white in the centre
19.g4(1:07)Rac8(0:35) 20.Nd1(2:38)
arunsingh(1718) whispers: white is slowly losing grip on the game.
20...Nd7(2:17) 21.Qg3(2:32)d4(1:38) 22.Rc1(1:34)Qg5(0:29) 23.f4(0:27)Qg6(0:24)
arunsingh(1718) whispers: g6 is not best square for queen. RamMohan(1825) whispers: howdy arun
24.Nf2(3:05)Nc5(0:27) 25.f5(3:52)Qg5(0:40) 26.Rce1(0:35)
RamMohan(1825) whispers: hmmm..back rank weaknesses
26...Qd8(1:34) 27.b4(3:21)Nd7(1:32) 28.fxe6(0:29)fxe6(0:06) 29.Rxe6(1:02)
thatgirl(1759) whispers: am playing bad since morning today
29...Nf8(0:45) 30.Rd6(1:29)Qg5(0:19)
thatgirl(1759) whispers: queen trap great
31.Ne4(0:30)Qe7(0:59) 32.Nf6+(3:55)Qxf6(1:03) 33.Rxf6(0:04)
thatgirl(1759) whispers: congratulations stupid girl
33...gxf6(0:22) 34.Re2(0:47)
RamMohan(1825) whispers: playable for black? doesn't look like to me :(
RamMohan(1825) whispers: Re8+ liquidates
35.Re8+(4:19)Kf7(0:40) 36.Rxc8(0:21)Rxc8(0:07)
FLORkarpov(1802) whispers: go gabriel FLORkarpov(1802) whispers: nice play
37.Qg2(0:34)Rc7(0:25) 38.Qd5+(0:11)Kg7(0:11) 39.Qxd4(0:37)Ne5(0:03) 40.Qf2(1:20)Kg6(0:24) 41.Kf1(0:08)Rc6(0:59) 42.Qf5+(0:53)Kg7(0:15) 43.d4(0:18)Nf7(0:21) 44.Ke2(0:49)Rc3(0:22) 45.h4(0:27)h6(0:49) 46.h5(0:27)Nh8(0:16) 47.Qd7+(0:17)Nf7(0:03) 48.Kd2(0:20)Rxa3(0:13) 49.d5(0:01)Rg3(0:04) 50.d6(0:16)Rg2+(1:01) 51.Kc1(0:09)f5(0:10)
thatgirl(1759) whispers: no its useless congrats gabrielthatgirl resigns 1-0
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