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gegitor(2267) vs. burnage(2246) 0-1

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-10-01

1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:06) c6 (0:10) 3.Nf3 (0:04) Nf6 (0:06) 4.Qc2 (0:03)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: go Gegitor!
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: I play the Slav, but never get into this position because of my moveorder, so I'm unfamiliar with the ideas for both White and Black here
4...e6 (1:13)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: I guess if my opponent started 1.Nf3 2.d4 3.c4 I would get into this position thoguh
5.Bg5 (0:17)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: i think i would play 4...dxc4
5...Nbd7 (0:19)
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: well, its just a QGD now
6.e3 (0:25)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: Qa5+ here would transpose to a rare Cambridge Springs line
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: yeah, where Nbd2 improves on the mainline for white
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: I think...
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: looks good to me
6...Qa5+ (2:32)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: here Nc3 looks like an inaccuracy
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: Nbd2 Ne4 is not nearly as threatening
burnage(2246) whispers: to mainline Cambridge springs or not?!
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: white does not play qc2 in mainline cambridge springs right?
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: normal is to respond qa5 with Nd2 with other N already on c3
Gegitor(2267) whispers: forgot my prep..
7.Nbd2 (5:22)
keresch(1806) whispers: Bb4 ,Ne4
keresch(1806) whispers: am not a slav player but isnt this the cambridge
7...Ne4 (6:47) 8.Bf4 (0:26) Bb4 (0:19) 9.Bd3 (0:48) Ndf6 (6:36)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: i think white is much better here
danijelo(1993) whispers: "much" better? :)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: +/-
danijelo(1993) whispers: cant black equalise now with all trades on d2?
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: really, that much of an advantage? I must misevalutate the position then
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: well none of black's pieces are doing anything
danijelo(1993) whispers: hmmm
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: the pin on d2 is irrelevant as it will always be sufficiently defended
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: what should white do here?
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: so white can get an advantage with either Rd1 or a3
10.Ke2 (4:55)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: ke2 makes no sense, although it was played by a player rated about 2000 in a FIDE game before
mindlin(2033) whispers: it gives a3 meaning
danijelo(1993) whispers: it looks interesting
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: i think white threw away most of his advantage with Ke2
HindsFeet(1872) whispers: I agree, kyu
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: btw, does the 4.Qc2 variation have a name?
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: 4.Qc2 Slav
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: that's a good name ;)
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: ah :p
milpat(1867) whispers: yea, so creative
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: it's quite descriptive at least ;)
10...Nxd2 (4:01) 11.Nxd2 (0:13) dxc4 (0:06)
milpat(1867) whispers: mmm Nxc4
XmoaX(1589) whispers: no spoilers pls :)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: of course nxc4 is just good for white here
12.Nxc4 (1:07)
milpat(1867) whispers: yea, looking at d6 square
milpat(1867) whispers: or/ e5
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: qh5+
12...Qh5+ (0:28)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: kf1 only reasonable move
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: still following the two games I've seen with Ke2
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: f3 were played in both those games
milpat(1867) whispers: why not f3?
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: the only one ive seen had ng4 right after ke2
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: f3 makes no sense
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: why would white play f3?
13.f3 (0:45)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: ........
milpat(1867) whispers: ask that 2200+ player, :)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: ok i dont understand white's moves this game
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: well its that or Kf1
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: kf1 looks much better to me
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: so I guess he didn't much like Kf1
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: ask the 2100+ and 2300+ player who played f3 ;)
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: where are you finding these games madmansreturn
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: 365chess
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: oh 2100 2300 FIDE? that's not something i trust
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: if it were 2300 FICS i might look closer
RxR(1712) whispers: I though he had gone to svhool in ch 39 :)
Gegitor(2267) whispers: 10. a3 was probably sounder, but I was curious about how the Ke2 variation would turn out
13...O-O (1:42)
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: well I don't know whether the rating is correct: http://www.365chess.com/view_game.php?g=340705
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: a3 here
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: well white didn't win that game anyway, and was barely 2300 FIDE, hardly an impressive rating
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: i still think kf1 looks much better
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: 93 it's a type of minority attack designed to weaken white's queenside squares, or trying to prevent white from gaining queenside space with b4
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: here's the other game I found: http://www.365chess.com/view_game.php?g=3250664
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: missed the x
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: i would rather see games from stronger players, i think a strong titled player would play kf1 instead of f3 there in most cases
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: but those might refrain from Ke2, I guess
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: yes probably, a3 is just really good for white, but white is still better here as long as he plays a3
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: he needs to make a situation where it's his d3 bishop against black c8 bishop for superior minor piece
RxR(1712) whispers: although I find that the very strongest players always are careful to get all their pieces into play, and Kf1 blocks Rh1
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: temporarily. white will play h4 after.
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: white can play h 4 here too
fernbap(1760) whispers: crafty say qa4 nd5 nb6 lol
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: thats a nice idea actually
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: 'wins' the bishop pair
RxR(1712) whispers: but who can see such a move as Nb6?
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: its just a pin...
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: the trick is seeing that there's any point to Qa4
14.h4 (6:46)
RxR(1712) whispers: h4 is more human
Kyuuketsuki(2224) whispers: i prefer a3 Be7 h4 with idea to use g5
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: hmm, h4 Nd5 Bg5 and black has to do something about his queen
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: alternatively Qd5 here loses to Qa4 and the Nb6 idea again
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: Nd5 and create an escape route with f5, or is that too weakening?
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: don't see a huge ammount of choice
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: f6 too, at least that gets the dark-squared bishop
milpat(1867) whispers: Nd5 g4?
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: then NXf4+
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: and Qh6
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: f5 was because currently the h7 pawn is hanging if the queen leaves
milpat(1867) whispers: ah check, right :)
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: oh, good point
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: hmm, isn't there just Bg6 too?
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: after f6 I mean
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: ah, no I'm just blind ;)
14...Nd5 (9:50)
milpat(1867) whispers: Bg5 f6/h6 g4
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: has to be f6 or f5, h6 won't work
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: Bg5 f6 g4 Qe8 Bxh7+ Kh8 Bg6 Q moves is an interesting line to analyse
Jammes(1902) whispers: not too much space for blacks queen :)
Jammes(1902) whispers: to
15.Bg5 (5:19)
allencox(1481) whispers: bishop g5 pawn g4 wins black queen?
milpat(1867) whispers: f6 kinda forced?
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: f6/f5
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: f6 or f5 quite necessary, or is one of them refutable?
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: I suspect black is thinking about f6
milpat(1867) whispers: f5 let the Bg5 too much "in peace" to me... but maybe its worth save h7
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: he could play f5 and just accept a more passive position, h6 entails some risks which need to be calculated
XmoaX(1589) whispers: e5 is an option (sac. the c1 bishop) to keep the presure
milpat(1867) whispers: f5 also abadon e5 for N in near future
milpat(1867) whispers: tough decision
allencox(1481) whispers: pawn f6 saves queen for black?
milpat(1867) whispers: save Q, but dosent save K :)
milpat(1867) whispers: in summary: f6 g4 Qe8 Bxh7+ Kh8 Bg6...what after?
allencox(1481) whispers: pawn f5 not f6
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: I'm wondering if white can just sac the Bg5 in that line
15...f6 (7:40) 16.g4 (0:23) Qf7 (0:13)
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: oh
XmoaX(1589) whispers: nice :)
17.Bxh7+ (0:23)
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: dunno...
17...Kh8 (0:03)
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: white can interpose a3 now
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: and Be7 blocks the queens escape
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: can't black counterthreat with b5?
burnage(2246) whispers: when your position blows, sing this mighty song: Have a beer and have no fear; we can get along!
18.Bg6 (0:49)
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: oh, guess so
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: gegitor doesn't seem interested in the a3 idea anyway
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: burnage apparently planning to violate the OTB rules with no beer ;)
smallblackcat(1970) whispers: can't bring beer to OTB games? another absurd FIDE rule!
botchvinik(1832) whispers: bring your doobies tho
gaelleg(2207) whispers: karpov wil bring new rules about beers for sure
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: I read a news snippet about there was no selling alcohol in the Olympiad venue due to alcohol being listed as doping
milpat(1867) whispers: so there was no difference between Qf7 and Q e8
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: IIRC currently alcohol is forbidden in shooting and bowling and no other sports
18...Qc7 (2:40)
fujin(1758) whispers: king f2!
19.a3 (2:22)
fujin(1758) whispers: Oups non non
19...Bd6 (1:26)
milpat(1867) whispers: anyhow, fxg5 hxg5+ is far that to be pleasant for black
20.e4 (3:11) Nf4+ (0:17) 21.Bxf4 (0:15) Bxf4 (0:00)
muwwatalli(1906) whispers: i don't see any way to open the h file, and b5 and Ba6 next move actually promises black some good counter play, so not nearly as hopeless as i was thinking a couple of moves ago :)
22.g5 (11:06)
Gegitor(2267) whispers: a pawn up but I almost prefer black in this position
22...b6 (1:29) 23.gxf6 (0:20) Ba6 (3:38) 24.Rag1 (3:42) Rad8 (1:17)
vistor(1506) whispers: my engine thinks this position is equal pretty surprising
25.Kf2 (3:23)
MindCrime(1946) whispers: i think white is lost
vistor(1506) whispers: lol rxd4 and black wins a piece
vistor(1506) whispers: a few moves ago it seemed pretty diar for black
MindCrime(1946) whispers: white just missed Qc3 last move
25...Rxd4 (2:17)
milpat(1867) whispers: wow Rd2 ideas..
fernbap(1760) whispers: suddently, i don't like white's position
MindCrime(1946) whispers: white still has to play Qc3 i think or its lost
26.Ne3 (2:40) Rxf6 (1:01) 27.h5 (1:02)
vistor(1506) whispers: pretty hopeless now i think black can take on e3 now
Jammes(1902) whispers: bxe3
27...Bxe3+ (2:12) 28.Kxe3 (0:08) Qf4+ (0:03)
fujin(1758) whispers: lol
29.Kxd4 (0:18)
HindsFeet(1872) whispers: White can resign...
29...c5+ (0:03)
HindsFeet(1872) whispers: Ooops, is
HindsFeet(1872) whispers: *mis
Gegitor resigns 0-1


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