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tjradd(2195) vs. funkmaus(2187) 1-0

Login to get PGN standard 45+45, 2010-10-01

1.e4 (0:00)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: hmm... He s been feeding a ficsgames-database with 1.f4 games, at least last 20 are started with it
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: and I felt to this... now hard choice, go my beloved caro or e5 and guess what opening
KarottenHobbes(1558) whispers: go Jenny! go Jenny! go Jenny!
milpat(1862) whispers: go Jenny!!!!
1...e5 (0:00) 2.f4 (0:07)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: oh good!
2...Bc5 (0:06) 3.Nf3 (0:10) d6 (0:02)
hugozver(1905) whispers: GO Jenny!! Go girl!!
4.b4 (1:05)
tjradd(2195) whispers: no reason for passive play :)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: C tain Evans greets me
tjradd(2195) whispers: funk -loves- tactics :)
wmahan(1969) whispers: wow, I posted about this gambit in our team forum
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: I havent ever had this in my games, neither FICS nor OTB
ShakaZahn(1918) whispers: yea, I remember we looked at it here too
milpat(1862) whispers: i hope u didnt spent too much time prepare for Caro TJ :P
wmahan(1969) whispers: unfortunately my analysis wasn't so great so it wouldn't help even if she read it :P
ShakaZahn(1918) whispers: wish she'd play e5 against me too
ShakaZahn(1918) whispers: 50 games and nothing but caro-kan
wmahan(1969) whispers: I think either Bxb4 or Bb6 is playable
milpat(1862) whispers: i tought the opposite, this is fast activty, but position look un-stable :)
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: ive never seen this before
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Well will accept it, be interesting game, enjoy
KarottenHobbes(1558) whispers: this is in the book "my system" !
Jammes(1902) whispers: funk didnt want the first pawn. thats why he offers a second. my book only has bxb4
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Bxb4 c3 Bc5 d4 exd cxd Bb6 and then after Bd3 of him have no clue whats right for me
KarottenHobbes(1558) whispers: (i think so) :D
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Bb6 would just look silly
4...Bxb4 (8:07) 5.c3 (0:21)
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: i would have preferred Bb6
5...Bc5 (0:35) 6.d4 (0:19) exd4 (0:05) 7.cxd4 (0:00) Bb6 (0:04)
milpat(1862) whispers: i dont know Ismir, white would have flood pawns qside and B moves and moves and moves again
KarottenHobbes(1558) whispers: but after bb6: bd2, bxd2, kxb2
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: ??
Jammes(1902) whispers: to me ba5 intead c5 is more logical. both book
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: a pity, c6/d5 ideas seem to be slow, would be a sort of advanced Caro
KarottenHobbes(1558) whispers: nxb2 sry
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: still, setting up d5 could be long-term plan here
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: id play d5 immediately if he does not stop it with nc3
8.Nc3 (1:53)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: want get control of square f5 and make use of Nh6-Bf5 chance
milpat(1862) whispers: i think i liked Ba3 here
ShakaZahn(1918) whispers: b2 is much better for the bishop
milpat(1862) whispers: wondering if Funk will see c6 :)
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: nf6 looks fine here
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: d5 to early faces Ba3, here goes my Nh6-Idea
tjradd(2195) whispers: possible variation: nf6 bd3 o-o e5 de5 fe5 nd5 ne2 re8 o-o
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: immediate bg4 might be an alternativve
tjradd(2195) whispers: in lines like that, I have to think about losing/sacrificing exchanges (R@a1)
tjradd(2195) whispers: there are messy/fun lines
tjradd(2195) whispers: e.g. nf6 e5 de fe nd5 ne2 ba5+ bb2 Ne3 Qb1 ng2+ kf2
tjradd(2195) whispers: and we kill each other
tjradd(2195) whispers: not sure that -that- variation is so hot for me
tjradd(2195) whispers: but it gives you the flavour
Aneirin(1739) whispers: only in chess can both people at the sau'e time perform a double nelson on eachother.
Aneirin(1739) whispers: *same
8...Ne7 (8:51)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: ok, for a pawn he s got turned off the power of my Bc5, who makes 0-0 of him a Qe2/Be3 preparation
hugozver(1905) whispers: what is double nelson?!
Aneirin(1739) whispers: http://www.wrestlingsbest.com/gifs/yanizdoublenelson.gif
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: been calculation on f5 instead of Ne7 like crazy, a total waste of time :(
tjradd(2195) whispers: I am thinking about whether it is important to induce c6
tjradd(2195) whispers: to avoid the Bb6/Nc6/Nf5/Qd8 pile-up on d4
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Bc4 c6 0-0 d5 exd cxd5 Bd3 0-0 looks okay, if i miss nothing
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: if Bd3 Nc6 to harass d4 , if he d5, my Bb6 is alive
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: He played fast before, did I made a first non-book move?
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: That dont good for me in open games... one misstep and... okay, will see
LightKnight(1669) whispers: uhm, did this transpose into a sort of Austrian attack? :)
Aneirin(1739) whispers: I have,'t actually seen Ne7 myself before. just Nc6.
9.Bc4 (10:49)
Boedi(1982) whispers: haha LK
LightKnight(1669) whispers: uhm? :-)
Boedi(1982) whispers: Austrian attack without b and c pawn and the Black bishop not on g7 but on b6
Boedi(1982) whispers: So I guess you could call it a transposition ;-)
LightKnight(1669) whispers: well, with a BIG stretch of imagination, I admit :)
LightKnight(1669) whispers: my opening theory being what it is... :)
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: ok, 0-0 loses to Ng5 thats easy
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: ah no :))
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: Ng5 is threatend so 0-0 is forced :)
Aneirin(1739) whispers: lol
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: or well c6
9...c6 (2:19)
LightKnight(1669) whispers: rotfl :)
KarottenHobbes(1558) whispers: hehe
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Qb3 0-0 Ng5 d5
tjradd(2195) whispers: I consider Qb3, Ba3, and o-o
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: sure, Ng5 is silly, he will probably go 0-0, Kh1, Be3, Rae1 and keep his 3 pawns in centre, to see later which is best to push
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: hmm there is always d5
milpat(1862) whispers: :) c6
Ismirdochegal(2101) whispers: i still think bg4 might come in handy after 0-0
tjradd(2195) whispers: Bd3 is also reasonable, but has no urgency
tjradd(2195) whispers: sorry, Bb3
tjradd(2195) whispers: I lean towards o-o
muwwatalli(1898) whispers: perhaps ba3?
muwwatalli(1898) whispers: ahh nvm i thought d5 Bxe7 but didn't see the check
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: what fails is Ng5 0-0 due to Qh5, known trick on Evans... well, till I have d5, I dont have to fear that
Aneirin(1739) whispers: apparently Nc3 was the novelty here, I checked in chessbase megabase
10.O-O (6:33)
tjradd(2195) whispers: I'm happy with this position
tjradd(2195) whispers: Ne7 avoided the most interesting stuff
tjradd(2195) whispers: I feel better now with my king castled
tjradd(2195) whispers: now I can go back to looking for the typical stuff
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: I wanted go d5 here, that requires now a deeper look
tjradd(2195) whispers: I will need to find the plan for the dsb
tjradd(2195) whispers: does it belong on a3, since c6 has primed those darks?
milpat(1862) whispers: after d5 by black, d4 has to be defend by a "piece" for good time maybe
floare(1842) whispers: but what's dsb please?
milpat(1862) whispers: dark square bishop
tjradd(2195) whispers: on Bg4 stuff I can lift rook, Rf3-d3, so d4 won't really be loose
floare(1842) whispers: thanks, milpat
tjradd(2195) whispers: anyway funk is going to go for me being fully developed down two pawns versus her two minors out :)
tjradd(2195) whispers: I was seriously thinking about 10. Ba3
Aneirin(1739) whispers: the misery is that funk is only happy if as little as possible of her pieces take up forwards positions :)
tjradd(2195) whispers: in the Evans the bishop ends up over there quite often
tjradd(2195) whispers: (and I have been thinking of this position in terms of Evans ideas
10...d5 (6:02) 11.Bb3 (0:09)
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: dxe4
tjradd(2195) whispers: castles is the most funky move? :)
milpat(1862) whispers: if black succeed to 0-0 , i think "evans ideas" r gone
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: Nxe4 Bg4 Be3 Nf5
11...O-O (1:27)
tjradd(2195) whispers: so, if it was a blitz game I'd play Ba3 pretty quickly
tjradd(2195) whispers: only hesitation is, should I be worried about Ba5
tjradd(2195) whispers: do I have enough activity after eg Ba3 Ba5 Qd3 Bc3 Qc3 de4
Twikki(2029) whispers: I'd worry more about Qe3+ lines than Ba5
tjradd(2195) whispers: down two pawns, fully developed
tjradd(2195) whispers: I dunno, it looks like fun :)
tjradd(2195) whispers: e5 will be a nice square if I deal with the weakness on d4
tjradd(2195) whispers: a3 is the only natural square for the bishop
tjradd(2195) whispers: I'm comfy with Ba3 Ba5 Rc1; de4 Ng5 and I have all the fun
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Just figured out how I get q-side pieces into play
12.Ba3 (7:39)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: good move, hmm
obrecht(1795) whispers: move them? :)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: d5 is not hanging after Bxe7 Qxe7, have Qd3+ and Qxc3, great
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: dxe4 Nxe4 he can annoy me with Nd6
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: does the 4.b4 gambit got a name? I've never seen it before
Twikki(2029) whispers: Bg4 seems ok
12...Bc7 (9:11)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Bd6 is the plan, give pawn back but get rid of his 2 attack-bishops
Twikki(2029) whispers: I understand that move but don't like it :P
milpat(1862) whispers: Ne5 :(
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: and he has isolated d4...
tjradd(2195) whispers: what's wrong with ed5
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: exd5 Bd6 BxB QxB - that way
milpat(1862) whispers: yea, he has iso, why releas tension on it?
milpat(1862) whispers: (especially when king is behind) :)
fernbap(1760) whispers: GO JENNY!!!
13.exd5 (3:00) Bd6 (0:08)
fernbap(1760) whispers: wtf?
Twikki(2029) whispers: Nd5 lines are amusing but didn't look very good
milpat(1862) whispers: oh, she gives back the pawn?!
fernbap(1760) whispers: mouseslip, probably :P
milpat(1862) whispers: haha
RedMagic(1924) whispers: yeah, and white's black squares look silly
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: am I out of the worst?! got square f5 for Bc8!
RedMagic(1924) whispers: I like black'
tjradd(2195) whispers: Bb2 Bf4 doesn't seem amazing for me
tjradd(2195) whispers: Bd6 Qd6 Ne4 Qf4?! Nfg5 looks gross
tjradd(2195) whispers: if I lose my d5 pawn, it's just one pawn again :)
tjradd(2195) whispers: Bd6 Qd6 Ne4 Qg6 Ng5 looks deadly
14.Bxd6 (5:38)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: BxB QxB Ne4 f5! - and Qxf5 is Nfg5, if Nxf5 Ne5
tjradd(2195) whispers: looking at cd6 and Ne4
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Ne4 ** Qg6 i mean f5!
14...Qxd6 (0:31)
tjradd(2195) whispers: yeah I'm playing Ne4
15.Ne4 (0:05)
tjradd(2195) whispers: dc6 just balances
tjradd(2195) whispers: oh I have d6 ideas here too
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: its bad :(
IMgooeyjim(2122) whispers: this is one ugly position for black
IMgooeyjim(2122) whispers: i should start playing the king's gambit!
Aneirin(1739) whispers: it's never to late to start.
Aneirin(1739) whispers: but always too early to stop!
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: damn I thought this Qg6 would win a tempo
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Qh6 or Qd8 instead
tjradd(2195) whispers: ok does: qg6 neg5 cd5 ne5 lead somewhere
tjradd(2195) whispers: two assertive knights, but no concrete threats, hmm
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: what I see for me is not nice, he gets dxc6 Nxc and next d5 coming
Fischeur(1909) whispers: black lack's of development may be exploited
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: I assume Qxf4 is far too courageous (read outright stupid) to be played?
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: after Qg6 .. Ne5 or Ng5 isn't offering a great advantage to white
milpat(1862) whispers: open f-file is suicidal
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: i think, what black should really worry is how to activate the undeveloped pieces effectively on the queen's side
tjradd(2195) whispers: we are burning up the clock
milpat(1862) whispers: i agree on this bdered
milpat(1862) whispers: Bedreddin*
Aneirin(1739) whispers: you didn't even -try- to spell his name, montana. :)
milpat(1862) whispers: :)
Aneirin(1739) whispers: or you dide'
tjradd(2195) whispers: maybe Ne4 is no good, I do not see a strong variation after Qg6 neg5 cd5 ne5
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: and actually that will be tough challenge, each move of black must be very good , a very delicate position
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: white's only advantage so far is that, can tolerate little mistakes.
milpat(1862) whispers: first part of the game black moved bishop only, now its Q's turn
tjradd(2195) whispers: hrm
tjradd(2195) whispers: there is a shot
Aneirin(1739) whispers: at least it gains him some clock time
milpat(1862) whispers: true
tjradd(2195) whispers: Nxf7 RxN NxR KxN Qh5+ and take on d5, but
Twikki(2029) whispers: I don't get it... what's so bad about Qd8?
tjradd(2195) whispers: (if the missing move is something like Qb6)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: what is black thinking alternative to Qg6 ?
tjradd(2195) whispers: ok but if just like qf7
tjradd(2195) whispers: erm qf6
tjradd(2195) whispers: then what
tjradd(2195) whispers: g6 will hold the world
tjradd(2195) whispers: I'll have two knights, e5 g5, but nothing else realistically attacking any time soon
tjradd(2195) whispers: ok so I have to make d6 work
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: i think, Qf6 is terribly blocking f6 pawn which black may soon need to move
tjradd(2195) whispers: qg6 and I don't think Neg5 is playable
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: erm f7 :)
Aneirin(1739) whispers: oh, Qf6 in a further line. I thought you were on dope and seriously considering a direct Qf6 in this position.
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: of course in further line
Aneirin(1739) whispers: sorry :)
15...Qh6 (9:01)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: that is not good
tjradd(2195) whispers: okie well :p
tjradd(2195) whispers: glad I spent the whole time analyzing Qg6
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: its Nxfg5 Nxf7 coming, a Nd8 defence must hold if I not miscalculated line
Aneirin(1739) whispers: d6 now then?
milpat(1862) whispers: i confess i didnt expect this one, ..why not good?
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: dxc Nbxc6 Nfg5 Bf5 Nxf7 Rx Ng5 Nd8
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: now white can increase the tension a bit safely
tjradd(2195) whispers: how about
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: Qg6 would threat the Knight and would not give that much of choices to white
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: WHite will now safely enjoy the advantage of having active pieces
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: no black threat on the board
milpat(1862) whispers: i agree black should think to threat something someday
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: she had to threat right now, white already has too many active pieces
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: one more tempo white gained
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: and it's too much
tjradd(2195) whispers: nope
tjradd(2195) whispers: d6 nd5 nfg5 and he has f6
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: are they hearing what we say ??
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: no
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: why did he say "nope d6 and blah blah "
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: he was like responding
Aneirin(1739) whispers: negating himself :)
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: what's the advantage of Qh6, avoid having to move the queen after a future Ne5?
milpat(1862) whispers: u bet they feel situation more than little us
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: okay
Twikki(2029) whispers: is anyone going to give lines, or is everyone just going to agree black is dead for no reason?
tjradd(2195) whispers: d6 nd5 ne5
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: black is not dead
tjradd(2195) whispers: f6 I don't mind, I can come back and he's made the lights worse
Twikki(2029) whispers: d6 Nf5 looks fine for black
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: Twikki, I go with the second option, must simpler for my poor little brain ;)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: but he is not doing a lot to win
tjradd(2195) whispers: oh I also can just cd here, and play d5
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: the position is not yet mature to see the winning line, still theoretical
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: aww Qe2 there, at the end of my line
milpat(1862) whispers: f6 with white lsb on board is dangerous too me, gives white B too much power
tjradd(2195) whispers: but d6 feels more annoying
16.d6 (5:04)
Aneirin(1739) whispers: intuitive moves rock :)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: but Ne5 seemed to me very strong in a near future
Twikki(2029) whispers: exchange sac or pawn drop?
Twikki(2029) whispers: Nf5
16...Nd5 (0:41)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: and when Knight on e4 is not threatened , two knights might cause some trouble there
tjradd(2195) whispers: idea here is ne5, qf3, and keep the pressure up
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: it might sound arrogant, but I had no fear of this ;)
17.Ne5 (0:20)
tjradd(2195) whispers: (nf4?? nf7)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: white hurried
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: could increase the pressure a little bit before Ne5
Aneirin(1739) whispers: anything in Ne3? or just stupid? I see a simple fork :)
milpat(1862) whispers: 2 dreamed beasts for white now
tjradd(2195) whispers: on f6, am I going to d3 or c4
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: too early for a sacrifice
pbeccari(1719) whispers: Ne3 Nxf7
tjradd(2195) whispers: c4 --> e3 ideas
17...Bf5 (1:09)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: and black bought this semi-empty threat
18.Ng3 (0:10) Bc8 (0:11)
pbeccari(1719) whispers: wow
KiranY(2019) whispers: lol
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: clock move
Aneirin(1739) whispers: classic Funkmaus move :)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: now Ne3 is really threatened. we can repeat moves ;) I fine draw
milpat(1862) whispers: reinveloping B :)
19.Ne4 (0:23) Bf5 (0:03) 20.Ng3 (0:02) Bc8 (0:02)
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: boooooooooo
tjradd(2195) whispers: just to gain 130
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: :))
Aneirin(1739) whispers: white just wants to gain clock
milpat(1862) whispers: he is just saying, ok, take ur clock
mindlin(2033) whispers: big crowd eh
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: now shuffle rooks around and we are back to 45
milpat(1862) whispers: "take ur extra clock, i dont care"
21.Qf3 (1:48)
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: which one shouldn't take the draw here?
Twikki(2029) whispers: white overreached with d6
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: time for blatant pawn-snatching with Qxd6?
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: and black takes that pawn finally
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: safely
21...Qxd6 (0:48)
tjradd(2195) whispers: well it isn't boring :)
22.Ne4 (0:24)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: white really hurries
milpat(1862) whispers: those center N r evil
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: white's d4 pawn becomes weaker
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: black may consider to focus the attack on that square
tjradd(2195) whispers: ng5 f6 nh7 kh7 qh5 kg8 ng6
22...Qd8 (2:20)
milpat(1862) whispers: what about Qb4? mmlets calculate those ccreatures jumps
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: black will lose against the fear itself
KiranY(2019) whispers: yes maybe qb4
Twikki(2029) whispers: don't see why black would play f6 in tj's line
milpat(1862) whispers: another piece back home, funk u so funny, i wish u win !!!
23.Ng5 (1:09)
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: f6 is now or never
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: only the d5 knight which needs to return home now
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: and white again hurries , will sacrifice another piece
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: unexpected. guess f6 failz just trust his calculations
tjradd(2195) whispers: looks like a blitz game style attack
milpat(1862) whispers: ng5 f6 nh7 kh7 qh5 kg8 ng6 mentioned by tj
tjradd(2195) whispers: f6 nh7 kh7 qh5 kg8 ng6, and if re8 qh8+ and ne5+
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: well, black has no plenty of time and maybe white can find a hole in black's defense
KiranY(2019) whispers: why kh7 ? fxe5?
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: not a very bad plan
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Nexf7 Rx Qh5 is threat
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: KiranY, won't Qh5 be a severe threat after f6 Nxh7 fxe5?
23...g6 (2:59)
KiranY(2019) whispers: dunno
Twikki(2029) whispers: Nd7 was worth looking at
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: hmm, I wonder whether white had enough attack after f6 to compensate the piece loss
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: white must find a way to reach h column with his queen
tjradd(2195) whispers: what happens if nxp rxn nxr kxn f5
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: 2 knights for rook and pawn, then he go f5, sach that pawn and Qh5+, Rf3 and so on
tjradd(2195) whispers: bxp runs into g4
tjradd(2195) whispers: gf5 gives me qh5
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: can improve this idea by Bxd5 - eliminates only defender
tjradd(2195) whispers: if not nxf7, I have to deal with h6, f6
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: i think i would also eliminate the possiblity to win an end game for white
tjradd(2195) whispers: those pawn moves leave the lights deadly weak, so probably Qg3 is good here?
tjradd(2195) whispers: (gives me n5f3 too which is powerful)
tjradd(2195) whispers: ok, 2 min to find a concrete nf7 variation :)
tjradd(2195) whispers: else, qg3 is it
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: simple Qg3 would theaten f5 too... and Bf5 Qh4 h5 g4 - game over
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: what on Qg3??
pbeccari(1719) whispers: maybe h6?
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: yeah after Qg3, the only chance seeems to be h6
Twikki(2029) whispers: Qg3 Kg7
tjradd(2195) whispers: nf7 rf7 nf7 kf7 f5 and if gf5 rae1
tjradd(2195) whispers: it looks scary
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: why not Qg3 Nd7?
tjradd(2195) whispers: maybe qh5
tjradd(2195) whispers: I would have to spend 8 min finding it
24.Qg3 (5:59)
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: qg3 is not threatening much, unless black plays f6??
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: i still did not see a clear winning line for white
tjradd(2195) whispers: this is "safer"
tjradd(2195) whispers: sorry team mates, if nxf7 was the win:)
tjradd(2195) whispers: Qg3 is a good time-pressure move :)
tjradd(2195) whispers: Nf7 too committal
pbeccari(1719) whispers: and enables Qh4 too....
wmahan(1969) whispers: welcome back boobys
obrecht(1795) whispers: Is this part of a team match?
tjradd(2195) whispers: I have f3 for a knight, and f5 is a powerful threat
wmahan(1969) whispers: yes, http://teamleague.org/
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: bf5 is bad: qh4 h5 g4
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: but nd7 seems ok
obrecht(1795) whispers: I see -- thanks
Twikki(2029) whispers: Nd7 f5 looks dangerous too
tjradd(2195) whispers: qf6 f5 bf5 rf5 qf5 rf1, lezgo :)
tjradd(2195) whispers: with g6, if we trade knights on e5 I get control of f6
24...Nd7 (4:50) 25.f5 (0:10) Nxe5 (0:08) 26.dxe5 (0:02) Qe7 (0:27) 27.Qh4 (0:37) h5 (0:11)
pbeccari(1719) whispers: Qh4 h5 fxg6 fxg6 Rxf8 Qxf8 Rf1
pbeccari(1719) whispers: hmmm
pbeccari(1719) whispers: g4?
tjradd(2195) whispers: well, my goal is still to prime g6, so how do I play anything except e6
28.e6 (1:25)
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: in your line black has then qc5+ kh1 bf5
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: but this is fierce
tjradd(2195) whispers: hrmmm you know
tjradd(2195) whispers: naw, if I get h the game is over
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: gxf5 exf7+ Rxf7 and how dows white win?
tjradd(2195) whispers: gf5 I kinda have to play ef7
tjradd(2195) whispers: not that I am complaining :)
pbeccari(1719) whispers: if gxf5 then Qxh5
tjradd(2195) whispers: how is Bxe6
28...f6 (3:11)
tjradd(2195) whispers: I gave her one for free
29.Ne4 (0:23)
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: gxf5 qxh5 fxe6 is solid for black
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: 3 pawns vs minor
milpat(1862) whispers: Boobys!!!!
pbeccari(1719) whispers: yeah bobbys you're right
hugozver(1905) whispers: I don't like this :(
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: Qg7
29...gxf5 (1:04) 30.Rxf5 (0:10) Bxe6 (0:04)
IMgooeyjim(2127) whispers: black's being ripped to shread
IMgooeyjim(2127) whispers: s
31.Rxh5 (0:15) Qg7 (0:16)
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: Nd6 perhaps
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: raf1-f3-g3 is on the agenda
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: Rf1 looks pretty strong
IMgooeyjim(2127) whispers: Nd6 is the computer move
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: Rf1
IMgooeyjim(2127) whispers: I'd play something like Rf1 or Rd1 with the idea of Rd3 and Rg3
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: wow so i am a computer
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: !!
pbeccari(1719) whispers: i can't understand Nd6
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: :D
pbeccari(1719) whispers: would have played Rf1
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: I m dead, Rf1
milpat(1862) whispers: Ng5?
tjradd(2195) whispers: no clue what to do with R/a1
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: simple Nxb7 or Qe4followed
tjradd(2195) whispers: put it on g3 if he lets me?
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: how does she stop you
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: looks bad for funk
Fischeur(1909) whispers: is it he or she, not it for sure :)
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: pretty sure its she
32.Rf1 (3:54)
tseltzer(1908) whispers: Funkmaus is "she"
milpat(1862) whispers: 100% she
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: there we go
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: wow
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: what a move
milpat(1862) whispers: hey Tim :)
FLORkarpov(1846) whispers: f5 maybe :-/
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: Bf7 maybe?
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: what was that Rf1 ?
tseltzer(1908) whispers: Patrick :)
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: f5 rg5!
Madmansreturn(2006) whispers: won't f5 run into Rg5?
Gorgonian(1461) whispers: i think this is easily resignable
CarlosKerber(1648) whispers: Tim :)
Boobyslegacy(2031) whispers: the problem is, black has no good move
tseltzer(1908) whispers: Carlos :)
pbeccari(1719) whispers: then a6!
alphafoxtrot(1785) whispers: best maybe Bf7
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: gg
Bedreddin(2020) whispers: what about Bg4 ?
Funkmaus resigns 1-0


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