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fledermaus(2005) vs. alefzero(2225) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2006-07-18

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:09) e6 (0:04) 3.Nc3 (0:05) Bb4 (1:25) 4.Qc2 (0:05)
fernbap(1770) whispers: I hear that alefzero made his IM norm
O-O (1:28) 5.a3 (0:05)
nemrod(2012) whispers: cool
fernbap(1770) whispers: current FIDE elo 2429
Bxc3+ (1:42)
zota(1852) whispers: what you mean with that talk? that fled is going for a precious win? :)
AlefZero(2225) whispers: urgent e-mail to be answered.... I hope to play faster later.
fernbap(1770) whispers: of course, fled 's win will bhave more flavour :)
6.Qxc3 (1:49)
zota(1852) whispers: so it seems - Alef0 is already constructing an excuse
fernbap(1770) whispers: yep, afraid of the
fernbap(1770) whispers: Batman
b5 (1:49)
fernbap(1770) whispers: already taking liberties
fernbap(1770) whispers: unless it was a mouse slip
7.cxb5 (0:47) c6 (0:04)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: hmm
ryoshu(1916) whispers: gambit!
zota(1852) whispers: what's the idea?
8.f3 (1:14) Nd5 (0:05)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: ..f5 ?
hugozver(1838) whispers: I understand nothing here ! :^o
AlefZero(2225) whispers: I looked at this variation recently, but I have never played it so far
nemrod(2012) whispers: strange
fernbap(1770) whispers: interesting.... started fruit, position it equal according to it
fledermaus(2005) whispers: So. Now I'm REALLY out of book.
AlefZero(2225) whispers: bxc6 is considered too risky, I think Bg5 is most popular, but I saw f3 played too
zota(1852) whispers: why not the simple d3 instead of f3? wouldn't black queen side seems a bit unsensical?
fernbap(1770) whispers: d3 may be too passive, blicking the bishop
fernbap(1770) whispers: *blocking
9.Qd2 (8:20) f5 (0:03)
AlefZero(2225) whispers: ok, end of theory for me...
AlefZero(2225) whispers: I was surprised it reached 9th move, anyway
fernbap(1770) whispers: aha! fled already surprised him!
hugozver(1838) whispers: is he kidding?
10.e3 (2:36)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: maybe qf6?
ryoshu(1916) whispers: or qh4+ qf2 qf6
Bb7 (2:33)
zota(1852) whispers: mayeb he is serious - is that variation played often?
ryoshu(1916) whispers: gb7 is ok
ryoshu(1916) whispers: i am unsure but white has simpler game here
11.Nh3 (3:35) Qb6 (1:25) 12.Bc4 (4:41) cxb5 (0:12) 13.Bxd5 (0:04) Bxd5 (0:03) 14.O-O (0:49) Nc6 (1:29) 15.b4 (0:46)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: hmm
fernbap(1770) whispers: b4 seemed forced, he can't allow na5
Bc4 (1:57)
AlefZero(2225) whispers: idea was to prevent Rfc1 after Bb2 and Nf4 Bc4
zota(1852) whispers: ...rook will be fine in e1...
16.Re1 (1:47) a5 (0:04) 17.Bb2 (0:22)
AlefZero(2225) whispers: I have to put some pressure on white before he plays Nf4 and/or e4
axb4 (0:30) 18.axb4 (0:04) Ra4 (0:07)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: widze ze alef ma wszystko pod kontrola juz
fernbap(1770) whispers: nao vamos comecar a falar em liguas extrusas
19.Bc3 (2:36) Rfa8 (0:11)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: surething
20.Rab1 (5:59)
Zupa(2044) whispers: after Qb2 with idea of exachne on a black has either Ra2! or simply the possibility of taking with pawn on a4
ryoshu(1916) whispers: qb6 is bad placed
wester(1861) whispers: white is badly placed...
Ra2 (1:55)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: whatever
21.Rb2 (0:16)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: i think black shouldn't exchange pieces here
Zupa(2044) whispers: wester my friend! how are you doing in this edition of teamleague?
wester(1861) whispers: Qc7-d6 maybe
wester(1861) whispers: not playing teamleague for awhile
zota(1852) whispers: another urgent email?
Qa7 (9:30)
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: luta na b2 ?
zota(1852) whispers: yes, luta na casa b2
fernbap(1770) whispers: uma luta posicional
Litovec(1726) whispers: which piece is luta ?
zota(1852) whispers: luta = fight
Litovec(1726) whispers: which language
zota(1852) whispers: (in portuguese, but I don't know if ZaK intends to speak portuguese
zota(1852) whispers: err... intended?
Litovec(1726) whispers: luta really looks like rusian "lutij" == "very very angry"
zota(1852) whispers: if they are very angry and slap each other, then yes, it's a "luta"
22.Nf4 (10:07)
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: :)
Qa3 (3:11)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: nad czym medrkuje?
ryoshu(1916) whispers: white is going to lose
ryoshu(1916) whispers: look at time
PankracyRozumek(1629) whispers: ryoushu: our non-Polish colleagues would certainly like to understand that you mean "what the hell is he thinking about" ;-)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: hehe
zota(1852) whispers: Fled is thinking about d5
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: Web1?
PankracyRozumek(1629) whispers: if d5 then Nxb4
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: Pankracy no moze nie do konca - bo wtedy jest brutalne Hd4
23.Reb1 (6:26)
PankracyRozumek(1629) whispers: you are right
AlefZero(2225) whispers: I was more afraid of Rfb1
AlefZero(2225) whispers: * d5
ryoshu(1916) whispers: Pankracy twoj nick ma cos wspolnego z NieBoska Komedia?
hugozver(1838) whispers: you guys from Poland really have fun?
ryoshu(1916) whispers: haha
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: hug co CI nie pasuje ?
wester(1861) whispers: pasuje sounds so naughty
hugozver(1838) whispers: ha, ha ... very funny!!
fernbap(1770) whispers: naaa... i don't beleive that. Thei're polish, for God's sake!
PankracyRozumek(1629) whispers: wester: pasuje is perfectly ok and polite, chuje is naughty
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: and "kurwy" of course
wester(1861) whispers: please stop the dirty talk, or i will need a tissue
Rxb2 (7:37) 24.Rxb2 (1:06)
NBZ(2021) whispers: Qa1+ and Qf1+?
zota(1852) whispers: Qe1
NBZ(2021) whispers: there is Qe1 of course but then black can get in Ra1 with tempo
NBZ(2021) whispers: the queen exchange probably favours white though
Qa1+ (3:05) 25.Kf2 (0:03)
NBZ(2021) whispers: what was wrong with Qe1?
fernbap(1770) whispers: white needs the queen to control the white squares
fernbap(1770) whispers: so that he can put his knight into play
NBZ(2021) whispers: well now there is Nd3+
zota(1852) whispers: "maybe I should try g3 as safe place fo a coffe"- king says
NBZ(2021) whispers: oops sorrt
NBZ(2021) whispers: *sorry
NBZ(2021) whispers: even so Qf1+ Kg3 Ra1 looks unpleasant for white
Qf1+ (5:30) 26.Kg3 (0:04) Ra1 (0:01)
hugozver(1838) whispers: what about d5?
27.d5 (6:11)
NBZ(2021) whispers: Rd1 now
Mekk(1754) whispers: Rd1 exc6 ?
NBZ(2021) whispers: well Qd4 isn't a threat, so the simple exd5
NBZ(2021) whispers: if Nxd5 then Rd1
hugozver(1838) whispers: itisn't now, but ....
hugozver(1838) whispers: at least his B isn't so bad anymore
Gildo(1826) whispers: exd5
NBZ(2021) whispers: yeah that's true
AlefZero(2225) whispers: nice variation runs Rd1 dc6 Rxd2 c7!
NBZ(2021) whispers: yeah that's why i rejected rd1
exd5 (3:50) 28.Nh5 (0:07)
NBZ(2021) whispers: d4 here
Zupa(2044) whispers: yes but does it help?
fernbap(1770) whispers: according to fruit white has some compensation for the pawn
Zupa(2044) whispers: white can take with Bxd4
Rd1 (1:16)
NBZ(2021) whispers: d5! was very nice, really changed white's game
NBZ(2021) whispers: rd1 is better, next black can play d4
29.Qc2 (2:31)
NBZ(2021) whispers: it turns out he can't
AlefZero(2225) whispers: a lot of tactics
AlefZero(2225) whispers: a pity I am not Fritz...
NBZ(2021) whispers: black has at least a draw with Bd3 Qb3 Bc4, so he need not be afraid of losing
hugozver(1838) whispers: well, it's not pity!
Qd3 (3:48) 30.Bxg7 (2:13) Qxc2 (0:37)
NBZ(2021) whispers: Nxb4
31.Rxc2 (0:19) Nxb4 (0:07)
NBZ(2021) whispers: well i would have played Nxb4 straight away, but no difference really
32.Rb2 (0:54) Nd3 (0:08) 33.Rc2 (0:18) b4 (0:22)
NBZ(2021) whispers: tough ending for white, his rook is close to getting trapped
NBZ(2021) whispers: the b-pawn is very strong
ryoshu(1916) whispers: ciekawe ze alef ma za 30min umowiona nastepna partie
34.e4 (1:09)
hugozver(1838) whispers: hm ...
b3 (1:01) 35.Re2 (0:05)
NBZ(2021) whispers: fxe fxe Nc5!
klypp(1905) whispers: Nf4
dxe4 (1:00) 36.fxe4 (0:15) f4+ (0:06)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: test
37.Kh4 (0:26)
AlefZero(2225) whispers: I missed that
NBZ(2021) whispers: Ne5 Rb2 Ng6+ Kh3 Be6+
NBZ(2021) whispers: hmm Ng6+ Kg5
ryoshu(1916) whispers: what?
f3 (1:33) 38.gxf3 (0:21) Nf4 (0:09)
NBZ(2021) whispers: Nc5 was still possible but this wins the exchange
39.Rb2 (0:45) Nxh5 (0:05)
NBZ(2021) whispers: he loses a piece now, not that Nxf4 was awfully helpful
tomito(2040) whispers: he didn t losses a piece,Be5
40.Be5 (1:33) Ng7 (0:19) 41.Rg2 (0:09) Kf7 (0:25)
Mekk(1754) whispers: how can white stop b pawn?
tomito(2040) whispers: with B sac
AlefZero(2225) whispers: Lesson learned: never answer any phone calls during the game, even in won positions
42.Rxg7+ (1:14) Ke6 (0:03)
Mekk(1754) whispers: f4 ?
hugozver(1838) whispers: f4, d6
43.f4 (1:04) Rd2 (0:15) 44.Bc3 (0:41)
NBZ(2021) whispers: with 42. Bxg7 white could have continued to protect b2
AlefZero(2225) whispers: Bxg7 was a dead draw, now I may have some chances
AlefZero(2225) whispers: ... till the next phone call
damienthorn(1672) whispers: b2
Rxh2+ (0:56)
NBZ(2021) whispers: first Rxh2+ i think
45.Kg3 (0:03) b2 (0:04) 46.f5+ (0:03) Kd6 (0:02)
NBZ(2021) whispers: e5+, then Bxb2
fernbap(1770) whispers: this can still draw
47.e5+ (0:51)
NBZ(2021) whispers: yes but Bxg7 was safer from white's point of view
Kc6 (0:19) 48.Bxb2 (0:30) Rxb2 (0:08)
NBZ(2021) whispers: now Bxb2 Rxb2 Bd3 maybe
49.Rxh7 (0:51)
NBZ(2021) whispers: even if white does manage to get to a r v r+b ending, it's still devilishly hard to defend
fernbap(1770) whispers: fled is tough in endgames :)
Kd5 (1:27)
Mekk(1754) whispers: Re7-e8 ?
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: b+r on r is any chance to win?
klypp(1905) whispers: e6
50.Rxd7+ (0:49)
Mekk(1754) whispers: jakos mis ie to nie podoba...
Kxe5 (0:14)
damienthorn(1672) whispers: kibo ale pytanie :)
51.Rc7 (0:25) Bd5 (0:14)
fernbap(1770) whispers: this is a draw now
NBZ(2021) whispers: theoretically b+r v r is a draw but even gm's can fail to defend it properly
NBZ(2021) whispers: it's not at all simple
hugozver(1838) whispers: Rc5, Kf5, Rd5 =
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: hug Rg2+ after Rc5
52.f6 (2:33)
hugozver(1838) whispers: aha! right!
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: dobra moze mi ktos powiedziec czemu Alef nie zagral d6 po Ge5 ?
Rg2+ (0:31)
NBZ(2021) whispers: now the king is forced onto the h-file
fernbap(1770) whispers: very czemu zagral indeed
53.Kh3 (0:32)
hugozver(1838) whispers: ne moze
Kxf6 (0:05) 54.Rc5 (0:40)
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: why not 40...d6 instead 40...Ng7 ?
NBZ(2021) whispers: yeah that's true
fernbap(1770) whispers: kg5!!
ryoshu(1916) whispers: = ?
tomito(2040) whispers: because he was on the phone... ZaKrzutek
NBZ(2021) whispers: d6 would have won
Mekk(1754) whispers: 2 mins until next alefzero game....
hugozver(1838) whispers: or Bc6?
damienthorn(1672) whispers: mekk gra, zabawia dzieciaka, sledzi gre alefa i jeszcze mysli czy alef zdazy skonczyc :)
tomito(2040) whispers: With who? mekk
Be4 (6:10) 55.Rc4 (0:22) Re2 (0:05) 56.Kg3 (0:37) Ke5 (0:12) 57.Rc5+ (0:23) Bd5 (0:09)
hugozver(1838) whispers: how many moves? 50?
fernbap(1770) whispers: yep, 50
58.Ra5 (0:59)
fernbap(1770) whispers: draws at move 103
Rg2+ (0:17) 59.Kh3 (0:09) Rg8 (0:03) 60.Kh4 (1:25)
fledermaus(2005) whispers: I'm getting tired, and this is difficult...can someone get me a coffee please?
Blubbie(1170) whispers: kf4
ryoshu(1916) whispers: hehe good signs
hugozver(1838) whispers: or something stronger perhaps?
twinders(1741) whispers: ~o)
hugozver(1838) whispers: |_|D
Zupa(2044) whispers: hmmm
Zupa(2044) whispers: I havent been watching the game for a while
hugozver(1838) whispers: you missed a lot!
fernbap(1770) whispers: !BCS->(slurp)
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: poza Philidora to Kf4 Ge4?
tomito(2040) whispers: if Kf4 then Rxd5
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: really ? :)
tomito(2040) whispers: :)
tomito(2040) whispers: yes
Blubbie(1170) whispers: that is no trouble because next move is checkmate
fernbap(1770) whispers: rg4? kxg4!
Ke4 (3:56)
Zupa(2044) whispers: Blubbie Rh5 at the end... no mate there
61.Ra4+ (0:16) Kf3 (0:04)
Blubbie(1170) whispers: yes i see, you are right.
AlefZero(2225) whispers: those with Nalimov tablebases know and laugh at us
Zupa(2044) whispers: lol
ryoshu(1916) whispers: slyszalem od camyca ze alef cwiczyl z tablicami koncowek, ale nie wiem czy takie rzeczy umie wygrywac
AlefZero(2225) whispers: I can confess I never studied this endgame
fernbap(1770) whispers: it's a theoretical draw :P
Zupa(2044) whispers: nobody here is going to laugh Alef - you will read this comment after the game :)
62.Ra5 (1:10)
hugozver(1838) whispers: is this endgame or middlegame?
Zupa(2044) whispers: and tablebases are just...tablebases - you/we are humans
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: Be4?
Mekk(1754) whispers: the point is in piece play, so obviously middlegame ;-)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: i am unsuer but near endgame
fernbap(1770) whispers: it's not the endgame, because both kings are still there :P
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: dont talking nonsense its opening!
Zupa(2044) whispers: hmm... strange question - middle/end game and even stranger is the fact that the answer doesnt seem to be straight forward :)
Be4 (1:32)
Zupa(2044) whispers: lol@Kibo
ryoshu(1916) whispers: kg4 check and mate!
Zupa(2044) whispers: I would say its an endgame - simply because the number of pieces
Zupa(2044) whispers: despite the fact that black wants to give checkmate
63.Rg5 (0:39) Rh8+ (0:03) 64.Rh5 (0:03)
fernbap(1770) whispers: in fact it's near to end game. The game is about to end
ryoshu(1916) whispers: kg3+ and rxh5 :)
Rf8 (0:32)
Zupa(2044) whispers: what in 'ryoshu chess' ? :)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: dunno
Zupa(2044) whispers: looks like black is close to winning
fernbap(1770) whispers: naa, still drawn
65.Kg5 (1:09)
hugozver(1838) whispers: not close enough I hope ;)
Kg3 (0:26) 66.Kh6 (1:08) Kg4 (1:34) 67.Rb5 (1:10)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: Wc2
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: Wf7
Rf7 (1:13)
fernbap(1770) whispers: in fact rf7 leads to stalemate
fernbap(1770) whispers: desperado rook
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: checking:(
68.Rg5+ (1:51) Kf4 (0:28)
gracey(2092) whispers: this could go on to xmas
69.Rg4+ (0:15)
fernbap(1770) whispers: that's it
Ke5 (0:10)
gracey(2092) whispers: I-)
70.Rg5+ (1:02)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: i dont see a way to win
fernbap(1770) whispers: there is no way to win
Bf5 (0:13)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: :)
71.Rg7 (0:28) Rf8 (0:12)
tomito(2040) whispers: only 32 more moves until draw
72.Kg5 (0:18) Re8 (0:02) 73.Kh6 (2:10) Kf4 (0:54) 74.Rg1 (0:23)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: We7
maciejg(1621) whispers: why they still play it?
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: checking...
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: maciej bo Alef niczym nie ryzykuje a pomylic sie tutaj latwo jedna jak i druga strona
Re7 (1:06)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: racja zak
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: niech koles pracuje na remis
maciejg(1621) whispers: wystarczy ze koles sobie odpalil tablice koncowek :)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: LOL
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: jak to zrobil to czlon mu w odbyt
fernbap(1770) whispers: how do you say LOL in polish?
maciejg(1621) whispers: zary zartami, ale takie cos jest mozliwe i praktycznie niewykrywalne
maciejg(1621) whispers: we say haha
75.Rf1+ (1:20) Ke5 (0:05)
fernbap(1770) whispers: thanks :)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: ale heca ;)
76.Re1+ (1:03) Be4 (0:04) 77.Kg5 (0:15) Rg7+ (0:55)
fernbap(1770) whispers: zzzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzz
78.Kh6 (0:27)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: Wg4
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: or Wg3
crazyblue(1980) whispers: what does W stand for? i figured it means rook
Rg6+ (1:23) 79.Kh5 (0:04) Rg8 (0:01)
Zupa(2044) whispers: you figured it well :)
Zupa(2044) whispers: W = Wieza
crazyblue(1980) whispers: the only polish word with W i know is walesa ;)
crazyblue(1980) whispers: ah okay
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: nice
80.Kh6 (1:05) Kf6 (0:22)
SamGanges(1457) whispers: This game has lasted 3 hours and 10 minuites
crazyblue(1980) whispers: oh black wins now?
tomito(2040) whispers: Oh my god
zota(1852) whispers: AlefZero: let's start again
Zupa(2044) whispers: wow!
maciejg(1621) whispers: a co z druga partia alefa?
tomito(2040) whispers: mate in 15 by Chessmaster
Zupa(2044) whispers: is this the end?
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: 2 partia Alefa zostala przelozona
ryoshu(1916) whispers: gracey zgodzil sie poczekac
81.Kh5 (0:41)
Zupa(2044) whispers: no Kh5 is the only move
ryoshu(1916) whispers: o przelozona :)
maciejg(1621) whispers: mat! :)
Bf5 (0:20)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: mial pytac o to alef, ale skutku nie znalem jeszcze
82.Kh4 (0:13)
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: Rg4+ ? and Rg3 ?
Zupa(2044) whispers: Rg4+ obviously
crazyblue(1980) whispers: dang, 80. Rf1 would have saved him....i feel he had that draw earned
Zupa(2044) whispers: or not :)
Rg4+ (0:23)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: gdybym gral bialymi to bym to przegral
83.Kh5 (0:12)
Zupa(2044) whispers: ja tez Kibo :)
ZaKrzutek(2200) whispers: Rg4 Kh5 Rg3 Rh1 Rg8
Rg3 (0:09)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: bym sie wnerwil ze gosciu remisu nei daje i nerwy by mnie zabily
Zupa(2044) whispers: bingo !
Mekk(1761) whispers: he he, ja juz skonczylem a alef ciagle gra
Zupa(2044) whispers: w sumie tez skonczyl Mekk :)
ryoshu(1916) whispers: mozna jeszcze 20 ruchow grac
Zupa(2044) whispers: co?
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: WIN
maciejg(1621) whispers: mat w 11
Zupa(2044) whispers: Rh1 jedyne a potem Rg8 i koniec
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: yes
ryoshu(1916) whispers: 20 mowilem ze do zasady 50 ruchow :)
KiboPlaying(1825) whispers: alef wykazal sie cierpliwoscia i zostal nagrodzony
fledermaus resigns 0-1


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